“No One Will Know!” – FBC Morning Light (9/11/2023)


A brief bit of encouragement for the journey from God’s Word. Today's readings: Isaiah 29-30 / Colossians 3 / Proverbs 10


Well, a good Monday morning to you. I hope you had a good weekend, gathered with God's people, and enjoyed church yesterday, worshiping the
Lord with your singing, listening to the Lord in the preaching, responding to the
Lord in your obedience and your submission to the Word, and talking to the
Lord in prayer. I hope you had a good day. Well, today, on this Monday morning, we're reading in Isaiah 29 and 30,
Colossians chapter 3, and Proverbs chapter 10. We'll look at a couple of verses in Isaiah 29 this morning.
You know, one of the tactics that the devil uses, the wicked one uses, in his effort to get us to sin, to tempt us, and to yield to the desires of the flesh—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, the pride of life.
One of the things he does is he convinces us that no one will know, no one will see.
I can do this, and nobody will pay any attention to it. But Isaiah 29, verses 15 and 16 really contradict that notion.
These are a good couple of verses for us to keep in mind, and just make the grid through which we live our lives.
Listen to these verses. Verse 15 says, Woe to those who seek deep to hide their counsel far from the
Lord. That is, they do everything they can to have this conversation within their mind and their heart, in a plan to do wrong, as if it can be hidden from the
Lord. And their works are in the dark, hidden from everybody else.
And they say, Who sees us? Who knows us? Nobody will know.
Nobody will see. I can do this. I can get away with this. Surely, he says, you have things turned around.
Shall the potter be esteemed as the clay? Or shall the thing made say of him who made it, he did not make me?
Or shall the thing formed say of him who formed it, he has no understanding? You get what
Isaiah is saying here. You get what the Lord is communicating to us. Isaiah was prophesying to his people back well before Christ came into this world.
But this is relevant, just as relevant to us today as it was to the people the prophet was speaking to and preaching to.
You are clay. The Lord is the potter. He has made you.
He has shaped you. He has fashioned you. And shall you say of him, he didn't make me?
I know people have that kind of an attitude, unbelievers, unconverted people. They think that they are what they are because they have made themselves thus.
They are the ones who acquired their education. They are the ones who worked hard to get to where they are in life.
They don't stop to think about, how did I get the mind I got? Why do I have the mind
I have? Why is it that I can reason as I do? Where did I get the strength and the energy to work with such diligence?
How did I get the skill? Where did that skill come from? Why do I have the talents that I have? Why do
I have them when I could have that which other people don't have? I don't have what
I have. Why am I not like them? Why am I the way I am? Because there's a potter who took a lump of clay and made you and me what we are.
Shall we therefore say, he didn't make me. No, that's folly.
Well, if he made me, should I take it a step further and say, he doesn't understand what's going on.
He doesn't understand what I'm thinking. He doesn't understand what I'm doing or why
I'm doing what I'm doing. Shall I say such things? Is that rational to say of the potter?
Well, these are rhetorical questions. These are rhetorical questions on the part of Isaiah. And he's asking these rhetorical questions because he's dealing with that presupposition in the previous verse that person is in dark, in the dark.
Nobody can see. The person is musing his own mind. Nobody can know.
This is, of course, utter folly. The Lord does know.
The Lord does see. I am but clay. He knows all about me.
He knows what I do. He knows what I think. He knows what I say. He knows where I go.
The potter knows this lump of clay thoroughly and fully.
And he knows you too. That can be greatly reassuring. The Lord is always there.
He always knows. But it can also be a truth that is guiding and working in our minds and hearts to direct us in the right way.
May it do so. And so our Father and our God, we thank you on this Monday morning for this thought.
May it direct our steps and our thoughts and our actions through the of this week.
And this we pray in Jesus' name and for his sake. Amen. All right. Have a wonderful Monday.