The Unseen War Part II 1 Peter 5:8-11



Last week We looked at part one of our sermon in 1st
Peter chapter 5 verses 8 through 11 where Peter describes
The unseen war that is happening all around us It is a war where?
Satan wants to defeat God and he wants to keep as many people as he can from following the
Lord Instead he desires that people all over the world follow and worship him as He desires to oppose
God he desires to thwart the effort of believers to advance the Lord's work Satan's end goal is that he wants to reign over this earth
Which reign only belongs of course to the Lord Jesus Christ in?
This text we have seen that he is described as a roaring lion seeking someone to devour
We need to understand this about him we need to understand that he has various tactics that he employs
What we learned one week ago is that as he employs these various tactics the people of God are to resist him standing firm in the faith
Now this leads us to part two and we will begin by reading the text once again first Peter 5
Verses 8 through 11, so I encourage you to turn there with me at this time if you haven't already be sober minded be watchful your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour
Resist him firm in your faith knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world and After you have suffered a little while the
God of all grace who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ will himself restore confirm
Strengthen and establish you to him be the dominion forever and ever
Amen our big idea that we've seen there's a last
Sunday, and then we're gonna see today is to understand the reality of the constant spiritual battle with Satan This is something we live in every day whether we realize it or not is this constant spiritual battle with Satan and Here is the fourth way how we're gonna see you wait four or five and six
This morning the fourth way, how is this? Keeping in mind that other believers are facing the same battles
Okay, we'll see this in the second half of verse 9 As you think about all that Satan does to cause problems.
We need to understand that this is not unique to only a few
Christians Let's see what Peter writes in the second half of verse 90 he writes this once again knowing that The same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world
When Peter writes brotherhood This is general terminology
Communicating Christians, this is all brothers and sisters in Christ all over the world
What Peter is saying is that believers all over the world are experiencing attacks from the devil?
What he specifically writes in verse 9 is that believers all over the world are experiencing the same kinds of suffering
Last week. We looked at the different ways that Satan attacks believers. He attempts believers to sin he brings discouragement and he persecutes
Christians with the goal of Hindering the work that God is doing through his people
Every believer all over planet Earth faces these kinds of attacks
Think about where his persecution is taking place right now in the world in Nigeria the
Muslims their desire to kill Christians if they do not convert to Islam In fact one of the directors of the documentary that many in this church have seen enemies within the church
Judd Judd Saul Started a ministry called equipping the persecuted the purpose of this ministry is to help the saints in Nigeria Whose lives are on the line because of their faith in Jesus There are other places in the world where it is a death sentence to be a
Christian This is so in places like North Korea, Iran and Somalia In North Korea, it's because of a dictator like King Jum on in Iran and Somalia.
It's because of Sharia law which says that if you don't submit yourselves to the
Islamic law It's a death sentence as we think about this.
It makes our persecution in this country seem minor that is true, but there is a spectrum of persecution and we do experience persecution in America in Matthew 5 verses 11 and 12
Jesus said blessed are you When others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account
Rejoice and be glad for your reward is great in heaven For so they persecuted the prophets who were before you
This is the experience of believers in this world Opposition we've already seen this in first Peter.
We are called all kinds of names The elites of our society found in the media
Academia and Hollywood believe that biblical Christians are the greatest problem in American Society and as I have as I've explained before even in broader evangelicalism those who are more biblical are seen as too rigid and unloving
In fact that was seen in the last couple weeks With the Alistair Begg situation some of you have heard of Alistair Begg.
He's a he's a well -known preacher sermons go all over the radio all over the country and He was asked the question
By a grandmother should I go to my granddaughter's gay wedding and his response was quite startling
He said as long as she knows that you're against it. You can go to the wedding and give her a gift Okay, I mean think about that statement
What is a wedding a wedding is a place where? there's a marriage between a man and a woman and everybody who goes to that wedding is
Throwing their support behind the couple being married you are eyewitnesses
God is an eyewitness you are an eyewitness and by giving by the way But by what gave you the gift you are saying we support you and because what are gifts for weddings?
They're starting out their life together. They're gonna live together So can a Christian go to a gay wedding
No, I mean biblically speaking you cannot so Alistair Begg sadly was confronted on this
Did not repent in fact doubled down and guess what? He called the people who went after him Yeah Pharisees fundamentalists
That's what you're called. Even in broader evangelicalism. You're called too rigid. You're called Pharisaic.
You're called fundamentalist That's that's the experience of being a biblical Christian in this world
What this means is that the closer you follow Jesus the greater persecution you will receive
But this is what it means to be a Christian Jesus said it would be this way not only in the passes.
I just read in Matthew 5 But he said it would be this way all over the place in the
Gospels One of those places is Luke 9 Verses 23 and 24 where he said if anyone would come after me let him deny
Himself and take up his cross daily and follow me for whoever would save his life will lose it
But whoever loses his life for my sake will save it The uphill battle for Christians that they face in this life that you face in this life is described
In a well -known hymn that we sang this morning Am I a soldier of the cross?
I Love these powerful words Must I be carried to the skies and flowery beds of ease?
While others fought to win the prize and sailed through bloody seas Are there no foes for me to face?
Must I not stem the flood is this my world a friend to grace to help me on to God?
Since I must fight if I must reign Increase my courage Lord.
I'll bear the toil endure the pain supported by that word That's the
Christian life this is what it means to be a Christian in this world
When you follow Jesus closely you get the attention of God's greatest enemy
Satan I've given some examples of persecution around the world and as I already mentioned he tempts to sin and he discourages believers
Once you start doing the Lord's work Which means sharing the gospel?
Living out your faith courageously following him Satan takes notice and he attacks
He's a roaring lion seeking someone to devour
Jesus said it would be this way every Christian carries a cross and if we're not following him closely, it's like you put the cross down But we're never supposed to put the crosses down he gives us these crosses that we are to bear
Every Christian faces opposition from the world and from the one who temporarily runs the world
Satan First round 519 as I read earlier The whole world lies in the power of the evil one
What Peter is telling us in verse 9 is that what you experience is not unique?
As he once again writes that all Christians all around the world are undergoing the same kinds of suffering
The Apostle Paul says something similar in Ephesians 6 18 where he writes Pray at all times in the spirit with all prayer and supplication to that end to keep alert with all perseverance making supplication for all the
Saints What Paul is telling us is that we need to be aware of the devil's activity As we pray for different people we need to pray for the devil's work to be thwarted because we know his schemes
When people come to our minds This is one of the ways we should be praying We need to pray that whatever plans
Satan has to cause problems. We need to pray that those plans would be stopped
We need to always understand that he uses the same old tricks of temptation
Persecution and discouragement The reason he uses these is because for thousands of years these methods of causing havoc have worked
But we need to pray that he doesn't succeed so understand
The reality of the constant spiritual battle with Satan and the fourth way how is through keeping in mind
That other believers are facing the same battles The fifth way how you are to understand the reality of the constant spiritual battle with Satan is
Through knowing that the suffering you endure makes you stronger We'll see this in verse 10 now we get to the portion where Peter explains there is a purpose behind the different sufferings that you experience from the evil one in Verse 10
Peter writes and after you have suffered a little while the God of all grace who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ will himself restore confirm strengthen and Establish you you'll notice that what
Peter writes is that the trials that Satan sends your way Take place for a little while This may sound familiar
Earlier in this letter in first Peter 6 first Peter 1 verses 6 and 7 Peter wrote in this you rejoice though now for a little while if necessary You have been grieved by various trials
So that the tested genuineness of your faith more precious than gold that perishes though It is tested by fire may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ What Peter is saying is that the
Christians in Asia Minor the Christians to whom he is writing Have been grieved by various trials
And all of this happened to refine their faith just as gold is refined by fire
When gold is discovered It doesn't look all pretty Some women here have gold on their fingers
It doesn't look that nice when it's found For gold to be purified it has to go through a refining process
It goes through heat to remove the corruption to give it a pure shiny.
Look in A similar way the Lord allows trials in a believer's life in order to purify you to rid the corruption of sin and Replace it with holiness
We need to understand this about ourselves we come into this world as sinners in need of a
Savior and When we believe in Christ the Holy Spirit is given to us, but we still have indwelling sin
The Lord's plan for us in this life is to put to death the sin through the power of the
Holy Spirit Romans 8 13 says but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body you will live
One of the ways the Lord Rids the sin in our hearts is allowing trials in our lives
These trials Peter once again describes in 1 6 as various trials
He's describing one of these trials in our text you think about the
Christian life all the different trials we face physical trials mental trials relational trials
Persecution this is all the experience of a Christian and God has a design for all of them
But what he's focusing on here is the trial of attacks from the devil as Paul describes in Ephesians 6 16
These are the flaming darts of the evil one. We don't see what he's doing
But we feel the effects of what he's doing. It's important for us to understand that the
Lord does allow these trials in our lives We have to conclude this from a logical standpoint and a biblical one
Logically God is all -powerful He is fully sovereign over the universe Satan is not if God wants to stop
Satan at any time he can But sometimes he chooses not to and this leads us to the biblical reason
We must conclude that the Lord allows the devil to do certain things the
Bible tells us that the Lord allows Satan to cause problems to serve his greater purposes in history and in our individual lives
Look at the story of Job in the Old Testament Satan goes to God and tells
God that the only reason Job is following you The only reason Job is so devoted to you is because of what you've given him
He's got all this stuff. He's got this large family. He's got a wonderful wife He's got a great life.
And the only reason he follows you is because of your gifts. So what the
Lord does Is he tells Satan you can take all of it from him?
Just spare his life Well, Job did struggle mightily at times to trust
God as he suffered greatly his true faith did remain and in the end, there's no question that Job grew through the enormous trials because that is what the
Lord accomplishes as one endures so the story of Job tells us that God uses
Satan for his good purposes and that is precisely what our text is telling us as well as Peter once again writes in verse 10 after you have suffered a little while the
God of all grace Who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ? will himself restore
Confirm strengthen and establish you we have four terms here restore
Confirm strengthen and establish These four words describe the after -effect of the devil's attacks and they're all positive
They're all good things that happen to us through these trials to get attacked by Satan Will make you feel wounded
Your life will become difficult as he attacks But scripture promises that you will be restored as he attacks
So being restored is the first positive result that occurs as Satan attacks you to come out restored means that Satan's efforts to take you down failed and your relationship with the
Lord holds true as He goes after your faith and attempts to hinder the Lord's work that you are carrying out.
You will be confirmed Being confirmed as the second positive result that happens as Satan attacks you
For the Lord to confirm you this means that your faith will stand his testing You belong to the
Lord and the Lord is working in this trial and the devil can't change that The third positive term that Peter uses to describe the after -effect of Satan's attacks is that believers are strengthened.
I Strengthens his people and this includes attacks from Satan you come out better than you were before Think about that When the devil goes after God's people his plan is to destroy as verse 8 says he roams around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour
But if we heed the Lord's counsel as to how to stand against them Satan's efforts fail and in fact
They backfire Earlier, I explained that what often happens is that when
Satan persecutes Christians the Lord's work not only survives But also advances even more
This happened to the Apostle Paul and his efforts during his ministry This is what
Paul wrote in Philippians 1 verses 12 through 14 I want you to know brothers that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel so that it has become known throughout the whole
Imperial Guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ and Most of the brothers having become confident in the
Lord by my imprisonment are much more bold to speak the word without fear
Think about that. They put him in prison Thinking this is gonna stop this, you know, Paul's gonna want to quit
Nobody else is gonna want to keep going the opposite happened Paul was even strengthened even more and Then the church was strengthened even more as well, but Satan wanted to stop the spread of the gospel
Satan's efforts failed As he tries to push us around in our lives through opposition from the world the
Lord uses that to build courage in us Just like we sang in the song am
I a soldier of the of the cross would you produce courage in me? So instead of persecution stopping our work for the
Lord We keep going and this becomes contagious where others are inspired as well
Think about that We more boldly follow him as we no longer fear persecution and others find courage.
They didn't have before as They see others standing for the Lord The devil also loves to tempt believers to sin but this backfires as well as The devil tempts believers over time.
They no longer succumb to those temptations They become stronger by building a strong resistance and believers develop godly character
This is God's design for a believer That one grows in holiness over time as one resists in temptations to sin
What takes the place of sin is the pursuit of godly living? to think talk and act like Jesus The third area we have focused on is that Satan also loves to discourage believers.
But what happens is that when believers resist him? What takes place is that believers aren't discouraged but rather they're encouraged
But in order for the Lord's good design to take place in the believer they must do their part and that part is described in the beginning of verse 9 as We saw one week ago
Believers are to resist him firm in your faith Here's what's interesting, too.
Okay. Let me just say something here I think
Satan is more active during preaching than any other time right now The parable of the sower tells us that he tries to snatch the seed away
Sometimes someone might leave a service and they're like, I don't remember one word that guy said Well Satan accomplished his purpose, right?
So we have to understand his designs. He is here to distract He's here to thwart
God's work. Okay, so let me I just feel like I needed to say that right now But we need to resist him firm in your faith, so before we listen to a sermon we need to pray
Lord Help me not to be distracted By what your word is saying
Help me to be focused on what your word is saying and may this word plant deep into my heart and help me to be
Transformed by it. That's what we need to be praying Before we sit under the preaching of the word not just sit under the preaching the word
But also when you read the Bible now, he loves to distract When we pray he loves to distract as well
Leonard Ravenhill, he's a famous preacher old preacher. He used to say when you pray The phone's gonna go up.
It's gonna be ringing There's gonna be all sorts of distractions Because Satan doesn't want you to do what you're supposed to be doing.
That's gonna further God's work Okay, so we need to understand that Okay, so the
God of all grace As we hear his word as we fend off Satan's attacks and the different ways he attacks he restores confirms strengthens and establishes you
Satan wants You to lose your faith and he wants to make you ineffective in your faith
But as we resist him and stand firm look at what the Lord accomplishes as he allows
Satan to try and cause problems There's an old saying What doesn't kill you makes you what?
stronger There's truth to this John 15 twos Jesus said every branch that does bear fruit.
He prunes that it may bear more fruit Derek Jorgensen knows what this is all about is it as a tree trimmer, right?
To prune is to cut and he's and the reason that Derek trims these trees is because he wants more fruit to grow
He wants the branches to grow So he has to do that maintenance on these trees it is painful
But think of the fruit think of the growth that comes when when that cutting takes place and God does that in life see the cutting the pain that he sends us through all of this happens under God's sovereignty for the good of his people as Romans 828 says and we know that for those who love
God all things were together for good It is remarkable that the Lord even uses his greatest enemy
Satan His destructive efforts against you for your good
Understanding Satan's efforts and the Lord's positive plan for you through his attacks should fill all of us with great.
Hope Peter reminds you and I of your of our place as a
Follower of Christ in the middle of verse 10 when he writes that God has called you to his eternal glory in Christ It is
God's design That Satan will not ultimately win in our lives and may we not let him have those small victories or big big victories
So understand the reality of the constant spiritual battle with Satan and the fifth way How is through knowing that the suffering you endure makes you stronger?
Okay, and here's the sixth and final Way how you are to understand this spiritual? Battle and that's the rejoicing that God gets all the glory in the victory verse 11
And this point is very short To him be the dominion forever and ever.
Amen In the previous point, I explained that the Lord uses our trials for our good, but what
Satan means for evil The Lord means for good remember what
Joseph told his brothers the evil they did against him in Genesis 50 verse 20
Joseph told him what you meant for evil God meant for good and this is what happens the
Lord Gets the glory to him be the dominion forever and ever now, what does dominion mean?
It means power It means power it means strength
What Peter is doing in verse 11 is worshiping the Lord for his hand and his sovereign governance over history and This includes your personal life
The Lord has power he has authority he has dominion over your life
Earlier in this passage in verses 6 and 7 We looked at the reality that because the Lord is sovereign over your life and has great interest in the details of your life
You have no need to worry We praise the one who has dominion
The one who has full power over all of human history and over the details of our personal lives
And we think about the things you're facing. I think about that was thinking about that this morning I was praying about this this morning
Everyone in this room is coming in with a trial I I personally know some of those trials because you shared those with me, but some of you are facing trials
I don't even know about but the Lord knows what you're going through and And some of these trials aren't attacks from the devil it's just living in a fallen world and God just has you in in this place for his good purposes and In life is hard and and we have to recognize that But we have a loving and wise
God who takes care of us through it all It's amazing how the
Lord uses Satan though in our lives and how he is glorified through Letting him
Try to cause problems, but really when we do what we're supposed to do it backfires
And this is what I want to leave with this morning as we conclude kind of this two Sundays on spiritual warfare
We have victory over Satan in Christ. Yes But we attain victory in the battles of life as We do what
God tells us to do and what does God told us to do in verse 9? Resist him firm in your faith
Resist him and we talked about this one week ago. We throw the Bible back at him. He lies
That's what Satan does for a living. He's a liar. He's a slander He accuses us before God.
He accuses us before each other. This is the conflict he causes. He's a liar and what we do is we
Communicate back to him the truth of God's Word the standing we have in Christ and when he does that he flees
He can't do anything to us and so when this happens as As the
Lord lets the devil do these things in our lives and we do what the Lord tells us to do to fight back
Think of what great things are accomplished through that think of how much stronger we get through that.
I Mentioned Paul his efforts how it the gospel is advanced wherever he went even though Satan tried to squash it out at every turn
It's amazing you feel invincible When when you pursue the
Lord? Fending off the attacks of the devil realizing that he can't really do anything
And then you see the great work of God that is done through you. That's the kind of life we want to live
We don't want to live a safe life Where we're just trying to get through You know am
I a soldier of the crosses flowery beds of ease right this Lord. Just don't make it painful
Let's just let's just go through life Let's coasting through it. That's not the kind of life the
Lord has called us to live We're supposed to follow him closely which means you will be attacked by the devil which means that we stand when he attacks
Okay, that's what I want to get across so clearly here so as we conclude here understand the reality of the constant spiritual battle with Satan and In this to Sunday sermon we've seen six ways how?
Through having your mind in a place of vigilance through realizing that the devil seeks to destroy
Through resisting his various tactics through keeping in mind that other believers are facing the same battles through knowing that the suffering you endure makes you stronger and Lastly as we have just seen through rejoicing that God gets all the glory in the victory
We need to understand we're at war and We're involved in the greatest war in the history of the world.
I Have a picture on my desk of my great -grandfather and my grandfather
My great -grandfather served in World War one My my grandfather served in World War two
The two largest wars in the history of the world my family members served in But even it's kind of neat to think about that, but but as I think about that Those aren't the greatest wars ever fought the greatest war ever fought is the one we are in every single day with the works of darkness
That disguise itself through different ways right through persecution through distraction through discouragement through temptation
And we need to fight every single day Knowing that he is there attacking and as we fight and as we gain the victory
The Lord is glorified through that and we experience the great benefit now next
Sunday we are going to look at the last portion of first Peter where he
Gives his final exhortation and this will be our last sermon on Peter's first letter before we begin his second letter
So I look look forward to looking at that with you next Sunday, but this time let's bow our heads in prayer father in heaven, what a wonderful God you are and Lord I think about the parable of the sower
May what was preached today plant deep into the hearts of everyone here including myself
Help us to live out the word that you have taught us and Apply this to everyone right where they are at in Jesus name.