F4F | Do Critics of Rodney Howard-Browne Spend Eternity in Hell?


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. If anyone's ever told you that because you're critical of the manifestations of the
Holy Spirit, you know, like rolling on the ground uncontrollably, being slain in the spirit, barking like dogs, or behaving like you're drunk, that because you're critical of those things and have spoken out against them, that you are guilty or have become dangerously close to becoming guilty of blaspheming the
Holy Spirit, you know, the unforgivable sin, then go ahead and click the subscribe button below.
You've been deceived. In fact, we're going to be talking about that today. We're going to be heading over to the
YouTube channel of Sheila Zielinski. Let me go ahead and get my screen up here. And Sheila Zielinski yesterday interviewed
Rodney Howard Brown, and on the program asked him about those who are critical of the so -called
Laughing Revival and all that kind of stuff, and literally Rodney Howard Brown said on Sheila Zielinski's program that the people who are critical of the
Laughing Revival and that nonsense that he's been doing since the 90s, that they have crossed the line, they've blasphemed the
Holy Spirit, which means, there's only one thing. They're not forgiven and they're going to hell. Literally that's what he taught.
So let's check in with Sheila Zielinski and Rodney Howard Brown as they explain to us how those who are critical of these manifestations, that they are going to go to hell.
Here we go. Nobody gets hammered more, in fact, when you were, you know, the last couple times you're on this show.
Oh, I can't believe you had, you know, Mr. Laughing, Holy Ghost, Drunken, Mr. Kundalini, on and on it went.
I was just relegated to the depths of the damned. How do you deal with some of these complete jackals?
First of all, let me say this. I didn't even know what that meant. You know, you mentioned Kundalini.
I had no clue what that was. So when I actually had to do some research to see what they were accusing, it's actually to do with Hinduism, and it's actually involving sexual perversion.
And so then I realized that the people who knew what it was must actually have been involved in it. Everybody that accuses me of that...
Notice the deflection. So there are people, I've seen the people, many of them are listeners to my audience, you know, into fighting for the faith, you know, who've noted the stark similarities between Kundalini and these weird, overpowering, convulsing so -called manifestations of the
Holy Spirit, and they've likened it to the demonic stuff going on in Hinduism.
And here you got Rodney Howard basically deflecting and saying, oh, well, yeah, the problem with them is that they're sexually perverted.
Okay. And I know what they've been involved in, because I have no clue. I was raised in church.
I gave my life to the Lord at the age of five. Oh yeah, he's as clean as the wind -driven snow, you know, he's never sinned since he was five.
I was in the Holy Spirit when I was eight years of age, so I don't know anything of what they're talking about. Let me tell you what that is.
That's a full -blown attack on the Holy Spirit, and I'm telling you right now, they're blaspheming the
Holy Ghost. Jesus said... And by the way, blaspheming the Holy Ghost, blaspheming the Holy Spirit, that's not forgivable.
Now let's take a look at what Scripture says in these regards, and I'm going to throw in another biblical text just to kind of help us out here.
So we're going to go to Matthew chapter 12. Matthew chapter 12. We'll start at verse 22, and when you read the
Gospel of Matthew, this is kind of like the major turning point in Jesus's ministry, because whereas he at one point was teaching, you know, out in the open, teaching plainly, after this incident, he begins teaching in parables, and the reason he starts teaching in parables is in order for people to not understand what he's saying.
But that's a different chapter. That's Matthew 13. But watch the event. Matthew 12, 22, a demon -oppressed man who was blind and mute was brought to Jesus, and he healed him so that many, that man spoke and saw.
So here we got a demon -oppressed man, blind, mute, Jesus heals him, he now can see and he can now speak.
There's no doubt whatsoever, for those who are eyewitnesses of what happened, that a true, bonafide healing took place.
There's no doubt whatsoever. In fact, when Jesus would perform miracles, people were sitting there going, did that really happen?
Did he really perform a miracle? I'm not sure if that was flim -flam or not. Jesus never called out healings like so many of the charismatics do.
Jesus wasn't going, and I'm sensing in my spirit right now that somebody has a hernia in their left ankle.
If you have a herniated left ankle, your healing has arrived. And I feel, oh, wait, wait, wait, somebody has cancer in their eyebrows.
And, you know, Jesus never did that. The people were brought to him, and there was no question whatsoever that an actual miracle took place.
Yet that's not what goes on in the charismatic movement, nor is it what goes on on TBN or any of the so -called
Christian television channels. So here we got a demon -oppressed man, eyewitnesses both for Jesus and against Jesus, hostile witnesses and friendly witnesses saw it.
So he was blind and mute, and now he can see and he can talk. So all the people were amazed, and they said, can this be the son of David?
They're thinking, oh, boy, this guy's the Messiah. He's the promised son of David. But when the Pharisees heard it,
Pharisees, by the way, were heretics. They were not Orthodox. They were heretics. They said, oh, it's only by Beelzebul, the prince of demons, that this man casts out demons.
So notice, their claim admits that a miracle took place.
Mm -hmm. Yeah, no doubt about it, there was a miracle. That guy performed a miracle.
But they said, oh, he's doing this by Beelzebul, the prince of the demons. And so knowing their thoughts,
Jesus said to them, every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste. No city or house divided against itself will stand.
If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand?
And if I cast out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your sons cast them out?
Therefore, they will be your judges. But if it is by the Spirit of God that I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
Or how can someone enter a strongman's house and plunder his goods unless he first binds the strongman?
Then, indeed, he may plunder his house. Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.
Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven, people, except for the blasphemy against the
Spirit will not be forgiven. And whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven.
Whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.
So note that the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is unforgivable, and attributing to God the
Holy Spirit what is unmistakably only attributable to the devil. This is not referring to something that is ambiguous, so we're not sure if the miracle took place or not, you know, all that kind of stuff.
Again, pay close attention to the context because it tells you a lot. Rodney Howard Brown is doing the standard thing that charlatans like him do, and this goes all the way back to William Branham.
Branham would engage in this kind of chicanery as well, and basically bind people's consciences and make them afraid to think critically.
Well, I can't speak out against this because if this is really the Holy Spirit, then I'm going to go to hell for speaking against it.
No, again, the context shows us that even Jesus' critics were fully aware that a real miracle took place, and that really the hand of God was responsible.
Now, I wanted to show you one other text, and that is in Mark chapter 9, and this will come into play in just a minute.
In Mark chapter 9, pay attention to this account, starting at verse 14.
This is after the Mount of Transfiguration. It says this, "...and when they came to the disciples, they saw a great crowd around them, and scribes arguing with them."
These are the disciples who were left at the Mount of Transfiguration. "...and immediately all the crowd, when they saw him, they were greatly amazed and ran up to Jesus and greeted him.
And he asked them, What are you arguing about with them? And someone from the crowd answered him, saying,
Teacher, I brought my son to you, for he has a spirit that makes him mute. And whenever it seizes him, it throws him down, and he foams and grinds his teeth and becomes rigid.
So I asked your disciples to cast it out, and they were not able. And he answered them, O faithless generation, how long am
I to be with you? How long am I to bear with you? Bring him to me. And so they brought the boy to him, and when the spirit saw him, immediately it," watch this, "...convulsed
the boy, and he fell to the ground and rolled about, foaming at the mouth. And Jesus asked his father,
How long has this been happening to him? And he said, From childhood. And it's often cast him into fire and into water to destroy him.
But if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us. And Jesus said to him,
If you can, all things are possible for the one who believes. And immediately the father of the child cried out and said,
I believe. Help my unbelief. And when Jesus saw that a crowd came running together, he rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to it,
You mutant, deaf spirit, I command you to come out of him and never to enter him again. And after crying out and convulsing him terribly, it came out, and the boy was like a corpse, so that most of them said he's dead.
But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up, and he arose. And when he had entered the house, his disciples asked him privately,
Why could we not cast it out? And he said to them, This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer.
Now we're going to note this. It's that nowhere in Scripture when the Holy Spirit is working are people shaking uncontrollably, convulsing on the ground.
These are manifestations of demonic spirits, not the Holy Spirit. Keep that in mind, because when we take a look at what
Rodney Howard Brown is up to, we're going to note that something ain't right.
And so coming back then, Rodney Howard Brown is basically saying,
Oh, these people, they're like sexually perverse because they mentioned the word condolini, and oh, they're dangerously close to blaspheming the
Holy Spirit. Let me back this up just a few smidges, and we'll re -listen again. Here we go.
I was raised in church. I gave my life to the Lord at the age of five, baptized in the Holy Spirit when I was eight years of age, so I don't know anything of what they're talking about.
Let me tell you what that is. That's a full -blown attack on the Holy Spirit, and I'm telling you right now, they blaspheming the
Holy Ghost. Jesus said, Whatever's said against me will be forgiven. Whatever's said against my father will be forgiven.
But whatever is said against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, not in this world or the world to come.
And blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is when you attribute the work of the Holy Spirit to the work of a demon spirit.
Blasphemy is not when a witch is working and calls it the Holy Spirit. That's not blasphemy. That's not blasphemy.
That's just a lie. But blasphemy is when the Holy Ghost is working, and they say, That is a demon.
That is blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, and I feel very sorry for some people because when they cross over into eternity, they're going to realize that they've crossed so many lines.
They have crossed so many lines. You know, if people don't know what it is, rather say,
God, teach me, Holy Spirit, teach me. Listen, I didn't... If you don't know what it is, if you don't see that, there it is.
Even Jesus's critics knew that he had performed a miracle, and they still attributed it to the power of the devil.
So, you're going to note, this guy is not playing with a sound biblical deck, and he's basically threatening people.
You criticize me, you're going to go to hell. That's the subtext of what he said. Now, let me go back in time.
On Phil Johnson's YouTube channel, you can find this video from the historical archives of the so -called
Laughing Revival. Rodney Howard Brown, Phil Johnson named it the Unholy Laughter video.
And watch this and tell me if this looks like it has anything to do with God the Holy Spirit to you.
Now, those of you listening on the podcast, you'll just have to listen to the insanity. You won't be able to actually see it unless you go to our
YouTube channel to watch this, but listen in. So, Rodney Howard Brown is taking the stage right now.
This is during the historical Laughing Revival.
First thing he does is close his Bible and set it aside. Well, go ahead and just take a drink now.
The bar's open. Go ahead and take a drink. The bar's open.
Take a drink. Apparently, you take a drink of the inebriating Holy Spirit. Go ahead. Just take a drink.
Just start off in the natural. You'll end up in the Holy Ghost. Just start off in the natural. Just start off.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Just start off in the natural. You'll end up in the Holy Ghost. Just go ha ha ha ha and you'll end up in the
Holy Ghost. No biblical text teaches this. None of the apostles manifested the
Holy Spirit in any kind of manner, even remotely resembling this. Start off in the natural.
You'll end up over in the realm of the glory. This is actually more akin to, um, hypnosis.
Yeah, that's not a demonic cackle at all. Man. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's demonic.
Yeah, now, by the way, that was historical footage. This is from May 23rd.
Yeah, watch this. And on the ground he goes, convulsing just like that kid did who had a demon.
So if I criticize this and challenge it and say this is not
God the Holy Spirit, I'm going to go to hell for that? Yeah, I don't think so. And I know this with certainty because Jesus himself told us very clearly what
God the Holy Spirit would do when Jesus sent him. And Jesus never said, and when the
Holy Spirit comes, he's going to cause you to convulse like a demoniac, laugh uncontrollably, throw you on the ground and make you behave and bark like an animal or anything like that.
No, Jesus actually was very clear about what the Holy Spirit would be doing when he sent him, and we can see that in John chapter 15, starting at verse 26,
Jesus says this, when the Helper comes whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the
Father, he will bear witness about me, about Jesus.
And you're going to note the big error here is that Rodney Howard Brown is basically saying you don't believe that the
Holy Spirit is working through me, you're going to go to hell. Yeah, that's weird.
I mean, could you imagine Jesus, like, you know, Day of Judgment, right? And it's like, all right, so I got one question for you, you know, here's the question.
Rodney Howard Brown, was he operating in the Spirit or not? And you sit there and go, no?
And Jesus says, oh, that's it, you're going to hell. No, the Holy Spirit bears witness about Christ, not
Rodney Howard Brown. And so, and Jesus says, you also will bear witness because you have been with me from the beginning.
And then continuing with this train of thought, partway through verse 4 in chapter 16, Jesus said,
I did not say these things to you from the beginning because I was with you, but now I'm going to him who sent me.
And none of you ask where you're going, but because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart. Nevertheless, I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go, for if I do not go away, the
Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you. And when he comes, listen to this, the
Holy Spirit is going to do this, convict the world regarding sin and righteousness and judgment.
You know how you can tell the Holy Spirit is operating in a congregation when people are cut to the heart and say, oh my goodness,
I'm undone, I'm a sinner, I need a Savior. You know for certain, Holy Spirit's operating there. Jesus says concerning sin because they do not believe in me, concerning righteousness because I go to the
Father, you'll see me no longer, concerning judgment because the ruler of this world is judged.
And so Jesus then also says regarding the Holy Spirit, verse 14, he will glorify me.
And if we believe Rodney Howard Brown, then we have to believe that the Holy Spirit actually was sent to glorify
Rodney Howard Brown rather than Christ. And Jesus never said anything, any of those things.
Go then to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts, and what happens with the preaching that Peter gives on that day?
It says people were cut to the quick, and they said, brothers, what shall we do? And Peter says, repent and be baptized, every one of you, for the forgiveness of your sins, for the promises for you and for your children and all who are far off, whom the
Lord God will call to himself. You see, you can tell the Holy Spirit's working when people are convicted of their sin.
That's the idea. And Christ is glorified, Christ is exalted. Jesus wasn't glorified or exalted and never is glorified and exalted with Rodney Howard Brown.
The man is going to have to explain all of this to Jesus someday. And unfortunately, I think he's going to be caught flat -footed because he thinks he's operating in the
Holy Spirit, and it will be revealed to him that he's operating in a demonic spirit. There's just no two ways about it.
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So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ as vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.