Sermon on Justice


Watch this sermon from Pastor Jeff Durbin in Ireland. What is the promise of Scripture regarding justice and righteousness? Listen to this important and powerful message. We pray that it challenges you. You can get more at Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. #ApologiaStudios You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy. In our Academy you can take a courses on Christian apologetics and much more. Follow us on social media here: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:


So we came into this particular ministry the ministry of the gospel coming into conflict with Death with the issue of abortion and the slaughter of the pre -born our pre -born neighbors.
We came into this About a decade ago now. I want you to understand as I say that we were always pro -life
Between our ears we would profess to be pro -life. We said the pro -life things
We were always promoting the pro -life Cause we of course always acknowledged.
This is the image of God in the womb uniquely made by God in the image of Mothers, we always acknowledged as Christians.
This is murder Taking the life of a human being in an unjustified way is murder
Let me say it again because it needs to be said and understood and then proclaim to the world around us
Taking a human life in an unjustified manner is by very definition murder we always believe that and in my
Country in United States of America. We have the pro -life Moments every year that the church sort of says, you know, those are our things.
That's that's our thing You might have the March for life at the nation's capital in Washington, DC You have of course things like 40 days for life in my country and you have of course the annual
Time where pastors across the United States of America will take the sanctity of life
Sunday And they'll preach on the issue of abortion and that's sort of the typical
Evangelical response to the issue of abortion in our nation and that's of course where we were we were sort of in that stream
There are traditions. We all just sort of embrace as Christians. We embody them. They're all around us
It's just sort of the thing you step into it. You assume it you live it right and that's where we were and It was
About a decade ago. I Started seeing something coming across my Facebook feed didn't know how it got there
I the woman's name was the same name as a girl I went to high school with so I assumed it was the girl
I went to high school with and that's why she's on my feet I'm not in the habit of Friending strange women and so I thought mid -storm from high school.
I must have friend in each other Her name was Lisa Metzger And I started seeing Lisa Metzger's coming across the
Lisa Metzger's post coming across my feed And I would see her in different locations with a different baby.
I'd see her and I noticed Oh these are at hospitals and she's got a new baby in her arms and she's with a mother and then in a different hospital with a
Different baby in her arms and a mother and somewhere else with a baby in her arms and a mother and so I thought to myself Oh Let me look into this so I look at her and I've realized that she's in Abortion mill ministry and she goes to preach the gospel at the abortion mill to save these children and to help these mothers and fathers
And so I again thought that she was my friend from high school, and so I just sent her a message Hey, I'd love to have you in my radio show to talk about your ministry now all this is on record
You can dig into the archives and you can listen to the actual show that we had with Lisa Metzger I honestly thought until about 15 seconds before Show time that she was my old friend from high school and as we're just getting ready to launch
I basically mentioned it like oh, we went to high school together. She's like no I was like oh
Okay, I thought we knew each other. She's like nope And I was like well, how do we become friends on Facebook?
She says I have no idea She didn't friend me. I didn't friend her We did not know each other and now we're friends on Facebook, and I'm seeing her stuff
And so now the technicians like ready and fire okay here. We go starts the show So we start asking her about her ministry what she does and she says she's been in it for like two decades
And she's explaining how they go out there to preach the gospel to make this about Jesus and to tell women not to murder their children to call them to faith in Christ and to rescue the children and to help
The mother to provide for the mothers and as we're talking we're really pastor Luke is there and joy the girl is there
We're sitting around this table thinking wow this is incredible She's talking about all the babies. They've saved and all the women
They've led to Jesus, and then she tells us that they saved I think I asked how many babies have you saved it looks like a lot, and she said something like she saved 364 babies
I Thought to myself we are jaws hit the table Basically a baby a day like that's insane
And so we're talking and I'm thinking myself as she says this like over 20 years of ministry 300
That's those are incredible numbers to save she says yeah last year Last year so Her ministry of bringing the gospel to the abortion mills had essentially been a baby a day saved
Absolutely incredible and so what happened was we were actually a new church that came to life out of a drug and alcohol
Rehabilitation hospital I was a chaplain there very small church very rough -looking church
Everybody's tattooed up, and you know gauges and tattoos a very rough crowd We were known early on as the drug church like in Phoenix They would say oh
That's that drug church because everybody that came to apologia had come from the hospital Come to Christ at the hospital and everything else so very small church very rough -looking crowd
But very eager very zealous strong young believers They heard the episode and they were like we have to pastor
Jeff we have to do this I said absolutely we have to do this we have to be faithful And we have to do this and so we organized a small ragtag team of believers to do some
Investigating of local abortion mills, and we decided to be faithful to go with the gospel We had three things we wanted to say one
Please don't murder your baby to come to Christ for life and peace and forgiveness and three will help you
We'll give you anything you need and that's all we knew We are not professionals
We didn't know what we were doing All we knew what was going on at the abortion mill what was going on there
We knew the solution was ultimately Christ And we knew we wanted to love them and to help them and provide for their needs the very first day
We went to the abortion mill. We went to Planned Parenthood in Phoenix, and we saved two babies on The very first day two babies within an hour of being there two children were alive are alive today because of the work of a local church going to preach the gospel and Then we started saving more babies, and then it got to the point where we would do a radio show and say hey
Here's the show we're doing today, and by the way we saved a baby this Saturday praise God for that So then other churches started contacting us listening to the show saying hey, how are you doing this?
What are you doing? How do I get involved? So then they started getting involved and so we got to the point where at Apology of Church We kind of just stopped counting because when you break the numbers of a hundred we just said well
We're just saving you know a hundred babies 110 babies 120 babies 150 babies We'd save so many babies that we just sort of said we don't really know how many we're actually saving some of them talk to Us some of them don't talk to us turnaways are people who you'll see them go in you'll see them come out listen to your
Message will start crying getting in the car drive away. You don't talk to them So you don't really know so we really have no idea how many babies
Apology of Church has saved but now local churches across the country started doing the same thing and What took place after that in 2016 is a long story, so I'm going to every detail, but we really discovered the inconsistencies of the pro -life
Lobby the pro -life industry in the United States of America There was a bill that was going on to the floor trying to get on the floor in,
Oklahoma And in Oklahoma the bill was a bill that would essentially bring equal protection to all human beings here
Nothing Controversial should be controversial in terms of pro -life what that should mean equal protection for all?
human beings Now watch this I say it to a room of Christians and a room of Christians think this as I say that Isn't what the isn't that what the pro -life industry and pro -life
Lobby is working for isn't that why we've been sending them our money? Aren't they trying to ultimately end?
Immediately and criminalize the issue of abortion and what we discovered with a bill that was going in in,
Oklahoma Is that the primary enemy of the bill the primary? Industry that was really fighting against the bill for equal protection to criminalize abortion immediately was the pro -life industry national right to life
Oklahoma right to life Tony Lowinger the vice president of national right to life was telling a primarily pro -life legislature and pro -life
Well yeah legislature House and Senate he was telling them do not hear this bill do not pass this bill
Because if you pass this bill, it'll do away with all the pro -life legislation that we have in place right now
What kind of legislation well the abortion mill has to have a certain hallway width
Well the abortionist is only allowed to kill a baby with these tools Those are the kind of regulate regulatory abortion.
Sorry a pro -life Regulation that you have in the state of Oklahoma stuff like that and so we discovered that the ultimate the ultimate enemy of Criminalization the end or abolition in Oklahoma was the pro -life
Lobby and pro -life industry They didn't like words like murder They didn't want to make it about Jesus They weren't working for the ultimate criminalization and end immediately of abortion in Oklahoma There was a bill that was made that was fundamentally
Christian fundamentally consistent fundamentally consistent with the biology fundamentally consistent with human rights fundamentally consistent with what we think the pro -life cause is doing and supposed to be doing and The enemy of it was the pro -life industry the pro -life
Lobby and so when we discovered this happened We made a phone call to Tony lounger and it turns out he was willing to talk to us
He didn't know who we were. Thank God And so he got on the phone with us. You guys can all go watch this interview
I wanted to one respect the man and to allow him to tell his story. So I didn't argue with him
I really just wanted to say can you please tell us your position and I want you all to hear this because this is from The leader the vice president of national right -to -life which is one of the primary industries and Organizations that is coming over to set up shop in Northern Ireland and the
Republic of Ireland to lead the pro -life fights so the I'm talking about the
Industry that is coming here now to tell you we'll take over from here everybody. Here's how you do this
Here's what he says in the interview. They do not believe that a woman who has an abortion is guilty of murder
They believe that she's a victim and Then when
I asked well, how about the abortionist? He said well, maybe it's a fine line But ultimately they weren't working for even the abortionist to be essentially charged with murder and when
I asked him questions about Methodology, how are you pursuing this? He made it very very clear that they did not want to use words like repentance sin
Faith in Jesus. He said they wanted to take a backdoor approach Because ultimately the pro -life industry the pro -life lobby is not fundamentally
Christian now This might sound Conspiracy theorist because we all assume the pro -life movement is filled with Christians and even
Roman Catholics who hold to an essentially biblical Worldview on what human life is we might be thinking well, they hold to this position.
There's Christians there So isn't it Christian and the answer is they are Professedly not
Christian you can listen to Carrie You can listen to Tobias who's the president of national right to life in our film babies are still murdered here
She sat down with us. She did an interview and she said that women are victims.
It's not murder You can see from the very top that the pro -life industry
The pro -life lobby will tell you this is not a Christian organization
Very important now, I want you to hear me on this because this is critical. You are pro -life
Christians are the genuine holders of the of the pro -life position We are pro -life and I believe it's my duty as your brother and a pastor to tell you as this is all now starting off And launching in your nation that the pro -life industry is just that it's an industry
It's a multi multi multi million dollar industry
There's a very big difference. I want you to hear this This wasn't part of my notes, but I just I just feel like I need to tell you this
There's a very big difference between the two different pursuits to end abortion. I've been to the pro -life marches
I've been to the pro -life rallies. I've listened to the lectures I've done all of that as a
Christian even as a minister of the gospel and I could tell you that when I've gone to pro -life marches pro -life rallies.
It has not been about Christ It has not been about the gospel. It has not been about repentance and faith
They will not call it what it is murder and they are not working ultimately for the criminalization of the issue of abortion however a
Contrast we were just in Oklahoma at a rally outside the nation outside the capital in,
Oklahoma That was filled with thousands of Christians from across the state and across the
United States of America that entire rally started with worship
That rally started with worship and all you heard was calls to repentance and faith
All you heard were calls to Christ all you heard were were claims to loving mothers and fathers who were guilty of the sin and crime of abortion and Loving them and wanted them to know
Jesus and all you heard was a call for immediate justice for the pre -born immediate justice and Consistency no compromise.
So you have the difference between a fundamentally Christian Church -based approach to ending abortion and an industry that says we're secular
Listen we have almost 50 years of abortion in my nation almost 50
We have over 62 million babies dead in my nation
We have beat Hitler by the metric ton The numbers even in my nation in terms of the millions of babies murdered
Don't even consider plan B pills or abortive or abortifacient birth control pills
So the number of 62 million is entirely inaccurate We are standing on top of the dead bodies and In the rivers of blood of all of these image bearers of God who have been killed
This is an issue of death for my culture and yours
Understand that it's an issue of death and I have to tell you my heart breaks for your nation because I was so Passionate when
I first came Rakela told you when I first came to Ireland I didn't come for the issue of abortion for some weird
Insane reason you guys asked a reformed Baptist pastor to speak at your national family conference
What a bunch of weirdos Right, but in God's providence it happens and I wasn't here for abortion
But as I was here all of a sudden the issue of abortion just sort of kind of coming up and as I was talking
I realized you're on the cusp of this actually being legalized and decriminalized in your nation
Know this you are in such a powerful strong position Abortion was already seen by Northern Ireland and the
Republic of Ireland as a criminal offense Right on the edge of it, right
We've got 50 years behind us in my nation where we haven't seen it as a criminal act
You are in a very strong position and I saw you were right on the cusp of it and my hope for you was
You have to do what you can not to listen to the pro -life industry and pro -life lobby who are already getting their roots in here
Who are changing the narrative and changing the language? You need to make this about God's Word the truth the gospel itself
You have to make sure you proclaim with a prophetic vision to your culture the truth of the
Living God on this issue to hold back this slaughter From coming into your nation, and I was so passionate
I was so passionate about the fact that Ireland has given to the world giants of the faith
Giants of the faith you understand that you're in it. You're in a place that brought the light of the gospel
Global my nation is the result of the faithfulness of faithful men in God faithful men and women of God in your nation
You understand that that Ireland's responsible for? Evangelizing the world in many respects the light of the gospel is what carried you to this place right now and now darkness
You're losing that light and the answer is not going to be secular arguments humanist arguments arguments merely from this is the the issue of science the issue the
The only way to hold this back or to end it is to be salt and light and to use the actual truth of God To end this confront it with the gospel itself
My hope was desperate Please God preserve Ireland's please preserve
Ireland's and of course we know what happened in the south The Republic and we know of course what's happened to you.
This has been foisted upon you. It's been forced upon You and I do believe that it's your duty as the people of God To fight against this with the truth of God in a courageous way
Greater love has no man than this Than a man lay down his life for his friends You might look around this room right now, and you might be thinking to yourself
Pastor Jeff look at the size of this room What could we possibly do look at the size of this room and my answer to you is this?
Jesus actually started the transformation of the world with 11 very confused disciples
Right if you consider this it's powerful thoughts Jesus before he ascends
Matthew 28 18 through 20 He says this and Jesus came and said to them all
Authority You know what that says in the Greek All all authority
No translational issues there No problems all means all all authority in heaven and on earth
And here's the problem with Christians in the West we have to understand this we look at the front of this thing right here
You see that? What's that say? For Christ's crown and covenants you're my people
Right for Christ's crown and covenant Christians in history understood that the message of the gospel
Had at its core the message of the authority of Jesus Christ over everything And in Christians we say it all the time we say king of kings lord of lords right and it becomes just a pithy
Silly Christian slogan we don't even mean it be honest king of kings lord of lords
That we can say it we can put it on t -shirts and coffee mugs We can we can give the slogan, but do we really believe it because in a situation like this where you have legislated murder of Innocent pre -born image bearers of God we act like our legislature isn't supposed to obey
Jesus We act like they don't really have to obey Jesus because you see
Jesus is king over heaven We love that truth right he's the boss in heaven the angels bow down Everything worships
Jesus and heaven at all the will of God is done in heaven because it has to be
Jesus as king over heaven He's on his throne there But don't forget as Jesus ascended. He said all authority in heaven.
Here's the parts and On earth has been given to me not will be has been has been given to me and you think about the confused nature of The situation just barely anybody there
Here's this Palestinian Jew Right who it doesn't have property and land and red carpets and flowing robes
Some very confused disciples after the death and resurrection of Jesus and Jesus says all authority in Heaven and on earth is mine
It has been given to me So he says on the basis of this go therefore and make disciples of all the nations
The goal is to win the nations to Christ not merely get a couple Believers to it's a prayer magic prayer right and have a
Bible study in a basement The goal is to win the nation to Jesus He says baptize them in the name of the
Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and he says what teaching them to observe All that I have commanded you
See that's the Great Commission and we were limiting the Great Commission to private individual relationships to Jesus alone
We're not considering what God calls us to and that's to win the world to Jesus for Christ's crown and Covenant it's powerful, isn't it?
They see that's the the foundation of really the Christian message The goal of the gospel is to win the world to Jesus Christ is to call people to repentance and faith to have nations bow the knee to Jesus and obey
Jesus you see here's here's the problem when the pro -life industry and the pro -life movement says here's our goal
Let's just make some scientific biological arguments and let's get people to maybe kill less babies, right?
Don't kill them After 24 weeks or how about this a pro -life the pro -life industry and lobby
Celebrates these victories you want to hear about some victories? Here's the sorts of things they say is a victory
They'll take millions and millions of dollars from well -intentioned well -meaning Christians for legislation that's pro -life legislation and They'll say hey look at this victory that we got we have now a law that forbids abortion
Doctors from using forceps to kill babies and pull them apart now. They have to use suction
Can you imagine these arguments used in Auschwitz?
Christians celebrating victories in Auschwitz over Auschwitz saying hey guess what we got him to stop beating
Jews to death now They can only gas them victory Everybody would see how clearly asinine that is it's not faithful.
It's not consistent. It's not good It's the wrong way to go But those are the kinds of things that they argue for that These are the kinds of victories that will work towards will will shape it in this way
You see the ultimate aim and goal is to disciple the nation and have them obey
Jesus Christ and the pro -life lobby and pro -life industry says this let's just get him to stop killing some babies and maybe work our way down but ultimately brothers and sisters watch this we have to admit this as Christians if Abortion is ended and abolished in a country, but that country doesn't know
Jesus Christ We haven't accomplished the mission of the gospel Do we hear that do we understood can we embrace that?
Like listen, this is abortion is one evil in our culture. It's a massive one
It is life and death. It is dead bodies. It is it is children having their heads
Torn from their bodies their arms and legs torn from their bodies. It is having them disemboweled
It is having them chemically burns. It is an evil. It is a wicked thing that we have to end
We're commanded to end by God in his word It's a command to end it to fight against it to war against it
We have to understand that but in the end there are so many evils happening The goal of the gospel is to win our nation to Jesus and we do not win our nation to Jesus with neutral Argumentation that pretends that we're not followers of Jesus Christ and somebody might say pastor
Jeff. Well, you're suggesting sounds radical Hmm people will say pastor
Jeff. Well, you're saying right now won't have us vilified Pastor Jeff what you're saying right now is going to cause us to be persecuted and what
I want to encourage you to see is That when the Holy Spirit of God was poured out on the people of God at Pentecost Read from there through the book of Acts and what will you see throughout the book of Acts?
Faithful proclamation of the gospel that does not compromise that tells the truth that each and every time
Makes it about Jesus and knowing him and all throughout the book of Acts What will you see you will see
Acts chapter 9 Paul being saved? Going taking a beeline preaching the gospel causing righteous
Controversy at the synagogue and it says that the Hellenistic Jews wanted to kill him, right?
And now here's the thing of Christians in the West today. We are so Cowardly that we actually say hey when the nation in our community is opposed to the message of Jesus We should rethink our message methodology.
We must be doing something wrong What was Paul doing something wrong when he preached the gospel caused righteous controversy
Controversy actually argued with people for the cause of the gospel It said the Hellenistic Jews wanted him dead
And then it also says in Acts chapter 9 it says the church experienced peace It was built up and it was multiplied it grew when the
Apostles preached the gospel Riots broke out. We wouldn't want to riot because that's not proper
Right, but riots broke out and people say this it no, no, no, no You're you're you're being hated by the community
You can't you got you got to soften the message soften the blow sort of, you know
Make make the the message, you know easier to swallow for the culture around you Tell it to Peter tell it to Paul when
Peter and them and and the others John were told Stop preaching in Jesus name.
They continue to go break out of prison Hey preaching Jesus name bring it back and they're like that. This is like the political authorities say
Didn't we tell you to stop preaching in his name? And then what's Peter say?
We must obey God Rather than men and so then they take a beating for Jesus they take a beating for Jesus Now we have to be honest and I'll be humble and I will say the truth.
I Think if most of us took a beating for Jesus like you go to jail like you're in and out of jail You're in trouble with the law and then it's it you take a beating for Jesus I think most of us would go away with our hot sticky backs and Look for a nice warm place to lie down and have somebody wipe our wounds and sort of say hey
You know really suffering for Jesus, but oh, yeah, I know. Thank you. You know, oh, yeah What would they do they they leave the presence of the council doing what?
rejoicing That they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name and we've lost that perspective today the kind of perspective that comes to an island with people who want to kill you and Says I'm gonna win this entire island to Jesus Christ The kind of perspective of the
Puritan Christians our forebears who went from the United States of America to the
Hawaiian Islands in 1820 and They won in 20 years the entire
Hawaiian Islands to Jesus Christ 20 years leading really dangerous
Pagans to Jesus Christ to the degree that in 20 years our Christian forebears
Reform folks led the islands to Christ so that over 90 % of the islands were professing faith in Jesus and in the
Hawaiian Kingdom Constitution it said No law of the Hawaiian Kingdom shall be at variance with the laws of Jehovah God Did you hear it
Jehovah God? That's specific the God of the Bible. He's the sovereign over the
Hawaiian Kingdom We've lost the perspective of the ultimate aim of the gospel
We have to admit that it's a failure on the part of the church. It's my failure It's your failure, and we have to be willing to sacrifice and lay our lives down for the cause of the gospel
Loving God and loving neighbor Here's what I want to say if you and I will not speak the truth to the world around us
We are hating God and hating our neighbor. It is not loving God or loving neighbor to hold back the truth
When death is right in front of them We hate our neighbor and we hate God when we will not tell the truth.
Jesus said all the authority was his Please don't hear. This is a pithy slogan.
Don't It would be so Worthless for us to be here and fruitless for all of us if you just hear this as a slogan, please don't
Jesus Christ has all authority and as king and must be obeyed in Northern Ireland. Do you get the full extent of that?
That's the aim Jesus Christ is the king. He has for a full authority and he must be obeyed in the
United States of America He's the king of kings the
Lord of Lords That's our profession My question is are we liars and hypocrites?
Are we frauds? Are we frauds? Am I a fraud? Do I say one thing theologically with my lips
But actually behave live and act and move and breathe in a completely foreign way
Are we hypocrites? Jesus had a lot of condemnation For the hypocrites the hoopa
Crete's the pretenders those who are wearing a mask They look like something on the outside, but on the inside we know they're not truly that character.
That's what hoopa Crete is It's an actor. It's a pretender. It's somebody who's in a costume. Are we actors?
You see you have to hear this story that when Jesus said that a Matthew 28 18 through 20 He said that all authority heaven earth mine go get the nations win them to me
Baptize them. He says teach him to obey Understand this that wasn't like the disciples
Jewish disciples who knew the Torah. They knew the Tanakh. They went to synagogue They heard the story of the kingdom of Messiah.
That wasn't something that would have shocked them like What you came to win the nations the whole world has to obey the
Messiah you want all the nations to obey Yahweh it wasn't a surprise that was the core part of the story of the kingdom of God and Of course, we've missed that in our culture in the
West evangelical culture in the West reform culture Even in the West has missed that that was the fulfillment of the ultimate story of the
Old Testament the good news of the kingdom stop stop
Christians in the West today. We are so good at when we say gospel What we mean by that is the heart of the gospel justification by faith by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone apart from works
We're good at saying it's not by works. It's all Christ It's his righteousness Credited to me and my sins imputed to him.
It's all a gift. You cannot work your way It's faith in Jesus faith in Jesus. We've got that part of the gospel, but can you explain the gospel of the kingdom?
Why is the kingdom good news? Because it's what Jesus was preaching in Matthews gospel
After Jesus comes out of the temptation in the wilderness and Matthew chapter 4 It says that he was out proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom.
Can you explain that? Can you tell somebody why the kingdom the rule of the Messiah is good news for the world?
Because the kingdom the rule of the Messiah was good news. How is it good news? I'll just point you to a few texts
I have limited time But Genesis 49 10 was a good starting place where you start to see all of these
Little moments in the Old Testament where God prophesies the Messiah's kingdom and Genesis 49 10
It says that Shiloh is coming and listen and to him shall be it to him shall be the obedience of the nations
We believe that Messiah is gonna get the obedience of the nations
Is it a coincidence that in Romans chapter 1 and in Romans chapter 16 Paul's?
systematic explanation of the gospel Starts and ends with the same proclamation in Romans 1 the
Apostle Paul says that the goal their goal was to bring about the obedience of faith among all the nations for the sake of his name and at the end of Romans Romans 16 it says the same thing
Where's that from? Genesis 49 10 Shiloh's coming and to him shall be the obedience of the nations
Listen to it again the obedience of the nations the nations are to obey
Messiah Genesis 49 10 you can look at Psalm chapter 2. I see it up here.
Where's that? You sing it You are peas
You're awesome. You sing it In our church every Sunday, we make sure we're going through a psalm every single
Sunday this right here These are the war songs of the church Right here right and in Psalm chapter 2
I hope you know it you don't have to go far in the Psalms to get to it But in Psalm chapter 2 there is a powerful thing.
We need to hear that relates to the issue of abortion of abortion It's all over the issue of abortion in Psalm chapter 2
It says I just lost my place here. Here we go in Psalm chapter 2 Well, I know by heart.
Okay, so I'll just okay. Here we go it says The father says to the son the father says to the son the father is speaking to the son in Psalm 2 and it says
Ask of me and I will give you the nations for your inheritance The very ends of the earth for your possession
Psalm 2 the father says to the son ask of me I'll give you the nations for your inheritance the very ends of the earth for your possession sound familiar
Sound like Matthew 28 18 through 20 sound like the Great Commission go make disciples of all the nations, right?
So one of my teachers my mentors one of my heroes of the faith Actually said something powerful about this section in Psalm 2 ask of me
I'll give you the nations for your inheritance the very ends of the earth for your possession He said this and it challenged me and it cut me.
He said do we think that Jesus forgot to ask? Ask of me and I will give him to you at the
Ascension Jesus says go get them and Then the father has a word to the kings of the word the kings of the earth.
He says be wise O King Obey the Son or you will perish
Obey the Son or you'll perish The father speaks to the son I'll give you the nations and then he has a word to the kings of the earth the rulers of the earth
He says obey the Son or you're gonna perish That's a powerful part of the message of the gospel of the kingdom
We're missing and it relates directly to the issue of abortion Isaiah chapter 9 verses 6 through 7 famous verse
We all should know this one the famous section where Isaiah talks about God becoming a man
Right unto us a son a child right? So it's a human but yet divine
His name should be called wonderful counselor Algebore which is an exclusive title for Yahweh himself.
It's used only of Yahweh Algebore the mighty God the father of eternity
It says this listen closely of the increase of his government and of peace
There will be no end of the increase of his government and of peace
There will be no ends That's the hope you and I have for Ireland and for my nation of the increase of his government and of peace
There will be no ends. And if you want to know how in the world is this gonna happen?
It says this Here's the hope it says the zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this and You got to hear this powerful section that gets missed in terms of Isaiah and that promise.
Are you ready for it? I hope this challenges you. I hope it challenges you to your toes. I hope it changes the course of your life
I truly hope it does in terms of us always seeing a passage. We know the verse we haven't memorized, but we haven't contemplated
What does this mean for my world? What's it going to do to it in that?
Very same passage where it says of the increase of his government and of peace. There will be no end Isaiah 7 it says this on the throne of David and over his kingdom
To establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore
Part of the mission of the Messiah is to establish justice Do you hear that?
You say well, what is the good news of the kingdom? Why is the kingdom of good news because of justice and righteousness the nation's come to God?
They're joined together to Christ by faith and then God establishes justice Righteousness justice righteousness, you know why many
Jews reject our message. You know why you know why many Jews reject the message of the church? There's a fundamental response that they have to us.
They say things to Christians like so you're saying Jesus is the Messiah. Yeah, right So Where's the justice?
Where's the righteousness? You see the Messiah in the Old Testament when his kingdom came
It was going to establish justice and righteousness and all the nation's going to come to God Why simply like to point out to you that when the gospel came into the world in the first century?
Now we have the message of the gospel and in all nations around the world many nations around the world and people from every tribe
Tongue language are now submitted to Jesus all around the world today So the kingdom of God is very alive very presence very around the world still growing, right?
It's not done yet. And in my life and yours and we bow the knee to Jesus What begins to happen in my circle in my family?
What do we establish righteousness and justice in my church? What do we establish righteousness and justice and as Christians in history would win nations to Jesus What started to happen in the culture round about them
They would establish just laws and righteous statutes based upon what?
God's standards justice and righteousness So yes brothers and sisters part of the good news of the kingdom is
God establishing by his grace through salvation Justice and righteousness you and I are called to establish justice through the
Messiah and his kingdom you see We need to consider also some little moments in the
Gospels that I think are so powerful that only show us this Not only but but powerfully show us that God has this narrative that he is pulling together through history sovereignly
You know the temptation of Jesus right the trial of Jesus right John the Baptist warns them repent
Acts is laid at the root of the trees Jesus is baptized and then it says he goes into the wilderness of spirit drives him into the wilderness
Boy, it is you Presbyterians keep it hot up here. Okay. All right the
Presbyterian. Okay. Sorry Okay, so he goes into the wilderness and then you have the temptations Note That in Matthew's gospel
The final temptation of the enemy is he takes Jesus to a great and high mountain
And what does he show the Messiah all the kingdoms of the world and he says
I'll give him to you all you have to do is bow and worship me and Jesus of course victorious without sin says you shall worship the
Lord your God and him only shall you serve But there's something I think there in Matthew's gospel
You see the story of the Messiah is he comes to win the world? To save to bring the nations to God to establish justice and righteousness and peace of the increase of his government and at peace
There will be no end. Why was Satan offering to the Messiah all the kingdoms of the world brothers and sisters?
That's what he came for Because that's what he came for and Satan's saying I'll give him to you now.
No cross. No sacrifice. No resurrection No need I'll give him to you now.
All you have to do is bow and worship me I know what you came for here They are just worship me and you can have them and Jesus says you shall worship the
Lord your God and him only Shall you serve Jesus King for all the kingdoms of the world?
But I want to express this to you because might be saying wow, that's a lot ahead of us That's a lot of work.
How's the kingdom of God happen? Well, Jesus didn't teach us that the kingdom of God drops out of the sky like the 82nd airborne
It doesn't drop out of the sky and hit the earth as a matter of fact The Bible has a different story about how the kingdom of God the rule of God grows in history in Daniel chapter 2 is described
As a stone a rock that becomes a gigantic mountain that fills the entire earth
That's small to large progress when Jesus talked about the rule of God He said it's like a mustard seed that becomes a tree
It's like leaven in a lump of dough that permeates and fills the entirety of the loaf
It's always supposed to see be seen as small to large growth So if you look at a room like this
It looks like a bunch of little mustard seeds That become trees
You look like leaven that ultimately fills the entirety of the loaf God chooses at times fishermen to change the entire world the lowly
The weak the nothings the no power in a room like this
I do believe that God can change the history the course of Your country your nation
Through the gospel think for a moment about the prayer that Jesus tells us to pray see this is stuff Look, I'm not telling you anything controversial
This is not controversial. This is basic Christianity 101 Problem is is it stuff that we don't really believe can we be honest about that?
We don't really believe it. We have a passing Acquiescence we acquiesce to the facts.
Yeah, that's true, but we don't trust it. We don't believe it We don't live like it's true. I'll prove it to you.
Jesus tells us how to pray And he says this our Father who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name The word hallowed there is a word that's holied
Okay Holyed so pray like this our
Savior tells us father May your name be holyed You know what you're asking for God Your name be holyed in Northern Ireland May your name be holyed in the
Republic of Ireland. May your name be holyed in Scotland May your name be holyed in the
United States of America Lord your name be holyed By everybody that's what you're asking
God for you realize that Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name. It sounds so beautiful.
It sounds even better in Irish accent But do we believe it because that's what you're asking for and Jesus said to pray it
Can I ask you does that relate to the issue of abortion child murder child sacrifice in your nation?
It most certainly does God's name is not being seen as holy with the sacrifice of innocence pre -born
Children father your name be holyed your kingdom come your rule come your will be done
What on earth as it is in heaven do you see? Did it get you yet?
Did it hit you in the heart in the gut in your spirits
You're asking God as you pray that his will would be done here as It is in heaven.
Let me ask you a question When we think about heaven and you consider the obedience that's there
How closely is the will of God followed in heaven? perfectly so Jesus says father
May your will be done here like it's in heaven Does that relate to the issue of abortion?
I contend that it absolutely does it absolutely does so that's our prayer
You see God promises and please hear this I know it's late, but please give me all you've got to stay with us because this is not my words
These are the words of the Living God. This is not about me It's not about an abortion now and this it's this is about the truth of God You have to hear it and let it affect you.
You have to let it change you God says in Isaiah 42 One behold my servant whom
I uphold Jesus My chosen in whom my soul delights. I have put my spirit upon him
He will bring forth justice to the nations He will not cry aloud or lift up his voice or make it heard in the street a bruised reed
He will not break and a faintly burning wick. He will not quench. He is a humble Messiah He will faithfully bring forth justice
He will not grow faint or be discouraged till he is established justice in the earth and the coastlands
Wait for his law the gospel of the kingdom. Did you hear it? And by the way, did you hear
I love that? Because this ministry is awful. It is ugly. It's horrible.
It's painful. And I'm so sorry that you're facing it I'm so sorry
But I know that you're discouraged And you might feel faint you might feel weak
But you have to hear this He will faithfully bring forth justice He will not grow faint or be discouraged
Do you hear that? That's the God we serve. He isn't thrown by this you understand that Abortion being foisted upon your nation and mine you understand.
We're good Calvinists here. I hope Praise God That this scourge on our nation's is judgment from God We understand that this is judgment from God We have to hear that God is in full control over what's happening in my nation and yours full
But what we're asking God for is mercy What we're asking him for is grace
What we're asking him for is for him to glorify Not me
Not you, but himself Through putting this enemy under his feet the enemy of abortion
God promises justice now I Know I know it's late, but please forgive me.
I need to give you these I have to because these were the these were the verses that God used to change us and I got to tell you listen
Look I'm just gonna speak Frank to you and just be transparent with you. We're a small church in the desert a
Small church in the desert our church has saved. I don't even know how many babies
We've got to be in the hundreds by now That's one small church in the desert and then
God used weak powerless vessels like us in This small church in the desert to start communicating truth globally to other churches and now we have nearly 500 churches who are out now saving lives at the abortion mill and preaching the gospel in this context listen
Thousands and thousands and thousands of babies have been saved because of a small church in the desert
Please hear that we are not mighty. I am NOT a celebrity. I'm not a superstar.
I'm not very special Honestly when people come up to me around the world like I'll praise
God for your ministry You know God's really used you in a powerful way. I'm like praise the Lord. It's all God's all to his glory like you
Don't understand. I think that you're minute. You're so awesome and my wife and my other pastors around me are going Why?
Okay, right you you have to understand
That God used his word to change us and in doing that he started to change the world
Which is how he does it all the time? Please don't think that we're special. Please don't think we're better than you and more mighty to you
We're not we're Christians just like you who were impacted by the truth and started going. That's it and I'm not flattering you.
I'm just telling you the truth. That's what happened is God concerned with justice in the world.
I Hope this gets you I do I've been praying for you that God would use the message
That's given today to change you and in turn change
Northern Ireland and here's the here's the verse I want to bring to you Isaiah chapter 1 verse 10
God speaks to Israel. He speaks to his people and listen to what he says to the church Let that hit you
Listen to what Yahweh says to the church People of God hear the word of the
Lord You rulers of Sodom? Give ear to the teaching of our
God you people of Gomorrah God speaking to his people using the horrible evil cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to identify them with Sodom and Gomorrah what to me is the multitude of your sacrifices
Says the Lord I've had enough of burnt offerings of rams and the fat of well -fed beasts
I do not delight in the blood of bulls or of lambs or of goats When you come to appear before me who is required of you this trampling of my courts bring no more vain offerings
Incenses and abomination to me new moon and Sabbath and the calling of convocations.
I Cannot endure iniquity and solemn assembly Your new moons your appointed feasts my soul hates
They've become a burden to me. I am weary of bearing them when you spread out your hands.
I will hide my eyes from you Even though you make many prayers. I will not listen your hands are full of blood
Wash yourselves Make yourselves clean remove the evil of your deeds from before my eyes and here it is cease to do evil learn to do good seek justice correct oppression bring justice to the fatherless
What are these? pre -born neighbors of ours They are fatherless children
That is what they are They are children that have been abandoned by their fathers
Are there cases where fathers are weeping over there of mothers bringing their baby into an abortion mill to slaughter them?
Yes But that rarely happens We rarely see it happen a father coming to the abortion mill and pleading with the mother don't do this
We see these men bringing the mothers into the abortion mill hopping in their cars
Rolling their windows down and blasting their music and speeding off to go get a taco or a hamburger
That's the truth These are fatherless children and when
God speaks to his people he says seek justice correct oppression Bring justice to the fatherless and I want to argue brothers and sisters as a man who has no earthly right being up here
Who has had to repent over this issue? That our God doesn't change
He doesn't change and if he despised the false worship of his people in the
Old Testament Then he will despise it today If our hands are full of blood if we are not seeking justice if we are not
Correcting oppression if we are not bringing justice to the fatherless then what is
God saying to the church here? in Northern Ireland or in my nation right all of the gatherings all the church services all of everyone getting dressed up for church and Coming in to do the ritual to do the practice to check the box.
I have a spiritual life I've done all the right things God says this I don't want to hear your prayers. I don't want your sacrifices
I want none of it bring it to me never again My soul hates it.
It's what God says You know, what's amazing is that this passage is right before the famous passage that everyone knows it's all over Paintings and pictures and everything.
It's a beautiful passage Come now. Let us reason together says the Lord though. Your sins are like scarlet. They should be as white as snow
They should though they are red like crimson. They shall become like wool We love that That's after he says correct oppression
Seek justice protect the fatherless There's context to this
There's context to this. This is the God we've been redeemed to love and to serve to worship
And you know Jesus of course has the warning in Matthew 25. You need to feel the weight of it You need to feel the weight of it
Matthew 25 He says that there's gonna be a day where people stand before him and he says
I was hungry You gave me something to drink Sorry, I was thirsty. You gave me something to drink. I was hungry.
You gave me something to eat I was sick and you came and visited me I was in prison and you visited me and then the people are gonna go when when
And he said when you did it to the least of these you did it unto me and then he's gonna say to others
I Was thirsty and you gave me no drink. I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat I was sick and you did not care for me.
You didn't visit me. I was in prison and you didn't visit me You see God is concerned with our love for neighbor
He's concerned with justice in the Old Covenant and in the New Covenant. It's not a different God And it's one kingdom
Now where am I at on time? Is it almost 10? Oh boy. I have so much more to say
Let me just say quickly I'm just gonna end with this. I'm gonna put all this together. I'd love to give you guys answering objections
I'll finish with this There can be no neutrality There can be no neutrality, you know this verse, you know it
Matthew 1230. Jesus says whoever's not with him is against him Whoever's not with me is against me.
Whoever's not with me is against me Whoever's not with me is against me if we hide our light and we pretend not to be followers of Jesus To fight some social ill we are lying.
We are lying Jesus demands full obedience and you know what we need to hear it
We need to hear it clearly Jesus had masses following him and he had an expert skill of dividing them and send them away
Right, he'd fail most seminary courses in my country, right evangelism courses because everyone he just turns him away
He turns to these masses right the disciples have got to be excited about how much they're growing We've got a we've got a megachurch going on now, right?
Let's get the cotton candy and the cool lights and the awesome music Let's get the guitars. Let's sit him down, right?
This is this is growing. It's a growing movement It looks like the kingdom of God is here Jesus turns around and says something to them that cuts him in half and sends him away
Cuts him down to like 12 disciples again. Jesus turns around and says to him He says if anyone comes to me and does not hate mother father sister brother wife even your own life
Don't come And then of course, what does Jesus say? He tells them that they must count the cost of coming to him and he says that if you do not come to him and Take up the cross to die to do the death march.
He says do not come to me that is the demand of Jesus when we come to him in faith true faith is coming to die and rise again and Jesus calls us to have no neutrality.
Whoever's not with me is Against me the failure of the pro -life industry is that they will not call it murder.
They will not call it murder They won't consistently call it murder. They won't courageously call it murder
You can ask people who have worked in the pro -life industry and you can ask pro -life
Leaders and they will tell you that they will not call it murder. They will tell you that women are victims women are victims
Brothers and sisters if women are victims in the issue of abortion Then there is nothing to ultimately legislate against if it's not murder.
It's not a crime if they're victims. They're not criminals There's no reason to legislate against it.
Ultimately just consider that You can only legislate against something that's ultimately criminal
Damaging property damaging persons and if we don't call it murder and women are victims then there's no real guilt
It's a matter of preference and you can't legislate properly on preference now
They are not working for the ultimate end and criminalization of abortion Why because it's not being called murder.
It's not being fought against as murder and they see women as victims So they're not working for the ultimate end and criminalization of abortion.
They're working to regulate abortion I told you again about the victorious pro -life
Legislation things like oh we can't kill anymore with forceps We can do it with suction or they'll say things like we had a victorious pro -life bill.
What was it? Well, the abortionist now has to have a license at the local hospital and at the abortion facility
Or they'll say things like the hallways have to be a certain distance apart or this is amazing
Of course the recent one where they suggested that this was a victory the victory sounds something like this now
Every child that's murdered and disemboweled and dismembered by abortion must receive a proper burial victory
Victory brothers and sisters. What does that admit? We know it's a human life. We know it has value
We know it's killing a human life so give them a proper burial and How many tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars were raised?
To pass a bill that says give the murdered child a proper burial That is not a victory brothers and sisters and somebody might say this to me and I want to humbly say
I agree That there have been some lives saved through pro -life regulatory
Laws and what I want to say to that is this Yes God strikes straight blows with crooked sticks
In a fallen world. Yes God and his mercy does that it doesn't mean that his people should go around looking for crooked sticks to hit people with God calls us to use his word and I'm gonna say finally the pro -life industry and lobby will not call themselves
Explicitly Christian and to that I say We cannot abide by Jesus said and I'm gonna end with this in Luke 9 26 in Luke 9 26 the
Lord Jesus said for whoever is ashamed of me and of my words
Whoever is ashamed of me in my words of him will the Son of Man be ashamed When he comes in his glory and the glory of the
Father and of the Holy Angels whoever is ashamed of me and of my words of Him the will will the
Son of Man be ashamed when he comes in the glory of the Father Are we ashamed?
I think if we are honest and have integrity We have to all be humble enough to say.
Yes. Yeah, I've been ashamed I've been ashamed to tell the truth I've been ashamed to stand on the rock of God's Word I've been ashamed to tell the truth about many things
But if we're honest in the issue of abortion, we've been ashamed. We've been ashamed to say that's murder
God commands you to stop Come to Christ for salvation and for forgiveness. We demand immediate justice.
No compromise Absolutely, no compromise if I can leave you with anything.
I'll leave you with this God demands justice with no compromise Do not compromise and brothers and sisters because now you're at the beginning of this death
You are in a better position than we were When this was brought into our nation because guess what?
It was just criminal Recently It was already seen as criminal
Already, it's right behind you it's right next to you and the pro -life industry that seeks to be neutral and Will not be faithful to the words of Jesus is just now setting up shop here so you have the opportunity to be the church and To actually be the one with the voice that matters in Ireland To be the one with the voice that speaks the truth of God that makes it about Justice that seeks equal justice for the pre -born that calls people to obedience to Jesus Christ that makes it about the gospel itself
You have the opportunity to have your voice be the dominant voice Because you're at the very beginning of this in this room right now through God's Spirit and In his power you have the ability to have a faithful communication of the truth in your culture around you
My question to you is this will you lay down your life to do it? Will you lay down your life to do it?
I, um Of course got to see God save babies At the abortion mills we got to see turnaways and got to see mothers choose to save the life of their child
But I have one incident that I will always treasure and I've seen so many But I have one particular incident that I always treasure.
I was standing outside of an abortion mill in Glendale, Arizona And through a series of circumstances providential circumstances
God had us there at the right moment at the right time where there was a woman inside who was in pre -op
She was essentially getting ready for the surgery She's set on the table. The husband was inside the lobby hearing our preaching and seeing our signs
Please don't hurt your baby. We'll help you so He's inside and he's hearing the message being preached
He sees the signs his wife is in the back in pre -op Seconds away from murdering her child and she has like four other children at home and they're about to kill this one
And so what he says as he sees the sign he says, all right God if you want me to stop this
This is what he tells us Chris tells us later. He was saying this to God. He says if you want us to stop this
Well now I gotta tell you this first, sorry, this is a cool part of story He's inside there hearing the preaching and he says this
God if you want us to stop this show me a sign and Around the corner comes my friend who was totally exacerbated from an atheist who was causing problem for us
The other guy was fighting with on that side. So he had to get away from it He wanted to give up so he walks to the front with a sign
Stand outside like this and Chris had just said to God show me a sign and a guy Stands in front and it says please don't hurt your baby.
We'll help you. And so he says, okay All right, God if you want me to stop this, he says let that man
Be the owner of and he starts looking across and there's cars everywhere like on the street down the road and the parking lot
It's actually a lot. He says let that man be the owner of that van down the streets And so he walks out the doors.
He walks right up to my friend Justin. He says, excuse me, sir Justin says, yeah, he says are you the owner of that van down there and Justin goes?
That van down there right there. He goes. Yeah, he goes. Yeah, that's my van And so Chris goes, oh my goodness
He goes I ask God and he showed me the sign and if that was your van Now I should stop it and Justin goes get in there and get your wife right now
And so he runs inside the abortion mill and he says let me in there with my wife They're like, no, you can't go back there right now.
And he goes you let me in right now I'm gonna kick the door down then they let him in he goes in there. He grabs his wife pulls her out
She comes out. She's bawling. He's bawling. We took care of their needs. We helped him to get his business back online
We cared for them. We loved them and his name is Carmelo and he's alive today
How old is Carmelo now? He's got to be Five he's five. Yeah, Carmelo's five years old today.
I held him in my arms. I Have held in my arms Our church held him in our arms like we it was all theory for us before like right like yeah
You're saving babies. Then all of a sudden Tina comes into our church with Carmelo and she like hands him to us
And we're like passing this baby like covering him in tears as we're passing him from one person to the next
Like it is it is worth Your whole life You have to lay your life down Listen when you preach the gospel and you came to believe in Jesus Christ, did you come to die or not?
People ask you why are you doing this? Why are you doing this? Why this hard ministry? I've already died.
I Came to die Did you? Did we understand that call the gospel that it meant your whole life
Do we understand it means that really love our neighbor and to lay your life down for them. It's worth it It's worth it
I do feel kind of bad about one thing is That we say now
Thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands have been saved Yeah And I'll see people report to us from our churches saved a baby again today save two babies today save three babies today, right?
At a certain point you start to get jaded to it, right? Like oh, yeah. Okay more babies saved today. Don't do that Because listen if you lay your entire life down for the rest of your life
Suffering being persecuted and being hated by your culture to save one child from death
It is worth your whole entire life It's worth everything but your call and mine from God is to be faithful Preach the truth call it murder call people to repentance demand immediate justice
We are pro -life as Christians We want immediate justice.
We want criminalization we want Abolition we want it over.
We are not working to regulate child sacrifice We're working to end it and brothers and sisters.