Jesus the Door John 10:1-11


January 31, 2021 Morning Service of Faith Bible Church - Sacramento, CA Jesus the Door - John 10:1-11


Many for most many, it's this is the most special day of the week, and it's the Lord's day. And he has made this and set this aside special for his people to gather together.
So we're we're thankful that you're here. And and hello to our church family that are not fellowshipping with us in person.
We pray the Lord be with you. And we do look forward to you coming and sharing with us again.
There's again, as we shared before, and we'll probably share every time. There's plenty of room to to distance within the room.
And please join us. We'd love to to fellowship with you again.
So a couple of announcements. The ladies Bible study is February 13th here at the church in the fellowship hall.
So ladies, mark that down. And if you know that ladies, if there's somebody that isn't being able to do watch the service on YouTube, could you convey that to them, give them a call and share that time with them?
So that's February 13th at 10 o 'clock. And and if you want to know what you're going to be studying and don't know, you can call
Barb Arnett for that. And on February 14th, day after on, we're going to immediately following the morning service.
We're going to have our annual. We're a little delayed on that business meeting after the morning service.
We're going to just kind of do it. It's going to be somewhat seamless from one to the other. So come join us and you don't have to be a member to participate or to attend that.
We'd be happy to have you just sit in. But that's on the 14th. So it's two weeks from now.
So and so we're again thankful to be here. So let's let's open our service in prayer.
Lord God, we thank you that you have gathered us together. Father, near and far, that we might honor you, that you might be pleased with our sacrifice of praise to you,
Father, for you are so worthy of our adoration for our praise, for our thanksgiving, to express our gratitude to you,
Lord. Father, we thank you today that we can glorify you. We pray in all that we do that through the songs and through the message,
Lord, that you might comfort us in these trying times, that you might challenge us as believers,
Father, to do what we're called to do according to your purpose and to your will, Father. And just continue to teach us your ways,
Father. You would empower Pastor John as he shares the message that you've laid on his heart. We thank you for him and the time and the commitment that he provides and puts into to blessing us each week with his message,
Lord, from your word. So, Lord, may we be led by the Holy Spirit today, Father, that we would commit all that we do to your care, that we would have new vibrancy,
Lord, in setting aside those things and stilling our minds and focusing on you entirely,
Lord. So bless our time together as you go before us, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. Victor.
John and Janet has had and the girls have had a busy week this week.
So John called me and says, Vic, would you mind picking the music? And I always fear picking the music because I had a different background than they had.
Background. So the music that I know, they don't particularly know. But all that could come to my mind was the kids songs that Barb taught in good news clubs.
His subject for the day is Jesus is the door. Right. And so I'm thinking,
OK, one way, God said to lead to heaven. Jesus is the only way any of, you know, that's
I thought, well, they probably won't know that one. Then I thought, what one door and only one.
And yet the sides are two inside and outside. On which side are you? Oh, is that a good one for you?
Yeah, that fits. That fits. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So that's where I was thinking of going.
But I changed my mind. I thought I should have. So I thought we need to sing about our
Lord and appraise because that's we're thinking, thinking about Jesus Christ being the only way.
So stand together with me. Hopefully, you know, some of the songs that I know and the words are up there.
We'll sing it through. By the time you get to the last verse, you should know it. OK. I will sing of my reading of the
Christ who died for me. How he left his home in glory for the cross of Calvary.
Yes, I'll say the wondrous story of the
Christ who died for me. Sing it with the saints in glory gathered by the crystal sea.
I was lost, but Jesus found me, found the sheep that went astray.
Through his loving arms around me, drew me back into his way.
Yes, I'll say the wondrous story of the
Christ who died for me. Sing it with the saints in glory gathered by the crystal sea.
Days of darkness still scorn me, sorrows path
I often tread. But the Savior still is with me, by his hand
I'm safely led. Yes, I'll say the wondrous story of the
Christ who died for me. Sing it with the saints in glory gathered by the crystal sea.
He will keep me till the river rolls its waters at my feet.
Then he'll bear me safely over where the loved ones
I shall meet. Yes, I'll say the wondrous story of the
Christ who died for me. Sing it with the saints in glory gathered by the crystal sea.
And the next song is, No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus. I shared earlier, written by Wagle, a man who was suffering.
His wife, he was a pastor and his wife left him. Said she no longer wanted anything to do with the gospel. And so it's kind of a sad song in a way, and yet he says,
No one ever cared for me like Jesus. Jesus, since I found in him a friend so strong and true.
I would tell you how he changed my life completely.
He did something that no other friend could do.
No one ever cared for me like Jesus.
There's no other friend so kind as he.
No one else could take the sin and darkness from me.
Oh, how much he cared for me.
All my life was full of misery. Jesus found me all misery and woe.
Jesus placed his strong arms about me.
And he led me in the way that I should go.
No one ever cared for me like Jesus. There's no other friend so kind as he.
No one else could take the sin and darkness from me.
Oh, how much he cared for me.
Every day he comes to me with new assurance.
More and more I understand his words of love.
But I'll never know just why he came to save me.
Till someday I see his blessed face above.
No one ever cared for me like Jesus.
There's no other friend so kind as he.
No one else could take the sin and darkness from me.
Oh, how much he cared for me.
Thank you, and you may be seated. Good morning. Scripture reading this morning is from John chapter 10, verses 1 through 10.
John 10, 1 through 10. Most assuredly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.
But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him, the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.
And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.
Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.
Jesus used this illustration, but they did not understand the things which he spoke to them.
Then Jesus said to them again, Most assuredly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.
All who ever came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them.
I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.
The thief does not come except to steal and to kill and to destroy.
I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
May the Lord add his blessing to his reading and hearing of his holy word. When Jesus the kind shepherd found me, and now
I am on, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days, all the days of my life.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days, all the days of my life.
He restoreth my soul when I'm weary.
He giveth me strength day by day.
He leads me beside the still waters.
He guards me each step of the way.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days, all the days of my life.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days, all the days of my life.
Lonesome valley, my Savior will walk with me there, and safely his great hand will lead me to the mansions he's gone to prepare.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days, all the days of my life.
Mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.
I shall dwell in the house of the Lord, and I shall feast at the table spread for me.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, all the days of my life.
Thank you, and you may be seated as pastor comes. Thank you, Victor, and good morning.
If you have your Bibles, please turn with me to 1 John. 1
John chapter 5. And those of you that are watching by video, we have a ton of visitors here, and I think they feel safe.
And they're here because my daughter, I think most of you know we homeschool, and my daughter's class, they meet once a week, and I guess one of their assignments is they're going to visit all the churches that are represented by the students in the class.
So it's great to have them here. And as a dad, you want to cry. Remember when
Johanna was gone that week, right? This was the group that she was with.
So, and Victor, thank you so much for not doing Father Abraham. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to handle all of us doing that.
So 1 John chapter 5, for those of us that are visiting,
Hi. We have been in a series, because it's 2021, we have been in a series just kind of trying to set somewhat of a cornerstone in place, doctrinally, looking ahead to 2021.
We were asking some questions, what is our hope? Is our hope in the election? Is our hope in a government?
Is our hope in a COVID stimulus package? What are we looking to in 2021?
And the bottom line is the only thing that we can look to is the Lord Jesus Christ. If you're a believer, if you're truly saved, the only hope we have, my hope is found in nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness.
I mean, He is the rock. So as I was praying, I talked to the elders here, being the interim pastor, and so we have been in a series of messages, three
Sundays in Galatians chapter 1, basically establishing what is the biblical gospel?
What is the gospel that Jesus Christ preached and died for? What is the gospel that the apostles preached and died for?
And we've talked about being grounded in the biblical gospel, being certain, being certain that when we die, where we will spend eternity.
Is there any really more important question that any of us can answer correctly?
If we were to die today, do we know for sure where we will spend eternity?
Look with me at 1 John 5, verse 13. This is the same writer of the gospel of John that we're going to be turning to, the apostle
John, one of the inner circle of three. And he says in verse 13 of 1
John 5, These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the
Son of God, and look carefully, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the
Son of God. Could there be anything more important in life than knowing for sure?
Look at the language of that verse. It doesn't say that you may hope or may wish.
It says that you may know that you have eternal life.
An absolute assurance. Just as certain as I know that I'm standing here.
Just as certain as I know that the sun is shining. That you will know.
The whole purpose of this letter, 1 John, is written so that people can know for sure.
No question in our mind. Not a hope, not a wish, not positive thinking, but knowing for sure where we will spend eternity.
Now go to the gospel of John, chapter 20. John, chapter 20. I don't know if I've shared this part of my testimony with this church, but part of my salvation testimony is that when
I was lost, a Christian friend of mine had told me to buy a
Bible and to read the gospel of John, and I started reading the gospel of John, and I got to John, chapter 3, and I was overwhelmed that there was somebody that loved me.
I understood God's love in a way that I never had in my entire life. I was 22 years old.
I was in Rochester, New York. And the whole purpose of the gospel of John is given to us here in verse 30 of John, chapter 20.
So the purpose of 1 John is what? It was written that we would know, know for certain, where we will spend eternity.
What will happen two seconds after we breathe our last. Know for certain.
Have absolute confidence. Now what is the purpose of the gospel of John? What is the purpose of the gospel of John?
Verse 30. Truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book, but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the
Christ, the Son of God, and that believing that you may have life in his name.
So when we're reading the gospel of John, no matter where we are, we have to circle back to this verse, the purpose of this gospel, the purpose of this gospel.
We have to keep it in mind. If you're having trouble believing the gospel or understanding the gospel, keep in mind that this gospel is written, that we will know who
Jesus is, that we will believe that he is the promised Messiah, the
Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing we may have life in his name.
And I cannot think of a greater joy than knowing for sure that we have eternal life.
Not a new president, not a vaccine, not a stimulus check, amen, but eternal life, come what may.
Let's pray. Father, I am so thankful for your word, the bread of life.
Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the word of God. And God, I pray this morning, I'm just a vessel,
God. I can study, I can work, I can do things with the text, but it's really the
Holy Spirit that has to open our eyes. We can plead, we can shout, we can pound, but it's the
Holy Spirit that has to work. So we pray that he might do that, that God, the Father's glorified Christ is exalted.
We pray in Jesus' name, amen. Now go to John 10. John 10, some
Bibles have it listed there as the Good Shepherd chapter. And you get that from John chapter 10, verse 11, where Jesus says, and if you have a
Bible that has the words of Jesus in red, you'll see most of this chapter is red. And he says in verse 11,
I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd gives his life for the sheep.
And if you look in your mind's eye up at verse 1, Jesus begins a lengthy discourse that some have called a parable, others call it an allegory, your
Bible in verse 6, depending on your translation, calls it an illustration. And the first five verses,
Jesus is comparing true shepherds with false shepherds. And he also talks about dangers to the sheep.
The most common animal that human beings are compared to in God's word are sheep.
If you know something about sheep, you will know something about yourself. They're stupid.
Now, I can call a sheep that, but not you, right? I mean, sheep are fearful.
They're weak. They're prone to disease. They're prone to wander. If you know anything at all about sheep,
I mean, if you want to grow in the Christian life, read a little bit about sheep, because we are like sheep that have gone astray.
We have each turned to our own way. That's what we do. That's what sheep do. So Jesus tells this little illustration, and it's coming off of chapter nine, which is just a fan.
By the way, I spent about three hours this morning trying to cut this message down. So pray for me, because I want you to come back.
It was really hard to cut this message down. But that being said, chapter nine, there's this huge conflict between the
Pharisees and the scribes and Jesus. They're accusing him of things. It's just a fantastic chapter.
And so this continues the narrative. It continues the narrative, verse 41. He says, if you were blind, you would have no sin.
This is a rebuke to the Pharisees, to false belief, to legalism, to works -based righteousness.
If you were blind, you would have no sin. But now you say, we see, therefore your sin remains.
Now, our text is verses six through nine. But I want to set the stage a little further for you by beginning to read at verse one.
So he's speaking to some disciples that were following him. He's speaking to some
Pharisees and some scribes that were attacking him and accusing him. And he tells them they're still blind.
Their sin still remains, verse 41. And then he picks it up, continuing. There should be no chapter break here.
Most assuredly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.
But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him, the doorkeeper opens and the sheep hear his voice.
And he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.
Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.
And here is, to me, so fascinating. Look at verse six. Jesus used this illustration, trying to illustrate to the disciples what was going on with Phariseeism, what they had done to the pure religion of faith in God that Abraham had and all through the scripture.
And we could just spend the day on that. Remember, promises made, promises kept.
And look at this. But they did not understand the things which he had spoken to them.
So it's an illustration, it's an allegory, but of what? The disciples didn't understand, so Jesus responds with another figure of speech, where he clearly turns the discussion to himself.
He says to them again, okay, you don't get it. Most assuredly,
I say to you, referring back to the previous verses, I am the door of the sheep, which begins this explanation of the first five verses.
So the disciples apparently didn't understand what Jesus was saying to them. His answer in verses six through nine is both an explanation and a reminder of Christian truths that find, listen to me, find its ultimate meaning in Jesus Christ.
Find their ultimate meaning. I am the door. I am the door. The focus is the person and the work of Jesus Christ.
And I couldn't help but think this week because you know that I teach in a school and all that's going on in the country.
I'm interacting with people all day long from the time I get in there to the time I leave.
What is going to happen in 2021? You know, it's safe to say you don't have to be a rocket scientist.
You don't have to have a master's in sociology. You don't have to be a member of Mensa to understand that we are living what?
In very, very difficult times. Very challenging.
And see the truths that we're going to be considering in verses seven through nine need to anchor, anchor us.
Whether we're talking about, you know, having an understanding, this is a very common thing now.
I just had a long conversation with a young lady last week. Whether we're talking about having a biblical worldview, whether we're talking about having a biblical or a
Christian perspective on what's going on in the world around us. Vaccines.
Mandatory vaccines. Mandatory testing. Just go down the line, right?
Interpersonal relationships. Personal problems. The focus for a believer should always be related to Jesus's coming and his saving plans and gospel for the people of the world.
Everything for believers has to circle back to Jesus Christ. And the disciples didn't understand what he was saying about those things in the first five verses.
And he says by way of explanation in verse nine, I am the door. He says in verse seven,
I am the door. Verse nine, I am the door. I'm the door of the sheep. So he's declaring that he is the only door and the only way to salvation is through him.
And he also declares three promises to those who by faith enter through him.
Now it's interesting, and I hope you see this, very often when you read through the Gospels, when
Jesus's hearers were wondering about his teaching or the message of a particular parable or something, when he talked about himself, he very often said,
I am. And when referencing the blessings that come to people who believe in him and who put their faith in him, you see this two -word phrase, he will.
So you could actually think of this phrase, these two words, I am and he will, put them together, and we find them, the entirety of them, and the fulfillment of them in the
Christian Gospel. I am, he is the way, and he will save. So again, by way of explanation of what he says in the first five verses, verses seven through nine,
Jesus makes three claims about himself as the door. Number one, the obvious one,
Jesus declares that he is the door. Now this is a pretty simple statement, loaded with Gospel truths, but we hit, in 21st century
America, we hit an immediate challenge, and that is our total, virtual, complete lack of understanding of what is involved in raising sheep.
You see, to mine the Gospel truths here, we have to, listen to me, we have to appreciate the two different kinds of sheepfolds that are dealt with in these verses.
If you look in the first five verses, I say to you that he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs up some other way, that's one kind.
The first kind of sheepfold in the first five verses is a more durable kind. You would find those normally near cities or towns.
They were normally high -walled, and they normally had a paid guard that the shepherds would pay so they could go into town, buy supplies, you know, maybe bathe,
I don't know. And they would pay it, and the shepherds would come to the sound, or the village, and they would put their sheep in there, and there was a paid guard.
But beginning in verse seven, he shifts to the more rustic sheepfold out in the fields.
Now, these are smaller. They're smaller, they're less substantial, and they were basically used in the fields.
They're found all over Israel. They're basically there to provide safety for the sheep at night.
The key feature of these pens that are found in the fields is they had no door.
Rather, they had this open space between the rocks that were built for the sheepfold.
And after bringing in his sheep at night, the shepherd would lay his own body across the opening.
So he slept in the entry, and get this, he himself became the door.
Now, there's a respected Old Testament scholar, Sir George Adam Smith. He wrote about a time he was traveling through ancient
Palestine, or through Palestine, and he came across a shepherd and his sheep, and he's having a conversation, and the shepherd showed him the fold where he slept at night.
The fold consisted of four walls and an opening, no door. The man asked the shepherd, is this how the sheep get into the fold?
Yes, said the shepherd, and when they're in there, they're perfectly safe. Well, the scholar said, but there's no door.
The shepherd said, I am the door. At night, after I put them in here,
I lay across the opening, and this is where I sleep, and the sheep, if they're going to go out, have to walk over me, and I can protect them.
If the wolves or a predator from outside tries to get in, they have to walk over me, and I wake up, and I can protect the sheep.
I am the door. Beloved, the way into eternal life is through Jesus' body, which he delivered up for our sins on the cross.
Jesus is the door for the sheep, and those who enter are safe for all eternity.
Now, something else we need to do is we need to acknowledge and point out the
I am in verse 7. This is the third
I am statement that Jesus makes in the Gospel of John. There's seven of them altogether.
Back in chapter 6, if you go through all these I am's, they are basically a study, a
Christological study about Jesus Christ. You could literally write a book on these seven
I am's about Jesus Christ. John 6, 35. Jesus said to them,
I am, see it? The bread of life. He who comes to me shall never hunger, and he who believes in me shall never thirst.
Over in chapter 8, I am the light of the world.
Are you worried about 2021? He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
Back in chapter 10, verse 11. I am the good shepherd.
Don't you worry about the wolves. Don't you worry about this stuff. The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep.
Chapter 11, verse 25. I am the resurrection and the life.
Worried about death? He who believes in me, though he may die, he shall live.
Chapter 14. Are there many paths to God? There has to be.
It's so narrow. It's so narrow to say, Jesus is the only way to heaven.
What does Jesus say to that? Verse 6, chapter 14. I am the way, the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me. I tell people I'm not narrow. The Bible is narrow.
Don't look at me, look at Jesus. Chapter 15, verse 1. I am the true vine.
See, understanding the meaning of these sayings gives us grasp of the very heart of the Christian faith.
Because with each of the seven I am's, Jesus' meaning is clear. The point that he is making is that one may enter salvation only through faith in him.
What did we talk about in Galatians chapter 1? Doing versus what? Done.
Christ paid it all. Ephesians 2, 8, and 9. By grace you are saved. How? Through faith and not of yourselves.
It is a gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast.
Right? So Jesus' meaning is clear. There was only one entry into the sheepfold.
Likewise, faith in Jesus is the only way to enter God's salvation.
And see, when it comes to understanding the biblical gospel, and that's where we've been the past three weeks, this point is so important to affirm.
And it is a steel stake of truth to drive into the ground.
Because so many people, including some who call themselves Christians, deny that Jesus is the only way of salvation.
There are those who maintain that while we may believe in Jesus, it would be intolerant, it would be intolerant, it would be insensitive, it would be unloving to deny salvation by other ways.
This is one reason why the teaching of Jesus Christ as the only Savior is so offensive and against the grain of our humanistic and relativistic age.
Bad, sadly, Bible teachers, pastors, authors with the title evangelical have denied the necessity of faith in Jesus.
Some argue that God will accept anyone who is sincere and whatever he believes.
And the list of gospel narratives goes on and on. The only thing that matters, and the only one thing that matters most is what
Jesus says and the Bible says. Jesus says in verse 7, I am the door of the sheep.
Did you notice the nuance there? A very important nuance, one word.
I am the door, not a door. That changes the whole meaning.
He's not a door. He's not one of many doors. He is the one and only door to salvation.
John 3. John 3 verse 36. Jesus insisted,
John 3 .36. He who believes in the Son has everlasting life.
And he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.
I was so encouraged this week to hear a pastor in our country talk about a president taking the oath of office by putting their hand on the
Word of God and then turning around and signing legislation that allows people to kill babies.
We don't want to mess with God. Do you see that? He who believes in the
Son has everlasting life. He who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.
If God's wrath remains on anyone who rejects Jesus, then faith in Jesus is the only way to escape
God's just condemnation. People who object that God has provided the only way of salvation show that they do not recognize the reality of their need.
This is what we talked about, I think it was last week or the week before, for Romans 3. Remember the summation of Romans 3?
Verse 23, All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
After this long discourse about how wicked we are because of Adam's sin, we are all born into sin.
Amen? Do we understand that? You see, a man dying of thirst in the desert does not complain when he finds one oasis by which to get a drink.
A cancer patient does not complain when there is only one person that has a bone marrow transplant that matches what they need to live, right?
So why are we so offended when Jesus says, I am the way and the truth, no one comes to the
Father? I am the door. You see, this makes the point that the unbeliever's true objection to Jesus is really an objection to God's verdict on sin.
That's why it's so hard when you ask somebody, have you ever told a lie? And they look at you.
Yeah. And you say, well, what does that make you? Human.
No, no, no, no. What does it make you? Like everybody else.
Okay, let me help you. If I say, if I tell you a lie, what does that make me? A liar.
No hesitation. You see, the unbeliever's true objection to Jesus is really an objection to God's verdict of sin.
Apart from God's grace working, unbelievers refuse to admit or confess their guilt. They demand any other way, any other way that grants salvation that is to their own glory instead of to God's.
And one characteristic that we often hear is that there's many roads that lead to God. And isn't that true?
Of course there are. Mine was mine, and Janice was my wife's, and everybody has a different road, but it all leads to one place.
And where is that? The cross. Jesus declares,
I am the door. And by the way, this also is a great reminder.
We've talked about this over three weeks, that the door can only be gone through or opened through faith.
Look at 935. Remember Jesus healed this blind man?
And this poor guy, he's been blind from birth. He winds up having to go through three trials, right?
First the Pharisees, then the Pharisees drag him to his parents. And he's like, I can't,
I just got healed. I can see for the first time in my life. Why do I have to go through this angst?
And look what he says. Jesus finds him, and he says, do you believe in the
Son of God? Verse 35, chapter 9, verse 35. Do you believe in the Son of God? Verse 38.
Lord, I believe. See, with Jesus as the door, we circle back to salvation by grace through faith alone in Jesus Christ, which is why, what?
Why John wrote the gospel. This is always going to come back to chapter 20, verse 31.
So that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the
Son of God, and that by believing, you may have life in his name. So understand what
Jesus means by being, what? The door. Don't overlook the significance of the
I am and the I will. Here's another one. Don't you, we, want to apprehend the significance of Jesus saying that he is a door, not a wall.
See, Jesus is a door, not a wall. The biblical gospel means that Jesus is a door, not a wall, and this helps us understand that we don't have to climb a ladder of achievements in order to reach eternal life.
We don't have to go into the sheepfold by climbing a ladder of human works, going to church, checkmark, taking communion, check.
I gave to the offering, check. Read my Bible today, check. I made it up the ladder.
In fact, look at this, verse 1. He who climbs up the other way is what?
A thief and a robber. See, anyone that claims or teaches that salvation comes on the basis of works or achievements for God or others is not preaching a biblical gospel, and Jesus insists that such false teachers, in fact, you want to,
I mean, can you imagine the Pharisees and the scribes standing there, and he says in verse 8, all whoever came before me are what?
Thieves and robbers, you mean the ones that told me I had to go to temple, I had to do this, I had to do this, I had to do this, I couldn't carry, I couldn't do this,
I couldn't do this, I couldn't carry that, you mean those guys? Yeah, those guys, they're thieves and robbers. Whoo!
Friends, Jesus isn't a ticket booth, meaning we can walk up and pay money doing good deeds or performing religious rituals.
Jesus isn't a long winding pathway that people must complete as a lifelong quest or follow a path that is laid out by worldly priests with the hope of someday arriving into God's favor.
Jesus isn't a ladder by which somebody climbs up to heaven kind of like a
Jack and the Beanstalk kind of thing. Jesus declares that he is the door, and those who enter by faith, simply faith, are immediately received into everlasting life, namely the example being the thief on the cross.
Second, Jesus declares that anyone can come through the door by faith.
So Jesus' second claim about being the door, anyone can enter through faith.
Look what he says, I am the door if anyone enters by me.
Anyone. Anyone can enter, which shows us that while Jesus presents only one way of salvation, that one way is open to everyone.
Jesus doesn't say, I am the door, and if you have a good reputation, if you have the right family name, you have the right car, you lead a decent life, you've given just enough money to those homeless people on the corner, you may enter by me and be saved.
He doesn't say that. He says anyone who enters by me, he will be saved.
Hallelujah. Not hope, not wish.
Chapter 6, verse 37. The gospel is genuinely and freely offered to any and all.
Look what he says, verse 37. All that the Father gives me will come to me.
And man, you want to talk about encouragement. The one who comes to me,
I will by no means cast out. You see,
God extends an invitation to anyone sealed in the blood of his own Son. I am the door.
If anyone enters by me, he will be saved. And anyone means anyone. Anyone means the
Jewish people that cried out, crucify him. Anyone means the
Roman soldiers that mocked him and spit on him and cast lots for his garments.
Anyone means the quiet person who has never committed any notorious sins but realizes that his heart has regularly broken
God's holy law. Anyone means the person that has lived mainly for himself, using others and taking advantage of opportunities to sin.
Anyone means anyone who has dabbled with religion and toyed with the church. I go every
Easter and every Christmas. Anyone means anybody that has dabbled with religion.
I get the daily bread. I subscribe to the daily bread but has never made a true commitment.
Anyone means anyone who has been broken by the hardship of life but recognize in Jesus a
Savior from God. Anyone means those who have mocked God and literally shaken their fist at God as John Newton, the writer of Amazing Grace, did and ripped the
Bible in half and thrown it over. Anyone means what? Anyone. Third, Jesus declares he is the door to obtaining precious promises.
Jesus is the good shepherd and his sheep enter the fold through faith in him.
The door is open to anyone and also the door opens to obtaining precious promises.
Look at verse 9. I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and he will go in and out and find pasture.
You see, there's three promises. Number one is those who enter through him will be what?
Saved. You see, so often in life and in Scripture, it's the little things. Do you notice?
I mean, please, look carefully. Do you notice? He doesn't say the person might be saved.
You see that? You might want to underline that. They will be saved.
The Bible presents many examples and illustration that helps us understand how entering through Christ by faith brings salvation.
I had three. I'll give you one. Noah's Ark. Okay, God's going to judge the world by flood.
Remember? Remember? Genesis? Genesis 6? If you're watching by video, it's online.
God determined that everybody in the world, every thought and intention of every man's heart, including Noah, by the way, was wicked, evil.
So he says, I'm done with this. I'm going to destroy the world by flood. And then it says, but what? Noah found grace, found favor.
Noah responded. God said, hey, I want you to build this ark. He goes, what? An ark in the middle of the wilderness?
This boat? Yeah, I'm going to destroy the world by flood. Huh? What did Noah do?
He obeyed. He obeyed. What did Abraham do? He obeyed. Kill my son?
My only son? Yeah. Okay. See, true faith is demonstrated, remember, by what?
Obedience. If you love me, you will keep my commands. God sent a great flood to destroy the earth, entire wicked human race.
The only exception was Noah and his family because he trusted God. The flood prefigured the final judgment in which every person will one day stand by God, stand before God, Revelation 20 says, and will give an account for the deeds done in the flesh.
You mean that day of reckoning is coming? Yeah. Oh, man, that's pretty brutal, John. Well, try speeding.
Come on. A day of reckoning is coming. Try doing 85 on 50 sometime.
A day of reckoning is coming. Hey, you might make it to sunrise, right?
Come on. But he might be sitting on the other side of sunrise. The lights come on.
Charles Spurgeon once related the story of some travelers on the Russian plains who were pursued by wolves.
Their horses were rushing madly with the savage beasts hot on their heels.
They barely made it to some huts into which the travelers all rushed. Immediately they could hear the wolves crashing against the sides, leaping on the roof, howling and thrashing, but they could not get in.
Spurgeon wrote about hearing that experience. Now, when a man is in Christ, he can hear, as it were, the devils howling like wolves, all fierce and hungry for him, and his own sins like wolves are seeking to drag him down to destruction.
But he has got into Christ, and that is such a shelter that all the devils in the world, if they were to come at once, could not dislodge a single beam of that eternal refuge.
So the being saved answers the great question of life. You know, there are people that can escape the tax collectors by fleeing the country.
They can escape a bad reputation by leaving town. They might escape a harsh boss by changing jobs.
But how can anybody escape the unyielding justice of God in his wrath against sins?
I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved.
Promise number one. Promise number two. Not only will those who enter by Jesus be saved, he also promises that they will be safe.
You see, this promise of safety is made clear by the illustration of the door and the sheepfold.
When the sheep entered in and the shepherd laid his body across the doorway, they were protected from every intruder.
Likewise, those who enter in by Christ not only will be saved, but also will be safe. And this is one of the points that Jesus makes when he says they will go in and out and find pasture.
And we're going to get to that in a moment. What ultimately do believers need to worry about?
Listen, please. What ultimately do believers need to worry about in the safety of the good shepherd's sheepfold with the door being the savior of the world?
I mean, nothing. Amen? Nothing, Richard.
He's the door. Jesus says here that his sheep will constantly live under the protection offered by their good shepherd.
They will be able to go in and out as they are led and they will find pasture. Sheep are the most helpless animals on the face of the earth.
They have no means of defending themselves. We could go on and on down that rabbit trail, but I don't have time.
Those who enter in through Christ will not be left unguarded against spiritual tax, the condemnation of sin.
They are forever safe under his shepherding care. Verse 28. I give them eternal life and they shall never perish.
Neither shall anyone snatch them out of my hand. And then a third promise, a beautiful promise.
The true sheep who answer Christ's call and enter by faith into him.
Notice he says, we'll find pasture. By the way, grammatically, when he says we'll be saved, we'll go in and out, there's an understood we'll find pasture there.
You see, this means that believers in Jesus not only will be saved, they will be satisfied.
You know, I had this experience one time on a missions trip to Utah. You remember that?
We went to Utah to work at this camp at 8 ,500 feet. And all over the hills, there were sheep.
There were shepherds. I didn't get to see any of them. I wanted to. But, you know, I'm stuck up at the camp at 8 ,500 feet.
But they had these beautiful meadows, beautiful skies. And I had this opportunity to go out to one of the meadows and just lay down and look at the sky.
And there is something so wonderful about that. You smell that grass.
There's no, there's no cars. There's no cell phones. There's no computers. There's no job to go to.
There's no time card. It's just amazing. The smell of the pasture.
Chapter 4, verse 13. Whoever drinks of this water, this is the woman at the well.
Jesus meets her there. She's drinking, pulling water out of the well, Jacob's well.
Whoever drinks of this water, this well water will thirst again. But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst.
But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.
See the truth is as one writer put it, the Christian life is an exuberant affair full of the joy of the
Lord and the power of the Holy Spirit. What Jesus offers is very different from what the world offers.
Jesus offers the very best and he puts it in language that the people of that day would have understood instantly when he says,
I came. If anyone enters, he will be saved. He will go in and out and find pasture.
Go to Psalm 23, please. Psalm 23. Jesus is the door.
You know on one hand if you've never come to Christ, these promised blessings of the green pastures of salvation and the safety and the satisfaction provide every reason to enter in through simple faith.
You know on the other hand, believers need to know that these blessings are theirs.
They are theirs by faith through the door of Jesus. You know as the curtains opened on 2021, it's so easy to see the dangers of the wolves and the predators out there, right?
Psalm 23, verse 4. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and your staff.
They comfort me. You know as we close, as we begin to end our time of worship this morning, would you look at that verse and would you ask yourself, do
I know this kind of faith? Do I, can I say with the psalmist,
I will fear no evil? Can I truly say that in my heart? A good question to ask this morning is do you have the peace of knowing that your soul is safe for all time?
That death can only bring you into greater pleasure and whatever your present trials, Christ is with you to help you and strengthen and bless you.
Can you say with the psalmist this morning, the Lord is my shepherd.
I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul.
He leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
When Jesus declared I am the door, he offered the entire human race entry through faith into the greatest life and the greatest destiny, but this opportunity can be wasted if it is misused.
You see, if you think about it, a door is not there to look at. Do you all agree? Oh, that's such a pretty door.
See the glass? Yeah, I like that engraving there. It's such a pretty door.
That's what it's there for, right? You're just going to look at the door. And we went to some friends house the other day. They have a $5 ,000 front door.
I said a $5 ,000 front door? It's mostly glass. A door is there to be used to pass from outside a home to inside a home, from outside the sheepfold to inside the sheepfold, from one room to another.
Never try to be a dad and open the door of a daughter's room when the door is closed. Right, Victor?
I'm a slow learner, though. Just ask anybody in my house. No, don't.
Don't ask anybody in my house, please. No, don't. Let that be our little secret. The door is there.
It's Jesus. Anyone can enter the door by faith. Everyone that does receive special promises.
Anyone that enters through Him is saved. Their eternal destiny is safe and secure. And as you feed on God's blessing, as one of His beloved in that flock, your soul will find eternal satisfaction.
So it's our custom to take a few moments rather than dismiss and sing a song. And by the way, we do sing
All I Have is Christ and the power that we do sing some stuff here. But take a look at Psalm 23 with me.
And use this as your closing meditation. Would you do that? Would you just look at the words of this psalm?
Are you sure today that you know the Good Shepherd? I'll give you a few moments to reflect on that and then
I'll pray and then Victor will come and lead us in a closing hymn. Don't close your
Bible. Look at Psalm 23. Do you know the
Good Shepherd? Lord God, as we close out this morning worship, we're so thankful for the time we had together.
What a joy it is to gather with other believers and to worship you,
Father. Think of that psalmist,
I was glad when they said unto me, let us go to the house of the
Lord. We understand that this is just a building, that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, but we understand,
Father, scripturally, biblically, we need to be together like this and what an uplifting time.
I pray for those, Father God, that are here, that are watching, that you might make certain in their heart that they know the
Good Shepherd. If not, that they might, by your grace, choose to do something about that.
You know we're a burden for our country, God, we're burdened, so burdened, but Lord, we know that the only answer to what's going on here or anywhere in the world is the gospel of Jesus Christ, the good news of Jesus Christ.
We thank you for this time and your word for the blessing of being together and we ask it in Jesus' name and for his sake.
Amen. Brother Victor. This is a song of invitation, but it's also a song that should be on the lips of all of us who are believers to others.
The Savior is waiting. Stand together with me as we sing. ♪ Receive him and this will end
Within your heart He'll abide
Time he has waited before And now he is waiting again, to see if you're willing to open how he wants to come in.
Thank you, John, for that message from the Word, and we thank all of you for worshiping with us today, and you are dismissed.