John, pt. 66 | John10:30-42


June 9, 2024 Pastor Jeff Rice Covenant Reformed Baptist Church Tullahoma, TN


John, pt. 67 | John 11:1-16

John, pt. 67 | John 11:1-16

all right if you will at this time take your copy of the scriptures this will be our last message in John chapter 10
John chapter 10 verses 30 through 42 is what we'll consider and this is our 66th message in this glorious gospel do y 'all know how many messages
I've preached in John 10 is it 7 thanks so something like that John chapter 10 this will be the last one again we'll consider verses 10 through I mean verses 30 through 42 let me open us up in prayer gracious God Father Son and Holy Spirit Lord we've come to that portion of our service where we beg you to speak to us
Lord we gather because we long to hear from you wouldn't
I just pray God that this week as I wrestled through the text
Lord I pray God that you have given me the correct interpretation and that you will through your
Holy Spirit allow me to articulate well what your word has to say
Lord I do pray that you will hide me or behind this book and that I only speak forth your truth and I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ Amen all right so the text
John chapter 10 verses 30 through 42 will begin there Jesus begins to speak he says
I and the Father are one the Jews pick up stones again to stone him
Jesus answer them I have shown you many good works from the
Father for which of them are you going to stone me the
Jews answered him it is not for a good work that we are going to stone you but for blasphemy blaspheme because you being a man make yourself
God Jesus answered them is it not written in your law
I said you are God's if he called them gods to whom the
Word of God came the scripture cannot be broken do you say of him whom the
Father consecrated and sent into the world you are blaspheming because I said
I am the Son of God if I am not doing the works of my
Father then do not believe me but if I do them even though you do not believe me believe the works that you may know and understand that the
Father is in me and I am in the Father again they sought to arrest him but he escaped from their hands he went away again across the
Jordan to the place where John had been baptizing at first and there he remained verse 41 and many came to him and they said
John did no signs but everything that John said about this man was true and many believed in him our theme for this
Lord's Day is knowing who God is knowing who
God is and my proposition today is knowing who
God is and knowing who we are in relation to God is what makes
Christianity different from other religions you understand that not getting the two confused knowing what the proper order is is what
I aim to prove here today again what
I aim to do if you give me your attention is to give you assurance in the
Christian faith that you may walk out of here today and know that all other belief systems are false and that you can have assurance being a
Christian there is no assurance outside of the Christian faith there is one
Lord there is one baptism there is one faith there is one God and Father of us all in our outline we're going to see the sum of Jesus's ministry is who he is and what he has done who he is and what he has done and we're going to see who he is and what he has done in four scenes scene 1
Jesus makes a claim to be God scene 2 his own people do not receive him scene 3
Jesus claims to be the Son of God and scene 4
Jesus ends his public ministry so point number one scene 1 .1
Jesus makes a claim to be God he's been doing that all throughout this book amen point number two his own people did not receive him we've also been seeing this all throughout this book point number three he claims to be the
Son of God also we've been seeing this throughout this book what's new is a scene for Jesus ends his public ministry and as we transition let me say that Adam and Eve were created in the image of God however they were not
God having God's image does not make you God a
God or close to being God they were not
Yahweh they were created by Yahweh they were not
Yahweh the one and true God is not created he is he simply is he is
Yahweh he is the great I am turn with me if you will to Isaiah chapter 43
Isaiah chapter 43 we're going to read verses 7 through 12 beginning in verse 7 the
Lord speaking through the prophet Isaiah everyone who is called by my name whom
I created for my glory whom I formed and made bring out the peoples who are blind yet have eyes you notice that from what we've been studying right bring out the people who are blind and yet have eyes who are deaf yet have ears all the nations gather together and the peoples assemble who among them can declare this and show us the former things who among these nations who among these people can tell me the former things is what he's asking let them bring their witnesses to prove them right and let them hear and say it is true
Yahweh is challenging the people who claim to know him who have blind eyes but see you have deaf ears but hear you think your gods then tell me what has happened in the past this is what he is saying bring your witnesses and he's going to declare that they are supposed to be his witnesses look at verse 10 you are my witnesses declares the
Lord you see its capital L or D that is Yahweh and my servant notice there's a witness and there's a servant and my servant whom
I have chosen that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he he is who the servant and whom he has chosen right here before me no
God was formed were there any God's born before Yahweh no nor shall there be any after me
I I am the Lord I am Yahweh and besides me there is no
Savior I declare and saved and proclaim when there is no strange
God among you and you are my witnesses declares the
Lord Yahweh and I am God we have God calling the people who claim to follow him and he tells them that they're supposed to be his witness that he is
God he is Yahweh and he is sending a servant and he wants them to know that he is the servant that this servant is
Yahweh look back at 10
C before me no God was formed nor shall there be any after me there is no such thing as a
God outside of Yahweh there's just no such thing to say so is to contradict what the
Bible says is to contradict what Yahweh has spoken and everybody knows there's a
God because creation declares to us the glory of God you can look at creation and know you can have 100 % certainty that there is a
God because of creation creation does not declare my glory creation does not declare your glory it declares the glory of God someone had to put all this in place creation does not declare my glory
I as a creature something created declares the glory of God you want to know if there's a
God look at me I as a creature declare the glory of God even an atheist as a creature they're being here declares the glory of God even though they don't live in a way that declares the glory of God they're being here declares the glory of God and I know the atheist hates that building builder painting painter creation creator believing in God is the most logical thing you can do you can have certainty that there is a
God seeing one Jesus makes a claim to be God look at our text and John chapter 10 verse 30
I and the Father are one we touched on this last week if you remember we touched on it and because of where it is in this and in the context
I felt it's going to be good for us to touch on it even harder right we're gonna have to dive into this one portion of Scripture in order to understand what's going on with the rest of the text now if you have been coming here for a while I am
NOT going to be saying anything new concerning the subject the subject of Jesus being
God right the whole gospel of John has been about this witness of Jesus being the
Son of God and interpreting this verse we need to know how it is that Jesus and the
Father are one and last week I pointed out that they're one in purpose and they're one in being one in purpose is speaking about what they aim to accomplish that being the salvation of a people you've heard me say speak on this subject to many of times the
Covenant of Redemption my dear friends the Covenant of Redemption is their purpose if you're tired of hearing about the
Covenant of Redemption I am so sorry for you understanding the
Covenant of Redemption is understanding how the Bible is scripted out if you truly understand the
Covenant of Redemption and covenant theology as you read through the Bible Genesis 1 1 and you go all the way to the last verse in Revelation you'll understand what the
Bible is teaching the Covenant of Redemption is the covenant that the Father Son and the
Holy Spirit made with one another they covenant with one another to save a people and in this the father purpose to save a people it was the father's purpose to create a people and to save them and to bring them unto himself that's the father's purpose so if you if you're saved today if you're here today and you're saved you're walking in faith you're walking in the light of Christ thank
God that he purposed to save you the son comes into time to accomplish this purpose because all of us are sinners all of us have broken
God's law we deserve nothing but condemnation so the son God the father purpose to save a people the son comes into time to accomplish this purpose by living the life we could not live and taken the punishment that we deserve in his death was buried and on the third day he rose again where's the
Holy Spirit fit into this the Holy Spirit applies the purpose when a someone like myself or like red or any one of us if we witness to someone and we tell them the truth of Jesus the truth of Christianity we explain to them the gospel the
Holy Spirit applies the purpose when we speak about the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ if they are his sheep the
Holy Spirit takes that purpose of God the Father Son and the Holy Spirit covening together to save the people and it applies that to that sheep they hear the voice of Jesus and they follow him that's what
John 10 has been teaching us the father the son and the
Holy Spirit they work together they're not working against one another imagine if you will a football team approaches the line each player knowing the play and playing their position the ball snaps and the play is executed if you are a football fan and that was your team at that moment there's nothing greater right football fans in here your team scores now imagine a football team approaches the line no one knows no one on that team has a clue on the play and no one knows how to play their position the ball snaps and that team gets executed and if that's your team you're a
Tennessee fan sorry I just had to say that I'm a
Tennessee fan so it is what it is but you see how if the team's working together they can execute a play the team is not working together they're working against each other they're going to be executed the play is not going to fall through my dear friends
God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit has the same purpose they're on the same field playing on the same team
God the Son died I mean excuse me yes God the Son died for those whom the
Father chose and the Holy Spirit is going to apply the purpose to those whom the
Son died for God the Father does not choose a certain people to say while God the
Son dies for a different person or different people leaving the Holy Spirit not knowing who to apply the purpose to the
Godhead is not fighting against one another they have one purpose and they are also one being the one being is speaking about who
Jesus is the Bible is clear that there's only one God we just read it
Isaiah 43 10 C before me Yahweh says no
God was born was there a God before Yahweh no before Yahweh no
God was formed this is why it's so important to witness to those who believe they can become gods such as the
Mormons who said that God was a man just like any other man who obeyed
Mormonism became God and was given his own planet universe to raise up offsprings for himself that God was once a man that God was worshipping other gods before me there was no
God form nor shall there be any after me turn with me to Isaiah chapter 46 you can see this in his sovereignty
Isaiah chapter 46 verses 8 through 10
Isaiah 46 verses 8 through 10 again
God speaking through the prophet he says remember this and stand firm recall it to mind you transgressors remember the former things of both for I am
God and there is no other I am God and there is none like me he's gonna tell you how there's none like him in verse 10 declaring the end from the beginning did you get that declaring the end from the beginning declaring the end from the beginning that's sovereignty that's telling you that he is in control then nothing happens outside of his hand he is in control declaring the end from the beginning from ancient times things not yet done saying my counsel shall stand and I will accomplish all my purpose what's his purpose to save a people calling a bird of prey from the east the man of my counsel from a far country not speaking of the
Israelites I have spoken and I will bring it to pass and I have purposed and I will do it the one true
God knows all things because he has declared all things from the beginning a lot of people they ask questions like how does
God have information God is not human God does not have to learn
God is not reading a book and and being frustrated and skipping to the end of the book to figure out what's going to happen like my wife normally does or God doesn't find out information by page word for word and page for page my dear friends
God wrote the book God wrote the book we are living in his story everything that's playing out is playing out by his hands this is the cards we were dealt because this is what
God has purposed for us he is sovereign he is in control and my dear friends that is the greatest assurance that a
Christian can have it doesn't matter what happens to us in our life it doesn't matter if someone captures me and catches me on fire
I know that these flames are for the glory of God that's what the the
Apostles believed that's what our ancestors in church history believed as they went to the stake as they were skinned alive as they were beaten with clubs as they were stoned as they were sawed in two they believed that God had a purpose in their death and that their death brought glory to God the best explanation to explain the doctrine of the
Trinity is the one what and the three who's and this is something that I've gotten from R .C.
Sproul if you don't know who R .C. Sproul is I would suggest looking into him I call him
R .C. the Baptist now that he's passed away because he was a Presbyterian but in heaven we're all
Baptists and I don't know who R .C. Sproul got this from the one what is the one being in God there's only one being there's only one essence one
God there's only one God and this one God is the being unlike us
I am a human being and I'm also a person I'm one being one person not so with God God is one being three persons and that's where you get the three who's is the three persons the
Father the Son and the Holy Spirit all three persons are in fact the one being they do not share the one being they are the one being
God the Father by himself is God God the Son by himself is God and God the Holy Spirit by himself is
God and yet there's one God but there's three persons that's the historical understanding of this that's what the
Bible teaches one God three persons and here
Jesus is telling them in our text who he is he's not saying he's the father never does he say anything like Jesus I and the
Father are one one what being one being he as the
Son of God is the second person of this triunity scene to go to our text scene to his own people did not receive him we're gonna see this from verses 31 to 33 but let's just begin with verse 31 let's read 30 with it
I and the father are one verse 31 the Jews pick up stones again to stone him several times we saw that the
Jews picked up stones to stone Jesus they saw
Jesus as a mere man and not the God man talk about speaking clearly notice he doesn't say he is
God which he is he said I and the Father are one he says it like that because he's speaking about the
Father he doesn't say I and the Father are the same person he said I and the
Father are one so when speaking about God the Father he's not going to say
I am the Father right because he knows that he's divine he's the
Son of God he's not gonna lie he's not gonna say he's something that he isn't I and the
Father are one and he speaks clearly so so if you look back at verse 24 a complaint as arose by these
Pharisees so the Jews gathered around him around Jesus and said to him how long will you keep us in suspense if you are the
Christ tell us plainly they're complaining that Jesus is not speaking plainly to them you're not speaking clearly
Jesus if you're the Christ tell us and down here in verse 30 he says
I and the Father are one I don't think you can get any clearer than that and believe me when
I say this they understood him perfectly they understood him perfectly the
Jews begin to turn the conversation oh excuse me Jesus turns the conversation from who he is to what he has done and they will turn back the conversation to who he thinks he is notice with me again let's look at verse 30 and 31 this speaking of who he is verse 30
I and the Father are one the Jews pick up stones to stone him he is who he is
God the Son one with God in being with the same purpose as the
Father Son and the Holy Spirit verse 32 has to do with what he has done
Jesus answered them I have shown you many good works from the
Father for which of them are you going to stone me Jesus is saying to them which good work are you going to stone me for is it for healing the blind in the lane cleansing the leopards feeding thousands of people with a sack lunch casting out demons or raising the dead what miracle what good deed have
I done that you're going to stone me for and they bring it back to who he thinks he is who he is verse 33 the
Jews answered him it's not for a good work that we are going to stone you but for blaspheme you because you being a man make yourself
God you hear that people say that Jesus nowhere claims to be
God I and the Father are one the Jews understood this they picked up stones to stone him for blaspheming they heard him perfectly so when did
Jesus blaspheme verse 30 I and the Father are one they said you being a man make yourself equal with God John chapter 1 verse 11 says this he came to his own the he here is
Jesus he Jesus came to his own the Jews and his own people did not receive him they say how do you know they didn't receive him they picked up stones to stone him they picked up stones to stone him after being accused of not speaking clearly he speaks clearly and they pick up stones to stone him because they're deaf even though they have ears they're blind even though they have eyes the religious
Jews want him dead and we see this clearly when Jesus is being judged turn with me to Matthew chapter 27
Matthew chapter 27 we'll consider we'll read verses 24 and 26
I'm actually making good timing for ones verse 24 so when
Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing but rather that a riot was beginning he took water and washed his hands before the crowd saying
I am innocent of this man's blood I remember this scene he said
I'll give you Barabbas or Jesus and they voted for Barabbas I said what do you want me to do with this
Jesus the crowd the Jews those that were gathered they said crucify him give us
Barabbas crucify Jesus Pilate washes his hands saying that he's innocent of this man's blood he says see to it yourselves and all the people all those who were saying give us
Barabbas crucify Jesus answered his blood be upon us and our children then he released for them
Barabbas and having scourged Jesus delivered him to be crucified
I said his blood be upon us and our children when
Jesus died he was put to death as a blasphemer because they did not see him as God in the flesh but only as a mere man and my dear friends what we believe about Jesus today matters just as much as it did then it matters just as much as it did then is
Jesus a blasphemer he claimed to be God he is either a liar a lunatic or he is
Lord he cannot be Lord if he's lying and if he is lying we are the biggest fools ever we are idiots and we're still in our sins what we believe about Jesus matters if Jesus is a mere man you know excuse me is here's a question for you answer it yourselves is
Jesus a mere man or is he like the Bible teaches
God manifested in the flesh because my dear friends here's the thing both cannot be true if Jesus is a liar he's the world's greatest liar if Jesus knew he wasn't the
Son of God I see us Lewis talks about and he's telling people he's the Son of God and he knows he isn't he's a liar nothing more right but if he actually believed he was
God and he isn't God he is a lunatic but if he is the
Son of God and he is he is Lord and what you believe about him matters the
Christian faith we say that Jesus is truly God and truly man everything that God is
Jesus is Jesus lacks nothing of the being but also everything that we are
Jesus is in terms of being you see as God there's one being three persons but as Christ it's one person with two natures the divine nature he's truly
God in his divine nature and he's truly man in his human nature if you took a knife and cut him he bled if he ate you know what happens there right if he drinks the restroom right he eats drinks he uses the restroom he sweats he gets tired he walks for 11 miles his feet hurt right he was some man but yet he was
God and if that's not true my dear friends we're still in our sins scene three
Jesus claims to be the Son of God and we see this in verses 34 through 38 but let's just read verses 34 through 36 to begin with Jesus answered them is it not written in the law and your law
I said you are gods if he called them gods to whom the
Word of God came and Scripture cannot be broken do you say of him whom the
Father consecrated and sent unto the world you are blaspheming because I said
I am the Son of God now this portion of Scripture I don't know if anyone ever read that and thought
I wonder what that's talking about no that's very ambiguous in our day being that we have
Mormons and we have other people who believe that you can become gods the
Mormon they use Mormons they use this text to justify themselves for believing that they will one day become gods because Jesus mentions this verse right here in verse 34 is it not written in your law
I said speaking of God you are gods so I don't know if anyone here has ever had an opportunity to witness to a
Mormon but this verse often comes up with them however Jesus is not promoting that we can become
Yahweh or like Yahweh after obeying Mormonism and receiving our own planet given many wives to raise up spiritual children to central planet to obey
Mormonism this is not what Jesus is teaching he is in fact lifting up Scripture to them and he does he need way that he lifts it up is for those who have an ear to hear remember how he spoke in parables if you have an ear to hear to discern what
Jesus is talking about this is the time to discern what Jesus is talking about turn with me to Psalm chapter 82
Jesus here is quoting from Psalm 82 if you pay attention when
I read this Psalm you're going to be reminded of what God said to the people through Ezekiel in Ezekiel 34 1 through 10 in Ezekiel 34 you have
God as shepherd versus the religious leaders as shepherds you remember that and here in Psalm 82 we have
God as judge versus the religious leaders as judges as shepherds they were supposed to lead feed and protect the sheep but instead of leading feeding and protecting the sheep they feasted on the sheep and here as judges as gods they were supposed to judge righteously but instead of judging righteously they judged with partiality and they condemned the innocent read with me
Psalm 82 God has taken his place in the divine counsel in the midst of the gods he holds judgment so right here we have
Yahweh we have God taken his seat as a judge to judge who does he judge
God's lowercase g -o -d -s
God the Father God the God Trent let's say God in Trinity takes his seat in judgment to judge these judges these gods first to listen to what he pronounces on them how long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked
Salah give justice to the weak and the fatherless maintain the right of the afflicted in the destitute rescue the weak and the needy deliver them from the hand of the wicked they have neither knowledge nor understanding they they walk about in darkness all the foundations of the earth are shaken
I said you are God's that's what he was quoting I said you are
God's sons of the Most High notice it didn't say that sons of the
Most High all of you speaking about the religious leaders in Judea all of you nevertheless like men you shall die what's the old covenant the covenant of works do this and live they did not do what they were supposed to do and live so God says you are going to die like men nevertheless like men you shall die and fall like any prince arise
Oh God judge the earth for you shall inherit the nation's what a
John the Baptist say to these these these gods who were who are not who were judging with partiality who are not looking after the weak what did he say he says
God can raise up children from Abraham from stones and even now the axe is at the root of the tree and any tree that does not bear good fruit it's cut down and thrown into the fire he says
I baptize with water into repentance but he who is coming after me is mightier than I whose sandals
I'm not worthy to carry and he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire and the will and fork is in his hand this judge is
God that sat on that throne that's coming the servant who is Yahweh the will and fork isn't is in his hand and he will gather his wheat think sheep into the barn but the chaff the goats the sheep that are not his he's going to burn up with an unquenchable fire
God's here it's not speaking of the other of a divine being but rather a human judge human judges as seen in the book of judges we have to remember when we interpret scripture what
God says of himself again Isaiah 43 10 see before me there was no
God form nor shall there be any after me so he's not speaking when he says you are
God's as if they are like him in any ways they're not like him they cannot tell you what has happened they cannot proclaim the end from the beginning they're not
Yahweh they're not God they're just a judge we see this quite often when it comes to prophecy right like Isaiah is speaking as God to the people when you read the words of Isaiah we say in the
Lord said God is speaking to a human vessel God tells
Moses that he's going to be like God to his to his brother Aaron he's going to tell them what
God has to say that Aaron is going to tell it to the people my dear friends you want to hear God speak it's in here when
I stand up here today and I read to you the Word of God my dear friends God is speaking God is speaking if I am accurately interpreting the text for you today
God is speaking to you today through the interpretation of the text and yet I am not
God but as people who stand and speak for God we speak his word and you hear from God God himself they seem to have no problem with the scripture saying judges saying that says that judges are as gods but they do have a problem with the one who was set apart by the father to accomplish the purpose what was the purpose to save a people to save a people in verse 36
Jesus refers to himself as the Son of God look with me at verse 36 that you say of him whom the father consecrated and sent into the world you are blaspheming because I said
I am the Son of God my dear friends Jesus cannot say he is the
Son of God without claiming deity if he says he's the
Son of God guess what he's claiming to be God the Bible teaches there's only one
God there can't Jesus cannot be a separate God as the Mormons teach they teach that Jesus and the father is a
God and Jesus himself is a separate God before me there was no God form nor shall there be any after me and yet Jesus claims to be the
Son of God that he is one with the father and yet the Bible says that there's only one God what do we do with this put it in its right perspective there is one
God one being three persons who is he one with the father in being not in person what has he done and who is he look at verses 37 and 38 he says if I am doing if I am not doing the works of my father then don't believe me so again he's pointing to himself being
God right there but then he points to the works what he has done verse 38 but if I do them speaking of the works even though you do not believe me believe the works that you may know and understand now he goes back to who he is that the father is in me and I am in the father basically
Jesus is telling them at the very least believe the way that Nicodemus believed if you go back to Nicodemus he says we know we hear speaking of the
Pharisees we know that you are from God for no one can do these signs that you're doing unless God is with him and yet because of the deafening of their ears the hardening of their heart and the blinding of their eyes
Jesus said he came to bring judgment those who cannot see will be able to see and those who can see will become blind how does he do that with parables he spoke to them in parables so it would deafen their ears blind their eyes and harden their hearts and if you were his he took the time to explain those parables so it wouldn't deafen your ears blind your eyes are hard in your hearts over time they stopped believing this and when
Jesus would do something let's say on a Sabbath day they saw him breaking Moses and wanting to put him to death but he's saying at least believe the way that Nicodemus believe look at the miracles and know for certain that I am from God that I have fulfilled these prophecies the signs that Jesus did pointed to him being the
Son of God one with the Father the Father in him and him in the
Father speaking of the being seen for Jesus ends his public ministry look at verse 39 through 42 and they sought to arrest him but he escaped from their hands he went away again across the
Jordan to the place where John had been baptized in at first and there he remained in many came to him and they said
John did no signs but everything that John said about this man was true and many believed in him there now there really isn't a lot here in these remaining verses but what it does show is that Jesus went back to where his ministry first began the baptism of Jesus is where Jesus's ministry first began the baptism of Jesus is when he fulfilled the law remember what righteousness is righteousness is keeping the law that's what that means
John he tells John the reason why that John should baptize him is to fulfill all that was it was it was to fulfill all that was wrote about him that he would keep the law
Jesus has kept the law and he begins his earthly ministry in that baptism whenever when they would appoint a priest and you know this if you went over here as we walked through Hebrews then whenever they would consecrate a high priest three things happened they would baptize him in water fully emerged they would anoint him with oil and that priest father would say this is my son in whom
I am well pleased remind you of anything at the baptism of Jesus Jesus was emerged in water when he came out the
Holy Spirit which is the representation of the oil came upon Jesus as a dove and the voice from heaven said this is my son in whom
I am well pleased he had already lived the life that you could not live and now he has taken his priestly row and not only as the priestly row who was who would give up his life but the lamb that would take away the sin of the world no longer will he focus on the nation of Israel after what was just said his focus is no longer going to be on the nation of Israel he has three to four months to live but he will solely focus on the sheep that came out of that nation again at this moment three to four months before his death and in verses 41 and 42
I want to use as application in verse 41 we see that many came to Jesus so we don't want to look at Jesus's ministry and think that no one came to Jesus no it says many came to Jesus many came to Jesus his ministry was successful many came to Jesus it also tells us that John the
Baptist did no signs we got some John the Baptist's in here I can't perform a sign right
I don't have that kind of a gift I'm not an apostle John was not an apostle he was the last
Old Testament prophet and all Old Testament prophets had two things they were to do they were to prophesy the coming
Messiah the axis of the coming Messiah right and to prophesy the judgment again the axe is at the root of the tree any tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire
I baptize with water but one is coming who will baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire
John the Baptist did the same things that all the Old Testament prophets did they foretold about a
Messiah coming and a judgment coming if you do not repent and it also that everything that John said about him was true we know for certain one thing that John said about Jesus and I quoted it earlier from John chapter 1 verse 29 the next day he that's
John the Baptist saw Jesus coming toward him and said behold the
Lamb of God talking about that sacrifice he's the high priest and now he is also the sacrifice what does he do takes away the sin of the world behold the
Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world John sees
Jesus and he knows that the fulfillment of Bible prophecy concerning the Messiah has come no longer are we to look to the type because the antitype has come no one listen no one needs a menu when the plate of food is in front of you can you imagine that you go to a restaurant you got a menu you're ordering your food you set your menu down they come take your menu and they bring you back the menu anyone does that happen no but they bring you back the substance the menu is a type it is a shadow of what is to come afterwards which is the plate of food the substance of that which that was spoken about in the
Old Testament the Old Covenant is here and it's Jesus Christ he came to take away the sin of the world how so through his life through his death his burial and his resurrection and my dear friends if we like John would who do no signs any sign doers in here if we like John who do no signs but say what is true about Jesus we will have the same results which are found in verse 42 look at that 42 and many believed in him there you don't have to be able to perform miracles to go out in the streets or to or to witness to your neighbors or to your your mother your father your brother your sister your cousin you don't have to be able to perform miraculous deeds but you have to speak what is true about Jesus do you want to see people come to Jesus do you want your family your relatives your friends or people you don't know your neighbors do you want to see them in heaven guess what you do you speak what is true about Jesus that he came to take away the sin of the world that the one who was righteous who kept the law dies in the place of those who are unrighteous as the
Bible teaches it's the the righteous in place of the unrighteous those who could not keep the law but who are his sheep whom
God purposed to save through the gospel him living the life that we could not live him being treated as a criminal taken upon himself the punishment that we deserve in his death that he was buried and on the third day he rose again he stood around for over 40 days so people could see him he was witnessed by by over 500 people and Paul says we can go talk to them today in 1st
Corinthians chapter 15 he was buried and on the third day rose and the
Bible says that that was the righteous in place of the unrighteous so that the life that he lived can be accounted to them and I said this last week
Jesus did not keep the law so that he could become righteous he is righteous that's his law he wrote it with his finger on stone
Jesus wrote that law he did not come here in order to keep the law to become righteous he is righteous he kept the law so that you may become righteous even though you're not it's the greatest change imagine if someone was to walk into your house with a butcher knife and Michael Myers your whole family and that man stands before a judge and that judge lets that man go free ask yourself is that judge good or evil is he good or evil he's evil if a man can murder your family and be set free he's evil he's evil well how can
God let me into heaven and not be evil because the righteous came for the unrighteous the punishment that we deserve fell on another it fell on Jesus Christ he took our punishment he paid our fine in full knowing
God is knowing Jesus Christ and assurance in the
Christian faith is not trusting in your own good works but it is trusting and who
Christ is and what Christ has done who he is and what he has done my dear friends don't trust in yourself don't say
I'm good enough to make it to heaven God's gonna see me he's gonna say oh my good friend
I know your heart it's well it's good no God does know your heart and it's deceitfully wicked and if he just lets you in without your sins being punished he's no different than that human judge that would let a man who
Michael Myers your whole family into heaven he would be evil sin has to be punished real quick I didn't plan this but turn with me to Colossians chapter 2 look at verse 13
Colossians 2 13 and you were dead in your trespasses and uncircumcision of flesh
God made a life together with him having forgiven us of our trespasses well how did he do that look at verse 14 by counseling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands he set it aside and nailing it to the cross that day as the
Romans were nailing Jesus to that cross this tells us he was nailing that record of debt that stood against us that law that condemns us that Jesus kept in our place so that we can become righteous all other religions focus on who you are and what you can do
Christianity is the only religion that's focused on what was done for you and it's
Christ what Christ has done for you and my dear friends here's the question are you looking to Christ is he your assurance do you stub your toe and say a cuss word and think oh
I'm going to go to hell now I got to get re -saved my dear friends if that's your thoughts you're not looking to Christ you're not looking to Christ you're not looking to Christ if that's the way that you think you're not looking to Christ you're looking to yourself you thinking that you can be a good person and earn heaven and my dear friends you cannot be he lived the life that you cannot live is your faith in Christ are you living your life trusting him is he your assurance if he is not today is the day of salvation and my dear friends what you have to do is this repent stop trusting in yourself and trust in him repent and believe the gospel we are available to anyone who wants to talk and listen
I mean that if God has changed your heart today don't leave here without reporting it let's pray our
God and Father Lord we love you and we thank you for Jesus yes she will yamash yuck well we thank you for the
Holy Spirit the rule haka dish we thank you for all that you do we thank you that you sent your son your servant who is you we thank you that we have become righteous in you and where we thank you for the opportunity to live this life to be a witness for you we are your witnesses
Lord help us to to love our neighbors and to speak to them the truth of Christianity the truth about Jesus so that meaning may be saved well right now we come to this portion of our service to where we're about to partake in your meal and God we ask that you use this to grow us in holiness but father we pray that if there's any here today they're unwilling to repent and trust in you
Lord that you prevent them from the table but God if they are yours and they've confessed their sins knowing that you are faithful and just to forgive us of all sins