Louie Giglio Twists Ezekiel 37 at Passion 2013


Chris Rosebrough of Fighting for the Faith (http://www.fightingforthefaith.com) takes a discerning look at Louie Giglio's teaching during the final session of Passion 2013 to see if he is rightly handling and teaching God's Word and finds good reasons to be concerned.


All right, let's we don't have any update music for these passion 2013 conferences, but let let me
Mentally urge you open up your Bible Open up your Bible to the book of Ezekiel chapter 37 now,
I'm gonna give a little bit of Little bit of historical background here as we look at this chapter and there's something in particular.
I want you to note What is this passage about now, you've all heard that song, you know
We is it Sunday school song the right bones connect to the hip bone and they don't connect to the bone
You know and whatever you get what I'm saying? Oh, you're the word of the Lord, you know that one, you know
The bone song right? Yeah, we're all familiar with that. It's you know, it's it's a cute little song Okay, well it comes from this passage and we've all heard, you know
Ezekiel in the valley of the dry bones But the question is what is this text about? Okay, is it about you is it about me in some sense it may be about us
But in what sense is it about us becoming a global army for good to change the world?
You probably not but the question is in context historically. What is this text all about?
Okay. Now what I'm going to read to you is just a simple Introduction to the book of Ezekiel that comes from the standard
ESV text. Okay. This isn't even from a study Bible Okay, listen to what the book of Ezekiel is about Ezekiel a prophet and a priest was exiled to Babylon in the year 597
BC His ministry extended over at least 23 years
The book opens with his first dramatic vision of the likeness of the Lord himself
Ezekiel was keenly aware of God's presence and power in human affairs he addressed both the exiles and the people left in Judah with messages of warning and Judgment predicting the fall of Jerusalem after Jerusalem's fall in 586
BC Ezekiel prophesied hope and Reassurance for the people of Judah who had then lost the focus of God's covenant the temple in Jerusalem his vision of the
Valley of Dry Bones chapter 37 is a classic picture of God's ability to renew his people
Okay. Now this should tell you something here. Okay? What is chapter 37 about well?
Just we now know Ezekiel story, okay, he was a Levite he's a priest and he was called as a prophet of God.
Okay, and he himself was taken captive to Babylon, so he's a contemporary with Daniel Shadrach Meshach Abednego He's a contemporary with Queen Esther So I mean that that kind of puts him historically there now understand what what's going on Israel Judah Flat -out rebelled against God and got to tell you
Ezekiel is a tough Book to work through there are some sections of Ezekiel that are well the language
To put it bluntly is Well rated NC 17.
In fact, this is kind of an interesting thing The church father Jerome tells us that Ezekiel was a book that the rabbis of you know, ancient
Israel wouldn't allow somebody to study unless they were over the age of 30 Okay.
In other words, this is not a book for somebody who's in you know A junior high age and still thinks that flatulent jokes are funny.
Okay, you get what I'm saying? Okay, this this is a a very serious book and it uses extremely strong and offensive language to describe
Judah's Idolatry and it refers to it and references it and shows it as spiritual
I adultery spiritual prostitution and the language is graphic and unmistakable sobering and Absolutely frightening.
Okay. So in the book of Ezekiel we have these very strong judgments of God from God of rebel
Israel rebel Judah who was engaged in the worst egregious idolatrous sins and rebellion against God and God slaughtered
What 90 % of the inhabitants of Judah at the hand of Nebuchadnezzar Only a remnant survived and the worst part
For them think about this historically. Not only did they lose their sovereignty as a nation their glory as a nation
They were by the way, they prided themselves as you know, the people of God, right? They lost the temple the temple was destroyed during their exile there was no way for them to sacrifice the
Sacrifices commanded in the book of Moses in the Torah for the forgiveness of their sins this is a
Serious deal indeed. Okay, so in Ezekiel you have there's kind of three primary sections the first section really deals with these oracles of judgment against Israel section number two had these oracles of judgments against other nations and then section 3 which starts about chapter 33 and continues to chapter 48 are our prophecies regarding the restoration of the people of Israel Okay, and chapter 37 itself is about God promising using a graphic parable if you would a vision of the resurrection of dried bones this is referring to the people
God renewing and Resurrecting his people now in some senses you can make
Application to us because they're the full fulfillment of this prophecy so to speak
Does include those who are grafted into Israel like you and like me that being the case?
we need to read the passage in context and Understand what it's addressing.
It's not just some, you know random act of resurrection that God here is having
Ezekiel witness this is about Well, the the text itself will tell you what it's about.
Let me read it to you Ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 the hand of the Lord was upon me and he brought me out
In the spirit of the Lord and set me down in the middle of the valley. It was full of bones
And he led me around among them and behold there were very many on the surface of the valley and behold they were very
Dry by the way, this is symbolic of the nation of Israel that had been carried into Exile they're dead right?
He said to me son of man. Can these bones live and I answered Oh Lord God You know
Then he said to me Prophesy over these bones and say to them. Oh dry bones
Hear the word of the Lord Thus says the Lord God to these bones behold
I will cause breath to enter you and you shall live and I will lay sinews upon you and will cause flesh to come upon you and Cover you with skin and to put breath in you and you shall live and you shall know that I am the
Lord So I prophesied as I was commanded and as I prophesied there was a sound
And behold a rattling and the bones came together bone to its bone and I looked and behold there were
Sinews on them and flesh had come upon them and skin had covered them, but there was no breath in them
Then he said to me prophesy to the breath prophesy son of man and say to the breath thus says the
Lord the God the Lord God come from the four winds Oh Breath and breathe on these slain that they may live
So I prophesied as he commanded me and the breath came into them and they lived and stood on their feet an exceedingly great army
Then he said to me son of man These bones are the whole house of Israel Okay notice this
Ezekiel chapter 37 verse 11 tells you
The this let me give you an example of what this is like Okay, the
Gospels tell us that Jesus taught in many parables Okay, and what happened is is that you know, the disciples after Jesus began teaching in parables said
Could you teach us the meaning of a parable for instance in one of the Gospels Jesus teaches the parable of the sower, right?
There was a sower who went out to sow seed and as he was sowing some fell Along the path others fell into rocky soil
Some fell into thorny soil and still others fell into good soil, right? So Jesus tells this parable and Everybody is going
What? We don't get it. Okay, the disciples didn't get it So they privately came to Jesus and said can you explain to us the meaning of the parable of the sower?
So Jesus explains it to him. Okay, this is similar to that So here we have this
Very difficult to understand prophecy this vision of the valley of dry bones and You know, if we if we've ended at verse 10, we'd all be scratching our heads going
Okay, that was weird That was strange. What does it mean? Okay verse 11 the
Lord Himself Tells us what this means this is where he starts Here's what he says then he said to me son of man.
These bones are the whole house of Israel Behold, they say our bones are dried up and our hope is lost.
We are indeed cut off This is a prophecy given to the exiles in Babylon, right?
Therefore prophesy and say to them to the the house of Israel Thus says the
Lord God behold. I will open your graves and raise you from your graves. Oh my people
I will bring you into the land of Israel and you Shall know that I am the Lord when
I open your graves and raise you from your graves. Oh my people I will put my spirit within you and you shall live and I will place you in your own land
Then you shall know that I am the Lord I have spoken. I will do it declares the
Lord Okay, is God here to literally talking about their resurrection and him bringing, you know
Bringing them resurrected into the land of Israel. The answer is yes and no and what I mean by that is this the immediate fulfillment of this prophecy was not that the exiles were raised from the dead, but that the house of Israel was raised from the dead and brought out of exile into the land of Israel and was reestablished as a nation
Okay, that's the prophecy. That's the immediate fulfillment now It has some implication because there is some prophetic implication that then is looking forward eschatologically to the last day a kind of a picture and a hint at Christ's return in glory where the graves are open and everybody is brought back to life, right?
There is a sense in which you can then from this text then springboard to the last day
Okay, but it's this text is really a prophecy about God Resurrecting the dead
Nation of Israel that ceased to exist as a nation because they were now in exile
That's what this is about. Okay, if you make it about something else
If you make it about you Well, then you're missing the whole point of the text.
So with that as our Introduction to this next section. Here is
Louie Giglio from session 8 of passion 2013 talking about Exodus 37 and the thing that you will a note almost immediately is
He's not Teaching what this text is really about and that is more than problematic
Here we go. We started a few nights ago in Ezekiel 37 and the question was asked can these bones live
What's the right answer to that question Oh Sovereign Lord you alone know
But then God moves and when God moves then we know what God already knew and what we know today is that these bones can live and so He said
The Lord who is leading him Prophesied of these bones and say to them.
This is what we read dry bones here the word of the Lord This is what the sovereign
Lord says to these bones I will make breath enter you and you will come to life
I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin I will put breath in you and you will come to life then
Then you will know that I am the Lord so verse 7
I prophesied as I was commanded and as I was prophesying there was a noise a
Rattling sound and the bones came together bone to bone now you're talking about a freakout moment you're in this huge Valley at this is layered and scattered with dry bones and and now at the at the word of the
Lord as Ezekiel is prophesying and speaking out what God has said all of a sudden
There's this clacking noise happening not a little clacking noise but a huge clacking noise and a clicking noise as his bone is actually now running into bone and a skulls coming to a spine and feet you know toe bones are joining up with foot bones and the foot bones joining up to the ankle bone and the ankle bones joining
Up with the leg bones and they're coming from every direction and they're just all joining up just a vast vast number of Corpses of bones of skeletons now coming to life and as he was like, whoa
He hears this rattling noise. I love that. What a great noise the noise of bones coming together again and he said
I looked and Tendons covered Tendons appeared on them and skin covered them
But there was no breath in them So all of a sudden
Ezekiel standing in a valley full of remade bodies That have no breath and then he said to me
Prophesy to the breath to the Rua This word from the very first sentence of Scripture When it says in the beginning
God created the heavens and the earth and his spirit Was over the waters his
Rua Was over the waters in the very beginning of creation the breath of God was over the waters was over the the plan was over the unfolding of galaxies in nebula and and stars beyond our comprehension and it's kind of a sloppy handling of Genesis chapter 1 verse 2
Especially considering the fact that The Hebrew here talking about how the the spirit the the the
Elohim was Mara chefette was hovering fluttering in fact the verb
Rachef it means to flutter. It's it's a bird verb if you would so it says that the
Spirit of the Lord was fluttering over the waters that would probably be a far better way of putting it but He's taking liberties with the text even this text
We continue earth and sea and sky and everything that is
Over all of that was the Spirit of God same word the breath of God He said prophesy
To the breath prophesy son of man and say to the breath This is what the
Sovereign Lord says come from the four winds. Oh breath and breathe into these slain that they may live
So you can have all your bones in order and have tendons and have skin and look pretty normal and still be completely dead
You can have the appearance Okay, this is where it gets weird, okay notice let me back this up no sooner does he finish reading a portion from Ezekiel 37 that he immediately is
Decided to hijack this passage now. Let me read again Okay, Ezekiel 37 verse 11 the interpretation of the vision
Then he said to me son of man These bones are the whole house of Israel Behold, they say our bones are dried up.
Our hope hope is lost. We are indeed cut off Therefore prophesy and to say and say to them thus says the
Lord behold I will open your graves and raise you from your graves. Oh my people. I will bring you into the land of Israel That's the interpretation of this.
Okay, so no sooner does he read a portion of this text
That he he doesn't he never gets to verse 11, by the way Because if he were to get to verse 11, he would not be able to do what he's doing here listen again to him finishing reading it and then
Immediately hijacking this text come from the four winds. Oh breath and breathe into these slain that they may live
That's him finishing reading from the text here's the hijack So you can have all your bones in order and have tendons and have skin and look pretty normal and still be completely dead
You can have the appearance of everything being all put together and still be completely dead You can be sitting in a church or a campus ministry or passion 2013 and say look everything's kind of together and and God says yeah
Everything's kind of together, but there is no breath there. There's no breath in there It's it's does what is what he's saying making any sense in light of what this passage is about answer
Not at all So you can be all put together, but not have any breath in you. This is ridiculous
What is he doing to this text? It's that missing life and for some of us here, you know what
I'm talking about It's like I was here and I thought everything was going Okay, and my life was you know, it wasn't like I was falling apart
But but even though I had bones and tendons and skin I didn't have the breath
Not the Rua not the the spirit of God And so I prophesied verse 10 as he commanded me and Breath Entered into them
They came to life Man, I I would
I don't know if I wanted to be there for that or not. I mean, I think it's awesome But it's also kind of creepy and a whole lot scary when all these bodies start breathing and I start opening and you're the you're in the center of it all and they're like Who are you?
And then people start sitting up looking around a valley of people sitting up and looking around and I think this is a boy where his eagles like I'm glad that he took me by the hand and led me cuz here
I'm Guaranteeing you he's holding on to that hand right now And this was the outcome the very last part of verse 10 they came to life and that wasn't the end and Stood up on their feet
That's what God's leading us to They came to life What are you an exile?
From the the people of Judah in Babylon. What are you talking about? and They stood up on their feet
It's a glorious moment when parents watch a child Turn over for the first time
But typically the child doesn't look around and go. Do you see that? I just turned over. It's pretty special But when children start to crawl they know something's going on because they get chased and they like that And so they'll crawl a little ways and what they do they look back like yeah, you see that I'm crawling you coming
I'm crawling you coming you still coming because I'm still crawling and so that does this have anything to do with what?
Ezekiel 37 is about Not at all. Well, that's pretty cool people like she's crawling
He's crawling and then he's grabbing and then she's reaching and then they're pulling and finally
They're standing and you're getting sort of the play -by -play, but there comes a day when they figure it all out
It's like the tipping point of life really in mobility because you know, we we turned we crawled we we reached we grabbed
But then there was that moment where somehow They did it and they got up and and then it went back down and then they got up didn't went back down Then it went back down.
They got it went back down. But then there's that moment where they got up and they went Are y 'all seeing this?
I'm standing up. I Just went from being a baby to being a person
Cuz people stand up babies crawl, but people stand and I may be small still
But I'm standing now and you can see it on their faces. They know this is what
I was meant to do And in our journey with God God is always bringing us to the place where we stand up in Him on our feet in his power and that was the outcome of this valley scattered with bones
He said they came to life and then they stood on their feet and then here's how he describes them a vast
Army Bones are now an army
Death is now an army Destruction and defeat and decay is now an army all these bones now are living they're breathing
You don't become an army by deciding to get in an army You become an army when you get breath and you get life and you get raised up and you stand up But when you stand up in the economy of God, you never stand up in God's economy for yourself
As soon as you stand up in God's again, this is bizarre this is like somebody taking the parable of the sower and the seeds and Ignoring Jesus's interpretation of that parable and completely wholesale or whole cloth making up their own interpretation this parable this vision is
Interpreted for us by none other than Yahweh Himself Starting at verse 11.
I just read it twice is What he's saying have anything to do with what this text is about He's making these assertions from his interpretation of this vision while ignoring the fact that God Himself Who whom by the way, you cannot possibly get a more a higher authority?
There's nobody else to appeal to above the Lord Okay, God told us himself what this is about But he didn't read the
Lord's interpretation of the Lord's own vision He's inserting his he's hijacked this vision to make it about what he wants to make it about This is a classic
Tactic of false teachers and Bible twisters This is not the behavior of somebody who is a careful exegete of God's Word we continue
As economy you look around and go. Wow. I'm standing now by the power of God I must be now at the disposal of God to be the hands and feet of God in this world
So that when the world asks like Gary said the other day, where is God? We know they're really asking.
Where are the people of God? Where is the army of God?
So now he's made this passage by referencing Gary Higgins Session this passage is now about God making an army in the world
To end slavery a an army to change the world
This passage isn't about an army that God is raising to change the world or anything of the sort
I know they're angel armies on the hilltops But where is the army of God's people
The people with the rule of God in them now standing up To say we are the people of God Okay, Louie at this point is finished with his main point from Ezekiel 37 at this point.
He'll come back to it a little bit later. In fact, I'm gonna fast -forward about Well 30 minutes.
It's like 27 28 minutes Forward in the message to where he comes back
To try to pick up some of the points that he had made earlier in his session This is session 8 of the last day and references again
The Ezekiel 37 part about being raised from the dead and the Ruach and all that kind of stuff and he says something very
Interesting he says something he's at this point going to talk about our message as Christians and there is some crazy stuff that you're about to hear here
So here again is Louie Giglio And this is him talking about what our message to the world is as Christians listen in our message
Now that everything's changed It's simple. Let's don't confuse our message, please
I'll save the sermon But can I just say let's not really confuse the message the message is
I was dead and I am alive That's the message
Okay. Now I want to point something out here. Okay? the message that Christians are to preach the good news the good news is not that you or I Were dead and now we are alive
That's way off Okay, the Christian message. Let me in fact, let me quote to you the
Apostle Paul and What I'd like you to do is flip over with me to 1st
Corinthians chapter 15 1st Corinthians fat chapter 15. Let me read
Paul writes at verse 1 He says now I would remind you brothers of the gospel that I preached to you which you received in which you stand
So he's saying I'm gonna remind you of the gospel the good news that I preached to you.
This is the message the core central message of Christianity the message
I preached to you which you received in which you stand and By which you are being saved if you hold fast to the word that I preached to you unless of course you believed in vain for I delivered to you as of First importance what
I also received that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures and that he was buried and that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures
Okay, our message to the world is not that we were dead and are now alive
But that Christ was stone cold Clinically gone dead he was killed murdered on a
Roman cross had a spear thrust into his Side into his heart sag and out came blood and water.
He was dead and God raised him again on the third day.
Why was he hanging on the cross? Well his bloody sacrificial death on the cross Was for our sins
He was pierced for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities the chastisement or the punishment that brought us.
Peace was upon him and God raised him from the dead
The Christian message is not you or I are dead or we're dead and now we're alive
That is the result of the message that we are to proclaim our
Resurrection our regeneration first in this life and physical resurrection in the life to come are the result of the message the core message that Christ was crucified dead and buried and Raised again on the third day for our justification.
This is 180 degrees Backwards, I'm gonna back it up again. Listen again to what he's saying our message and this is to a crowd of over 60 thousand
Young people, you know 18 to 25 college age kids and he's telling them that our message is about us
No, the our message as Christians is about Christ listen again our message now that everything's changed
It's simple. Let's don't confuse our message, please. I'll save the sermon
But can I just say let's not really confuse the message The message is
I was dead and I am alive That's the message
You don't have to clap for that Again couldn't be more wrong You know, you don't have to clap for the rest of these for a while Our message isn't well, you know,
Jesus is superior to your God Our message is I don't know tell me all about your
God. I got time I'll sit down have a cup of coffee. Tell me that's actually part of our message Our God is alive and real.
He is the one who exists. All other gods are false gods. They don't even exist They can't hear you
Weird statement will kind of unpack a little bit more of this tomorrow. No about it. That's awesome So great.
Can I tell you now about my God? I was dead and now I am alive forevermore. I love Jesus Did you hear what he said?
Let me tell you about my God. I was dead and now I'm alive So does that mean that you are your own
God? Listen again Awesome. So great. Can I tell you now about my God? I was dead and now
I am alive forevermore. I love Jesus Well, yeah, but what about the whatever whatever whatever? Yeah, I know but I I was dead man, and I'm alive.
Look at me I'm alive. I'm not talking about just like alive alive. I'm talking about alive alive I was like bones and then tendons came on with the bones kid.
No you okay notice what he's doing here Somehow we're supposed to look at his life Transformation he was dead and now he's alive.
Who's he pointing to for evidence that Christianity is true Some subjective thing within himself
But what we're called to proclaim is not some subjective change in our quality of life
We're called to proclaim the objective change that Jesus went through from being a corpse to being alive for real alive and Okay, and notice the illusion back to Ezekiel 37
This is he's this the Ezekiel 37 part that we just covered Was kind of the setup for one of these points that he's now making later in the session
We back it up again, and I'm alive. Look at me. I'm alive. I'm not talking about just like alive alive I'm talking about alive alive
I was like bones and then tendons came on when the bones came together and muscles came on his skin wrapped around then I was a body but then
God went And I came to life and look at me. I'm standing up. Can you believe it? I'm standing up I mean you've seen me crawl and look what he's doing with this text
He's completely hijacked Ezekiel 37 and Now he's making this like the center message of Christianity and it's not
You've seen me reach you've seen me fall. You've seen me tumble. You saw me where I could barely turn over You've seen me where I looked lifeless like that little boy, but look at me.
I'm standing up. Come on I was dead and now I am alive forevermore. That's our message to the world
No, it's not our message says to the our message to the world is Christ the
Son of God God incarnate was crucified for our sins Died and was raised again bodily on the third day
That's our message repent therefore and believe the good news repent of your sin and your wickedness and be
Forgiven by the shed blood of Christ. That's our message This is not our message.
This is a counterfeit This is a false message, this is a false gospel with a completely man centered emphasis and center rather than the center being on Christ and like Paul said
I Taught you what's of first importance or as he says earlier in that same epistle chapter 2
I Chose to know nothing among you except for Christ and him crucified
Yeah, this is very dangerous stuff that Louie Giglio is doing here.
He's literally Changing the message of Christianity from being about Christ to being about you
That's our message before our messages. You are dead and you need to be alive our message is
I was dead and look at me I'm alive because when our message is I was dead and I'm alive people go.
How do you get alive? I'm looking at you alive. I know you you are alive.
How did you get alive? Jesus gave me life and breath How do you get Jesus and what is that all about?
If you we spend our whole life Celebrate you people are dead and you need people need to be alive You're dead and you need to be alive.
We're praying for all of y 'all and we're not coming out like to tell you anything We're just gonna huddle up and pray for you because we know you're dead and you need life
That is not the message to the world. You're dead and you need life God's already said that to the world. The message of the world is
I was dead and now I am Alive, and I know life. I know his name.
I know he is he's inside of me right now So you just check that out and if it interests you or peaks your attention in any way
You just keep asking and you keep looking and you keep watching And if they do that, they keep watching they're gonna see that you're a flat -out sinner
Just like all the rest of us No, you are not the gospel the gospel is what
Christ did He is the gospel This like I said is one hundred and eighty degrees backwards and it's wrong
Not I used to go to church and I've just started going back to church Fantastic I'm as a pastor.
I couldn't be more happy about that, but that ain't gonna work in your classroom
Well, I used to you know smoke like four packs of cigarettes a day and now I'm down to you know, just One or two and our message is that Jesus was dead and rose again on the third day
It's not about you it's about what Christ has done for you.
I Think I'm getting better. Oh Right on man, that's great But if people see in here in us
I was dead a corpse Yeah, I had bones yeah,
I had muscles yes, I had skin yes, I had hair yes, I had all of this Allegorical or metaphorical bones and skin and death and all that kind of stuff eyes.
Yes. I had eyeballs and an elbows But I was dead and look at me
What does the word alive meet in that sentence Our identity
Judah said is that we were not and now we are Check it out later first Peter two.
We were not a people and now we are the people of God. That's our identity
So we're the message. We're not looking for any more identity than that. Thank you very much. Oh But I'm a member of such -and -such and such -and -such.
Oh But I hang out with so -and -so and so -and -so big fat deal Everything's already changed people and our identity is we were not and now we are
We had not received mercy and now we have received mercy. We weren't a people and now we're not just a people
We are the people of God. Thank you very much. So we wake up in the morning and go. Hello.
Everything's changed I have a new identity. I was not but now I am our witness to the world
Are our wounds that are being healed by Jesus Okay, notice again first thing he did was he's hijacked the central message of Christianity central message of Christianity is
Christ named crucified for our sins raised again from the grave for our justification Now watch what he does here.
He's gonna talk about our wounds as if somehow they're The thing that people should be looking to our healed wounds as the proof of Christianity Listen to this.
I mean again, we're taking all of the focus off of Christ and have put it squarely on ourselves
We've hijacked the message of Christianity and rather than it being what Christ has done.
Well We're the miracle not Jesus Even when
Jesus came to his disciples after his resurrection There were scars in his wrists and scars and his feet so much
This is the setup because he's not actually teaching about Jesus. Okay? He's gonna allegorize
Jesus's wounds and basically talk about how we need to point people to ours Watch this so that one of his followers said
I need to poke my holes in the scars Jesus didn't come back and say hey God father when
I'm raised from the dead Can you fix the scars cuz that's gonna be embarrassing to walk around when I come back for a little while Resurrected on earth with these big scars on me.
I don't want people to see the scars So I'm either gonna do wristbands or you know large, you know Some kind of wrap bracelet that probably look good in Jesus day or but wear socks or something with my sandals
You know like some of the kids used to you know, and I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna kind of cover up all this up No, he came right in and when they said hey, we want to see the scars.
He went. Oh there they are You don't see him there they are right there the resurrected Son of God right now has the scars on his body
Uh -huh. Now watch what he does and there are the scars of healed wounds and They're the testimony of the power of God.
So don't so Jesus's healed wounds of the testimony of the power of God Now he's gonna make this about us.
Listen again, and they're the testimony of the power of God So don't try to hide your scars because our scars are our story
That's how we witness to the world We say I don't mind you seeing my scars because I had wounds in my life, but God has healed the wounds
Look at me. I'm standing up so apparently that whole section from the gospel of John chapter 20 where Thomas says he's not gonna believe that Jesus has bodily raised from the grave until he puts his hand their fingers in the wounds
That's Jesus giving us an example now that we need to follow. So don't hide your scars because your scars are the story
No, they're not Jesus is the story This is a man -centered
Message and a man -centered quote gospel. I'm putting that in air quotes because this is no gospel at all
Rather than the biblical gospel that we're called to proclaim which is not man -centered. It's centered on Christ And what he has done
Notice Jesus here. He's just an example for you to follow Him pointing, you know to people to his scars.
Well, you got to do the same thing now. This is ludicrous Let me back it up again. Listen again. That's how we witness to the world
We say I don't mind you seeing my scars because I had wounds in my life, but God has healed the wounds
Look at me. I'm standing up I'm standing up Wow, all
I can say is wow This is so bad I mean it makes me want to ask the question has
Louie Giglio been to the Stephen Furtick School of Narcissistic Eisegesis where you learn how to hijack any
Bible story even the ones about Jesus and make them about yourself because that's what he's doing here and by doing that he has utterly and Completely without any biblical warrant or any passages that say so changed the central message of Christianity from Christ and him crucified and Raised again from the grave on the third day to well you were once dead and well now look at you.
You're alive and See, that's our message to the world No, it isn't
If that's the message that you're telling people that Christianity is all about you're not telling them
The true gospel or the true message and you are in danger of the curse that is declared on all
Who teach a different gospel that's declared for us and revealed in Galatians chapter 1 where Paul writes?
Even if we or an angel from heaven should come to you preaching a different gospel than the one you received
Let him be anathema Cursed damned and then he says it again as I've said before.
Let me say it again If anyone comes to you preaching a different gospel Let him be anathema
Louie Giglio Giglio needs to repent this Flat out is a different altogether
Different gospel than the one that we've been given to preach completely different gospel completely different message
Sounds like the good news But it's not and it's based upon hijacking biblical texts ignoring what they're really about and then pouring into them meaning that isn't even there and Louie Giglio did this in spades the last session session 8 at passion 2013
All right We are up on our second break If you'd like to email me regarding anything you've heard on this edition or any previous editions of fighting for the faith
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