Book of Esther - Part 12

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Pastor David Mitchell


Book of Esther - Part 13

Good to have all of our church family as well It's nice to have some visitors pack a pew while we got some members out on vacations and things.
It's always good So we want you to always Come when you can we had a busload come from Baylor today.
So that was good Who's the bus driver? All right, Paul wait way to go bus ministry.
I like it We we laugh because in the years ago when
I guess when my kids were a little bitty we had a bus ministry and Went all over the county picking up people all right, well, let's
We're gonna be in Esther chapter 4 if you want to start looking for that one because it's not a everyday
Book you go to probably I'll tell you where you find it. Look in the index in the front of your Bible You'll find what page it's on you go right to it.
We're gonna be in Esther chapter 4 Let's have a word of prayer and we'll begin Father we thank you so much for your word
We thank you for how it Guides us how it's our anchor. How is our encouragement how it is your voice how it is life and truth and Lord, we ask you to be our teacher today as we study together.
We thank you for the beautiful music for how you equip each of us in the church with gifts and Callings and Service that we're allowed to do with you and we thank you for that.
We ask you to bless each one today and And may we each learn the lesson that you brought us here to learn as well.
We ask it in Jesus name Amen Esther chapter 4 now this let me bring you up to date just a little bit.
We're going to be looking at about verse 12 is where we'll start.
We'll pick it up there Esther 412 But the place this book is we're going verse by verse through this thing and it is a book of destiny
That's what it is. It's a book of destiny. It teaches us that God is a sovereign
God There's a lot talked about among theologians about the eminence of God versus the transcendence of God and they'll fight back and forth and The Buddhists have their view
And the Hindus have their view and Some of them believe
God is in the trees and in the wind Hollywood has that view and All of it is incorrect because what happens is when you try to polarize yourself to one point
About an infinite God you usually go off on a tangent and you become a cult group
Because God is both God is transcendent, which means he is outside of time and He is the
I am You cannot take One who is in the present tense all the time and bring him into time because time and space and matter would be destroyed
You ever thought about that? If you bring the I am here Time ceases we go away because we're physical at least part of us are physical and that part requires time
So he is transcendent above it all beyond it all not within it but outside of this
But he's also imminent and what that means is he is right here with you.
In Fact he is within you. In fact, he is all around you And when the
Bible says that at the point of your salvation the Holy Spirit baptized you into Christ That that is not just a theological word
The word baptized means to be immersed in you're totally immersed in God He's all around you and always has been but once you're born again, he's in you too.
So you're totally surrounded It's like you're dunked within him sort of they use it. You know that we use the water
There's a baptistry behind that glass by the way in case you're visiting Just raise that up and dunk them and then put it back down.
But but we know when you go under that water You are totally in the water.
You're immersed. You're surrounded. You're just totally in there And that is a physical picture of how you are with God. So he's imminent
You can't take a step or a breath or a thought without his presence.
That's the eminence of God But he's not just imminent. He's transcendent. He's bigger than all of this.
He's outside of all of this You he is so holy you can't come into his presence in your state that you're in and that I'm in right now
You cannot you'd be destroyed So he's that too and this book is a study
More of the eminence of God and and we need this in our day in the church age today because the church age today
I tell you where we are. We are the theological equivalent of secular humanism. That's what we are
I have a name for that. It's called Arminian ism And what that means is theologically we have come even our preachers are preaching it if you're
Baptist, whatever you are But even Baptist unfortunately, it was not that way in the day of Spurgeon the
Prince the Prince of preachers He understood God was in control. Not us.
He understood that very well In fact, they kicked him out of his denomination in his old age because of that But but yet all the seminaries speak of him as the greatest preacher ever
But they will not listen to his theology today because his theology contradicts today's theology Today's theology is it's all about you
It's what you will do and what I will do and God's sitting up there kind of like this just watching to see how it turns
Out so now that's transcendent, isn't it? That's so transcendent has nothing to do with what we're doing.
Do you believe that? But the church has gone that direction the preachers today. They come out of the seminaries.
They're Arminian It's all about us. It's all about me talking you into bringing other people to church
Watch I'll bring a few more. Can you get a bigger bus Paul? There's more people at Baylor than this you see and so like if you do
I'll give you $100 that sort of thing and then and then and then we'll put billboards up around Waco, Dallas South Dallas and close enough where they're very dry here and we'll build a big church
We will build a big church, that's where it's at today and that's false I'm a businessman.
I Was a businessman before I was saved I owned a company before I was saved and I got saved at 24
So I owned a company pretty early in life and then when I got saved God changed me
He has been changing me ever since as we studied in Sunday school this morning wonderful lesson
Sunday school brother bill this morning and You know,
I understand some things about marketing I understand The concepts of it.
I practiced some of those things in business But you know what's not right to do is to practice it in church
We cannot build this church as men and women Only God can build it.
It's his and That is that is being lost today and it's sad
But it is built a church is built through prayer through service through ministry
Through I wish I wish Adam were here today I mean, I don't know where they are, but you're sitting back there because Adam just lived his life
You're not sitting there because he went out on a Thursday night to go soul winning. You understand what I'm saying? You're not here on the back pew because we told him as a church.
Okay, Thursday night is visitation night You will go visit somebody right? I mean, that's not that's not what happened. He just lived in his life.
You were living your life and You clicked and he said by the way, why don't you come church with me?
That's how it works That's how it works. Everybody that's here is there that way
And so that is God's plan for how how this works, but God is control in control.
He is orchestrating everything Everybody's life that has touched another person's life in this room
All of that was orchestrated from before the beginning of the world And we benefit from it now.
I understand we as men and women cannot live that way We have to take one step at a time We God doesn't reveal his will to us out in the future
Totally except for the reveal will which is sitting in your lap if you're holding a Bible that is revealed to you
But even that we pick up a little at a time, don't we? We learned we understand this morning
Sunday school. We're very very familiar passage. We were in and We sat there and just almost got stuck because he reads one verse and it had so much stuff in this one verse
Well, you couldn't even fit it didn't even get anywhere in your lesson. Did you? Because everybody was just saying
I'm just seeing so much in this thing So there so we grow there too, but the thing the thing is
God is orchestrating it all He is the sovereign God of the universe And we are not that We're his creations and this book is a book about how the sovereign
Transcendent God of the universe is also imminent which means he comes down into the very details of your lives
When you see the grass Blowing down the side of the road you're driving down the side of road
You see the little grass blowing if Texas won't have much much longer here A couple more weeks.
It's all gone for until next spring. It's dead, but you see the grass blowing There's not a blade of that grass that blows by itself that moves by itself
It is not mother nature making all that happen God Everything consists of him, which we probably won't it's in the message today
But it's probably not going to happen till next Sunday because we just won't get to that part of the message today But all things consist of him that Greek the
Greek word in that verse Takes the God into the details of everything and he is there and few
Christians realize that Most Christians want to believe that God is good and I love him and he's up there and he wants me to do stuff down Here and get it done get the job done
Doesn't work that way Doesn't work that way at all And if you think if you think it does read the book of Esther because you because but God put
These people in such a place that there is no wiggle room there. There wasn't any finagling they could do
If God didn't make this thing happen They were dead. In fact, the entire nation of Israel would be destroyed and Satan had a role in all this too
He literally believed he could destroy the whole nation in this and what's interesting about it Here, let's pick it up here at chapter 4 verse 12 read a little bit and then
I'll tell you what's interesting about it It says and they told to Mordecai Esther's words then
Mordecai commanded to answer Esther Think not with thyself that thou shall escape the king's house more than all the
Jews now Here's what had happened. You had this little probably about a 14 year old Jewish virgin
Beautiful young girl and This King we know him in profane history is arctic
Xerxes One of the most powerful kings of the entire history of the world and he he controlled the entire known world of his day
That's how powerful he was and he was the king his wife made him angry so he just kicks her out and he sends the people out across the entire known world to find to bring all the most beautiful virgins in and Prepare them and they're gonna come around here before me for about a year and I'm gonna figure out which one and it's gonna be
The replacement and she will be my new wife And so they come to the door not the government comes on the door knocks on the door tells that dad and that mom
We're taking her and they had to submit to that now Moat the majority of the history of the world that is how it has been we grew up America We think it's always been this way
This is like a blink in the eye of history this freedom that we have and it's very fragile
Because it's not the norm the norm is they knock on the door they say I'm taking your daughter brother
Clarence When she was younger than she is now, we're taking her now. Thank you very much
And she'd done their their life with her. It's done and They took they took
Esther like that. They took her into the castle and they began to prepare her to meet this
King the preparation required by the law of the murders and Persians and heeds the
Medes and the Persians murders are like I can just say it short that way It's both Medes and Persians. They're murders and Preparation by law for a year a solid year preparing her before she could meet that King and he meets her and he sees her
One time he falls in love with her and he says that's the one I want right there She had been prepared so well now
Marduk I mean yeah, Marduk I was not her father her parents had both died when she was at a young age an infant perhaps and He raised her so he was like a father to her
It turned out that because of an earlier problem with the Nation of Israel where they turned against God God chastised them by allowing them to be destroyed militarily and brought in as Captives and Marduk I and had
Esther with him were brought as slaves and it just so happens He was positioned where he lived right there at the court
Where the King was and he had probably service that he did there But that's where he lived and that's where Esther grew up in that little place as slaves and this man trained her
He trains like she was homeschooled. I guess you would say and he trained her so well in all of the ways to be appropriate socially and all these in the
Academics and everything that when she stepped in the presence of that King and just spoke to him he knew that's the one
I want and he chose her and She became his wife and now she's in the court.
Now. Her daddy had told her do not tell him you're a Jew and So she obeyed her dad.
She never told him she was Jewish but her dad Mordecai is Jewish and they're Jewish Jews scattered out all over the nation because they had been brought in as Captives and then years went by and they was there now, here's what happens this man named
Haman Is raised up in that court and Somehow he catches the adoration of that King and he becomes his right -hand man
Now Haman goes all the way back in history to Esau You remember that story he's on Isaac Isaac in the
Bible and they were always struggling from the beginning weren't they even before they were? born they were fighting in the womb and Esau if you come down in history
Haman came from him and That lot lineage had always hated the
Jews they just hate each other and so what happened was Satan himself Influenced the mind of Haman and you might could almost say he indwelt the mind of Haman It was that much of an influence and he convinced
Haman That he needed to destroy an entire nation and what happened was Mordecai the
King told the whole world the whole realm When when Haman walks by he's my right -hand man when he walks by he is he has is as me and I want you to Bow down to him.
Well, everybody would do it except for Mordecai being a Jew. He wouldn't worship anybody but the one true God He would not worship a man.
So he refused to do it made Haman so angry. He not only wanted to kill him He said it's not enough for me to kill him.
I'm gonna kill his entire people So he began to plot and Satan put that plot in his mind
Now listen the Bible tells us that we battle not against flesh and blood against Principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in heavenly places.
So the same Devil that put those thoughts in his mind later in history
But the same thoughts in Hitler's mind and Hitler killed eight million Jews with the same interjections the same thought process exactly that Haman had and what hate what
Satan did was he put in the mind of Haman to bring this before the king and Here's what he said to the king Haman says is and he was influenced and inspired by Satan and he said look you got people
In your realm here that are not like the other people They have laws of their own that are perverted talking about they believed in the
Bible They're perverted. He said and besides that they're scattered everywhere and it is not safe for you to suffer them to live and he talked him the king into coming up with a law a proclamation that every
Jew would be killed and Haman went so far as to say now King you need to finance this
Make money available to me where I can pay people to go kill the Jews and the king did that and then the king and Haman Went off and had a drunk drunken party together and they sent the proclamation out and it's the proclamation
Hit all the cities and they literally nail a piece of paper up everywhere in the key places in the cities The people read it and even the lost people read that said that I'm perplexed by that doesn't make doesn't make any common sense
To just kill them just because they're Jewish just kill up the mate that went men women boys girls
Just kill them. That doesn't make sense. And it says the people were perplexed You know why because when you see human beings doing stuff, that's not logical
It's because it's satanically inspired. It makes no sense to do that and they're doing it as if it's normal It's satanically expired inspired and this is what's happening and so here what happened now there was one other incident
I want to remind you in case you're visiting you hadn't been following us through this wonderful story is there was a time when?
Mordecai Esther's dad man raised him Happened to be in his place there at the gates of the you know
The whole castle and everything and he heard two of the Kings Top men plotting to kill to assassinate the king and Mordecai overheard them talking and he went and made that known to Esther and Esther went made it known to her husband and her husband went and got those men and had him killed
Before they assassinated him and that then was written down in the books of the Chronicles They kept chronicles of everything that happened and it was
Mordecai This Jewish man who had saved the king's life, but King had no clue who it came from he just found out about it and had him killed and But it's in the books.
It's in his own books, and he does not really know the details All of that has happened
Everything that happened to get Mordecai and Esther into the place. They were in when this story begins seemed negative
It seemed bad her parents were died. I don't know if they were killed All of Israel was was defeated in a war and taken as captives and made to be slaves
That seems negative doesn't it picture yourself your family that's happening. You see she's had to be raised by another man
That seems negative She and her new dad are brought to this Strange land where they don't even know the language and forced to live there as slaves that seems negative
But I will tell you what every bit of it was orchestrated by God himself I understand he delegates some of the dirty work to Satan some of the some of the things that appear to be evil
He does delegate that to Satan Satan thinks it's his idea and he does it and he's just a pawn in God's hand
To accomplish what has to happen to make history work like it has to happen and so God through all of these negative things in their lives brought them to be in exactly the right place at the right time and that is
Going to happen with you someday you young people hadn't lived long enough figured out but there's some bad stuff gonna happen in your lives
Some tragic things are gonna happen. You're going to lose loved ones Some of you younger people never had that happen yet.
Not even once where someone you love dies and You will deal when the first time that happens it will change your life
When someone very close to you, you will change your life, but there are tragedies You can't even mention that have happened in the lives of these two people.
I mean, they literally would take hooks these bad these These people were amazingly
You know carnal people they would when they would take their captives from a foreign land when they defeat them
They put hooks through their chest and a chain and then put a hook through the next person's Body and through the next person and that way they all had to walk together all the way to Babylon That's how they got them there.
They'd put it. They knew how to put it in there where it wouldn't kill you But you weren't gonna run off were you
I? Mean just amazing things happen to get these place And so the great lesson we've already learned in this book is that when things are happening that are bad around us and they appear
So terrible and they are bad That God is gonna work that for good and even that is part of his plan.
He is sovereign after all He's all -powerful if it's happening. It has to be part of his plan
You better learn to think that way and that's totally not taught in the church today Well, how could God do anything like that?
Because you don't know God very well That's how you know, you just think you know him you think he's like a little white -haired man sitting up there on a black
Santa Claus Or you think all he is is a babe in the manger You don't know
God very well. I'm speaking to America. Not you I'm preaching over your head to the whole country
To Christendom today. You don't know God very well If you did get to know God like you get to know
Jesus better you'd find out Jesus said you think I came to bring peace, but I came to bring a sword in Division and I will divide the mom from the daughter and and the son from the father
Because those who have true faith in me the other ones aren't gonna like them you see he's not anything like the world thinks he is and Would he ordain stuff like what's happening in the world today tsunamis on it?
Absolutely He did and you know what he's pleased with his entire plan, but here's the difference God sees the whole picture
God has seen the end from the beginning and he said it is good You know why because when you get there, you're gonna see why how good you're gonna see how good it was and is and it?
Was good entire the time you went through the worst time in your life. It was even good You just couldn't see it that way yet, but you will see the good in it someday
Because God is all -powerful and he's he is not he it's not that he Has love he is love and it's not that he can do good acts he is goodness
He's the definition of goodness. So it can't be wrong It just doesn't feel good to us when we go through those times, correct?
So that's what we learn from this book This book is magnificent at teaching us about the sovereignty of God and his love and yet he loves us as a father
He will spank us sometimes when we need it Why because he loves us He will take us through all these things would come out the other side stronger every single time
Let me tell you the difference between the elect and the non -elect. Have you ever even heard that word nowadays? They don't talk about that much
It's all in the Bible the elect Those are the people that God knew before the foundation of the universe that they were going to be his
Because they were already his and the non -elect are those who never were and never will be that's new, isn't it?
No, it's not new Spurgeon preached it every day That's just what Jesus taught He said the evil one came and sowed those seeds at night
The evil one in this parable is Satan and he sowed seeds in the field and they came up and their tears
They're not really wheat and and they said well, should we go and pluck them up? And he said no you can't you would mess that up If you tried to do that, you cannot separate them
Only my angels will do that at the end of the age and I will take those and bind them in bundles and burn them
Satan seed God's seed Jesus's seed. That's what we have all around us.
It's kind of spooky when you think about it Everybody you see at that airport when you get ready to go home Lori's gonna be looking around Because like you got non -elect they're never gonna be saved and you got elect they might not be saved yet They may look just as bad as those other ones
But they're gonna get saved someday and God knows who each one of them is And not only does he know he has chosen who they would be
That is remarkable And it's very unpopular doesn't matter to me because it's all over the
Bibles in every page of the Bible and God orchestrates everything according to the good pleasure of his own will and so he brought these people through much
Tribulation to this place in time and here they are and now
Satan has inspired Haman to destroy an entire nation and now look look what now now, you know where we are in all our times up It doesn't matter.
We got a little bit more time very little bit a little so let's look at this now so what is happening is
Mordecai sent word through a messenger into the court to tell Esther the wife of the king who is his daughter
Tell that King what's happening? I mean there, you know
I know he sent a message to Esther and said tell Esther what's happening Esther probably does not aware of the fact
They're gonna kill every Jew go tell her so the messenger goes and tells her and then Mordecai tells her now
Here's what you've got to do. God's put you where you are. You didn't just get there with your good looks
God put you there use your influence as the wife of the king to stop this and she comes back and says dad
Do you not know the law? The law says that if any man or woman goes before the king without being summoned
They will suffer the death penalty and I have not been summoned in 30 days King had called for his wife to come see him in 30 days
He said if I go in there without him summoning me he can kill me Now if he holds his scepter up, that means
I don't have to be killed But I don't know what he'll do dad and he in in the dad encouraged her and said look if you don't do it
You're gonna be you're gonna be killed anyway Because you're a Jew and they're gonna find it out and they're gonna kill me first Then they're gonna kill you and then he said if you don't do it, listen to this
He said if you don't do it God will just raise someone else up to save the nation because he's not gonna allow
Israel to be destroyed now How did he know that? How did Mordecai know that? because he had read the scripture and understood the scripture and Understood there was a
Messiah coming and that he was born of the Jews So he just told her the fact he said look if you don't do what
I'm asking you to do to save us You'll be killed and so will I but God will raise up another instrument and save the nation
So, you know, you need to pray about this. That's exactly what he told her So she got very serious at that point.
She started figuring out this my dad is serious about this So he's she sends word back to him that says all right
All right, if we if I'm gonna do this if you're gonna put me on that spot, then you're gonna go tell
Hundreds of Jews that you know to be fasting and praying for me and he did that Now where do you get the place where your life gets that Christian You know,
I mean by that Where do you get the place where you get to live some of that where your salvation your spiritual experience is that much on the line?
Not much in America, right? That's why we're so weak But we'll get that chance scripture indicates that to me that we will get that chance and when we do guess what
God will give every one of you in This room the grace to go through whatever he chooses you to do I know that now because look at this that's what this story is teaching.
This story is telling you and me. I Am imminent in your life to watch this
Now I love this so much then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king's house more than all the rest of the
Jews For if thou altogether hold your peace, in other words, he's telling her if you don't go tell him what's happening
Like I'm asking you to then shall their enlargement and deliverance arise to the
Jews from another place God will just save them some other way than through you But you and your father's house will be destroyed.
That's what he tells her. That's pretty strong love, wasn't it? The dad gave her a strong message, but she needed to hear it and I love this.
Listen this here's what he tells her and Who knows? Whether you are come into the kingdom for such a time as this
That a preacher wouldn't it? That'd preach How do you know sitting in here today that you're not being prepared right now?
To be in the kingdom and that just Represents be where you are in the world in this country at this time when all hell is about to break loose
I will promise you that we're 14 trillion dollars in debt to China right now, and they don't love us
They are God haters for the I don't mean all I'm talking about the government the government itself
Our God haters, they're atheistic and they're communist and they hate what you stand for and you owe them 14 trillion dollars
You know how much that is per taxpayer? Everyone how many you pay taxes raise your hand some of you not there yet But okay those who raise your hand you over a million dollars
If you would send a million dollars the government then the government could get out of debt Now that's how serious we are don't think for a minute.
You're not being prepared for such a time as this How do you know? That you didn't come here for such a time as this you did and you're being prepared
And you know what? It's gonna be the greatest time in your life That will be the greatest time in your life whether it lasts a moment and you're killed or whether it lasts for weeks and months and you serve
God to do amazing things and Then Esther bade them you go back to him and tell him if that's gonna be the way it is
Then you guys are gonna fast and pray for me. You see that happens there in verse 16
She says me and my maidens here in the castle will also fast and prepare our hearts for this
So Mordecai went his way and did according to all that Esther had commanded him now, let's go into chapter 5 now it came to pass on the third day that Esther put on her royal apparel and Stood in the inner court of the king's house the strongest man in the world in the known world at that time
Over against the king's house and the king sat upon his royal throne in the royal house
Over against the gate of the house and it was so that when the king saw Esther the
Queen Standing in the court that she obtained favor in his sight and the king held out to Esther the golden scepter
That was in his hand. So Esther came near and touched the top of the scepter. That meant you can live That means
I'm not gonna kill you I'm not gonna have you killed because you just broke the law and came before me when I didn't ask you to come in here
He loved her so much though. God had put a love in that man's heart for this woman He wasn't anywhere near gonna kill her but she didn't know that but but he he had that strong love for her in his heart
That God had put there so she draws near touches the scepter, which Now they can just talk and she's not in danger of the law killing her at that point
So then said the king unto her what wilt thou Queen Esther? Now look at this
Do you remember her fears just a few moments ago, do you remember her fear? She told her dad if I go in there
I can be killed I don't want to do this and he said well then don't if you don't do it You may be killed anyway, and God will save the nation the other way
But I guarantee you you will be killed and so will I imagine the fear she had when she went to bed that night Preparing to get up and try to do this the next morning.
Remember that remember how can you feel it now watch this? Here's what really happened. And here's a great lesson in worry for us
What is it night like ninety nine point nine nine percent of stuff we worry about never happens the bad stuff
We just know is gonna happen. It never happens and here she had the very fear of death in her life
She goes in thinking, you know, he's probably gonna kill me for going in here. He hasn't summoned me in 30 days Probably doesn't even love me anymore.
That's what she's thinking And she goes in there and he says the king says what wilt thou
Queen Esther? And what is your request? It shall be given thee to the half of my kingdom
He says you can ask anything you want. You can ask anything you want up to half of everything
I have in the world I'll give it to you half my kingdom is yours if you ask for is that what you want? Is that why you came in here? Is that what you think she thought he would say?
Huh? No But that that's that's where his heart was and that's what he said
I find it humorous God has the king who sees himself as the master of the universe
He's the king of the entire world at this time and God has that man in his in his hand and has him doing exactly
What he's supposed to do, but he doesn't know it. He thinks he's doing everything and so Remember this if you have to face the enemy someday
God has that enemy in his hand Not only does he just have you in his hand? He's got your enemy in his hand too and his enemy can't touch you unless God allows it from heaven and I remember my mentor.
Dr. Freeman saying so many times He says until your mission on this earth is finished that God's given you you are immortal
Think about that that will bring bravery in your life true bravery just comes from knowing God is sovereign.
That's all there is to that That's why we have so many cowards today Think about it.
We have cowards because we've all been taught that it's all up to us to make it all happen Well, we know we're weak.
So why wouldn't we be cowardly? We're teaching our military young men and women exactly the wrong way to be strong in the military right
We're teaching them to be cowards And I'm not saying they're not I respect. I mean,
I'm not saying that they are that I respect our military You don't get the message wrong I'm just saying to the extent that we teach them that God is not there or we don't need to depend on God Then when it comes down to being under fire, they're only depending on themselves and that is dangerous place to put anyone so Esther answered and said well if it seemed good to the king let the king and Haman come this day into the banquet
That I have prepared for him Esther in one night figures out this plan
You think she had some help from on high Of course, but it was a plan that just came in her mind and she said
I'm just gonna throw a banquet for the king And for Haman the enemy is going to destroy all the Jews the man who's inspired by Satan I'm gonna bring him into my house where he's in my territory
Now you're gonna have to come back next Sunday to hear how this ends. Okay, so let's stand Father we thank you so much for your word.
We thank you for the encouragement you give us by Revealing to us yourself in this story of Esther thank you for how you reveal that you orchestrate everything in our lives that you're imminent in our lives and that you're a part of everything we do and really all it amounts to is we're a part of what you're doing and We thank you for that.
We thank you for the time. We've had together this morning. We thank you for the food we're about to have the fellowship and the afternoon service actually bless all that and Bless our new family that's coming today
And we ask you to bless them richly in their service to you and we ask it in Jesus name.