Slaves of Christ


Scripture Reading and Sermon for 09-29-2024 Scripture Readings: Malachi 1.6-14, Luke 12.35-40 Sermon Title: Slaves of Christ Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 6.5-9 Pastor Andrew Beebe


Please stand and join us in reading God's Word. I'll be reading the Old Testament scripture from Malachi Chapter 1 verse 6 to 14.
It's found on page 801 if you'd like to follow along a Son honors his father and he servant his master if then
I am a father Where is my honor and if I am a master? Where is my fear says the
Lord of hosts to you? Oh priests who despise my name But you say how have we despised your name by offering polluted food upon my altar
But you say how have we polluted you by saying that the Lord's table may be despised
When you offer blind animals in sacrifice, is that not evil and when you offer?
These that are lame or sick. Is that not evil? present Present that to your governor will he accept you or show you favor says the
Lord of hosts and Now and treat the favor of God that he may be gracious to us with such a gift from your hand
Will he show you favor to any any of you? Says the Lord of hosts. Oh That there were one among you who would shut the doors that you might not kindle fire on my altar in vain
I have no pleasure in you says the Lord of hosts and I will not accept an offering from your hand
For from the rising of the Sun to its setting My name will be great among the nations and in every place incense will be offered to my name in a pure offering
For my name will be great among the nations says the Lord of hosts But you profane it when you say that the
Lord's table is polluted in its fruit That is its food may be despised But you say what is a weariness?
What what a weariness this is and you snort at it says the Lord of hosts You bring what has been taken by violence or is lame or sick in this you bring as your offering
Shall I accept that from your hand says the Lord of hosts says the Lord Cursed be the cheat who has a male in his flock and vows it yet sacrifices to the
Lord What is blemished for I am a great king says the Lord of hosts and my name will be feared among the nations
New Testament readings in Luke 12 starting in verse 35 stay dressed for action and keep your lamps burning and Be like men who are waiting for their master to come home from a wedding feast
So that they may open the door to him at once when he comes and knocks Blesser those servants whom the master finds awake when he comes truly
I say to you he will dress himself for service and have him recline at a table
He will come and serve them if he comes in a second watcher in the third and finds him awake
Blesser those servants, but know this if the master of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming
He would have not left his house to be broken in into You also must be ready for the
Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect you may be seated Well, good morning
Open your Bibles to Ephesians 6, please. I encourage you to stay this afternoon for For meal and fellowship as we hear from the men who went to the fire retreat to hear about their experience and what was taught and The conversations it's always a good time to hear from them
So I encourage you to stay for a meal even if you didn't prepare anything and We have this
I guess this miracle that happens that we never run out of food. So it's never happened once So we are in Ephesians chapter 6
I'll read the text we'll go to the Lord in prayer Ephesians chapter 6 verse 5
Slaves obey your earthly masters with fear and trembling with a sincere heart as you would
Christ Not by the way of eye service as people pleasers, but as slaves of Christ doing the will of God from the heart
Rendering service with a goodwill to the Lord and not to man Knowing that whatever good anyone does this he will receive back from the
Lord Whether he is slave or is free Masters do the same to them and stop your threatening knowing that he who is both their master and yours is in heaven
And that there is no partiality with him. Let's pray Well father in heaven, would you help us with your word now?
Would you help us Lord to have ears to listen? To have ears to focus on what is being said
Lord and and even if it's Done from a weak and stammering servant
I pray that you would help the people to gather some truth from it and and to apply it to their own lives where they are at specifically
Lord so that both the preaching and the receiving of your word would be blessed by the spirit of Christ God in heaven.
We are too weak for this we are Certainly not able to do this of our own will and power, but we know that with Christ we can do all things
And so it's to him that we look now and it's to him that we trust and have confidence in That your word will truly have its effect in our lives
So help us Lord be gracious to us not because we deserve it because you are abundant and goodness
So we praise you and thank you in Christ Jesus our Lord Amen. Well, there are certain major events in our lives that I think is really natural and Normal to have a way of affecting our daily lives
There's certain major events that happen that that have a way of affecting our daily everyday lives
And what I mean by that is let's say you come home and find out that you need to Replace your whole septic system and the cost that comes with that if you came home with the news that you just inherited a big
Fortune you're gonna act a little differently with that news of needed to change out your new for a new septic system
But if you came home with the news with with something that That you have lost your your job
It's gonna affect the way that you handle that situation pretty dramatically Finding out that you need to cough out so much money for a new septic system
Or you expect someone to act a little differently if they find out that they lost a loved one versus They found out that they just had a grandson or grandchild born into the world
There's certain major events that happen in our life that affect our daily lives.
It affects how we see things it colors The situation around us. I think it's actually very normal.
It's a normal thing to happen It's because the greatest event Ever happened was when
Jesus died and rose again for sinners 2 ,000 years ago That was the greatest event no greater event than that and when you grab hold of that by faith
It should change your daily life like nothing else As you see
Jesus this Jesus is true God and true man and literally everything This major event of him dying on the cross and rising again as you grab hold of that in faith
It should affect your daily life. You should see him and literally everything Paul has highlighted this reality here in Ephesians for the family unit
If you haven't noticed wives submit to husbands ask to the Lord they see the
Lord Husbands love your wives like the Lord see the Lord Children obey your parents in the
Lord parents bring your children up in the Lord Paul is creating a paradigm within the family unit that Jesus that event that happened should so Overwhelm our perspective that we see him in everything that we do and that can carries on in our text today
Last of all with slaves should see Jesus in their master and Master should see
Jesus in the slave Look at chapter 6 verse 5 slaves obey earthly masters as you would
Christ verse 6 as Slaves of Christ verse 7 as to the Lord in verse 9 masters do the same ie see
Christ in your slave It's such a major event that happened as you grab hold of it in faith that it colors everything that you see
And it changes the mood of the room In the Roman Empire major cities consisted of over 50 % of slaves some estimations are much higher than that So the original hearers of this letter and Ephesus There would be a considerable amount of slaves in the room
There'd be a considerable amount of slaves in the room people who were considered to be property
Always under the threat of their master to work in order not to get beat or killed and Paul says
See the life of Jesus in that slave That's a profound statement
They are objects of property They are under threats of their master of being beat or killed and Jesus and Paul says yes and see
Jesus there Oh slave there's implication today despite not having any slaves in this room a
Job you feel stuck in Wives with harsh husbands with a marriage you feel trapped in children under the yoke of harsh parents
Jesus is the major event of your life that affects for the good even the worst of circumstances
And we'll see it in this text on slaves this morning Paul and verse 5 we see
Paul tells slaves here what to do and how to do it and the what in verse 5 is slaves obey your earthly masters and the how to do it is with fear and trembling
Well, this would be nothing new to the slave who would hear this the slave was used to his whole life being told
You need to obey and you need to do with fear and trembling The slave was told his whole life that there's obedience to be had
For the life the matter you gotta imagine slaves a lot of times outnumbered masters in great great quantity
So obedience was necessary for safety reasons obedience was necessary for there to be effective work going on So slaves reading this hearing this in Ephesus, there would be nothing new to be heard here.
Obey your earthly masters They would hear that all the time. In fact, there'd be nothing new with hearing with fear and trembling
They'd hear that all the time as well I mean look at what Paul says to the masters do the same to them and stop your threatening the slaves would be
Often they would know what it means to obey with fear and trembling for threats of being whipped being killed or whatever it may
Be that would be nothing new and really that kind of lifestyle is one of an animal
It's it's nothing more than an animal. They obey and comply for physical food or comfort
That's exactly why an animal would obey is for physical health and food
Your dog is not your best friend it just wants to eat, you know that that there's no such thing as a dog
Who's the best friend? They just like food. That's why they comply That's why they seem to be so friendly a horse complies for sugar.
That's it. It's for these physical things That's it and so a slave would we used to hear and obey with fear and trembling and they would be used to that but it just be for physical reasons
This is good for animals it's a good life for an animal to live that way Nothing wrong with that, but it's miserable for humans to live that way
Because humans are made in the image of God and made body and soul Your work must be more than for a physical paycheck and to keep from the threat of losing your job
Wives to a husband or children to a difficult parents your work cannot be to go along to get along it can't just be merely physical in that way
Paul and talking to slaves has a What and how that goes beyond the physical and we see him heading in that direction with if you notice he can almost miss it
If you if you don't if you don't look at it and focus on it He's going in a different direction that would sound a little differently when he says obey your earthly masters
When you hear earthly masters, you can't help but think of the spiritual master that that kind of transcends the earthly This brings the mind to the heavenly master that transcends who enables the service to do what the the what and how of slavery with a deeply spiritual meaning not just simply physical and That's what
Paul goes on to say at the in verse 5 when he says with a sincere heart
Now that would be where the slave would say what I get obey with fear and trembling here all the time with Sincerity of heart like my heart needs to mean it
I'm a slave the worst circumstance the low of the low and You're telling me that I need to be property and be sincere in my work
That would be where it'd be like wait. What what do you say Paul? It's one thing to tell a slave to obey or else.
It's a whole other thing to say obey From the soul or obey and like it
He says with sincere heart in verse 6 He says the same thing when he says doing the will of God from the heart in verse 7
He says rendering your service with good will to God. He's saying do it and like it to the slave
I remember one of the first times eating with Sarah and her family.
I was 15 years old and I was at the table and You know eating a meal.
That's what you do at tables. I suppose And I remember, you know, Sarah has a lot of younger brothers and they're all
Like kind of like the age of my boys now, which is really weird to think about but they weren't eating very well
And I remember her dad if you know her dad He's kind of forceful, you know, and he says you're gonna eat it and you're going to like it now
Remember that was just so wild not only is to commanding the eating but he's commanding them to like it as well
And that's kind of what Paul is doing here He's saying obey and do it with sincerity of heart and like it in your obedience
The obedience comes not just physical but it's a spiritual obedience It goes beyond the physical when he says do it with a sincere heart
The what is obeyed the how is from the heart and it's in the worst circumstance imaginable of slavery
This is only possible when someone has their eyes on the greatest event of all of history
And he gets to that in the end of verse 5 when he says as you would Christ That's the only way the obedience goes from the simply animalistic
To the actual from the heart would join the heart with goodwill in the heart because they have their eyes on Christ Christ is
Lord of all and when you follow him, he's like sand after you leave the beach
He's everywhere it makes it not worth going to the beach anymore because you're just the sand is everywhere
And when you follow Jesus, he is literally he seeps through everything.
He is everywhere. He's in everything He's in everywhere even in the slave master relationship
You say but not in my workplace my workplace stinks you should see my boss It's a terrible situation.
You should see my parents. They're awful and I'm stuck with them. I can't choose another one. I Guarantee you didn't have it worse than some of these slaves that are in this room listening to Paul telling them to obey
From the heart. In fact, let's go back to fear and trembling as we said before The how of with fear and trembling obey with a sincere heart with fear and trembling
Paul's not saying with fear and trembling to the threatenings of your master it's a fear and trembling as one who follows the
Lord Jesus Christ and This fear and troubling is not that we're afraid Jesus is gonna put his thumb on us
It's because we love him so much that we are so cautious. We are so calculated with every step what glorifies
Christ here we don't just Willy -nilly go through life
We want every aspect of our lives to honor the one who has glorified and and loved us through the forgiveness of sins
And so this fear and trembling that that the slave he's telling the slaves to to have as the how of their
Obedience is because they have loved the Lord Jesus Christ so much that they can't help but see in their terrible situation
How do I honor Christ here? Their eyes are filled with Jesus despite a hard situation and so they are
Deeply calculating their every move to honor him not for fear of the whip but because of love for Christ The person who loves
Christ finds joy and serving him even in the most impossible situations
Now To fill out this picture that Paul is providing for us in verse 5 this picture
Paul provides a Negative example of how to obey followed by a positive example if you notice in verse 6
So he has the what that is obeyed The how is with fear and trembling it with a sincere heart as you would
Christ And then he provides he paints like a negative picture of that and a positive He says in verse 6 not by the way of eye service
As people pleasers but as bond servants of Christ So the negative is is don't the how of your obedience can't be by way of eye service and as people pleasers
The slave can fall into obedience simply to be a people pleaser or to avoid their threats, right?
That's what he means by people pleasers I like the the slaves were just you know had that you know because we think of a people pleaser as someone who just struggles
With always wanting to please people But that's he's saying simply Slaves don't let your obedience be because you're trying to please your master enough not to be threatened by him in other words
The only reason why you're you're you're working is simply so you're not threatened by him and you're not you're not worried about being whipped
Again, that's just mere physical. That's all that is This leads to a life of working hard when they are watching the masters
But slacking off in bitterness with when they are not see this is a miserable life of living like this whether you're a worker
Not a slave and worker and all you do is work only when people are watching It's a miserable life because bitterness no matter the reason is always miserable and God Has wired us to be hard workers not lazy
And so Paul says don't simply let your working slave be when the master is looking
And again, this makes it to where your only reason for work as a mat as a slave is simply because you're the
Master's watching and he provides physical rewards of not getting punished He said that can't be the extent of your service because that does not reflect or reveal a heart that wants to honor
Christ And then he gives it the positive. He says but as slaves of Christ in verse 6
Not by way of eye service as people pleasers, but as bond servants of Christ Doing the will of God from the heart
Rendering service with a goodwill as to the Lord and not to man
So notice how he adds a positive but rather let the how be as slaves of Christ Doing the will of God from the heart rendering service with a goodwill as to the
Lord and not man See in Christ our service in the hardest situation can be done from the heart from the heart to want to honor him with goodwill within us with joy and good pleasure to do our
Service because we are doing it unto Christ and not unto whatever hard situation is before us
But you see whenever you allow the bad situation that's in front of you to then compel you to say
I'm not going to work hard it shows that your eyes have been placed off of Christ onto the situation instead and Paul says no slave even in your terrible situation that is not permissible
Because Christ is far greater than that In any situation we find ourselves in by force.
I'm in this house I don't want to be in with harsh parents harsh husband. Whatever the situation is
I'm in this job and I can't get out of it we do not in a moment have the opportunity to take our eyes off Christ and look at the hard situation and say
Therefore I can be a people pleaser and just work for the physical and that's it Christ seeps through everything into the spiritual and causes us to have a good
Desire within our hearts that I want Christ to be revealed in that situation and then notice how the in verse 8
The reward for our service is again, not just physical but spiritual
The how of our service is to be spiritual as we're looking to Christ and then the reward of our service is to be spiritual
As well, not just simply physical when he says in verse 8 Knowing that whatever good anyone does
This he will receive back from the Lord whether he is a slave or a free
So again notice that the the reward that the slave has their eyes on is a reward from the hand of Christ That is of a spiritual nature.
Not just simply physical the slaves work is not just to keep the threats at bay
Children to keep your parents off your back or worker to keep the paychecks coming That can't be the extent of the reward of your service
The how of your work needs to be beyond the mere physical like an animal Jesus is the only one who can give you that spiritual good.
We all are made for being made in God's image and that spiritual good how you define it is always the same is
To be near to God in this life in the one to come This is always our greatest aim as Christians.
This is always our greatest reward It's not the circumstances of this life and what it can provide us
But our greatest reward as Christians we've been elevated to a higher meaning in which I want to be near to my
God and in God's providential care He is determined that slaves would get their nearness to him through being a slave
And God in his providential care in your individual life says that your way of being
Near to me is through the particulars of your life that you're engaging in right now So if slaves were to have a mind of I just got to get by To just get by keep my
Back clean from whips my master's threatening Then they missed a whole opportunity for this life to be a way to grow nearer to God And in your life if you are so consumed with the negative circumstances that you find yourself in And you don't have your eyes on how is this going to grow me near to God you've missed it all
You've missed the whole purpose of it The reward we receive from Jesus is a nearness to God In eternity the completed thing, but we get a taste of it now and we said this before in this letter
Now certainly we know that Jesus Christ has done the work to bring us close to God He has died.
He has rose again and through our faith in him We can be forgiven of our sins our debts paid for and we have complete union with him
But then we get to experience it in in life We get to taste it more in life as we use this life in obedience to him
We taste of it more and more until our final hope of the full thing in eternity And Paul is saying to the slaves you get to taste that more and more as you obey your masters with goodwill in your heart
And Paul is saying to you as you're going through a very difficult situation. Maybe it's not like the slavery situation, but it's certainly difficult
Paul is saying to you you can taste the nearness of God in that as you obey
God in that And so again,
Jesus transcends the whole thing There's not an area of your life that Jesus doesn't touch and say that's mine
And so you bring it all to Christ expecting the reward you get from him as you follow him obediently through his grace through his gospel
Knowing that whatever good anyone does This he will receive back from the
Lord whether he is slave or free. It does not matter your situation It does not matter your circumstance.
It is still right for being near to God through Christ Jesus our Lord in fact if experiences anything
The harder the situation the more growth is to be had in that situation And this is what
Paul is telling the slaves You can imagine the beauty of this doctrine to the slaves
They literally have never had any hope at all Slaves to their master. That was it And then
Paul talks about a heavenly master In which there's eternal rewards in which their slavery that they do that has no meaning as an object has eternal meaning
And Paul is saying such meaning is yours, too Beloved But then he kind of goes on to the masters and he says masters you need to see
Jesus in your slave as well Because we just talked about how masters saw slaves as as property they literally bought them like I bought my lawnmower last summer
And here he's saying you need to see Jesus in your slave He goes on to masters and say
Jesus is so far reaching that masters. You need to see Christ in your slaves He says in verse 9 masters do the same to them
What's he saying there doing the same to them, what does that mean? Well, he's not telling the masters to uh to uh,
To obey their slaves that doesn't make any sense But what he is saying is slaves as slaves are to see
Jesus in you masters So masters you need to see Jesus in your slaves
Jesus was the slave of slaves Jesus came to be a servant of all
Jesus came to serve and not to be served and he's telling masters He's saying masters when you see your slave, you're not just looking at property
You're not just looking at someone to threaten and to try to coerce and to do what they are to do with The whip but instead when you look at that your slaves you are to see
Jesus himself He says masters do the same to them see
Jesus in them and stop your threatening knowing that he who's both their master And yours is in heaven and that there is no partiality with him
And he's saying the second thing there too, isn't he? He's saying that just like slaves see their reward and their service to you masters
So masters see your reward and how you treat your slaves as well. That goes both ways
Masters you are to treat your slaves in an objective certain way Just like slaves are to treat you in an objective certain way to receive the reward from christ's hand and so there is an equal footing here, which would be completely strange
That slave and master in some degree are on equal footing as they serve the lord
Seeking reward from christ with their good service as they do so together
So if you are a follower of jesus You will see him in everything
He will be your love He'll be your life He will be something like you just found out the the greatest news in the world and it just filters how you see everything
I just found out I I didn't really this is hypothetical. I just inherited five million dollars and you come home to find out that you got to spend 25 ,000 on a septic system.
Oh, well, I get to spend some of that money great It filters how you look at everything. Jesus is the greatest event ever to happen
And he seeps through every aspect of your life And even in the worst circumstances that you could think of of being a slave of earthly slave to a earthly master
Jesus tells the slaves to look upon your heavenly master in your service to them expecting heavenly rewards from him a
Nearness to god in everything you do for that master What Beauty there is to our lives that as we look at every area of our life even in the worst of circumstances paul saying there is eternal significance in every
Aspect as it holds a promise of life as we look at that through the prism of jesus who is in everything
What a freedom there is for the slave What a freedom there is for you to see jesus in everything and to do accordingly
He has died and bought you so that you can live a life of freedom of righteousness And we praise him together as his people.
Thank you lord For your kindness to us You have bought us
Brought us out of darkness to live like animals the mere physical just to Paycheck to paycheck or to keep the whips off our backs or The threatenings of losing our job or whatever the situation may be lord you have caused us to not do our service simply to comply
But everything that we have to do is in light of the life that we have in jesus
What a promise there is in christ our god That we can do what we do for the sake of having him our savior
Lord I know that there's people before me now where the this has no meaning to them Their greatest desires are in this physical world
They don't know anything other than to simply work for paycheck from paycheck to paycheck And to want the things of this earth
Lord, may you bring them up to a higher meaning of life one with christ where he is seated
Where they see him in everything to where every action can bring us closer Experientially to him because of what he's done on calvary
I pray for those who have believed upon jesus that they would grow more in seeing jesus in everything
That their eyes would be more awakened And light would shed forth from christ onto their eyes to see him in everything
So that as they do the things of their life the things that are difficult and hard as we can imagine the slave with their
Master, they would do so with an eye on christ Expecting great things from him as he has promised in his word.