The Age of the Earth and the Bible (Classroom Series)
Does it matter what the Bible says about the age of the earth?
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- 00:00
- I was just saying that it really doesn't matter what you believe from the Bible about the age of the earth. Actually, I think it does, because it's talking about God's character and about whether we can even trust the
- 00:11
- Bible for its word. See, what it says is that God created a perfect world where he told animals and people to only eat plants.
- 00:19
- And then he told Adam and Eve that if they eat from the forbidden tree, then death would enter the world. They ate, and so death enters the world through pain, bloodshed, suffering.
- 00:27
- Right? So that puts it on us, not on God. But if you add millions of years, well, then that means that God's very good creation was built upon death, pain, and suffering.
- 00:38
- Ultimately, many Christians believe that Jesus turned water into wine and that he raised Lazarus up from the dead, but they don't believe
- 00:44
- God's word whenever he says that he created the world how he did. If you ask me, I would say that if you want a strong faith with deep roots, then you should trust