Watch Now Before Its Gone! - AD on Bart Barber on 60 Minutes

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Hello there, this is AD Robles and my camera is not facing towards me.
That is very strange. Let's fix that Hello, hello there, this is
AD Robles and you're listening to AD on the Fight Laugh Feast Network.
All right, let's jump into it today I had a great time at the Fight Laugh Feast conference.
Some of you guys only listen to the podcast You don't actually watch the YouTube video So I just wanted to say if you if you don't watch my
YouTube videos Thanks, if you introduced yourself to me at the Fight Laugh Feast conference, thank you so much
It was very very encouraging. God bless you. I hope you find this video helpful today So what
I wanted to do is I wanted to talk a little bit about SBC president's
Bart Barber's 60 minutes interview Anderson Cooper Interviewed Bart Barber on a variety of topics and I want to just to talk about one of them
He did he in the middle of the interview He asks him about Christian nationalism and he has to because Christian nationalism, you know
Still a very small movement in the grand scheme of things, but it's gaining steam every single day
It's gaining influence every single day. It's the kind of thing that is gonna have to be discussed
It's just that simple and I gotta say it warms my little heart to see this because I never thought
I'd see the day Where this kind of thing would be gaining traction and a lot of mainstream attention
So I'm very grateful for that. God is so good and God God is going to be
God's going to win this is the thing about this God's God's got this fight and We get to be just humble servants in the fight
So I did want to talk about this, but I do want to say too on a whole, you know I'm not gonna talk about every part of this
Bart Barber interview but on a whole You know, it was all right
I mean, I saw a lot of very positive reviews of it when I first heard about it in my mind
I thought man, this is gonna be just a complete disaster. I mean Bart Barber Yeah, so so anyway moving right along I Thought it's gonna be a disaster and then
I started seeing tons of reviews from people that I respect that said it was great and so I watched it myself and I think
I probably was Influenced by seeing people say it was great After thinking that it would be a disaster because to me it's just like yeah
It's all right It's not a disaster and I think that's the thing like when you expect it to be a complete disaster and then it's not
It's like great by comparison But because I heard both of those things beforehand I can kind of split the difference and you know
It's it's not as bad as I thought it would be it's really nothing special. It's nothing that and you know, great
You know, I got to be honest like if this is our leadership I mean, this is non -threatening to a guy like Anderson Cooper.
You know what I mean? It's non -threatening to the world system. That's that's the reality But anyway, so they get
Bart Barber on and at some point towards the middle of it they start asking him about Christian nationalism and And Bart's answer is very typical, so let's just listen to it and then
I'm gonna make a few comments about this We asked Hold on Hold on.
Hold on. I gotta pause this real quick. Sorry about that. I never had my audio set up the right way I'm just very very very unprofessional in that way.
Here we go It's about the Christian nationalist rhetoric increasingly being used by some elected officials like Congresswoman Lauren Boebert of Colorado The church is supposed to direct the government the government is not supposed to direct the church
It stands cut. Okay, so so Anderson Cooper says a really good example of Christian nationalism rhetoric is
Lauren Boebert Now she's a lady. I don't really want to you know, rip her to pieces but Let's just suffice it to say that Lauren Boebert is just intellectually not a good example of anything
Except being a ditz I guess I don't know I mean because here's the thing though like like, you know, the answer to this
Anderson actually is this that Lauren Boebert is wrong The church is not supposed to direct the government because that that would imply sort of a hierarchy
Where you've got the church at the top and then you've got the government underneath the church and that's not at all how it is the
Bible is Crystal clear about how this works right the way it works is that the church is under God, right?
The church is directed and controlled and commanded and ruled and right by God And so the church can't just do anything it wants like the church can't just decide one day, you know instead of wine and bread
We're gonna for communion. We're gonna have Skittles and iced tea like that That's not something the church has the authority to do so the church can only do that which the
Which God has told it to do and it can and it can't do the things that God has told it not to do
Right, so it's under God in that way. It's it's it's it's got a certain realm of authority over certain spiritual matters
Couldn't you know amongst amongst its members, right? And then the government is sort of next to the church.
It's not below the church It's sort of next to the church and it has a completely different sphere of authority, right?
So it's still under God though, and that's the important thing And so when you're a Christian nationalist
What you are saying is that the that the government the civil governing authority the nation who rules and reigns in the nation?
It's ultimately God but God gives that authority to the civil governing authority
And what God says to for them to do is to punish evildoers and to promote what is good
It's a two -fold, you know mission punish evildoers and promote what is good now we can imply all sorts of other kind of Things that the government can do there
But the thing is we can't go too crazy with that because God's also given us a lot of case laws
He's also given us the Ten Commandments and so the government their duty their only duty is to acknowledge what
God has said is so and Then do their duty according to what God has said is so because if God says that it's evil to murder
The government doesn't get to decide actually it's not evil to murder They don't get to do that.
That's not their authority That's not their role. The only thing that the government can do is acknowledge.
God has said that it's evil to murder therefore we are going to punish murderers and I would argue and now you don't have to be a
Christian nationalist to go with me a little bit further, right? Because I think that you should also be a theonomist.
They're not synonymous So it's not the same thing if you're a Christian nationalist, you don't have to be a theonomist necessarily
I think you should because God gives us a lot more information Because here's the thing like like in my opinion
If God says that murder is is is is a crime and the civil governing authority says, okay
I'm gonna acknowledge that God says that murder is a crime and I'm gonna now punish murderers the civil governing authority does not have the right to say and Here's the punishment when you murder someone you get a slap on that little wrist bad boy
The government doesn't have that authority because God has said much more than that thou shalt not murder he's also given us case laws on how to handle murder how to handle certain types of murderers and it's different depending on the
Situation and all of that but that part's not necessary to be a Christian nationalist what a
Christian nationalist is is someone who identifies God is in charge here and God has given us
Moral commands and we all we do as a civil governing authority is confirm and acknowledge them and to carry them out
That's what we do. And so Lauren Boebert is wrong. Now. Maybe she just misspoke and maybe she's really one of the most intelligent women around I have no idea.
She doesn't strike me as very smart. But hey, I could be wrong. I don't really follow her I don't really know anything about her.
I just know about her gaffes, which are pretty hilarious in any case So that's the real answer here.
So so so if if Bart Barber was smart He could see Anderson Cooper's play for what it is
Because what Anderson Cooper is doing and this is not just Anderson So Bart gets no credit for maybe
I didn't know where Bart where Anderson Cooper was coming from This is the play everyone is making right now.
So if Bart Barber doesn't understand this play he is completely foolish He's a fool if he doesn't understand this because what
Bart Barber is gonna say is that I'm sorry What Anderson Cooper is saying is that anytime a
Christian attempts to assert? Christian morality upon the civil governing authority in other words say you have to do this civil governing authority because God says that this is wrong.
You have to outlaw abortion because murder is wrong Anytime a Christian does something that he doesn't like he's gonna call that Christian nationalism.
That's the play according to the eyes of the pagan and Anderson Cooper is as pagan as they come according to the eyes of the pagan
Anything Christian in public life is Christian nationalism Bart Barber has to be smart enough to know that and so he has to make this distinction
You know, you know Anderson Lauren is wrong. The church doesn't direct the government But what is true and this is what every
Christian ought to believe and you could say it in as nice a way as you Want Bart you could be a good old boy. You can even say it like a doofus
But what every Christian needs to believe is that God has spoken and he's got rules for the church
And he's got rules for the civil governing authority and a civil governing authority ought to affirm that Now, let's see what
Bart Barber says because because because Anderson Cooper just challenged him with a with a Lauren Boebert clip. Here we go
Contrary to 400 years of Baptist history and everything. I believe about religious liberty.
I'm opposed to the idea of Christian Dominion churchly dominion over the operations of government.
Why do you object? Okay, stop Every time
I leave the fight last feast conference, I always think to myself, you know, I should be nicer. I Should be nicer, you know you hear
Doug Wilson speak about the serrated edge and when he does it He does it in this very jovial Jolly, you know kind of way.
There's a lot of mirth In fact, I've used that word twice in two days because that's just the word he chooses to use.
It's a good word mirth But if I'm honest
There's a little bit of rage in my heart right now. Oh Man, not only does
Bart Barber Not see the play for what it is This is the most telegraphed pass in the history of NFL football
This is I know this is not NFL football, but you know what I'm saying This is the most obvious play in history
Every every Christian action in government is now Christian nationalism according to this federal agent on the screen right now
That's right. He's a spook in any case and Bart Barber goes it goes against 400 years of Baptist theology and It goes against everything.
I believe about religious liberty. I oppose Christian Direction of the government and then he kind of switches it.
He says Christian church direction This is the thing he just played right into this is why he's interviewed by 60 minutes because he
I'm not saying Bart is on the payroll But he's non -threatening. They knew they could mold him and turn him into anywhere they want and sure
Yeah, he'll disagree about abortion. You know, you're allowed to disagree about abortion. See this is the trick
I think people would that thought this Bart Barber interview was so awesome. This is what they miss right?
This is what they miss The pagans don't care if you are opposed to abortion Just so long as you're not gonna do anything about it
You can say whatever you want, but the minute you start doing something about it Then they call you a
Christian nationalist and then you get your PayPal account canceled That's what the see that's what they fear when you actually do something about fear
Bart Barber he's he's for he's again, he's for for 400 years of Baptist theology and I'm for religious liberty.
I oppose Christian direction of the government. I oppose it and Anderson's about to turn him into a pretzel because the thing is
Anderson's he senses blood in the well I mean, he probably sensed blood in the water from the beginning But now that he said this
Anderson's gonna jump all over abortion because how does that jive with what you've just said? Well, it doesn't jive.
It doesn't jive with what you've just said because if Christians Shouldn't direct the government in other words if Christians if Christian law
Christian morality should not Judge what the government can and cannot do if the government can decide on its own what it can and cannot do then all of a sudden you've got chaos and you really have nothing to say about anything, but Because Bart is not entirely awful
He does have something to say about something and now he's gonna be turned into a pretzel now
He's gonna contradict what he just got done saying Christians shouldn't be directing government But what about abortion after that?
Okay, I object to it because Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world I object to look at how look at how proud he was on my kingdom is not of this world
That's like that's like the Trump. My kingdom is not this world in the Baptist theology says so That's not what the kingdom is not of this world passage means if you know anything about the kingdom is not of this world passage, you know, it was asked at it was it was towards the end of Jesus's life and He talks about how if his kingdom was of the world was if it was if it derived its power from the world
Then his servants would be fighting, you know militarily to stop him from from from being killed, right?
So what he's talking about is look we don't win the same way you win the only way you guys can win is
Fighting and you fight it out and you you slaughter each other and stuff like that and then whoever's tougher wins That's not how our kingdom works.
Our kingdom is not of the world in that way It's not deriving its its authority from this from from from from the world the same way yours does you get authority by killing?
That's not how God gets authority God gets authority because he has it because of who he is
That's why he has authority. And so it's a completely not it's a non sequitur It's a non sequitur and and Anderson is gonna deliver a death blow
To this perspective in about five seconds, maybe not five seconds. I don't remember. I listened to this earlier
He's gonna deliver a death blow to this perspective because as proud as bar my kingdom is not of this world
He doesn't understand what Anderson is doing here Anderson is making the case for Christians to not bring their
Christianity into government and and and and and and this guy on the screen this this man
He's a key. I think Bart Barber's heart is in the right place. I do. I don't think he's an enemy I don't think he's
He's not equipped for the role that he's in. Let's just put it that way and He's agreeing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Christians shouldn't be directing the government because it goes against my kingdom is not in this world and What Anderson's about to pounce on this because he's got him
He has him looking like a fool Bart Barber ends up looking like a fool Because of what he just said and now he has to not
He has he has to be inconsistent in the very next question he has to be and Anderson made him look like a fool in Two questions within two questions do it because historically every time it's been adopted it wound up persecuting people like me
Doesn't stop at persecuting people who are not Christians. It eventually winds up persecuting people who are
Christians For him the flavor of their Christianity is different from that of the government
Do you even do you even see like like like I have
I have grace for Bart Because I can't say that I would do better with Anderson Cooper because I've never been in a situation like that So I can't say that but do you say
I see I I oppose Christian nationalism because it's just assumed It's just assumed that when when
Christians are involved in government when Christians are directing a government It's persecuting instantly.
It's persecuting non -believers. He accepts that premise Can you can you imagine a
Christian man accepting the premise that when Christians are in government when Christians are directing government?
Automatically, it assumes non -believers. You don't even challenge that part, but you say well, but but I oppose it.
It's not because so much we're Persecuting non -believers because they're gonna persecute me Anderson me.
I'm the nicest guy and those are gonna persecute me It's like he's and maybe maybe there's something cut there where Anderson talked about persecuting non -believers
But if there is even if there is he has to challenge that premise. No, no Christians don't persecute unbelievers, that's not what we would do and If we did we'd be acting inappropriately wouldn't be acting
Christian Lee But if there's no cut there and and and Bart just offered that red meat to the pagans.
Yeah, here you go You want some persecution? Yeah Christians if they're in charge of government, they persecute It's unbelievable like like this is
Gonna be nice. I'm gonna be nice and I'm gonna calm down but anyway, so let's continue because again, he's about to Contradict his his whole premise in in a second
Support for the separation of church and state was a foundational principle for Baptists who faced religious persecution in England and America in the 1600s
Baptists split in 1845 over slavery, which is when the Southern Baptist Convention was founded the
SBC supported slavery and later segregation on abortion the SBC's opposition has hardened over the years in 1971 they made exceptions in cases where there was quote the likelihood of damage to the emotional mental and physical health of the mother
But in 1980 they narrowed that exception only to cases where pregnancy threatened the life of the mother
Bart Barber says he stands by that today. So the trap has now been sprung because Anderson Cooper in his in his mind
Bringing Christian morality into government is Christian nationalism Bart Barber Pretty much without a fight said all
I oppose it I oppose Christians directing the government and I'd be goes against the
Baptist theology and By the way, Jesus his kingdom is not of this world and Anderson, you know, he's he's a smart guy, you know
He's he's he's obviously a you know an agent, but he's a smart guy And he says oh really
Bart What about this abortion thing? because that certainly seems to be due to me like you're bringing a
Religious Christian conviction and insisting the government do something about it. Is that not
Christian nationalism? How how do you stand by that? And you know and Bart Bart has a good listen this is the best part
I in my opinion of Bart's a little Interview here. We'll listen to it, but that's checkmate.
Your perspective Bart has been has been has been completely Demolished you're inconsistent.
You're a hypocrite Andrew Cooper has exposed you because it's like no, I actually kind of do believe in Christian nationalism
Just yeah, but I still want to be friends with you. So I'm gonna say no. No, no, no No, we can't do this.
It's gonna they're gonna come after me. They're not just gonna persecute unbelievers. They're gonna persecute me Our interest with abortion is not it's not to police everybody's sex life
Our interest with abortion is that we believe that's a human person who deserves to live
There's just why do you believe that Bart? Why do you believe that I Know why you believe that Bart It's because God has said you shall not murder
It's because Jesus was Jesus fully man and fully God in the womb.
We know this It's because Jesus it's because God says that that he knits together life in the womb and God says you shall not murder.
That's why you know this and that's why the civil governing authority must protect the lives of innocent babies
According as murder if you murder them or murder for hire, that's why we know because God has spoken and The civil governing authority is under God now.
Tell me the difference between that and Christian nationalism Continue case recently a ten -year -old girl who was raped barred from having an abortion in Ohio Was able to obtain one in in Indiana.
I mean, this is a little girl who She has a right to life too. Sure Even in that case you think she should have the child.
I do She should be forced out the child. I think I don't want that to sound like I don't have tremendous compassion for her and her circumstance
I Wish we could put an end to ten -year -olds being right. I'm I'm trying to work against child sexual abuse
Because I think that's atrocious, but you don't see forcing a ten -year -old child to Go to term with a baby that from rape as abuse of a child
I see it as preferable to killing someone else not surprising. I don't see this horrible
What would be horrible would be to force them to murder or to allow them to murder because of this
That's what I would see as horrible But the thing is like but but but that was pretty good. I mean, I mean, that's the that's the that's the sob story
You know Example that everyone's going to use now if you're going to talk to somebody about abortion
You need to be ready for that story, right that story and they'll have others like it and And and and and and this is the thing
Anderson. We're talking about murder here murder So you say oh, you'll be forced to have the baby.
No, she's just barred from murdering the baby That's what it is. She's barred from murdering the baby
Just like you'd be barred from murdering anybody Because it's a human being
Because we know it's a human being because God has said so because God has said you shall not commit murder and there's no caveat
For unless you really really really want to because you know something bad happened to you.
It's not a justified killing It's just that simple. That's what it is Anderson It's not it's a sad situation.
No question about it. But but but that sad situation does not justify a murder It's just that simple
BC, you know, I don't I don't know how many people notice this but but his whole perspective that he just Got done saying a minute ago about how he believes in religious liberty and Christians shouldn't direct government because it always ends up in disaster because Christians always persecute because pretty good commercial for Christianity Christians and government always persecute unbelievers and then eventually they turn around and persecute believers do and it's like man like Yeah, sure.
I want to sign up on the dotted line to be a Christian there. It's ridiculous It's a ridiculous perspective Bart and everyone who holds this perspective.
It is a ridiculous perspective Give it up and the thing is the trap is being sprung right now you guys are going to end up being on the side of People that are actually persecuting
Christians that actually hate Christians that actually want to bar Christians from the from the government That's the side that you're casting your lot in right now, and maybe the trap isn't completely sprung yet But it's going to be sprung
Anderson knows when he says Christian nationalism. He's talking about you being against abortion He connects them
Anderson connects them Why doesn't Bart connect them? I?
Don't know. I don't know. I know some people think I'm naive for thinking that Bart is not a Bad a bad actor
I Mean he definitely acts poorly. He does definitely not helping, but I don't think he's intentionally doing that I just don't think he's equipped for this.