News Roundup: Immigration, Leftward Drift, and SBC Stuff


Jon discusses news stories important for evangelical Christians to consider including the compromise in the Boy Scouts and the United Methodist Church on gender/sex as well as the SBC and greater evangelicalism's subtle shifts to the Left (on an elite level). #SBC #UMC


We are live now in the conversations that matter Pat Padcast yeah, I'm from Boston podcast
Although I said bad cast The conversations that matter podcast. I'm your host
John Harris like I just said and we're having trouble on rumble It looks like rumbles not streaming. So if sorry if you were well, no one on rumbles hearing me say this
I guess but hopefully Hopefully you'll come over to YouTube Twitter or Facebook and I'll just upload the stream later on rumble.
So Dylan is giving me some Boston So anyway, we have a
We have a show for you. It's not a very long show I don't think unless I get sidetracked or we have people who call in with Questions or statements or cries of outrage?
We will take those as they come if you are a patron you can go to patreon .com forward slash worldview conversation and you can find there a
Link to be part of the show if you want to call in by audio or by video and talk about anything.
I'm Within reason I'm pretty game. And if I don't know I'll just say I don't know so I want to talk about a few issues today
Just some things that have been in the news over the last week as many of you know I've been traveling and I'm home now, which I'm grateful to be home
Although I had a great time in Wisconsin and week before that in Idaho It is beautiful right now.
It is just it's My it's hard to say first or second favorite time of the year, I mean spring is great
Fall though in New England and I'm close to New England where I live right now is also very pretty
And winter's got its charm too. But I but spring right now because I'm in spring. It's my favorite.
So I was outside working on some things today and Yeah, I got to go on I haven't done one of these for a while, but I got one on like a super long bike ride
I just I just been traveling and I was like, I need to just kind of like debrief that's one of the ways
I can kind of debrief and focus and and just stunning in fact,
I Sometimes will if you've noticed on YouTube, especially post my happy Lord's Day Pictures if you're not on YouTube, I guess you're missing out.
Yeah, those are all taken by me 7 a .m. I usually post them and It's usually from a bike ride
I've taken or a hike I've taken or something in the Hudson Valley area sometimes it's different I'll switch it up But but you're gonna get one of those this coming
Sunday a great picture of the Ashokan Reservoir with some mountains behind it and just Spectacular.
So hope you're enjoying spring wherever you are We let's see.
I have a few announcements first. I just want to play. This is a just a one minute quick video Advertising Bradford College and this is a great tool for homeschoolers, especially but really anyone who wants to get a college education and wants to do it from home and you don't want the woke stuff and There's a mentor who can help you through that process
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Christian colleges Go to Bradford Christian College comm or email contact at Bradford Christian College comm for more information
That's Bradford Christian College comm All right, well someone asking me someone named business, why do you call it
Lord's Day and not the Lord's Day? I think I I think I do both. I think I usually call it the
Lord's Day that I misspeak. I say Lord's Day. I Don't know. I thought
I said the Lord's Day. Maybe I'm gonna be self -conscious now. I'm gonna be policing my language So yeah, the
Lord's Day. I'm cool with that That's usually what I say First day of the week and we commend that day because that is the day that Christ rose from the grave and Christians have celebrated that day and gotten together and experienced fellowship for 2 ,000 years and That's why
I think it's good for us to mark that day the world sees the importance of marking up our calendar with all kinds of celebrations of Victimhood and evil and other things and I think it's good to realize at least once a week that there's
God sets time and the Lord's Day is I think a reminder just even using that in my speech
That's why I use that term some announcements Coming up. I just want to let everyone know
I have added some dates to the calendar. So if you are in New York, of course
Speculator, New York, even if you're not some people actually fly from far away Like someone came from California last year to come to our men's retreat at Camp of the
Woods It's September 27th through 29th And that's called the fundamentals conference because we're gonna be getting back to the fundamentals of the faith we're gonna be talking about the history of the fundamentalist movement a little bit and What we can learn from from that we're in a different spot now but I think we can learn from the past and we're gonna just have a great time as men fellowshipping and you can go to fundamentals conference .com
for more you can register there and See who's speaking and there's just great food great fellowship and I really highly commend it the people who come seem to really enjoy it so that is
Like I said, September 27th through 29th and better to sign up sooner rather than later to make sure that we do have the room for you to come so Fundamentals conference .com
and then of course if you're in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, I will be at the future of Christendom conference
October 11th through 12th. I don't think registrations open yet I think that's in yeah, like I said,
I guess I did write it down So that's in Amish country Lancaster, which is you know, one of the things and maybe
I'll maybe I'll do it this time I don't know. There's this sight and sound they call it this I don't know
Christian. I've never been there Christian Play Christian performing performing arts Place, I don't know really what to call it but they do they do plays and they do presentations and I think musicals and things and They're in Lancaster and a lot of Christians from my area like to go down there
I've never done it and I probably should but that's where I'll be So October 11th through 12th and then October 18th through 19th the
Jesus and politics conference in Syracuse, Indiana And then November 2nd through 3rd right before the election.
Hopefully I can get home The strong pillars conference in Jeffersonville, Indiana, which is right across the river there from Louisville, Kentucky So that's as close to the south as I'm getting at least at this point in public speaking this year and I have
Several months blocked off just because I do have a baby on the way so it's my first and I really want to be around for that and So some people think that maybe
I should just take the rest of the year off. I've decided not to do that I'm gonna start up in September, but But anyway, yeah, someone says
Andrew close sight and sound is amazing. Everyone tells me that sight and sound is amazing I got to do it. So All right, let's talk about let's see,
I think that's my last announcement is that oh one more I guess little announcement if you want to promote this I'm going to talk about this in an episode later this week or next week
Depending on how things go. It'll probably be next week at this rate the inescapability of identity politics by yours truly on American reformer org it is the top or they're not the top but like the it's the first one
You're greeted with as you go to the page right now And this is a long -form article that I wrote it's it's it's not you know,
I think it's digestible You can do it and you can read it and get through it in 20 20 minutes 15 minutes
But it might take some thinking some processing as you're going through and you know I've gotten some really good feedback on this already.
I sent it to some people privately before American reformer published it which I'm thankful for American reformer for publishing this and I got some really good feedback from Many of you who are patrons the patrons got to read this first and I have some others
Articles that I'm probably gonna submit to patrons as well. Some of these are gonna end up being chapters in my book as well. So Not all of them
I want you to be able to buy the book and have some original material in there But this is one of the ones that I just thought this is a good standalone
I want to put this out there and for free so You can check it out and it really dovetails nicely with an article that CJ angle had on American reformer yesterday
I think it's called revolution from the middle or something like that But some really thought -provoking pieces lately and of course that Garris also had a great article there and you know
They're one of the good guys. There's no they're an organization that does good work. I'm really happy that they exist and that they're publishing some really good guys and Zack's gonna be on the program later this week actually to talk about his article and some
PCA politics So if you're interested in the PCA and what's happening in the PCA you can submit if you're on patreon
You can just submit your questions or queries in the private chat, but if you are not you can
Contact me on social media Send me a message on Facebook or something and I will endeavor
Zack is one of the guys Zack and Sean McGowan are like the two PCA guys that I will have on one It's time to talk
PCA politics and that's what we're gonna do on Friday of this week So but American reformer does great work
They publish great people and I am glad that my articles there and you can check it out If you don't want to wait till I talk about it next week
Which I will on the podcast and see what you think I mean, it's a provocative title and I think some people would react to that but I Saw that Joel Barry from Babylon be
I guess really liked it Which which was great and Megan Basham told me that she really liked it.
So So we'll see where that goes. All right Let's see, we got we got the numbers are climbing we have well over a hundred people now in the chat or yeah
Yeah watching streaming. Not all of them are in the chat, but you can be in the chat if you want and ask questions or Make comments.
This is gonna be a little bit of an open discussion tonight And of course if you're a patron patreon .com forward slash worldview conversation
And you can be part of the show directly if that's something you want to do. Let's get through some news stories today some news stories
We're gonna start here with the big news the United Methodist Church repealed a long -standing ban on LGBT clergy and so, you know,
I have a I have some relatives. I have actually three relatives who are United Methodist pastors and you know just recently
I was in Mississippi and I Was in a former Methodist Church and that's where we held a service to commemorate my grandfather's life it was a memorial service and and The wives of I guess
I'm not sure exactly how it works. I think she's my second cousin I get confused with the once removed and all of that, but my dad's cousin she's married to one of these
Methodist preachers and We were just talking about the fact or she actually hasn't told me that hey this church isn't
Methodist anymore They left and it was over the LGBT stuff But then she made the point that hey if the conservative churches leave what are they left with and this is one of the things
I've seen in the SPC. This is like the crew had the same argument people in crew that When the organization seems to be making some serious blunders
Like not just flirting with heresy, but actually adopting it into their statement of faith that conservatives are somehow in the denomination
Orthodox believers are somehow expected to hang on and I don't know where the help comes from.
That's the question I have and that's one of the things Hopefully I'll talk to William Wolfe about this. We've been trying to get a date together to Talk about his efforts in the
SPC This is one thing I want to talk to him about and just say what you know What's the line like where's at?
What point in an ecclesiastical institution? Do you say? You know what? We it's just not we're not doing ministry.
We're just sitting here time fighting the left and It's a worthy debate. I've had my conclusions on it for a while I think it's no surprise to people out there that I would say if you're in the
Methodist Church get out And I leave all that leave all the money leave all the I know
I get it I mean, I wish it wasn't the case, but we have to deal with reality And that's what I have always come back to you.
We have to deal with reality. So Reality is you're funding your demise if you stay in reality is you are having fellowship with darkness if you attend the
Methodist gatherings that include now LGBT Pastors and and this is perfectly fine.
I mean this has been going on for a while, but now it's something that's actually Acceptable in some fashion.
So the article talk talks about the United Methodist repealed their churches long -standing ban on LGBTQ clergy
Shock me. Yeah with no debate on Wednesday removing a rule forbidding self -about practicing homosexuals from being ordained as appointed as ministers and the vote was 692 to 51 692 to 51
So that this is how the left works. They just push push push push there they lose and they're not discouraged
They keep going and I know there's some conservatives who want to try to Let's can we reverse this?
Can we use the same kind of logic ourselves? and one of the big I think
Barriers to this is the left is capable of being dishonest in the way that they operate
They will come at you as an angel of light. They will try to convince you they are on the same side as you
They're Orthodox. They just want a little bit here a little bit there give and take a little and then
That when the true colors come out Then it's too late. And this is one thing that as Bible -believing
Christians, we can't do we're not going to be dishonest We can be shrewd. We can be very wise about how we approach things, but we're not going to be presenting ourselves as something we're not in order to At least at least in this context in an ecclesiastical
Situation with with churches with people who are supposed to be brothers and sisters in Christ partnering for ministry. We're not going to Tell them that our theology is one thing when it's not right.
So So anyway, I don't really know if there's a point to reading more of this I mean, it's it's kind of over and if anyone watched the videos from the
Charlotte Convention Center They will notice that there was very little pushback
There was at least one guy who from Africa Who was trying to Plead with the
United Methodist Church. I made a comment on X and said hey He's here's the last pastor in the United Methodist Church Kind of jokingly, but a lot of these people came up these delegates and they said things like, you know
I'm so -and -so and I'm a white heterosexual male and my pronouns are he him and you know
This is like baked into the culture of it like and you get the impression you watch these people so many of them
You're like, okay, like I don't want to stereotype Inappropriately, but you probably listen to NPR, don't you?
And you probably are very involved in your public library including attending drag queen story hour
You know and you're like there's just this stereotype. I don't know how to I don't know why
I see that but I do and There's more I could say but I'll get in trouble
It's you can see the kinds of people that are running your denomination and you're like it's over it's over Dylan asked for 999.
Thank you Dylan. How can we use the left's long -term strategy with for example United Methodist Church to win?
So, how can we use there? So, I mean, I think I just kind of addressed this I don't know that we can use their same exact strategy.
We can be wise Wisest serpents innocent as doves. I Have I mean
I was just recently speaking in Idaho and we were talking about politics and the abortion issue and on that issue, which
I see it a little different. I Did suggest, you know Basically trying as hard as you can every time you have the ability to push for the life issue to push for They call it in the abolitionist crowd equal protection but I would just say outlawing murder making sure that it's it's outlawed and You get as far as you can possibly go and then when you don't make it
You you lock in whatever gains that you've made and then the next time you push even farther and the left does this all the
Time with we have so far to go whenever they win. They're never happy We can be happy because we actually I think have more concrete goals like once murder is outlawed we're happy the left has this nebulous kind of we got to come up with a state of inclusion and and Equity diversity and like if we don't get to that utopia, which they'll never get to we're not happy But we have actual stated tangible goals
So that's in a political context in a an ecclesiastical context. I do see it different in this way
You can do that But you like it's inescapable that you're in a political society.
You're sharing society with their people. You're engaging in the marketplace Despite what the Amish think you can't really fully a
Seed from society like like a hundred percent like you can't Be so separate that it doesn't affect you at all and you and you know
You're totally because then you're not even in society at all. We have to be in the world We're not of the world, but it's also just inescapable where there's services that we're going to be using
We're gonna be rubbing shoulders with people for business purposes We're going to be living with neighbors and decisions that they make affect us and you know, yada yada yada so that's inescapable and so I think we should still be honest in the political realm as we operate, but We don't have a choice.
We're we're if we're in a liberal state, we're going to have to live in that state and Figure out the best way to live as much as possible while pushing for Righteousness when you're in an ecclesiastical body, though, you don't have you're not forced to be there
You have the option to take yourself out from under that and so it's a voluntary association in that way so You can try to be independent.
I realize in the UMC. It's much harder than the SBC because in the S or sorry easier It's easier in the
SBC because you're independent already in the UMC. They may own your building the denomination
You may have to find a separate place to meet you if it may you may have to buy the building from the denomination there's things like that, but You You can't be this is what
I think you can't be doing. You can't be staying there Giving your resources and your time
To things that the Lord considers evil when your stated purpose is to be cooperating for ministry
That's that's mission drift and you're engaging in it Once that be that becomes the thing if you're honest about it,
I suppose if you say well This is what I'm here for now. This is the new purpose I want to write the ship at least you're being honest with yourself
But this is also a drain of resources and you got to establish whether that's a positive drain
And if they have any authority over you, which you can't tell me they don't even in the SBC There's a level of authority
That these missions groups and and even the convention when it meets the even the resolution that they make they do have some authority
They'll say that it's not binding authority, but there is a hierarchy there. There is an example set And you're the sheep in your church if they ever
Look at the denomination that they're they're under they're going to see these things And if they go to an
SBC school, or if they become a missionary in the SBC They're gonna be seeing some of these compromises So, you know even there
I do think there's leadership Concerns and I think there's a lot of wisdom and prudence that comes to play in in this, you know
Maybe you have a bad president for a year and can we stick this out? But when you have the pattern we've been seeing for now over a decade of bad in my opinion bad
Presidents in the SBC who have appointed Members to these various trustee groups that have now pushed the institutions in a bad direction
Then I don't think it's wise and I know there's people who disagree with me, but I don't think it is and with the UMC I don't think it's wise
It's it's like subjecting your family if you put it on that level like if you subjected your family To like well
I'm gonna send my kids to public school because there needs to be a Christian witness there and like you have the option not to now if you're forced to if you're in a
Soviet country like Rewind 40 years a Soviet Union you have to send them or even
Germany today I think it's you have to send them then you don't have the option and you know You make do but when you do have the option
Then that's not a wise decision generally for parents to make for their children, right? And it's not the same in every way, but I do see a parallel there for denominational life, so that's my take on it and I don't know.
I the answer is I don't know the Reconquista thing that Zoomer redeem
Zoomer pushes, you know, I'll just say this one of the guys that and I'm friends with them Who's kind of the big like here's our guy.
Here's the guy who's gonna be part of Operation Reconquista in the It's Episcopalian Church, he just left for a more conservative denomination
It didn't work out and most of the time it doesn't because you're asking so much of people to subject themselves to bad theology to a life of you they're enlisting in a battle that They don't need to be fighting that they're going to your church as a refuge for rest for accountability for using spiritual gifts for leadership from the pastor and you're asking them to forego those things in order to Carry out a long -term goal of winning some political battle inside these churches and just it doesn't suit the purpose of why you go to church
And that's why it doesn't seem to work out I think the same thing will play out in these other denominations if they keep getting bad
You know, the PCA is one of these denominations that seems to be like teetering but it's you know It's it's still it's it seems like it kind of comes back from the brink.
It's like And it could kind of go either way like if we're gonna find out it's slow -moving. Maybe that's a good thing
We'll find out in years to come what happens but The SPC in my estimation and some disagree, but it's it's over the hump
I think that the UMC is well over the hump. There should really be no debate there. So So so I don't think it's a suitable endeavor to try to save these denominations in the same way the left
Corrupted them, unfortunately Yeah, I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news
But you have to start something else and you have to guard it with your life guard it from being taken over other organizations that aren't
Ecclesiastical. Yeah, I think you can I think that's you can operate in at least, you know An honest ways that are aggressive but honest and because there's a political purpose
There's an understanding there that the reason you're going is is for that and I think it's one of the reasons Boy Scouts is
Where it is. We'll talk about that in a minute, too A lot of comments are coming in about this as I give my opinion my unscripted opinion
Speak your mind brother James Gordon says it's your show and that's why most are here truth rules today every day. Thanks, John Appreciate that Hopefully I did
I do want to make room for people who? Differ with me on secondary or tertiary issues at times because I appreciate them.
That's why I do that They they are sustaining members of the NPR Talking about the
UMC people. Yeah. Yeah, if you ever listened to like some of these NPR shows and stuff They'll be like we only exist on your donations
There's not you we they sound like they're hanging on by a thread and they're very soft whispery voices You are usually a mouse fighting a gorilla that's true
Matt says in some of these denominations All right. Let's talk about What other good news do
I have well, it's not good news A lot of what I have I'm just gonna be honest a lot of its drift news so we got a
Statement God's call to action against racism and poverty in 2024. And I thought when I saw this that's so 2020 but there's some people who put this together and Should I read it or should
I just tell you who signed it? Let me read a little bit Okay, racism is getting worse. Our nation has a history and legacy of racism.
I mean you've all heard this I don't even need to read it. You know exactly what's coming next There's prominent leaders who have made statements that escalate the fear of That I guess minorities have the
Supreme Court ended affirmative action 14 states passed legislation to restrict voting There have been some there's been progress on criminal justice reform at the federal level
But there's 10 states that have taken steps to address mass incarceration. Oh Let's see here.
But despite widespread protests police reforms have been modest Well, it sounds like it's going in their direction, but there it's not going fast enough
Communities of color continue to suffer exceptionally high rates of gun violence Yeah, I mean you look at those numbers though.
And is that racism? What is that? It's usually black -on -black crime a lot of this hate crimes increased in 2022 with two -thirds of them targeting racial and ethnic groups
This is just like matching up different like Like like like even that just last one
I read like how mismatches is communities of color could you to suffer exceptionally high rates of gun violence and then it's coupled with Hate crimes increased in 2022.
What are you supposed to assume? Oh, it's the hate crimes that are doing it when in reality. It's not the hate crimes that are doing that It's the fact that these the economy is terrible for one thing and that probably doesn't help but these
But ultimately there's a sin issue in these mostly inner -city areas where you have gang violence and That really has nothing to do with quote -unquote hate crimes.
At least the ones that they're thinking about Poverty is increased. Yeah. Well, maybe we should vote for Trump that might help that So, alright,
I'm gonna save my sarcasm and my little my mocking come a holy mocking to How they do quote scripture we pray for all those who in our authority
So at least quoted scripture there and they quoted Matthew 25 The least of these Jesus said that we are to treat the least of these how we treat
Christ himself Racism is in conflict with a biblical teaching that we were all made in the image of God Okay, it's all the usual like Russell Moore type stuff
And you know, they want Congress to take bipartisan action on voting rights gun violence discrimination against racial ethnic and religious minorities
You know, they're doing that now with the is it the anti -semitic Awareness Act now, you know, sir
I mean, it's kind of a question an open question now if that passes Are there certain passages in the scripture that are now quote -unquote anti -semitic?
I mean, this is terrible even Ben Shapiro's against it Which tells you it's really bad if that's the case because he's pretty for he like he's
That's his the flag. He waves right is is opposing anti -semitism Quote -unquote and and of course if he's against it, you know, it's got to be pretty bad.
So the signatories of this Well, not not a surprise. We got some people from the
Methodist Church, but let me see if there's names. I recognize here We got
Eugene show I recognize that name president and CEO bred for the world. Why do I recognize the
Eugene show? Why do I recognize that name wasn't he the stop Asian hate guy Where did
I see was he gospel coalition? I've got to look this up now Why do I recognize that name?
I don't actually know now why I recognize that name. I definitely have talked about him though in the past So he he's got his own
Wikipedia page. So all right, I probably shouldn't get on a big tangent about this I think it must have been the stop
Asian hate thing He likes to do statements If that's true, Micah Edmondson pastor koinonia
Church, Micah Edmondson, who I believe is That I don't want to speak out of turn here
Yeah gospel coalition guy, okay, so he is a gospel coalition guy I Want to say he's the nephew or the son -in -law of someone else, but I can't confirm
I don't remember off the top of my head But yeah gospel cuz you got a gospel coalition guy here we got
Let's see other people I recognize a lot of these people aren't like big names But they are because because you got like a mixture of people that are in the more left
Evangelical quote -unquote Church, I don't even know how you like keep these separate exactly but and then you got like the sojourners types who are more far left and they're kind of mixing here and And the modern sojourners types,
I mean I'm familiar with the 60s 70s guys A lot of the modern guys, you know, I'm not reading sojourner.
So I wouldn't recognize a lot of them but a lot of pastors here
I'm not seeing too many Evangelical red flags coming up. I'd recognize Walter Kim. Ah, that's why because he's the president of the
National Association of Evangelicals That's why I recognize I'm kind of a major organization there
Yep in evangelicalism and Jim Wallace from sojourners, of course, of course, he would sign this so I don't know that this is like a huge major thing
But it just shows you that the statement thing This is one of the things and maybe someone can weigh in on this that has a thought because I really wish
I knew what the purpose of these is I know what the purpose is but Like why people think they're effective.
I Remember right after Trump was elected. There were so many statements Four years of statements in 2020.
It was like the floodgates open and everyone's making a statement about everything in regards to social justice and We've seen that cool off a little bit evangelicals aren't making as many statements.
But then this this is another statement and You know, what are they hoping to accomplish?
That's my like I guess this pushes I mean and there's there's times to make statements, but it's so overused
That's that's my thought that's why what I wonder it's so saturated what do you think this is going to do exactly but It was maybe they just want people like me to talk about it.
Maybe I'm serving that purpose by shining a light on it I don't know New E is it e quilter says
I'm currently attending an SBC Church in Virginia as it's the only church that I can get a ride To do I quit going to the SBC Church and not a fellowship.
I'm 77 on a small fixed sitcom in no car Well, that's a really good question There's so many factors to weigh in there and I would love to say
I know everything about your situation. I don't But just because you're going to an SBC Church First of all does not mean those people know exactly what's happening on a higher level some of them might but they might not it also
It's possible. They're not funding it to the extent that it's making a big difference So I think it's like 13 bucks a year or 18 bucks a year
You can you can get your giving down that far and still remain in the SBC and that's really if you're gonna remain That's what you need to shoot for So if you got a good pastor if you got a good church and they're just have this historical tie and they're ignorant about what's
Going on It's probably wise to try to educate them give them resources. You could give them in fact
I have Here probably, you know start with this give them this book and give your pastor the book and just see what he says
And there's a study, you know online about it and it's got a bunch of stuff about the SBC I'm putting out some more stuff about the
SBC soon But find some resources go to conservative Baptist Networks. See what they have to say.
I Don't know that you could probably just at this point go on YouTube and type in SBC compromise and there's gonna be something so that's number one
If there's a confrontation or if there's exposure to the truth and it's rejected then you have a harder decision to make but if your options are really limited then
Your options are limited like you like like it's like the public school example
I brought up if you're kind of if you're forced to do it and And you imprudence dictates it's better to do that than to die or to go to jail.
So your kids have no parent then You do it and You know, I I was thinking about this recently because there's a church
Now maybe I should scratch that let me leave it in the hypothetical realm. There's a church Hypothetically that is in the
SBC and they're super conservative and they're fighting and they send delegates every year and the question was
Would I ever be willing to attend a church like that? And I thought I don't know and the reason
I don't know is Because there would have to be a condition in place. The condition is
That you're not going to be in the SBC that long unless some miracle happens and the ship is righted
But I would have to have a hard conversation with the pastor about like, okay So how long you planning on staying in?
What do you want to see? What's like? What kinds of things like if it's just a blank check and we're gonna stay in and go down with the ship
Then I'm not going you know So with the UMC be a lot easier for me because that's totally gone in every respect
And I I have less tolerance and patience I suppose for people even though I probably have some in my family
But I I just like as much as I love them I would just disagree and be like, there's no the ships not coming back like it's it's done.
So I'm not Going there. I'm not gonna be putting my offering towards that I'll start a new church if I need to but you know, the
UMC is not an option So that's the best best advice. I guess
I have is you got to come up with some conditions One of the things I always tell people is ask yourself
Whenever choosing a church If you had a family even if you don't but hypothetically if you did would you want them to be exposed to the kinds of leadership and the kinds of things that they'd be exposed to at that church and you know, let's say you died and your family's there your kids are being raised and Spiritually guided by people in that church.
Would you be comfortable with that? Would that be the church you would be willing to go and die at if you had an accident?
You know that that's that makes the situation a little bit Rubber meets the road more applicable.
So Yeah, and John Gordon says the SBC is a far cry from where the
UMC went this week Absolutely, and I hopefully I made that distinction there. The UMC is like they're they're absolutely done the the
SBC I just think is over the hill and I think they've been over the hill for the last three years They're not teetering though.
They're pushing they seem to like do the two steps forward one step back there They're they're progressively moving towards the left
And Conservatism is driving the speed limit. Yes It's it's it's liberalism driving the speed limit.
That is true. Mr. Perry says, okay Other stories that I want to talk about just some things.
I wanted to I took note of as I was Looking today on social media
Megan Basham talked about the Trinity Forum and the National Association of Evangelicals who apparently the
Signatory from the president is on the statement. I just read That they are now promoting LGBTQ activists to teach
Christians how to engage in public life and civic discipleship one reason that they're doing this
She says is that they have received a seven hundred thousand dollar Grant from a
Buddhist billionaire Pierre Omidar. He was the founder of eBay now Why bring this up?
Well, it's just the drift in all our institutions and it's caused by multiple factors it's not just money, but there's outside money that's going to these things and And you know,
I wasn't aware of this one. Actually, I you know, I'm generally not surprised I knew about like what the current
Family Foundation was doing I knew about some of the Soros connections and open societies with the evangelical immigration table and There man there was another one
Riyadh is a James Riyadh II, you know, I knew about his stuff in the PCA and I didn't know about this one so this is interesting and Just stay tuned because I will be interviewing
Megan when her book comes out and we'll talk about some of this stuff but So so Megan, you know highlights this that there's this overt
Acceptance I would say of of just blatantly unchristian things
You have two guys here who and she's got some screenshots I guess to show Yeah, this writing for sojourners
Adam Russell Taylor Who I think is the guy on the right? Yeah the guy on the right Celebrates pride month and all the rest.
He's gonna teach Christians how to engage with culture. That's he's the guy. Yeah, right and And this is in their best interest it's not just that you know, it's money has something to do with it but there's
I think a There's a drift just because you don't want to stand out.
You don't want to be the weirdo you don't wanna be the freak you want to be Accepted you want to meet the world halfway.
You don't want to be known as a bigot You want to separate yourself from the Christian nationalists? you want to you want to just create this impression that you are sophisticated and worthy of respect from the world and if you can keep
If you can bring in someone who totally disagrees with Christian Theology on a very fundamental issue that actually relates to the culture right now and have them
Speak on issues related to culture man. You are open -minded. You are you're not one of those hateful
Christians, right? We've been dealing with this forever and it's it's a death by a thousand cuts.
It's it's slowly incrementally introducing Compromise and then the next time it's a greater compromise and that you just you you drift and you realize over time
Wait a minute. We are nowhere near where we started that's how it works and So she shows this in Trinity Forum and National Evangelic National Association of evangelicals
Well, I noticed this too and I just thought you know This is the other end of the spectrum here in a way. It's the same thing happening to an extent
But it's just these are names that in more conservative settings
You'd think they're solid right Justin Taylor from the gospel coalition and Carl Truman from Grove City College writing in first things and here this is what
I I want to say I've talked about Truman before and you know, I I have a I Know a lot of conservatives when they talk about Carl Truman they'll be like, oh
I have such a respect for Carl Truman like even if they disagree, they just still have this like This this aura surrounds
Carl Truman I was actually just recently on a flight with someone who was a
Christian going to Presbyterian Church totally against the woke stuff But you know, our church is combating this stuff by reading Carl Truman I'm just thinking well, you might get a few nuggets in there but you're definitely not getting at like the heart of what's
Happening and you're you're and you're learning from someone who's himself Compromised on this issue because in his very backyard where he's power to do something about it
He has defended his own institution when they were pushing the CRT stuff. So that's Carl Truman.
So I don't I just have a hard time Gaining a lot of respect for someone like that and I'm not saying he doesn't ever make good points
But this is so in my opinion This shows you kind of How things are framed so this is the quote that Justin Taylor decided to take from this
Carl Truman article and It's in the name of the article is what the pro -palestinian campus protests are really about and here's the quote.
You ready? When protests are childish inconsistent racist and Rooted in no shared vision beyond that of mere negation
Then those who participate in them should be treated with contempt Now, um, you know, what's wrong with that John don't you agree?
Well, here's here's what I want to say. I Don't know actually if I agree with all of this. I Don't know if that's what the campus.
I don't know that the campus protesters are just about negation. I think they're mostly about an actual
They're an actual nation on the other side of the planet that They are opposing and some of them are there some of the participants are there just because it's a protest.
That's true But there seems to be a stated goal. Anyway that said I don't have like a huge problem with holding an opinion like this.
Okay, so they should be treated with contempt You should despise these people is what he's saying these pro -palestinian
Protesters or anti -israeli protesters or do you want to say you should despise them? there were their deplorables are worthy of of just Vilification it's easy to fight on that issue for these people
Yet when it came to 2020 even those who opposed it Could only do it in these circles through whispers through gentle Saying, you know bending over backwards before they said anything condemning to say they have a point
There wasn't this hard Direct language that you're seeing now against the quote -unquote
Palestinian protesters. Does that bother anyone? I'd like to just suggest that is also a shift in the leftward direction
How is that a shift in the leftward direction John because it is? calibrating the weights and measures we
We use to evaluate Friends enemies the people around us and whether or not they are worthy of Respect or whether or not they are worthy of condemnation
The people like Carl Truman even in 2020 and I remember because I read several articles from him
People like him They could not condemn the BLM protesters without first Giving their due respect and I'm not saying you can't do that.
I'm just saying like well with that issue Maybe you can't but I'm not saying like in hypothetically in other situations.
You can't do that Maybe there's something worthy and crowds are diverse and these kinds of things, but there's all you know, you make qualifications
Okay, I'm not saying you can't make qualifications. I make them I think it's important to make them at times, but there's also times when it's appropriate to just be direct and Carl Truman felt it was very important to be direct on this issue, which you would think you shouldn't matter as much to him
You know the bad black lives matter issue affected his school directly, you know Even the LGBT stuff and Carl Truman has been much better on that issue
But even when he talks about that stuff, he doesn't talk about it in the unqualified tones He's willing to use to castigate pro -palestinian protesters
It's interesting. You know, what are we willing to fight on? What are we willing to go to bat on that really reveals a lot about you?
It shows you where the priorities are it shows you what you're passionate about what you think actually matters in the grand scheme
That's what you're gonna put your time in your it's where you're gonna put your mouth It's towards the things that you think actually really matter
It's why this is called conversations that matter because I want to talk about things I think actually matter to me and if I started saying that, you know,
I'm really like I started really condemning one group and You know a similar group and a group that let's say did much more harm to To this audience and myself and I was willing to give them half a pass
You would call me out. You would wonder what I'm doing. You would notice that I'm just saying
I noticed this and It's the same kind of thing Megan's talking about with the National Association of Evangelicals It doesn't seem like as big of a compromise because it's not as big of a compromise, but it is that settled push
That recalibration if you read Karl Truman and you and that's who influences you all the time you and you and you follow him you yourself will start to recalibrate your own mind and That calibration
I don't believe reflects God's justice to be quite frank with you I think that it minimizes some things and maximizes other things and when it shouldn't when there's no justification for it.
All right Questions comments cries of outrage and then we'll keep going here So there's some discussion about whether sound churches,
I guess this whole launched a whole discussion about What church we should go to that's a great discussion,
I'm glad this is happening So, I'll just keep going at this point and let that discussion continue let's talk about Oh the
Boy Scouts. I was gonna mention this because I was a Boy Scout and It's sad. So I used to really think that Boy Scouts although I will say
I had some challenges with the troop that I was in at times and I had my
I actually eventually quit but the scouting program itself. I actually believed in and Would still believe in had they not compromised and you have the
Boy Scouts of America changing name to be more clues inclusive on its 115th anniversary So yeah seem to go well for 115 years, but we're gonna totally upend everything and here's got a picture of a
Boy Scout with a kerchief I forgot what they call those the the slide on the kerchief.
It's rainbow flag color and They are Changing their name and they're rebranding
And it's just gonna be called scouting I guess that's all it is scouting There were a thousand young women in the inaugural class of female
Eagle Scouts in 2021 The organization also being allowing gay youth in 2013. So yeah,
I mean all this stuff happened after I got out Our name will be new our mission remains unchanged.
Yeah. No, I'm not really I mean your missions fundamentally change because it was about raising men From boys to men.
It was a coming -of -age Training and now it's you're drifting because it's not about men
You're confusing what a man is you're confusing the responsibilities and you're even extending these
These trainings to women as if they're some somehow on the same level have the same responsibilities same function same
You know everything it's egalitarian Scouts lost a lot of members
They've lost Wow, they've lost millions of members Membership peaked in 1972 at almost 5 million.
Yeah, my dad really he was in Boy Scouts. He really got to experience scouting in its golden age
He gets no experience that you know, it's not that I'm jealous of the boomers But you know, they really they really had some things nice and I get it
They had to you know get under their desks because they could be annihilated by a nuclear weapon at any point So there's that but you know put that on the shelf
They had some really good movies out entertainment was good, you know society was cleaner there
I mean, I don't want to I don't know I didn't live it but you know from what I hear from stories and stuff you know, even the
Boy Scouts that was their golden age and So it's sad. I don't even know what to tell you except if you love stick scouting.
It's a great program At least it was join. I would say trail life trail life is an alternative to Boy Scouts That's trying to actually do a
Boy Scouts used to do So, there you go Someone asked me who would get my vote if I was a messenger in the
SPC next month and in the chat And I think it's to me and I would say
Jared Moore Jared Moore would be the one that I would That I would ask I don't know if actually that question was to me the the the chats talking a lot about Local church attendance.
We're gonna talk about SPC stuff speaking of the SPC. So I wanted to show you this is an interesting thread.
I'm glad Michael Clary posted this He's been on the show before but he posted this in it He said some say the
SPC isn't woke and there's nothing to be alarmed about Don't be so sure Paul said a little 11 11 is the lump the broader
SPC may not be full -blown woke but some places are a Friend recently shared notes from a send
Philly training see for yourself So this would be under the North American Mission Board and they're training church planners.
And this is This is what they're doing in the urban context they which they they say the urban context is
I guess described as Including marginalized peoples as the other they are subject to system systemic racism systemic
System disparity modern -day slavery and environmental oppression. Okay, so that's that's what you got to understand
If you're gonna reach these people first, you got to understand all these things Jesus ministry is presented as social justice crusade to empower the least of these
Funny same same verse used in the justification for the racism statement.
We just read This is a misuse of that text the least of these in Matthew 25 refers to Christians who are socially ostracized because their faithfulness
To Jesus it doesn't teach social activism The biblical justification they provide is simply to accept the social justice framing is valid and then quote texts where Jesus ministers to people
Who fit those categories poor? disabled women Strangers prostitutes criminals
Jesus is the marginalized Savior and they I mean he's got all the screenshots Ron cider is the one who provides the definition of biblical justice as incarnational ministry like Jesus Ron cider.
Yeah, really picked him interesting who you know wrote rich Christians in an age of hunger and by the end of his life
He was just I think he was pretty much full -blown on everything. I think the LGBT stuff.
He wasn't quite there yet I'm not sure exactly but he was He yeah, he was pretty on the left and inspired people like Russell Moore and David Platt What kind what is this kind of incarnational ministry look like in practice?
Opposing systematic systemic oppression. I keep saying systematic systemic oppression protests events recognizing in an equity using your power privilege to be a voice advocate for the oppressed so Preaching the gospel is barely acknowledged like you're retreat
You are in the SPC and you think you're giving your money to Organizations that are teaching the gospel and making disciples of Jesus Christ and then you find out that in the training materials for some of these entities
They are teaching social activists to go out there and do a political thing that's exactly what you have with this urban ministry boot camp curriculum and And this was a recent it looks like the copyright it was made in 2019, but this is recent and it was
The author is dr. Kyle Canty who has a doctor of ministry send
City Missionary for Philadelphia. So there you go. There you go
Let's see, what else do we want to talk about in the SPC Kevin easel my good friend Randy C Davis has articulated some very important points to consider as we prepare for Indianapolis now
Kevin easel would it be over send I guess technically because he's the president of the North American Mission Board and Randy C.
Davis is very concerned very concerned indeed in the Baptist and reflector about the law amendments.
Oh my goodness and And so he gives all his reasons we've gone over this kind of stuff before so we're not gonna waste your time with it
But yeah, this is that scary amendment that would give the Credentials Committee the authority to oust churches if they disagree with the
Southern Baptist conventions Understanding of what a pastor is and they've put female pastors in that role
Excuse me one second because I hear a lot of noise outside my door. I'm just gonna close the door. Give me one second Alright, I usually have the door closed anyway, but I wanted some airflow.
It's been kind of a warm night and Yeah, so I think my wife's vacuuming or something in the other room kind of late to do that right it's like almost 1030 here, but She's been working hard outside all day as a pregnant woman to which
I just gotta say I'm very very grateful for her So let's just keep going. We got Some immigration stuff and then we'll end it
There was I saw Freedom Center at Liberty University posted this but hundreds of protesters marched through Dublin City Center holding signs against immigration into Ireland And you know, this was huge.
It was just I don't know how many people were there, but it was a lot they blocked traffic and It was a big big big deal and Let's see a few months so so this is
Was this was 17 hours ago the story came out and there's been a series of protests
The Irish police cleared a tent city of an unhoused asylum seekers recently, it sounds like what we're going through in the
United States It talks about this situation where there was an Algerian man who stabbed several people outside of school in the capital
That was last year Irish government has proposed to send some of those arriving across the border back to face
British authorities But the UK government has refused to discuss the proposal. I mean, this is just a mess This is going on in Ireland and I I saw that There was oh,
I don't think I put it up I wanted to I just thought this was really great This was that CPAC which
I I thought I don't I'm not a big fan of CPAC, but this was CPAC Europe and They had
I don't know if I can Oh Eva of Lard Lardinger broke
I think is her name and this is what she had to say Let me walk you through the past seven days in Europe this week in Stockholm three elderly women in their 70s were stabbed in broad daylight on the streets in London Four people were stabbed in a time span of just 42 hours in Paris Hundreds of African migrants took to the street to riot and in Brigolo also in France yet another church was burned down to the ground and That ladies and gentlemen is just a few incidents in just a couple of days on our beautiful continent
But we all know that these incidents Aren't incidents anymore
If there's one thing that's for sure is that we know and our governments also know that there is a link between mass migration and crime in a
Dutch city of Dordrecht something interesting happened the other day They announced and this is a small city in the
Netherlands in my home country That a new asylum center will be put in that little town and what did the municipality do?
They said we are going to offer citizens who live in the vicinity of the center a
Thousand euros to take extra safety measures our new reality in Europe consists of frequent rapes stabbings killings murders shootings even beheadings
But let me be clear about one thing this did not used to happen before This is a newly imported
Problem Samuel P Huntington predicted this over 25 years ago when he wrote and I quote in the new world of mass migration the most pervasive
Important and dangerous conflicts will not be between the social classes They will not be between the rich and the poor
They will be between people's belonging to different cultural entities
Tribal wars and ethnic conflicts will occur within civilizations
Well boy was he right and the worst part is we as a society seem to have become indifferent to it
Okay, I'm gonna stop it right there. There's much more that she says but I'm watching this and I'm seeing
That you know, Ireland has these protests I don't think everyone's indifferent but enough people I suppose are they're letting it happen and I've just been in Idaho I've just been in Wisconsin.
And one of the things it's not a surprise to many of you but New York City is a problem like they've taken in The mayor of New York is freaking out about how many migrants they don't have the room.
They don't the space and You know, I hear everywhere I go. They're getting $2 ,000 a month $2 ,600 a month plus this plus that plus they get cell phones paid for they got
And it's everywhere I go and you know in Boise. I thought this is the heartland of America, right?
This is a Community a state with a small population and I saw
Based on two years ago. I was there a different Boise in some ways than the Boise that's there now They have government housing going in everywhere and it's not quote -unquote government housing like HUD Like the government's not building it it's they paying they're paying contractors to build it and they they have to I mean
And what they want don't want to be outcompeted. They're gonna do it and then they They pay for people to live there on the government toll and these are mainly from what
I understand This isn't these are migrants and they're dumping migrants In Boise, Idaho to the point that I guess the uber and lyft business someone who told me this out there
Uber and lyft are just saturated with people That are immigrants trying to make a living and their only reason they can do it is because they're they're essentially given enough
To do they're set up to do this. I don't know exactly how and how all the mechanism works, but that's happening when
I went to Wisconsin, of course flying into Minneapolis to get there. There's a
Large immigrant population there, but I asked people in the area. I was in a rural area, you know, what's going on?
I sat across from lunch from a guy who said it's happening. It's it's starting here and The contractors, you know, they're they're hiring migrants to to do work and It's like this is happening across the entire
West at the same time like it's coordinated it clearly Like everyone's doing this at the same time
Even if it's not a smoke -filled room, at least there's some shared ideology or something that's inspiring the leaders to do this and And I think
I know why I think I think a lot of it has to do with entering a post racial post nationalist post
Whatever world where it's diverse post religion, you know one religion
Identifying a certain people group, you know, we're gonna just be multiculturalism heaven and it's turning into multiple
Culturalism hell and the idea has been if we could just get rid of the borders if we could just get rid of all these things then
These differences people would just realize that everyone's a lot like them. Yeah, we do have some shared things There's also a lot of particularity.
There's a lot of differences and I Fear the same thing. It's like you could have put that speech that That I just played for you
You could have put that in many different contexts You could have that she should it could have been giving the speech in Dallas She could have can give me the speech in New York.
She could have been Probably in almost every country in Europe giving that speech I don't know what the solution is to be quite frank, you know as someone who's
I mean I know I know what it is if someone had power But if you don't have power it to make decisions in your government if you can't acquire it quickly
I don't know what the solution is if you could acquire power quickly I mean, I think what a Donald Trump say them. It's gonna be the largest mass deportation effort ever in u .s
History, frankly, I don't even know if he has the guts for it That is going to be hard It I just and I don't have any confidence in the
Republicans. I mean to save this country to keep some kind of American people
It mean now it's people's but to keep some kind of semblance of any shared culture whatsoever you would have to make some very very hard choices that I wouldn't want to be the one to making and It would it would be a lot of social turmoil and it would it would have just It's gonna take some hard things you're gonna you probably have to go around Congress you're probably going to have to realize that the
Democrats don't play by the Constitution and if you were in that position to save the country, you would probably have to realize we're post -constitutional.
I Don't like saying this stuff, but I'm just I'm dealing with political reality here If you're in Europe same thing if you don't have any power and no way to get power then you only have really one option and that is to in your local area resist it as much as you possibly can that means to Get together on the low you may be doctrine of the lesser magistrate get together with local neighbors if that's what it takes and This is what happens in places like South Africa.
What do they do? They when you have a large population that is so different from you and In effect is
More prone to crime you end up having these gated communities that you have to sign community covenants and there's restrictions to get in and and it's not the kind of America that We want to live in but it's the kind of America that some people are already living in living in it's the kind of America that's coming and It's because of a series of very poor choices over the course of decades that has gotten us here
One of the reasons I wrote the article that I did was because of this About that in on American for former right now
I think the Christian nationalism thing is honestly, let me just be frank with you and straight with you.
Okay, I I've never said this on the podcast.
I Do see in the future Well, maybe I have said this but it was it was probably a while ago that I said this
I Do see the potential in the future with the way that white people's people of European descent in the
United States, but I think this goes for Europe the way that the People who are living in these regions and actually
I can include I think in this country I'd include some black people in here as well We've been here for a long time that are now competing with these immigrant groups for limited resources in urban areas, especially that's starting
I can say that There is this this possibility of a coalition forming based upon that shared
Identity as And really as the result of the attacks against it There's a balkanization so so and this is like something that I think it just and naturally happens
You it's like if you want to be against it. It's like being against the weather like if you Choose people's or people to hate and you're going to use the power of the government against them and you're going to Terrorize them essentially.
I mean Maybe that's too strong of a word, but it's we might be coming to that but you're going to oppose them in horrific ways putting
Unvetted populations next to them that are prone towards crime and so forth You're going to get a shared
Experience they're going to look at themselves and they're going to see a shared experience a common destiny that they're wrapped up in with other people in a similar plight and that is going to produce a shared identity and And this is what
I think Christian nationalism has been about in some ways It's always called white nationalism.
It's always called white supremacy and and all of this The reality is though the
Christian nationalist thing is an alternative to much of that It's trying to say coalesce around a shared
Christianity Rally around a shared religion shared Christianity make that the rallying point.
That's the shared thing and Christians are also attacked So I I don't agree with I think
Doug Wilson said something recent. I don't agree with Doug Wilson that this is all so you can just Reduce this kind of down to this is this is an attack on Christianity all the anti white stuff
I think there legitimately is an anti white thing going on like anti Western civilization anti You know
European culture and that kind of thing the Christian nationalism
Movement has been a response to a lot of things that have happened in the last few years But it's with the understanding that that's the rallying point.
So it's not making quote -unquote Genetic differences and the rallying point it's making religion the rallying point
And if you on the left who are very concerned about quote -unquote white nationalism You should be pretty positive in my in my opinion about the
Christian nationalism stuff to some extent. You should look at that as This is this is opposing some of the same things
But it's not doing so in the way that you say is the worst thing imaginable Which will give us Nazis and stuff, which
I don't know that I buy that but that's you should be positive towards it and I'm spitballing at this point, but I'm really just looking at reality and I'm saying there's a whole lot of Problems coming our way and I think there's gonna be a whole lot of racial strife and it's engineered it is engineered and we're gonna be hearing from the
Christian elites how Just get used to it How terrible we are for what not wanting the mass immigration or at least the consequences of it in our neighborhoods and in our families and for being for mass deportations and Hard measures to end this problem
It's not and it's not hatred for anyone that's the thing It's just love for the what you have for your community for the safety it enjoyed for the people
That live there for the children that you have. I'm thinking in these terms more and more as I have a kid coming like Okay, what's the world gonna look like?
how do I set this this kid up so that they're going to be able to thrive not just survive and The out it looks bleaker and bleaker
I'm I'm gonna have a white kid, right and if it's a male, oh my goodness, you know what kinds of the deck is stacked and The this is the kind of thing that will produce what the left says they fear the most but they're engineering it and so It's it's in America.
I think this is like this is like the last train and I'm not saying it every year It's like the most important election every time there's an election year
But if the Democrats have four more years on the national level to bring in permanent majorities
You can say bye to the abortion issue You can say bye to any issue you care about because the Democrats will run the table
It'll be like California is now a one -party state. I Really believe that I think you give them four more years.
I think that's what happens. So Do with that what you will I think there's only one option at least on a political level and At the same time begging for the
Lord's mercy So if that didn't offend you
I really appreciate this Dylan for 1999. Thank you Dylan. Congrats on the baby Let us know if you need help and we are here that is so gracious of you
Dylan. Thank you Thank you We always need help prayers the most important thing.
I Never never know a time. I don't need help. So The Tower of Babel story is coming up here
You know I've been thinking about that too with like the way that we can communicate with one another and then override some of these language barriers and The idea that we can you know
Just bring all kinds of different people with different values with different everything and oh, they'll they'll share a government
They'll share a society together and within it'll be peaceful. It'll be great. That is the Tower of Babel mentality
Totally that that's exactly what we're dealing with today. No particularity is part of God's order
Act 17, right? He made not just the nation's to but the boundaries for them
That's part of his created order and we should work to preserve that preserve an order It doesn't mean that there aren't organic changes that happen.
We're nations new nations form And I mean like the Samaritans is a nation that can kind of a hybrid right, you know things like that happen in Organic ways mostly but also just you know sometimes military sometimes geographic and droughts and things things people groups migrate and so forth, but what we're doing now is very different than that in that we are
We are forcing a grand experiment that's never been tried in the history of the world where we're taking very different groups of people
Deep into the heartland in some places, you know You could try to maybe parallel this with like the
Jewish captivity or something maybe but it's it's not even close because These are all kinds of people that are now not just they're they're not even subservient.
They are They they are made at least in theory to be have all the same privileges and status that you do even if your family was here for Generations and fought in the wars and sacrifice to make this place as good as it is now people who didn't weren't part of that story and who let's say don't have the values in their
Cultures to reproduce what's been produced here now they are Somehow expected to be on an equivalent footing in every single way and and get the benefits that you've worked hard for They're gonna get the
Social Security. You don't think it's happening. I was just in a Los Angeles in January there was a billboard for and it said on it in Spanish that We'll get the documents for you.
Even the ones that are hard to get and there's a picture of a Social Security card It's happening It's not a myth and people who don't live in those areas think it's not happening.
It totally is. I Gotta stop. I'm on a rant Okay, so now
Doug Wilson's that this guy didn't mean for him to be a discussion in the in the chat group here But yeah,
I just noticed him and who was it? One of the other guys on cross politic.
I can't remember now. I'm those guys have some good takes I'm not saying it's you know, I'm generally positive about their takes and stuff
But this was it was just trying to kind of frame the anti white stuff as like it's really just anti Christian and it's like I mean, it's anti God I suppose but it's
When you look at the full picture of what CRT is but anti yeah, I don't see it.
I don't see it I think there's definitely connections but anyway
Probably should wrap it up because I'm getting tired. It's almost 11. We're still streaming here We have a number of people that are still in the comment section and if I didn't answer your question, you have a comment feel free to leave a comment on YouTube and I'll do my best to get to it
Matt Matt says we will have a 52 star flag if they win. I Don't know what that's a reference to is that what are the other two stars?
Is that was like was that DC in Puerto Rico, it's Clip that rant
Yeah, we'll clip it There's definitely an Antichrist spirit at work. Yes. All right.
Well, hey on a positive note because I always want to end on a positive No, let me just say this There are people who are waking up to this stuff left and right and one of the things
I was encouraged by in Wisconsin Is I did share a presentation on liberalism something I haven't shared in depth
It's gonna be stuff that's part of the book. I'm not gonna release this widely It'll be unique to the book But I did do a presentation on some of it and There were people who came up to me and basically said the lights went on for them.
They understand now People who were against social justice, but didn't they didn't quite get like why?
organizations like g3 had a problem with Christian nationals and that kind of thing and it's like they understood and so The I think that people as time and experience take shape and as we have more guys
Explaining the situation around us that it's deeper than just wokeness. There is this liberal order that we're contending with I think that some positive changes are coming and and you can see the beginnings of this in younger pastors that are
Like think about this way TGC and t4g these evangelical groups
Desiring God even you know, like Shepherds Conference These guys have all tried to raise up kind of like they platform people that are like the young hip
Next generation guys, right that are gonna be the you know The star expositors and that kind of thing and let me ask you this when you look around you and you look at age
Who are the big expository preachers that you listen to on the radio on YouTube on? Or just even
Christian thinkers. They're all older. They're all guys who are around before the woke stuff Since the woke movement has been prevalent
Who are the guys that seem to be making names for themselves or at least if they're not making the names for themselves there?
People are looking to them for leadership as younger guys and and those younger guys are not in those circles
Those younger guys are they tend to be more independent? They did guys like I was thinking of like Zach Garris, I'm thinking of like Joel Webb and I'm thinking of Guys like guys out in Ogden, Utah.
I'm thinking about You know Andrew Isker you know, these these are all guys who are now gaining momentum as pastors and preachers and so forth and they you know
You wouldn't have known their names. It's in and really their bravery I think shown through some of the things that happened in 2020 whereas other legacy ministries didn't have that kind of thing and There's there's some changes coming and some of them are positive.
So, you know, that's in the Christian world but I think even there's a there's a sort going on that people are moving to areas where they can share life with people who have similar values and it'll look different in years from now and It's also an adventure it's like an exciting thing to watch
And we'll see what happens. But anyway, I don't know. Are we on Calvinism now in the chats?
What's going on? John is a Calvinist someone says well, I'm I'm not shy about saying that I do believe in the doctrines of grace
But not something I focus on lately as much Baron Trump will pick the crown from the gutter
Yeah, so Pete there's these theories about Baron Trump like he's gonna be the next he's gonna like be the
Protestant Franco or something That's I don't know what it's based on exactly like little things like oh, he plays war games.
So he's gonna be great I'm like what? Are you cool with that Joel Barry guy? Are you cool with him?
I Mean, I I don't really know Joel. I I I think there's things he's posted that I haven't agreed with but yeah,
I'm cool with him today like he really appreciated my article and You know, but there's things he posted
I totally agree with so I don't know enough about Joel to be out quite honest with You to answer that question well
Someone said if you make pagans follow God's laws, even if they do not believe then yes We can't make someone believe but we can make them follow
God's Word. Amen third use of the law Late show tonight pastor
Edwin Ramirez. Oh Edwin. It's good to see Edwin in the chat the proverbial life He's got a YouTube channel too.
If you want to check it out, you know, he's another guy too You know that young pastor to follow here who's
Independent and brave and like these are the kind of guys that I'm telling you that I hear more about now
All right Last thing I forgot to announce it. Sorry. I just will say this though.
I will be posting the Sessions from both those conferences soon. So follow me on social media and you'll see them soon.