TiL- Reformed Covenant Theology pt 9
Join Dan, Claude, and Rob as they discuss chapter 9 of Harrison Perkin's book, Reformed Covenant Theology.
- 00:09
- Cling to the cross then put both arms around it Hold to the crucified and never let him go
- 00:17
- Come afresh to the cross at this moment and rest there now and forever
- 00:23
- Then with the power of God resting upon you go forth and preach the cross
- 00:40
- Welcome everybody to the truth and love podcast. We are Thankful grateful to be back with you.
- 00:46
- We are on part 9 or chapter 9 of covenant
- 00:52
- Theology, let's see reform covenant theology by Harrison Perkins chapter 9. We're going to be going over that tonight stick with us
- 01:21
- Dan how's it going? Good. You just said chapter 9.
- 01:26
- I'm in the wrong chapter. Oh That's not good. Here's the cool. Here's the fun part about it.
- 01:32
- I wrote down chapter 7 I wrote down the title to chapter 9 So I'm ready to do all the stuff that we're supposed to do, but I don't have any of the right information written down I Will muddle our way through it go team
- 01:53
- And we've not been together since November 2nd the day in which
- 01:58
- Dan and I share a birthday. So happy birthday, Dan Well, thank you. I turned 40 this year
- 02:06
- Nice nice, then I had to take a nap for the last three weeks What does that say for me
- 02:14
- I turned 46, are you used to it? Well, I got you. I got you.
- 02:21
- Oh Well before we go on any further, I just wanted to share this I got this in the mail today and you can too if you go to Chapel library org
- 02:33
- Of course, we don't do any paid advertisements or get paid for anything but They have great resources
- 02:40
- And now they offer You can put in your card up to $20 worth every month
- 02:47
- Starts over every month and you can get free resources for yourself or like what
- 02:53
- I do. I try to order Several copies of the same thing of things. I think members at my church would be interested in so I've got this little track they call it on Depression and the
- 03:07
- Christian I got this one Church membership.
- 03:13
- Oh You went dark man, and then I got this one on the regulative principle of the church
- 03:23
- I Thought Dan may have a comment on that one, but he has he has went dark and he has frozen
- 03:31
- So we're gonna we're gonna wait on Dan. Hopefully he'll be back with us But again
- 03:37
- Chapel library org you can get $20 a month of free resources just go through on any topic search it up and They have tracks booklets
- 03:50
- All kinds of different topics that you you can Materials reading materials that you can get for yourself good good biblical
- 03:58
- Christian material or for your church There we go. We lost Dan and I'm right in the middle
- 04:04
- So we'll give Dan just just a few minutes
- 04:12
- Dan lives in a northern state in America and They recently had he said over a foot of snow which caused them to lose power he said they just got power back the other day and they're trying they've been trying to do some catching up in the house and He's fortunate to have power and was able to be on with us tonight
- 04:41
- He may have had some power issues there at the house So we're gonna give him a few minutes to get back on with us
- 04:52
- As he is working his way back And I don't have my phone. I don't know if he's texting me or not maybe he can send me a
- 05:01
- Message via the internet But we're looking at covenant reform reform covenant theology by Harrison Perkins It's it's a really good book if you're interested in learning more about reform covenant theology reform covenant theology is most prevalent in your
- 05:21
- Presbyterian and Reform Baptist churches or Christians who identify as Reformed or Presbyterian or Reform Baptist And there's there's so many different distinctions that that that can be made and differences that we could talk about between and in nuances between the different denominations between the different Ideologies and and doctrines between and even
- 05:57
- There there's a reformed church out there. That's Definitely not related to the the Presbyterian idea of reformed theology or the reformed
- 06:05
- Baptist idea of reformed theology and Maybe that's something that we can tackle
- 06:11
- Later on of what they believe as a reform as a reformed church
- 06:17
- Not a reformed Presbyterian reformed Baptist, but just the reformed church. I'm gonna try to take this off while I'm talking
- 06:26
- I've got to find it first. We've got two people watching. Thank you guys for watching Dan something happened to his internet and he
- 06:38
- It froze on him and he left. I'm I'm hoping that he still has power and he's able to get back on with us
- 06:44
- I'm gonna give a few more minutes to try to To try to join us and get back on so we can look at chapter 9 of covenant theology
- 06:53
- But if he doesn't they've had some power issues where he lives because of snow and things so we will get back to this eventually either tonight or Another night when
- 07:05
- Dan has some more stable internet access But one of the questions that I want to ask
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- Dan first off when it comes to this chapter chapter 9 of reformed covenant theology
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- Was this as we've been looking through the different chapters in this book and And getting
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- Harrison's Perkins understand of reformed covenant theology and he's pulling from the Westminster Confession He's Presbyterian, but there's been reformed
- 07:32
- Baptist who who recommend this book I've enjoyed this book and I really don't have too much disagreement
- 07:38
- I've not read too much disagreement as as we've worked our way through this book But here's what surprised me as as This has been a book on reformed covenant theology,
- 07:52
- I Feel like there's been a lot that a dispensationalist could agree with especially this chapter the the title of chapter 9 is covenant of grace in the benefits of Christ, so Just leave off the word covenant a dispensationalist believe that we are saved by by growth faith
- 08:18
- Through faith by grace by grace through faith. They they believe that we are saved by grace just like we did and So and they also believe that when you are saved by grace by God's grace.
- 08:33
- There are also benefits that come with being in Christ being saved by God in Christ and You receive those benefits you enjoy those benefits and they will be the same benefits many many many of the same benefits that we would see as Those who hold to and believe in reformed covenant theology so my question that I wanted to pose to Dan is
- 08:57
- Where's that distinction if if we are? Going to this material reading this material on reformed covenant theology
- 09:06
- Where's the distinction from a dispensationalist? That's the big question if I want to learn about Covenant theology or form covenant theology.
- 09:18
- I want to understand the difference between it and the dispensational covenant theology like I said in the in this chapter a
- 09:29
- Dispensationalist is going to agree that we are saved by grace and that there are benefits in Christ Let me read you this quote.
- 09:40
- I was going to share this with Dan And I'm gonna hate to backtrack and and And Double up say it again repeat myself once he comes back but um,
- 09:54
- I'll read this and and Actually Bear with me for a second.
- 10:03
- I'm going to pull up Pull up the messenger here
- 10:10
- And see if I can reach out to him on messenger. Well, it says something went wrong not working
- 10:22
- That's not very helpful. See I don't have my phone with me, which is odd. I usually have my phone and It is not with me tonight.
- 10:29
- This is my only option is messenger and it's telling me something's going wrong That's not working.
- 10:40
- Let me close this out open it back up see if I can get in So what's the difference between?
- 10:55
- Dispensational and reformed covenant theology when it comes to being saved by grace and the benefits of Christ Well on page 221, this is what
- 11:06
- I offered to Dan I was hoping to hear from him and eventually we will hear from him and his answer
- 11:15
- Let me see Sorry for the silence.
- 11:24
- See if you can see that So this this little section and again, we'll cover this when
- 11:30
- Dan gets back because this was a question directed to him. It says Herman Bavick describes this
- 11:40
- Continental dimension of union with Christ as a bond but already forged between the
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- Mediator and those who were given to him by the father in eternity in election.
- 11:53
- So there's a key part there There's there's something to take note of by the father in eternity in Election so there would be a distinction there will be different and more precisely in the pact of salvation.
- 12:08
- So You have in eternity in election That's one thing and then you have this pact that he's talking about.
- 12:16
- The pact is the I would say And I won't confer with Dan to the covenant of redemption
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- This is the covenant between the the triune God between God the Father God the
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- Son and the Holy Spirit to redeem mankind so there's there's this act from eternity past and You have election in eternity past which
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- Election is going to be part of that pact And then he goes on to say by the decree about this
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- Union the son became the elects substitute ex -promiseur
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- Precisely because he already was in communion with them and was their guarantor and mediator
- 13:02
- So there's there's another huge huge part of this precisely because he
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- Jesus already was in communion in eternity past when this pact was made between the triune
- 13:15
- God and part of that being election Read into the the fruit of that pact is that he was already in communion with them who the elect and Was their guarantor and mediator?
- 13:33
- So we were already seen as in Christ in eternity past Because of this this pact and there's a distinction
- 13:47
- There's a distinction between Dispensational theology and reform covenant theology.
- 13:52
- So we both believe in the covenant of grace We both will or we don't we both believe that we are saved by grace
- 14:00
- We both believe that because we are saved by grace and found in Christ there are benefits to being in Christ and We maybe can have a conversation about Are there distinctions between the two theologies?
- 14:18
- And when it comes to the benefits of being in Christ, however Here is where I think the distinction is that and and Dan can correct me if or he can make an addition if the if you'd like to at some point, but the distinction is those who believe in Dispensational theology are going to believe that this this salvation by grace is during this this particular dispensation
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- Which is going to be I don't remember the seven dispensations, but this dispensation the
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- Post Christ after the post cross. Here's the dispensation of grace, I guess
- 15:08
- And I haven't memorized the the seven dispensations because I'm not a dispensationalist but here it during this time is when grace grace is offered and This is when we can be saved by grace and They would not say that there was a pact a covenant a promise made
- 15:33
- In eternity past which part of that pact was to elect for himself a covenant people and so therefore
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- Jesus was our We were seen in Christ because of this covenant because of this pact and there
- 15:52
- I think is part of part of a big distinction that can be made between Dispensation Dispensationalism and reformed covenant theology.
- 16:02
- So I've been going 15 minutes. Dan was with me at the very beginning I'm going to cut this short because I want him to be involved in this conversation so as I said
- 16:15
- Go to Chapel library. Check out this material check back with the truth in love network
- 16:23
- Facebook page or the YouTube page like and subscribe to those different channels and We're gonna have to reschedule this and see when we can be on next unfortunately the power went out for Dan and We are gonna have to reschedule so that we he and I can have this conversation together
- 16:42
- It's almost as if we've not been able to Make this happen here lately, but that's okay.
- 16:48
- We are we are not any under any kind of contract or Time stipulation we will get together there as the
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- Lord allows and we're grateful for What he's doing On this earth in the ministry in a
- 17:08
- We ask you continue to pray for us as well as we Try to serve the church and serve our families and try to serve
- 17:17
- Him serve the kingdom through this ministry Remember to please go check out the websites truth in love network calm and especially labors conference calm
- 17:28
- Registration is open for the laborers conference is going to be next April 24th through the 27th at vertical life
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- Church in Newton April 24th to the 27th 2025 registration is open.
- 17:42
- We would love to see you there Thursday night. This is a special announcement
- 17:47
- I'm not announced this live on air before but a special announcement is Thursday night is going to be family night out a night of comedy with special guests.
- 17:59
- Um, a Band of followers from South Carolina and then following them.
- 18:04
- We're gonna have Keith Bosky We are so excited to hear from him
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- He is also going to be preaching at the conference, but we are excited to have him presenting his his comedy
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- Specialist comedy skit to us and and hearing from him joining with other families and family night out for Christian comedy it's going to be a night focused on Coming together with our families and just enjoying the evening in Christ Having a good time and I think it will be great and then we will have a very intensive to two and a half days of Preaching and singing and fellowshiping together.
- 18:47
- It's going to be great we plan to have food trucks there for lunch on Friday and Saturday and so Food will be there.
- 18:56
- You won't have to travel far to get food And that is the plan so far, but please go to labors conference calm
- 19:05
- Slash registration and let us know that you're coming make plans now to be there at the end of April Especially if you are in my area in the top of County Lincoln County Mecklenburg Burke Rutherford Cleveland Gaston in this area.
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- It would be really good Our aim is for this conference to be very helpful to the local church
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- The theme this year is take a black cross focusing on sanctification and discipleship
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- All of the pastors all the preachers, but one will be working our way through Luke chapter 9
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- This is going to be unique for a conference Normally Every speaker will have their own topic and they'll use variety of text to support their
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- Their topic and we've done that before and we'll probably continue to do that this is very unique this year where you know, we all believe in expository preaching and on this topic of Taking up your cross dying to yourself sanctification discipleship
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- We are going to work our way each of us are going to have passages from Luke chapter 9
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- We're gonna work our way through Luke chapter 9 and and present Present present
- 20:23
- Christ present the gospel On the topic of sanctification and discipleship through Luke chapter 9.
- 20:30
- I think that's going to be amazing and it hopefully
- 20:35
- Our aim is is for it to be beneficial and helpful to the local church
- 20:42
- And so please go to that website register Let us know that you're coming if you have any questions
- 20:50
- Send us an email or a message or a comment on the videos. We love trying to answer your questions
- 20:57
- But as for now We are going to be praying for Dan and his family. We hope that the power will come back on and they will be safe and and warm, so please pray for Dan and his family and With that being said