F4F | David Herzog Lives in the Glory Zone


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. If you've ever felt like being charismatic requires you to not only believe that Jesus Christ is the
Son of God, that he rose again from the grave bodily, which by the way, he is the
Son of God and he did rise again bodily from the grave on the third day after he was crucified under Pontius Pilate.
But then you also have to believe in the glory zone and portals and people who claim that they have special anointings from the
Spirit to do strange and outrageous things that are nowhere mentioned in Scripture.
Go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below. Don't forget to like the video and ring the bell as well so you can be notified when we update our
YouTube channel. We're going to be heading over to the Elijah List YouTube website and listen to Steve Schultz interviews
David Herzog and we'll listen to his exploits and see if we can find some biblical basis to ask the question, is there any reason why we should believe any of this stuff?
That's a good way to put it. So let's check in with Steve Schultz and David Herzog.
Here we go. Welcome to Elijah Streams.
I'm your host, Steve Schultz. Would you like to be transported supernaturally to pray healing over people?
Are you? When I first heard this, I was thinking, is he going to be interviewing
Amanda Wells? I mean, what? Our next guest has done just that and has had many supernatural encounters.
In fact, he is known for living in what people call the glory zone. The glory zone, really?
And where is this glory zone mentioned in Scripture? Where is the ways in which we as Christians can achieve this glow in the dark status so that we can live and exist in the glory zone?
I'm curious about that. I don't ever recall reading about that in the scriptures. Let's welcome our next guest, co -founder of David Herzog Ministries, David Herzog.
Nice to have you. Good to be here, Steve. We were last together in Washington, D .C. at the inauguration. I want to hear this.
Tell this story where you prophesied. Let's just jump into this. You prophesied to some
Israeli people in D .C. Tell me about that. Yeah. So there was the prayer breakfast at the Trump Hotel the hour of his inauguration.
Okay. It was the very hour. The very hour of his inauguration at Trump. And this didn't cause an international incident,
I'm sure. Hotel. And so I get over there. God tells me, when you go there,
I'm going to use you for Israel. Dr. David Herzog. Doctor. What is he? A doctor of Israel.
I didn't understand what that was. I mean, I was invited to come. I didn't know what I would do or not do. The organizer said, get on the stage.
I need you to prophesy over the Israeli government Knesset members that are here. Like, what? Do you have a word?
I said, I'll get one by the time I get up there. And. Oh, look, there's Rabbi Jonathan Kahn on the stage too.
Yeah. Con C O N. Oh boy. Oh man.
I just. Have you noticed that, uh, Trump's spiritual advisors seem to have been grabbed out of a
Cracker Jack box and, uh, they just are as bad as they come.
I'm just, it's something I've noticed for the last couple of years. And then when I got up there, this is what came out of my mouth.
I declare that Donald Trump will keep his word and he will move the US embassy to Jerusalem.
And when I said that people started cheering and, and the Knesset guys, some of them were crying. They were really moved.
Cause they had you not preplanned to give that word? No, I just knew it was something about Israel. It was in my heart. I think for years I got.
The prophecy was down in my heart somewhere and they kind of put me on the spot. And it just burbled up.
Uh, huh. I told me that when that would happen, it would be one of the signs, one of the signs that were really close to an awakening.
And then when that happened, when I was able to do that, it was, so that was a sign that we were close to an awakening, by the way, the charismatic, uh, you know, movements and the
NAR, you know, you remember that star Wars movie? It was a empire strikes back that you could always tell that the empire is getting ready to jump into lights because they dump their garbage anyway.
Um, in a similar way that that's the metaphor in a similar way, the charismatic movement in the
NAR, uh, they, they are trying to prepare everybody for a big.
Revival thingy. And, uh, you know, and, and so everybody's got major expectation and it, the, the expectation continues to ramp up.
And, uh, I think there are people in the NAR who are, um, just a little bit sad that this, uh, this revival that they've been talking about didn't come about last year because, uh, remember the prophecies regarding the death of Billy Graham, that that would kick off this and it had, it, it's, it's just hasn't arrived yet, you know, just saying.
That they were so touched. They came to me after hugged me and they just said, man, we really, that's why we came all the way here from Israel to hear that.
And it was really awesome. And then he did it. Did you feel the ghost bumps from that one?
Woo. Like a year later. I want to hear David, who talked about off camera, tell, tell us the story of how
God, you got saved when you were 10. We know that you told me that, but how did God bring you into the supernatural? What's what began to happen?
I was after from 10 on, I was really hungry. Like, okay, I'm saved, but something's missing. I didn't understand what it was. It was the
Holy spirit. And at a youth camp, I got filled with the Holy spirit. They said, so you were saved, truly regenerate, brought to penitent faith in Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.
And you didn't have the Holy spirit. Really? Whoever wants the
Holy spirit, come on up. So waiting in this line. And before we get to the, was this like a cafeteria thing?
I mean, form a line and, you know, bring your tray up and we'll throw some Holy spirit on your tray there at summer camp.
What is this? To the altar. It was already hitting the people in the line waiting and it was hitting the people.
It hits my friend and there's a huge line of a hundred people. And I go, why are you crying? Cause we were like, we played sports together and stuff in the camp.
Does it hurt? You know, I was 13. Does it, is it painful? He goes, no, dude, it's awesome.
It's a good Jesus, the Holy spirit. So I'm like, okay. So I just, and then boom, it hits me and I started getting touched by the spirit and I started speaking in tongues before they prayed for us.
And normally they're, you know, you come up and they, and I was taken up to heaven and I saw, okay, wait a minute, you, you were what?
Right. So now you're going to note here, we got a problem because, you know, as a
Christian now, I've got to believe that, you know, Jesus is the son of God, second person of the
Holy Trinity, rose bodily from the grave and that, uh, and you know, things like that.
And I have to believe that, um, Herzog here, David Herzog, uh, has traveled to heaven and stuff.
By the way, who are we hearing about? And see, this is the big test.
And this is kind of the big takeaway from this video is, is that you can always, always tell a false prophet because the person they're pointing them, you're pointing people to is themselves.
It's, they're not pointing people to Jesus. And I have a biblical text to kind of bear this out.
Let's take a look at the, uh, the book of Revelation chapter 19.
And here's, here's, uh, here's the account and watch how this works.
So the angel said to me, write this, blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the lamb.
Now that's a good word. Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the lamb.
These are the people whom the gospel comes to and calls them to repent of their sins, to be forgiven, to receive pardon and grace and mercy and eternal life as a gift from God on account of what
Christ has done for them. And, uh, and, and so the blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the lamb.
And then he said to me, these are the true words of God. So note, we have in the book of Revelation, this angel speaking, these very true words of God, blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of, of, of the, of the lamb.
And so John fell down at the angel's feet to worship him.
Yeah, no, you see, you don't do that. But he said to me, you must not do that. I am a fellow servant with you.
And your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. So you'll note, don't be paying any attention to me.
The angels and don't be worshiping me. Don't be putting me on a pedestal or anything. Knock that off.
Right. And then he says this for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. And so now you can say, wait a second, the, these, all these people claiming to be prophets and having these supernatural experiences and giving these prophetic utterances and shaking the worlds and, you know, and all this kind of stuff, the, the, the people they're pointing people to is themselves the exact opposite of this angel.
Here, this angel speaks the true word and says, blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the lamb.
And John wants to worship him and the angels don't do that. It, the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy and the scriptures are about Christ, the prophets, even the old
Testament prophets, they wrote about Christ. And so over and again, these people, these wing nuts, these wacker doodles like Schultz and Herzog and, you know, others, there's a whole pantheon of these false teachers and prophets out there on, you know, they've invaded the world like a plague and the people, and they're pointing everybody to them.
Why should I believe David Herzog has had a portal experience and gone to heaven and all this kind of nonsense?
Answer, there's no reason I should believe that because you know who he's not telling me about? Jesus. He's telling me about David Herzog.
And here, Steve Schultz is like, you know, lapping this up, going, Oh, how did you get, how did you get to operate in the supernatural like that?
How did you do it? I want to do that too. And yeah, and everything's all about Herzog, but it ain't about Jesus.
The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. In fact, even in the old
Testament, in Jeremiah chapter 23, listen to what God says against the false prophets.
That says Yahweh, the God of armies, right? Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you, filling you with vain hopes.
They speak visions of their own minds, not from the mouth of the Lord. They continually say to those who despise the word of Yahweh, it shall be well with you.
And to everyone who stubbornly follows his own heart, they say, no disaster will come upon you.
But who among them has stood in the council of Yahweh to see and to hear his word or who has paid attention to his word and listen?
Behold, the storm of the Lord wrath has gone forth, a whirling tempest will burst upon the head of the wicked. The anger of the
Lord will not turn back until it is executed. He's executed and accomplished the intents of his heart.
And in the latter days, you will understand it clearly. I did not send the prophets and yet they ran. I did not speak to them yet.
They prophesied. If they had stood in my council, they would have proclaimed my words to my people, the real words of God, and they would have turned them from their evil way.
Remember, the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, turning people from their sins.
And causing them and bringing them the message that God will forgive them. You see, that's that's what prophecy is all about.
So they would have turned them from their evil ways and from the evil of their deeds. But they don't do that.
They, you know, they basically keep people secure in their sin and stuff like that.
And of course, Herzog here is telling us a lot about Herzog, not telling us nothing about Jesus.
We continue. You're you're in line. Yeah. And you're taking up to have my spirit, not my body.
I think my body was still there. But I mean, nevertheless, you went. I saw the father was there.
I couldn't see his face. It was so bright. And I saw Jesus and I'm floating in the air in heaven, looking up at the throne and I'm 13.
So I'm not like this before all this stuff, you know, where they were teaching on how to do whatever. And then he says, you're going to travel for my glory.
And I didn't understand what that meant. Later, I was trying to think, oh, maybe I'll be a pilot or steward on the airplane or cruise ship.
I didn't know. Yeah, that's kind of what happened. And then from then on, it was a whole new boldness.
Then my pastor said, hey, can you teach Sunday school? I was like 16. And all of a sudden, legs started growing out.
I said, let's try to pray. Catch that part. All of a sudden, legs started growing out. The old leg lengthening parlor trick.
That's not a miracle. That's just a parlor trick. For healings and all this stuff just start happening in a new age town.
All this stuff, the stuff and stuff just started happening and stuff. Sedona, I never was new age, but we grew up in this town that was full of all this kind of weird stuff.
So what I'm getting through you, though, is that, OK, some people get saved and then other people get baptized in the Holy Spirit.
God catapulted you. Unlike many, he took you to heaven right to begin with.
Did the Lord talk to you in heaven or were you just seeing? Yeah, the voice said, you're going to you're going to travel. You're going to travel for my glory.
And I was kind of like suspended in the air looking up at the throne. It was just like really it just changed me. You know,
I want to find out now you did tell me that that happened. But how much has that happened in the years since?
How many times do you have you visited heaven? How many times have you visited heaven?
Uh -huh. Yeah. So, yeah, all of this is pointing us to. David Herzog, pointing us to Jesus.
And so, you know, wow, that's amazing. How come he gets to go to heaven and I don't get to go to heaven and stuff?
About about 10 years ago, we went to Israel and we went to Bethel. OK, not the one in Reading that the first one or Jacob.
Yeah. Jacob's ladder. And so no one was going there then because it was the Intifada. The wall wasn't up. People were buses were blowing up.
So my tour guide was like, dude, you can't go there. It's dangerous. I go, I want to go. OK, you can go. But you got to rent a bulletproof bus.
You got to rent a soldier with a machine gun on the bus. I go, great. He's trying to discourage me. And the more he told, the more excited
I got. So we did it. We get you get a pass Ramallah to get there. It's like a settlement. We get there. We lay on the slab.
This is Bethel. We lay down. I go, well, you lay on the slab. This is the gate of heaven.
It says this is the gate of heaven. So I lay down there and I brought the whole team and that.
And then that's when I started really getting more often heavenly experiences. It was there's a portal there and I got taken up to heaven.
And Jesus told me I saw his face and he said, thank you for touching Isaac, the Jewish people, but I want you to also touch
Ishmael, the Muslims and the Arabs. And I was like, OK, and I'm half Jewish. So it's kind of like, are you sure,
Lord? You know, and then a week later, I get invited to all these Muslim countries, Dubai, Bahrain, Kuwait.
But it was just like it was exploded. So I knew it was the Lord. And the second thing he said was organize for me a conference in Jerusalem, which is really weird.
You're in heaven and Jesus goes, would you organize a conference for me? So I yeah, I don't think you were really hearing from the real
Jesus. In fact, there's really good reasons, biblical ones to know that you're not come out of this two days later.
A friend of mine goes, we're going to go to Bethlehem and do an outreach for the Palestinian, the Arabs there. And I'm but I want you to organize a conference in Jerusalem to reach the
Jewish people. And I go, that's weird. That's exact words Jesus just told me two days ago at Bethel in heaven. So we did it.
So it's like so that's how you know it's real. It's not just your imagination because it's confirming. Right.
Yeah. So, yeah, you'll note the stories are tall tales indeed. But the one thing they're not doing, you know, in that is telling us about Jesus, the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, not the testimony of the exploits of Herzog.
And notice he's not even 100 percent confident that the things that he's experienced were from God.
But I know it was because, you know, the confirmation thingy stuff and stuff. Uh huh.
And so now I got to believe that he lives in the glory zone, that he's taken a portal to heaven, seen
Jesus on multiple occasions and notice the vagaries of the things that apparently
Jesus told him to do. And there's Schultz. Oh, man, you really got catapulted, man, really early and stuff.
Yeah. Aren't you amazing? Mm hmm. Yeah. This is the equivalent of John worshiping the angel.
But rather than the angel saying, don't do that, you know, in this theology, the angel would be going,
Yeah, aren't I special to see? Look at all the great things I get to do.
Yeah, this is this is just absolute arrogance. And it's it's it's ignorance and audacity.
These are false prophets. These experiences are not from the real Holy Spirit. And they're pointing us to the messenger rather than to the message they're supposed to be bringing.
The message they're supposed to be bringing is about Jesus, not them. I think you get the point.
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So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.