F4F | Joshua Mills Activates Angels


Sermon about the Pool at Bethesda: http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/sermons/2019/5/27/from-which-god-do-you-expect-good Support Fighting for the Faith Join Our Crew: http://www.piratechristian.com/join-o... Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PirateChristian Merchandise: https://www.moteefe.com/store/pirate-... Fighting for the Faith Radio Program: http://fightingforthefaith.com Social Media Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/piratechristian Twitter: https://twitter.com/piratechristian Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piratechris... Sermons http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/sermons Sunday Schools http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/bibl... Bible Software Used in this Video: https://www.accordancebible.com Video Editing Software: https://adobe.ly/2W9lyNa


Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the word of God. So if you've ever seen
Joshua Mills do his glory sprinkles miracle or his oil, his endless supply of oil coming into his palms trick, or if you've ever heard
Patricia King talk about werewolves, go ahead and hit the like button. Don't forget to subscribe down below.
That'll help you during Prophecy Bingo. We got a little bit of ground we need to cover here. Now I've been doing public discernment work either through a blog, a podcast, or my
YouTube channel now for better than 15 years.
The Fighting for the Faith podcast itself is 11 years old, 11 and a half, but you get the idea.
And so I know where some of the bodies are buried when it comes to some of the worst charlatans out there because I've been covering them for so long and warning people about their shenanigans for so long that I know what to show you in order to kind of prove the point.
Now the issue that we're going to be engaging in here today is we're going to be talking about what is it that makes a doctrine or a teaching, which by the way, doctrine and teaching are synonyms.
What is it that makes a teaching biblical? I'll posit this concept to you.
If it's not in the Bible, it's not a biblical doctrine. I know that sounds crazy. But the charlatans in the charismatic movement in the
NAR like Patricia King and Joshua Mills, they are quite gifted at spinning yarns, telling stories, and filling your heads with all kinds of nonsense.
And what they're doing is they're exploiting you with these ideas and they're teaching you doctrines that are not found in Scripture.
Case in point, we're going to be heading over to, in fact, let me do this real quick, switch this up.
We're going to be heading over to the YouTube channel for Patricia King. And she recently had
Joshua Mills preaching at her Shiloh Christian Fellowship, which is her online church.
And this is all about seeing angels. Seeing angels. Well, I'll let him explain what it is we need to do in order to see angels.
Have you seen an angel? I can't say I have. But if you haven't seen an angel, you've got to activate it so that you can do an activation thingy so that you can see angels and stuff.
And luckily, oh, thank the Lord that Joshua Mills has written this down in a book with the foreword written by none other than Patricia King.
So what we're going to do is we're going to work with this kind of idea here. And this is a
Latin phrase, if you're familiar with my teaching for any length of time, you've seen this from time to time.
And here's the Latin phrase, quod non est biblicum, non est theologicum. If it's not in the
Bible, it's not theology. It's just not. And we'll do a little bit of work in the biblical text, looking at texts that warn us about people like Joshua Mills and Patricia King.
And just for giggles, I'll remind you of the kind of nonsense and shenanigans that Joshua Mills has engaged in in the past, as well as Patricia King, to give you an idea of the quality of character that we're dealing with when we deal with Joshua Mills or Patricia King.
So here is Joshua Mills, and he's going to be explaining to us all about seeing angels, all kinds of different angels, too, you know.
Yeah, let him explain. Here we go. God has angels of abundant provision.
God has angels of healing. God has angels of abundant provision.
Where in the Bible does it talk about angels of abundant provision?
Yeah, I'm not familiar with that text. That are available. Do you realize that God has healing angels? We read about some healing angels at the
Pool of Bethesda. Remember, the Bible says that an angel would step in, begin to stir the waters, and those that begin to move into those waters were supernaturally made well.
They were healed. Yeah, there's a problem that has to do with the healing of the
Pool of Bethesda. And that was it's an actual pagan temple. I actually covered this in a sermon that I preached where we talk about this exact thing and let you know exactly what type of pagan temple that that was at the
Pool of Bethesda. And we'll put a link to it down below. I preach this. I'm a pastor.
So I preach this at Kongsvinger Lutheran Church in Oslo, Minnesota, don't you know? And so rather than go on all the details here,
I'll give you a homework assignment. Listen to my sermon on this text and you'll understand what's going on there.
But nothing about angels of abundant provision talked about in Scripture.
But we continue. So we know that God has angels of healing, that there's many different angels that God has.
But whenever we talk about angels, we must remember something first. Now, listen, the book title is called
Seeing Angels, and I want you to get a copy of the book. Yeah. Seeing Angels. Yeah. You got to get his book.
So note here, in order for you to be able to see angels, you don't just open up your
Bible and learn about, you know, what does the Bible teach about how you can see angels too?
No, you've got to buy Joshua Mills's book, because unless you read his book, then you won't actually know how to see angels.
Yeah. Again, I'll kind of point out our theme today. Quod non est biblicum, non est theologicum.
If it's not in the Bible, it's not theology. And I would note that he's not going to help us to rightly understand the biblical text.
Like I said, he's going to invent theology, invent doctrines that are not found in the
Bible, find insights that cannot be substantiated with any clear biblical text. And all of this is to tell you that you can see angels too.
But you got to buy his book. Mm hmm. All right. Well, let's keep going with this.
And the topic of this, this two nights of revival is also seeing angels.
It's the topic. It's the theme. So the topic of a revival there at Shiloh, where Patricia King is the vision casting leader, leader tricks.
She's not a pastor. It is all about seeing angels. Hmm. OK.
But I want to encourage you that the focus is Jesus. All right.
It's all about seeing angels, but our focus is going to be on Jesus. Right. Yeah. The focus of us being together, our worship, our devotion, our prayers, our anticipation.
It's all about Jesus. Yeah. That would require you to actually preach accurately about Jesus, call people to repent of their sins, proclaim what the gospel is, that Christ died for our sins, rose again on the third day bodily from the grave, you know, things like that.
Matthew says, seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.
Now, that means we get our eyes fixed on Jesus. Well, get to fixing them.
He's not going to do that. This is just lip service to fixing our eyes on Jesus because he ain't going to fix our eyes on Jesus.
He's going to fix them on himself and his amazing angel testimonies.
We seek first his kingdom, his righteousness. But then it says, and we can't forget this part, then all these things.
And what things would those be? By the way, the context there is not seeing angels.
Yeah. Matthew chapter six. I didn't load this up. So let me do this. I'm going to duplicate my tab here in accordance
Bible software. That's what I use when I'm teaching publicly, by the way, I'm both a accordance guy and a logos guy.
It just depends on the context. I kind of go back and forth between the two of them. But Matthew chapter six, our three rules for sound biblical exegesis are, yeah, you know what they are, context, context, and context.
And so in the context where Jesus says, seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, he's well talking about people who are worried, yeah, worried, worried about how they're going to pay their bills and stuff like that.
And and so this isn't about angels. Yeah. So Matthew chapter six, verse 25 is where we'll start to apply our context.
Therefore, I tell you, this is Jesus talking. Do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat, what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on.
Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air.
They neither sow nor reap, nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?
And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? Actually, you can't.
In fact, being anxious oftentimes shortens the span of your life. And why are you anxious about clothing?
Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They neither toil nor spin. Yet I tell you, even
Solomon in all of his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so close the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you,
O you of little faith? So note here in this portion of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus is going after the fact that they don't trust
God. They are anxious about everything, and they do not at their core believe that God will meet their needs.
And as a result of it, they're churning up all kinds of worry and anxiety within themselves.
And he's saying, listen, God cares more about you than he does the birds, and yet the birds don't go without a meal.
O you of little faith, you don't trust God. So Christ then in calling them to repent and says, therefore, do not be anxious, saying, what shall we eat?
What shall we drink? What shall we wear? Nothing here about angels.
For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all, but seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Now, a little bit of a cross -reference here. What does it mean to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness?
A lot of people think that, well, that what that means is like be really super obedient and stuff.
No, that's not what his righteousness is about. So seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.
Here's an extra bonus cross -reference. You know, see, I'm tangenting, is that a word?
I'm tangenting myself. Philippians chapter 3 is our text then to talk about God's righteousness.
Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. So the apostle Paul in Philippians chapter 3 will explain to us
God's righteousness, right? At least what that is really referring to. So in taking a swipe at the
Judaizers, Paul says this in Philippians 3 verse 2,
Look out for the dogs, look out for the evildoers, look out for those who mutilate the flesh. For we are the circumcision who worship by the
Spirit of God and put no, and glory in Christ and put no confidence in the flesh.
Though I myself have reason for confidence in the flesh, if anyone thinks that he has reason for confidence in the flesh, will
I have more? And then he's going to give his credentials. I was circumcised on the eighth day of the people of Israel of the tribe of Benjamin, a
Hebrew of the Hebrews, as to the law, a Pharisee, as to zeal, a persecutor of the church, as to righteousness under the law, blameless.
So his pedigree as a Torah observant Jew who was a
Pharisee who had all kinds of self -righteousness he says, yeah, well, whatever gain that I had,
I counted as a loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing
Jesus Christ, my Lord. For his sake, I have suffered. I have suffered the loss of all things, and I count them, all of his good works, his self -righteousness under the law.
He says, I count them as rubbish. You could translate that as, you know, it's the
Greek word skubalon. You could translate that as dung if you wanted to. I think the
King James does that. The King James is a little better. Yeah, so I count it all as dung in order that I might gain
Christ and listen to the words that come next, and be found in him not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law.
That self -righteousness under the law? Yeah. Not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ.
The righteousness from God that depends on faith.
So when Jesus says, seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, he's saying, seek the righteousness that is given to us by grace through faith.
Repent of your sins. Be forgiven. Be clothed in the righteousness of Christ.
The righteousness of God that is given by faith. That's what he's talking about. Yeah, and all that little digression that we did there in Matthew 6.
Yeah, that's just bonus because that was not originally part of the plan for this particular teaching for this video.
But I digress. Let's go back to Joshua Mills because he's going to try to make it sound like, seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you, and included in the all these things that will be added to you.
It'll also involve something to do with angels. Shall be added unto you.
In other words, you get your eyes fixed on Jesus, you're going to start seeing some other things come into play in your life.
When you get your eyes focused on Jesus, other things are going to show up. Now, what are these things that the
Bible is talking about? Yeah, what other things are going to show up? I believe that it's speaking about every promise that God has for us in his word, every heavenly promise that he wants to bring.
When we get our eyes fixed on Jesus, the promises begin to show up. So get your eyes fixed on Jesus.
That's not what Jesus was saying. Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. Yeah, talking about what
Paul was talking about in Philippians 3, and all these things will be added to you. Oh, I think it's talking about all the promises.
Oh, even the promises of, you know, weirdly named angels and stuff. Now, so what has
God promised to us in regards to angels? Well, I'm glad you asked, because we're going to turn to Psalm 91.
Let's look here. Psalm 91. We'll start right here, right at the beginning. Psalm 91.
Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus, for your promises.
Lord, I thank you that your promise to us is sure, that your promise to us is true, that you are true to your word.
Psalm 91 says, he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty.
Now, I believe that this is an entire Psalm about dwelling in the presence of God.
It's talking about really the glory of God. OK, those that are in the presence of God. All right. Yeah, we're going to have to go into the
Old Testament. Hold on a second here. What on earth is he talking about? Psalm 91, the secret place
Psalm. OK, let's take a look. So he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will abide in the shadow of the almighty.
I will say to Yahweh, my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom
I trust. For he will deliver from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with his pinions and under his wings you will find refuge.
His faithfulness is a shield and a buckler. You'll note that the
ESV, which is a completely great translation of the Hebrew here, doesn't say anything that what
Joshua Mills is talking about, the glory in the secret place and stuff and thingies. OK, we continue in the glory.
Now we know on this side of the new covenant that we actually have the glory in us. We're in the glory and the glory is in us.
What are you talking about? The in the glory, in the glory. That's not talked about in Psalm 91.
This promise is still valid for us today. What promise? That God will be a shelter for us?
Of course that God will be a shelter for us. Even as it was for David and for the psalmist back in these times when it was written.
Now look at verse 11. It says, for he shall, speaking of God, it says he shall give his angels charge over you.
All right, so let's take a look again at this text. There's something that I just I can feel it, you know, because, you know,
I can see where this is going, but let's see if I can give voice to it.
All right. So Psalm 91, Psalm 91. I'll start here at verse nine.
We'll apply a little more context. So because you have made Yahweh your dwelling place, the most high who is my refuge, no evil shall be allowed to befall you.
No plague come near your tent, for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all of your ways.
On their hands, they will bear you up lest you strike your foot against a stone. Yeah, yeah.
See, Psalm 91, 11 and 12. You know who that's about?
It's about Jesus. Yeah, well, all the scriptures are about Jesus, just so you know.
Now, how do I know it's about Jesus? Well, let's just consider this, shall we?
Matthew chapter four. And I've got to type this correctly. Matthew chapter four.
This is the temptation of Christ, the devil tempting him in the wilderness. And well, again, we'll just read it in context because it's a great story.
So Jesus was led by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.
And you'll know, let me back up just a smidge into chapter three. This is where Jesus was baptized by John the
Baptist. And and we'll note. So when Jesus was baptized, immediately he went up from the water and behold, the heavens were open to him.
And he saw the spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest on him. And behold, the voice from heaven said, this is my beloved son with whom
I am well pleased. So Jesus is baptized. The Holy Spirit descends on him. The voice of the father is heard.
This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. And immediately the Holy Spirit drives
Jesus out into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil for 40 days and 40 nights. And I always like to note here that the end of verse two says he was hungry.
It's like I can't go four hours without eating, without being hungry. I can't imagine
Jesus going 40 days without eating. So saying he was hungry, that's a little bit of an understatement.
But note here, when Jesus faces the devil toe to toe, face to face, mano a mano, if you would,
Jesus, notice there was no montage where Jesus is like doing pushups with like one arm and, you know, and, you know, jogging up the steps of the
Philadelphia Capitol, you know, and da da da da, you know, and ready to go, you know, toe to toe with Clubber Lang, you know, you get the idea.
I'm really dating myself again. I do that. I'm sorry. So the point is,
Jesus isn't at his strongest. He's at his weakest, at least physically. So the tempter then came to him and said, if you are the son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread.
But Jesus answered his written man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Boom.
Take that devil. Yeah. Jesus just quotes Deuteronomy right there and just shuts the devil down.
And so the devil first time ever going toe to toe with somebody, you know, if the human race is now and losing in a round, it's like, ah, you know, so he decides to come back and watch what he does.
So then the devil took him to the holy city, set him on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him, if you are the son of God, throw yourself down for it is written he will command his angels concerning you.
Dot dot dot. Yeah, the devil's twisting the text by ignoring some of the context and on their hands, they will bury up unless you strike your foot against a stone.
See, the devil knew that Psalm 91. Just take a look at the note. Yeah, Psalm 91, 11 and 12, that that was.
About Jesus. So here we got Joshua Mills trying to basically say, oh, this is part of the grander promises of God, man, and stuff that, by the way, it is true that angels are ministering spirits to Christians.
That's explicitly taught in scripture. But I find it fascinating that Joshua Mills has taken a portion of the
Psalms that is clearly about Jesus. At least the devil thought it was and is now now applying it into the general promises about you category.
Yeah, we continue. This is a promise from the Lord. He shall who shall he
God. OK, God, some say God. This is a promise from God. You can say it.
This is a prompt. This is say this is my promise from God. OK, what's the promise that God shall give his angels charge over you?
Now, whose angels are these? God's angels, right? Yeah, again,
I just showed from Matthew for that. That was about Jesus. Yeah, just saying who's given the angels charge.
God, right. OK, you're tracking here. God is given his angels, God's angels charge over who?
You. OK, now whose angels are they? Well, that was fast.
That was really, really fast. We just went from them being God's angels to now you're recognizing that they're your angels.
You see, in this one scripture promise, God is telling us that the angels that he has created and ordained and commissioned, he is giving them to your life as a promise from heaven.
He is putting them in your life. There are clear passages here that make it clear that angels are ministering servants to the saints.
I mean, that's almost a verbatim quote from from the Bible there. What is he doing?
You'll see what he's doing in a minute here. I just letting him spin this. And they are becoming your angels.
I thought they were Charlie's. Now, Patricia mentioned a few moments ago that whatever
God gives, he doesn't take back. Oh, so I say,
Lord, I thank you that your word declares that you are giving angels to my life, that your angels are becoming my angels.
Now, let's do a little pretending, shall we? Let's just pretend that he correctly exegeted
Psalm 91 for a second, OK? That God is, listen to the verb, giving us angels.
If God is giving me angels, would I be required by God to buy
Joshua Mills's book first before I receive the angels that God was giving? Yeah, no.
So already something like you smell it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's sulfur. Yeah, just saying. Oh, to work in my life.
Lord, I will not waste the gift that you've given.
I will not waste this. This is total manipulation. It's blessing that you've assigned.
But God, I will learn how to steward it well.
I'm going to steward the angel thingy. How do you steward the angel promise?
This doesn't make any sense. How to cooperate with heaven. And engage with the angel.
With the angels. So I got to engage with them. Where in the
Bible does it tell me I need to engage with angels? You've given to me. Amen.
Hallelujah. OK, now, if we keep on reading, it tells us some of the reasons why he gives these angels.
And I want you to know that there is an S on the word angel. It's angels, plural.
Somebody say that's more than one. OK, and so they come to keep you in all your ways in their hands.
They shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone. So in this instance, it's speaking about angels that really come as guardians, protectors.
Caretakers for the children of God. Right. OK, now
I'm going to back this up just a little bit, because I want you to. So you kind of get the idea.
He's really obsessing about this angel teaching. And let's note here that what he's going to say, he has already said, but I wanted to give you a fair reading to see the direction that he was heading with this angel teaching.
But this was the preface to it. And this is the thing that should convince you there's something really off here for, you know, the the bad exegesis.
That's a danger sign like you wouldn't believe. But this is a little bit more than that. Let's continue. Well, you know that tonight we're going to be talking about seeing angels.
And I believe not only are we going to be talking about it, but we're going to be seeing angels.
Amen. And we're going to be talking about it and we're going to be seeing him, too. And God's going to do it here for us in the studio.
But I believe also those that are watching online, God's going to show up for you in your home.
God's going to come to you right through your television screen, right through your computer screen, right through your phone screen.
However, you're watching. I believe God's going to meet you tonight. God's going to meet us tonight in this place.
Amen. Patricia was sharing about these angels that come with supernatural provision.
And angels that come with supernatural provision. I've just written a book called
Seeing Angels, how to recognize and interact with your heavenly messengers. And if you do not know how to recognize and interact with your heavenly messengers again,
I got to point out that if I needed to understand how to interact with my angels, the
Bible would tell me how to do it. OK, so we got a problem here.
And that is and let me show you this from Second Timothy, Chapter three. Second Timothy, Chapter three explicitly teaches that the
Bible is sufficient in equipping me. So if Second Timothy, Chapter three, verse verses 16 and 17 says, all scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training and righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete and equipped for every good work.
So if being a Christian required me to learn how to interact with and engage with angels, then the
Bible would teach me clearly how to do that. And I wouldn't need
Joshua Mills's book to assist me in this manner. In fact,
I would note, quad non est biblicum, non est theologicum. Now, sometimes you need somebody to help guide you into a right understanding of what a biblical text says and how to engage it in proper sound biblical exegesis.
But they're not teaching you something that is unique. In fact, those who engage in sound biblical exegesis are the exact opposite of unique.
They're just teaching you what the churches always believe. But I would ask, you know, can you point me in the writings of the early church fathers where they talked about, oh, yeah, in the
Bible, it talked about the importance of, you know, here's how to engage your angels and stuff and thingies. And so here's all the different ways in which you can do that.
No Christian in history talked like this, especially in the ancient church.
And the reason why is because this isn't taught in the Bible. But again, this is the setup.
I did this out of order so that you can kind of see what he's trying to do here. Sometimes that helps have a copy of this book.
I highly encourage you to get a copy of the book. You need this book. Isn't that a great?
No, I don't cover it. Yeah. If nothing else, just get it because it will look great on your coffee table.
It will. No, it won't. I'll look like an idiot if I put that on my coffee. It will be a great thing to talk about.
It's a conversation starter. No, with the friends that I have and the people
I serve, it would be a conversation stopper. And I believe that you'll really get blessed by the revelation in here.
But I've got a chapter in the book called Angels of Abundant Provision.
Where in scripture are the angels of abundant provision talked about? And when Patricia was speaking a few moments ago,
I was reminded of this testimony that I shared here. All right. Now, here I was reminded of this testimony.
Now, part of the point I want to make here is that Joshua Mills, Patricia King, and the people of their ilk in the charismatic movement, they are high on testimonies that have no evidence to back any of it up.
It's just tall tales. And Joshua Mills is one of these guys who's super gifted at this.
And so is Patricia King. They're both gifted storytellers. So before he gives you this angel testimony,
I would like to remind you a little bit about what Joshua Mills is really about. And like I said,
I've been doing this long enough that I remember when these videos were brand new. And so Joshua Mills, part of his career, his stick, has been that he somehow can manifest unending supplies of oil that come out of his hands.
And also, for whatever reason, he just, blammo, he's just covered in gold dust.
Yeah. So we're going to do this out of order in this video. But I want you to take a look at this. This is Joshua Mills apparently miraculously manifesting an endless supply of oil coming from his hands.
We're going to note something. And that is that one, every time he does this trick, because that's what it is, he's always wearing long sleeves.
But the other thing that's really funny about this one is that Patricia King, it's almost as if she's feeling guilty.
She reveals how the trick is done. You'll hear it in the audio here, but I just wanted to let you know, she will be revealing how he does the trick without saying that it's a trick.
It's really funny what she does here. A little bit of a guilty conscience, shall we say. But let's listen and watch as Joshua Mills now miraculously performs the endless supply of oil from your hands trick.
Well, then the next morning after that evening, we went into the meeting.
My husband goes to pick up Joshua in his hotel room to bring him down. And there's Joshua like this with his hands are just dripping oil.
It's coming out all over the place. He's trying to pour it in from one to another. Yeah, no, no.
He's wearing long sleeves. My husband says, well, let me get you a cup for it.
And then he got rid of it. But then it just kept coming. It just was coming out all over his hands. And they kept putting it in this cup, actually two cups.
Yeah, they kept putting it in a cup, in two cups. Now, this is where Patricia King will inadvertently reveal how the trick is done.
Listen to what she says, which is interesting because Zachariah talks about the oil coming out of those two tubes and pipes and the oil coming out of two tubes and pipes.
Yeah, she just like, oops, I'm sorry, Joshua. I just I accidentally let everybody know that it was a magic trick and that the oil was appearing from two tubes that were hidden underneath your long sleeves.
Yeah, I know. Let me back this up so you can hear it again, because it's just so fascinating.
A little bit of a Freudian slip. He got rid of it, but then it just kept coming. It just was coming out all over his hands.
And they kept putting it in this cup, actually two cups, which is interesting because Zachariah talks about the oil coming out of those two tubes and pipes.
And so here is all this oil. It just kept pouring out of him. So my husband put it all in one glass and then they went down into the meeting and it's still pouring out all over the place.
And so he had this like, it was about like a third of a cup of oil. Yeah, this is supposed to be like, oh, this is a major sign wonder kind of thing.
It poured off of his hands and it was still thick on his hands pouring out in the meeting.
And when we smelled the oil, though, what was so cool is it had like this wine smell in it.
So it was like oil and wine. And I thought, this is amazing. So in that service, we all got anointed with it.
Sorry, I wouldn't want anybody to touch me with that. Now, all of that being said, let me back up the video to the beginning.
And this is an example of Patricia King putting forward the signs and wonders of Joshua Mills.
And apparently, you know, without any warning whatsoever, he gets covered by gold dust.
Yeah. Now we're going to note here, when does the video begin?
After the gold dust has already appeared. There's no before.
There's only the after. That looks like glitter to me.
You can get this at Hobby Lobby, at Walmart. Oh, my goodness. Absolutely. Oh, my gosh.
Look at that. And you're going to note how completely like unimpressed Patricia King looks.
It's almost like she's acting. Oh, wow. That's cool.
Oh, my God. What? It's beautiful. It's awesome. It's glitter.
I was surprised tonight because it's never come blue. Never come. No, there's like it came so blue tonight and then it started popping out.
And again, notice he's wearing long sleeves. How hard would it be for him to, you know, keep a supply of glitter there in his long sleeves?
It's glitter. Yeah, so you get the idea. So Patricia King very early on, you know, put this guy forward.
Oh, he's able to operate in signs and wonders. Two signs. The unending supply of oil from the long sleeves into your palm trick and then the appearance of, you know, 50 cent glitter that they.
Oh, it's gold dust. I mean, if this was really gold dust, don't you think they'd be like scooping it up and like, you know, because I mean, that I mean, even gold flakes of that that quantity would be worth at least something, don't you think?
So and then let's also remind you of the tall tales that Patricia King is known for, because I think it is helpful in this regard because we're at Shiloh listening to Joshua Mills.
But let's go back in time and let's listen as Patricia King explains to us how she was talking to a
New Ager and asked her if she'd ever encountered a werewolf.
Remember one time I was at a lunch engagement and this was at a Christian's home, but they were having a relative visit them that was in into witchcraft.
And they said, you know, you've got to be really careful about, you know, this relative of mine that's here because, you know, they're into witchcraft and and you've got to be really careful what you say and everything, because, you know, after all, they're in witchcraft.
And I mean, yeah, we got that. After all, they're into which. So I thought about that and I thought, oh, God, you know, just please use all the
Christian influence that's here and the love that's here to touch that precious one, because they're deceived.
So guess who? They're deceived. Uh -huh. Wait till you see what's going on.
I end up standing behind in the lunch lineup. It's this young girl. She's been involved in witchcraft from a very early age, had a fascination from childhood.
And what's her name again? So I'm waiting in the lunch lineup to get the food.
And I said to her, I said, so I understand that you're in witchcraft. And she says, how did you know?
And I said, well, I just heard that you were. And I said, like, how fascinating is that? I said, how did you get involved with that kind of spiritual experience?
And so she was very open. She shared with me about her childhood and how she just felt drawn and how she started studying.
She was a brilliant gal. And so I was quite intrigued. I said, you know, I so appreciate your spiritual hunger.
Now, I didn't say I appreciate what you believe, you know. Right. Yeah, we've got to be clear about that.
But I did say, I appreciate your spiritual hunger. And I said, I actually was involved in a lot of that stuff that you're explaining before I became a
Christian. So I understand the spiritual hunger. And I said, so what types of experiences have you had?
And she shared a few. And so then I said to her, I said, listen, have you ever had an experience with a werewolf?
And she said, no, but I've read about them. So I said, well, I have. She says, yeah, well, yeah, well, yeah.
Are you getting the feeling that Patricia King is a spinner of yarns and tall tales and wacker doodle self -made theologies and stuff?
Remember our theme here? Quad non es biblicum non es theologicum.
In other words, no Christian should believe in werewolves.
They're not in scripture. You have like what kind of experiences by this time?
We're sitting down at the lunch table and she chooses to sit beside me. And I said, well, you know, I was over, you know, in another country.
We were doing some ministry with some. Which country was it? Transylvania. Street people trying to get them, you know, safe from drug problems and that.
And the last person in that meeting that stayed for prayer as we were praying from there's three people in the room.
We're all praying as we prayed. This man started to manifest a werewolf spirit, his hair, a werewolf spirit bristled back almost like ears were formed out of his hair.
Fangs came down out of his mouth. He got on all fours and started howling like a wolf. She said, you're kidding. I said, no, not.
She said, well, what did you do? I said, well, I cast the werewolf out of him. I said, those werewolf spirits aren't very good.
You know, they're those werewolf spirits.
They're not very good. No, no. Yeah. Said with complete like understatement.
They're nasty things. She says, yeah, I understand that from what I've read. And she says, well, how did you do that? And I said, well,
I belong now to the God of God, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. There's no greater power than the power of Jesus.
So I just took the authority that's in the name of Jesus because I'm allowed to use that authority. And I told that spirit to come out.
She said, well, what happened? I said, it went. Okay.
Yeah. So the werewolf spirit came out and went. Yeah, right.
Spitter of yarns and tall tales. I think you get the point there. So let's come back to Joshua Mills, who's now teaching and preaching at Patricia King's Shiloh Christian Fellowship.
And and he's going to open up his book and he's going to give a testimony, an angel testimony.
Uh huh. Yeah. Let's let's see if this jives with anything in scripture. In the book. And I want to read it to you tonight, if that's okay.
God has angels that release miracle money for believers. They do angels that release miracle money.
Are they like leprechauns? What is this? He has angels that minister the supernatural replenishment of provisions.
My friend, the late evangelist Edgar Bailey was well known for the bottle of anointing oil that he carried everywhere he went.
It was supernatural. I say this because one day the oil began to appear out of nowhere.
No matter how much of that oil he used to anoint the masses, it never ran out.
Uh huh. Wow. Yeah. Couldn't possibly be a parlor trick. Now, doesn't that sound like the story in First King 17 when the prophet
Elijah asked a widow to use her limited. Doesn't it sound just like First King 17?
It sounds like it was completely ripped off from First King 17. Um, and again, has this miracle been verified?
Do we know for sure that that's how this really went down? Yeah, probably not.
I mean, you know, this sounds like, again, a tall tale, a story that is being told here.
Supply of flour and oil to bake him a cake. The scriptures tell us that although she used everything she had, no matter how much they used, there was always plenty left in the containers, just as the
Lord had promised through Elijah. Although angels are not specifically mentioned in this passage because.
Yeah, they're right. That's right. No angels are mentioned in the in the feeding of the widow of Zarephath.
Nope. It's just a promise given from God. No angels are mentioned at all.
That was not the focus of the story. I personally believe that angels of replenishment were involved in this miracle of divine supply.
So I know they're not mentioned, but I'm sure I really down in my heart.
I'm super sincere and stuff, you know, because, you know, Linus, he believed in the great pumpkin.
And he had the most sincerest pumpkin patch and stuff, you know, so although no angels are mentioned in that miracle, it's got to be.
I just know it. The angels of abundant provision were a part of this story secretly behind the scenes.
Quad non es biblicum non es theologicum. If it's not in the Bible, it's not theology. So he's adding now to the biblical text, angels of abundant provision that were apparently on the scene making all this happen.
Why angels can bend physical laws to minister supernatural overflow to those that are willing to receive it.
Are you willing? Oh, they can bend stuff, you know, rules of nature and things only to those who are willing to receive it.
Which biblical text says that? Are you willing? OK, so you've got to be a generous receiver.
Oh, you've got to be a generous receiver. That means you need to give money. You want to see angels do stuff?
You got to give money to be a generous giver. But attached to that, you got to become a generous receiver.
Amen. Some time ago, Edgar shared an unusual angelic encounter that happened to him while he was living in California.
At that time, he and his family were so broke. Were there werewolves involved?
They had nothing in their cupboards to eat. Well, Edgar and his wife were at a nearby Catherine Coleman meeting.
His son, Bruce, heard a commotion in the kitchen as he sat in the living room. It sounded as though other people had somehow entered the house, even though he was certain that the back door was firmly closed and locked.
Those startled Bruce also felt the overwhelming presence of the Lord. This strong presence made it virtually impossible for him to move from the chair in which he was sitting.
So as he sat there pondering what was happening again, just a tall tale, he heard cupboard doors being opened and then slammed shut again.
When Edgar and his wife arrived home, he said, it sounds like somebody's in the kitchen. Bruce answered,
Yes, they've been in there for a while now. No, this is not found in Scripture.
And the theology that goes with this is flat out contrary to the written word of God.
Edgar went to see who was in their kitchen. He was surprised to discover no one there at all. He opened the refrigerator door and found that it was stocked full of food.
He checked the cupboards and they were also full of canned goods. Edgar later told me he said there was bacon and eggs.
God knows exactly what I like. This miracle testimony thrilled me.
I love to hear and share testimonies about God's abundant provision in our lives. But what really intrigues me about this particular testimony is the activation that caused the miracle to take place.
The what? The activation that caused the miracle to take place.
Now, let's let's do this. All right. So I'm going to, in accordance, I'm going to change my search parameters.
I'm going to look for words and I'm going to search all of the Bible. And we're going to look for the word activation.
Activate. Nope. Yeah, that's weird.
The word activation appears nowhere in the Bible. Hmm. So he just said, just said that that it was the activation that made these miracles possible.
Let me back this up just a little bit and listen again as he spins this out. Abundant provision in our lives.
But what really intrigues me about this particular testimony is the activation that caused the miracle to take place.
So the activation caused it. Revelation demands an activation.
Where in Scripture does it say that revelation demands an activation? The word activation appears nowhere in the
Bible. In order to bring forth a manifestation or a demonstration of what God intends to release in your life.
How many want to hear the activation part? Oh, yeah, go ahead. OK, so let me tell you what caused this.
All right. What caused it? That particular day, Edgar said that they had gone to a Catherine Coleman meeting in Los Angeles.
And when the collection bucket came, he said, I put everything I had left into the offering.
So there you go. Just give everything you have to a ten penny crackpot charismatic who's holding a healing service, and then you'll activate angelic provision and stuff.
Yeah, this is just flat out false. I mean, this is this has nothing to do with Scripture.
Now, let me show you a biblical text that warns us about people like Joshua Mills and Patricia King.
And I think I have it over here. Yes, it's Colossians chapter two, verses 18 and 19.
And here's what it says. Let no one disqualify you, insisting on asceticism, the worship of angels, going on in detail about visions puffed up without reason by his sensuous mind and not holding fast to the head from whom the whole body nourished and knit together through its joints and ligaments grows for the growth that is from God.
By the way, Christ is our head. So note, we're warned in Scripture about guys like this.
All right. But like Joshua Mills and others. And then if that's not enough, the apostle
Peter, you know, the guy who walked on the water. He warns us about people like Joshua Mills and Patricia King as well.
And here's what he says in Second Peter chapter two. False prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.
And many will follow their sensuality. And because of them, the way of truth will be blasphemed in their greed.
They will exploit you with false words. And that's exactly what
Joshua Mills is doing here. He's exploiting people with false words in greed.
Oh, you want angels to appear? Well, you got to have an activation. And how does an act?
What does an activation look like? It looks like emptying out your bank account and putting it in the offering plate.
Yeah, no joke. So in their greed, they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.
Yeah, Joshua Mills, if he doesn't repent, this is what he gets to face, the wrath of God for daring to blaspheme his holy name in this way.
For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but he cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment, if he did not spare the ancient world but preserved
Noah, a herald of righteousness, with seven others, when he brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly, if by turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes, he condemned them to extinction, making them an example of what's going to happen to the ungodly, and if he rescued righteous lot greatly distressed by the sensual conduct of the wicked, for as that righteous man lived among them day after day, he was tormenting his righteous soul over their lawless deeds that he saw and heard, then the
Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment, and especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and despise authority.
Now talking about the false teachers here. They are bold and willful. They do not tremble as they blaspheme the glorious ones, whereas angels so greater in might and power do not pronounce a blasphemous judgment against them before the
Lord, but these like irrational animals, creatures of instinct, born to be caught and destroyed, blaspheming about matters of which they are ignorant, will also be destroyed in their destruction, suffering wrong as the wage for their wrongdoing.
They count it pleasure to revel in the daytime, their blots and blemishes, reveling in their deceptions while they feast with you.
They have eyes full of adultery, insatiable for sin. They entice unsteady souls. They have hearts trained in greed, accursed children, forsaking the right way, they have gone astray.
They have followed the way of Balaam, the son of Baor, who loved gain and from wrongdoing, but was rebuked for his own transgression by a speechless donkey.
And a speechless donkey who spoke with human voice and restrained the prophet's madness. These false teachers, they're waterless springs, mist driven by a storm.
And for them, the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved for speaking loud boasts of folly.
And that's what Joshua Mills is doing here. That's what Patricia King does all the time.
They uttering loud boasts of folly, they entice by sensual passions of the flesh, those who are barely escaping from those who live in error.
They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption. For whatever overcomes a person to that, he is enslaved.
For if after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, well, the last state has become worse for them than the first, for it would have been better for them to have never known the way of righteousness.
And after knowing it, it turned back from the holy commandment delivered to them. So what the true proverb says has happened to them.
The dog returns to its own vomit. The sow after washing herself returns to wallow in the mire.
That the apostle Peter is prophesying and describing Patricia King.
Joshua Mills, Todd White, Benny Hinn, Ken Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, that's who he's describing here.
And I would just say that Joshua Mills is not disappointing. Now I'm going to fast forward to near the end so you can see how this particular night of revival at Patricia King Shiloh Fellowship wraps up with more tall tales and then, well, everything designed to make merchandise of people with completely folly and nonsensical false doctrines that he spun out of his own head.
None of them are found in the Bible. Thank you, Jesus. I had a friend call me up several years ago.
She had heard the testimony about our luggage. And she called me and she told me this story. She said that she...
Yeah, apparently, Joshua Mills, one time while traveling, lost his luggage, but a finding angel brought it to their hotel room.
In Florida. And she had had a visitor come see her for a week from South America.
And she had taken her around to different sites and to do different things. And the whole time she had taken pictures of everything that they were doing, you know, making memories.
And at that time, people were still using the actual cameras that were only cameras. And so she had taken a lot of pictures and they got...
What's her name? ...on to a restaurant and she left her camera on the table. She had gone back home.
By the time she got back home, she realized she left the camera at the table and she went back to get the camera and the camera was gone.
It had disappeared. And she was really upset about it because she had taken all those pictures all week long of those memories of their friend.
And she knew that if she didn't get the camera back, she lost all those memories. Actually, the last place she took a picture was at that restaurant at that table with her friend.
What was the name of the restaurant? What city is this again? And so she called me up and she asked if I'd pray with her for God to send an angel to get back that camera.
And so I prayed with her on the phone and I can't remember how much longer it was, but it was probably only a matter of hours.
And she called me up and she said, the most unusual thing has happened. Her daughter called her up.
Now, her daughter does not live in her home. Her daughter has a separate home on a separate street in a separate place of town.
Her daughter called her up and asked her, said, mom, did you leave your camera on my pile of laundry in her laundry room?
She said, no, I haven't even been to your house. She said, I know, but it doesn't make sense. This looks like your camera.
In their greed, they will exploit you with false words. Her mother said, well,
I just lost my camera, but I lost it at a restaurant where we were eating. Her mother said, turn the camera on and see what the last picture was that was taken.
It was a picture of her with her friend at that restaurant where they lost the camera. Wow, what's the evidence for this?
Just his, he's just telling the story. I mean, you might as well throw some werewolves and vampires in there as well, you know.
I believe God sent a finding angel. A finding angel. Where are those mentioned in scripture?
To go get it. And the reason why he sent it to the daughter's house instead of my friend who asked for the prayer, because see, if he just sent it to her house, she would have been like, oh, stupid me.
I brought it home with me and I forgot that it was just on the kitchen table. Yeah, yeah.
I mean, what a great testimony story kind of thingy. Watch where this goes next.
See, so God put it someplace that was so bizarre, place she had not been, a place she had not visited, such an unusual on a pile of laundry in the laundry room.
Yeah. For her to know that God answers prayers and sometimes he does it through the ministry of angels.
Sometimes he sends those finding angels. Amen. They're better than that tile technology.
Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord. You just told a tall tale.
You made this up. I have a whole bunch more angel testimonies I want. I'm sure you do.
I'm going to share with you. I pray you're going to come back tomorrow night. Yeah, because we need to do an angel activation.
You need to empty out your bank account. And I'm going to share some more angel testimonies with you and teach you some more things about discerning and working with your angels.
But I really do encourage you to pick up a copy of my book, Seeing Angels. Yeah, I got it. You got to buy a copy of his book, though.
How to recognize and interact with your heavenly messengers. This is a scriptural
Bible based book. It was graceful. No, it's not. It's clearly not a
Bible based book. It's a Bible twisted book. We've already noted that. Given a forward by our beloved
Patricia King. Yeah, of course she did the forward for it. How much you pay her for that? And she wrote the forward for this book.
And I'm just so blessed to be able to resource the body with this. And give you something that you can take and you can put into action.
This is not just a testimony book, although I share a lot of my own personal testimonies. This lots of testimonies, man.
In other words, made up story. This is a handbook. It's a guidebook for working with interacting with recognizing, understanding the angels that God has put in your life so that you can begin to move in an accelerated way in the things that God has called you to.
You need to move in an acceleration. Yeah, right after the activation.
So empty out your bank account. If you're watching online, you can get this on my website, joshuamills .com or anywhere that you like to buy great books.
They'll have this book available for you. And then I also have a few other resources
I just want to mention quickly. I've got a brand new CD called Activating Angels in Your Life, Angelic Activations and Heavenly Encounters.
It's a double disc CD. So the first one is spoken word. Yeah, you got to activate them, though.
Yeah, activations. And the second disc is just an hour long of instrumental soaking atmosphere.
I think so. A soaking atmosphere. Where's that talked about in the book? The most wonderful atmospheric music that we've released.
I worked on this with my friend, Tyler Michael Smith. He's based in Nashville. Extremely anointed.
He does a lot of film and television scoring, but he agreed to do this project. And he really, really did a tremendous job with the instrumental on here.
Yeah, best soaking stuff ever. Absolutely anointed. Yeah. And you're going to love this. So who would like a copy of this?
OK, it's going to be on the book table. It's going to be available. Yeah. Who would like a copy?
Oh, you got to buy it. Yeah. For you. OK. What else are you selling? One other thing that we have is the
Activating Angels 365. Patricia mentioned. The Activating Angels 365 calendar.
The word activation never appears in Scripture. You put together a calendar, a 365 day calendar.
That's going to help you activate angels. And that it's your voice commands.
Angels hearken unto the voice of God's word, right? It's your voice commands that activate and release angels.
And so this was my summer project this summer. I put together a 365 day calendar. That is a perpetual calendar.
That means it's not just applicable for one year. This will work every year until Jesus comes back.
Amen. Oh, yeah. Yeah, because I mean, and how is the church survived for almost two full millennia without the activation calendar?
And so you can just open this up to October. What is tomorrow, October 28th?
You can open to this up to October 28th and start it tomorrow and then go all the way into 2020 and 2021 and 2022.
And you can just keep on activating every day. There's a scripture that you can speak.
And then there's a command, a bold decree that you can speak to release those angels and the months are arranged.
Yeah. Bold decrees that will release angels and stuff because, you know, commands. Yeah. You know, you can release an angel by saying here, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty.
They follow voice commands and stuff. Oh, by different angels that God has, like angels of abundance, angels of divine love, angels of wisdom, angels of supernatural strength, angels of blessing, angels of creativity, angels of freedom.
By the end of the year, I'm telling you, there will be hosts of angels swirling around your home and your life.
And the other thing I want to say is this is an excellent stocking stuffer. And, you know, Christmas is coming up soon.
There was the. I'm done. I wow. OK, I think you get the point.
Yeah. Patricia King and Joshua Mills, they are going to face the wrath of God if they do not repent of this nonsense.
They are exploiting people with false words, making nonsense up and speaking pure folly.
None of this has anything to do with the scripture. They're inventing doctrines. And of course, you've got to learn how to activate by emptying your bank account and then learning how to command angels and stuff and thingies.
No biblical text talks this way. These are people to be avoided like the plague because they will send you to hell.
I think you get the point. So we found this helpful. All the information, how you can share the video is down below.
Don't forget to like the video. Subscribe. Don't forget to ring the bell. And as always, you know, we can't do what we're doing here at fighting for the faith without your financial support.
But I can't promise you nothing except for that. We'll keep doing what we're doing if we can pay our bills and keep warning people in the body of Christ about false teachers like this and also helping people to understand how to rightly understand
God's word, which is a true value to the body of Christ. And we're not going to be selling any activation calendars or anything like that.
So I think you get the point. So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ is vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.