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    The Unconverted “Believer” (16): The Good Works of True Believers (2) 05/30/2021


    Greetings Brethren, Last Lord’s Day I had intended to set forth in one sermon this very important subject, “The Good Works of True Believers.” However, we had only addressed about half the pages of notes that were prepared when we felt the need to stop due to the time. But we did so at an appropriate place from which we could pick up today. And so, today we continue and complete this important aspect of true biblical salvation, as we progress through this sermon series on “the Unconverted ‘Believer.’” I always appreciate hearing from you if you find these notes helpful to your Christian walk and/or the ministry that our Lord has entrusted to you. We produce our Sunday morning sermon live on the internet. Our sermon begins to air every Lord’s Day morning at about 11:10 AM Eastern Standard Time (EST). Also, please remember that on the first Sunday of each month, when we observe the Lord’s Supper, the sermon may not begin until around 11:25 AM (EST). I feel somewhat reluctant about this transmitting our live sermons. I feel like I could easily be charged as was Paul, “For they say, ‘His letters are weighty and strong, but his bodily presence is weak, and his speech of no account’” (2 Cor. 10:10). But, such as it is… You can access the live streaming through our YouTube channel. If you would like, you could subscribe to get updated sermons are once they are uploaded or to get alerts once live streaming is about to begin. Here is the link to the YouTube channel: . We would also encourage you to view the new format for our website, Further material:


    Pastor Jason will come and read for us our New Testament reading which is Acts chapter 20 in which the
    Apostle Paul meets with the elders of the church at Ephesus in the town of Miletus, about 15 -20 miles south of Ephesus as he was passing through that way.
    By the way, I neglected to mention visitors, we welcome you and if you wouldn't mind taking a moment filling out a visitor card for us and just hand it to an usher perhaps on your way out so we can have a record of your visit.
    We'll send you a letter telling you a bit about our church. We're happy to have you. Acts chapter 20,
    Pastor Jason. Acts 20.
    After the uproar ceased, Paul sent for the disciples and after encouraging them, he said farewell and departed for Macedonia.
    When he had gone through those regions and had given them much encouragement, he came to Greece. There he spent three months and when a plot was made against him by the
    Jews as he was about to set sail for Syria, he decided to return through Macedonia.
    Sopater the Berean, son of Pyrrhus, accompanied him and of the Thessalonians, Aristarchus and Secondus and Gaius of Derbe and Timothy and the
    Asians, Tychicus and Trophimus. These went on ahead and were waiting for us at Trous, but we sailed away from Philippi after the days of unleavened bread and in five days we came to them at Trous where we stayed for seven days.
    On the first day of the week when we were gathered together to break bread, Paul talked with them intending to depart on the next day and he prolonged his speech until midnight.
    There were many lamps in the upper room where we were gathered and a young man named Eutychus sitting at the window sank into a deep sleep as Paul talked still longer and being overcome by sleep, he fell down from the third story and was taken up dead.
    But Paul went down and bent over him and taking him in his arms said, do not be alarmed for his life is in him and when
    Paul had gone up and had broken bread and eaten he conversed with them a long while until daybreak and so departed and they took the youth away alive and were not a little comforted.
    But going ahead to the ship we set sail for Assos intending to take Paul aboard there for he had arranged intending himself to go by land and when he met us at Assos we took him on board and went to Mytilene and sailing there we came the following day opposite Chios.
    The next day we touched at Samos and the day after that we went on to Miletus for Paul had decided to sail past Ephesus so that he might not have to spend time in Asia for he was hastening to be in Jerusalem if possible on the day of Pentecost.
    Now from Miletus he sent to Ephesus and called the elders of the church to come to him and when they came to him he said to them
    You yourselves know how I lived among you the whole time from the first day that I set foot in Asia Serving the
    Lord with all humility and with tears and with trials that happened to me through the plots of the
    Jews how I did not shrink from declaring to you anything that was profitable and Teaching you in public and from house to house testifying both to Jews and to Greeks of repentance toward God and of faith in the
    Lord Jesus Christ and Now behold, I am going to Jerusalem Constrained by the
    Spirit not knowing what will happen to me there Except that the Holy Spirit testifies to me in every city that imprisonment and afflictions await me
    But I do not count my life Of any value Nor is precious to myself.
    If only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus to testify to the gospel of the grace of God and Now behold,
    I know that none of you among whom I have gone about proclaiming the kingdom will see my face again
    Therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all For I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole counsel of God Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock in which the
    Holy Spirit has made you overseers To care for the Church of God which he obtained with his own blood
    I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you not sparing the flock and From among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things to draw away the disciples after them
    Therefore be alert Remembering that for three years I did not cease night or day to admonish everyone with tears and Now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace
    Which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified.
    I Coveted no one's silver or gold or apparel you yourselves know that these hands
    Ministered to my necessities and to those who are with me in all things I have shown that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the
    Lord Jesus how he himself said it is more blessed to give than to receive and When he had said these things he knelt down and prayed with them all and there was much weeping on the part of all
    They embraced Paul and kissed him being sorrowful Most of all because of the word he had spoken that they would not see his face again and they accompanied him to the ship
    Let's pray Our Father We thank you for this text of Scripture And Lord, I pray that we would heed the warning that we would pay careful attention to ourselves
    That we would pay careful attention to the doctrine that we hear to the doctrine that is proclaimed
    And that we would always line up the things that we see the things that we hear with what the scripture says
    We pray Lord that we would never be deceived that we would always stand firm in the truth
    Help us Lord to be centered on the work of the Lord. Jesus Christ on the person of the
    Lord. Jesus Christ We pray in all things Lord that you would build your church We pray that you would build the churches in New England and the
    United States in the world We pray that false teachers would be shown for who they truly are
    We pray Lord that your kingdom would advance and we are so excited Lord and thankful to be a part of your work
    So Lord, we pray that you would help us as we continue our worship in the sermon Help us
    Lord to hear what the word has to say We pray that the Spirit would take those words from our ear to our heart and that we would live them out to the glory of God We thank you
    Lord in all of these things in Jesus name. Amen Well, let's return this week to Ephesians 2
    Which will Continue to address Ephesians 2 8 through 10 in particular
    Last Lord's Day. I intended to set forth really in one sermon this entire
    Subject addresses subject the good works of true believers, but Due to time constraints we weren't able to do so and so I was only able to address about half the pages of notes that we had before us and So I felt the need to stop rather abruptly at an appropriate place where we could pick up today
    To continue this important matter But last week we were able to reinforce from Ephesians 2 1 through 10 some very important truths
    Regarding the nature of our salvation that Paul set forth in this epistle to this church at Ephesus and so the passage clearly teaches us that God saves us by his sovereign grace
    Not by our works, but rather we are his work. We are his workmanship by grace
    He saved sinners through his sovereign grace by creating and then sustaining faith in them faith that justifies him faith
    That saves them But the major thrust of what we emphasized last week was the purpose for which
    God saves his people All too often the gospel of salvation is presented only in terms of God forgiving sinners of their sins
    So that they may escape hell and enter heaven This is really a truncated gospel message
    And I think it's one of the major causes of nominal christianity christians in name only in many churches because the gospel they've been
    Taught and they believed is this is how I can have my sins forgiven. This is how I can escape hell
    This is how I can get to heaven as though that were The overarching purpose that God gave forth his son to bring salvation to us
    But we saw here in other verses That God has a far greater purpose and design for those whom he saves from sin and only to escape his condemnation
    Due to their sin and this is set forth here in Ephesians 2 8 through 10 we read of the purpose for which
    God saves his people and That is that they might live lives characterized by good works and So here again are those verses?
    Paul wrote for by grace you've been saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is a gift of God not of works lest anyone should boast and Then we've emboldened italicized verse 10 for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works and that preposition therefore
    Is not just a simple explanatory Conjunction but it describes purpose
    For the purpose of good works, that's the purpose for which God saved us not just to escape hell as important as that is
    But he saved us for the purpose Living lives characterized with good works which
    God hath prepared beforehand that we should walk in them Now again, of course the scriptures teach were not saved by our works
    But we were saved so that our lives would be characterized by good works As God has revealed and defined good works to be in his
    Holy Word We read elsewhere Jesus Christ gave himself for us that he might redeem us from every
    Lawless deed and purify for himself his own special people Zealous for good works there again.
    We have the purpose for which God saves sinners That we might be a people zealous for good works
    Obviously good works are not the ground of our salvation The life and work of Jesus Christ is the ground of our salvation.
    Thankfully And good works are not the means of becoming saved faith is the instrumental means that God uses
    Salvation is through faith alone, but good works characterized saved people they're the product of grace and This is so much the case that good works are one of the evidences of having become truly saved by the grace of God Lord willing next
    Sunday. We'll begin to address biblical assurance of salvation and a life characterized by biblical good works is one of the
    Ways in which people can have assurance of salvation as we'll show The true believer has repented of what the
    Bible calls dead works Which were all those ways of living independent of God's will before we were converted
    Those ways pursued to his own effort according to his own desire design that all changed when we
    Were saved by God's grace. And so now as a saved man, he the Christian produces good works as he lives for and before God and These works performed by the true believer which are produced by God's grace through faith
    Will be judged at the last judgment. We addressed that a couple weeks ago The final judgment is a judgment according to works and the good works of believers will testify on their behalf on that day
    Demonstrate prove to everybody there that we are true Christians by how we live not by Merely what we claim to believe about what our lives testify.
    We believed in this life It may be in the last moments of death like the thief on the cross
    But he gave evidence that he was truly saved by the grace of God He showed a lot of evidence while he hung there on that cross faith in the resurrection
    Faith and knowing he was getting what he deserved the death penalty Faith he knew Jesus was going to enter into his kingdom that day
    He had faith that he can enter that kingdom to even though he was a guilty sinner died for his sin He could enter by grace and he so he asked
    Jesus He had all kinds of evidence of saving grace in his life, even in the last moments of his life on the cross
    He had good works at the end of his life that Demonstrated God had saved him by his grace in contrast to the other thief who continually railed against Jesus as he was hanging there as well and so our good works at the last judgment will demonstrate the reality and legitimacy of The Christians faith in Jesus Christ or else it will reveal the hypocrite
    The nominal Christian the one who is just claiming or thinking he or she was a
    Christian But really life was characterized by self -directed self -willed
    You know doing your own will rather than conforming to the will of God set forth in the
    Holy Scriptures and so after last week we We were able to firm last week that God saves us by his sovereign work not ours and secondly
    That God has created his people so that they would live lives characterized by good works But now today this morning we want to begin by addressing the nature of the good works that characterize true
    Christians What are good works? biblically speaking Well, the
    Word of God of course reveals to us what these good works are and we could Describe them in several ways first good works are those that are in accordance with the will of God That might seem to be obvious, but it needs to be stated
    The doxology of the epistle to the Hebrew states it Now may the God of peace who brought up our
    Lord Jesus from the dead that great shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the Everlasting covenant make you complete here.
    It is in every good work to do his will Working in you what is well pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ to whom be glory forever and ever
    So here you can see good works are those according to the will of God and therefore, you know consistent with the scriptures the
    Word of God These works are the obeying and fulfilling of God's will set forth in the
    Bible. In other words the moral law of God That is contained in the
    Bible Now prescribe the kind of works that God regards as good which should be performed by his people
    John wrote the world is passing away in the last of it But he who does the will of God abides forever that describes a true
    Christian The standards or commandments devised by men not taught in the
    Word of God Cannot be said to be good works in the sight of God Many people are in this matter
    We read in Matthew 15 the words of our Lord Jesus in which he repudiated the commandments of men
    Declaring that God only regards the worship of people that is in accordance with his commandments
    We read the account the skies Pharisees who were from Jerusalem came to Jesus saying why do your
    Disciples transgress the tradition of the elders for they do not wash their hands when they eat bread
    He wasn't talking about they weren't challenging their hygiene They're talking about not ceremonially washing their hands before eating not found in the
    Bible, but it was according to their tradition Jesus answered said to them
    Why do you transgress the commandment of God who refers to the scriptures? Because of your tradition for God commanded saying honor your father and your mother and he who curses father mother let him be put to death, of course, and you know statement and application of the
    Fifth Commandment But you say well you set it aside by saying where whoever says to his father and mother whatever
    Prophet you might have received from me as a gift of God Then he need not honor his father and mother thus you've made the commandment of God of no effect by your tradition hypocrites
    Well did Isaiah prophesy about you saying these people draw near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips
    But with their heart their heart is far from me in vain. They worship me God doesn't give him any regard whatsoever
    Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men We may conclude that the
    Lord's standards for living were the commandments of God, but not the commandments of men All works that are not said or thought to be good works that are not prescribed in the
    Holy Scriptures are not good works in the sight of God and Yet the world of course has all kinds of good works
    They describe and define as good and they commend themselves for God has no regard for them
    Unless they are set forth according to what his will is as revealed in his
    Bible the Holy Word of God Today this principle is commonly disregarded not just by people in the world but by people in the churches
    Many people think that God is pleased and accepts the devotion of anyone who is genuinely sincere
    No matter what form that devotion takes sincerity seems to pass the test in a lot of people minds.
    Oh God Knows your heart. He knows how sincere you are It's the thought that God approved such works it said but this is not true
    The Jews had a zeal for God, but that zeal was without knowledge Paul declared It was that zeal that moved them to crucify
    Christ and persecute his people Fervent devotion apart from sound doctrine is to worship
    God in vain Good works have to be set forth in the
    Word of God the Holy Scriptures second In order for someone to perform good works that God recognizes and accepts those works must be done from obedience to God with the right biblical motives
    So it is not just enough to do the right things it has to be done in the right way with the right motives
    In other words, and you'll get some people reacting to this. This means that only the works performed by true
    Christians Can be regarded as truly good in the sight of God Now our
    Confession of Faith states this there's nothing In Aaron about our confession, but I think we do believe it reflects what the
    Bible teaches Works done by unregenerate that is unconverted men, although for the matter of them.
    They may be things which God commands and of good use both to themselves and others
    Yet because they proceed not from a heart purified by faith Nor are done in the in a right manner according to the word nor to a right and the glory of God they are therefore sinful and Cannot please
    God or make a man meet to receive grace from God and yet their neglect of them is more sinful than Displeasing to God the last verse and he in Romans 14 says whatever is not of faith is sin
    Whatever good works we do if it's not born out of faith in what God has told us in the word and and Doing is it on to the
    Lord? They're not good works as the Bible describes and defines them Yet so often even evangelical churches you end up with a kind of moralistic sermonizing and teaching
    Where the Bible is preached from but it's a mirror merely a passage it gives moral instruction and many times
    Jesus Christ has never even brought into the picture and People go forth. They think all this is what the
    Bible teaches and I'm gonna do it But they're not doing it with the right hand the right motives It's not good works, although they might think themselves to be quite good and quite holy
    Just like the Pharisees Now only true Christians can produce what the
    Bible regards a good works in the sight of God Our Lord declared that the way his disciples could be identified and distinguished from those who are false was by the fruit of their lives in other words by their good works and Jesus spoke of the
    Impossibility of an unregenerate man an unconverted person to bring forth fruit unto
    God. It's not possible but at the same time Jesus suggested it would be a
    Commonplace thing to see fruit produced in the lives of his disciples And so he declared these words consider the implications of them
    Sermon on the mount beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing. They look like Christians They can be in the pulpit but inwardly they're rabid as wolves you'll know them how by their fruits
    You know their speech their actions their doctrines how they're living
    Do men gather grace from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? No Even so and Jesus said this every good tree bears good fruit.
    That's a truism every true Christian bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit a
    Good true a good tree cannot bear bad fruit on the other hand or can a bad tree bear good fruit
    See an unconverted person cannot bring forth good works that God approves of Good works by definition have to be done.
    Not only they have to be in accordance with the Word of God, but it has to be done with the right motivation and desire to Please God out of love for God Now it's important for us and this is important because all of us can fall into this this wrong way of thinking
    It's important for us to understand when we speak of the need and importance to produce good works that these works must be performed as Christians as What has been historically referred to as?
    Evangelical obedience by or through evangelical obedience not legal obedience
    We mentioned this once in a while because it's such an important principle and we want to rehearse it here This involves the right motivation for keeping
    God's laws or commandments We are to obey God's commandments. We're to do as well.
    We're to do good works because we love God Legal obedience is the desire and motivation to obey
    God's commandments due to fear of God's punishment Rather than due to love for God and we're not as Christians To be doing good obey
    God's commandments Because we're afraid of what will happen to us that God is going to get us if we don't that's legal obedience
    Legal obedience is enslaving and powerless to transform a person to become holy before the
    Lord It may prevent them from doing some things, but it can't make them Christ -like When we were converted to Christ We were to shift our understanding of our desire and motivation and obedience to God's commands
    We're to obey God because we love God But further we obey
    God for this is what it is to love God. This is how you love God by doing his will
    Sadly however too many Christians still cling to a sense of legal obedience rather than Evangelical obedience or obedience in accords with the gospel and sadly
    Again, any one of us can fall into this wrong way of thinking We all even
    Christians have a tendency to become rather legalistic We're not to obey
    God out of fear of what God might do to us if we fail to do so Rather we are to obey
    God out of love for who he is and for what he's done for us in Christ Those moved to obey through legal obedience will continue in misery and defeat
    But when we become saved from our sin through the love of God manifest to us by the grace of God in Christ We're to embrace the spirit of evangelical obedience
    We've referred in the past to this classic Puritan writer on this subject Samuel Bolton In his book the true bounds of Christian freedom
    He speaks about God's law and how as a Christian we are to look to God's law not out of legal obedience but evangelical obedience and So we set forth the nature and role of the law the bounds of Christian freedom
    For the New Testament believer. So here are Bolton's words that address the transition that we undergo when we're converted to Christ To live according to evangelical obedience.
    I might just interject this too I'm almost hesitant to do so because I always run short then at the end of the hour
    But oftentimes a person who's about to be converted to Christ goes through this stage of legal
    Obedience, they start reading the Bible. They start reading the commandments They see they're in sin So they make efforts to change and modify their behavior and they're thinking as legal obedience
    They're afraid of hell they're moved to do this and what happens Of course the Holy Spirit shows them through their vain efforts
    They can't do so and they come to feel worse and more guilty by the end of it than they did when they started
    That's my God's design He wants to bring us to the place where we see our total helplessness and uselessness and guiltiness so that we cast ourselves on Christ alone and Then out of love we begin to do the things
    That before we tried to do but couldn't do but now out of love and the power of the
    Holy Spirit He enables us to do now Bolton speaks about this previously in other words before conversion
    The principles of obedience were legal and servile now they are filial in other words as if in a family and Evangelical in other words according to the gospel as the law was given with evangelical purposes so it is now kept or obeyed from evangelical principles principles of faith love and delight which causes the soul to obey and Facilitates the whole of obedience the love of Christ constrains us
    Compels us Paul wrote yet is the obedience free? Love knows no difficulties things impossible to others are easy for them that love
    The grounds of obedience differ heretofore up till now up till conversion fear now love
    Previously the strength was our own Now we have fellowship with the strength of Christ Our works are said to be wrought in God by union with him
    John 3 21 and by fellowship with him as we can do nothing without him so we can do all things who
    Christ who strengthens us and This strength he has promised the Lord hath avouched thee this day to be his peculiar people as he hath promised thee and that Thou shouldest keep thy commandments
    Deuteronomy 26. He tells us that he works all our works in us and for us
    The required works of grace in us and of duty for us the ends before were justification in life
    In other words before we were converted. We thought we're going to be saved by our works. It was legal
    We thought that that's how you earn your salvation We thought we're gonna be justified before God by keeping his law
    Now there for other ends We don't live that way any longer But rather to glorify God to dignify the gospel to declare our sincerity to express our thankfulness
    Before we obeyed but out of compulsion of conscience now we obey out of promptings of nature
    It's a part of our new nature. He's given us Which so far as it works works to God as naturally as stones move downward roll down a hill or sparks fly upward
    Thus then it is that we preach the law not in opposition to but in subordination to the gospel
    The law is under Christ, of course not under Moses as we shall show at length later
    He expounds on that later in his book and then to all believers Bolton wrote these words
    And lastly under this head, let me exhort you all to judge of the law, right? View the law of God rightly and then let it be your care to maintain it.
    Let not Moses take the place of Christ You don't go to the law directly. You got two tablets of stone in front of you
    You go to the law directly through Moses, but at the same time make a right use of Moses When works and obedience take their right place when the law is rightly used and it is holy just and good
    That's what Paul declared in Romans 7 as a Christian But if we use it as our life in other words in order to gain life
    Or to become righteous through our own works Then we trampled the blood of Christ underfoot and make his life and death in vain
    Let the servant follow the master let Moses follow Christ The law grace obedience faith and then all act their proper and design parts
    Remember what Zacharias said he was the father of John the Baptist you were redeemed that you might serve
    That you might live unto him that died for you Reason from mercy to duty not from mercy to Liberty in other words to live any old way you want to live
    Oh beware that the great things of Christ do not make you more careless Take heed not to abuse mercy
    It is a sad thing when Christians abuse the grace of Christ the justice of God prevails with others
    Oh, but God would have his tender mercies prevail with you I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice
    The reasonings of Saints or Christians are to be from engagements of mercy to engagements of duty
    Having such precious promises. Let us purge ourselves from all corruptions of the flesh and spirit quoting scripture none
    But venomous spirits will spider -like suck poison from such sweets or draw such inferences from mercy as may be
    Encouragements to sin. Hey, it's forgiven. I'm forgiven. It doesn't matter how I live. I'm under the blood of Christ.
    No, that's Wickedness, it would be a sad matter if believers should grow more slack and sluggish if that which should quicken them slackens their hands
    If a man should say in his heart Christ died, I need not pray so much Christ had done all therefore
    I need do nothing the doctrine we advance should strengthen and not weaken your engagement to duty should heighten not lessen your engagement
    To duty it should quicken and not deaden your hearts affections. It should inflame and not cool your spirits and That's what evangelical obedience looks like and Then third our ability to do good works unto
    God is due to his grace working in us, of course by means of the Holy Spirit It's impossible for a fallen man to order his life consistently according to the direction of Scripture apart from experiencing the new birth being born again and Being enabled thereafter by the
    Holy Spirit to live for God now we read of this in Romans 8 Paul is contrasting the non -christian with the
    Christian For the law the spirit of life in Christ Jesus is made me free from the law of sin and death
    For what the law could not do that is to make you a holy person in that it was weak through the flesh
    We couldn't do it because of our sin God did see what the law couldn't do God did
    By sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh on account of sin He condemned sin in the flesh for what purpose?
    Here's another purpose clause so that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us
    Who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit? See there clearly shows that the law of God continues to be the standard for Christian behavior
    But only through the Holy Spirit are we enabled to live accordingly not perfectly
    But it is our rule For those who live according to the flesh in other words according to sin set their minds on the things of the flesh
    But those who live according to the Spirit the things of the Spirit Here to live according to the
    Spirit is to live with the law of God as your rule For to be codily minded is death
    That's the non -christian fleshly minded but to be spiritually minded is life and peace
    Because why he explains why this is the case because the carnal mind this is the unregenerate the unconverted person
    He may be very religious, but he's unconverted the carnal mind is enmity against God For it is not subject to the law of God nor indeed can be it's impossible for an unconverted
    Person to live according to the law of God So then those who are in the flesh cannot please
    God and so Paul declared it was not possible for an unregenerate person an
    Unconverted person to be subject that is willingly obedient to the law of God He is averse to God that is the sinner ordering his life according to his to maybe
    God's moral law He doesn't want to he's that's contrary to his way of thinking and living
    He rebels under it. He has no interest desire or ability to keep the law of God The unconverted person cannot be subject to God's law, but the true
    Christian can be and will be God saved him through Jesus Christ in order that the righteous requirement of the law would be fulfilled in him and again to call upon our 1689
    Baptist Confession, which is not inspired, but we think it reflects biblical truth Christians ability to do good works is not at all of themselves
    You know as Christians we can't have in and of ourselves to do the good works But holy from the
    Spirit of Christ the Holy Spirit and that they may be enabled there to there unto they may be enabled to Do unto good works besides the graces.
    They've already received That is the desired love for God and and for his word There is necessary an actual influence of the same
    Holy Spirit To work in them to will to desire and to do of his good pleasure yet They're not hereupon to grow negligent.
    In other words, you're not totally passive contrary to so much teaching about Sanctification so -called
    Keswick view of sanctification. You're not to be passive, but you were to you were to be active as If they were not to perform any duty unless upon a special motion of the
    Spirit Well, I'm not gonna act or do it until I feel led by the Spirit No but they ought to be diligent and stirring up the grace of God that is in them and it's just about quotation from Scripture of Course we should understand that though the
    Word of God tells us that Christians are characterized by good works And he places a new and holy nature in us that aspires to knowledge and conformity to God's law
    So that we will manifest good works that does not mean that it is an easy task for us to accomplish
    It's not Again we would say it's still impossible He put love in your heart for him and as well, but he did not put the ability in you to do so You need the
    Holy Spirit to give you ability day by day and That's one of the early frustrations of a new
    Christian They think because they love God that they have the ability in and of themselves to do the will of God Only as we trust
    Christ without me you can do nothing. Jesus said we need the Holy Spirit And so Christians must realize acknowledge.
    They are powerless to do the will of God Unless apart from the continual bestowal of the power of the
    Holy Spirit and So to read further in Romans 8 we were there earlier
    We can read of Paul writing of the struggle of the Christian to live a holy life Even well, it's absolutely necessary that he does so this is where the fight comes
    He's writing to Christians, but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit In other words, you're not unsaved
    You're not unconverted But you're converted in the Spirit if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you Now if anyone who does not have the
    Spirit of Christ, he's not of his you're not a Christian and If Christ is in you the body is dead because of sin, but the
    Spirit is life because of righteousness You have no ability in and of yourself, but the Spirit Can enable you?
    But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his
    Spirit who dwells within you Therefore brethren, we are debtors not to the flesh to live according to the flesh
    We don't have the license to live in sin for he says in verse 13 if you live according to the flesh you will die
    You live like a sinner you're gonna die a sinner. You're gonna be damned like a sinner regardless of what you claim to believe But if by the
    Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, that's what Christians do By the
    Spirit, that's the only way we can you will live For as many as are led by the
    Spirit of God These are the sons of God and being led by the Spirit isn't some kind of subjective feeling
    I feel that the Spirit leading me here They're being led here in this context is being led and empowered to order your life according to the law of God the
    Word of God and So here we read it's absolutely essential that we live manifesting good works in our lives
    But in order to do this we must not live according to the flesh In other words in our own strength thinking that we have the ability the wisdom
    We must repent of our sinful actions But this is only made possible by the
    Spirit as we call upon Jesus Christ To enable us to live for him and not for our sin
    We ask him to empower us with the Holy Spirit every day to strengthen us to resist
    Temptation and to order our lives in obedience to the will of God that is his righteousness
    The Lord taught me this lesson the hardest thing I ever did in my life as a Christian was quit smoking
    About a year after I was converted Because I like smoking. I was a two -and -a -half carton man a week
    That 25 packs a week and I liked it But I knew
    I was like I had to quit or put my Christianity on the shelf I just felt that way and man
    I love God or I thought I did and I thought that would that wouldn't a I couldn't understand why I couldn't beat it and Then I finally realized
    I don't have the ability Lord unless you intervene, I'm a goner and That's when he you know when
    I came to that Nothing and cast myself wholly on him all of a sudden
    He took away that nicotine fit and it I was delivered. I was 10 o 'clock on a
    Sunday night and it lasted until 10 o 'clock the next morning at a smoking break during at work and Nicotine fit hit me.
    I thought I was gonna die But had I fallen back into my old pattern of thinking
    I love you God. I'm not gonna go there. I would have fallen But I learned my lesson and the
    Lord gave me sustaining power again, he took it away Temporarily and so I had to live that way depending upon him every day every hour and as the weeks passed
    You know that desire and addiction was broken and I'm delivered it from it for four years
    You know, I get a whiff of it and it was like the call of the wild We Don't have the ability in and of ourselves
    Although we may have the love desire to only God can enable us to defeat sin
    You don't have the power to do so We need the Holy Spirit and only when we call upon the
    Lord Jesus daily Jesus said without me you can do nothing and it takes a while for the
    Lord to You Know to teach us that To where we know that by experience not just in in our heads and so We must rely upon him not our own resolve because only true
    Christians can truly do good works before God it Exposes and convicts those who are without Christ who still live in their sin
    Thomas Manton wrote a sermon on On Ephesians 2 10 and so I read it it was about 40 pages long on this verse
    And he but I wanted to apply or read these words For the reproof of many professing
    Christians who are not more prepared for the Lord made ready for every good work Alas, some are to every good work reprobate quotation of Scripture Titus 116 unfit for any
    Christian practice and Others all their holiness standeth and being less vicious or or wicked than others you compare yourself with others
    I'm pretty good compared to them If they avoid greater crimes, though, they freely practice the less they are accounted good men.
    Well, he's a good Christian, man Some talk but do nothing like cypress trees tall and beautiful but unfruitful
    Or the carbuncle a far -off seeming all on fire, but the touch discovers it to be key cold
    Their zeal is more in their tongues and in their actions and others are very unready arguing for mediocrity
    Disputing every inch with God beating down the price of religion Christianity as low as they can and as little worship and charity may be and will do no more than need it and as well
    If they do that True goodness like honey droppeth on its own accord.
    It flows down naturally and As always desire us to do more for God Psalm 71.
    I will praise thee more and more at fourth the Holy Scriptures describe and define the good works of God's people to be fought of five different kinds and Again relying on Thomas Manton.
    He put these together What what are good works what and what categories are they well first there's acts of God's immediate worship both internal and external
    The internal acts are faith and love and trust. Those are good works delight and reverence
    External as to pray read here to be much in communion with God and all parts of worship
    Without works of piety. We're practical atheists God's people do certainly make conscience of these the internal acts are the life of their souls
    The external are their soulless their strength and their support Their songs in the house of their pilgrimage they're refreshing in the way that's one kind of good works
    Secondly, every man must labor in the work to which he's called in other words your secular work
    You're serving Christ in that secular job that you're doing as a Christian God is pleased to appoint and accept the duties of our calling as a good work to be
    Profitable to human society and your place is good. The new nature helps us to be
    Third works of righteousness and justice to hurt no one to give everyone is due to use fidelity faithfulness in our relations
    The credit of religion is much concern and just dealing of them that profess it in other words with other
    Christians God would have the world know that religion is a good friend to human society in short
    They do not make conscience of paying their debts and using justice equity honesty and all their dealings are robbers thieves and enemies to human society
    For as to relieve the poor to be good to all to help others by our counsel or admonition
    Now if you do not mind this kind of good works your unfaithful stewards and the good thing committed to your trust
    You must not deny God his own when he or any of us have need of it.
    I Always think of that we're so privileged so affluent in this land and we read about people who are scavenging just to get enough food to feed their families every day and that I sense a responsibility
    We're not better than they and God has given us the means and privileges. Surely we have a responsibility to a measure in Helping people and then fifth.
    I think there is another sort of good works which concern ourselves And that it personally that is sobriety watchfulness mortification put into death sin
    Self -denial a man owed duty to himself Take Titus 2 12 talking about the grace of God teaching us that denied on godliness and worldly lust
    We should live soberly these conduce to our safety Or they're conducive to our salvation is what he's saying and security sense assurance and So good words come in different forms
    For let's consider true believers good works are due to God's grace in the matter of particularly progressive sanctification
    I Knew we weren't going to get it through all of these pages But I felt it was important to at least that you have them before you we've gone through some of these things before But they're important In one of our earlier messages in this sermon series on the unconverted believer we stated that nominal
    Christianity is often the result of a truncated view of salvation promoted and believed by Evangelicals well -meaning well -intentioned evangelicals many believe that salvation is limited to the sinners
    Justification as important as that is justification before God through faith alone in Christ alone
    People are told how they may obtain God's forgiveness of their sins if they only believe in Jesus Christ as their
    Savior their personal Savior But these people are not taught that biblical salvation
    Encompasses more than simply being saved from the guilt of our sins before God.
    And so this is what we stated earlier Salvation is God's rescue of the believer from the guilt and penalty of sin.
    But in addition salvation entails much more And therefore the gospel must include much more
    To limit one's message and offer salvation as only God's forgiveness of sins is not to proclaim a complete gospel
    It's become a false gospel for it no longer produces or results and biblical salvation for those who embrace it
    Salvation is deliverance from sin in its entirety. Yes from its penalty of condemnation and damnation.
    That's justification But secondly from the alienation of sin That's a reconciliation and adoption thirdly from the power of sin that dominated our thinking and living.
    That's our Sanctification and then fourthly lastly from the very presence of sin when the
    Lord comes to receive his people unto himself This is what salvation is not just forgiveness of sins and if we're telling people you can have forgiveness of sins heaven your home you escape hell if you simply believe on Jesus as your personal
    Savior yet they go off living like the devil they're gonna die a sinner's death and We've propped up their delusions.
    We've told them they have peace peace when there is no peace We're praying we're playing the false prophet and I fear that many churches have many people
    That have that kind of view of salvation They're unconcerned about holy living.
    They don't seem to have a love for holiness a desire to Learn and obey the word and order life according to the word.
    They're doing just enough They think they can continue to claim to be Christian But they're living just like non -christians in the world
    It's scary to me Now it's this third aspect of salvation that shown forth in the life a true believer
    Characterized good by good works that we want to focus on. This is what progressive sanctification is
    So let's define what is sanctification according to the Bible The basic idea of sanctification of believers is that God has set them apart
    That's what sanctify means to set them apart That is God has separated them from the sinful practices of this fallen world in order to bring them into holy service of God You know that the temple was sanctified set apart the articles of furniture were set apart the
    Utensils used in the temple tabernacle were set apart. They were sanctified Christians are set apart sanctified
    Now it's important that when we talk about sanctification we're talking about two major categories and One is what's called definitive
    Sanctification and the other is progressive We want to focus on progressive, but we have to of course define definitive
    Definitive sanctification speaks of what God does for his people when he first converts them unto Christ by his grace
    He sets apart every one of his people unto himself in this sense definitive sanctification was a once -for -all definitive act
    God defined it God Did it and it's the same for every one of us as Christians God sanctified us set us apart when we became
    Christians First Corinthians 1 1 through 3 speaks of this definitive sanctification now sure this church of Corinth was a messed -up church
    It was filled with problems But look how Paul described them Paul called to be an apostle of Christ to the will of God Sosthenes our brother to the
    Church of God, which is at Corinth to those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus He's describing them all as in this
    Group that have been set apart by God sanctified Called to be saints.
    They're called holy ones. That's who God regards them as All true
    Christians are equally sanctified in this definite sense It speaks of God having caused believers to have entered a new relationship with him through his son
    Jesus Christ You were different God regards you as different from all others in the world you were his
    Among his own he set you apart from them You're favored Most of what
    Paul wrote about in Romans 6 speaks of this definitive sanctification Paul argues a true believer in Christ has not only died with respect to his former life and sin
    But he's been raised with Christ and newness of life. That's true of every one of us as Christians Paul set forth the spiritual truth that God has placed believers in a new relationship with him
    Having severed their former identity with their sinful life having translated them into new life in in Christ It's what
    God does for all true converts of Christ at the moment of their conversion Anthony hokum a solid reformed guy address this from Paul's epistles
    Both Ephesians and Colossians It's a common teaching. Not only does Paul teach that believers have died to sin
    He also affirms that they've been decisively and definitively raised with Christ using verb tenses
    That describe instantaneous or snapshot action Paul asserts that God made us alive with Christ Even when we were dead in transgressions and God raised us up with Christ Though we were by nature sit dead in sin
    God mercifully made us who are believers one with the risen Christ thus raising us up with him
    This raising is described here not as a long process, but as something that happened at a certain point in time
    The Colossians furthermore are not told they must progressively be raised with Christ They are told since then you have been raised with Christ heiress tents mean it happened
    Set your hearts on things above where Christ is seated at the right hand in these of in light of these texts
    We conclude that one sanctification means not only a decisive break with the enslaving power of sin, but also a decisive irreversible union with Christ in his resurrection
    Union by means of which the believers enabled is Enabled to live in newness of life and because of which he or she has now become a new creature as a result of our
    Definitive sanctification therefore we are in Christ must now count ourselves dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus I can't stress to you how important that is
    To see the importance of that as a Christian You are no longer to identify yourself as a guilty rotten sinner
    You're to identify yourself as having been died in Christ and raised with Christ and in Christ You know,
    I'm a Christian and I got a bad sin problem, but you know, I'm not a sinner
    That's not who I am in my identity. I'm in Christ and Every Christian needs to think and believe that Otherwise, you're gonna feel so alienated from God who am
    I this wretched God won't even hear me I can't even go around to the Christian because I'm such a wretched sinner if you're in Christ, you're you're in Christ And that's who you are
    You got a lot of growing to do but you're in Christ as every true Christian is
    That's definitive sanctification and it's true for everybody but when we talk about sanctification we more commonly think of progressive sanctification and Progressive mean is it's ongoing through life
    It's gradual and this is how the Westminster shorter catechism very biblical
    Makes the concise definition. What is question 35? What is sanctification answer?
    Sanctification is the work of God's free grace God does it whereby we're renewed in the whole man after the image of God and are
    Enabled more and more to die on the sin and live on the righteousness If you've been in Christ 20 years, hopefully you're more
    Christ -like today than you were 20 years ago and Hopefully 20 years from now if the Lord tarries will be more like Christ.
    It's progressive Progressive sanctification speaks of God making a person holy
    He declared us to be holy when we are converted now through the Holy Spirit. He's making us to be like we are
    He's making us to become more like we are in Reality, he's making us holy
    Progressive sanctification and we're just gonna shoot through these last few pages just to give you an overview and then we'll close
    Progressive sanctification is the work of the triune God the God the Father sanctifies us now that's positional
    That's definitive sanctification. He did that in eternity past when he elected you out of the fallen humanity
    He set you apart He sanctified you and and the scriptures teach of teach of that in first Peter 1 1 or pardon me first What is first Peter 1 we're sanctified by the
    Father that was in eternity but the Bible also says we were sanctified by Jesus Christ the
    Son and We were sanctified when he died on the cross on our behalf. He set us apart as it were
    He sanctified us and the scriptures teach of that as well And then the scriptures say we're also sanctified by the
    Holy Spirit. This is where it gets into progressive sanctification Where the Holy Spirit is applying you know the holiness of God to our lives and making us more like Christ and Then in the middle of page 9
    Sanctification is the work of God purifying or making us holy in our lives It began with our regeneration
    It's shown for top of page 10 and our desires and attitudes we're new people
    We've got we we came to have desire. We never had before We like think we love things.
    We once hated we now hate things. We once loved it were different There's a new attitude and outlook of the soul toward God and the things of God There's a there's in the soul a love for God.
    There's a desire for compliance to the will of God We become thankful people.
    I wish we had time to read what Thomas Watson wrote about we become praying people
    You know, Paul was on the road to Damascus breathing out threatenings to go get those Christians and you know a few minutes later
    He's a praying man You know, he was transformed prayed to the
    Lord Jesus People who are converted who are being progressively sanctified desire the glory of God Sanctification is seen in the desired and attitudes of the believer toward Jesus Christ.
    He's our Savior He's our Lord. We want to please him More than what we want to please ourselves that is subordinated we died to that we confess that in our baptism and for sanctification spirit is evidence in the desired and attitudes of the believer toward the things of the
    Holy Spirit and What we mean by that is not that we look to the Holy Spirit him and of himself
    But of Jesus Christ to whom the Holy Spirit directs us he testifies of Christ and Then fifthly the sanctification of the
    Spirit is evidence in attitudes opinion of the believer towards sin Sin is still attractive to us it tempts us
    It's desirable in some senses, but we're miserable when we yield to it
    Because sin never satisfies fully does it when you yield to sin?
    It always ups it a little bit. You need a little bit more sin the next time to give you the same buzz
    I've been around us in a while and sinners a while to sin doesn't stand still
    You know yielding to sin in no way brings an end to it it just aggravates it
    And it becomes more and more difficult. I Hope you take the time to read through these notes there.
    It's important good works. They are evidence of true Christianity They are a product of God's grace the same grace that forgives saves not only forgives from the pollution of sin, but from the power of sin and Thank God It's never perfect.
    It's never complete. It's progressive and It's never going to be complete this time this side of death
    Only when we leave this body we die or the Lord comes for us. Will we be perfectly and fully sanctified and Sin will no longer be present
    In our glorification may that day come Soon, let's pray Thank you father for your word and for the clarity of these things that you sent forth
    Help us to take them to heart We acknowledge our God that it was by your grace.
    You put these desires and delights within our souls Our God we acknowledge our our
    Inability and our failures and so many different ways Our God in so many ways we sin and fall short every day
    But we just pray our God you would continue to do this wonderful glorious work of sanctification
    Making us more and more like Jesus Christ as we look to you Help us our
    God to please you and the way we think the way we feel the things we value the things we do and we
    Lord did Attempt and desire to do so only as you enable us and so we go forth our fault our father
    We're in faith in your son Independence upon the power of the Holy Spirit to enable us for we pray these things father in Jesus name.