They Opened the Gates of Hell

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I was shocked to hear about John MacArthur, Voddie Baucham, Oprah Winfrey, Steve Harvey, Joel Osteen, Billie Eilish, Ricky Gervais, Megan Fox, Jimmy Kimmel, TD Jakes, Joyce Meyer, Steven Furtick, Donald Trump, Whoopi Goldberg, Sunny Hostin, The View, Zakir Naik, BibleProject, Tim Mackie, Glenn Beck, Paul Washer, Chris Rock, Mila Kunis, Bono, Hot Ones, Kristen Bell, Channing Tatum, Brad Paisley, Zoe Saldana, Rick Warren, and Rob Bell. YouTube demonetized my main channel, so I made this second channel to fight back against censorship, in case one channel gets completely taken down. To help me in this fight, you can 1) subscribe, 2) watch the videos until the end, and 3) help fund the creation of more videos using these links: Patreon - Become a Member - PayPal - [email protected] Venmo - @TreasureChrist Thank you so much for your support and encouragement! I can't do any of this without you all!


When you think about hell... If we don't help people with AIDS, we're going to hell.
It is terrible to think about. My album comes out March 29th. I'm going to go to sleep. Where do we go?
I go to hell when I die, and so does he. I mean, if you really think about it, and so many theologians have tried to dance around it and explain it away, that it doesn't exist or that man is just annihilated and that's done with.
Do you feel like you're cheating people by not telling them about the hell part?
No, I really don't, because it's a different approach. You know, it's not hellfire and brimstone, but I say most people are beaten down enough by life.
They already feel guilty enough. Gandhi's in hell. He is. And someone knows this for sure and felt the need to let the rest of us know.
Will only a few select people make it to heaven? And will billions and billions of people burn forever in hell?
And if that's the case, how do you become one of the few? I'm simply beginning with, when we use eternal or forever, is this a category?
Are we talking about the same thing that the biblical writers talked of? And I think one of the reasons why men have such a trouble with hell is because they have a version of hell that suited more for Dante's Inferno than it is for the scriptures or for media or for even evangelical preaching.
Hey, has anyone here ever actually been to hell? Yeah, absolutely. Everyone? Of course, yeah, yeah.
What's it like? Hell's terrible, Jimmy. It really is. There's gluten everywhere. Yeah, they have bowls of Advil instead of M &M's.
Oh! And they have dial -up internet. Fourteen -four? Fourteen motherf***ers.
Wow, that is terrible. But if it's so bad, why did you all go there? Well, Jimmy, hell is where our agents make our deals with the devil.
Oh, that explains that. We have this idea that there's all these people in hell and they're all sorry for what they did and they all want to run away from their sin.
And if they just had one more chance to bow before the feet of Christ, they would do it. So we did it for three nights.
It was incredibly intense. I went to, everybody's journey is different. The second night, I went to hell for eternity.
Just knowing eternity is like torture in itself because there was no beginning, middle, or end. So you have like a real ego death.
Because I was in the makeup room arguing with somebody who was telling me how all gay people are going to hell and now
I'm going to hell with all the other gay people for doing the show. I take full responsibility for my going to hell or heaven.
I take full responsibility and I feel that everybody who's concerned about me now going to hell because I'm doing the Ellen DeGeneres show,
I think that you all should take that energy and try to create a little heaven here on earth for everybody. And I take full responsibility for it.
That is not the case. And I learned that from Romans 1. They have been totally and completely turned over to their own lust and their own evil.
Really? Straight to genocide? What happened to one verbal and two written warnings?
Straight to the annihilation of the entire human race because a fatty yellow trousers picked someone's nose?
Really? And if God were to condescend and stand in hell and throw open the doors of hell and tell everyone in there,
Come out. Acknowledge me as God. And come out. Oh, they'd run to the door. They would run to the door.
And they would slam it shut. All the good girls go to hell. And they would say,
We would rather rot in hell than stand in the presence of your righteousness. Non -Christian and even many professing
Christians find the idea of hell utterly offensive and they either make fun of how ridiculous it seems to them or they try to explain it away as not being as serious as it really is.
The big problem is that most people believe that they are pretty good people and that they don't deserve to go to hell.
Because really, we believe the opposite way around. We believe most people are good. And because of that, we believe most people are on their way to heaven when they die.
Watch Steve Harvey and the audience here joke and laugh about heaven and hell which are topics that should be treated with utter seriousness, not jokes.
Clap if you think you'd go to heaven. That's a damn shame.
You know good and hell well all y 'all ain't going to no heaven. Half of y 'all snuck liquor in here.
Instead of talking about the gospel, Steve Harvey simply says that the audience isn't going to heaven because they snuck liquor into the show which is extremely misleading.
If we were to ask people who they thought actually deserved to be punished in hell, most people would have a pretty small list of people who they believe have committed the worst, most heinous crimes and this list would certainly not include themselves.
In fact, we believe that there are only a few people. Narrow is the gate that leads to hell and there's only a few who find it.
Hitler, Pol Pot, Manson. Even people who call themselves Christians believe that relatively few people will end up in hell.
Here's Rick Warren talking about how difficult it is to go to hell. To go to hell, you have to do almost the impossible.
You have to reject the love of God. You have to reject the grace of God. You have to reject the forgiveness of God.
You have to reject God himself. Why in the world would anybody do that? Most people, even people who go to church regularly, are only willing to name about 6 or 7 people that they believe are going to go to hell.
And they are the hit parade of the worst sinners in the history of the world. Nobody other than those people will the average person in church admit is going to die and be separated from God for eternity because we honestly believe that most people are inherently good.
The way Rick Warren describes hell is extremely dangerous because the reality is that it's actually very easy to go to hell because we all naturally reject the love and grace of God to pursue our own sin and our rebellion against God's commands.
Donald Trump may be larger than life in many ways but what he says here about believing he is a good person is shared by probably the majority of people in the world and even an enormous number of people who say they are
Christians. I have great relationship with God. I have great relationship with the evangelicals.
In fact, nationwide, I'm up by a lot. I'm leading everybody. But I like to be good. I don't like to have to ask for forgiveness.
And I am good. I don't do a lot of things that are bad. I try and do nothing that's bad. I live a very different life than probably a lot of people would think.
And I have a very great relationship with God. And I have a very great relationship with evangelicals.
However, anyone who believes they are right with God because they try to do good things and not bad things which is probably the majority of people in the world even among a surprising number of professing
Christians simply does not understand the true gospel of Jesus Christ and is on their way to hell.
Listen to me carefully. Hell will be filled with people who are baptized. Hell will be filled with people who don't drink and don't smoke and don't curse and didn't have sex outside of marriage.
There will be millions of people in hell who can make every one of those claims because not one of those things makes you a
Christian. It's absolutely shocking how many people think they know Jesus and the Bible when the reality is that their version of Jesus and the
Bible is completely wrong and they are clearly still under God's wrath and need to repent of their rebellion against the true
God of the Bible. Listen to Whoopi Goldberg use the Bible to defend something extremely evil.
You're telling me that as a parent I'm not smart enough to decide if my child and I need to have gender affirming or doctors are not involved.
So I can't decide what my kid reads. I can't decide for my child what my child says is going on.
You're telling me your beliefs and they keep saying it and I keep saying what Bible are you reading because God was really clear.
When Whoopi Goldberg meets God on Judgment Day she will be surprised to learn that God actually hates the kind of evil she is espousing especially in the name of God and the
Bible. But the things that are happening with children that is the one thing, you know,
Christ wasn't really a fire and brimstone kind of guy but when it came to harming his little ones better to have a millstone tied around your neck and be thrown into the deepest part of the sea.
Right. So how is it so many people are just duped? And listen to Sonny Hostin unashamedly blaspheming the name of Jesus Christ.
I don't know that they hide behind religion because I said this on this show once before Jesus would be the Grand Marshal at the
Pride Parade. There are countless people just like Sonny Hostin who would say that they believe in Jesus or have great respect for Jesus who will still end up in hell because the quote -unquote
Jesus they believe in is not at all the true Jesus of the Bible. Which Jesus?
He said nothing about Jesus. He hasn't defined Jesus. What if I believe in the
Jesus of the New Age Movement? What if I believe in the Jesus who's lowly Jesus meek and mild who would never hurt a flea?
What if I believe in lowly Jesus meek and mild who wouldn't dare send anybody to hell let alone believe or teach that there is such a place?
If I believe in that Jesus, can I be saved? The answer? No. But is that what you get in the modern proclamation of the
Gospel? No. You get it's really, really easy. Popular Muslim apologist
Zakir Naik has immense respect for Jesus also. But he, just like Sonny Hostin, is also headed to hell because his version of Jesus is simply not the true
Jesus. So? So Jesus is just like a son? Like Adam a son of God? Ephraim a son of God?
Is there a son of God? He's a prophet of God. So I've got no problem in accepting that verily Jesus Christ peace be upon him was a prophet and a messenger of God but he was not
God. Zakir Naik, along with Muslims, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses and many other Christian cults refuse to accept that Jesus is
God incarnate which is a foundational aspect of who Jesus is and everyone who rejects this truth simply cannot be saved by God because they believe in the wrong
God. Listen, if Jesus is just a good man and a good teacher even a good prophet he is completely acceptable.
Mormons and Muslims alike love Jesus. Hindus and Buddhists are very happy with Jesus as long as he's just a teacher who offers sage wisdom then
Jesus is fine. But the minute you step across that line and argue that Jesus is more than prophet more than teacher that he is actually
God incarnate God with us now all of a sudden those who were more than willing to gather with you scatter.
The truth is that hell is a terrifying reality that millions of people will suffer unless they repent and turn to faith in the true
Jesus of the Bible. Hell is simply nothing to joke about because of just how tragic and serious a reality it is.
We want to see people saved from eternal punishment eternal punishment that never ends conscious existence conscious life in a body resurrected and suited for everlasting punishment.
The Bible speaks of that as occurring in a place that we know as hell.
In the Old Testament the word Sheol makes reference to that in a general way.
In the New Testament the word Hades is sometimes with reference to that but always the word hell coming from the
Greek word Gehenna speaks of what the book of Revelation calls this lake of fire where people are punished and tormented forever.
Anyone who jokes about or makes light of hell such as the celebrities we saw earlier Oprah, Ricky Gervais, Billie Eilish, Steve Harvey and others simply does not have an accurate understanding of hell or else they would tremble at the mere thought of hell.
But unfortunately even within the church there is a tragic lack of understanding of what hell truly is.
I think we sort of comfortably distance ourselves from that reality. Certainly in general in the church it is looked over, passed by, ignored.
There are those who claim to be preachers who don't ever talk about hell, wouldn't talk about hell, avoid it at all costs when the truth of the matter is it ought to be the first thing that we talk about when we talk about the gospel.
This is about salvation from hell. I have never heard popular Christian teachers such as Joel Osteen, T .D.
Jakes, Stephen Furtick or Joyce Meyer teach seriously about hell and who exactly will end up there much less preach a sermon on the subject of hell.
Some argue that we as Christians should simply focus on the love of God and not actually teach about hell.
But this would be contrary to Jesus' example because Jesus himself taught more about hell than anyone else in scripture.
Jesus spoke more about hell than anybody else in the Bible. In fact, he spoke more about hell than everybody else in the
Bible combined. And he defined it as conscious eternal punishment. Our Lord Jesus believed in eternal hell.
We'll talk about some of the things that he said about it in a little bit. He continually spoke about hell and he warned sinners to escape hell because of its horrible reality.
There are also many Christian teachers who do not teach accurately about what hell really is which is a place of eternal conscious torment as punishment for sin and rebellion against an infinitely holy and righteous
God. Listen to Tim Mackey from The Bible Project actively teach against this understanding of hell.
I think Paul has his thumb on a core, core idea of what the biblical vision of hell is all about.
It's not a subterranean chamber of horrors. It is at its core separation from God, separation from God's presence, separation from the only thing that can give us life.
When you're cut off from that, it's like fire, we disintegrate. It's like darkness, we become isolated.
It's where ruined things go, cut off and separate from our creator in whose image we are made.
That's the core of the biblical vision of what hell is all about, not fire and torture, separation, isolation.
However, hell is not simply a place of separation and isolation from God, but it is a place of active punishment by God because of sin.
Revelation 14 teaches, if anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink the wine of God's wrath, poured full strength into the cup of his anger, and he will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the
Lamb. And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and they have no rest, day or night, these worshipers of the beast and its image and whoever receives the mark of its name.
This is truly a terrifying description of the reality of hell, but it is absolutely just because sin and rebellion against God is just that serious.
When we diminish how terrifying hell truly is, we are essentially diminishing the seriousness of our sin against God.
Our message to lost sinners is not simply that they simply have a choice between God and hell, but rather is that they are rebel sinners who will be punished in hell unless they repent and turn to Jesus Christ for salvation.
That's the gospel presentation in the purpose -driven life or the excuse for a gospel presentation in the purpose -driven life.
No repentance. No gospel. No sin. No wrath of God. No nothing.
Just believe. God loves you. He made you for a purpose. Jesus died for you. That's it.
Really? Just like that? No, not just like that. You are a wretched, miserable, sinful creature who deserves to die and go to hell.
And unless you repent of your sin, unless you are aware of the fact that you deserve to die and be crushed under the weight of the holiness and majesty of God, you don't get it.
Christians, let's not be ashamed of what the Bible teaches about hell or try to diminish it because the more we understand about the depth of our sin and the terrifying reality of hell, the more we will stand in awe of God's unconditional free grace in saving us from our own hopelessness.
Because God in his grace has included me in the greatest love story ever known.
And in love the Father gave me to the Son. In love the Son died to redeem me. In love the
Spirit applied that redemption to me and opened my eyes so that I could love the one who first loved me.
So that I could love God more than I loved my sin. So that I could love Christ and his redeeming work.
So that I could be folded in to this beautiful, all -encompassing, eternal reality that is the love of God to the glory of God through the salvation of the elect.
Why? Why me? I have no idea. Maybe God will answer that someday. But I don't have to have an answer to that.
I don't need to know why he did it. Just that he did. God did it. God did it.
God did it. God did it. Thank you so much for watching. If you like these videos and want to help support this channel, the best way to do it is to just watch these videos until the end and click the subscribe button.