Churches Preaching Sermons About Barbie / The Fruit of The Seeker Sensitive Movement

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So, just when you thought things couldn't get any worse, here's a headline from Protestia, churches exegeting
Barbie film for summer sermon series. So instead of preaching the gospel, or instead of preaching, as the
Apostle Paul put it, the whole counsel of God, these seeker -sensitive churches are preaching sermons about the
Barbie movie. Yeah. It's, it's true. This is really happening. Now, I was going to do a podcast about churches that do not follow the scripture.
And of course this would be a good illustration. Basically the whole approach for the seeker -sensitive churches is that unbelievers aren't going to go to church.
So if you turn your church into a rock concert, then you'll get them through the front door. Or if you do a sermon about Barbie, you'll get them through the front door.
But here's the issue. What you win them with is what you win them to. So even if these people start attending church and they come back next week and the next week, if you're preaching about the
Barbie movie, what have you accomplished? Well, let's read from the article, Summertime is church at the movie's time for many seeker -sensitive and biblically illiterate churches.
You know, tell us how you really feel, right? And the usual blockbuster films are prime pickings.
So Mission Impossible, Transformers, Super Mario, and even the newest Barbie film.
These PG and PG -13 films are all ripe for industrious pastors to pluck life lessons out of or to uncover the spiritual truths of Bowser singing peaches or Optimus Prime transforming into a new creation.
So yeah, I used to have those figures when I was young. The Transformers, you know, they're a car and then you can transform them into like this robot.
So yeah, just as Optimus Prime transformed into a new creation, you know, the
Bible talks about how believing in Jesus, you know, that can make you a new creation in Christ.
Does that really work? I don't think so. What it does is it turns the worship of the
Lord Jesus Christ into a circus sideshow. This is a mockery is what it is.
This is where churches, back to the article. This is where churches decorate the entire building, or at least the lobby and sanctuary with movie themed accoutrements, hand out popcorn and drinks.
And in the case of Barbie last week, asked congregants to come to church dressed in pink, where if they wish they can do a
Barbie themed photo shoot. You know, our summer blockbuster series, the whole point of the series is for us to look at the spiritual themes and the summer's hottest movies.
And the point of it is for all of us to be mindful that we can find God in just about anything.
And so this morning's movie, as you saw, was Barbie and Michael and I brought a couple friends with us. What's the point of this video?
Just to tell you how bad things are? No, it's to show you how blessed you are. If you attend a good local
Bible believing church where the people there come because they actually love the Lord, you realize how blessed you are.
More churches than you think are going in this direction. So if you're sitting under a pastor who preaches the word, consider yourself blessed and that you have friends who actually love
Christ and they don't go to church just because they're bribed into it because they might hear something about Barbie and Ken.
So kind of a bad situation. Not going to lie, but you know, consider
Israel. Remember what Elijah thought, I'm the only one left. We don't ever want to start thinking that way.
There's still 7 ,000 who haven't bowed the knee to Baal. So there's still many churches today who will never resort to this type of thing.