Job 21



I think we'll get through the whole chapter. Hopefully we'll be able to get through a chapter a week until we get a little further on in the book and then things will slow down a little bit.
But just to remind us where we were last week, if you remember this was the last speech of Zophaz and basically we talked about the fact, he blasted
Job. I mean there was nothing he held back and it was basically the same things he said to Job in chapter 11, he then repeated in chapter 20.
So I try to stress that Zophaz hasn't really thought anything about anything that Job has said.
In matter of fact, he has made up his mind. I think they have made up their mind very early that the only reason why
Job was suffering was because of Job's sin and Job was getting what he deserved and even
Zophaz was the one who said to him, you're getting less than you deserve and if you go back and read chapter 20, terrible words.
He accused him of so many different things and in so many different ways. And so that was the thought of last week.
And now as we come to chapter 21 this morning, really what takes place is Job's response and that has been the way the book has been laid out for us that there seems to be an accusation and a response and then it goes on back and forth.
But I wanted to at least say to us this morning as we look at the chapter and we'll read through the chapter in just a bit, but Job picks up on something that Zophaz has said and if you remember what we read, basically
Zophaz is telling Job that, had told Job that his memory would be put out and that he would be remembered no more and that the reason for it again was sow and reap and it's an immediate thing in their eyes.
In other words, the very reason why Job's in the condition he's in is because of the state of his heart.
And so Job is gonna respond to that this morning and so the focus really is the thought of the, if you will,
Job's gonna seek to help them understand about the whole idea of the prosperity of the wicked and so that's really gonna be the focus of the chapter and that's really the focus of Job's words and so as we get started,
I wanted to ask you a question and just see if we are in agreement.
Zophaz has insisted that as he sees
Job, that Job is getting his just punishment for his just sin and so I wanted to start that way and then we'll look a little further on.
Is that true? Is it true that those who are wicked and who would the wicked be, by the way?
Sir, ma 'am? Not saved? Yeah, and believers, right? I mean, and again, that's the terminology in the scriptures and we associate, when we say wicked, we associate it with really, really bad people.
Is that the spirit telling me to be quiet or? I think.
You wanna go check it out? No, I think I know what it is. They blew a fuse over here. Yeah, I think that's right. All right, we got too much, we're all right.
Which one went out? The. Did the computer go off, ma 'am? No. Okay, Al?
Yeah. I apologize. That's all right. We'll wait for lights from above. Is that true, by the way?
Is it true that people are punished as soon as they sin? No. Sometimes, maybe.
Sometimes. Anybody think, yes, that as soon as you, that judgment is, in that sense, immediate?
Well, that's really what Job is gonna try to come back at Zophar's focus.
That's what Zophar has accused Job of. He's saying, you sowed, now you reap.
And if you think about it, that principle, let me back up a bit.
Is it true that what we sow, we reap? Yes. Anybody say no?
So, if at times, the wicked seem to prosper, and if sow and reap is an absolute principle, how do we understand that?
In view of eternity. Oh, okay. And then, again, there's that simple thing, right?
If we talk about it this way, that's the distinction, right?
So, it is true that the wicked prosper, but it's also just as true that the wicked,
I've got a witness. It's also true that the wicked do not prosper.
And again, the problem with the three friends, Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar, and I would say the problem with many people is because they don't have their minds in an eternal way that they get trapped into thinking a certain way only with this thought in mind, because the reality is what we do sow.
God is not mocked. Whatever a man sows, what? He reaps, right. So, when
Zophar is looking at Job's situation, and he makes these accusations, in a way,
Job is very sharp, and he realizes that if you, again, just keep things here, you would say that, but if you keep it in the realm of eternity, that is not true.
And as we look at it, let me ask you another question. I'm gonna get conversation out of you one way or another this morning.
As you view the world, do you think that more thought is had about how, let me put it to you this way.
Does there appear in the scriptures and in life to you that there is more of immediate judgment or more of delayed judgment?
As you perceive things in this world, do you believe, do you think that there is more, and I'll even say it this way, there's more scriptural evidence of judgment immediately or judgment delayed?
Delayed, delayed, delayed. Anybody else? Anybody else wanna weigh in? More on the side of immediate judgment?
More on the side of delayed judgment? Okay. So, thank you three for speaking up.
I assume the rest of you have thoughts too, but you'll hold them to yourself. But I do think there is a definite reality through the scriptures, and I wanna just think about a couple of different examples that many people will see things as if judgment is delayed.
So let me ask you a question. Is judgment delayed? Oh. It might seem delayed to us.
Oh. So, thought. God is outside of time, right?
God is outside of the bounds of space, and therefore what we perceive is not necessarily how
God perceives. Would you agree to that? That unless we really have a perception of who
God is and his being and his character, it's easy to get trapped into thinking one way or another.
But as we begin to think as God thinks, things become very clear.
And like you say, it's God's timing. I always think about if you just watch lately on the news, and certainly not a political statement, but how the attacks that have been made against the
Americans and what seems to be the normal response from the
Pentagon and the White House is we will react, we will respond at our choosing and our time in the manner in which we choose.
Well, is that not true of God? And I do think there is scriptural evidence that many times judgment seems to be delayed.
But in reality, I don't believe judgment is delayed. Judgment is meted out by God according to his purpose.
And unless we really understand that, it's very confusing. Okay, so just think about a couple of scriptures.
In Ecclesiastes, and this is one we talk about often, it says, because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, the hearts of the sons of men are fully set to do evil.
That's Ecclesiastes 8 .11. Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the hearts of men are fully set to do evil.
So when you think about that, well, that throws things into, that puts light on something for our understanding.
In 2 Peter, it says that the Lord is not slack concerning his promise. Has God promised to judge?
Absolutely, right? Shall not the judge of all the earth do what? Do right.
So the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some count slackness, but is long suffering towards us, not willing that any should perish, but all should come to repentance.
Now I just wanna take a little, just a very short side road. Let me read that to you again.
2 Peter 3 .9, the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some count slackness, but is long suffering towards us, not willing that any should perish, all should come to repentance.
Who's the us in 2 Peter 3 .9? Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some count slackness, but is long suffering towards us, not willing that any should perish.
Who is the us? The elect.
If that's not true, and this is my understanding. So if you wanna argue with me, that's fine.
But this is my understanding. The us has to be God's chosen people. Because if not, what is this statement then saying?
It would then be saying, it would then be teaching universalism in reality, right? Which is, what is universalism?
Everybody will finally get to heaven. Everyone will finally be with the
Lord. Now, if you look at that verse and think about it, I promise you we'll get through the chapter this morning.
And you think about it. One of the reasons why God delays judgment is one of the reasons why
God delays judgment that he might use even the wickedness of men to bring his people to himself.
Is that doctrinally true? Yes. Okay. Let me just, and I wanna give you a couple examples.
But before we do that, there's another verse in Ezekiel 18. And it says,
God says, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked would turn and live.
Okay? So there is a reality in which sometimes judgment is delayed that God might use the wickedness of men to draw his people to himself.
And again, this is a little tricky. The Lord also is long suffering because if not, would we not all be cut off?
Think about that, right? If God wasn't long suffering to each one of us, we wouldn't have made it to this point, would we?
No, because God would have brought a righteous judgment against us. And when you think about that,
I do think there are examples of immediate judgment. So let me ask you, can you think of a couple where there was immediate judgment?
Okay. Pretty immediate. Yeah. All right. What else?
The flood. Sir? The flood. Okay. Flood. Although, would we not say, how long did it take before the flood came after he started to build the ark?
120 years? Barry? I'm sorry. Barry, Uzzah touched the ark.
Everybody remember Uzzah? Don't name your kid Uzzah. Uzzah was the one who touched the ark because the ox had stumbled.
And what did God do? Killed him. How about this? Was there immediate judgment?
Yeah. Anybody say no? Okay. Yeah.
And again, Barry? Yes and no. I mean, he could have killed him, right?
Right. But that is, there was certainly an immediate judgment upon Adam, right?
We did that spiritually. Spiritually. And yet God was, and think about that.
In that sense, even God was long -suffering, right? Because if he would have killed them at that point, the sea would have never came forth by which we are saved.
So again, just something to think about. But certainly, that's another example of where there was immediate judgment.
Absolutely. Was there immediate judgment here when
Cain killed Abel? Yes, no, maybe so?
No? I mean, he was sent out, right?
He was banished, but he lived, right? He lived quite a while and had a big family and on and on and on.
Remember this? Remember that guy?
The guy who picked up sticks on the Sabbath? And what happened to him? God struck him dead.
Immediate judgment. Brother Lee, were you gonna say something? Oh, Ananias and Sapphira.
And I'm not even gonna try to spell that name. I'm just gonna call them, I better not call them
Ann. Ah, I don't know. Anna, knock, whatever.
Ananias and Sapphira. Wasn't there immediate judgment? As soon as they lied, they were brought down.
So when you begin to think about it, there are scriptural evidences of that.
Here's another one. Would you agree that when Judas immediately judged, he betrayed the
Lord and next thing you know, what? Hung himself. So there is definitely scriptural evidence of immediate judgment.
And there is also evidence of, again, delayed judgment.
And I do think at times, we all wonder, maybe it's just me, so let me pose this question.
Do you not at times struggle with the reality that God doesn't cut off wicked people?
I mean, especially when we see atrocities, especially when we see blatant wickedness, especially when we see things that are horrendous in our minds.
Dave or Dan? Have you ever considered the idea that judgment and chastisement to be a blessing?
Oh, absolutely, sure. Because it proves that God loves us and a father chastises his son.
You know what I'm saying? Sure. I mean, if nothing ever come about, our bad deeds, our sins,
I mean. For whom the Lord loves, he chastens. However, and I kind of thought this might enter it,
I want to ask you to think about this. Is there a difference between these two things?
And I've had this discussion many times and people don't always like what I say about it, but is there a difference between these two things?
Is there a difference between judgment and chastisement? Donation and mercy.
I think you can, assistant? Chastisement is for a good. Yeah, mercy.
To help us to be better, you might say. Judgment has a finality to it.
Yeah, and judgment has a legal attachment to it, doesn't it?
Look, in other words, if you think about it, when men are sent, unfortunately it's not the way it works, but ultimately when men are sent to prison, are they not being judged and given punishment?
Yeah, I mean, and that's one of the problems, right? Because we live in a society where we don't believe in punishment, we just believe in rehabilitation.
And that's where we get into all kinds of, but I guess before I leave this,
I wanted to say this has a legal attachment to it and this one is truly an area of punishment.
What should we say about this one? And again, this is a little bit semantical, but I would say this is a result of what you just said,
Dan. And this one is what God does to his children. I would also say chastisement is instruction in punishment.
Yep, that's a good word to use. Whereas if you think about it, punishment is simply what?
Retribution, it's punishment. It's like the law, the law punishes, doesn't it?
And there's a distinction to make. So anyway, just something to think about when you think about the prosperity of the wicked.
And if you think about it, like I said, because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, what do men do?
First of all, they lose sight of this judgment and they begin to live their life the way they want to, thinking that God will not see them in terms of their sin.
And there is a reality, or I guess I'll ask you in question form.
Well, you and Job, I know we haven't read the chapter yet, but I assure you we will. Go to Proverbs 16 a minute.
Let's just stop in at one verse. Proverbs 16, verse four.
Think about it. And this is what you had said, Brother Gary, about God ruling and reigning.
And in Proverbs 16, four, the Lord has made all things for himself, even the wicked for the day of doom.
Let that sink in just for a minute. Lord has made all things for himself, even the wicked for the day of doom or the day of wrath.
And that, as I said to you a few minutes ago, God uses delayed judgment for his purpose and ultimately for his glory.
Pharaoh is an absolute perfect example. Remember what Paul brings up in Romans as he says it about Pharaoh, for this very reason
I raised you up, that I might make my power known and that I might be able, and did not
God receive glory in redeeming the children of Israel out of the bondage of Egypt?
And who was, in that sense, one of the main instruments that God used to accomplish that?
Pharaoh. There's a reason why his heart was holding. And again, as we read the account, we will find times where it says,
Pharaoh hardened his own heart, right? And then we'll read times where it says, God hardened the heart of Pharaoh.
And again, was that not the reality of God delaying judgment in order to accomplish his purposes?
I mean, you could think about others and there are a number, and Pharaoh certainly is one of the great examples of that.
How about Nebuchadnezzar? Remember Nebuchadnezzar? And you remember how even in Isaiah, the prophecy was that he was gonna use
Babylon to punish or to chastise Israel? But then if you read in,
I believe it's Isaiah 10, God then says, when I'm done using
Babylon, I'm gonna punish Babylon. Why? Because they had only evil desire in their minds and in their hearts, whereas I had a desire to chastise my people.
So again, you think about it and you put it into these things. Who would be another example?
Is there another example maybe that we could think about as far as that principle of God using evil to accomplish good?
Remember Joseph and his brothers? Oh, they're gonna sell, they're gonna kill him.
No, we're gonna sell them. And you remember how God had raised up Joseph to do what?
To ultimately provide for them. And when he's finally revealed to them, and remember, they get really nervous and scared.
And it says that they meant it, Joseph says you meant it for evil, but what?
God meant it for good. So there is really ample scriptural evidence that things, again, things as it appears only here are not always a true indicator of what
God is doing. And I will say this again to you and then we'll look at the chapter. Oh, I'm gonna do one thing before we do that.
As sure as great affliction is not always an indicator of great sin.
And that's the case of Job. So great prosperity is not always an indicator of great righteousness, agree or disagree.
And that's where we kind of get, can get confused. That we understand that God ultimately is the judge who will do right.
But we have to look at it in, if you will, in an internal sense versus just looking at the here and now, because the here and now is confusing.
And if you don't think I'm right, we're in Proverbs. Before we read the chapter, go to Psalm 73.
Because this really is the heart, I think of the chapter that Job is refuting Zophar's and he's teaching
Zophar's and the others that they have wrong thinking and that the prosperity of the wicked is a reality.
So look at Psalm 73. And we use this as a backdrop to go through the chapter.
So Psalm 73, truly God is good to Israel to such as are pure in heart.
This is what the Psalmist says. But as for me, my feet almost stumbled, my steps had nearly slipped, for I was envious of the boastful when
I saw the prosperity of the wicked. There are no pangs in their death, but their strength is firm.
They are not in trouble as other men, nor are they plagued like other men. Therefore pride serves as their necklace and violence covers them like a garment and their eyes bulge with abundance.
And they have more than heart could wish. And they scoff and they speak wickedly concerning oppression.
They speak loftily. They set their mouth against the heavens and their tongue walks through the earth.
Therefore his people return there and waters of a full cup are drained by them. And they say, how does
God know? Is there any knowledge of the most high? Behold, these are the ungodly who are always at ease.
They increase in riches. We continue to read the Psalm and you'll see that the
Psalmist begins to have a realization once he goes to the sanctuary of God. My point is this is a very clear indicator that the prosperity of the wicked is a reality and that you and I, we need to be those whose minds are set on seeing things as, if you will, as to think things according to the way
God does things. And it's not always easy. Again, a lot of confusion in between the two.
All right, with that, just let's go to the chapter now and I'm gonna read through it. Again, the heart of the chapter is really the reality of Job responding because that's what
Zophar has accused him of. So let me just read the chapter with you and hopefully it'll make sense now. So chapter 21, then
Job answered and said, listen carefully to my speech. Let this be your consolation.
Bear with me that I may speak and after I have spoken, keep mocking. As for me, is my complaint against man?
And if it were, why should I not be impatient? Look at me and be astonished. Put your hand over your mouth.
Even when I remember, I'm terrified and trembling takes hold in my flesh.
We'll go back to that in a minute. But look what he said in verse seven. Why do the wicked live and become old?
Yes, they become mighty in power. Their descendants are established with them in their sight and their offspring before their eyes.
And their houses are safe from fear and neither is the rod of God upon them.
And their bulls breed without failure and their cows calves without miscarriage.
They send forth their little ones like a flock and their children dance and they sing to the tambourine and the harp and rejoice in the sound of the flute.
And they spend their days in wealth. In a moment, they go down to the grave. Yet they say to God, depart from us.
For we do not desire the knowledge of your ways. Who is the almighty that we should serve him?
By the way, verse 15, remember who else said that? Pharaoh. Remember when
Moses went to him and said, God says, let my people go. Remember what Pharaoh said? Who is
God that I should obey him? And again, as an example of God using the wicked to accomplish his purpose.
So he says that in verse 15, who is the almighty that we should serve him? And what profit do we have if we pray to him?
Again, this is the mind and the words of the ungodly. Indeed, their prosperity is not in their hand.
Their counsel of the wicked is far from me. Then he says this, how often is the lamp of the wicked put out?
And I think he's actually asking that as a question. He's refuting them who say that it's a sow and reap, always almost the media thing.
And he's saying, how often do you see this take place where the lamp of the wicked is put out?
How often does their destruction come upon them? The sorrows God distributes in his anger.
They are like straw before the wind and like chaff that a storm carries away. And they say, God lays up one's inequity for his children.
Let him recompense them that he may know it. Let his eyes see his destruction and let him drink the wrath of the almighty.
But what does he care about his household after him when the number of his months is cut in half?
Then Job says this, and I think this is where Job is giving understanding. Can anyone teach
God knowledge since he judges those who are on high? One dies in his full strength, being wholly at ease and secure, and his pails are full of milk, and the marrow of his bones is moist.
Another man dies in the bitterness of his soul, neither having eaten with pleasure.
They lie down alike in the dust and the worm covers them. Look, I know your thoughts and the schemes with which you wrong me.
For you say, where is the house of the prince? Where is his tent in the dwelling place of the wicked?
Have you not asked those who travel on the road? Do you not know their signs? For the wicked are reserved for the day of doom.
Remember what we just read in Proverbs chapter 16? The Lord has made all things for himself, even the wicked for the day of wrath.
Then he says, they shall be brought out on the day of wrath. He condemns his way.
Who condemns his way to his face? Who repays him for what he has done? You shall be brought to the grave and a vigil kept over the tomb and the clouds of the valley shall be sweet to him and everyone shall follow them as countless have gone before him.
How then can you comfort me with empty words since falsehood remains in your answers?
I think what Job is really doing is he's actually refuting the very principle that they keep coming against him with.
And you and I need to, again, think about these things because they are, they're things we deal with all the time.
Just some of the things he says are so pointed as far as the prosperity of the wicked.
And if you think about it, some people die honestly with a smile on their face.
Some people have, even in death, and he mentions it. And if we have time, we'll drill down a little bit further.
But he even mentions that some people just go to sleep and they die. And that other people have a very, if you will, suffering death.
Do we not see that in the world? That sometimes people have the most painful way in which they enter eternity.
And heck, we all say it all the time, right? Getting old is really not for the, it's not what, yeah, not for the weak of heart.
And then it's no fun. And then we can read in Ecclesiastes where it says enjoy the time of your youth, right?
Because sooner or later, you become afraid of the grasshopper. But there's a reality.
And so if you think about it, unless we really see God for who he is, and the work of Christ, and the purpose of Christ, it is easy to become disgruntled, confused, maybe even angry, and lose sight of, and then we lose the ability to actually counsel people the right way, right?
Because you'll have a conversation at some point where someone will say, I just don't know how these people can live and prosper, whether they be cheats or, you know, who's the guy not too long ago that stole all those billions of dollars, the?
Huh? Biden. Doesn't that get political here? But what was it,
Sam Friedman, the kid, right? He built all this, or Madoff, and we talked about that a while ago.
And, she's not a Democrat, by the way.
Just wanted you to know that. But the reality is, again, as you think about it, and as we look at these verses, and we won't have time to specifically say it, but I hope
I set it up in enough a way so you have an understanding, and that ultimately, you and I really need to see the things that are unseen.
Because the things that are seen are not always black and white, are they?
That which appears to man is not always a true indicator of the work of God or of the purpose of God.
Again, Job is dealing with this. And Zophar's, this is the last time we hear from Zophar's, by the way.
And now, the next time, we'll hear from Eliphaz again. But just those very thoughts, like in verse 25.
Another man dies in the bitterness of his soul. One person dies again. They leave money to their kids, they have prosperity.
You know how we use that saying, and there's a couple of variables, like money goes to money, and rich people are always rich, and it almost seems as if it's, so difficult for people who have little to gain much.
But it seems rather simple that people who have much keep much, right?
So as you and I think about this, I hope we will begin to understand.
Job has a good understanding, and yet, Job's still unable to understand his own situation.
And he even mentions that, especially in the beginning, where, and I'll end it with this, he says in verse four of the chapter, as to me, is my complaint against men.
In other words, he's saying, listen, my issues are bigger than you, Eliphaz, Zophar's, and Bildad. My issue really is with, in that sense, with God.
Because ultimately, who has done these things to Job? God has. And you could say, well, it was
Satan. You could say it was this, that. Ultimately, all things proceed from God. Whether you wanna say it's decree, permission.
We could splice and dice it all the way we want. Ultimately, everything proceeds from God. And so as Job says this, he says in verse five, look at me and be astonished.
Put your hand over your mouth. Even when I remember, I am terrified, and trembling takes hold of my flesh.
Because I think Job, Job's been on both sides now, right? Job's had it all. If you think about it,
Job was the cream of the crop. He went from the mountain, which was a lofty mountain, to a very low valley.
And I think it's especially hard when you are on a lofty mountain and wind up in a deep valley.
It's especially hard to understand what's going on. I mean, if you're always here, if it's a straight line, it's usually a little simpler.
So just something to think about. And like I said, next week we'll look at chapter 22 where Eliphaz, guess what he's gonna do?
He's gonna accuse Job of being wicked. It just won't stop. These guys, they're like, they're one -minded, one -sided.
And again, I wonder if that's not to teach us that sometimes we are one -sided and misguided and we shouldn't be.
So, okay, with that, we'll close a little early. Let's pray. Father, again, thank you for our time together.
Thank you, Lord, that your word is so expansive, Lord. You cover all things.
There's nothing, Lord, that you don't address in your word. And there's nothing that our Lord Jesus hasn't taken care of concerning our salvation.
So thank you, Lord. Be with us now. May we be thrilled, refreshed, and excited to worship you in spirit and truth.