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- Today, the glorious second coming of Jesus Christ, part three.
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- So please turn with me to this wonderful book, the Apocalypse, the book of Revelation. The book of Revelation, chapter 19.
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- For the sake of time, I'd just like to read verse 11 to 16. Verse 11 to 16.
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- And I'd like to do something I really believe in, and I'm going to start making a habit of doing it more often.
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- As we read the word of God, please stand in honor of God's word. I think that's appropriate. To honor
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- God's holy word. Hear the word of the living
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- God. And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse, and he who sat on it is called faithful and true.
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- And in righteousness he judges and wages war. His eyes are as a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems.
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- And he has a name written on him which no one knows except himself. He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and his name is called the word of God.
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- And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following him on white horses.
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- From his mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it he may strike down the nations.
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- And he will rule them with a rod of iron. And he treads the winepress of the fierce wrath of God the
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- Almighty. And on his robe, and on his thigh, he has a name written,
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- King of Kings and Lord of Lords. May God richly bless His word to our hearts this morning.
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- Let's quickly pray and ask our Lord to bless this time as we study, but not only study
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- His word, to hear His word, but to worship within this hour as we ask the
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- Holy Spirit to help us hear, to see, and to perceive.
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- Let's pray. Our Father, I pray as we seek Your face this morning, that Lord, You would meet with us.
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- We need Thy help, O Lord. The arm of flesh cannot bring out any truth that would be worthy.
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- We need Your blessed Holy Spirit. Father, I need Your blessed Holy Spirit to help each and every one of us this morning.
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- O God, lay hold of us. I pray. May we have worshipful hearts as we adore the
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- Lamb of God. Lord, that is our deep, earnest, sincere prayer this morning,
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- O God, from our hearts. As John the Baptist cried out, as Christ came on the scene in His three -year ministry,
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- John the Baptist pointed to Him and said, Behold the Lamb of God, which takes away the sins of the world.
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- Father, that's all I want to do this morning, is point Your people and say,
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- There He is. Behold. Look. The Lamb of God. Grant it to us this morning,
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- O Father. And we pray this in Jesus' name. Amen and Amen. You can be seated. Thank you. The entire book of Revelation has been a building up to this point, even though we haven't looked at all the chapters in Revelation, but that's exactly what this chapter 19 and this from verse 11 to 16 is all about.
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- Come to this great climax in human history and it comes to a halt here in these great words, in these great verses.
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- There's nothing more clearly stated in the Bible than the great truth and fact that Jesus Christ is coming again.
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- His glorious coming again to this earth will be visible, it will be literal, it will be physical, and it's going to be glorious.
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- Just to give you the supreme importance of this great second advent of Jesus Christ to the earth, and I was thinking this on the way to worship this morning, and so many people out on this planet earth is not aware that Christ can come back immediately and end human history, but He will, and He will very soon.
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- It is clearly referred in Scripture 1 ,845 times in the
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- Bible, and it is mentioned in 23 of the 27 books of the New Testament. As I was looking into this, out of 260 chapters in the
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- New Testament, the second coming of Jesus Christ is mentioned 318 times. During Jesus' lifetime, at His first coming,
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- He personally referred to His second coming 21 times. Now that's my words of what
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- I've studied and researched. I appreciate Brother Keith sending this to me on the text, but John MacArthur says it a little bit more precisely.
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- Quote, he says this of the second coming. Quote, of the 46
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- Old Testament prophets, less than 10 of them speak of His second coming.
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- There are over 1 ,500 Old Testament passages that refer in some way to the second coming of Jesus Christ.
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- One out of every 25 New Testament verses directly refers to the second coming of Jesus Christ.
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- For every time the Bible mentions the first coming of Christ, I love this, it mentions the second coming eight times.
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- For each time the atonement is mentioned, MacArthur says, once the second coming is mentioned twice.
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- See the importance? Jesus refers to His second coming, He says, 21 times, and over 50 times we are told to be ready, end quote.
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- So important is the message of the second coming of Jesus Christ, and He is coming soon. Signs of the times are everywhere and we are to be ready.
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- I'm going to be referring to the Antichrist some today, so we're not going to be looking for the Antichrist, are we? We're looking for the Christ.
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- But the Antichrist will make His debut, and we're going to look at what Scripture has to say about that.
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- We need to know our enemy, and what the Word of God says about the foe of God.
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- But the glorious second coming of Jesus Christ is the climax of the consummation of all human history.
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- So this Lord's Day morning, we're going to begin to look at, just briefly, this is going to be a part one, we're going to look at actually the day of the
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- Lord. Now, before we break this down, I'd like to refer to an Old Testament passage that's been on my heart, and I want you to see how clear this is.
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- Turn with me to Zechariah, very quickly. Zechariah chapter 14, and this is a fulfillment,
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- I'm sorry, this is a prophecy of the fulfillment of Revelation 19, the day of the
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- Lord. There are so many passages that we can go to, but I've chosen this one, which is very clear and distinct of what will happen when
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- God will battle Jerusalem's foes. The prophecy says this, and this is what the prophet
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- Zechariah says, Behold, in chapter 14, I'm reading through verse 1, we'll stop at verse 5, but notice how much is said in five verses.
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- Behold, a day is coming. This is speaking of the second coming. A day is coming for the
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- Lord when the spoil taken from you will be divided among you, for I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle.
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- Speaking of the battle of Armageddon, beloved. And the city will be captured, and the houses plundered, and the women ravished, and a half of the city exiled.
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- But the rest of the people will not be cut off from the city. Then the
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- Lord will go forth and fight against those nations, as He fights on a day of battle.
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- And in that day, His feet, speaking of the feet of Jesus, the Messiah, His feet will stand on the
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- Mount of Olives, which is in the front of Jerusalem on the east, and on the Mount of Olives it was split in the middle from the east by the west by a very large valley.
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- So that half of the mountain will move toward the north, and the other half toward the south.
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- You will flee by the valley of my mountains, for the valley of the mountains will reach
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- Ezel. Yes, you will flee just as you fled before the earthquake in the days of Uzzah the king of Judah.
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- And then the Lord, my God, will come. And notice what He says, and all the holy ones with Him.
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- That is a clear prophecy of what is happening, of the fulfillment of Revelation 19, the day of the
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- Lord. There's so many others I'd like to go to. We don't have time to go there. But still, please study this.
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- It's absolutely tremendous. But the second coming of Jesus Christ is so different than His first coming when
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- He came. The first time He came, as you well know, He came meek and humble on a donkey into Jerusalem.
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- He so willingly laid down His life for the sins of the world. Hebrews 9 .28
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- says, So Christ who was once offered to bear the sins of many, and unto them that look for Him, notice, do you look for Him this morning, look for Him shall appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
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- Now in Revelation 11 to verse 16, the Apostle through the
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- Holy Spirit gives us twelve clear descriptions of the glorious rider on the white horse.
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- And that's what we're going to look at. We're going to see five descriptions this morning. We're going to look at the other seven, Lord willing, next week.
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- These are loaded. And I'm breaking it up for the fact that I do not want to give any dishonor to the
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- Word of God or leave anything out. So I'm asking to pray for me as I speak this this morning, that God would help me rightly divide the
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- Word of Truth and give Him honor and glorify our great King as He is presented in these
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- Scriptures. As we go through these verses, we will see twelve ways here that John describes
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- Christ to us by the Holy Spirit. Let's look at it.
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- Verse 11 begins and says, And I saw heaven opened. Now let me stop right there.
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- Heaven is opened up. And for the second time in the book of Revelation, John sees both heaven opened up and a white horse.
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- But the visions are not the same. The visions are not the same. If you turn back to Revelation 4 and look at verse 1, there's another vision that he sees.
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- The throne room of heaven is opened up. And after these things
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- I looked and behold a door standing open. And the first voice which
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- I heard like the sound of a trumpet speaking to me said, Come up here and I will show you what must take place after these things.
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- And then he says, Immediately I was in the Spirit and behold a throne was standing in heaven and one sitting on the throne.
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- And there's a description here, And he was sitting was like a jasper stone and a sardis in appearance.
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- We'll look at that word like. That's the best description that he can give in human vocabulary.
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- A jasper stone and a sardis in appearance. And there was a rainbow around the throne like an emerald in appearance.
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- And then it goes on and he sees the throne room of heaven. But after obeying the command to write to the seven churches in Asia Minor, John sees an open door in heaven and is invited to come up here.
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- He says, come up here. Come up. Up. Where he is shown what must take place after this.
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- Now in Revelation 19 verse 11, He sees the climax of this vision.
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- Heaven is opened. The scripture says. Once again, And he views in heaven the complete consummation of these events that are unfolding right before him.
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- As he sees this vision, And God shows him the future. In a similar fashion,
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- John is seeing this glorious rider on a white horse. But let me mention this.
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- Turn with me very quickly to Revelation 6. This is so important. Revelation 6 verse 1 and 2.
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- There is another rider of a white horse. Now in chapter 5, We see that Jesus Christ was the only one.
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- If you look at the chapter beforehand, That Jesus is the only one in heaven that is found worthy to open a scroll.
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- A little scroll that is given to him. Which is the title deed of the universe. It is the title deed. Some say it is maybe the very decrees of God Almighty.
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- That could be very so. But it is the title deed. In which no one was worthy to take.
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- And to break it open. But as Christ himself breaks the seven seals that secure the scroll.
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- Each seal will unleash God's judgment on the earth in the tribulation.
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- Now let me explain this very closely. It is the tribulation period that will take place on the earth.
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- The seals are broken. And these things are unfolding. But the day of God's wrath is at the consummation of chapter 19.
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- So a lot of people try to contest and debate.
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- Will God's people go through the tribulation period? I personally believe we will. Those that are there at that time.
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- If God allows us to see it. But it is not those tribulation periods.
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- It is not the day of wrath necessarily. It is leading up to the day of wrath. The day of wrath is what we just read.
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- That is the day of the Lord. A lot of people would debate on that. We are not going to go there.
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- But these sealed judgments include all the judgments to the end. That unfold.
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- The 7th seal. And by the way, the number 7 is very significant. We know this, don't we?
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- Because God created the heavens and the earth in 6 days. Man was the crown of his creation.
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- On the 7th day, it was complete. He rested. So God goes to the number 7.
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- It is a day of completion. 7 is always completion. It contains the 7 trumpets.
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- 7. And the 7th trumpet contains the 7 bowls. Isn't it amazing?
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- You study this. You've got the seals. Everything within the seals is unfolding and breaks out.
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- Then you've got the 7 trumpets and then the 7 bowls. And then that is the completion of it.
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- Now the consummation to Revelation 19. That is what we just read. That is how glorious this is.
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- This is the consummation. This is the wind up. God winds it up. The day of the Lord comes. The second coming of Jesus Christ.
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- But let's read this. In Revelation 6, 1 and 2, there is another rider on a white horse.
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- Keep this in mind, beloved. What we read in Revelation 19, 11 through 16 is literal.
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- Right here, this is symbolic. A lot of people get mixed up.
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- We don't want to get mixed up. God is not the author of confusion. But this is symbolic. But I want you to see.
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- Revelation 6, 1 and 2. Notice this. And I saw the lamb.
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- Broke one of the seven seals. And I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder.
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- Come. Like a crack of thunder. Come. My little voice can't even compare to it.
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- And I looked. Notice what John says. I looked. John looked. And behold, a white horse.
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- And he who sat on it had a bow. This is symbolic now.
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- And a crown was given to him. And he went out conquering to conquer. And then later on, you see a red horse.
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- And then you see a black horse. And see, these are symbolisms. But what does this white horse.
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- And it speaks of, he looked on the white horse here. And he sat on it. And he had a bow. And a crown was given to him.
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- And he went out conquering to conquer. Let's look at this. Beloved, this white horse is symbolic of an unparalleled time of world peace.
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- In other words, a false peace that will be short -lived in this time period. That will be ushered in by a series of false messiahs.
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- This will culminate in the Antichrist, which is the one world leader. That's who he's talking about.
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- He's like a king. He's a one world leader. The world will follow him in this false peace.
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- It's a false peace. Verse 2 of this speaks of the bow.
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- What does the bow speak of? The bow is a symbol of war. But I want you to notice, in this bow there's an absence of arrows.
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- There's no arrows. What does that mean? That implies that he will be victorious in ruling the world without bloodshed.
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- In other words, he will negotiate as a good politician. He will win people by a covenant of agreement, not by war.
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- This is supposedly a peaceful person. But he's an Antichrist.
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- He's deceitful. He's a liar. What I'm trying to point out here is the white horse and the rider on the white horse in Revelation 6 is not
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- Jesus Christ. This is important to know because what about the crown?
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- Now, what about the crown? Well, a crown was given to him, Scripture says, and he went out conquering to conquer.
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- This actually refers to the Antichrist, the one world leader, becoming king. But he's elected by the world's inhabitants, conquering the entire earth at this time.
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- It's like a wreath, a laurel wreath is given to the rider. Now, before we compare the differences,
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- I'd like for you to turn to another passage of Scripture and this will clear up a lot of things. Always study the book of Revelation with 2
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- Thessalonians in mind, always. Go to 2 Thessalonians very quickly and I want you to see this.
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- The Apostle Paul makes this very clear. This really is an eye opener, beloved.
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- When you study this chapter with Revelation, it helps us see what is unfolding and the interpretation of it.
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- Scripture interprets Scripture, right? I'm not going to get up here and give you my opinion about this. I'm going to tell you, I'm going to help you look where Scripture points to Scripture, like the
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- Old Testament prophets points to the second coming of Jesus. But the Apostle Paul had a lot to say about it.
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- Look at chapter 2 of 2 Thessalonians. He speaks of a great apostasy. That's a great falling away within the church.
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- Verse 1, now we request you brethren, he speaks to the Thessalonica church.
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- With regard to the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Now that word coming can also mean the presence of Jesus Christ, but he's speaking of His second coming.
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- And our gathering together to Him. He's speaking about when
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- Christ comes back and that you will not be quickly shaken from the composure, your mind, or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as if from us to the effect that the day of the
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- Lord has come. Notice what he says, let no one in any way deceive you.
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- For it will not come unless the apostasy comes first. Notice what he says, and a man of lawlessness is revealed.
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- That's the antichrist. He calls him the man of lawlessness is revealed.
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- And the son of destruction. Who opposes and exalts himself above every so called
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- God or object of worship. And so that he takes his seat in the temple of God.
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- Displaying himself as being God. And then he says this as a question.
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- Do you not remember that while I was still with you, I was still telling you these things? So even then,
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- Paul was saying this is very important. Don't be deceived. By these other, that's why it's so important for us to study the scriptures and rightly divide the word of God.
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- Because there's so many different interpretations out there. Notice in verse 6, and you know what restrains him.
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- Now. So that in his time he will be revealed. See it's like he's in the secret.
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- But he's going to be revealed one day. Notice verse 7. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work.
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- Only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way.
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- Then that lawless one will be revealed. Whom the
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- Lord will slay with the breath of his mouth. Hey, look at verse 8. Does not that tie in to what just happened we read in Revelation 19?
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- What's going to happen? Babylon comes down. The one world leader will be slayed.
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- Then that lawless one will be revealed. Whom the Lord will slay with the breath of his mouth.
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- And bring to an end by the appearance of his coming. That's the second coming of Jesus Christ.
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- That is the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan.
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- With all power and signs and wonders. And with all the deception of wickedness.
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- Listen to that. With all the deception of wickedness for those who perish. Because they did not receive the love of the truth.
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- As to be saved. And notice what it says. Yet for this reason God, God will send upon them a deluding influence.
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- Is God sovereign? Yes he is. God's going to send them a deluding influence.
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- So that they will believe what is false. I used to read that and I think what in the world.
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- But you know when you start to understand that the sovereign God has a plan to be fulfilled. God does this.
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- He explains why. Verse 12. In order that they all may be judged.
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- Who did not believe the truth. But took pleasure in the wickedness.
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- The day of the Lord is when God brings the vengeance. Vengeance is the Lord. Shall not the judge of all the earth do right?
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- Now back to Revelation 6. Doesn't that clear up so much?
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- Look at how many times the Apostle Paul speaks about the day of the
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- Lord. So here this Antichrist is like a king that's elected by the world's inhabitants.
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- He conquers and is conquering the entire earth. At this time period. During the tribulation period.
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- It's going to happen. Revelation 19. Let me explain this. The rider is not the
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- Antichrist. As we well know he is. But the first description that's given to Jesus Christ.
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- He's faithful and true. That's the first description. And I love that first description.
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- Because I could camp right there and preach all day on that. He's faithful and true. The Antichrist and the rider in Revelation 2 carries a bow.
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- While the rider in Revelation 19 welds a sharp sword that proceeds from his mouth. And with the sword he smites the nation.
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- Jesus will smite nations. And in Revelation 6 -2 the rider is given a crown.
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- Which is a laurel wreath. While the rider in Revelation 19 wears many crowns, many diadems on his head.
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- Finally. The description. The rider of Revelation 6 -2 goes out with a victor to conquer.
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- While the rider in Revelation 19 judges and makes war on righteousness. He's followed by the armies of heaven.
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- He shepherds the nations with an iron scepter. And tramples the winepress of the fierce anger of God Almighty.
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- Beloved, the first description is he is called faithful and true. Doesn't that say so much about our
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- Lord? Now in the context of the events in Revelation in which we spoke of.
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- These names are in clear contrast to the rider in Revelation 6 -2. Which the antichrist boasts and blasphemes.
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- He who blasphemes, he blasphemes God. And he blasphemes God's name in his dwelling.
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- Well you see this in Revelation 13. 5 -9. But we see
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- Jesus Christ in Revelation 19 faithful and true. So I was studying this.
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- I had to go to Matthew Henry. I said, Matthew Henry, I know he's got always something great to say. And Brother Keith knows what I'm talking about.
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- Miss Lillian knows. This Puritan knew his Bible. This man knew how to interpret
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- Scripture with Scripture. So I love Matthew Henry. Matthew Henry says this of Jesus.
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- He is faithful and true to his covenant and to his promise. He is righteous in all his judicial and military proceedings.
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- He has a penetrating insight into all the strength and stratagems of his enemies. He has a large and extensive dominion.
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- Many crowns for he is King of kings and Lord of lords. So in contrast to the beast, the antichrist, who is unfaithful.
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- He is false. Jesus Christ is faithful and true. The white horse symbolizes in Revelation 19.
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- When Jesus comes back on the white horse. Spotless, unblemished, absolutely holy character that's riding.
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- Jesus Christ rides on this white horse. He doesn't come back. You're not going to see him riding the donkey out of the heavens.
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- That's already happened. He came meek and lowly into Jerusalem triumphantly. But this time when he comes triumphantly from the skies and from the heavens.
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- He's coming back in power and great glory. Jesus stands in sharp contrast to the rider of the white horse in Revelation 6.
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- Which that rider, the antichrist, the false messiah. Offering the world a false peace and the world will fall for it.
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- He will deceive the nations. Jesus keeps his word because he's faithful and true.
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- In Revelation 6, the antichrist is given a victor's crown and he rules the world.
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- He is a world ruler. He will be a powerful man. And because the power of Satan, he's basically going to be like Satan incarnate.
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- This world does not belong to the false messiah. As you well know.
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- But the true king of glory will come back in power and glory. And take back what is rightfully his.
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- Isn't this a wonderful story how this ends? Jesus wins. Only Jesus Christ is faithful and true.
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- Only he keeps his promises and what he speaks is always true. Revelation 3 .14.
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- Now, look with me there if you'd like to. Revelation 3 .14. Jesus says to the lukewarm church.
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- Who's that? Laodicea. Scripture says to the angel. Now that you as well know, that's symbolic again.
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- That angel, each angel is a messenger. It's like a pastor to elders. They're like stars.
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- God, Jesus has them in his hand. In the palm of his hand. And he says to each of the angels.
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- He said to the church. And then he says to Laodicea. Notice what he says. And isn't it interesting?
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- To the lukewarm church. To one of the worst churches in Asia Minor. Jesus speaks.
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- He says this. The amen. The faithful and true witness. His description.
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- It says, I am the amen. I am the faithful and true witness. I am the beginning of the creation of God.
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- Says this to you. Because Jesus is faithful to his word.
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- And faithful to his righteous character. And it follows that his judgment is righteous as well.
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- And that brings me to our second description. The next description from Revelation 19 .11
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- is that. And in righteousness, if you notice.
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- In righteousness, he judges and wages war. Makes me think of what is described of him in Genesis.
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- When Abraham was pleading before God. And he says, shall not the judge of all the earth do right?
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- And beloved, he will do right. You can lean on that one. The judge of all the earth will do right.
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- The son of the living God is neither weak nor aloof, my friend. His holiness demands justice.
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- And let me say this. His sovereignty demands warfare against the ungodly who seek to usurp his throne.
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- I got chapter and verse on that. You bet I do. Go to Jude. I want you to see this.
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- There's so many verses I can go to. But I only had to pick some out. There's a wonderful revelation here that's given to us in Jude 14 .15.
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- He speaks about Enoch. Who walked with God. We don't have much. Not much is said in the record of Scripture about Enoch.
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- But we do know he walked with God. And the Scripture says, and he was not because God translated him. He was so close to God that God took him up.
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- And it was also about these men. Jude says about these men.
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- He's talking about a corrupt man. If you go back. These kind of men that are. In verse 11.
- 33:50
- Let's go back to verse 11. Woe to them. He gives a woe. That they have gone the way of Cain.
- 33:55
- Cain was a religious man. He's a deceiver. But he did not give God what he desired.
- 34:01
- And what God wanted. And for pay. For pay.
- 34:06
- For money. That they rushed headlong into the heir of Balaam. Balaam was bought, beloved.
- 34:13
- He was a false teacher. He was a false prophet. Because of money. And for the love of money.
- 34:19
- Is the root of all kinds of evil. And notice what he says. And perished in the rebellion of Korah. You can look about that in Exodus.
- 34:28
- And these are the men who are hidden reefs in your love feast. And when they feast with you without fear.
- 34:35
- And he's talking about like within the church. We're not talking about outside the church. We're talking about deceivers in the church.
- 34:42
- They're apostate. That's what he's saying. Notice what he says. He's not lying on them. He doesn't say anything about the love of God is going to bring them in or whatsoever.
- 34:52
- He says there's judgment on them. Because they have the knowledge of the truth. Notice what he says.
- 34:58
- Without fear. Carrying for themselves. Clouds without water.
- 35:06
- Carried along by winds. Autumn trees without fruit. Doubly dead.
- 35:13
- Twice dead, the old king James says. Uprooted. Wild waves of the sea.
- 35:18
- Casting up their own shame like foam. Wondering stars. For whom the black darkness has been reserved forever.
- 35:27
- There's judgment waiting for them. What does he say?
- 35:36
- Look at verse 14. It was also about these men that Enoch. Enoch prophesied.
- 35:42
- In the seventh generation from Adam. He prophesied saying behold.
- 35:48
- The Lord came with many thousands of his holy ones. That's the second coming. He's talking about when
- 35:54
- Jesus comes in glory. In Revelation 19. It's already prophesied. See the spirit of God.
- 36:00
- Breathing upon him. And he's got that record. To execute judgment upon all. And to convict all ungodly.
- 36:08
- Of the ungodly. Of all their ungodly deeds. Notice how many times he says ungodly. Which they have done in ungodly way.
- 36:15
- And all the harsh things. Which ungodly sinners have spoken against him. See God is.
- 36:22
- MacArthur says this. Enoch before the flood prophesied about. Christ's second coming in judgment.
- 36:29
- And he speaks about the holy ones. That can refer to either the angels or the believers. But here the focus on the judgment.
- 36:37
- In verse 15 he says. Seems to favor the angels. Who often seen in judgment action.
- 36:44
- And you see this in Revelation. The angels are everywhere. They bring in judgment.
- 36:50
- They're doing God's bidding. They're doing God's work. They're messengers.
- 36:55
- And yet God tells them exactly what to do. And then it says. While believers will have a role of judging.
- 37:01
- During the Lord's earthly kingdom. Will return when Christ comes to judge.
- 37:08
- So angels are executioners of God. At the second coming of Christ. There's no doubt about that. Now going on.
- 37:16
- Jesus comes back. He returns the second time without sin unto salvation.
- 37:22
- He will judge all the wicked people on the earth. He is the judge of judges beloved. And the judge of all the earth will do right.
- 37:31
- He judges in righteousness. And wages war.
- 37:38
- He will wage war against his foes. Against all of his enemies. You see this throughout the
- 37:43
- Psalms. God is an executor. And he brings execution to this day.
- 37:51
- He brings the judgment. I'm telling you it's going to be a slaughter. People think.
- 37:57
- When he comes back. I've heard sinners say. Oh that's going to be great and all this.
- 38:04
- I have heard. They have no earthly idea or heavenly idea. What Jesus. How he's going to be coming back.
- 38:11
- I'm going to look in just a minute. He's going to slay his foes. He's going to be the executioner of the ungodly.
- 38:21
- Unbelieving sinners. Commentators point out that this isn't appropriate for Jesus. To be depicted riding on a white horse.
- 38:28
- Why? Because kings rides on horses. That wages war. Even the antichrist.
- 38:34
- It speaks of him on the white horse. But he will be broken. But what it's speaking of.
- 38:41
- It's like he's a king that rules. But the king of kings. And the lord of lords. Comes back.
- 38:47
- And then will stop him. Jesus clearly is making war against the world. Wicked people.
- 38:54
- And he's going to speak the word of his mouth. And nations is going to be slaughtered. It's glorious.
- 39:01
- But it's awesome. The wrath of the lamb. The first time Jesus came. He rode triumphantly through Jerusalem.
- 39:07
- As already said known as Palm Sunday to us. And we praise God for that. Don't we? But the following week.
- 39:16
- The same people that was saying. Hosanna to him who comes. And the highest of him who comes in the name of the lord.
- 39:22
- Was saying crucify, crucify him. Palm Sunday is a symbol of peace.
- 39:28
- He is the prince of peace. The prince of peace came right through Jerusalem. But here in Revelation 19. He comes back as the prince of peace.
- 39:36
- He rides a white steed. And an emblem of war. Shall not the judge of all the earth do right.
- 39:43
- Let's look at the third description. I think it's glorious. Third description given to Jesus is in verse 12.
- 39:51
- His eyes are as a flame of fire. His eyes are as a flame of fire. Notice the description.
- 39:56
- You know I don't see any description of Jesus here. As a weak. Hippie looking guy.
- 40:03
- As the world depicts him. Even so called Christians depict him like this. They paint pictures of Jesus like this weak.
- 40:15
- Long haired hippie. But you know something. Jesus comes back in power and glory. And this is a description of Jesus here.
- 40:21
- His eyes are a flame of fire. Now what does this. What does this speak of his description.
- 40:28
- In other words. There is a piercing holiness. And searching judgment. That he sees everything.
- 40:35
- Nothing, nothing. There is nothing that God doesn't miss. He sees everything.
- 40:43
- That convicts me. Doesn't it you? John's vision of the risen glorified
- 40:48
- Lord. In Revelation 1 .13 -14. You could go there. Look at Revelation chapter 1.
- 40:56
- I am trying to bring these scriptures together. And show you how they tie in. Scripture with scripture. That John sees one like the son of man.
- 41:03
- He is clothed in a robe. Reaching to the feet. And girded across his chest with a golden sash.
- 41:09
- His head and his hair were white like wool. Notice like wool. And it's not speaking like white, flat white.
- 41:18
- Like we see on these walls. Beloved we are talking about a blazing, glowing, laser light white.
- 41:28
- Like snow. And the Bible says his eyes were like a flame of fire.
- 41:34
- Notice how many times it says like, like. That's the best way he can describe it. Revelation 2 .18.
- 41:42
- Again, to the angel, to the messenger of the church in Thyatira. This time it's Thyatira.
- 41:49
- Thyatira was the corrupt church. Not the lukewarm church. This church was corrupt. Now isn't it fitting that the son of God says this.
- 41:58
- Who has eyes like a flame of fire. In other words, you're corrupt but I can see through your corruption. And his feet are like what?
- 42:06
- Burnished bronze. To the corrupt church. And Jesus describes himself with eyes like a flame of fire.
- 42:16
- Piercing holiness. Searching judgment. In other words, nothing will escape the piercing gaze of Jesus Christ.
- 42:24
- His flaming eyes speak of his holy righteous judgment on sin. Oh beloved, can
- 42:29
- I say this. These are the same eyes. And as I was writing this down. I thought this is the same eyes with a flame of fire.
- 42:37
- That day when Jesus in his lifetime, in his ministry, wept at the tomb of Lazarus.
- 42:44
- These are the same eyes which are flashing like a laser with a fire of judgment.
- 42:51
- There's another time we see this. Go to the book of Daniel. Look at Daniel chapter 9.
- 42:59
- This is awesome. Daniel 9.
- 43:08
- I'm sorry, Daniel 10. Daniel 10. And you can read this whole chapter.
- 43:16
- But Daniel is terrified by the vision that he sees. Rightly so. This is a godly man,
- 43:22
- Daniel. He is one of the most godliest men that lived in that time period. A prophet of God with great wisdom.
- 43:30
- God showed him dreams and visions. Showed him the future like John. But notice what he says.
- 43:37
- Look at the vision. Verse 5. I lifted my eyes and behold there was a certain man dressed in linen whose waist was girded with a belt of pure gold of Euphaz.
- 43:49
- His body was like beryl. His face had the appearance of lightning. His eyes were like a flaming torches.
- 43:57
- His arms and his feet the gleam of polished bronze. Almost the same identical description that John saw.
- 44:05
- And the same, I'm sorry, the sound of his words like the sound of a torment. You know what that is?
- 44:10
- Like the roaring. Like Niagara Falls, if you would, please.
- 44:17
- Now, I Daniel alone saw the vision while the men were with me did not see the vision. Nevertheless, a great dread fell on them.
- 44:25
- And they ran away to hide themselves. So I was left alone and saw this great vision.
- 44:32
- Notice what it said. Yet no strength was left in me. Took his strength. For my natural color turned a deathly color.
- 44:42
- And I retained no strength. This great man of God, it's like it took his strength out of him.
- 44:48
- And it's like he had the color of death on him. When he saw this vision. And I heard the sound of his words.
- 44:57
- And as soon as I heard the sound of his words, what was his reaction? I fell into a deep sleep on my face with my face to the ground.
- 45:06
- And then behold, a hand touched me and set me trembling on my hands and my knees. On my face and on my hands, palms of my knees.
- 45:14
- On palms of my hands and my knees. It's like the angel touched him. The same thing. Almost identical.
- 45:19
- The same thing that happened to John on the Isle of Patmos.
- 45:26
- Daniel saw, beloved, the pre -incarnate appearance of Jesus Christ. I am absolutely positive according to the record right here.
- 45:35
- Ezekiel saw it. Isaiah the prophet saw it. Daniel saw it. God revealed it to the prophets.
- 45:43
- Now the apostle sees it. Identical to what John saw.
- 45:51
- Oh, isn't that wonderful? Isn't that glorious? But isn't it a terrible thing too?
- 45:57
- Doesn't it make you tremble? Oh, then behold, a hand touched me and set me trembling on my hands and my knees.
- 46:04
- Why? Because I heard the words and I fell into a deep sleep on my face with my face to the ground.
- 46:13
- His eyes was a flame of fire. What's the fourth description? The fourth description is back to Revelation.
- 46:19
- Look at verse 12, chapter 19. And on his head are many diadems. On his head are many diadems, many crowns.
- 46:29
- There's a difference. Different from most of the crowns mentioned in the
- 46:35
- Revelation. By the way, a lot of the crowns that's mentioned are the crowns of wreaths, as I said, of victor's crowns on the earth.
- 46:42
- A crown that will fade away. But these are the diadems of the crowns of the rulers, the kings of royalty.
- 46:50
- They're worn by the King Jesus who indicate His royal and sovereign authority.
- 46:58
- The fact that Christ wears many diadems indicates that He is the supreme only
- 47:05
- King. You know, you think, oh, it's just not one diadem. It's many diadems.
- 47:10
- It's many crowns. Many, many, many crowns. Isn't He the one that's worthy?
- 47:17
- There's no one besides Him. In other words, He's unique. No one's like Him. He is the greatest.
- 47:22
- He's the most glorious. This day, on the day of the Lord, has been foreseen as the sounding of the seventh trumpet.
- 47:32
- Now, I would like to bring something out here. The last trumpet. The last trumpet.
- 47:37
- A loud voice from heaven had announced in Revelation 11, 5. 11, 5.
- 47:43
- I love this verse. The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ.
- 47:50
- And He will reign forever and ever. That's the end story right there. The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our
- 47:56
- Lord and of His Christ. And He will reign forever and forever. Jesus wins.
- 48:05
- Now, I'd like to tie in something here. You won't hear this a lot. But could
- 48:11
- Paul, the apostle, when he speaks about this and the great event of his mind by the
- 48:18
- Spirit in 1 Corinthians 15. Go with me to 1 Corinthians 15. I want you to see this. This is so important.
- 48:26
- Because so many people tie this into the rapture of the church. But, beloved, I want to tell you what. The more
- 48:31
- I study this, I don't see a rapture here. You know what I see? I see the second coming.
- 48:37
- And I want to prove it to you by Scripture. And I say by Scripture. I'm not talking about my opinion here.
- 48:45
- I want you to check me on this, okay? Notice what he says in verse 50.
- 48:51
- This is the final victory for God's people. But could Paul, the apostle, be referring to the second coming of Jesus?
- 48:59
- I think he is. Notice what he says. Now, I say this, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God.
- 49:05
- Nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. Now, let me say this. What is Paul referring to here?
- 49:12
- He's referring to the redemption of our body. The redemption of our body. He talks about this in Romans 8 .23.
- 49:19
- In Romans 8 .23, he says that we, ourselves, grown within ourselves, waiting eagerly for the adoption of sons.
- 49:28
- Now, a lot of times we get caught up in the when, when, when, right? And we miss the point. But what could that be?
- 49:35
- Verse 51. He tells us. There's a mystery. He said, behold, look,
- 49:41
- I tell you a mystery. We. We. We. Who's we? The church.
- 49:47
- God's people. The elect. We will not all sleep. In other words, we're not going to all die forever.
- 49:53
- But we're going to be changed. People cannot live in God's eternal heaven by the way they are.
- 49:58
- Can they? They've got to be changed. God's got to change. By the way, God specializes in changing people. Oh, that's.
- 50:05
- He specializes in it. He can do it. Change must take place.
- 50:11
- What Paul's saying, to get into that kingdom, you've got to be changed. And he speaks about a mystery.
- 50:18
- And Paul says he refers to this truth that's hidden in the past. And it's revealed to us in the
- 50:25
- New Testament. It's opened up. In this case, what is he referring to?
- 50:31
- He's referring to the great resurrection of the saints when Jesus Christ comes the second time.
- 50:37
- That's what he's referring to. Jesus said. What did Jesus say? When everyone, all the dead will hear the voice of the
- 50:44
- Son of God. The sleep here doesn't refer to sleeping like we're thinking of.
- 50:51
- You know that. It's talking about we're dying. We die. But Paul is saying that you're just sleeping.
- 50:58
- All your loved ones that you could think of. Miss Candice, Sister Candice. Miss Lillian's thing, that's her mother.
- 51:06
- Her body may be down six feet under right now, but she's going to wake up one day. Now, answer from the body, she's present with the
- 51:13
- Lord. But God's going to raise up what's in that ground. There's a resurrection to come, right?
- 51:19
- And Jesus said, I am the resurrection. I am the life. All he's got to do is speak the word. What about people that's been cremated in dust?
- 51:27
- God can raise that up. He created man from the dust. He can raise him back.
- 51:34
- He can make anything he wants. He's going to do it. But how's it going to happen?
- 51:40
- A lot of people say, well, the rapture's going to take place in a moment in the twinkling of an eye. It doesn't say that. What does it say?
- 51:47
- Verse 52. In a moment in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.
- 51:52
- Did you get that? The last trumpet. The last trumpet.
- 51:58
- The seventh trumpet. In Revelation. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.
- 52:07
- When does this happen? At the second coming. You see that? And let me tie one more thing in.
- 52:15
- A lot of people say, this is rapture, rapture, rapture. 1 Thessalonians. Go to 1 Thessalonians chapter 4. How many times have you heard the rapture preached from 1
- 52:24
- Thessalonians chapter 4? I have. Many, many times. I'm going to prove to you right from Scripture right now.
- 52:30
- Not me. But I want you to check me that this is not talking about the rapture. Why would
- 52:37
- Paul change his mind on a rapture to the second coming? He's talking about the second coming.
- 52:43
- Watch this. And he's basically saying, you comfort people that die about the second coming, that the resurrection is going to take place.
- 52:52
- That's what he's talking about. They die, they suffer, they're being burned. But one day God's going to raise them up at the second coming.
- 52:58
- Notice what he says. Verse 13. But we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep.
- 53:06
- Those who die. Same thing he says in 1 Corinthians 15. That you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope.
- 53:14
- Talking about the Gentiles that don't know God. You that are child of God, you've got something to look forward to. God's going to raise you up with a glorified body.
- 53:23
- Verse 14. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again. That's the key right there. That's the gospel.
- 53:30
- For even so God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus. For this we say to you by the word of the
- 53:36
- Lord. Did you hear what he said? He's referring to the word of the Lord. He's talking about the words of Jesus. See, MacArthur's right.
- 53:43
- Everything in the epistles is commentary on the gospel. On Jesus. That we who are alive and remain until the coming of the
- 53:53
- Lord. What's he talking about the coming of the Lord? The second coming of the Lord. His second advent.
- 53:59
- Will not precede those who have fallen asleep. Then he says for the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout.
- 54:07
- And with the voice of the archangel. There it is again. And with the trumpet of God. He's speaking of the trumpets that are unfolded.
- 54:15
- The trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise. That is what's going to happen when Jesus comes back.
- 54:22
- The second time unto salvation. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds.
- 54:28
- And meet the Lord in the air. And so shall we ever be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words.
- 54:34
- Give comfort of the second coming of Jesus Christ. I don't see a rapture here. It's clear.
- 54:42
- Study the trumpets at the last trumpet. The voice of the archangel. It's right there in Revelation. Paul would not change.
- 54:49
- And by the way, the rapture theory is a very young teaching. It's been around.
- 54:55
- It started actually around the late 1800s. Somewhere in there. But you could study on this.
- 55:02
- But the second coming of Jesus Christ goes all the way back to the apostles and the prophets.
- 55:09
- Jesus spoke of it. Well, I've got to go to this next description.
- 55:16
- If we're going to get this in. Praise God. Okay. I wish
- 55:21
- I could keep on there. But there's so much more that could be said about that. But when Jesus comes back, the mocking will be over with, beloved.
- 55:30
- Scripture says that all mouths will be silenced. Jesus is going to do it.
- 55:36
- And after telling us that Jesus is called faithful and true in verse 11, John tells us now the fifth description that he has our name written on him which no one knows except himself.
- 55:47
- Oh, I'll tell you what. One commentator said, enough said. I'm not going to touch it. I'm not going to elaborate much more on this because there's a reminder.
- 55:57
- And there is one commentator I appreciate gave reference to this verse and I'll bring it out to you. And I appreciate this.
- 56:03
- There is a reminder to us as children of the living God that the Lord has not made, has not revealed everything to us about himself and his plan.
- 56:13
- I like what R .C. Sproul brought out on that teaching of systematic theology foundations.
- 56:21
- And he referred to this. Deuteronomy 29 .29. Don't you love this scripture?
- 56:30
- It's paramount. We are told that the hidden things, the secret things belong to the
- 56:36
- Lord our God, but the revealed things belong to us and to our children forever so that we may follow all the words of the law, that we may obey
- 56:45
- God. It's not for us to know everything. That's pride.
- 56:52
- People's always saying, when, when, when? And you know something? Look at what happened in Acts when Jesus ascended.
- 56:58
- There was a rebuke given to the apostles. When are you going to come back and restore Israel? It's not for you to know.
- 57:06
- That's enough for me. If God tells me from the clouds and Jesus is ascending and then he looks back at me, it's not for you to know.
- 57:16
- And he's basically saying, but you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you.
- 57:21
- In other words, you get filled with the Spirit of God and get out there and evangelize. And don't you worry about when
- 57:26
- I'm coming back, but be ready. Praise God. I think that's the right perspective.
- 57:33
- Amen? So many people in the church is getting called up, when, when, when? They're out of focus.
- 57:42
- It's Jesus we're to look on. And by the way, I brought out the Bible Scriptures about the
- 57:47
- Antichrist, but we're not looking for the Antichrist. We're looking for the Christ. Yeah, he's going to rise up.
- 57:53
- Yeah, but you know something? We're going to have knowledge. We're not going to follow him and worship him even if it costs us our lives.
- 58:00
- We bow to no one but Jesus. All the secret things belong to the
- 58:06
- Lord. Aren't you glad? I'm so glad that the secret things belong to God.
- 58:12
- But the things that are revealed to us belong to us and to our children forever. He's so gracious in telling us all that He has told us.
- 58:21
- Brother Keith said a minute ago, we couldn't handle it if He told us. Well, praise
- 58:26
- God. So much could be said there. I need to wrap this up. Well, Jesus comes back and He promises a victory crown when
- 58:36
- He comes back for those who are looking. I believe there's two things we should remember in application to this message.
- 58:47
- Number one, we should be looking for the return of Jesus and we should love His appearing. Those two things, don't forget.
- 58:55
- Look for the Christ and love the Christ. Love His appearing. How many times in Scripture it says, for those who love
- 59:02
- His appearing, to those who love. But looking for Him, being ready for Him.
- 59:08
- But while, as Brother Keith brought out earlier in the opening invocation, we should be busy and God has given us the talents to use the talents as we have to be faithful in the little things as well as the great things.
- 59:23
- Whatever God gives us, be faithful with all your might unto Him. Because why? He is the faithful and true one.
- 59:36
- There's so much can be said about our Lord here. John saw it. It was revealed.
- 59:46
- He's going to be glorious when He comes back at the final consummation. And in the meantime, we should plead people to be reconciled to God.
- 59:57
- Repent or perish. Love Him. Love Him to the cross.
- 01:00:05
- John the Baptist said it. Flee the wrath to come. And then he says, behold the Lamb of God.
- 01:00:11
- Isn't that the proper order? Flee the wrath to come. Because there's a day of wrath coming.
- 01:00:18
- The day of judgment is coming. But right now, you look to the Lamb of God. Come unto me,
- 01:00:25
- Jesus said. All you that labor in heavy laden, I give you rest. In closing, let me read something from the
- 01:00:32
- Valley of Vision. And I do have one more verse from Hebrews.
- 01:00:43
- Let's go to Hebrews first. Let's take the Scriptures always first. Even above the Puritan's prayers.
- 01:00:51
- Look at Hebrews 12. I want you to see this in closing. My time's up.
- 01:00:58
- Look at Hebrews 12. Look at verse 25 to 29. The writer of Hebrews says this.
- 01:01:08
- And I take this as an application. Please take this into your heart. Listen to what he says.
- 01:01:14
- See to it that you do not refuse Him who is speaking. Don't refuse God who is speaking. God's speaking.
- 01:01:21
- Aren't you glad He's speaking? He's never been silent, beloved. He speaks. We're the ones that should be silent.
- 01:01:29
- Be still and know that I'm God, right? Then he says, Do not refuse Him who is speaking.
- 01:01:35
- For if those did not escape. Talking about apostasy here. When they refused
- 01:01:40
- Him who warned them on earth. Much less we will escape who turn away from Him who warns from heaven.
- 01:01:50
- And His voice shook the earth then. But now He has promised saying,
- 01:01:55
- Yet once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens. He's quoting from a prophet,
- 01:02:01
- Haggai. Verse 27. This expression, yet once more.
- 01:02:07
- Listen to what the writer says. Yet once more. Talking about His second coming. Denotes the removing of those things which can be shaken.
- 01:02:15
- As of created things. So that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. You know what that's saying? God's going to shake the heavens and the earth and everything.
- 01:02:24
- All the kingdoms on the earth is going to be shaken and crumble. But there's something that's going to remain.
- 01:02:30
- He tells us. Verse 28. Therefore since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken.
- 01:02:36
- What kingdom is that? That's the kingdom of God. It cannot be shaken. Let us show gratitude.
- 01:02:44
- In other words, let's be thankful. By which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe.
- 01:02:53
- There's the fear of God, beloved. Why? He tells us. Verse 29. For our
- 01:02:59
- God is a consuming fire. That's what's going to happen when He comes back. Listen to the
- 01:03:06
- Valley of Vision. Second coming of Jesus. And make this your prayer today.
- 01:03:15
- Oh Son of God and Son of Man. Thou wast incarnate. Didst suffer rise of sin for my sake.
- 01:03:24
- Thy departure was not a token of separation but a pledge of return. Thy word promises sacraments.
- 01:03:32
- Show thy death until thy come again. That day is no horror to me.
- 01:03:38
- For thy death has redeemed me. Thy spirit fills me. Thy love emanates me.
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- Thy word governs me. I have trusted thee that thou hast not betrayed my trust. Waited for thee and not waited in vain.
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- Thou wilt come to raise my body from the dust and reunite it to my soul. By a wonderful work of infinite power and love.
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- Greater than that which bounds the oceans, waters and ebbs and flows the tides.
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- Keeps the stars in their courses and gives life to all creatures. This corruptible shall put on incorruption.
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- This mortal, immortality. This natural body, a spiritual body. This dishonored body, a glorious body.
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- This weak body, a body of power. I triumph now in thy promises as I shall do in their performance.
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- For the head cannot live if the members are dead.
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- Beyond the grave is resurrection, judgment, acquittal and dominion. Every event, listen to this.
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- Every event and circumstances of my life will be dealt with. The sins of my youth, my secret sins.
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- The sins of my abusing thee, of disobeying thy word. The sins of neglecting ministers and admonitions.
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- The sins of violating my conscience. All will be judged. And listen to what he says.
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- And after judgment, peace, rest, life and service, employment and enjoyment for thine elect.
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- Oh God, oh God, keep me in this faith and ever looking for the
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- Christ's return. Amen and amen. Let's pray. Father, we have heard your word today.
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- Lord, honor is due to your word and nothing else. I'm just nothing but a messenger. A piece of clay, just a voice.
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- Oh God, oh Lord, my God, you're so great and awesome.
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- Lord, it brings us to a point of just nothing but worship. Lord, help this be our response to this.
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- To love you more. To serve you more. Lord, I pray as the potter takes the vessel, the clay.
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- Mold us and make us and shape us more into thy image. So that we'll be pleasing unto you.
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- And Lord, may we be busy about the kingdom. Our Father's business. As Jesus said.
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- So Lord, we thank you for this hour. We thank you for this study today. But more than that, Lord, we just thank you for who you are.
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- For you are great and awesome. You are a consuming fire. And that fire will purge everything that's filthy, corrupt, unclean.
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- You will have a pure church. The sons of Levi, you will purify and purge the sons of Levi.
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- Oh, we thank you for that, Father. Purge us. Cleanse us. Even if you have to put the rod to our back,
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- Lord. Because we know the one who puts the rod to our back is the one that loves us the most. Father, we thank you for your great love toward us in Jesus Christ.
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- May we serve and love you more in what little time you've given us on this earth. Until Jesus comes again.