Earthworm Jim and Taking Dominion Via Nonsense

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Earthworm Jim might seem like a bunch of nonsense to you, and I assure you it is. BUT it is a completely legitimate means of taking dominion over the earth...and can be done to the glory of God.


Alright, so I actually did a video on this topic before, it was kind of like an unboxing video which is different than anything
I've ever done before. It was, I re -watched it, it was interesting to me, but it was kind of boring, just probably for my viewers.
So I wanted to do a redo here, and this is about Earthworm Jim. If you don't know anything about Earthworm Jim, it was a video game,
I played it on Genesis, that's what you're seeing on the screen right now, and when I was a kid I loved this game, it was one of the most creative things that I've ever seen, it was a lot of fun, but it was so unique, it wasn't
Mario, it wasn't Sonic, it wasn't one of these series, at least initially, and it was just awesome, it was just such a weird game, everything about it was just nonsensical, but it was a lot of fun.
Anyway, so I'm watching CrossPolitik one day, and it turns out that the guy who created
Earthworm Jim is a Christian, and his name is Doug TenNapel, and he's not just a
Christian, like a legit Christian, like a Christian Christian, like the kind of Christian who people try to cancel because of his beliefs, and that's why he was on CrossPolitik, because he was producing this comic book for the
Earthworm Jim origin story, and people were trying to cancel him, so he was doing it on Indiegogo, which is kind of like a
Kickstarter type of a thing. Anyway, so I was like, man, I gotta get in on this, I gotta support this,
I mean, I hadn't thought about Earthworm Jim in a very long time, I actually bought a remastered version of this game for PlayStation, and I played it a little bit, you know, a number of years ago, but I hadn't thought about Earthworm Jim in a while, because, you know, just look at it, it's crazy, it's not really for adults, but I wanna challenge that as well for a second here.
So what I did was I actually did fund it on Indiegogo, and I got one of the packages, and I had forgotten that I ordered it, to be honest, and then one day, right around Christmas, I see this box on my front porch, and I thought it was someone sending me some cheese, because I live in Vermont, and there's a lot of like cheese factories around here, and this kind of looks like what cheese would come in here in Vermont.
I looked at the back, and all of a sudden, I'm like, this doesn't look like cheese, and then
I realized, oh, this is Earthworm Jim, and I gotta say, like, one of the things about this
Doug TenNapel, there is no question, this is actually very inspiring and encouraging for anyone who's trying to work for themselves, get into business for themselves, start a business or whatever, like, the care and the love of his craft is so evident in every single thing in this box.
This is a comic book, or a graphic novel, whatever you want to call it, of a character named
Earthworm Jim, it's a superhero who's an earthworm, who fights his arch nemesis named
Psychro. Complete nonsense, I mean, it's definitely nonsense, but it's so obvious that he cares about this character, he cares about the world, he cares about its coherence, its consistency, and the message put forward, which in some,
I mean, there's probably a few things, and you could challenge me on what the message of Earthworm Jim is, but I think it's the story of a very unlikely hero, doing great things, saving the world, like, he has, he's done, like, he's just, he's an earthworm, and he saves the world.
Anyway, it's just kind of a cool story, and it's just the quality here. So what
I got was, I got the comic, and I got the Making Of book, and I got a little extra because I wanted to support
Doug, I thought it was so awesome, so I got this comic book, which is hardcover, I mean, the utmost of quality, look at this, gilded pages,
I don't know if you can see this, but spot gloss on the front, I mean, just the care that went into this book, this is the first page, and what
I got was, I got the head sketch version, so Doug signed it, and he also drew a quick head sketch of Earthworm Jim, which looks awesome, this one right here.
And, anyway, the pages in this book, I mean, this is just an example of some of the pages in the book, that's
Princess What's Her Name, that's when Jim meets Princess What's Her Name, and it's just, everything about this,
I mean, the feel of the paper is so obviously high quality, the print is fantastic, you can see the gilding, all of this, the care that went into this book, this is amazing.
Then Doug, he also did this book, which is the Making Of Earthworm Jim, it shows you how they created the character, how they got together to make the video game, it's just like, everything you could ever want to know about Earthworm Jim, this is gilded too, in silver, it's just so awesome.
He also included a bunch of posters, and he made some trading cards, and some patches, if anyone wants a groovy patch, let me know,
I've got two of them, so Doug put two of those patches in there, and let me just give you an example of, oh, he also got some prints, some high quality prints here, this is one of the pictures that comes in the prints, it says
Princess What's Her Name, Sycrow, and Jim, this is a weird picture of Jim, very hardcore,
I like that, and this is also Jim, and his trusty sidekick, Snot.
Awesome stuff here, awesome stuff here, I also got a couple of posters, let me show you some of these posters, because this is awesome too, this is a full -size, double -sided poster, this is complete nonsense, it's
Jim, and Princess What's Her Name, a beautiful princess who loves the earthworm, named
Jim, and this is the cow, who wants the cow, anyway, so I just like, this guy has made a living for his family, he's working to the glory of God, and you might not see it, because it's an earthworm superhero fighting
Sycrow with a Princess What's Her Name, who kind of is a bumblebee, but kind of not, and it's like, how does this have any relevance to anything?
But honestly, it really does, I mean, he obviously is taking his craft very seriously, even though it's complete craziness, it's just insanity, but there's a real story here, there's coherence to the universe, it's a fantasy, obviously, but it's a lot of fun, and it's clean fun, that has a legitimate worldview presented by it, and so I don't want to make this more serious than it is, but it is serious,
I mean, this is how Doug provides for his family, and he provides very well for his family, through a weird character like Earthworm Jim, he also has a lot of other characters as well,
Earthworm Jim is not the only one that he presents, but anyway, the point is, though, that no matter what it is that you do, do it with quality, do it with, you know, just a love,
Doug clearly likes making people happy, this character makes a lot of people happy, this ridiculous
Earthworm superhero, this was one of my favorite levels, by the way, what the heck, makes a lot of people happy, and Doug takes that very seriously, it's very obvious that he wanted, when he produced this book, and he does the gilding on the pages, and the pages are so quality, and the printing quality is there, and everything is there, even the packaging, my goodness, the packaging is awesome, you can tell a lot about a company about the way they package things, and it seems like a small thing, but I don't think it is a small thing, because I'll order from Doug TenNapel again,
I really will, but anyway, the point is, he wants to add something to the world, and even if it's a small thing, and even if your character never takes off like Earthworm Jim, like, this, the desire to do your craft, whatever that craft is, very well, is a very godly desire, this is how
Doug is taking dominion of God's world, by creating this story, right, he tells stories with pictures, and words, and weird characters, you know what
I mean, and that is completely legitimate, don't look down on this kind of stuff, that's completely legitimate, and if Doug can provide for his family and glorify
God in this way, you can do it with any kind of business, that's not a sinful business obviously, but any kind of business can be a tool for dominion, okay, so whether you're a recruiter,
IT recruiter like me, it might seem inconsequential, but my work is not inconsequential, I can do this work to the glory of God, Doug can draw his weirdo characters to the glory of God, Doug can,
I think you see my point, so even if you don't care about Earthworm Jim, I just thought I'd mention this, it's just the love and the clear desire to produce something of value, to produce something that makes people happy, even if it's something as ridiculous as a comic book of an
Earthworm Jim, or Earthworm superhero, I mean this is, I think this is really cool,
I really think this is a completely valid avenue for a
Christian to sort of take dominion and to, you know, be a
Christian in this world. Anyway, so that's what I wanted to talk about today, I don't know if you're going to care about that, but honestly
I think Doug TenNapel deserves a real pat on the back for putting out this product, this is a top notch product about an
Earthworm superhero, you'll probably never even get a lower quality version of an
Earthworm superhero, I don't know, has anyone ever copied you Doug, and tried to make a fake
Earthworm Jim? Anyway, but yeah, I thought it was awesome, it's very inspirational to see the level of care he puts into this product that he takes very seriously, you can do that with any product that you put out there on the market, take a level of pride into it and you can, not only can you make a living for yourself, but you can use it to glorify
God. In any case, I hope that you found this video helpful and fun, God bless.