FBC Daily Devotional – June 18, 2021


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God's Word


Well, here we are Friday end of your work week probably and looking forward to the weekend looking forward to the
Lord's Day And gathering together with God's people always always a special thing and blessing.
Hope you're looking forward to that on this coming Sunday Well, so today in our scripture reading the
Lord addresses a very real problem that most
I would guess all of us have At some point or another and some have it more of a problem with this than others and undoubtedly
But I know I know I can prone be prone to this. In fact, I wrote about this very thing
I'm gonna look at here in a minute. I wrote about this in last week's pastor's page if you didn't get to read it you can go to Brian Vice .com
this the pastor's page and I do these weekly musings or you know meditations or whatever and I did this thing on litter bugs on the litter bugs and And what
I what I write about in that is that we were out west right driving along the highway from Boulder Dam to Phoenix, Arizona and In it was stopped alongside the road because I wanted to get out and take some picture of pictures of some
Joshua trees these really cool trees When I got out, I noticed that right near not too far from where the car was
There were some cacti that were blossomed. They were beautiful fuchsia colored cacti that were they were blossoming so I took some pictures of the
Joshua trees and then I went over to take take some pictures of this cactus with his blooms and everything and then
You know at first I was really delighted to see see these cactus in bloom, but then I got closer to mine
I got ticked that was it was just disgusting all around this cactus plant all around it for you know
Several feet in any direction. It was just this accumulation of trash. I mean plastic, you know water bottles and Soda bottles and You know
Paper cups and wrappers from you know, like McDonald's wrappers and all that kind of thing. It was just just all over the place your people whizzing by the on that highway just throwing their trash out there and everything and I I just find myself getting so Aggravated I think what doesn't matter with people that they did litter like this and they do this kind of stuff
Well, anyway, you can read about that if you want and I went on in that Article To point out how
I may not litter like that and because I don't I can get really ticked at people who do
I mean, I don't throw trash out my window. I mean, I like the outdoors too much to to trash it, you know
So it's very easy for me to get aggravated at people who throw their trash out the window But what about the other kind of litter?
That I might throw out not literally not literally litter but acaustic word or critical critical comments and to somebody or you know things of that nature and and there's quite a list of them you can go through of ways that we can litter throw out our trash and And and and not even pay any attention to it
This is what Jesus is getting at here in Luke chapter 6 verses 41 and 2
He says why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye and you don't perceive the plank?
Sticking out of your own eye Okay, so you get all ticked about somebody who throws a gum wrapper out the window
What about What about the plank in your own eye? What about this thing?
You just threw out at so -and -so the other day What about that lie that you just said to cover yourself on such -and -such a thing?
What about that? Deception in the your expense your expense report that gets you more money in your pocket that you really shouldn't have and so on What about the plank in your own eye
Jesus says no he goes on to say how can you say to your brother? Hey, brother, let me remove the speck that's in your own eye
That's in your eye when you yourself do not see the plank that's in your own eye hypocrite. He says
She's pretty blunt He says first remove the plank from your own eye, and then you'll see clearly to remove that speck that's in your brother's eye
Well when we hear that we have to stop and think about our own trash, right
Before I get too bent out of shape over somebody else's trash my dealing with my trash
Am I? So yeah, maybe Maybe maybe
I need to do a little cleanup campaign on my own part before I get focused on somebody else's cleanup campaign
So anyway, let that be a challenge to us All right. Well, I hope you have a good
Friday and wonderful weekend. I hope you get some things done hope you get some time for rest and refreshment and especially
Hope that you get to the Lord's house on Sunday and have a good a good day of rest on the
Lord's Day So let's pray father in heaven. I pray that you would That you would so work in our hearts that we'd be sensitive to the trash that we throw out our window and father
Help us not to have such a judgmental spirit that refuses to see our own problems when we're picking on others
Deliver us from that hypocrisy. We pray that spiritual pride we ask in Jesus name.