Fight Laugh Feast Prodigal America LIVE COVERAGE! (Part 1) DMW#248


We brought you all of the live coverage from the Fight Laugh Feast Prodigal America conference held 10/31-11/2/24! This episode includes interviews with (in order) Kyle Hessler & Parker Brown, Keith Foskey & Andrew Rappaport, Will Spencer & Tate Taylor, Chance Summers & Andrew Rappaport, Steve Cruz & TC Cook, George Grant, Justin Johnson, & Nathan Anderson! Enjoy! Are you a Christian company looking to partner with a low-cost, high-return service that shares like-minded principles? Then AdventDS is for you! Are you ready for your church conference? Contact Striving For Eternity here: Dominion Wealth: "All of Christ for all of life, All of Finance for Christendom!" Covenant Real Estate: "Confidence from Contract to Close" Call Greg Moore Jr. at (734) 731-GREG Facebook: Dead Men Walking Podcast Youtube: Dead Men Walking Podcast Instagram: @DeadMenWalkingPodcast Twitter X: @RealDMWPodcast Exclusive Content: PubTV App Check out our snarky merch here:


Let's do it. Let's do an official intro for this one guys since you are the first to guess at fight left -feast prodigal
America 2024 let's go exploring theology doctrine and all of the fascinating subjects in between Broadcasting from an undisclosed location dead men walking starts
Got the wine I'm dying I'm Romans 9 a mug you can get that at DMW podcast comm
Support the show Guys, thanks so much for coming to another episode here listening telling a friend
You're gonna hear background noise if you're listening to this if you're watching it you're going what's going on? We are at prodigal
America fight left feast 2024. Did you just disclose the location?
I knew I shouldn't put you two on an episode at the same time
It's so much trouble The only two guys that I know that are just as sarcastic or if not more sarcastic than me
That's why I love them Kyle Hesler and Parker Brown. How you bros doing doing great man? Hey Meeting you the two guys that made this booth possible.
That's right. That's right So I told him on the way down because we had his His poster board here in the back window of my
Ford Fusion for what 1 ,200 miles 100 miles that The going rate for that sponsorship was a shout out for our podcast in every single episode this week, and I'll do it watch
So you're missing out you're missing out bro. Hey Kyle Hesler knows I love him you saw page 50.
Yes, sir Yeah, you do have shaken and moving at page 50 over there Stewart. We are doing some good stuff I think you might even be able to see
Yeah, so we're on media row right now and Fort Worth, Texas fight left feast
These two guys were so helpful wanted to have them on introduce you to him as well I know some of you guys probably know if you listen to the show at all
Parker Brown with watch well podcast He's right next door, and I gotta say probably the best -looking set on media row.
I'm a little jealous Usually I like to take that title, but man he went all out, and I'm gonna be posting some stuff on Twitter and X Or whatever it's called so you can see those pictures, but Parker Brown drove from Ohio to Texas and took my gear with me or with you
That's right and got it down here for me saved me a bunch of time and money and headache of Worrying if the guys in the plane we're gonna throw around my microphones and everything so he got down here
And then Kyle so generously said dude. I'm 20 minutes from the conference. Why don't you use my chairs?
Why don't you use my coffee table? Why don't you use my truck? I mean just hooked me up, dude
I think I think you beat me me. I got the stuff here, but the truck also has a Christ is Lord sticker on it
Is that why I had two flats when I came out of Change those did you check the oil sometimes they they pour salt in it?
But yeah, we're just kicking it off obviously All I'm gonna be mashing these up, so if you guys are listening right now.
You're gonna hear different people Usually we do three four at a time. We'll give you an hour content at a time
Not live streaming, but it's gonna be really close when you hear this It'll probably within a few days of this happening
So you'll be able to hear the speakers when they come on within a few days and obviously we want to talk to people who
Are doing things kind of in the same realm? We are Parker obviously with a newer podcast watch well, which
I famously not famously But I've said many times probably one of my favorite ideas for a podcast
Watching a movie and then discussing it tell me your tagline again Simply we apply presuppositional apologetics to film there we go and what
I so with me being down here in a podcast and getting Speakers on and all that really my only goal is to get
James White on his podcast to discuss. Oh, man That's what we're gonna be honest I might freeze up a little bit if that happens
But but well can I can I tell the story again about what happened on Twitter because I'm sure you'll be interested
I would love to I'm trying to subscribe to your podcast right now. Oh, I appreciate that man, so Watch well, okay, so I don't
I don't remember exactly how long ago this was but James White is on Twitter the rumor is is gladiators his favorite movie
Yeah And he posted the the poster like the the ad for the new gladiator 2 movie that comes out on I believe it's
November 22nd Okay, and I posted on his tweet or if we're calling them tweets now
I don't know but uh his exes exes you send out your exes. Yeah, it's all my exes
I Posted on there and said hey, you know love to have you on the podcast.
Oh There we go 40 seconds late. Sorry good. So I put no you're gonna I put I posted on there I said hey, we'd love to have you on the podcast talk gladiator
You know apply presuppositional apologetics to it talk about worldview talk about how you know you you need to In order to understand story
To its fullest you have to know Christ, you know so and I didn't get a response from him and I wasn't expecting a response but I did get a response from someone who claimed
To be in his Bible study 30 years ago And the sword remember this are you familiar with you're familiar with the movie, right?
The wooden sword that they give the the gladiators to give them their freedom like to award them their freedom
So that Bible study is a group got together and on James White's birthday gave him that wouldn't like a replica of the wooden sword
So and then the guy that was talking to me on Twitter through the comment section actually sent me a picture of them at the
Bible study, that's great. So from 30 years from like 30 years ago. Yeah No, that's cool.
I'd love to actually get James White on to talk about gladiator and then ask him if that guy was legit
I just pull a random picture off the internet. So I'm oh, that's true. You gotta watch that. Yeah, so I'm really mad
That's a brilliant idea. I would first off. I've got a deacon at my church that needs to come on He does the
Christology. He sees Christ in every movie. Yeah, and it's it's sometimes it's like roll your eyes
But most of the time it's like that's a great insight. He's like Elsa is a shadow of Christ But I I love that because like Even recently so I have a three -year -old and we were watching cars
Yeah, and I never liked cars when I saw it mean God I'm old because I remember when that came out
But we were watching that I'm like, this is a great masculine movie. Yeah, because the whole premise of the movie
I'll spoil an episode if we ever did it go for it Yeah, the the idea is like Lightning McQueen is this kind of two -dimensional character.
It's kind of a two -dimensional movie actually No, it's not the whole thing with the movie. That's brilliant is he wants two things in life
He wants to win the Piston Cup as a rookie, which means he literally only has one chance to do it. And Yeah, that's it's that's the two things right?
Yeah, so oh no, no, and then he wants to get sponsored by Dynaco That's right by the end of the movie
He has offered both things and he turned him down for honest and noble reasons, right? He he doesn't win the you know, he stops if you ever seen the movie he stops at the finish line
Yeah, because the older car is destroyed and he gets to he finishes third You know, he makes sure the older car gets his moment of glory send off and so he gives it up So he gives up a dream he could never get back and then he's offered the
Dynaco thing Yep, and he decides to be honorable to the people that brought him to the dance Yep, that's right.
And I just think it's I show it to my son I'm like, this is how men act right and that's and that's a good segue into what we do.
We yeah, please like we We would use that to to teach our kids.
So like in the movie, I think I think the green cars name is Chuck Is that right the so there's lightning
McQueen and then there's a bad car is named Go on guys. Sure Welcome to the watch
But anyway, we use that as a great stepping stone is like, okay Well, what's moral and then that's a great way to teach your kids because it's it's it's like at the end of the day
It's just a movie about cars that talk and there's racing but but what is winning? Why should we win with dignity, you know, and then take that back to a theological like source?
Yeah, it's always good when it can be driven home. I was uh, I always try to find a little bit more, you know
Behind it. So like the Incredibles is federal or federal husband. That's right. That's right You have to bring
I'm not gonna bring that break down that one That's like I can't see mr. Incredible and not think
Doug Wilson now. Yeah, I know right? That's so funny Okay, so back to dead man walking. I was just kidding. You guys can talk about that all you want
Well, that's that's the whole point two guys is like go watch watch. Well Love that podcast and what they're doing.
You're gonna have discussions just like that little mini discussion You had there but Kyle I want to talk about works based
Yeah, because your conference organizer now you said my life wasn't a chaotic enough.
I didn't have enough stress Let's try to get a thousand people in a room in the same place from across the country
And your first one went off really well. Yeah great speakers. Do we have another one coming up? Yeah, we're you know
You ironically say that but we are we're me and my family are really consisting, you know Counting the cost of like yeah, how much of a stressor was this?
You know, we had a couple of people that are helping us that won't be able to help us next year So we're looking for some people that might be able to help us kind of coordinate
Organize so I can just be the the face behind it and that's it. Sure. But no it was it honestly was great
I was just shocked Talking to Camden Spiller of Maddox. Okay, and he was like we want to be there next year and that's great
And he was telling me he was just talking to Dave Bonson. Dave Bonson was speaking very highly of it So it's like well, that's great that he remembers something from six months ago
No, it went great. I think You know, we're at fight or fight left east and they're doing the business makers networking and that's great.
We need more Christians to network. So the whole idea of workspace is less about the speakers we bring in less about the dialogue less about the
Content of the weekend more about like just come here and get some business done, right?
You know because there's tons of Christians who you know, like I'm I'm in marketing Everyone needs marketing, but I'm also
I work for a sign company and people need decals. They need signs They need all the different stuff and I've just in my experience realized
There's a lot of people in our spaces that do a lot of different services and we just don't know about it
Yeah, for sure, right? Yeah, I mean even like Andrew Kraposhev's with red balloon to kind of saw that in the employment sector and like putting people together and how we have
Believers, but we don't have any way we can come together. Really. I fight left fees is obviously one workspaces one
Do you have a date set or you doing it? Like next year? You're gonna wait another two years or like annually
I can't remember we wanted you were gonna do so We want the the goal is not only did you just do a big annual conference the we have we want to do like small events
Regionally, okay. So, you know one in Nashville one in Birmingham one and maybe North Pacific Northwest You know,
New York, maybe even But that might be a few years away Sure, we really want to do a one big annual conference and then kind of bridge up from there
So the the plan right now is probably like September of next year Yeah, and then just keep doing it annually in September figure out a month that works well for it
Yeah I would actually love to sit down with you and talk more because let's do it Watch well is actually a portfolio for my production company
Oh great where I edit podcasts for other other podcasters that you know are big and they don't want to deal with the editing
So yeah, well and I gotta get my own podcast going at some point Yeah, yeah anything you need man?
Yeah, you got don't you have reformation red pill you do some of their work? Yep, so I've edited for Josh over there and and reformation right there and and we'll see what the future holds
Yeah, but we're growing definitely, all right So what are you guys most looking forward to in the conference and then we'll get out of here
This is your first time Parker and you went all out man because like a lot of got first -time guys, too
We'll come down like today at like 5 o 'clock load in in an hour and then right to beard of Psalms you were here
Yesterday morning, so we've been hanging out basically two full days. I'm not too full day, but two days
Well when Greg Moore says jump you jump But it's it's been a blessing being right next to you,
I'm glad we're booth mates What are you guys looking forward to I say maybe we start with Kyle since he's sure yeah
I've been to four or five of these I Laura Pittman who's
Marcus Pittman's sure Said it really well a few years back. She's like the big the nice thing about FLF is it's basically a giant family reunion
And so I I'm not really I'm not really looking forward to any particular talk
Maybe Steve Dace to some degree because he's never been I honestly I think I'm most looking forward to Steve's reaction to this
I'm hoping we can make him a Presbyterian by the end of the weekend, right? Well, he was at the South Dakota one that oh, yeah, that's right
Yeah, that was the first time he was on the podcast and they've both grown both fight left and he has so it'll be interesting
Just I was gonna talk to him and get his reaction on that. But yeah, but I think it's the honestly I think it's the beer and work or beer and Psalms because at the cornerstone of all that we do is worship of God Yeah And you know
I part of what workspace is all about is encouraging people to realize that they're that worshiping God is not limited to Sundays It's limited to or it's it's extended to what we do in our work how we look raise our children
I mean even how we celebrate how we have fun So I look forward to this conference as much as anything throughout the year and so roundabout story
I'd say beer and Psalms is what I'm most looking forward to nice. How about you Parker? Honestly, I've made some of the best relationships that I've had in a very long time on on X Past year and I'm just really excited to fellowship with those brothers not through a computer screen, right?
Yeah in person, that's good. And and you know on X's sending out X's That started for me for you know, five years ago when this this whole thing started.
That's that's a genuine thing So I'll give you a little quick story. I This last week
I was in Birmingham and Messaged pastor Rich loss hung out with him spent time with his church and I'm just thinking
I'll get to hang out with rich And so that was great. It turns out I knew like 15 people at their church
Wow through online interaction and some personal stuff, too Couple guys had come to workspace. I didn't know that they went there.
So that was great and then the next day I went to Chattanooga and I messaged the CRC church that's out there and Hung out with those brothers and now now
I have more relationships that are extended and they'll have to live through Facebook and Twitter for a Little bit, but I think that's a genuine thing.
That's such a blessing of technology. It's awesome. It is Yeah I'm cutting the same way to to where after five years of these two
I kind of got guys in real estate that I can Refer stuff to or they can refer stuff to me and it's really hard to find other realtors that you trust outside of your local area
But it's nice that I'm sending them to brothers in the Lord and I can go, you know Not only do I you know, obviously there's referral fees and stuff included, but it's like at least
I know I'm sending the client To somewhere that I respect and I know and that's been a big thing because that's that's hard for realtors like oh, yeah
I'm selling my house in Michigan where I'm at, but we're moving to South Carolina. Who do you know down there? Well, you need to know someone a lot of realtors don't know and I go
I got a guy It kind of goes for any referral though, right? Yeah, that's true If it's rooted in Christ, you can there's a there's a different kind of trust
Yeah, but also we need to be and this is like a workspace thing is like we need to be doing excellence as we do that So don't just put the
Jesus fish on your real estate stuff and expect that's gonna carry it have you know Have a good connection to a local church, you know
Yeah so I like that you're doing that though because that's gonna be big I think that's gonna be big over the next decade when people
Are moving they're gonna need to coordinate with people and absolutely so that's good Parker shout out your
Production company for people that are watching and go. Hey, I'm starting a podcast and I want to Or I have a podcast and I want to get it edited it's called vindicated productions and it's real simple if you have a podcast you take all of your raw files you upload it to Google Drive and Then I download it.
I edit it and I send it back you do the magic do the magic man Get it on the timeline edit it up. And we actually have a project management management application to where you actually get to see your
Timeline of everything going through so, you know when it's being edited, you know when we're working on the audio, you know
You know all these different things and then it's cool send it off a revision you check it or you send it back We try not to do the whole revision thing because that takes time and but but hopefully we get it right on the first time
And then you can upload it and you can get shorts, too. Yeah, so we have it. We actually have two different tiers. So And I can't really remember the prices off the top of my head
I think one the basic tier is like an unlimited queuing where as long as your queue is full I edit one at a time and if that's five a month and that's five a month if it's eight a month that's eight a month depending on how
Intricate the editing is I think that one's like eight ninety nine a month and then that one just comes with you know audio video podcast and then there's one that's like Sixteen or seventeen hundred month
I think and that comes with shorts and two medium form videos for YouTube and eventually I want to get To where I'm actually managing the content for you.
So where I upload do the thumbnails I do all of it for you That's awesome You don't even have to worry about it and then you can go, you know Film more episodes and get more sponsorship slots sold and make more money.
That's kind of the idea. Yeah, let's all make more money I like that idea. All right, cool. We'll cut it off there guys You're gonna just gonna be hearing stuff mashed up.
I'm just gonna run them back -to -back like we do every year So this episode I don't even know who's gonna be on it because we'll just pull some people in the chairs and sit down and talk
All right guys to see a little bit get that mic right up on you there Right up on you. Oh, I know.
Okay Up on you can't stand you can't stand you up on you can't stand you
Do you know where that's from Seinfeld? Well, you remember the other guy's name was Costanza the
George Stanza what his coach in high school caught him can't stand you Come here can't stand you and he talked about that.
I just always Stanza yeah, I'm an in I know right if it's in the 80s or 90s.
It's in the but it's in the well, it's in the bank What's in the well comes out of the bucket. That's what my professor used to say.
Okay, I am curious Oh, no, we're recording do you memorize scripture as well as you do?
Get that mic up on your right up on you put it right in front of you I'm gonna act like you've done a podcast before Andrew What's a podcast?
I'll tell you a dirty secret We are recording the scripture. Not a dirty dirty. So like a dirty limerick
No You recording oh, yeah. Okay. So the the scriptures that I have most memorized are the ones from Like I remember
Pastor Keith, I remember Luther's quote at Worms Because I've seen the movie so many times.
I'm quoting the movie not the actual quote How do you remember it, you know, I do but those for you tuning in we're mashing these up We're at fight left -feast prodigal
America The boys are back in town, I've got Andrew Rappaport Keith Foskey and we're just having fun
We're getting ready for beer and psalms tonight At the fight left -feast conference in Fort Worth, Texas But I wanted to have these guys on two special guys that have always been very generous to me
We're gonna be at Jeffrey Rice's conference in February we're looking forward to that.
But here we're gonna fight laugh and feast right now in Fort Worth, Texas So how you guys doing just came in today, right both of you.
Yeah Fluent. Oh, yeah, they flew into right? Yeah. I've been up since a 2 .30 Eastern Time I was up at 445
Eastern Time. So you win. Well, I wasn't trying to not Andrew does like competition This morning
I ran around my house six times Seven more one more time the walls would have fell down Well, I just wanted to be clear that if I start slurring it's not because of the beer
Man I'm so glad you guys flew in Keith. We just found out about you about a week ago Andrew You were kind of you had stuff going on I mean you're all over the place in the whole world
Who knows where you're talking at and preaching and doing stuff same with you Keith? But so cool for both of you guys to be down here.
I know we're gonna have a few Good days, I think Keith you gotta leave on Saturday.
I think when are you headed out? I'm headed out Sunday night Sunday night Okay, I'm Sunday afternoon but Yeah Just wanted to kind of chop it up with you guys and give the people
The listeners a little bit of what's going on and fight laugh feast Like I said, we're going to beer and psalms here momentarily probably 10 minutes
This won't be a long clip, but you can hear the noise behind us. Everyone's coming in We've probably got
I don't know four or five hundred people here, and then it'll grow to about 1 ,500 by tomorrow, but So what you guys been up to man?
I haven't had you guys both on a podcast in quite a while Yeah, yeah, we try to do something or we were gonna do a three -man show recently to raise money for Aaron Brewster But I didn't come in to the last five minutes because I was babysitting
My own kids Had to correct we had to correct you're not babysitting your own kids.
Okay, that's called fatherhood. Yes Yes, I did. I made that mistake. I said that on the live stream
I made that mistake my my daughter was maybe a year old and she heard my wife heard Me tell my friend.
Well, I can't go golf. I'm babysitting my daughter and she went you're what? We don't babysit our offspring.
That's your fatherly duty so it's stuck in my mind and when you said that I laughed so hard and I think it was just I mean you'd probably
Don't use that term all the time. I didn't mean it that way I just meant I couldn't do the podcast because I've got a literal baby.
I've got a two -year -old. He's not well He's a toddler now. Yeah, but I can't just leave him I can leave I've got other kids that are older and it's nice now because they're old enough to watch themselves
Yeah, I've got a 12 almost 12 years. What are the ages 12? Well, she's about to be 12 and then I've got a nine -year -old son and a seven -year -old daughter
Yeah, they're pretty self -sufficient. Sure. I mean, they're at that age where they're you know, as long as I'm still in nearby
Yes, I go out to the shed and do the podcast because my studio is outside Yeah, if they need me they can come get me.
Yeah, right, but the two -year -old can't And I don't trust the other to watch the two -year -old because I'll come in and he'll be hanging upside down by his feet
You know doing something crazy. I'm laughing because these these young girls They're gonna be on this video hitting each other with Look at well, hello
It's okay Which is funny because I said when we start recording hit
Keith in the head She's like really I said, yeah, yeah, but she almost accidentally actually did they were trying not to but there's now they're moving like oh
Yeah, so we got all kinds of fun stuff here going. You know, it's it's family oriented too. We got kids here at fight laugh feast
Andrew what do you been up to man? I haven't talked to you We talked about a couple weeks ago obviously for the live stream and then you're always doing something like what do you got going on?
in your life right now I'm here No, I'm actually I you mentioned like Keith being all over.
So this is really funny We'll be the judge of that. Yeah, that's two people with senses of humor and you without one
We'll be the judge if it's funny or not Humor makes himself laugh all the time.
Yeah, look look I'm funny, but looks are not everything Okay, so I tell you the beard is making you very masculine.
Thank you miss. I like this beard mrs. Rappaport. I have to tell you if you watch this
Let him keep the beard. Yeah, it's better on all of us. Really. It's alright. It's helped us all, you know
It's actually defined his chin. I didn't even know he had a chin till he grew a beard. Yeah, it runs into his chest
He's gonna braid it into one single now that now the hair on his chest is gonna mingle with the hair on his face become
In tokens world Lord, hey, the best part is I'm walking up and people don't recognize me
Yeah, like David Tanner. We're sitting there I walked up and he's just look staring at me with that look like I know
I should know you. Yeah No, it doesn't lies. Keep can Paris from let's church Yeah, I walked up and said hi to him and he just was very gracious said hi and then then we're having a conversation over Here he goes.
Wait a minute. I just recognized who you are. So what's with the beard just said it's that time of year It's time to grow it out or what
Maya my bride was taking care of my daughter and grandson Yeah for a month and I had a month to grow the beard in because the agreement we have is she keeps her hair long
I don't have a beard. Yeah, we were pleasing to each other that way. I'm telling you. Let her let her go
Presbyterian, man Yeah, let her cut that hair short. That's what we call it our church when a lady cuts her hair short
We say she went Presbyterian. No, that's less material. Yeah, so I see USA, buddy I told her that I have to keep it if I'm coming here to fight left -east
Yeah, got to keep the beard for the Reformed Conference. I mean if I let it grow in yeah But I got the most white, you know
You are the lightest of if it goes another two or three inches We're gonna find you in the corner right in the Institutes or something else scrolling out and like French or something
So but but Keith Keith was I saw I've had three weeks. I have a pastor doing a doing a podcast with me
Yeah, one of the podcasters from the Patriot pastors podcast. Yeah, Wade Lentz He's doing he's acting as a co -host with me for three weeks and I end each week saying hey anything you want to promote
He mentions his church whatnot then all of a sudden we're done We do the three episodes and then
I notice Keith Foskey is doing a conference at his church and I text him I'm like I've been asking you what do you have to promote and you don't promote that Keith is preaching at conference
At your church. He goes. Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. I'm not good with it But in his defense
Wade is the nicest. Oh, yeah, I've never been more just Absolutely felt like family at a conference and it was just me
I preached for week or four nights and then did a comedy night. They want to know why I'm kidding
I was a four nights on the soft four nights on the sovereignty of God the preach Sunday morning and Sunday night. They had a
Family night and he said I just want you to cut up and do I did magic for the kids and then
I did comedy for The adults it was 45 minutes of comedy Wow four days. I mean you were pretty much an elder in that church after that Geez, yeah,
I know elders. They haven't preached that much in their own church. It was But it was
I get there and on the sign it said sovereignty of God by Keith Foskey You Made God This is it
Yeah, I saw some of your comedy stuff you put out some of the Sets that you did.
I feel like I saw one just a few weeks ago. Was that from that conference? I think so you get you did a little clip. It was good stuff, man.
I'm working on it. I'm really trying to nail down What works and what doesn't
I mean that's what stand -up that that is. Yeah, you you try things out. I like the process of Making things funny.
Yeah, and it is it is a process It's a will and the nice thing about comedy is you get instant feedback.
Oh, no laughs. We don't like that laugh Okay, that worked you switch it up next time the next time you're on and it is a continual pro
I'm so fascinated with the whole process of stand -up comedy because it's the rawest form of like Trot trial and error feedback, you know what
I mean and a larger group They're gonna tell you you might have a few laughs on this one, but you can get everyone to laugh on that one and you tell
Stories, they're funny. They're you know, maybe a little exaggerated. I don't know It seemed like you know, you're not embellished, but you put the the funny stuff on them
You got those up on your on your Twitter It's on my YouTube page everything to if you want to find stuff is just Keith Foskey calm
It takes you everywhere takes you everywhere. Yeah, it's a funnel and you know in the Friday night The Friday night thing it's a
Friday night live I only started that because I put out a thing and I said if anybody has Bible questions
Send me an email and I get enough every week that I could do a show just on answering questions
Yeah, so now every Friday night around 10 o 'clock. I do Friday night live
Which is me live answering questions and then people can ask follow -up questions on YouTube Well, you know what the cool thing is with that is because you're on let's talk church
Yeah with all those questions and answers people can just go search your your podcast
You know your Calvinist podcast on let's talk church and get the answers and just have it all in transcript form and view the media
I feel like Kenny slipped on a $50 bill. I can't mention look Hey, I love let's search.
I take the mug that he gave me to my church and have some oh you had that made That's funny. Let's church and I go. Oh, no, that's the guy who uploads all my videos and I Use that it's like a resource site.
I'm like, when did I talk about Christian nationalism last? I'll just type it in and then it gives me the transcript of my own videos like I don't know
I mean look I'm preparing for a debate early next year with with Michael Brown on Continuation of gifts and Michael was like, can you give me some stuff that you where you've spoken on it?
And I'm like Lots of times but trying to wear that on apologetics live when anyone can come and ask anything
I never know because it's not like it's gonna be the title, right? It's someone asked the question or where it's at in the video.
Yeah, and so let's us churches. That's great So I just like typed in charismatic gifts tongues healing get got any key word
Yeah, send send them the links and here you go. Here's everything You know, we I had to I spoke at a at a
Christian school and one of the kids Heard apologetics live where I had a guy that came in this
Indian guy that claimed to be sinlessly perfect Yeah, he also claimed Ready for this.
Wait, you eat Indian food. I don't know. He's Indian. He's sinned a few times on the toilet
He's lying. So he actually he actually Tried to recover from this lowering the intellectual both you guys like he actually actually tried saying
And I have this clip and this is the clip that the kid wanted to know he wanted to listen the context of it the guy actually said you can sleep with a prostitute as A Christian and as long as you do it in faith, it's not a sin.
Oh, he must have been a Hillsong pastor. Yeah Buzzing We're all week.
So, all right, we got less than two minutes here. What's the most annoying theological trend within the
Reformed Christian community right now go Keith No warning. What's annoying you right now?
What are we fighting over talking about or saying that we just go why it why is this a thing right now?
Can he go first? I really Andrew go. Yeah, I would I could I could say this was never lost for words
He's not always right, but he's never in doubt I would tweak that and say very rarely right but We're getting a t -shirt for that No, I would
I mean my biggest peeve is whether you want to call it the tribalism or what I refer to as platform building
Versus ministry. Yeah, I am getting so sick and tired of Everyone trying to destroy other
Christians to build a platform for themselves Yeah, so that they're not really doing ministry, but they claim they are sure
It's like oh, let's let's let's find someone we can attack someone we have to find We always have to have someone that we're gonna go after and and this the cancel culture.
I mean, look how quickly Steven Lawson got canceled. Yeah, and we still don't know what happened.
Yeah, we have no idea You know like what we first heard it sounded really bad. And then we find out.
Oh wait, it there wasn't a It wasn't a sexual relationship wasn't even a physical relationship. It's a was called an overtly
Romantic sure communication. Well, what is that? That's not biblical terms Like I don't know that I can say he's disqualified because I don't know what happened, right?
But that's the problem is no one's really waiting for what happened. They're just they're just divvying it up Like oh I can't for against I'm selling
I'm selling much of my library and I'm kind of glad that I sold all my Steve Lawson books before that thing
Happens with Steve, I want to make sure I'm taking The thing that's bothering me most in Christianity You're not alone
That's funny no, but it's like yeah, it's a thing where people are like I can't read anything he ever
Why do but it was the same thing with Alistair Begg people are like, oh, I can't read anything from him I can't listen to it like people are just removing everything get tossing everything they have from these guys and it's like okay with with Alistair Begg Louie have a little bit more clarity.
Okay. So what you're saying is you approve of affairs and homosexuality? Alright moving on Okay, Kamala Harris No, it's a serious matter we're kind of joking about but I get your point like let's because I was the same way
Let's wait and see let's give him, you know, these that we should give our brothers that same type of grace
Yeah, and and man Twitter's Twitter X. Here's the thing the reform guys used to be the guys that were like the wait -and -see
Let's make sure and now we've divvied up in camp and tribalism and it's really really annoying to me. I don't like it really interesting
And I'm sorry Keith just says quickly But you know, I was talking with Michael Brown and prep for it for this
Yeah, we're having and and I said to him I said, you know He was he was criticizing the reform folks saying or cessationist folks saying that we're we're too like, you know legalistic
We're just we're quick to shut people down and cancel people and you know, I said I'll take that We we are kind of quick on that way
But on your camp you you have so much grace that you lack discernment and he goes, you know, you're right
Yeah, I mean extremes either way. Yeah good, right? What are you thinking? Keith? Let's take us out here.
Let's finish up I think that It's similar to what he said. I'm gonna nail another maybe a further down issue.
Okay is within reformed Practices churches and and whatever there is this
Divide over matters that are there that are not primary Yeah, but people want to make them primary
Yeah, and so if we disagree on things that aren't primary issues, I mean
I have been called You know all kinds of terrible names by people who would like a cabinet be well
No, I mean the word antinomy and things like that, you know Which I think is unfair when you really understand the position that I hold
Sure those types of things is is not seeking to really
Understand people but we're wanting to immediately label Someone and that goes to the whole tribalism.
Yeah. Yep, because you're gonna know if you're in my camp or not. That's right Yeah, so like for instance recently had a guy just come after me on YouTube I was in the comments and I normally don't even respond because I get a lot of comments
I got a lot of videos, but it's glad that you wanted to Keep I know it wasn't him because the words were spelt correctly, but And that's why he does stand up ladies and gentlemen, he's quick on his feet.
That's right. That's right. I mean literally not physical Just remember he's he's got a couple black belts just remember that yeah,
I'm wearing one those compression socks No, but these are slip -ons these I do not have this like these like these are old man shoes
Because they yeah, I can act like I'm still in style a little bit, but they're just slip -ons. They're just slippers Vance But anyway, sorry
This guy on YouTube came on he blasted me and a long paragraph and I almost just put
TLDR right too long didn't read But I was like, you know, I'm gonna I'm actually gonna respond to this guy
I ended up going back and forth with him three or four times and he finally offered an apology Because I showed him that what he was saying was first time
Yeah Mark the time and day folks, but I was like, okay This is where the problem is
He was willing to make a statement about what I teach and believe that wasn't true when I showed him
It wasn't true. At least he recognized that it wasn't that's a gurging and I was happy about that But it's that type of thing.
We're we're very ungracious We're very we lack the willingness to say is this what this person's really saying?
This is going back to what you were talking about with Michael Brown Yes, I do think in Pentecostal world, there's too much openness.
Yeah, but within reform circles, it's the other way we're so quick to say no, these guys just suck and Speaking of guys who suck.
There we go We love you
Parker Brown watch well podcast go check them out guys. All right, we're gonna finish this up. Yeah, we're guys we're just doing 15 20 minute snippets the whole weekend.
We're gonna match them up. Obviously, we don't know who's coming up next So stick around for whoever's sitting in the chairs next
Keith Andrew you guys might even be back on again because love these brothers and we're gonna be down at the war pod
Podcast war conference in February. I'll be hosting. I think or is are you there speaking?
Are you there speaking? I'm speaking I'm speaking on Sanctification and Parenthood, where are you talking about? Oklahoma, Tennessee He's speaking on dementia, well,
I know I actually prepare my sermons before you so do I but it is
February I had a couple conferences before this. I had All right, we're getting to buried in Psalms and we'll be back with whoever's next.
See you guys. You can just do a clap Well, if you run that I can run it right to the phone and then the audio's coming through there.
Oh, okay figured out later, but Yeah, so we're just dropping right in because we're mashing these all up I got
Will Spencer Will Spencer podcast then do renamed Rebranded upgraded second time on the podcast for well.
Yes, and then Tate and Tate you're with be regenerated be regenerated You just went you're out in Ogden now.
You're talking about that. Just moved to Ogden this summer Yeah, is this your first time at fight left feast it is and yours too, right?
Yes, there you go first time on dead men walking podcast that fight left feast and will you've been on before?
We did something. Oh, it was months ago. It's six months ago a year. I like to fly or something like that Yeah, but I saw you over there
Doing interviews hanging out. What's your guys's experience so far at fight left feast? We're in the first day first full day.
How's it going? Excellent. Yeah, it's been a great time. Yeah, absolutely And so you're out in Ogden.
Where you at again in Phoenix here in Phoenix. Oh, man, you're in that dry heat Yeah, yeah, we're born and raised solar -powered so Both time first time here.
You guys are getting in some good interviews. I know you're doing your thing as well at your booth We got good speakers coming up.
We just heard George Grant. I think he's just got offstage. Yep. I Don't know too much about George Grant.
I want to have him on Do you guys know anything about him? I mean, he's been prolific for a long time
He has an elder statesman kind of vibe in my mind. That's where I have him and the way that he was talking
Yeah, I was I was interviewing Isaac from t -rex arms while George Grant was talking and the things that I was picking up just the
Couple phrases that I would get during the interview like okay elder statesman is where he's sort of coming from Yeah, regal is the word that comes to mind.
Yep. Excellent. Yeah, absolutely the cool thing I like about fight left feast and That I've experienced over the last five years of coming to these is you really it's really opened up to you know
Obviously the cross -politic guys Presbyterian. We have a lot of reformed Baptist here as well Jeffrey Rice if you're listening,
I'll call you a reformed baptist II Well, I guess you're reformed. I don't know. We'll see. Oh, man shots fired shots fired now.
He knows I love him But also we're seeing so I've met some non -denom guys here. I met some
Anglicans I've met you know, it's kind of growing to where it's like we're all pulling in the same direction on some core things
Yeah, that's reaching a broader audience of seeing where our country's at and things like that, which is nice So when you come here, we kind of all know we're kind of under this
This heading and like I said, we're all rowing in the same direction Which is nice if you guys experience elevated you got out to be able to talk to anyone or meet some new people and make
Some new connections. I think the thing for me is is the feeling of being in the room yeah, so I this is my first fight left feast and I've been to a number of Christian reformed
Christian conferences. I was at New Christendom I've been to reform con at apology back in 2022.
Yeah, and those are small conferences Okay to come here and to walk into a room full of 1 ,500 people
You can hear the echoing sound of the background You've got dozens of dozens of businesses with really well put together booth your your be regenerated booth looks really nice.
That's some really Yeah, we're looking at I'm right next door to him. Yeah, but you You get a sense of the time and energy and effort and manpower that has been put into building this
Christian Theological economic ecosystem. Yeah, and you get a sense of there's something really big going on here now
It's not massive compared to some like, you know, Vegas style conferences It's a it's a representation of that but at a way smaller scale
But it feels solid and real that there's something that men can push off from here into their own lives
And that's what I'm really enjoying about this And it's it's a fun pairing you two because I don't think you two have met and it's kind of I always bring weird weird pairs
On the podcast, but why I want to have both you guys on too is because well just talking to you
Very intellectual very theological very doctrinal and Tate. I'm not saying you're not but you're tackling the other side of it, which is like health
Being active being physical and I found those two are absolutely linked because anytime
I'm not being healthy. I'm not being organized. I'm not being physical It's a lack of discipline and self -control which then gets us right back to the theological underpinnings of that Yeah, so it's kind of cool to where you know, if I'm allowed to call you an intellectual
You probably wouldn't call yourself that but I think so when I listen to your podcast. Thank you and hear you talk very well articulated with those things and then
Tate we just met but I love the fact what you said and maybe you could expand on that a little bit of Men out on an island in going.
Okay. I've got all this theological stuff, but my my physical personal life It's not translating into that.
I'm sleeping in too late. I'm not being active. I'm eating junk food I'm driving through the drive -thru and you know being lethargic and apathetic
Talk a little bit about what you guys are doing to kind of join those two things like in practice that the theological underpinnings of Self -control discipline all those things.
Yeah, I think what we're doing is a natural outflow of all of this These guys are really into applying theology and so this stuff has to be set down and it has the rubber has to meet the road somewhere
I I think the freedom for guys like me is I can be extremely interested in all of the intellectual side
I can be doing a lot of reading and listening But I don't have to be the person that speaks to every single issue from a theological or political standpoint
I there are guys here who are better experts on that than me and I'm following their leadership on those things
But I think you do have a room here that tends to lean that way hard Yeah, and so we tend to forsake some of this other stuff.
That's a little bit more basic and low -hanging fruit Yeah, and so we're hitting that stuff the like like you said are we being disciplined in our everyday lives?
Are we applying this all of Christ to all of life? in the way that we prepare meals in the way that you take care of your body in In the longevity that you're seeking to pursue for your family and your people
And all of that stuff is really pretty basic Yeah, it's it's not super complicated for the most part unless there's some outlier
You know condition that you need to take care of but for most guys It's just getting them moving and avoiding avoiding the garbage that is being fed to you physically by trash world
Because it's just as bad as the as the stuff that's intellectually being fed to you by trash world
Yeah, and so we've got to tackle both of those things. Yeah for sure. Praise God. Yeah I'm gonna make a confession because I think it's just the
I can sit down and read a very intricate book on Theology or doctrine and I like that and most people go.
Oh, that seems hard That seems easy to me the hard part for me is actually getting up and in being disciplined to go work out to go run
To go eat the healthy thing because I lack self -control like a man with you know
I've no self controls a city without walls and I go Oh, I want that that hit of the salty fry or the greasy burger or whatever right because it's easy
And it's like where's that that disconnect for us, I mean Really for men is and I'm the first to admit this
I you see someone like me who is not taking care of his body that that to me says, okay
There's there's an absolute lack of self -control and discipline You can know all the terminology and say all the right things biblically, but if we're not like doing that very basic thing
That's why I say the two are so linked. It's like I'm literally I feel sometimes I'm like, yeah I gave into that horrible thing
I'm a city without walls like that needs to be in check and I'm not saying we all need to be you know Bodybuilders and weightlifters and stuff but both you guys take care of yourself physically, too.
So it's like Yeah, we need we need to aspire towards that right? Yeah. What does that say about us?
Well when when when you know, we say we can have all the right terminology and we're in this denomination We can intersect everything
But then the very simple thing of being organized and disciplined and self -controlled and what we eat and how we act and how we move
Man, that's it's like you got a floodgate. You got a hole in your boat and you're trying to you know
Take the bucket and yeah, I want to I want to pitch you a way to think about this okay, so I have often said that if you could snap your fingers and Spend 24 hours in your ideal body like right at the end of 24 hours
You would be begging begging to stay there forever Okay, right The reality is that most people in America today have never known what it is to feel truly healthy
Just the the embodied experience of being healthy of whether it be lean or whether it be strong or fast
Whatever those whatever that is for each individual man, which is different. So just to actually experience that is so powerfully transformative
I don't ever want to go back. So I'll give you a good example from my life I moved back to the
United States in February of 2020. I've been living overseas in New Zealand So I moved back to the
United States and I was to 220 pounds So like not particularly strong Skinny fat going towards like fat fat really high body fat percentage for for my build then
Kovat happened I spent the next six months and I lost 40 pounds, right?
I got down to like the leanest I'd ever been 175, right? I felt amazing and it was out of that moment that I started my podcast the
Renaissance event I felt like I could I could take on the entire world just having that experience and I think if everyone could give themselves the gift of Depending on who you are three six twelve months worth of discipline just to say, you know what?
I want to know what it's like to be me Looking and feeling and performing this way just so I can know because no one can give that to me
No one can they can they can't even communicate to you what it would be like to be you at your ideal body type and so you can think of it in terms of like I don't have the discipline to do these daily things and That's that is a valid way of thinking about it
Or you can say I have a desired goal in the future three six However, however many months out it is and I want to do that Just so I can know what it feels like to be me when
I get there I think that is something that if more people understood that they would pursue it more forcefully
Yeah, I think the people in this room in particular need to understand that this is actual sin like yeah
That's true that that sloth and gut gluttony are actually sin Like I won't talk to you about that and I don't know why
I don't know why that's this thing that we sort of just brush over but it is yes, and It's it's
I don't know how we're able to put the blinders up the way that we are But we have for quite some time now. It is one of the sins that you just wear around and you can see it
It's not hard to distinguish like it's it's very obvious and so understanding that there's
Abdication going on there, especially for men in the responsibilities that have as men before God to to behave and live in a certain way
And in my opinion, I think this is low -hanging fruit I'm not saying it's easy right by any means but it is obvious It's very obvious and simple and the things that you need to do are not complicated
But it does take a tremendous amount of diligence and faith to just do the thing today that you know
Is not going to yield any fruit tomorrow. Yeah, but it will in a month It will in three months.
It will in six months like we'll just said yeah And so us being able to develop a post -millennial ism about that You know like this this long vision this time horizon that is that is out in front of us a ways and knowing that If we're diligent and faithful in these small things, they will pay off and there are rewards for it
And I don't know why everyone thinks that there's you're only gonna get some tangible benefit from this tangible training Obviously you will yeah, of course physical benefits are gonna come from physical training but I think that the more rewarding side of it is the intangible part and the
Discipline the the confidence the the ability to carry weight and gravitas into a room because you know what you're capable of.
Yeah Those are things that we are majorly lacking and not to come at this in like a seeker sensitive type way
But aesthetics matter they do they win people and and those things are really important I think it's something that we need to put our stamp on and and take that ground back
That's something that we should steal back from the world. We own aesthetics human beauty belongs to God Yeah, amen.
Can I jump off that for a second? Absolutely One of the things I want to point out is there are these very powerful words that Scripture uses to define sin
That for whatever reason do not land anymore. It drives me crazy. One of them is gluttony
Yeah, gluttony is a defined sin Proverbs is all about gluttony right sloth is another one fornication is another one
These are heavy -duty sin describing words that when you say them to people they just write like okay
I don't know what that means and I don't understand it Those should be so powerfully convicting to be accused of sloth gluttony fornication and all these but no one seems to care and I don't
Get it, but it's something that needs to change because those used those words used to mean something
Yeah, they used to they used to mean you are leaving God's law You're leaving the narrow path when you begin pursuing these
I no one cares anymore And so we have to rediscover the impact of those words.
Yeah I mean what I've been kind of to your both of your points is I've been working through going Well, I'm I hate hypocrisy and in doctrine and theology
But I'm a walking hypocrisy because I say we don't give in to the culture, right? We don't we bow to Christ not the culture, but I've embraced the culture of rejecting delayed gratification
I've embraced gluttony and obesity and I'm saying a lot of us have to I mean just like I said it and it's very easy to to eat unhealthily to To be inactive to your greater point as well, you know, you know about five years ago
I was about 30 pounds lighter and I can tell you it was it's a game -changer in the way
You think the way you feel in the morning the way you get I own a business. I feel much more motivated
You know when you're eating Unhealthily and you're not moving there's a mental thing there, too
I mean you can even get into the spiritual part of it as well But just apathy and that's not good
If you're a business owner a husband a father right a homeschooling, but like so so I've really been interested in seeing
Oh, there's underlying issues When when you're not fit when you're not active kind of like you guys are saying and it's crazy
How we've just not made that important. We've kind of ignored it. Like you said like like you said Oh gluttony obesity, right?
Self -control, I don't know we we hammer on the fornication part
Oh, we need to figure out the stuff about porn and fornication within the church. Yes. Yes within the church
I'm saying But then you know and I'm getting that sermon from a pastor. That's obese that you know, and look at I'm that I don't want to seem like we're picking on anyone.
That's you know over I'm saying like you said It's a it's a walking billboard of I like self -control and discipline.
It's apocryphal and then you go. Okay Well, does that qualify you as an elder or a shepherd or look at I'm you know, that's the way
I think is because it leads to other things It's led to other things in my life if I have black self -control what
I'm going to put in my body I'm gonna lack self -control with what I do with my body. Does that make sense? And I would and I would also say real quick not only has it has it led to Certain thing you're not doing certain things.
It has led to certain things that you will never know not coming into your life Oh, it's true you will never know the blessings that didn't come to you because someone may have looked at you and unconsciously thought that'd do
It's a walking hypocrite versus if you were an integrity, you don't know what doors would open This is what I mean is we don't have the experience of what it means to live in integrity
Physically, and so we don't know what that is to walk out our lives that way. I also think it's just it's it's a clear just Brushing over of the fact that this is how man originally fell into sin was with food
We just brush over that like it's not a big deal Appeasing to the eye right? Yeah, it is literally the thing that that like men throughout all of human history
This is the sin that men fall into is sex and food Yeah and they are the things that are extremely potent like the the
The sacrament is food that is given to you It's living bread and for some reason we just brush over those things.
We're really into like you said We're really into identifying the sexual sins of the culture, but we totally brush over this part
Yeah, and it's just like you said it's easy today to run by and grab fast food somewhere Yeah, don't think of that as a moral decision.
I Think we ought to yeah, so for anyone listening, I don't want them to be discouraged by this I want them to be encouraged.
So let's really think about these things. Yeah, right Obviously you're doing something in that space.
You're doing something in that space because like I said, I think it's all Interconnected it is it really is with with how we live for Christ mortifying, you know killing sin every single day
Let's not Let's not bow to the culture and allow some of these sins to just go unanswered
No, I think I do. I think for sure this the same principles of sanctification have to be applied here This is not something where I think everyone needs to flip their life upside down Overnight and everything has to change all at once and you have to be a different person tomorrow won't work anyway
Yeah, that's true. But I think I think you apply that same thing. We're like, all right. Well, what could
I do? What's the one thing I could do this week and focus on and then you start making those small changes and before you know you you have this critical mass and the snowball starts rolling downhill and Inevitably I've seen this in with almost every person
I've ever talked to that got into fitness at some point in their life Which is a weird modern thing
We didn't used to like be into fitness or not into fitness this new thing called jogging. Yeah it's kind of like a silly modern first world thing, but Everyone that gets into it inevitably they they end up sort of falling in love with it and they're like I can't believe
I didn't start this sooner and And it's it's it's gonna be better for you. It's not like some punishment
This is a reward like righteousness is good for you It's also crazy to think you're like a hundred and fifty two hundred years ago
Americans had like really hard days work where they got their activity in Yeah, you know
Sun up to Sun down whether it was an agriculture or manufacturing and now we're in a society where you can sit somewhere
All day, you have to actually go out of your way to get activity in Yeah, any type of physical activity and then on top of that every corner has my son.
He's going through an allergy thing, right? So we cut out soy eggs dairy
Artificial flavors corn corn syrup, right? So you start label reading and then you go.
Oh my good soy is in everything Yeah, because it's such a cheap crop corn is in everything
Fructose is it right and you go? What are we eating and my kids only 10 and I and it was funny because after a 60 -day cleanse he lost 10 pounds
Bags under his eyes went away He's eating a third of what he was before because the side effect of his of allergies always feels he's hungry
Point being is he's a different kid in 60 days. And then I felt as a parent I go. What am
I doing? You know and we try to limit sugar. They don't drink soda. So yeah, but just the average thing you buy and it's like, okay
So now there's like a discernment and a wisdom thing that comes into this too. Like what what do
I buy? Like, you know what? I mean? Like what's going into my body? Like what can I buy? What can I buy right?
Yeah, and we found that the myth of oh, it's so expensive to eat healthy. Not true No, no It's actually more expensive
For like the snacky boxes of snacks and all the stuff that they push at you at the Costco in the Walmart, whatever
It's actually less expensive to eat healthy It's just you got to get over that hump of oh
It's not that that carb hit that sugar hit that Thing that my taste buds or my body's craving because I've been eating like, you know
I don't know how this got not health food But but it's just very interesting to me to how quick and how
Lord has designed is how quickly the body can adapt and go Okay, you're giving me good stuff. I'm moving.
I'm doing something. Yeah, let's go. Let's go in that direction It's like our bodies were created and yearns for that.
Yeah, we just got to get past that sin It's the sin that's keeping us in that junk food and inactivity and you know things like that.
Absolutely. I'm gonna say something Controversial right now. Oh, I like it I think that there's more benefit in changing from processed food to single ingredient real food
Apple steak rice right to move from Cheetos to apples then there is to go to like Oh, well, it has to be organic
It has to be free range because a lot of people they look at this and they say oh, well I have to go get this
Organic or whatever, whatever the buzzword sustainable regenerative is the new one. I like be regenerated by the way, but regenerative farming
Yeah, that's the new marketing word. So whatever bespoke, whatever So like a lot of people will think that they have to go in and go to the grocery store and buy the really expensive
You know, right like capital organic stuff No No If the first step that you take is just to make your diet single ingredient real food
That will get you at least 80 % of the way there and everything beyond that is Marginal because a lot of people do rightfully look at organic food and it is quite expensive
Sure You know like you can look at an apple for $2 and then you can go to McDonald's for like a
Big Mac for a buck How is it that this? You know this this burger which is made of a bun and quote -unquote meat and like lettuce and all these toppings plus labor to Assemble it costs $1 $1 and an apple that grows in a tree someone picks it and throws it in a truck is $2
How does that make sense? It doesn't yeah, it doesn't so if you can begin exact is exactly right.
That's where our tax dollars That's where our Federal Reserve money is going So but people look at this and they are rightfully intimidated by the price of some organic, you know
Kind of like a niche kind of things you don't have to do that It is enough to eat the real food kind of things that people 150 years ago would have just taken for granted
Yeah, practically one way to do that is just stop going into the middle part of grocery stores. Yes, stay on the edge
I like that don't don't go in the middle When I said inexpensive to want to clarify as we wrap this up. I was saying to in my own personal life
It was like all the little add -on things that you buy at a grocery store that you absolutely don't need
Right could easily fund the 10 % or 15 % increase in what I needed to buy to go clean
Oh sure. Yeah, see what I'm saying? Like you know with stuff that you don't even really oh, well, it's a healthy fruit Pack it's a you know, it's it's sparkling water.
It's it's all these things, you know It's a it's a 12 pack of Pepsi like you don't really need that, right?
So it's like this weird thing where it's like once we cut that out My grocery bill actually went down to going to like one ingredient stuff.
Like I'm not exactly, you know, I'm not well Yeah, we are grass -fed on the beef because I know but I should let him hear it fight left feast
I totally got a time right but I'm saying you don't have to go full Yeah full -on crazy baby steps get you 80 % of the way there like you were saying but but the food is the big thing and I just want to Say to listeners and I'll give you guys the last word to Don't think this is about some type of like you said seeker friendly or even legalistic.
This is like a real like thing that that self -control discipline wisdom discernment all these are linked to these subjects that we're talking about and it's been really clear to me for over a year and In the only reason why
I haven't is because I I have some sanctification in those areas Like you have to admit that first, so I don't want anyone to be discouraged take this as an encouragement, right?
like like yeah be theological be Doctrinal be denominated all those things read the books go through the
Institute's all your stuff But also you got to add this part in too. Yeah, because you got a hole in your boat
Yeah, you know, I want to and just to close out. I'll just respond to that So if if someone is listening and I'm gonna
I'm gonna challenge the people who are listening if you're listening to this and your thought Is either that's legalistic or that seeker friendly if your first thought is to attempt to dismiss everything that we're saying
Because you want to apply some theological label to it or whatever that is in itself a symptom of the problem
We're giving good ground and advice about how to live as embodied beings on God's earth How to value what he's given to us and if your first instinct is to try and throw it out using theological
Categories you're wrong like you need to listen to what we're saying and I and I hope you do because we're saying it as your
Christian brothers and To get past that initial resistance and ask very hard questions And I promise
I promise that the answers and the process of answering them in the process of achieving the right answers will be so Profoundly rewarding in every possible way that it's worth that initial discomfort to overcome the instinct to dismiss it awesome
You got a final word. Yeah, absolutely true to that I think we need to understand also that this is this is related to our theology
Yeah and we have become in many ways functionally Gnostic where we Divorce the physical from the spiritual and we act like they're not touching at all
And so I think we we've theologically need to deal with this and and if you're you're a theologically minded person
Deal with it from that angle and and see if you can come to a good conviction on this because I think
Will's absolutely, right If you're if you're knee -jerk reaction is to go these guys just want me to be a bodybuilder or something
That hasn't been said I wouldn't say that. Yeah, this is about being being the best you can be for the glory of God for the good of your people and And I I think it in many cases.
We're in sin when we when we just shun it and avoid it There you go. So didn't know how the mashup would work with Will from the
Will Spencer podcast and Tate from BG Regenerated but it worked out. Look at you guys. Awesome. You guys know your stuff
We had a little snippet here as always guys We're gonna be doing 15 -20 minute mashups the whole weekend
So we don't know who's coming up next but just since we're kind of halfway through this one Remember to check out
DMW podcast .com where you can find out more about us visit visit the merch store You know get one of these nice little wine them dine them
Romans nine of mugs. We got those there That always makes the guests laugh so good or the new shirt
Job 13 5 Why don't you shut up and let that be your wisdom? Sometimes you have to just quote scripture to the pagans even if they don't like it
So guys, we'll be back in a little bit with two new guests. We don't know who it is. Stick around See a double right now
You're living life, I'm gonna put it right here for now. Oh my gosh, we got Jason Andrew Chase is just walking around drugging people
Okay, just for the record before this gets started we have to just say you were given the choice
I'm just I was an eyewitness. He just put it back in so So chase is with 1689 cigar
Some of the best cigars ever Premium cigars and I've always said the presentation is awesome, too.
Y 'all know Andrew. He's hanging out with this this Andrew Rappaport's driving for eternity Man, I can't think straight
So basically what's going on here Nicotine pouches and They sent me 20 milligram ones and Wow, you typically only do three and six and this crazy guy
Well, it tastes so good though. I mean there's still flavor in it Mom see
I'm seeing what I'm saying No, it's it's powerful and I go why would you even why would they send you that?
No idea why they sent me 20 milligrams Folks who don't know what is it?
I mean, what is the normal milligrams that people would have of nicotine like in a in a cigar or in a
Cigar or something. Yeah, three to six milligrams is the normal is normal Yeah, if you're doing 20 milligrams, you are so you so you offered you have these samples and you you offered him
I haven't offered anybody. Can you guys hear my heartbeat? Or is that just me? I Didn't offer you anybody these he said he wanted to try wanted to try but you offered him a choice of two different Yeah, yeah, so were the choices he gave him.
Well, I gave him 20 or 12 and he he said go big or go Don't tell all my secrets on the podcast.
Maybe look like a complete animal. Well, you can always edit things out True No, we don't do that here at dead man.
We don't leave anything on the cutting room floor. You guys see it all but so You're not like CBS NBC just edit it so Finally speechless on my own podcast you did it chase.
So are you coming out with these you're like testing them or what's going on? Yeah, so we brought these here. They just test them.
They're gonna be called the door Yeah, what do you guys put in a door
Any chance you're gonna get a 20 and you just call it the dead man walking
Those are not for like human consumption I like you have danger in a little pouch there what you're doing you're walking around It's just what to be truthfully honest.
It's it's a really big head rush. It feels lightheaded You know you well think about nicotine
I mean when you hit a really good cigar and you're kind of getting that nice little mellow feeling it's that times like 10
What do we got? It's Cody from Westminster effects So you're you're not gonna do the 20 line though.
Is that what you're saying? No But if you do you definitely have to call it the dead man walking The crazy thing is
I keep thinking about I want to put it back in I mean You're making me want to try It's good, dude.
I haven't had the blueberry So tell us about 1689. No, you've never officially been on the podcast. We did the bracket, which was awesome
Who won that? I think I think round one was was pretty good. But round two,
I wasn't a fan of You weren't I wasn't a fan of poor Andrew all my brackets. He gets put up against like James White Dog wheels, you know, who is it?
Phil Johnson like heavy hitters in round one Yeah, so so but it night the the winner was the non cigar smoking
Keith Foskey Oh, he came over to the booth last night and he said he did try our cigars. Okay, how smoked at least one?
So he tried it Hey, we're not editing
But I think it was a plate. It was one of the flavored ones. Yeah Yeah, which which you know as a
Levite. I really have a problem. You call them Pharisees. I just Oh My god,
I'm taking that personal offense Well, you shouldn't Know I wanted to talk about 1689 a little bit because you got a booth here at fight left feast.
Like I said, we talked about this yesterday the bands and the design is unparalleled
I think in the Reform cigar community. I put it up against any 20 -30 $40 stick you find in a cigar shop how well it just presents not when
I'm talking about the premium tobacco in the way It tastes because that's awesome But we were kind of talking to to where even novices and people who maybe don't smoke
They'll they'll be they'll gravitate towards the presentation of the band or the actual cigar And I think you guys even even done a nice job on that and then when you actually open it up You what you give me last night?
Or no two nights, it was like two nights ago. You gave me one. He's really I don't know Was it it was it was a
Pharisee? It was the Pharisee the honey the honey vanilla what I yeah What I like about your cigars too is sometimes you get a cigar and it is rough that first third
You really got to get an acquired taste for it. Yeah, you seem to open up like right away I don't know if that's like you meant to do that or your is that just I don't smoke good enough tobacco to you know
What I mean like like it's just all the way through the stick. It's you guys stop smoking the cheap stuff So it could be smoking black and milds for the show 1689 all right
It could be either or yeah, it's like I actually blend all the way back in boys Into the
Twilight Zone So it could be either or we chase chase
By tonight he's gonna be like By the night he's gonna ask me for another one.
Why is Greg on the roof of the Will Morrow? Will Rogers and we're all saying he's a golden God Sorry you were you were answering
I mean you About the fact that when he has your cigar just opens up right away.
Oh, yeah, so I blend I blended the cigars for my palate and so I hate that harshness at the front of the cigar
Yeah, so we blend it all that harshness out, and there's some people that love that harshness I just I'm not one of those
I'd rather have smooth flavor the whole time and then if you get a Maduro you're gonna get that nicotine hit And but the other ones you're not gonna get the cigar blues is what we call it.
Okay. Can you give us a Preview of what's gonna be going on on the at the cigar party the
VIP yeah, so at the VIP cigar party There's gonna be a lot of bourbon a lot of whiskey a lot of beer
And then we're gonna be testing out the Pharisees. That's what we're gonna be using there that night
Okay, they pair really well with with whiskeys and so just seeing how people like them And if if they do we're gonna go forward with that as a new blend
So do you kind of have that in mind too when you're designing your cigar like what it'll pair with yeah? Yeah, do you put that on your website or not?
I can't remember yeah So we're gonna actually have like a separate website That's gonna do like cigar reviews
And then it'll show what what things are paired with and that pair well with it And then also there's gonna be like beginner tips.
You know novice tips. That's the way to do it Yeah, and then we have we have a challenge going like this one.
It's a chooch coin hold that up So we can see it. Okay very cool. Yeah, and what do you do with that? Well so that that coin if you come to any of our cigar lounges as we franchise around the
United States Are you gonna have that oh? Look at that got me a 1689 challenge all right.
What do I do with it to buy mine? Why is your head a crocodile right now
So what do you do with it tell people with the challenge coins of it so they can get them on the website Yeah, there's only gonna be well. We haven't even put them on the website.
They sell so quick We we only made a hundred of those ones and the reason why we did it is if you go to our cigar lounge and you
Bring that in you sure you have it. There's a special blend that we're gonna have in every cigar lounge, and you'll get it for free But obviously you pay for the challenge so yep up front
So we're wait where's your cigar cigar lounge A Clarksville, Tennessee Clarksville, Tennessee, and aren't you possibly can we talk about aren't you doing something with CR with Wiley maybe maybe yeah?
It's just still kind of you're in the works. There's a lot of interest there a lot of interest there say that Okay, and where's he thinking about putting down roots at look for his building battlegrounds,
Washington, okay? Yeah, so are you so you guys are just physical locations just in Clarksville.
Yeah, yeah, but then obviously website ship out Yeah, and then we're looking for one.
There's gonna be one in PA picks Pittsburgh area down here at the FW We're looking at franchising out here, and then
There's one out in Oregon that what we're looking at franchising as well Do you guys do any other conferences besides fight left feast you go other places or pretty much here?
No, we went to try dad last weekend, okay, and I was up for like 52 hours. That was fun getting here
We got to get him out to the war. You know Jeffrey writes. That would be a good one Yeah, I think it's only like an hour away from me,
Tullahoma Yeah, so you should definitely do you should stop by cuz you got a bunch of cigar smoking reform
Baptist at that one Oh really, there's actually Baptist that say they smoke Yeah, yeah
I know We actually saw one person If you remember okay,
I'm not gonna name name, but who came to the conference You know first time okay, but I still don't know you're talking about but yeah
We found out he enjoys a cigar But so you're okay.
You're being yeah, I don't want to Adam if I wasn't on 20 milligrams of nicotine I know who you're talking about, but I have my memory is wiped right now
That's good. So you're you're only an hour from from Jeffrey rice. I think so I think I think it's a
I wish we should hook those guys up. We should yeah, we should connect you guys up Afterwards you how far is he from Nashville I?
Don't know I think I'm trying to remember how long an hour and a half no hour Tallahassee like an hour.
I was thinking like 45 minutes to an hour, but well the way you drive them to the Google Maps podcast We just discuss where things are
It's on the map. It's on the map somewhere. Yeah, I'll look at yeah, if you're not too far away I mean if you got the cigar lounge, maybe we do an extra ride and go up to oh
That would be interesting. I'm building out a studio in the scar lounge like We could do a special night for that and then go to his lounge and yeah buy some cigars and hang out
We did we get to set up our theology throwdown that we do. There you go So record it at the so at this conference that Jeffrey Rice has it so Me and one of the guys
Brandon we go in we just go brick this place breakfast and we're it's like this cool little place
We're looking around and we go upstairs. Yeah, it's a Celtic coffee bar Yeah breakfast Celtic coffee cup is
I think the name of the place and you go upstairs and it just brings you back to the Old pictures you have of the
Reformers sitting in in like a pub and yeah arguing out and hashing out theology It's all wood.
It's kind of a gable roof. It's big tape big, you know conference table So we so last year we rented it out
I rented it for us and we Greg's sitting there setting up the recording and you know We get in and just like alright, let's have at it.
Yeah, you know, unfortunately, you know We didn't we're maybe a little bit too polite with a latent flowers who showed he'd late flowers showed up And I'm really rounded by a bunch of Calvinists.
Yeah, and he did what Layton does is distract The argument goes up the way yeah
Yeah What he did was he decided to make it all about dispensationalism and so the three dispensationalists of that were there we're like them having to defend that while he just Yeah Yeah, we really didn't get to regeneration until like the last five minutes yeah, and I think you did that on purpose yeah
But yeah, that'd be cool. So You got that worked out. But yeah, I just wanted to have you on introduce again
You probably my listeners know 1689. We've talked about him We did the bracket with them, but just a great small business been well received.
Yeah, how long have you owned the business? It's you're fairly new owner, right? Yeah, so we we've had the business for two years
Okay, and we've been so it took me a year and a half to blend our cigars Okay, and then we started heavily marketing the last six months
So in the last six months, we've we've sold to Legally sold to all 47 states and maybe the other three and We've we've sold internationally.
We're no longer we would no longer be considered a boutique cigar company. There you go That's the goal, right?
You know, we have no data for this But I think we're probably one of the fastest -growing cigar companies in the States right now Yeah, I would think so because I'm seeing you pop up everywhere people know about you outside of like these circles
Which is probably because there was this podcast bracket that someone did Dude there were it was funny because how many non cigar smoking folks were in there?
Myself included just to go like want to win just just to win like Gary Keith is like well if I win I'll give
Whoever whoever came in second, I'll give you the cigars because I don't smoke Real mad that Keith one
You're gonna have to do you can't just have it in a picture or video You gotta be a cigar smoker if you want to enjoy these guys, so I don't know
Hold it up and when you're playing the Presbyterian you got All right.
All right. Cool guys. We're gonna we'll let you go get back to it. We're on break right now. I think we've got
Dusty Deaver's coming up next so hopefully after he's done talking we'll have him on and We'll keep mashing these up and bringing you guys more content as always
Make sure you like and subscribe and tell a friend and check us out at DMW podcast .com
and don't do it 20 nicotine You saw if you're watching the video,
I only had it in probably for a total of two minutes in this whole thing I'm feeling all right I'm gonna go take a nap in three days
I Remember chief in the men's corp. I gotta join forever. God bless. Oh, yeah. Here we go. So wait the fight left feast continues
Here with Steve Cruz regular man podcast TC cook the TC cook podcast What's up, fellas?
How are you experiencing fight left feet so far? You haven't fun. I'm loving it man. This is these are my people I keep telling everybody like I walk in and this is the first time
I've been something like this and I'm from Oregon So this is not what I see Anywhere I go, he's like I haven't been been able to find anything vegetarian yet.
I know it's all brisket Cauliflower steaks nowhere
I can't find So I've been walking by your guys's podcasts and if you're listening make sure you go check them out regular man podcast
TC cook podcast And it looks like you've been getting a lot of good interviews because you guys have been busy been sitting down talking
I want to come say hi to you and then I walk by and like well in the middle of an interview So, how's that experience been?
Have you been it's been great good content Yeah, a lot of people a lot of people walking up just random conversations had
Kyle back on and Chase from 1689 cigars.
Yeah, he was just on to ya awesome guy Gonna have dusty on right at when he's done.
He's talking right now. If you're anything in the background, that's dusty given Yes speech dusty divas. I think about five minutes ago.
He said last thing I mean Richard's gotta say last thing at least three times before you take him serious.
He's a filibuster right now That's what he's doing. He's filibustering, right? You can't have you can't have a sermon without a false start after false start, right?
Yeah, so you guys have both been on the podcast, but it's spaced out a little bit give like a little
Both of you like a little three four line what the podcast is about how it's going. So how about regular man?
Yeah, it's it's a podcast about for regular men, okay
You say well I've been busted down off of YouTube so many times cuz I'll talk about everything
I'll talk about kovat 19 About just got a platform. Yeah And it's it's just something for like regular especially in the reformed world, you know
You have a lot of ivory tower a lot of academic which is good. You know, you need that conversation You need the the good important conversations of theology and philosophy and those are amazing
Yeah, but so often the church just stops there Yeah, like you have you have two choices either you have the the secret sensitive big evangelical kind of this is a football
This is a football. There are many like it, but this one is mine this is a football and then you have the the deep reformed kind of going over the play action
Button hook 90 right right on go and then you have nothing in the middle yet.
You don't have people teaching you Okay. Well before you go to the the play -action 50 yard deep pass
You need to pick up a first down you need to that means you need to hold this football. This is a football
Yeah, but what does that mean? It means take the next step. It means gain a couple yards go down the field You know do your job as a
Christian And and bring that ivory tower into the garage to a practical application.
Yeah, exactly practical application. Very cool and so it's like a Ivory tower bring into the garage theology where what does that mean to you?
Well, it means X Y or Z. Don't use a hundred dollar word hypostatic Union Transubstantiation if a very simple direct word can convey the same thing means
God took on flesh Yeah, it means it's a real in you know Just convey the simple truth because that's what the
Bible does and then you can get deeper later Yeah, that's one of the things I was really drawn to Early in my walk with RC Sproul and there's a reason why they called him the professor you take these real big
You know theological thoughts and really break them down. So like a dummy like me could understand exactly, you know
I'm sure we're talking about injustice versus injustice and then break it break break break and then okay, that's the practical application
That's it. So yeah, I think it's much needed in the space. So that's cool I think that's one of the things one of the reasons that Doug Doug Wilson is so popular
Sure is because he does exactly that he takes these these grandiose well fleshed out
Deep conversations and deep theology and he just condenses it down further and further exactly what you're talking about into Okay.
Well, it means would God be happy with the way you're living or not? Let's live in a way that God says you should live.
Yeah, so TC. What do you got going on over at the TC cook show? What are you guys focusing on recently? Yeah So so it's clearly speaking network and then we got the
TC cook show and you got the Zach Johnson show on the network Okay And so clearly speaking is so that we can speak clearly on cultural topics using a biblical worldview and so we want we want to take things that are that are going on in the culture and we
Want to speak to that using scripture, right? So that way we can see through new eyes because because it is all of Christ for all of life
And so it's all aspects. So I just started recently having guests I believe if I'm not mistaken, you were my first guest.
I like it. I'd have to go back and check I have to fact -check that I think it was pretty new when we were talking a hundred percent. Yeah, so Snopes it.
Yeah Nobody's like check it just just let Greg feel great because he was the first time
Yeah So so we're bringing we're bringing guests on and and so really just talking through cultural things and and one of the things
I'm hoping to get this at this show is George Grant said he would come on and so have him come on and we're
We want to talk about or I want to talk about this is selfish for me But is you know, we have you had the you had
I just lost it But but you had a war right the Revolutionary War good grief, you know, but yeah
Yeah, I really need to learn about this stuff, right? It has been and it's been it's been a great flow over by the by the booth
But but the Revolutionary War and then the spirit of that Why why aren't we like that today?
Right? Like what happens like they were ready to pick up arms. They were frustrated They were ready to go and and it seems like we
I'm not I'm not saying that we're at the time where we got to Pick up arms. Don't get us George why can't we have a civil war?
Exactly Between you two,
I'm in big trouble. That's right. That's right. Yeah, you brought us on here for a reason, right? Really what he's trying to say is he's done he's
So, who do you go for and guests when you're talking cultural stuff? Like do you go like for someone in a specific area and you go?
Hey, I want to go talk about whatever It's depending on what I want to talk about, right? Whatever I think's going on and I'm so like let's say like the election like a great one to have on would be a dusty Deaver's right right
I have on for that. So you're gonna go for somebody like that if you want to talk about If you want to talk about the history, right then you're gonna grab a
George Grant, right because he is a history guy if you want to talk about Evangelism well,
Andrew Rapport would be a great guy for that, right? Right, and so you just find find things like I'd chase Davis on not too long ago.
He's out there in Colorado Yeah, we talked about church planning, right? So and and the fact that I don't think we're talking about that enough of planning churches in America and actually our pastor
Shortage that we have in America, right? Because they only last about three years and it seems like a day and yeah, right and then they go into insurance sales or real estate
So that that's that's what I do is I try to find a guest To kind of pinpoint it thought because they have some experience in that in that world, right?
So that's what I want to do Yeah, yeah so I get a lot of people who listen who message me and they go
I Want like I need to know what to do to start a podcast and because I'm a big promoter of new podcasts
I don't think you've been amazing. Yeah, I don't think we're in competition. I want more podcasts talking about The Christ is
King and glory to God and there's enough room for all of us as long as you do it And you're bringing valuable content to the listeners.
They're gonna tune in both. You guys obviously have big personalities. You talk about great stuff That's why they're popular podcasts
So maybe to someone who's listening right now, you're like, well, you're at a fight left feast. You're doing this podcast
We lug all our gear down here. We set it up. We put a setup You know, you guys both have nice sets and it's like why would
I want to do that? But I don't it feels like a lot to get started right for me I've always thought you really only need you know a decent microphone and In something valuable to say bring value to the conversation.
That's the biggest thing Would you guys kind of concur with that as well to like some guys get really into the production and it looks good
I love that do it in excellence but at the same time I've always felt the number one thing you really want to do is
With you know, just like in sales or anything else value value value something a different look at something something
That's not being talked about or needs to be talked about you guys both do that on your podcast Would you say to someone who wants to start one?
Is that you know, how do you start it? And is that is that the way you'd want to go I'd say number one is you just got to get started, right?
It's so easy. There's free things you can go to Spotify You can go to all kinds of stuff and and there's free ways to do it.
You don't have to have video necessarily I know a lot of people do that and they'll throw it on YouTube and Facebook and different things like Twitter, right?
Because they won't be platform you Yeah, he thinks
Elon that's right and and so you can do that and and obviously your views go bigger but but just get one started
Yeah, you can have even a junkie mic at the beginning right just to get started But if you if the content is good
Then people will want to listen and then sponsors might even reach out right and and and you know
If you have a sponsor like let's get it out of our heads that we're all gonna be a Tucker Carlson, right? Where we bring Joe Rogan?
Yeah, Joe Rogan where we're gonna have like a crap ton of money It's not probably gonna happen. Some people will write that's fair But for sponsors, you know, you look locally you just start calling people and saying hey, here's my idea
Here's what I want to do just like for us with clearly speaking We're like hey We want to actually talk about culture issues with a biblical worldview and who do we have sponsoring us?
People who are believers who have businesses and they're like, hey, I would I actually like what you're doing I want to be a part of that because when you're first getting started, you're not gonna have very many listeners anyways, right?
So don't don't expect to sell them on hey, I'll get your name out to thousands of people because you don't have them
Yeah, so it's it's just here's what we want to do and then sell them on that product You just got to know sales you got to do it but first Be interested in the topic and then if you're gonna have guests on be interested in what they have to say
Yeah, right and and that goes a long way if you just find people interesting Then then you're gonna have a good time and you're gonna talk and I would add into that too is be consistent
Even if it's even if it's I'm all once a month twice a month or once a week a three times week
Whatever it is right stick to that and be consistent release on the same days same time people appreciate that After a while, they're gonna realize.
Oh, it's Wednesday dead men's coming out. Oh, it's Thursday regular man's coming out or whatever You're released. What is your release you guys? I'm losing
Sundays. What are you Friday's there? See, we're on three different days, but the consistency of doing that and that's what takes a little bit of work
Just you know for all busy and we have real jobs, you know getting something out once a week or twice a week
But I would and don't stress out about that either right like oh man What day do I post and how often do
I put just be consistent whatever day you guys right? That's it works for you. Sure Sure, if you're doing a three four hour podcast, you could might you could make that You know once or twice a month right cover a lot of stuff in that Right, you're covering stuff for the last two weeks
If you're a little shorter podcast like me 30 to 45 minutes while I'm once a week I'm kind of keeping up on the week and you know that way there's guys that do five days a week and every day is like It is the news and the topic.
I can't do that. I'm busy. But yeah, let's find it be consistent I took a totally different maybe not totally
I took a different route than that and just I Didn't know if I really wanted to do this
I just started it because no one you know, you had the attraction that a lot of people have who listen to me
Are the same people who listen to like Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson and not necessarily politics
It's just you can feel the authenticity of them when they talk, right, you know, that's right.
They're not shy They're not scared of talking. They're not right, you know, they're not gonna be Overly cautious about what they say because it might be offensive if you're offended that's that's on you.
Okay? Right exactly I really felt like it's important for the first thing for me is just to come across is exactly who
I am I'm just a regular dude. I'm not pretending to be anybody, you know, I At some point
I did get my four -year degree from Liberty, but like that doesn't make me more or less
Right qualified to speak on anything. Wait a minute regular man podcast and you have a degree keep that Coming out or something
He's edumacated over here But it's just so we're clear. I don't have a college degree.
I'm just throwing it out there. So all your I'm in real estate
That's called a call -back But yeah, let's finish this up because Dusty's done talking
I know you guys got to get to him because he's jumping on your podcast. I think next but yeah I just want to talk to you exactly this little podcast, you know, what are you guys doing?
How you did it? We'll mash it up guys with some other people We're probably gonna do like three or four for our long episodes
You'll get a little taste of everyone who's here But if you are listening or watching Make sure you go check out regular man podcast with Steve Cruz and the
TC cook and what was the other one TC TC cook show And clearly speaking that we're clearly speaking. Yeah, that's what his network guys as always
Remember, you can check us out at DMW podcast You can even get one of our nice little mugs here wine. I'm dying. I'm Roman Steinem.
Those are on sale right now Or the new shirt. Why don't you shut up and let that be your wisdom? Job -13 -5 sometimes you have to quote scripture to the pagans even if they don't like it
So guys remember chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy him forever We'll be back a little bit before we go off before before we go.
Oh, I forgot. I got a gift for you. Oh my oh Yeah, regular new dad hat weather
Regular man hat and can get that is for you to this the original this og.
I like Yeah, put it put it there and we'll leave it in frame for the rest of them we got got him side -by -side there
We'll get a can people buy these anywhere. Yes, you can go to regular man stuff calm and get all kinds of offensive stuff
You got merch Zero merch. I'm not in that game yet. I'm just not I don't know. I need
I need a lot of it I need to yeah, I mean coming soon coming soon. I mean, there's something there dude We gotta get you branded brother.
Somebody said I need to I need to sign off on and that's what's cooking All right guys, we'll be back a little bit with more guests so George nice to have you on the podcast
Well, thank you first time the first time absolutely You know, we're here at fight laugh feast for you guys watching these we are putting these together
Probably a couple days after it ended pre recording here, but it's been a great conference so far Lots of great speakers you were a speaker today before we get to what you talked about Could you just give us kind of the origin story a little bio what you're all about?
What your interests are just so the listeners can get to know you if they don't know who you are already Well, I'm a pastor.
Okay in Franklin, Tennessee, and I have a Podcast on the fight laugh feast
Network on church history. I've written widely. I've I was ordained in 1976 so I've been around the block a few times.
Okay, and I'm Married to the love of my life.
We'll celebrate 50 years of marriage this year. Congratulations. Thank you it's a testament to her tenacity not to anything that I have ever done and we have
Three children on earth one in heaven and nine grandchildren eight boys and one girl
Praise God, so that's those are my best credentials. I've been involved in Christian education started classical
Christian school back in 1991 okay, and Have been at every
ACCS conference through the years Doug Wilson and I started our schools with within a couple of years of each other and yeah, we've been friends all across the years awesome, so Yeah, you know we had we just did a question -and -answer session and that gentleman talking about Deciding to homeschool.
I'm second -generation homeschool So I was homeschooled in the 80s and into the early 90s back when they were sending social
You know workers out to the house Why don't you kids in school and you know you had to get attorneys and things like that and now all three of my children
They're 15 10 or 15 13 and 10 and by God's grace. They'll never step foot into a government school
I really enjoyed what you said about that also Surround yourself with other homeschoolers because homeschoolers do like to help homeschoolers but also the fact that You know
I'm I'm an elected County Commissioner. I own a real estate company I do all these different things the the the thing of it's weird to be a homeschooler
It's something that the secular world tries to hope you know foist on us when in fact like Toby was saying it is
Absolutely godly and natural and biblical and right it's what moms and dads were mother and made to do and I would tell that guy
I'm gonna go find him and talk to him. Don't worry about that first year It's you know it feels like everything's out out of your control, and you don't have everything worked out
Hey relax your one -on -one with your child 15 minutes an hour of one -on -one is worth eight hours
That's the thing I tell people all the time You know they worry about which curriculum is the right curriculum
And you know how do we organize our day and what I say all the time is you know you're teaching your child to live the life of intentionality
Thoughtfulness to love beautiful things and so truth be told there's lots of good curriculum out there
Yeah, there are lots of ways to organize your day, but what you're giving your child
When you homeschool or when you get involved in a classical Christian community you're
Investing in them at a level that is beyond anything that the world can think or imagine
What's up? What time is that right you're leaving right now oh
We're doing the the VIP dinner we can edit this out. I think I'm supposed to be with all
Saints guys tonight Yeah, all right, give me like three minutes, and what meet you where All right, so we're gonna have to cut this one a little short, but Get gave up.
Tell me I have to be somewhere I apologize, but yeah absolutely and also just to cap that off.
I found that it's blessed our marriage a lot I get to know wow you're you have a natural knack for chemistry and biology
She's like you're a philosophy and civics guy And it like you use each other's strengths, and then you find out more about each other just a beautiful thing
I didn't mean to make this about homeschool, but I just love that you're a proponent of that but Yeah, we have we have almost 2 ,000 homeschoolers under our umbrella awesome and Making it possible for them to be legal in our state.
Yeah, and it's one of the richest Ministry experiences that we have yeah, okay, so I've got to take off.
You've got to go somewhere So this is actually kind of odd timing for this Apologize about that but let's try to get
John for a few more minutes because I want to explore a little bit more about what you do on The podcast some of the books that you've written and give the listeners a little more exposure is that okay?
That's so round this weekend. Yeah, all right You're around guys. Thanks for listening to another little mini episode. We'll get into some more with George later this weekend stick around absolutely
Justin what's up, brother? Not much, man. How you doing good? How's fight left? He's been so far. It's been great
Yeah, we just have the no quarter November intro, so I think it's the best one so far What do you think think it prepare it just premiered or did it maybe put it out yesterday you put it yesterday?
It was not tonight. I don't know it's the first time. I saw it, but it was pretty good. It's the mr. Rogers theme won't you be my neighbor burning bridges?
Yeah, and yeah excited to see what comes out in November obviously We always look forward to that to see what
Doug really has to say sure Yeah, but yeah, how is fight left?
He's been for you, man. We're in basically well Technically day two, but I've been here since Tuesday, so it feels like I've been living in this arena
Yeah, when did you get in I got in Wednesday Wednesday? Yeah? Yeah, so you've been here a few days this morning.
Yeah Yeah, so how's it been going so far? It's been going great for us You know we've been able to connect with a lot of people a lot of current clients actually we're here
So I'm like walk around and recognizing people that I meet on zoom and making connections with you know you and some of the guys around here other businesses and Because you're doing you're here for Dominion strategies.
Yeah, Dominion wealth. Yeah, you know strategies Tell me a little bit about what that is yeah, so we created it out of a desire to put wealth in the hands of Christians We're education focused so what we do is we sit down with families and businesses and Look at their financial situation mostly the initial meetings information gathering and we come back with and present them kind of a plan and That means mostly focused on education, okay?
I mean we are selling stuff obviously But the point isn't sales so much as just presenting like this is why we think this could be a fit for you and this is how this works and that sort of thing and People proceed based on you know their knowledge that we we give them
So you know we're not we're not trying to like we don't have a a flagship product to push, okay? We we operate through brokerage with all sorts of products and services, so that allows us to just honestly make recommendations for whatever
We believe in isn't someone's best interest as professionals, so what are some like? Products or services that let's say you sit down with someone, and then you might find a solution for them
What would be some things that they might purchase or invest in or take away from you guys? Yeah, like your typical family like what does that often look like yeah?
Yeah, it's not every time But your typical typical family has a little bit of debt to pay down obviously that they won't get out of the way for whatever reason and So we'll work with them on a pay down schedule usually that kind of helps them optimize where their money's going so that it's prioritizing
You know higher interest first and also looking at a little bit of nuance into you know the secure debt is it unsecured debt?
You know what's the risk and we'll have that conversation with them around like? Where their priorities lie as well, and then so we'll present that and Usually there's some budget recommendations
You know maybe a couple make a couple changes tighten things up a little bit so that there's some more Discretionary income to spend for their future.
Yeah, and then a lot of clients You know we're looking at families a lot of need a little bit of life insurance
So often there's some life insurance in there for both spouses or one of the other spouse Okay of you know one product or another depending on what what we determine is a good fit
And then often retirement planning is part of it, too So investments and things like that in that whole world
And then you know I've even got like one thing that's been pretty common actually is a lot of younger
Couples are trying to get houses obviously and it's a little tough right now sure and so we're Opening like these trading accounts for them so that they can basically earn more than you'd get like a savings account
And kind of like might be cutting a year or two off of their journey towards getting into their first house
But we also do the state planning Yeah, yeah, we do trusts and wills and all that kind of thing depending on what's suitable and everything and kind of Hold people's hands through that we also do health insurance now
That's kind of a new addition, okay, we don't do taxes yet We're working on a partnership to do that because I'm not a
CPA. I'm not a tax guy No I can I can tell you about the tax implications of Investments and stuff, but I can't get down to the weeds on all the other stuff
So we're we are working on that because people often ask like hey Do you have an accountant you work where the bookkeeper or something and?
We don't have one anyone in house that we have an official relationship with so we're actually trying to feel that out right now
Yeah, that's about the only thing we don't do that. I can is the text of everything else. Yeah No, that's cool, man
So like how long have you been there like how long have you been associated with this and like where do you? Where most your clients are they nationwide or in a certain state or what they're nationwide you know it feels like most of my clients are probably in the
You know in the Eastern time zone. I would say, but it's kind of all over. I'm licensed in like 23 states and when someone you know calls in that Is from a state
I'm not licensing I go get my license in that state real quick, and we do what we're gonna do So do you have any kind of continuing ed education yes?
Yeah, because I've got I've got I got to do not as a real estate broker I got to do nine hours a year
And I feel like that nine hours sneaks up on me all the time and I have and I'm licensed in two states
That's 18 hours a year, and it feels like it's just overwhelming I couldn't imagine if you had 23 different states you're always having to do continuing education, and it's it's more national so We are yeah working nationally is easier for me than I think it is for you
Okay, so in the securities and insurance world. That's the two main licenses. We you know we have to hold
Basically when you're licensed in your state That that license basically you just have to more or less register in another state
Okay, so once you've passed an exam in one state Then you're sort of set to go in in the case of like insurance licensing it can it's a different test for each state
But they have guidelines they have to meet and so if you know if I'm licensed in my home state of Washington I just go on a website and register myself somewhere else
I might pay a hundred bucks or whatever, but that's about it But as far as like the main maintenance of it through continuing ed
It's only applied to the home state and same thing on the security side as well make sense Yeah, so like why is why is the financial planning company at a flight lab fees conference?
What are the two have in common like why why would you come here? Yeah, well for us in particular. It's because of our focus on working with the people of God, okay?
So like you know a lot of I mean it's not saying we wouldn't serve pretty much anybody that came to us But we have only ever spent marketing money and effort on Targeting people in the church to put money in their hands frankly
So my goal is for our clients to be the most financially literate people in any church yeah, and the most financially capable meaning that They're the ones that Hopefully you know if there's a there's a need as far as a building project or something like that There's a pastor that needs to be trained or sent or anything like that My clients will be the ones that can open their checkbooks and say like well, what do you need
I got that? Yeah, because historically I feel like Believers have been kind of bad with their money now.
Yeah granted most Americans are yeah, it's a kind of cultural Christianity thing Yeah, I mean the average American is what $54 ,000 in debt or whatever they you know or credit card debt
It's like 20 ,000 on average or something yeah But even within the church. I feel like there's not a whole lot of like Financial literacy, and I feel like we should kind of be leading in that I agree.
Yeah, and I know I totally agree Yeah, I mean that there's I I think it's the remnants of Gnosticism that there's been this like and and honestly
Dispensationalism too, okay, so you combine? So Gnosticism right is the belief that the material world is sort of irredeemable inherently sinful
And no good can come of it, which is ludicrous because Christ came as a man He was physical and Gnosticism posits that Christ was this ethereal spirit right because God could never do such a thing the fact the matter is
Then you have his new earth physical place heaven physical place Jesus Manifestation earth totally physical yeah this physical place when
God created the earth he said it was good could God say that of a bad thing right so Gnosticism bad
Dispensationalism so you bring in this like oh the physical can be disregarded more or less We just work worry about these ethereal spiritual things right yeah, when you combine that with Dispensationalism which tends to be sort of pessimistic as far as its outlook
Yeah, meaning that why bother contributing to the future because it's basically rearranging deck chairs on the
Titanic Yeah, what was not gonna be here? Yeah? Yeah What would be the point you just gonna come get us and so we might as well rack up the credit card debt so that he
Can like take us all away and redeem our sins and our credit card debt I guess That's crazy because I remember talking to people growing up in church, and they kind of had that Attitude like 80s and 90s yeah,
I remember hearing like older folks when I was a kid joking about like ha ha I'm spitting My kids inheritance.
You know like it's a silly like silly me Ha ha type of thing and it's like a well proverb says that a wise man leaves money to his children's children
Yeah, like that like that doesn't sound very in keeping with the parable of the talents or anything like that.
That's these are if you should be building wealth and It's not for your entertainment it is so that you can build the kingdom of God it is so that you can go conduct business
It's so that you can go build churches that aren't just you know made out of sticks Hopefully yeah, you know and I've even heard like Christians go well
I mean You know what's the point of that though? And then like you know you have kids that grow up with a silver spoon and look at the rich the rich spoiled
You know billionaires kids that go off, and you know and I go yeah, but that's without Christ though Don't I mean so like if you combine wealth with submission to Christ it can be a pretty good combo
I feel like well yeah, and if when you look at that kind of mentality basically what you're saying is I could never parent financial literacy
I never teach that to my children, so why bother yeah, and the fact of the matter is Your your children hopefully become believers they will be led by the
Spirit to conduct their lives in a worthy manner and Your job is to instruct and pass on everything you possibly can as a parent
So like that's your focus That's what you should be your big greatest legacy is your children and one of the greatest gifts you can give them is financial literacy and Potentially some wealth to pass along, but yeah, you give a million bucks to an 18 year old doesn't know what to do with it
It's gonna make his life worse probably right yeah But you give a million bucks to an 18 year old who's been cared for Instructed by his parents how to how to manage it how to steward it properly
Yeah, it's very powerful Huge blessing that could be and I'll say this too I I've known some families that were wealthy that I grew up with and stuff
I mean I know that there's a bunch of spoiled brats out there that you know blow it all and do all that kind of thing Yeah, I've known a few where The ones that I've known in the church
Those kids like went out and like started their own businesses and did stuff. Yeah, and they're doing great
Yeah, so like I'm you know I'm not trying to be formulaic about it but the fact of the matter is like I Think that in many senses you're gonna get what you put into your children in this especially in this area
Yeah, you know and then and then even like budgeting and like wealth strategy planning it inherently uses biblical principles
You know discipline self -control patience like all these things that we aspire to fruits of the spirit things like that What's your biggest success story or it's a story that you were you helped a client and You just went man that that worked out really well, and you were proud of that Do you have something like that where yeah off top your head?
Yeah? I have a client Yeah, it'd be funny if they listen to this Don't give any names
The bank the account number is No, so that I have a client.
He's he's in his early 30s I think he's got three kids they homeschool all that kind of stuff very involved in their church
He was in a position at his company where he could buy very discounted stock options Yeah, and that company has done really really well
So he's just been stocking everything he can into that account and as soon as he's vested He's pulling it out, and I'm managing that that wealth for him
He's gonna be retired Written by by the way what I mean by retired is financially dependent. He's not gonna sit around and do nothing
He's gonna be investing more time and do his children as a result of this But he will be financially independent and no longer needing to work probably in two or three years
He could probably quit now, but my advice to him was like look you can stop now, and I think you'll be okay But you'll have a lot of a lot of overhead
You know a few more years and your wealth building capability because he's still fairly young He's gonna be in his mid 30s
So like that's still a lot of earning time because he's he's not gonna need all of it to live off of he's just gonna
Be living off of a portion of it and the rest. We're just gonna take it to the moon frankly So like imagine what he's gonna be able to pass on to his kids because he was patient he worked through it
He was like I don't mind my job. I'll just work a few more years and have way more money, okay, right? And so that's to me
That's one because he wasn't sure what direction to head and everything and so we've got a plan in place and everything and honestly
He's gonna be doing really well, and I'm excited for him excited for his kids, too I mean imagine what he'll be able to pass along these they're homeschooling they have a heart for making sure that their children are brought up in a proper manner that's instructed in the ways of God and Sure, so like he'll be passing on a spiritual wealth and a physical wealth in a manner.
That's Generous and amazing honestly yeah, I mean that's one of the things I really like about Being a real estate broker is when you really understand your craft your market the things you know and then
You can really see how you helped someone Whether it be purchasing event in my case purchasing investment property flipping something even
You know in this market getting a home below market value Which is almost impossible, but it can be done with the right realtor that knows how to negotiate, and you know yeah and find things
It's it's very satisfying. I'm sure it is in your industry to where you know you looking to go look at that You know they're like he said he's working towards generational wealth and then also to you you know for me.
I'm working towards Hopefully my children one of my children Kind of taking over and they'll have a system in place with agents, and you know a business and you know things like that So when your kids kind of has an interest in this area of business, and it seems to be a fit for them
Yeah, yeah, that's really cool, and it's it's it's a piece of inheritance
You're really leaving behind is you know your business acumen for the right child. That's good Because you know what we do as providers
Isn't the same thing that our sons are going to do because it's not a not all of them because it's not a fit for All of them sure right, but that allows you to in a very particular way bless that son
Yeah, it's funny because my dad used to say that he owned a computer wholesale business and all one all day one day
This all be yours. You know yeah, it's a joke, and I just remember one I don't really want to do this and I now that I'm a parent
I went on that that probably was a little frustrating for him Or maybe even hurt him looking back on it because if my kids just went
I don't want anything to do with what you do Not that you need to take it personally, but it is like it was a gesture of him going Yeah, I'm trying to leave you something
I'm trying to build something for you You know now he taught me a lot of things in many other ways that helped me with what
I'm doing now So it doesn't mean you listen to any fathers out there doesn't mean your children have to do exactly what you do
No, it also means that you can teach them and you know They can learn things from you to set themselves up for Whatever career it is.
They're doing too. I don't know how we got into that, but you start talking about generational wealth and got me thinking so if This is gonna be linked up on the
When the podcast goes live, but if anyone wants to get a hold of you to learn more about what you do
Where can they find you and where can they find Dominion? Yeah? www .reform .money most of the time you just put in reform .money.
That's where to find us and you can book a meeting right from our front page or sign up for a mailing list and Post a lot of informational content
Educational stuff as well. Yeah, it's the best place I was almost gonna say now where does the name of Dominion come from but with reform .money
I think we I think we know what's going on there. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, it's it's all Dominion mandate Yeah, you know
I get over all spheres It is it really is we want Christians to we were commanded by God to take
Dominion over the earth Yeah, and our particular focus. You know everybody that's here the other men and that do business
They have various focuses you're focused on real estate, and you know in the podcast and things like that our focus is believers taking
Dominion over their finances in particular and over the finance not just their own though that it's a broader vision of building a culture of Christianity that is financially literate and I hope
Very wealthy yeah, they can use it for the glory God too. Yes. Yeah, we don't bury it
No, we don't hide it waiting for the mass to come back This is to go build businesses, this is to go to bless your family
This is to go you know influence the politics of your community the policies of your community on the national stage local stage
Build churches train pastors that kind of thing that's what this money is for that's when God gives us money to Stuart It is not so that it can bless the dirt right
I like that yeah Yeah, it is so blessing the dirt does nothing Lord blesses you with yeah, yeah, that's awesome all right
Justin. Thanks so much for hopping on guys. We're doing like I said We're doing mashups all weekend long.
We're just getting towards the end of day one here. We'll have lots more content for you Tomorrow on well the last day.
I guess it would be And O's and remember DMW podcast .com sorry it's been a long day.
I'm on a 14 hour day here I'm stumbling over my words DMW podcast .com find out more about us tell a friend
Thanks Nathan thanks for being on the podcast thanks for having me yeah We were talking a little bit offline, and I wanted to kind of expose you to my listeners
And what you're doing so you're a filmmaker tell me a little bit about that. Yeah, so in 2020
I released a documentary called on earth as it is in heaven Yeah, which just talks about a little bit about the post millennial is a mescatology
So Doug Wilson's in it Ken Gentry and a number of other brothers, so Yeah since then
I've done another documentary called teach all nations that I think we released that in 2022 yeah, and then this year
I released a film called honor the Sun Which you know engages a little bit with the topic of this conference?
Which is like faith and politics and and how that blends together That's and we have a mutual friend in Marcus Pittman and Lord TV.
You've done some yes for those guys correct Yes, actually that teach all nations was originally released on lore.
It was one of they put out two different kind of docu -series programs
Kind of at the launch to test things out, and they they chose my series and another one so oh wow that's awesome
That was fun, so this is your I think you said third fight left feast yes Yes, and actually it was great the first one
I did a lot of the filming for teach all nations because it's you know just kind of like what you guys are doing here
It's a great chance to get all these These great guys together and and maybe do a little interview here and there yeah, no absolutely
So what's your favorite part so far this year's fight left feast right well in here for the last couple days
We've been wandering around we've been passing each other. I saw you getting in a nice long discussion with dr..
James white earlier Yeah, yeah, it's great to sit down talk to James for a bit. Yeah Yeah, I actually
I interviewed him a few years ago for the the teach all nations Yeah, it actually was very interesting one thing that was really cool about dr..
White is when I released my first film he came out with a sermon when he kind of became became a
Postmillennial is and in that sermon at the end of it He mentioned my documentary and so a lot of people got to see my first documentary because they saw
James White's Sermon and jumped over there, so yeah, it's always great to catch up with dr.. White. Yeah, I tell you
Dr.. White if you if he likes you he will promote you and he's very good at that.
I know he does some stuff with With Jeffrey rice who owns post 10 of his lucks read Bible rebinding
Yeah, and once he held up that Bible boy Jeff said people were coming to his website going Hey, can
I get a Bible that like James has so it's awesome Have you always been into filmmaking or is that something you got in later, or did you have another life before yeah?
It's definitely something I got in later probably somewhere around 2016 I hadn't really picked up a camera before then my wife was a photographer so she you know like some of those things a bit more than I did and Yeah, started getting into that decided about 2018 or so that I wanted to you know try my hand to make a documentary and that ended up being
My first one which is on earth as it is in heaven. Yeah, and those have been pretty well received. Yes I mean read and seen yeah,
I've been been pretty blown away I mean because even originally like I live down in Chile. I live in South America, so really
I just wanted to make a film in Spanish that kind of presented some of these things Yeah, but yeah Just through different circumstances ended up getting the opportunity to interview pastor
Doug Will said Steve Gregg and these different guys and and turned it into an English film
And and yeah, and I just originally I just uploaded it to YouTube and Facebook And yeah got my family and friends to watch it and maybe share it and and then just slowly it started to gain a bit
More build and momentum, and yeah, it's been amazing so you got anything coming up Are you working on anything now any ideas any sneak peeks you can give us?
Yeah? Well right now this year. I haven't been able to do a lot of film related stuff
I've been having a bunch of other stuff going on, but I'm hoping next year to be able to focus on a documentary
I want to do on the subject of Christian Reconstruction and theonomy and Yeah, I've done some interviews for that, and I'm hoping to do a few more
But that's something I want to work on for sure how long does the doc usually take you to from from idea?
to Completion well it depends on how much time I have to work on it basically, but usually at least a year maybe two
Yeah, because one thing is that I was kind of self -taught in a lot of this
Sure, and one thing I tried from the beginning was to make something that I could make
Mostly by myself where I didn't have to depend on a lot of you know
I'm paying other people or depend on you know having a big crew of people to work with so I try to make things that I can make myself
Which is you know great if you have a small budget, and it's also But on the flip side it takes a long time.
You know you're doing everything you're doing everything in some ways So you said you're in in Chile right now. Yes, so that's where you live
I live in Pichilemu Chile a small coastal town there. What took you down there? Are you from there or my parents originally from California?
Okay, went down there as missionaries about 40 years ago, so okay, so yeah, we've been there a while, okay?
So you how often you get back to the States? Well, maybe once a year maybe less lately
I've been coming coming a bit more, but so you're doing most of your documentary work usually in Chile then well the filming the filming part
I've done here in the States and obviously editing and all that and and even shooting a lot of the scenes like some of the the footage like in my movies that Are like not really the document the interview parts.
I shoot a lot of them around my house down there Interesting so where can people go if they want to find out more about you so on earth film net
Yes is not or dot -com. I don't remember one of the two is my website, okay?
And you can also just check me out on Facebook or Twitter Nathan Anderson So they can find you yeah
Well Nathan it was so nice to meet you. I'm so glad you got to jump on for a few minutes Tell us about what you're doing
Yeah, let's have a good time at fight left feast here all day. Yeah. Yeah, definitely all right all right guys
We're gonna keep mashing these up. We'll bring you more guests new people that never been on the podcast before That's what we're really focusing on this time around so we can introduce you to people you need to know and support
We'll be back in a little bit remember chief end of man is the glorified God and enjoying forever God bless be sure to check us out at DMW podcast calm where you can purchase the best and snarkiest merch on the internet support
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