Ezekiel Part 24


Sunday school from February 25th, 2024


Ezekiel Part 25

Ezekiel Part 25

We will pray and then we'll get back into our study Lord Jesus again as we open up your word and we consider what you have revealed we asked
Help us Lord through the Holy Spirit to rightly understand your word so that we may not believe erring
Doctrine and and hold the promises that you haven't made but instead that we would believe rightly and know you truly through your word
And that through the power of the Holy Spirit that you would grant us Daily the the power to mortify our sinful flesh and that you would also deliver us from Satan and his dominion
We ask in Jesus name. Amen we've been working our way through the book of Ezekiel slowly working our way through it and Last week we were in chapter 19 and I'm gonna back up just a little bit and those of you online
Just so you know, we've we've changed up The camera that we're using and if you look at there's a there's a camera view that you can also see the room you can
See Kongsvinger that our big fellowship hall and then you can also see me on the top.
It's a split screen We're using a 360 camera So, you know to kind of make it so that you have a little bit of an idea of what's going on a little bit
Better in and you can see what's happening. But all that being said coming back to Let's see here.
We were in 19. So I want to I Might just back up and sorry weren't 20 and continue like back up and then go forward
Yeah so we can maintain the context in the seventh year of the fifth month on the tenth day of the month certain of the elders of Israel came to inquire of Yahweh and sat before me the word of Yahweh came to me son of man speak to the elders of Israel Say to them thus says the
Lord God Is it to inquire of me that you come as I live declares the Lord Yahweh?
I will not be inquired of by you. Will you judge them son of man? Will you judge them let them know the abominations of their fathers and say to them thus says the
Lord Yahweh On the day when I chose Israel I swore to the offspring of the house of Jacob making myself known to them in the land of Egypt I swore to them saying
I am Yahweh your God on That day I swore to them that I would bring them out of the land of Egypt into a land that I had searched out
For them a land flowing with milk and honey The most glorious of all lands and I said to them cast away the detestable things from your eyes
That your things your eyes feast on Every one of you and do not defile yourselves with the idols in Egypt.
I am Yahweh your God But they rebelled against me and they were not willing to listen to me
None of them cast away the detestable things their eyes feasted on Nor did they forsake the idols of Egypt a little bit of a note here
This is this is one of those passages where those who try to say? Oh, well, the
Bible has errors in it. And so they'll say something like well Moses didn't and it didn't have to cast away his idols
He didn't even he wouldn't even participate in it. And what about Joshua Joshua and and and Moses?
They you know, they they didn't have to detect to do this. So here's an error in God's Word, so we can't trust it okay, you'll know that God oftentimes will speak in hyperbole and He'll speak in such a way that he's talking about the collective group themselves
And although there might be an exception here Moses clearly was an exception You know, he was their leader and Joshua was his secretary.
So it's not like God has erred in this regard So keep this in mind. There's always people out there. They're trying to tear down Our ability to trust in the scriptures.
I Would I recommend there's a wonderful book called the encyclopedia of Bible difficulties by Gleason Archer?
It's an older book and you may not be able to find it in print readily, but if you can get a copy of it that it's wonderful and And then there's there's also a book called alleged discrepancies of the
Bible, which is a classic it is in the public domain and it's easy to find and In the past there have been people who kind of dedicated part of their scholarship to dealing with those
Scoffers out there who try to attack the the veracity of Scripture And so those are classic works on the subject and Well worth having in your library is in your
Christian library in case you ever run into some yeah Who who thinks that he can overturn Scripture by his cleverness?
Okay, so keep that in mind So that I said I would pour out my wrath upon them and I would spend my anger against them in the midst of the land of Egypt but I acted for the sake of My name that it should not be profaned in the sight of the nations among whom they lived and whose side
I made myself Known to them and bringing them out of the land of Egypt now I'm gonna spend a little bit of time talking about this part
You'll note that one of the things I think we have to do sometimes is we need to see what God is saying here specifically to the children of Israel in exile and Consider God's great judgment against them and why he judged them and why he did the things that he did
So no God said I acted for the sake of my name that it should not be profaned in the sight of the nations among whom they lived
So here we are as Christians. We you'll that we do not live in a
Christian nation You sit there and go you're saying the United States is not a Christian nation No, there are no
Christian nations on planet Earth In fact that that animal doesn't exist
And I would note that during the medieval age, you know That would be the closest thing you can kind of point to but there wasn't a particular
Government that was Christian government because we know the history of Europe You got a bunch of you got a bunch of heathens and pagans and and sinners doing all kinds of crazy
Nonsensical things that crazy that pagans do right? So on this planet the kingdom of God does not exist on this planet in a tangible way
It is an article of faith And so today you you may have gotten glimpses of the kingdom of God during the divine service
But we can't point to it specifically because again at the end of the day, you know
There may be tears among the wheat so we have to we have to always have to believe that we believe in the church by faith and So that being the case there is no government on planet
Earth That is a Christian government and Christian nationalists are dead wrong and their desire to somehow turn the
United States and turn it Into a Christian nation. I assure you that they will turn it into you know
A tyrannical state that will be well guilty of the same crimes and worse crimes as the
Nazis But that's a whole other story the all of that being said here. You're gonna note then that in the world that we live in They do pay attention to what happens among Christians And not in a good way so for instance
Y 'all remember during the kovat era. Is that a way to talk about it now?
I mean, are we far enough away that we call it the kovat era? You know when Kenneth Copeland got up and rebuked kovat 19
Kovat 19. I blowed away the God I knew all this kind of stuff, right? What was the result?
How did the world react to that? Like he was a moron, right?
Like he was a look and the reason why they acted like he was a moron cuz he's a moron Okay, the world was not wrong.
And so there were memes made of his kovat 19
Rebuking performance and the world looks at this and they scoff at God Then it was during the kovat era also when all of the prophets the so -called prophets of God Who do they prophesied was going to win the 2020 election?
Donald Trump Did Donald Trump win the election? No, okay.
I would note he is still not the one occupying the Oval Office And and there's another election coming up and I can't wait to hear all the new prophecies about this but you're gonna know within the charismatic church, they've got a big problem and I'm gonna say something that is going to sound
Really harsh and I stand by what I'm about to say and here's what
I'm about to say They care nothing about God's holy name nothing If they cared about God's holy name, they would reign in all of these false prophets
And do something short of stoning them do whatever it takes to shut them up Because God's holy name is profaned by every one of their false prophecies
It's it's just and they think if they really legitimately cared about God's holy name They wouldn't dare to utter words that they were speaking obviously from their heart.
The reason why we play prophecy bingo is to legitimately set up a
Scenario whereby people recognize these are completely empty words if They care nothing about God's holy name and continue to profane it so awfully we're going to mock them the way
Elijah mocked the prophets of all because they legitimately don't censure themselves at all and God's name is mocked among Non -christians as a result of the wingnut wackerdoodle false words that these people are saying
Do you think that there's anybody among in the pagan world having heard Chuck Pierce give a prophecy said?
Oh, these are words from God. He's a true prophet and fall down and worship Yahweh as a result of it
No, everybody who watches him goes. What did he even say? Right, right that was in our last prophecy bingo, so you'll note that God legitimately is jealous for his name and he
Legitimately has revealed that he cares that the pagan worlds
Had that that his his his name is profane in the sight of the nations because of the wickedness that these people were doing and note that this comes right on the heels of Jeremiah's times
Jeremiah is still alive at this point But winding up his ministry and when we worked our way through the book of Jeremiah there in Jeremiah's day
There were the equivalent of YouTube prophets in his day who were offering up all of these rainbow butterfly gummy bears and blue sky prophecies to everybody regardless of whether or not they were a penitent sinner who believed in Yahweh or not and they were just telling people
What they wanted to hear and on top of it they had taken a rank idolatry and woven that into some kind of a syncretistic religion and And and they were prophesying from within inside of something like that And as a result of it
God's name was being profaned and God here is saying that That and so you'll note that the reason why
God has saved us I know this is gonna sound a little odd But it's true. The reason why
God has saved us is because of his holy name He keeps his promises.
He didn't save us because we're so special That's in fact, there are biblical texts that say that okay
I didn't say save you because you were the greatest among the nations or the things like this I saved you for the sake of my holy name.
And so Note, then God says I acted talking about the excess I acted for the sake of my name that it should not be profaned in the sight of the nations among whom they lived and Whose side
I made myself known to them and bringing them out of the land of Egypt So I led them out of the land of Egypt and I brought them into the wilderness.
I Gave them my statutes and I made known to them my rules
By which if a person does them he shall live and I shall note here
He if a person does them he shall continue to live by them That's even how the Hebrew works and how the
Greek works and this is translated into Greek Moreover, I gave them my Sabbaths as a sign between me and them that they might know that I am
Yahweh who sanctifies them So the Sabbath itself was the sign of the
Mosaic Covenant and God explains why? So that it was a sign that they may know that I am
Yahweh who does what who sanctifies them? What did the children of Israel do on the
Sabbaths or what were they supposed to do meet together in their? Synagogues to hear the
Word of God But the house of Israel rebelled against me in the wilderness They did not walk in my statutes, but rejected my rules by which if a person does them
He shall live and my Sabbaths they greatly profaned Is anything different today
It's like God's name is greatly profaned by all of this crazy stuff going on in the name of Christ today
Yeah So then I said
I would pour out my wrath upon them in the wilderness to make a full end of them But I acted for the sake of my name that it should not be profaned in the sight of the nations
If you read this account, okay Yeah When you read the account
God has left out the Moses bits, okay, the Moses bits were like Moses like no
Lord, you know don't Don't destroy everybody because then the nations would say that you only brought them out of slavery to kill them in the wilderness
And so you'll note God left leaves the Moses bits out and they says but I acted for the sake of my name
Indeed he did we know this from the narrative that it should not be profaned in the sight of the nations and whose side
I had Brought them out Moreover, I swore to them in the wilderness that I would not bring them into the land that I had given them a land flowing with milk and honey the most glorious of all the lands because they rejected my rules and did not walk in my statutes and profaned my
Sabbaths for their heart went after their idols So this gives us a little this is gives us a little bit of commentary on the
Exodus That's not available in the Exodus account. And this is a commentary from God's Perspective from God's point of view and so you can add this then to you know
As you're reading through the Exodus God's saying listen, here's why I did what I did Okay, I did it for this specific reason for the sake of my holy name and the people they did not
They did not obey my commandments. They did not walk in my rules. They Continued to go after their idols.
Do you wonder why? Why it was such a short amount of time
After the children of Israel got into the promised land when they forsook God and then went after idols
Why was it such a brief amount of time? They were barely there Okay The generation that that would were fathers at the time that they went in as soon as that generation died
The generation coming up under them. They they they went whole hog after ball and all the other all these other false guys
Why would why what did it happen so quickly? Because they brought that idolatry into the promised land with them
They brought it with them and So these people there were enough of them that were giving lip service to Yahweh who were still secretly worshiping the gods of Egypt Kind of a problem, right
Nevertheless God says my I spared them I did not destroy them nor or make a full end of them in the wilderness and I said to their children in the wilderness
Do not walk Again, walk here. Okay Halakh in Hebrew is not talking about taking a stroll down the street
This is how you conduct your life and you know that this word shows up in the Greek form in the New Testament What Paul says walk, you know walk in the spirit do these things walk
This is how you conduct your life Do not walk in the statutes of your fathers nor keep their rules nor defile yourselves with their idols
I am Yahweh your God walk in my statutes be careful to obey my rules
Keep my Sabbaths holy that they may be assigned between me and you and that you may know that I am
Yahweh your God But the children rebelled against me They did not walk in my statutes and were not careful to obey my rules
By which if a person does them he shall live they profane my Sabbaths So then
I said I will pour out my wrath upon them and spend my anger against them in the wilderness
But I withheld my hand and acted for the sake of my name that it should not be profaned in the sight of the nations
God didn't destroy them. So his name wouldn't be profaned so Yeah, could you imagine how history would have been written had
God actually, you know Brought these people to the miserable end that they deserved in the wilderness. Oh, yeah.
I remember that account Oh, yeah that Yahweh. He's a terrible deity, right? He destroyed all of them, right?
Right Yeah But I withheld my hand
I acted for my name's sake that it should not be profaned in the sight of the nations and whose Side I had brought them out.
Moreover. I swore to them in the wilderness that I would scatter them among the nations and disperse them
Through the countries because they had not obeyed my rules
But had rejected my statutes and profaned my Sabbaths and their eyes were set on their father's idols
Moreover, I gave them statutes that were not good and rule and rules by which they could not have life
And I gave and I defiled them through their very gifts in their offering up of all their firstborn that I might
Devastate them. I did it that they might know that I am Yahweh therefore son of man Speak to the house of Israel say to them thus says
The Lord Yahweh, so you're gonna note here. They've come to inquire of God God saying, you know, I'm not gonna let you inquire of me and here he's going all the way back and Basically saying
You people are just like your father's and your father's father's and your father's father's father's
Going all the way back and you nothing has changed All right I and the reason why you're in Babylon right now is because of your stiff -necked
Refusal to put away your false idols and your false gods and walk according to my statutes
That's the reason why you're here So don't we're not going to inquire you. I'm not gonna let you inquire of me until we get this through your head
The reason why you're in the miserable awful situation that you're in is because of your impenitent
Rank sin and you're just like all of your father's before you Okay, so before God's gonna allow himself to be inquired of he's going to call this is a call to repentance
Let me tell you what's really going on here All right Therefore son of man speak to the house of Israel say to them thus says the
Lord Yahweh in this also your father's blasphemy Blasphemed me by dealing treacherously with me for when
I had brought them into the land that I swore to give them Then whenever they saw any high hill or any leafy tree
There they offered their sacrifices and there they presented the provocation of their offering
There they set up their pleasing aromas and there they poured out their drink offerings.
I said to them What is the high place to which you go? Is it?
So it's named is called Bama to this day Bama means high place right now.
I don't think that's what Allah Bama means, but that's Yeah Yeah Therefore say to the house of Israel thus says the
Lord Yahweh Will you defile yourselves after the manner of your fathers and go whoring after their detestable things?
when you present your gifts and offer up your children and fire and defile yourselves with all of your idols to this day and Shall I be inquired of by you?
Oh house of Israel as I live declares the Lord Yahweh I will not be inquired of by you
What is in your mind? shall never happen the thought let us be like the nations like the tribes of the countries and worship wood and stone
Yes, Marilyn. Okay.
Yeah Okay, let's take a look at the look at the the
Note here in the Lutheran study Bible I think it'll help Lutheran study Bible says the laws God gave that man shall live can also become a fragrance from death from death to death
When executing judgment on willful hardened sinners He sends them a strong delusion so that they fall into perverting wholesome
Ordinances and making them an excuse for committing the most detestable of crimes Not even to his law has
God assigned the honor that it should merit eternal life He clearly says here. So the idea here, let me go back and read the passage
Okay so I swore to them in the wilderness that would scatter them among the nations and disperse them through the countries because they had not
Obeyed my rules, but had rejected my statutes and profaned my Sabbath's and their eyes were set on their father's idols
Moreover, I gave them statutes that were not good and rules by which they could not have life now
What God is basically saying here is that the the law can't save you
That's really what he's getting at He gave them laws, but that wasn't for the purpose that they would save a person
But they instead that they would live by them. That's a different thing altogether And so what he's basically saying the rules by which they could not have life.
He's not talking about life like day -to -day life He's talking about eternal life. And so I defiled them through their very gifts and here's the interesting thing about God's law
God's law always accuses God's law is right. It's holy.
It's just we are not So God gave us a law and the law says thou shalt not and then fill in the blank, you know
You should not covet you shall not steal. You should not commit adultery. You shall not murder you should not do these things right and here's the thing
God's holy law comes to us and Do we have eternal life by keeping them
Do we keep them? No, in fact consider how how the the
Apostles spoke at the first Church Council, which is the the it's called the
Council of Jerusalem. It's in Acts 15 Listen to how this plays out because I think this will help you get a little bit of an understanding of that text
Some men came down from Judea and they were teaching the brothers unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses You cannot be saved.
So here we got the Judaizers Right, really? You can't a guy can't be saved unless he's circumcised
Wow, and so after Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and boy
This is like such a stronger word in the Greek They these guys were like right in their face they this was in your face practically shouting match kind of dissension and Debate with them
Paul and Barnabas and some of the others were appointed to go up to Jerusalem to the Apostles and the elders about Question so being sent on their way by the church they passed through both
Phoenicia and Samaria describing in detail the conversion of the Gentiles and Brought great joy to all the brothers when they came to Jerusalem They were welcomed by the church and the
Apostles and the elders and they declared all that God had done with them but some believers who belong to the party of the
Pharisees rose up and said it is Necessary to circumcise them and to order them to keep the law of Moses So the
Apostles and the elders were gathered together to consider this matter and after there had been much debate
Peter stood up and said to them brothers you know that in the early days God made a choice among you that by my mouth the
Gentiles should hear the word of the Gospel and believe and God who knows the heart bore witness to them by giving them the
Holy Spirit just as he did to us And he made no distinction between us and them having cleansed their hearts by faith now
Therefore, why are you putting God to the test by placing a yoke on the neck of the disciples that neither our fathers?
Nor we have been able to bear You see you kind of see it. Okay Peter talking about God's commandments.
It's a yoke. It's a burden. They couldn't bear it His father's couldn't bear it.
And so although God's words are holy his commandments and statutes are true and walking
By them is true life. We can't and so God's law doesn't give us eternal life
Right. Have any of you ever tried to change like a bad habit that you have?
I just kind of work this out here You've decided you're going to fix something in your life.
Okay, you maybe you're not getting up early enough You know, you're starting your day off wrong or whatever you whatever your whatever your particular thing that you need to fix
Have you all ever noticed that? When you apply yourself to changing your behavior
You legitimately are exhausted Okay it you don't feel at rest
Until you have a cheat day Okay. Yeah, if you've ever been on a diet, you know what
I'm talking about. I've been on a few myself Okay, and as you can see none of them have worked. Okay, but when
I go on a diet What happens? Okay, is that you know, I there I am. I I'm on the treadmill.
I'm lifting weights. I'm working out I'm feeling great. I'm eating right but oh my goodness
You go a week two three into this thing and you're sitting there thing.
I want pizza okay, and And I really want a big slice of cake
You know and and and and here's the deal so you give yourself a cheat day and on your cheat day you could just go
Okay Think about this. Okay it's work and effort to mortify your sinful flesh y 'all
I Don't have the strength to do it in ourself. This is why we need the
Holy Spirit This is what the Holy Spirit does it produces the fruit of the Spirit in us and he gives us the strength because on our
Own strength left to our own devices. I'm going back to pizza. I I'm I'm gonna eat an entire cartridge entire bag, you know a whole thing of Oreo cookies and A whole pint of ice cream and I'm gonna feel great about it, right?
Well only for a few minutes because then my stomach gets really upset. Okay All right, and now
I've been granted the blessing of lactose intolerance, ah You know, okay, but but you got what
I'm saying here So you'll note that they're from the point of view of keeping the commandments.
It's not easy It's legitimately not easy and because we have a sinful nature.
We can't do it And so from our perspective we oftentimes get annoyed by God Listen one of the things that you can notice and I'm gonna
I hope I don't step on too many toes in saying this the area that we live in right here
There are a lot of liberal churches up here. Okay more so than in other places that I've lived and That being the case
I would note here that makes perfect sense If we were to get in in in the
TARDIS and come back here Okay 150 years ago Would any of the churches that are that are that were founded a hundred and thirty hundred and fifty a hundred years ago?
Would any of them be liberal by today's standards? No, they wouldn't what would they be?
Legalistic okay, they would be legalistic and and I I have noticed
That where you have one generation That is steeped in legalism their children and their grandchildren are gonna run the opposite direction
They'll stay in the church But they're gonna they're gonna run that church in the opposite direction and basically say all these rules and regulations
They got to go and it just becomes a free -for -all Okay, liberalism is the counter reaction to legalism
It legitimately is and here's the thing part of the reason why liberalism has such a convincing argument is because so many people are legitimately abused and mistreated by legalism and That what where you have the proper distinction of law and gospel.
You don't have the seedbed that for liberalism It's hard for it to grow when you have the proper distinction. And so we recognize
God's law convicts us of our sin That's his primary purpose and we strive through the power of the Holy Spirit to keep his commandments and at the same time daily come
You know daily come to the Lord and say forgive us our trespasses Whereas legalism the insipid nasty bit about it is this is the delusion that you're somehow pulling it off You know, you know,
I'm I'm more worthy than you are because man I I haven't sinned in the last You know 48 days, you know, when was the last time you said
I bet was yesterday, huh? You know, you know, yeah Yeah Yeah 10p
There were 200 people at Kongsvinger and only 10 commune a year because they consider themselves worthy
Holy smokes That's horrifying Right and Right We're you're looking at communion wrong when you do that because the words given and shed for the forgiveness of sins
That's a promise and we receive an absolution You know like a tangible tasty absolution, although it tastes weird
But but but the idea then is is that the one who is worthy is not one who is sinless
The one who is worthy is the one who recognizes properly what they're receiving in the Lord's Supper Yeah, yes
Yeah You know you bring up a good point You know, isn't it prideful for those ten people who to have declared themselves worthy to receive the
Lord's Supper while the other? 190 didn't They were
Right. Yeah, I know you're right You know The thing is is that you know Are you a sinner and you in?
Recognize your sin and believe what Christ said that this is his body blood given the shed for the forgiveness of your sins
You're receiving the Lord's Supper worthily then because you're recognizing the body and blood of Christ So there is a sense in which the scripture talks about taking the
Lord's Supper in an unworthy manner But it's not because I've got my act together. It's because Christ is offering me forgiveness there
And I believe his words All right, totally different altogether, so I I would note here that we at Kong's vinger we have a bunch of worthy people
You know in the biblical sense, but not because you guys are self -righteous. Yeah, Hannah Yeah, so That's a good question because they see it.
They see what we they would see what we're doing is like legalism or ritualism that's how they would interpret it and But they don't believe that they're receiving anything in the
Lord's Supper. So yeah, it's it is interesting So ironically those churches that do not believe
Christ's words. This is my body This is my blood they fit the definition of what what
Paul says those who take the Lord's Supper in an unworthy manner and so What's what's always fascinating is when you point that out to them biblically, you know
The the gyrations that they go through to try to make it so that that's not the case And they would look at us and say it's like why are you guys doing this every week?
You know that doesn't make any sense You know that and so there yeah, they're their view really
The lens that they've put over the scriptures that keep them from seeing what the text says Causes them to wrongly accuse us of a form of legalism when in fact they are really the ones who are engaging in it
That's the way deception works by the way, which is terrifying if you consider it is that it blinds you in such a way that you become guilty of the thing that you're condemning other people of doing and That that is that is a scary thing legitimately scary
Sin blinds you in that way and so this is why we Stick to the text and we stick to the text and we stick to the text and we have to keep digging in the text
And and and and you know kind of work that out I will say this though is that I have noticed over the last decade a very interesting phenomenon within Evangelicalism and the phenomenon is this so when
I was growing up evangelical churches would spend a Noticeable amount of time whenever Lord's Supper would come up Explaining how it's not what the
Bible says it is It was like there was like these that was a weird thing
It was like the priest sermon before the Lord's Supper when they would have it maybe three to three or four times a year there was a like an
Obligatory five -minute sermon about how I know the text says this is my body But it doesn't mean that and I know it says this is my blood
But it doesn't mean that and I know it says it's for the forgiveness of sins But it doesn't mean that it's all simple simple simple simple simple
But what I've noticed is over the past decade that mandatory pre -sermon before the
Lord's Supper when churches have it has disappeared and as a result of it a natural result of it is that when
I ask Average evangelicals now and I have conversations with them regularly
What did they believe that the Lord what they receive in the Lord's Supper say, oh, it's the body and blood of Christ I said, where do you go to church and they would say, you know, you know big box make a church over here
It's like how did you figure out that? It's the body and blood of Christ. I said, well, it's the Bible says that and It's like, huh?
So what's happened is with the the disappearance of the of the like the scoffers pre -sermon
People just are naturally believing that they're receiving the body and blood of Christ and in growing numbers
And it's it's kind of fascinating because it's really kind of like the the
Southern Baptist Reform Baptist churches that kind of keep that pre -sermon going and when they hear
Evangelicals saying yeah, we're receiving the body and blood of Christ and there and this is stuff that's showing up on YouTube in like charismatic churches
They are losing their minds and I'm sitting there going I know why that's happening, you know, but that that's a whole other story
Yeah Yeah, so Anyway, where were we?
Yeah, yeah Okay, so you're referring to Not that he was advocating for circumcision
But he was acting in a way contrary to the gospel when the circumcised guys show up the text you're referring to is in Galatians It starts in Galatians 1 so Paul in this section of Galatians 1 he points out that the gospel that he received he preached
He didn't receive it from man He received it from Christ and then and then he talks about how he had after he was converted after three years
I went to Jerusalem to visit Cephas or remain with him for 15 days I saw none of the other Apostles except James the
Lord's brother and then in chapter 2 You get this wonderful thing where the first Pope gets rebuked publicly by by Paul When Cephas came so he when
Cephas came from Antioch I opposed him to his face because he stood condemned for before certain men came from James He was eating with the
Gentiles Okay, let's talk about this for a second. What does that mean?
he was having sausage bacon and he was you know, he was enjoying a little bit of lobster and shrimp and He was eating whatever was put before him.
He was actually eating with the Gentiles But when they came the people from James came he drew back and he separated himself
Fearing the circumcision party again That's not a party you want to go to and the rest of the Jews acted hypocritically
Along with him so that even Barnabas was led astray by their hypocrisy So he it wasn't that he was endorsing them but by his drawing back
He was acting acting hypocritically when they weren't there. He acted one way when they were there
He was acting a whole other way Yeah, oh
So this would have taken place before yeah Yeah Yep, so that I love this part wouldn't what then when
I Peter's Paul when I saw that their conduct was not in step with the truth of the gospel and there it is
Their actions were contrary to the gospel. Keep that in mind Do there are these things that are actions that you can take that are contrary to the gospel, right?
I said to see if it's before them all if you though a Jew live like a Gentile and not like a Jew How can you force
Gentiles to live like Jews? Rebuked and it goes on we ourselves are
Jews by birth and not Gentile sinners Yet we know if a person that person is not justified by works of the law, but through faith in Jesus Christ So we have believed in Christ Jesus in order to be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law because by works of the law
No one will be justified So, you know, you'll you see the 80s see the full extent of the rebuke there, but that there so it wasn't because he was endorsing circumcision it was because he was acting in a way contrary to the gospel because he didn't want to have the
Got the fellows from James from the circumcision party get all up in his face up in his grill.
Yeah I Don't know that that's that is a that is a debated topic and It's it you have two
James's to pick from or this is a third James altogether Yeah, thanks
James for the question So the answer is is that that's a debated question and I don't have a definitive answer to it now
What was I gonna say here? Hey, I got to think about this. I Can't remember.
Oh, that's annoys me. I had it right there and then it's it's gone alas, okay so all of this being said then oh
Now I remember what I was gonna say. Have you guys seen the controversy regarding the Super Bowl commercial called he gets us
Okay, have you watched the commercial? Does it leave you with an icky feeling
Okay Yes Right, what's the underlying error of this?
Group that's putting these commercials out. What's their underlying error? Yes, there it is.
It's works righteousness if You think about it What they say these commercials
I saw that commercial went What? Okay, you know, it's like what is this?
Okay, so you have a pro life advocate washing the feet of Abortionist and so it's like what's going on here?
Okay, there's because you get a note here that that what's not Being called for is true repentance of sin and faith in Christ But instead a push for Christians to live a specific way
That is that is has a form of legalism to I always remind you need to remind you guys liberalism is as legalistic as Lutheran pietism, it's just a different set of rules
It's a completely different set of rules. So if you don't believe me
Just break some of the rules that liberals are really all about right now I mean Have you noticed all the coffee shops that talk about how they have coffee sources that are from sustainable this and sustainable that right?
When when I travel to Europe, okay One of the big coffee houses in the UK is called Costa and they always make a big deal
You know, this was sourced for you know We from some small villagers and stuff and done in a sustainable way and all this kind of stuff
There's a reason for that because in the liberal woke mindset Colonialism is like the big sin that the
West committed against the third world nations and so they're undoing Colonialism, so if you really want to send a liberal into conniption fits then go out and buy
C &H pure cane sugar now, you're not allowed to do that up here for different reasons There's a different legalism there, okay, you know because I understand the
American Crystal thing But when we were attending faith Lutheran in green in Greenfield, Indiana All right
I had taken a photo of our coffee table that I was kind of, you know Making fun of the fact that we have a coffee shop at our church
It's just a table with you know Two big coffee pots and and the different supplies that we had for filling our coffee
Oh powdered creamer and there on there was C &H pure cane sugar. Holy smokes.
I posted that on Twitter and my account melted down How dare you have your church purchase that oppressive?
colonialistic, you know, you know patriarchal You know sugar it's like What what?
You know, they they like legitimately lost it Because of we were breaking one of the rules and that was
I we had a product in our church That apparently was part of oppressive colonialism Okay, totally different set of rules.
So the the he gets us ads Ask yourself the question.
What is their? Rules because in their rules, we don't need to tell people about Jesus.
We just need to wash their feet Okay, we don't need to call them to repentance and trust in Christ with the forgiveness of their sins
We just need to wash their feet and we didn't even have more people that washed other people's feet like Jesus did
Okay, but I would note this who did Jesus wash the feet of? His disciples
Okay, did Jesus wash the feet of the Sanhedrin or the high priest or the people who crucified him?
No Right and when and when
Peter was getting his feet washed by Jesus Jesus brings the scrub bucket up and peers all you'll never wash my feet
Right and Jesus says if I don't wash your feet Then you have no part in this in me at all.
Then don't wash just my feet wash all of me, right? So that you'll note they can completely ignore all the details of this
So I would note whatever this group is or somewhere in the left spectrum and they're you know in the in the woke thing but they're there it's a legalistic thing that they're applying here and then and Christianity is reduced to actions and Reactions as interpreted through their understanding of how love works and and there's no call for repentance
There's no trust and faith in Christ. There's no forgiveness of sins there. It's just all behavior.
Yeah Yeah, did you hear that Dan McClellan the guy we critiqued he's a
Mormon That's crazy. Anyway Right, right
What's the Marilyn by the way for those of you online. She said there's gonna be a lot of people with really clean feet in hell, right?
Exactly. So anyway, that's that's enough for legalism today. And that's all the answer to your question
By the way that that's why God talked about his law in that way in that section of Ezekiel. So All right,