F4F | The Prophetic Mexican Standoff (Seriously)
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- 00:15
- Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebrough. I am your servant in Jesus Christ, and this is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the word of God.
- 00:25
- Now, I don't know if you're aware of the prophetic, I have to put that in air quotes, prophetic infighting that is taking place among certain people claiming to be prophetic.
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- There's been statements issued and accusations flying back and forth and stuff.
- 00:43
- We're gonna cover a little bit of this. And here's the issue, is that what we're gonna be covering, irony, hypocrisy, biblical illiteracy all come to mind, but this is probably one of the craziest things
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- I've seen in a long time. And this is somebody who has been an open vocal critic of the prophetic, the
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- NAR, the Charismatic and Pentecostal churches and people claiming to be prophets and things like that.
- 01:16
- And I would note that this shows at this point the complete disarray that the
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- Charismatic and Pentecostal movements have basically devolved into. If you've been paying attention to what has been happening among the
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- Charismatics and Pentecostals, you can legitimately say that the last year and a half -ish have been pretty awful for them.
- 01:41
- And rightly so, because major, major players and major leaders in their movements have all, a lot of them have fallen, and with egregiously awful, terrible sinful scandals and things like this.
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- Let me remind you, Mike Bickle, Robert Morris, Chris Reid, Michael Brown, yeah,
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- Michael Brown is kinda up to his eyeballs in Alligators 2 at the moment. And the story is not looking good.
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- And as a result of these major leaders falling, there legitimately is disarray going on there.
- 02:22
- And now we're starting to see prophetic infighting. Now, I know we've named this episode the
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- Prophetic Mexican Standoff, and this is legitimately Looney Tunes stuff here.
- 02:34
- And my appeal in this video is this, is that anybody that you know that has been following these people, whether they be
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- Cindy Jacobs, Jennifer LeClaire, Bill Hammond, Jane Hammond, James Gaul, Emma Stark, and thinking that these people are hearing from God, the point is this, none of them are hearing from God, not a single one of them.
- 03:02
- They're all false prophets. And we're gonna do some biblical testing here.
- 03:08
- We're gonna take a look at what the scriptures say. But one of the things that's really disconcerting about what we're gonna watch, aside from the complete tone deafness regarding the fact that Cindy Jacobs and the gang, they're all
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- Looney Tunes, false prophets who make regular appearances on Prophecy Bingo, is that in the midst of all of this, people are wondering who should they believe?
- 03:35
- The answer is they should believe the scriptures, but they shouldn't believe these people. None of them, not a single one of them is hearing from God.
- 03:44
- Now, if you're sitting there going, what are you talking about, Rose, bro? All right, let's see if I can bring you up to speed without completely confusing you.
- 03:51
- And what we're going to do here is, hang on a second here, I gotta fix something.
- 03:57
- Here we go. We're gonna whirl up the desktop and let me pull up my web browser, okay? This video that we have up here right now, this has been put on Jennifer LeClaire's YouTube channel.
- 04:09
- It also appeared on Cindy Jacobs' Facebook page. And so you might be able to find this in multiple places.
- 04:17
- But the point is, is that what we're gonna be listening to, and these people represent kind of the face of the leadership of what's called the
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- Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders. And every single year, the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, they release different prophetic words, prophetic words of the
- 04:37
- Lord for the upcoming year. And just to give you an example of just kind of how
- 04:43
- Looney Tunes this is, I'm gonna play for you a portion of a video that was released two years ago.
- 04:50
- Now, I know it says here one year ago, but when you hover over it, this was released on December 22nd, 2022.
- 04:56
- And this is Cindy Jacobs and her husband and their guest
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- Chuck Pierce, who we all know from Prophecy Bingo. And this will give you an idea of the quality of prophecy that folks from the
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- Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders release. Just listen to a little bit of this. Here we go.
- 05:22
- And look at all these words to see what are the common threads. Well, over and over, the
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- Lord said that I'm gonna give you directions to your Goshen. Do you want?
- 05:39
- We covered this two years ago. Did any of you all get directions to your
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- Goshen in the year 2023? This is nonsense. And what's funny here is that as soon as she passes things off to Chuck Pierce, he's gonna steer off in a different direction and then try to come back to this
- 05:56
- Goshen word. Let's listen a little bit to remind you what it is that Chuck Pierce said two years ago as a member of the
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- Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders. Do you wanna talk about that a minute also? That is so important.
- 06:09
- And Mike, even before we, while I was saying good morning to you guys, you mentioned something about stumbling.
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- And an offense is like something in our path that causes us to stumble over.
- 06:25
- And the Lord uses that whole phrase in Matthew 11 when he's talking about the kingdom.
- 06:35
- Yeah, let's talk about that real quick, okay? I'm gonna go over here and we're gonna go to Matthew 11,
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- Matthew 11. I legitimately just preached on this text. And so in Matthew 11, it says, now when
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- John heard from prison about the deeds of the Christ, he sent word by his disciples and said to him, are you the one who is to come or shall we look for another?
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- Jesus answered them, you go and you tell John what you hear and what you see. The blind receive their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed.
- 07:05
- The deaf hear, the dead are raised up, the poor have good news preached to them. And blessed is the one who is not offended by me.
- 07:13
- Now, why would Jesus have to say that? The one who's not offended by me? Because the reality is, is that Jesus did offend a lot of people, especially the
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- Pharisees and the self -righteous. Now, just a little bit of a note. Pharisees were not people who represented those who were grounded in their
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- Bibles and knew sound doctrine and theology, far from it. They added to God's word, their own body of work called the tradition of the elders.
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- It was later written down in the Talmuds. And so they added to scripture and Christ condemns them in Mark 7 for doing so, saying that they're teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.
- 07:49
- And you'll note that it's the Pharisees who were very offended by the things that Jesus was doing, like giving sight to the blind, cleansing lepers, forgiving the sins of people, right?
- 08:01
- And eating with tax collectors and prostitutes. Why would Jesus be an offense? Well, to the self -righteous,
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- Jesus is an offense because Jesus didn't come to condemn the world. He came to basically what?
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- Destroy the works of the devil, that the world might be saved through him so that he can give forgiveness, grace, pardon, and mercy.
- 08:21
- And to the self -righteous, this is very offensive. So that's what's going on here in Matthew 11.
- 08:27
- I just preached a sermon on this text, like last weekend, I kid you not. But let me come back to Chuck Pierce on this and let's see what he says.
- 08:36
- And he's saying John the Baptist up to that time had been the greatest, but the least.
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- And that enters into and embraces the kingdom of God, he will be greater than even
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- John the Baptist. And he said, there's one condition, don't stumble. Don't let offense cause you to stumble.
- 09:00
- That's not exactly what he said, nor is it what he said in the order you said it. Over what is happening.
- 09:06
- And you know, when I think of that, I think of what the Lord is doing new. Because even in that passage, you know,
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- John had gotten, had started questioning whether the Lord was really who they were looking for.
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- And I believe we are at a key place right now where we are seeing the new and we can't stumble over when we...
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- So we're not supposed to stumble over the new. What does this have to do with Goshen? We have to keep moving through it.
- 09:42
- And it's very similar to what you're saying about Goshen because see, Joseph had been placed in that place of Egypt.
- 09:53
- Yeah. And all of a sudden it was time for reconciliation. It was time for divine recovery of his family.
- 10:01
- Time for them to realign. God had gotten into that point. He didn't put Joseph in Egypt just to save Egypt.
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- He put him there to save God's covenant plan and his covenant lineage for the future.
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- And remember what Joseph said was, you're gonna come down to Egypt with me after he went through the whole process of reconciliation and you're gonna be in Goshen, the very best part of what we now have to offer you.
- 10:36
- Ah, so did any of you find your directions to your Goshen in the year 2023?
- 10:44
- Now, the reason I played that is to legitimately show you what it is that comes out of this group, okay?
- 10:53
- What comes out of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders year after year after year?
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- It's the nonsensical worthlessness like this, okay? So that being the case, let me give you a little bit of the history of what's going on here, is that Emma Stark, okay?
- 11:11
- Emma Stark, back on November, I think it was November 5th, yeah, sorry,
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- November 4th, 2024. So this is when the United States is going to the, to elect the president and she released a prophetic word and the prophetic word she released just did not at all sit well with Cindy Jacobs and the gang.
- 11:37
- And so I would remind you that we've covered Emma Stark many a time here at Fighting for the
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- Faith and she is actually quite the miracle. The reason
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- I say that is because a broken clock still tells the correct time twice a day.
- 11:57
- Emma Stark is absolutely a broken prophetic clock and she can't ever tell the time correctly, period.
- 12:04
- Even analog clocks are correct twice a day, she's never.
- 12:10
- Okay, just saying, okay? And again, I would point you to the archives of Fighting for the
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- Faith, even on this channel, to get an idea of what we're talking about with this woman. But I want you to hear what it is that she said that set off the chain reaction where we now got the prophetic
- 12:28
- Mexican standoff taking place. Listen to Emma Stark's prophecy from November 4th.
- 12:33
- Here's the word of the Lord. I was in a vision and the Lord stooped down and punched Donald Trump in the face.
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- It was a judgment image. It was a judgment imagery and his teeth came out and there was a lot of blood in the image.
- 12:49
- It's very parabolic, very symbolic of a move of God. And the Lord said this to me,
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- I am going to render him unable to lead. I'm going to render him unable to gather the best minds.
- 13:01
- I'm going to render him unfit. And he will fall over. He has become the champion of himself rather than the champion of my kingdom.
- 13:10
- There will be a catastrophic time ahead of him leading and then him being removed by me.
- 13:17
- The Lord says he has partnered with an antichrist spirit to build his own kingdom. And that means he is building against my kingdom for he has not learned how to redeem money, fame, sex, or power.
- 13:34
- I would note if God had anything to say to Donald Trump, it would be repent. And he hasn't learned a thing about true
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- Christianity because his pastor, Paula White, is, sorry, pastor,
- 13:47
- Paula White is a complete wingnut, wackerdoodle and false prophet, false prophetess herself.
- 13:54
- So you can just see where this is going. So Emma kind of represents kind of a more
- 14:01
- European look at politics. Well, this didn't sit well with the American contingent of the
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- Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders. And so they had to issue a statement against her.
- 14:14
- And here's the thing. They're all, every single one of them, false prophets, false apostles, false teachers, and God isn't speaking through any of them, not a single one of them, okay?
- 14:32
- So just by way of a little bit of a note, we will be playing this at a slightly higher speed, not because I enjoy listening to Cindy Jacobs at a higher speed,
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- I don't at all, but in order to kind of keep things moving. And I've turned the closed captioning on too.
- 14:48
- So let's listen in to the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, rebuke of Emma Stark's prophecy.
- 14:58
- Here we go. Hello, I am here with members of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, and we have a larger group that we have been meeting for the past several days to discuss words that we have felt are false and false prophetic words.
- 15:11
- They felt are false. Now they're right, Emma Stark's prophecy is a false prophecy.
- 15:17
- This is true. And every prophecy they've issued, the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, they're false prophecies as well.
- 15:26
- This is the pot calling the kettle black. This is like the inmates at an insane asylum in the lunchroom, getting into a fight over who's crazy.
- 15:37
- You know, you can see some guy over there and over in the corner saying, you're crazy. And then somebody, no, no, you're crazy.
- 15:43
- And then they're just evolving into nonsense. That's what's going on here. This is bonkers, but let's keep going.
- 15:51
- I'm just going to read the document that many of us have worked on. And then we're going to ask Ashley Bishop Hammond to start as he's really our elder in this.
- 15:59
- And then we'll just have various leaders comment briefly. But I think that the - So these are all leaders in the
- 16:04
- Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders. Now, let me remind you a little bit about Cindy Jacobs. And we're going to go back in time.
- 16:12
- Okay, in the archives of Fighting for the Faith, one of our earliest segments on Cindy Jacobs, and this is going to be 16, 17 -ish years ago, that's what we're talking about here, was audio from this news report that came out of CNN.
- 16:29
- And this is just bonkers. So let's take a listen to this particular news report.
- 16:37
- And this all had to do with an initiative that she had put together, hang on, there we go, that she had put together 17 -ish years ago.
- 16:46
- Hang on, so what's the date on that? May 29th, 2007. Okay, feeling old here, feeling old.
- 16:54
- But we covered all of this in the early, early years of Fighting for the Faith. So let's listen to this.
- 17:01
- Basically, this is a mocking, if you would, of Cindy Jacobs and her ilk. And Steve Hill of the
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- Brownsville Revival is going to make an appearance in this video. Check this out, here we go. Interstate 35, which runs through six states from Texas to Minnesota, has existed for about a half century.
- 17:18
- But did God know about I -35 many, many centuries before that? Did God know about I -35?
- 17:29
- Yes, he did, he did know about I -35 that runs from Laredo to Duluth.
- 17:34
- But nowhere does Isaiah write a thing about it. Okay, just saying. But this is gonna give you an idea of just how loony tunes
- 17:42
- Cindy Jacobs is. Here we go. This Texas minister says she had a revelation about it. We were reading Isaiah 35, which is a passage in the
- 17:49
- Bible, and we live in Dallas, and we have this highway that's behind us called I -35.
- 17:55
- Part of Isaiah 35, verse eight declares, a highway shall be there, and a road, and it shall be called the highway of holiness.
- 18:02
- The unclean shall not pass over it. So Isaiah 35 has become a biblical partner of Interstate 35 for some
- 18:07
- Christians. So here we go, decreeing and declaring holiness over I -35.
- 18:15
- And watch who's in attendance, not just Cindy Jacobs. Move in power, God. Millions live.
- 18:21
- There it is. Yeah, from the Brownsboro Revival himself, Steve Hill. Up and down this highway,
- 18:26
- Lamb of God. Touch Oklahoma, Lord Jesus. Touch Texas, Lamb of God. Oh, Lord, touch
- 18:32
- Minnesota, sweet Jesus. And how did that work out, by the way?
- 18:39
- To fulfill the prophecy of I -35 being a holy highway, many of the faithful think it will take intensive prayer first.
- 18:49
- A prophecy of the I -35 corridor being a holy highway. It's gonna take intensive prayer.
- 18:58
- It's gonna take actually preaching the gospel and converting everybody to Christianity, just saying.
- 19:04
- From the hearts of our generation, Jesus. Move in their hearts, God. Churches in all six states have organized prayer vigils on the side of the interstate.
- 19:11
- They pray for safer neighborhoods. Prayer vigils on the side of the interstate. More godliness. And want the, quote, unclean to take note.
- 19:24
- The business. Yeah, the businesses along I -35 are sinful beyond all reason, for sure.
- 19:32
- This is of the kind you often see driving up and down America's interstates. Some of them have been visited by the prayerful participants in so -called purity sieges.
- 19:43
- So the NAR types of 17 years ago went into strip clubs in purity sieges because they're taking back
- 19:54
- I -35 as the highway of holiness because of, you know, Isaiah 35. It would absolutely please me.
- 20:01
- Yeah, there's, again, Steve Hill. Wow, what a mess. Now, a little bit of a note.
- 20:06
- So this was the year before that went on, that showed up on CNN. Here was
- 20:12
- Cindy Jacobs, 17 years ago. Oh, I'm so glad that you want to know something about Light the
- 20:22
- Highway. This is such an. So this was an initiative based on a prophecy she had regarding I -35, and she called it at the time the
- 20:29
- Light the Highway prophecy. Exciting project that we. Can you imagine all over the face of the earth, people prayer driving their highways, praying and asking
- 20:41
- God to release holiness? God began to speak to us here in Texas.
- 20:48
- So God was speaking to them in Texas about, you know, releasing holiness. Where, where, where,
- 20:53
- Cindy? About a road that we have a highway that goes all the way from the bottom of America, Laredo, Texas, to the top of America in our state of Minnesota.
- 21:02
- And he began to say to us that he wanted to release for this I -35 project,
- 21:09
- Isaiah 35 Highway of Holiness. If we. God wanted to release the
- 21:14
- Isaiah 35 Highway of Holiness over I -35, he wanted to do that.
- 21:21
- Pray, God would expose sin. He would expose sexual sin. He would stop internet pornography.
- 21:28
- He would change laws. So 17 years ago, God was gonna stop internet pornography.
- 21:36
- How did that work out? This is just nonsense. God didn't speak any of these things.
- 21:45
- And it's very clear that Cindy Jacobs is not hearing from God.
- 21:51
- She's not mentally sound. I legitimately am convinced of that. Well, what's interesting is, is that all of this just never happened.
- 22:00
- And, and so it's just sat quietly collecting dust on the internet for almost 20 years now.
- 22:07
- And again, I, I think back about the fact that we covered all of this in the early days of Fighting for the
- 22:13
- Faith, the podcast. And so did you all know that Cindy Jacobs recently, and this is like a year or so ago, actually a couple of years ago now,
- 22:23
- June 5th, 2021. And it was, this was posted on April 24th, 2023, recently pulled out of mothballs this
- 22:33
- Highway of Holiness prophecy and kind of retooled it for, for, you know, a more modern audience that probably was unaware of the false prophecy she gave 17 years ago.
- 22:48
- Okay, let's listen. We're worshiping tonight. Now listen to this. I saw a vision starting with Duluth, which is very north here in the
- 22:59
- United States. I saw I -35, it looked like it was a zipper. And I saw the hand of God begin to unzip 35 35 all the way down to Laredo.
- 23:15
- And as it began to be unzipped, I saw glory pouring out.
- 23:21
- It was like the light, the presence of God began to pour out.
- 23:27
- And now let me prophesy about this, Joshua and Lisa. And the
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- Lord would say, I am giving you the authority to take that zipper and pull it open, says the
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- Lord. That sounds really creepy. What on earth?
- 23:51
- So she's, she's retooled all of this. Okay, so the, the idea then is actually quite simple.
- 23:57
- Cindy Jacobs, who chairs the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, this woman is a false prophetess.
- 24:03
- She's looney tunes. This, God isn't saying any of this nonsense.
- 24:08
- She's demonstrably a false prophet, demonstrably. This is just how this goes.
- 24:13
- And you're sitting there going, well, how do you know this, Chris? Well, let me remind you of a couple of things from scripture, okay?
- 24:19
- So for instance, 1 John 4, one says this, and there are two imperative commands in this verse.
- 24:27
- Listen to it carefully. Beloved, this is written to Christians. New Testament, by the way, do not believe every spirit.
- 24:35
- So the do not believe bit here in Greek, me pastuita, pastuita is in the imperative, which means it's a command.
- 24:44
- Do not believe every spirit. God commands Christians to not believe every spirit, anybody claiming to be a prophet, right?
- 24:53
- And instead, test the spirits. Test is also an imperative. Don't believe and test.
- 25:01
- And what are we supposed to be testing for? Test the spirits to see whether they are from God. For many false prophets have gone out into the world, okay?
- 25:08
- So the question then comes up, well, how can we determine if God is the source of a prophecy or not?
- 25:14
- Well, thankfully, scripture gives us several different ways of looking at this, but there's one given in Deuteronomy 18 that still applies today.
- 25:25
- Deuteronomy 18, 20 says the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.
- 25:34
- And if you say in your heart, here's the question, how may we know the word that Yahweh has not spoken?
- 25:41
- That's pretty straightforward. When a prophet speaks in the name of Yahweh, if the word does not come true or come to pass, that is a word that Yahweh has not spoken.
- 25:51
- The prophet has spoken it presumptuously. So how do you know a false prophet? They've given prophecies that haven't come true.
- 25:57
- I would note, claiming that God is going to release a highway of holiness and get rid of internet pornography 17 years ago, by the way, and that didn't come to pass, that Cindy Jacobs is legitimately a false prophet, okay?
- 26:16
- Now, what about Jennifer LeClaire? I would note that Jennifer LeClaire is also guilty of being a false prophetess, for multiple reasons, by the way, but let's just kind of go with the idea of adding to God's word, okay?
- 26:34
- And I'm gonna note, there is a command in scripture, and let me see if I can hunt this down, okay?
- 26:40
- And I'm gonna go to beyond, and I'm gonna look for another word, written, okay?
- 26:49
- Okay, I've applied all these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, brothers, that you may learn by us not to go beyond what is written, that none of you may be puffed up in favor one against another, okay?
- 27:02
- So we have a command in scripture, First Corinthians four, verse six, that we are not to go beyond what is written in the scripture.
- 27:11
- That's, we're not allowed to do that. And I would note that Jennifer LeClaire does that day in and day out, week in and week out, okay?
- 27:20
- Let me find another text on this. Let's see, if I go to 2 John, okay? Let's see here.
- 27:27
- Let's see, you know, walk in truth and love. Many, here we go, all right, let's see here.
- 27:33
- Many deceivers have gone out in the world. Those who do not confess the coming of Jesus in the flesh, such a one as the deceiver and antichrist.
- 27:38
- Watch yourselves that you may not lose what we have worked for, but may win a full reward. Everyone, watch this, verse nine, 2
- 27:45
- John, verse nine. Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ does not have
- 27:51
- God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. So we are commanded in First Corinthians four, six, to not go beyond what is written.
- 28:01
- Second John nine says, everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ does not have
- 28:07
- God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, teaching you can find in scripture, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting for whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works.
- 28:22
- Well, Jennifer LeClaire, this is just one example that I can give out of many. She wrote an article a while ago and this was created quite the furor when it came out.
- 28:34
- In fact, there was controversy about this and Michael Brown defended Jennifer LeClaire, by the way, at the time.
- 28:41
- And we called it the Calamari discord, the controversy that ensued. But she talks about when the sneaky squid spirit starts stalking you.
- 28:53
- So just let me read a part of this. When the sneaky squid spirit starts stalking you, when my friend told me she saw a vision of herself with a big squid lodged atop her head,
- 29:03
- I knew enough about the unseen world to understand a spiritual attack was underway. What I didn't know was that a sneaky squid spirit would soon start stalking me.
- 29:13
- Right about now, you might be scratching your head asking with all sincerity or with all mockery, what in the world is a squid spirit?
- 29:21
- Essentially, it's a spirit of mind control, but its effects go way beyond what you would think.
- 29:28
- Okay, yeah, so Jennifer LeClaire has gone beyond scripture and way beyond it, added doctrines to it, sneaky squid spirits and all this kind of stuff.
- 29:41
- And if you were to just do a little bit of work on her channel, you would see that day in and day out, in fact, let me do this.
- 29:49
- I'm going to just do a right click here. I'm gonna open up a new tab.
- 29:54
- Let's take a look at Jennifer LeClaire's channel, shall we? Let's see here. God is dispatching angels.
- 30:05
- What's God saying for 25? Next gen prophets only. Beware false prophets like this, calling all wartime intercessors.
- 30:14
- Let's take a look at her lives, shall we? Let's take a look here. Mind -blowing, mind -binding spirit bow, breakthrough tongues, protection prayers for your family, discerning witchcraft altars, breaking demonic yokes, exposing demonic setups, breaking evil plots.
- 30:33
- Let's see here. Breaking infirmity spirits, exposing monitoring spirits,
- 30:39
- December warfare prayers, discerning, you get the idea. This woman, she doesn't abide in the teaching of Christ at all or in the scripture.
- 30:47
- She's constantly teaching all kinds of nonsense. She's made up in her own head. And that being the case, that's just two.
- 30:56
- Two of the main leaders of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders. James Gaul, if you go into the archives of Fighting for the
- 31:03
- Faith, we've done a lot of reviews in the audio podcast of James Gaul. Haven't done a lot recently on him, but here we go.
- 31:11
- This is the pot calling the kettle black. We got false prophets calling false prophets false prophets.
- 31:19
- Who should you be listening to? The Bible. None of them abide in God's word. All of them go beyond what is written.
- 31:25
- But let's keep going here. The document itself, which we're going to also put on this particular word that we're issuing will also be available to you.
- 31:38
- Statement from the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders concerning false prophetic words targeting President Donald Trump and America.
- 31:45
- First Corinthians 14 .29, I'm reading from the Amplified, that two or three persons speak as inspired by the
- 31:51
- Holy Spirit while the rest pay attention and weigh carefully what is said. Now, I have to weigh in at this point.
- 31:57
- This is the most disturbing part of this video. And the reason being is that whether she knows it or not,
- 32:05
- Cindy Jacobs, by invoking this passage, is basically claiming that the
- 32:11
- Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, which she is the chair of, is the body by which all other prophecies are to then be judged.
- 32:23
- And nothing could be further from the truth. We'll explain what that text means here in a minute. The Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, ACPE, is a group of 60 seasoned prophets who've been meeting for 25 years.
- 32:34
- Several of the names in this document are pioneers of the modern day prophetic movement. The ACPE was initially convened after several questionable national level words were released, prophetic words that cause great confusion with the body of Christ.
- 32:45
- As a council of prophetic elders, our intent remains to hear the word of the Lord together and seek God's wisdom to apply
- 32:51
- First Corinthians 4 .29, when a questionable word is issued that could bring fear or confusion, neither of which
- 32:57
- God authors. It is for this purpose that we write this statement. While we hear various words that seem questionable at best come out, we have never publicly called out a prophetic word as false in our 25 year history.
- 33:09
- However, when what is issued is so flagrantly false and carries the potential to incite violence.
- 33:15
- Now, real quick, let's take a look at the passage she invoked, First Corinthians chapter 14 .29.
- 33:22
- Let two or three prophets speak and let the others weigh what is said. So let me tell you how people in the
- 33:30
- Pentecostal charismatic NAR churches miss what this text is about.
- 33:36
- They basically claim, and if you remember, Michael Brown has made claims along these lines as well, that because we have to weigh what prophecy, what it says, therefore
- 33:47
- Christians can give false prophecies and still be true prophets. It's nonsense, okay?
- 33:55
- So let's talk about the context here. So Paul here is correcting the crazy out of control worship practices there in the church at Corinth.
- 34:06
- And he's doing so by putting order and structure into place. So in verse 26, he says, what then brothers, when you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation.
- 34:17
- Let all things be done for building up. Okay, everything in the church has to be done for the purpose of building the body of Christ.
- 34:23
- If any speak in a tongue, let there be only two or at the most three, each in turn, let someone interpret.
- 34:29
- If there is no one to interpret, it let each one of them keep silent in the church and let him speak to himself and to God.
- 34:36
- So you'll note within the Pentecostal and Charismatic churches, they have everybody speaking in tongues altogether, out loud, no interpreters at all.
- 34:44
- They are absolutely in violation of this command of the Holy Spirit that God gave through the apostle
- 34:50
- Paul. Next up, so let two or three prophets speak and let the others weigh what is said.
- 34:57
- Let the others weigh what it said is referencing back to the command that we see in 1
- 35:03
- John 4, 1. And that is that we are to test the spirits to see whether they are from God.
- 35:11
- So when it says, let the others weigh what is said, the purpose of the weighing is to make sure that somebody isn't giving a false prophecy.
- 35:20
- And this is the job of the whole church, right? Not just the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, which you got false prophets calling out false prophets.
- 35:30
- So watch again what it says. Do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
- 35:38
- And what's fascinating to me is the scriptures legitimately say, many false prophets have gone out into the world, yet the
- 35:47
- Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders can't bring themselves to say that Emma Stark's a false prophet.
- 35:53
- But then again, they are all false prophets too. That's kind of the funny thing.
- 35:59
- So there's so much going on here, but let's continue with the prophetic Mexican standoff, see if we can learn anything else from this.
- 36:06
- And cause division in the name of God, we feel we must denounce it such as a group. Further, there's a clear pattern of disturbing false prophecies being released by minister who many identify as a prophet.
- 36:17
- These prophecies are being released to a global audience via social media. Since these harmful words were publicly released to a global audience, we feel they require a public response.
- 36:27
- We will present them one by one. Number one, the God -Punched Trump Prophecy. On November 4th, 2024, election day eve in the
- 36:35
- US, a prophetic word regarding Trump's presidency was issued by this minister. At this time, we're not going to call the name and hopefully we hope -
- 36:44
- Emma Stark. That this will cause a repentance and retraction. Additionally, on November 5th, 2024 election day, the same minister released a separate word connecting to Trump saying that a
- 36:56
- Trump presidency with God's judgment will be God's judgment on the people of America. God -Punched, this is the word.
- 37:02
- God -Punched Donald Trump in the face and his teeth came out and there was a lot of blood. And that was quite symbolic of what he represented.
- 37:09
- The word of the Lord is this, that there would be a catastrophic time of him, Trump's leading, and that he would be removed by God because he'd become the champion of himself.
- 37:18
- And then Trump fell over his own partnership, fell over his own partnership with unredeemed sex power and unredeemed money that opened the door of all sorts of evil to be released.
- 37:28
- Trump isn't a Christian. He's not even close to repentant. And I'm pretty sure he's made it very clear he's never had to repent of anything.
- 37:37
- At least that's in his own mind. So, you know, this is true that Donald Trump is not a
- 37:43
- Christian nor does he reflect Christian moral values in his own life. Far from it.
- 37:49
- Through him. Number two, the Trump presidency being God's judgment.
- 37:55
- Excerpt from November 5th, 2024. During the broadcast, it was also strongly inferred that prayer would not change the outcome of these words.
- 38:03
- They were settled. We, referring to the minister and their team, believe that Trump is going to be a judgment of God on the people of God.
- 38:11
- A judgment on the people of God. Number three, the Leviathan released because of Trump prophecy.
- 38:17
- Now, I'm going to say this. I talk with people from around the world and I can legitimately say that people
- 38:25
- I've spoken to in Europe and Australia and in other places,
- 38:30
- Japan and other places, that they kind of look at what's going on in the United States and they're scratching their heads going, how do you
- 38:37
- Christians reconcile your morals with this immoral man?
- 38:44
- And it's a legit question. You know, I'm not here to pose an answer to it. I would note that they have a hard time as fellow believers in different countries that don't have the same political nonsense going on in their countries that we have going on in ours.
- 39:01
- And they legitimately don't understand why evangelical
- 39:06
- Christians are so gung ho regarding Trump and worse, pulling
- 39:13
- God into it, okay? Because they see Trump as somebody who, let's just say he's a moral train wreck, okay?
- 39:21
- This is true. His life is a complete moral shambles, unmistakably so.
- 39:29
- And religiously, it's even worse because Paula White's his pastrix, right?
- 39:35
- So all of that being said, these are legitimate questions that need to be answered. But Emma Stark, again, kind of, she's outside of the
- 39:45
- American context now giving false prophecies. Again, her words are not the word of God. She's not speaking from God.
- 39:52
- She's bringing kind of that different perspective and having it skew her prophecies.
- 39:58
- Whereas the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, the Americans there are kind of caught up in their almost kind of theocratic way of looking at things as if somehow the
- 40:09
- United States is the kingdom of God or somehow. It's just mind -bogglingly weird to watch.
- 40:16
- As of Trump. Other words from within this minister's group have been issued during this time saying a seven -headed leviathan had been released across the world and brought chaos because of Trump.
- 40:25
- We also judge this to be a false prophecy that is based out of a political bias. You're right, it's a false prophecy.
- 40:31
- But Cindy, every time you say, thus say of the Lord, it's a false prophecy too. And hatred of President Trump stemming from a political worldview that differs from his conservative stances.
- 40:43
- Other quote -unquote prophetic revelations and declarations presented in the same media broadcast were also concerning to us, but we will not specifically address them at this time.
- 40:52
- Number four, the judging of the American church prophecy. In addition to the God -punched Trump statement, this same minister has also written and spoken on other occasions declaring that the
- 41:01
- Church of America has exchanged spiritual power for political power. While this might be the case in some instances, no one we know has done that.
- 41:08
- Secondly, the inference that the American church doesn't need Jesus now because they have Trump is also false. The church and movements that we know of, and there are many, understand that Trump is only human and God reigns supreme.
- 41:19
- Trump is not God and we are not glorifying him as such. However, we also know that this election was not only a national election, but carries a global impact.
- 41:28
- In other words, the election had implications that rippled throughout nations. Hundreds of thousands of people in the world understand the consequences of electing leaders who are for late -term abortion, gender transitioning of children, paid with taxpayer money, and other anti -biblical positions.
- 41:43
- Number five, another word, the tyranny and the fall of democracy in America. This was by far the most concerning.
- 41:51
- This was given November 8th, 2024. The Lord says, USA, the days of your greatest instability in your history are here and are now.
- 41:59
- The Lord says, lawlessness, America has been released upon your shores and there will be chaos. There will be loss of life.
- 42:05
- There will be riots. There will be culmination. This is the culmination of years and the Lord says you will see in the natural realm of Romans chapter one, where there's a giving over to tyranny and giving over to lawlessness, a giving over to the full force of the moral rot.
- 42:19
- God is pressuring and allowing a pressurization to come into nations where democracy doesn't work. Democracy is about to not hold.
- 42:27
- Democracy is about to fall. It is about to become not the solution that it's been for many decades.
- 42:33
- Some of the economic structure is gonna fail and fold as God starts to say, I will provoke you and your citizens to call upon my name.
- 42:40
- The ACP judges these words as false. Our concerns are as follows. So the
- 42:46
- ACP, Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, has judged her words to be false.
- 42:51
- They happen to be correct here. Yes, Emma Stark's prophecies are false. And so is every prophecy from the
- 43:00
- ACPE. This is, again, you know, the insane asylum inmates accusing each other of being crazy.
- 43:10
- This is nuts. So let's hear their concerns. We believe these words are not inspired by the Holy Spirit and fail to pass a scriptural test for discerning the
- 43:16
- New Testament prophetic words. And we give scripture for this. Oh, I can't wait to see this. We believe the words represent harmful curses.
- 43:22
- We believe the words have acted upon those who are immature and unstable, could incite violence. They represent harmful curses?
- 43:30
- What? On actions against the President of the United States. And we have 1
- 43:36
- Kings 21 regarding Jezebel and Naboth's Vineyard illustrating how an evil word was spoken and act upon can come to pass and bring about severe and fatal consequences.
- 43:45
- We believe these words could produce a corporate agreement in a demonic plot, giving the enemy a landing strip and the power to -
- 43:50
- A corporate agreement. So the reason why they determine it's false is because of false doctrine.
- 43:56
- Let me explain. So they think that what Emma Stark has done is speak a word curse that will then result in reality coming into play.
- 44:10
- So you're gonna note here, they all buy into the word of faith heresy that basically says, your words create reality, right?
- 44:19
- So it makes you wonder, what do they do with the jingle? I wish I were an Oscar Mayer wiener.
- 44:24
- I mean, good night, what a word curse that it would be, right? This is nonsense. So the reason why they say that it's false is because this created a word curse that will give the enemy a landing strip to actually make the enemy fulfill these things.
- 44:41
- This is just nonsense. Unbelievable. Feel that curse, thus bring it to pass.
- 44:47
- 1 Corinthians 13 strongly admonishes us to operate out of love. It is sandwiched between 1
- 44:52
- Corinthians 12 and 14, the words in question do not reflect love. The words in question do not reflect love.
- 44:59
- I would note here, despite the fact that Emma Stark's prophecies are false prophecies, they are legitimately the woman's a false prophet.
- 45:07
- She's a wingnut wackadoodle herself. To sit there and say that just because they're prophecies of judgment, somehow they're not spoken in love is completely out of step with scripture.
- 45:19
- Let me give you an example, okay? In the book of, hang on a second here, we're going to go to Jeremiah 27, okay?
- 45:27
- Jeremiah chapter 27, we'll read 27, maybe a little 28, we'll see.
- 45:33
- I want you to consider what God told Jeremiah to prophesy, okay?
- 45:40
- In the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah, the son of Josiah, the king of Judah, this word came to Jeremiah from Yahweh, okay?
- 45:52
- Thus Yahweh said to me, make yourself a strap, make straps and yoke bars, put them on your neck, send word to the king of Edom, to the king of Moab, to the king of the sons of Ammon, to the king of Tyre, to the king of Sidon by the hand of the envoys who have come to Jerusalem, to Zedekiah, the king of Judah.
- 46:10
- Give them this charge for their masters. Thus says Yahweh Sabaoth, the
- 46:16
- God of armies, Yahweh of armies, the God of Israel. This is what you shall say to your masters.
- 46:22
- It is I who by my great power and my outstretched arm have made the earth with the men and the animals that are on the earth and I give it to whomever it seems right to me.
- 46:34
- Now I have given all of these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar, who is a wicked idolater at this point, the king of Babylon, my servant, and I have given him also the beasts of the field to serve him.
- 46:47
- All the nations shall serve him, his son and his grandson, until the time of his own land comes.
- 46:54
- Then many nations and great kings shall make him their slave. But if any nation or kingdom will not serve
- 47:01
- Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, and put its neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon, I will punish that nation with the sword, with famine, with pestilence, declares
- 47:11
- Yahweh, until I have consumed it by his hand. So do not listen to your prophets, your diviners, your dreamers, your fortune tellers, and your sorcerers who are saying to you, you shall not serve the king of Babylon, for it is a lie that they are prophesying to you with the result that you will be removed far from your land and I will drive you out and you will perish.
- 47:35
- But any nation that will bring its neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon and serve him, I will leave on its own land to work it and to dwell there, declares
- 47:44
- Yahweh. Now you're going to note here, using their misapplication of 1
- 47:51
- Corinthians 12 and 14, and then saying, Emma Stark's prophecy is false because it doesn't reflect love.
- 48:00
- If that standard were applied to Jeremiah, we'd have to say Jeremiah was a false prophet because he's telling everybody they have to submit and surrender to Nebuchadnezzar, right?
- 48:11
- Well, that doesn't sound very loving. So by the way, there was a kind of prophet that by the name of Hananiah, who had he lived today,
- 48:23
- Hananiah would have a YouTube channel, a prophetic YouTube channel. We'd feature him on Prophecy Bingo and I'm pretty sure he would have been like one of the founding members of the
- 48:34
- Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, okay? I'm going to note that Hananiah took issue with Jeremiah's prophecy, similarly to the way the
- 48:46
- Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders is taking issue with Emma Stark's prophecy. Now again, Emma Stark's prophecy is a false prophecy.
- 48:52
- There's just no way around it because she's a false prophetess. But all that being said, their reasoning isn't even biblical as to why they're saying her prophecy was a false prophecy.
- 49:02
- They don't even know how to use the Bible to determine the source of an actual prophecy.
- 49:08
- If they did, then they'd have to determine that their prophecies that they give are false too. So let's listen to what happened to Hananiah, shall we?
- 49:16
- So in that same year, at the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah, the king of Judah, in the fifth month of the fourth year,
- 49:21
- Hananiah, the son of Azur, the prophet from Gibeon, yeah, that was spoken out of politeness, but he's a false prophet, spoke to me in the house of Yahweh in the presence of the priests and all the people, saying, thus says
- 49:34
- Yahweh of armies, the God of Israel. I have broken the yoke of the king of Babylon.
- 49:44
- This is, so you got a true prophet versus a false prophet. Hananiah is the false prophet.
- 49:50
- Within two years, I will bring back to this place all the vessels of Yahweh's house, which Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, took away from this place and carried it to Babylon.
- 49:59
- I will also bring back to this place Jechediah, the son of Jehoiakim, the king of Judah, and all the exiles from Judah who went to Babylon, declares
- 50:07
- Yahweh, I will break the yoke of the king of Babylon. Hananiah, God didn't say any of that to you, by the way.
- 50:15
- So then the prophet Jeremiah spoke to Hananiah, the prophet, in the presence of the priests and all the people who were standing in the house of Yahweh.
- 50:23
- And the prophet Jeremiah said, amen, yeah, way to go. May Yahweh do so.
- 50:29
- May Yahweh make the words that you have prophesied come true and bring back to this place from Babylon the vessels of the house of Yahweh and all the exiles.
- 50:38
- Yet hear now this word that I speak in your hearing and in the hearing of all the people.
- 50:44
- The prophets who preceded you and me from ancient times prophesied war, famine, and pestilence against many countries and great kingdoms.
- 50:53
- As for the prophet who prophesies peace, when the word of that prophet comes to pass, then it'll be known that Yahweh has truly sent the prophet.
- 51:03
- So then the prophet Hananiah took the yoke bars from the neck of Jeremiah, the prophet, and broke them.
- 51:10
- And Hananiah spoke in the presence of all the people saying, thus says Yahweh, even so I will break the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, from the neck of all the nations within two years.
- 51:22
- But Jeremiah, the prophet, went his way. Sometime after the prophet Hananiah had broken the yoke bars off of the neck of Jeremiah, the prophet, the word of Yahweh came to Jeremiah.
- 51:31
- Go tell Hananiah, thus says Yahweh, you have broken wooden bars, but you have made in their place bars of iron, for thus says
- 51:39
- Yahweh of hosts, Yahweh of armies, the God of Israel, I have put upon the neck of all these nations an iron yoke to serve
- 51:46
- Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, and they shall serve him. For I have given to him even the beasts of the field.
- 51:53
- And Jeremiah, the prophet, said to the prophet Hananiah, listen, Hananiah, Yahweh has not sent you, and you have made this people trust in a lie.
- 52:04
- And I would note, Cindy Jacobs, Jennifer LeClaire, Bill Hammond, Jane Hammond, James Gall, they have all caused people to trust in lies.
- 52:17
- And also Emma Stark, this is undeniably true, okay?
- 52:24
- Therefore, thus says Yahweh, behold, I will remove you from the face of the earth. This year, you shall die because you have uttered rebellion against Yahweh.
- 52:32
- And that's exactly what Cindy Jacobs, Emma Stark, Jennifer LeClaire, they've all uttered rebellion against God.
- 52:40
- In that same year, in the seventh month, the prophet Hananiah died. So what's fascinating here in this prophetic
- 52:47
- Mexican standoff is that Cindy Jacobs can't even rightly handle a biblical text to correctly explain why
- 52:57
- Emma Stark is giving a false prophecy. If you were to just ask me, was that prophecy from God?
- 53:03
- No, of course not. Emma Stark is a false prophetess. But they are going to take great pains in this video, we're not gonna show it in its length, to basically say she gave a false prophecy, multiple ones, but she's not a false prophet.
- 53:16
- But she's being divisive, but she's not a false prophet. They can't bring themselves to say that. So you get the idea.
- 53:23
- But then this whole thing is legitimately a mess. Taking the Matthew 18 approach, according with Matthew 18, we've approached some of these prophetic voices with our concerns about these words.
- 53:34
- We asked them to retract these presumptive and dangerous words, which we have deemed. Have you retracted your presumptive words regarding the highway of holiness,
- 53:43
- I -35, from Laredo to Duluth? Have you done that, Cindy? Has Jennifer LeClaire retracted her false words regarding the sneaky squid spirit, hmm?
- 53:55
- Aimed to have been prompted out of the wrong spirit. So far, there does not seem to be any willingness to listen to the counsel of voices that this person not long ago considered to be mothers and fathers in their lives.
- 54:06
- Our desire was to address these issues privately and hope for a resolution that would bring healing to the person and the body of Christ.
- 54:12
- So Emma Stark refuses to be corrected by these people. It's, again, the irony here is ridiculous.
- 54:19
- They're all false prophets. Not a single one of them is hearing from God. Unfortunately, those efforts have not yielded fruit.
- 54:26
- Due to the serious nature of the words being shared publicly and how they could be used to either release a curse they may unwittingly agree with or even aspire one to fulfill, it's a violent rhetoric.
- 54:34
- We felt it important to make a public statement about our views on these public proclamations. We had hoped that there would be at least an acknowledgement that it was not wise to release these words publicly, but rather to simply -
- 54:45
- Yeah, that's right. Emma Stark wouldn't even admit to not being wise. Emma Stark, you know who Emma Stark is about?
- 54:51
- Emma Stark is about Emma Stark. Emma Stark is a completely narcissistically self -focused woman who's speaking blasphemies in the name of God constantly, and she's not gonna be corrected by you or anybody else.
- 55:05
- And the thing is is that y 'all are not being corrected. When you give false prophecies, you never admit you've done it wrong.
- 55:12
- You've never asked God to forgive you or repented publicly for the nonsense that you've spewed in the name of God.
- 55:21
- This is crazy. So what's happening is is that they've run into somebody as blind, stubborn, and deceived as they all are, and they now have dueling false prophecies, and this is devolved in kind of in the way, and everybody was kung fu fighting.
- 55:38
- Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, right? You kind of get the idea. But I could go on. There have been legitimately follow -up statements issued by the
- 55:50
- Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders. You can find that, like, so that was the first statement, and Jennifer LeClaire released, read out a second one.
- 56:01
- Let me read it to you. Many of you have seen the prophetic word that was issued by Emma Stark on election eve called God hodged
- 56:06
- Trump. Many more of you have seen the response from the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders.
- 56:11
- This group was formed about 25 years ago and has been meeting annually to discuss what the Lord is saying and to raise up a generation of prophetic people, respectively, in our ministries.
- 56:21
- I did join that council in 2017, so I'm a relatively new member, but I was on the video where Cindy Jacobs led a response to the prophetic words released by Emma Stark, and now we've seen
- 56:34
- Emma has since, and David, her wonderful husband, has released a word in response, and that's called.
- 56:40
- So we got counter responses now, so this is gonna be their response to the response. This is absolutely devolved into complete chaos.
- 56:47
- Caused a lot of confusion because it's almost become a he said, she said sort of scenario, and so with that, the
- 56:52
- ACPE has crafted a second statement, essentially a Q &A. There's not a lot of hubbub in it.
- 56:58
- It is a straight up Q &A addressing some of the most common questions that have arisen from this disagreement within the prophetic ministry, the prophetic movement.
- 57:09
- Disagreement. Disagreement caused by the fact that none of y 'all are actually hearing from God. You want a word from God, read your
- 57:15
- Bibles. Scripture commands us not to go beyond what is written, and even
- 57:21
- Jesus says that we are to abide in his words, and those words are only found in the scriptures, ladies.
- 57:28
- This is a complete and utter mess, and so hopefully, I know this was a little kind of rambly and a little bit confusing, but the whole thing itself is rambly and confusing, and none of this, none of this makes any sense because these women are not bringing us
- 57:43
- God's word. They're not, not a single one of them have uttered a true prophecy from God when they said, thus saith the
- 57:51
- Lord, Lord is speaking to me, Lord has told my heart. All of them, every single one of them are false prophetesses, every single one of them, and they're all gonna have to give an account for all these false words and for taking
- 58:04
- God's name in vain and breaking his holy command that says you shall not take his name in vain.
- 58:09
- They've carried it into vanity. They are exactly how Jude describes false teachers. They are waterless rain clouds.
- 58:17
- They are fruit trees without fruit on them. They're twice dead. That's what these people are. They speak worthless words, and they take people away from the scriptures and try to point them to themselves.
- 58:29
- Oh, I have the word of the Lord. No, I have it. No, you don't have it. That's not God's word. No, that is
- 58:34
- God's word. You don't have God's word. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you get the idea. It's just, it's a complete mess.
- 58:41
- So that's my current summary of the 2024 prophetic
- 58:47
- Mexican standoff. You know, it's just nuts, absolutely nuts.
- 58:53
- You wanna know what God is saying? Read the word. You can find it in the scriptures. That's what
- 58:58
- God has to say to all of us. So hopefully you found this helpful. If so, all the information on how you can share the video is down below.
- 59:05
- And a quick shout out and a thank you to everyone who supports us financially. You make it possible for us to bring
- 59:10
- Fighting for the Faith to you and to the world. And without your support, we wouldn't be able to do what we're doing, so thank you.
- 59:15
- If you'd like to join our crew, there's a link down below that'll take you to our website. And you can join our crew and sign up to give a nominal amount every month for the purpose of supporting the work that we are doing here so that we can continue to warn people and bring them back to the scriptures and point them to Christ because the scriptures are all about him and what he's done for us.
- 59:38
- So hopefully you found this helpful. If so, all the information on how you can share the video is down below. And until next time, may
- 59:44
- God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ, his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.
- 59:50
- Amen. So nice to see that you've made it to the end. Before you inevitably click on another video to continue binging our glorious content, you should know about some of our other offerings.
- 01:00:03
- First off, some of you may know that our pirate captain is also the pastor of Kongsvinger Lutheran Church out in Oslo, Minnesota.
- 01:00:10
- The editor that I totally don't have locked in my basement produces audio and video versions of Kongsvinger sermons and Sunday schools weekly.
- 01:00:18
- So go check out kongsvingerchurch .org to see all of our offerings. Now, to address some of the frequently asked questions we get in the comments.
- 01:00:27
- Ahem. One, the Bible and video editing software we use are named and linked in the description down below.
- 01:00:35
- Two, if you wish to donate to us directly so we can keep the lights on, go check out www .piratechristian
- 01:00:42
- .com and hit the crew tab. We don't promise miraculous healings or a double increase in your finances, but what we do promise is more quality discernment from our studio into your ear holes.
- 01:00:56
- And three, how do you tie up with boxing gloves? Okay, who's the wiseacre who put this in here?