Discerning if SHE is a False Teacher: Does She Proclaim Christ and Him Crucified?
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False gospels are the gangrene in the Church today, and are the typical diet in women's ministry today.
What are these popular false gospels that are prevalent in women's ministry?
What is the problem many of these false teachers want to fix and what is their solution?
Is it our sin and the wrath of God that will come against all those who live in the flesh?
Is the solution Christ?
Ultimately, does the female teacher determine that women in the Church know nothing but Christ and Him crucified?
Let's talk about it...
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- Colossians 1 verse 28 We proclaim him
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- Admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom So that we may present every man complete in Christ For this purpose also
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- I labor striving According to his power which mightily works within me
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- One of the great preachers of America is a man who lived several years ago by the name of Donald Gray Barnhouse Pastor of 10th
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- Presbyterian Church in downtown Philadelphia, and on one of his radio broadcasts Dr.
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- Dr. Barnhouse said this if Satan took over Philadelphia His most diabolical ploy would be this
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- All the bars would be closed All pornography would be banished All the streets of Philadelphia would be clean and filled with polite law -abiding citizens who all smiled at each other
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- All swearing would be gone. All children would say yes, sir. No, ma 'am and The churches would be filled to overflowing
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- Every Lord's Day to the point there would be no room for one more Philadelphian to even fit into a pew in that vast city
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- The deadly diabolical danger Barnhouse said would be this and it would be Satan's schemes at its most strategic point
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- That in all of these packed churches Christ would never be preached
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- There would be religion without Christ There would be preaching without Christ. There would be morality without Christ.
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- There would be the gospel without Christ in Short you would have Christianity without Christ If you continue in my word, you'll know the truth
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- Jesus said in the truth Will make you free but it's not the truth about your husband or your kids or your parents or your neighbors
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- That'll make you free. It's the truth that God reveals to you about you Michael Horton has written a book entitled
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- Christless Christianity that drives home this very point Horton calls such religion and such churchy entity
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- Christless Christianity. They have everything but Christ Horton writes
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- Christless Christianity Sounds a bit harsh, doesn't it a little shallow sometimes distracted even a little human centered rather than Christ centered from time to time but Christless Let me be more precise about what
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- I'm assuming to be the regular diet in many churches across America today
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- Horton says their message rises no higher than this do more try harder there are things that God has written into your story gifted you for like David shared and Prepared you for to accomplish that will change the kingdom of God Godly obedient risk.
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- And so what I want to start with tonight before before we get into this I want you to envision something that you have felt
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- God prompt you to do that You have imagined that should be done on the earth something that that feels kind of audacious that or maybe it's just scary
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- In fact, let me define risk for you an action exposing you to danger harm or loss. So what is
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- God calling you? To do or maybe it's as simple right now today as just what do you think should be done?
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- He says I think that this is the pervasive message across the spectrum of the church in America today
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- He says it is the exhibited even in conservative churches with a reoccurring emphasis on moral absolutes and warnings about falling into the pit of Worldliness, but there is very little preaching of Jesus Christ as Lord Just know
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- Christ Horton says the focus seems to be on us Not on Christ I made a decision to be true to what
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- God put in me and who I am and how he created me and it wasn't Gonna be for everybody and you know what that's okay
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- It's okay If you're not everybody's cup of tea you don't have to be you just have to be true to who it is that God called you to be and that's where the
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- Longevity comes when people go I want to stay the course stay the course by staying true not just to you But staying true to who he has created you to be
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- You know, what what is it that you're seeing God doing on the earth amongst women just in this hour? I feel like there's this desperate hunger among women right now
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- They know that they were created for something more But they have absolutely no idea how to connect with that and I feel like that's what propelled is doing
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- I feel like all over the earth the young women are desperate to know that there is something on them that is
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- God breathed and they just don't know how to Connect with that and propel puts them in the presence of God where God can speak to them and mark them for that I love that and I totally agree
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- The focus is upon our activity rather than on God and his work in Jesus Christ We have to believe not just for our salvation, but what
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- God says about us as well Like I choose to believe even though I don't see it even though I don't feel it Even though I don't I don't understand how he would accept me in with everybody else
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- You know, it's like no by faith I receive what you said and I think when we start there believing what God says about us
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- Then it's easier for us to take what he did in Scripture and apply it to us By faith I stand there and I see that you have commissioned me to be the first evangelist to you know
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- The people you've called me to do things that I wouldn't have been able to do on my own And it's not about us doing better.
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- It's about us believing bigger Horton goes on to say the preacher is setting forth
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- Christ as quote a coach With a good game plan for our victory
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- Rather than a Savior who has already achieved the victory for us I can't give us a glimpse of what it is that you're gonna talk to us about tonight
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- Yeah, I'm gonna talk about truth and identity I feel like if we don't know who we are and we don't know who's we are and if we don't have
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- This revelation of a God who changes not therefore we can change then we can't move into everything that God has for us and we
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- Live in a time period where actually sometimes the most courageous thing I can ever do or say is to say
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- I am who he says I am salvation in these churches is more a matter of having our best life now
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- Rather than being saved from God's judgment by God himself So much of what happens to us and the healing that we need it isn't just about the event that we go through It's about the story we tell ourselves and if we can reset the story that we're telling ourself
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- We can actually change the trajectory of how we view our future and he was showing me
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- Stephanie what you've built I was not a part of and if you truly want to discover who you are I was in a time that I was saying God something feels off Something in me doesn't feel right and he's like if you truly want to discover what
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- I know about you and the truth of who You are lay it all down and follow the instructions that I give you but it really started like God I need to lay my life down So that has been my journey that the journey of obedience why
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- I find it easy now to say yes to God It really started when I had to give the big.
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- Yes that God not my will but yours be done in short Christless Christianity is
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- Exactly what barnhouse and Horton are saying is the most diabolical ploy of the devil himself
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- Welcome to the thoroughly equipped podcast where we compare the teachings from popular women's ministry books conferences
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- Bible studies Etc to scripture our focus is 2nd Timothy 3 16 to 17 that all
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- Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching rebuking correcting and training in righteousness
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- So the man or woman of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
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- I'm your host Melba toast May this episode bless you and bring glory to God Hey ladies, welcome to another episode of thoroughly equipped.
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- You are new to this channel. Welcome. Thank you for visiting Thank you for all those who have subscribed.
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- Thank you for those who have commented on the previous Episodes and it's good to see that a lot of you guys are liking the content and or or willing to chat on the content
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- Which is very Just encouraging to to me. Um If you are new
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- I want to give you kind of recap of what we've been doing This episode is part of a series that I have been diving into Looking at women's ministry as a whole and I want to help you guys learn how to discern female teachers bringing discernment back to women's ministry because thoroughly equipped is just my way of ministering to women to Bring back good doctrine and bring back solid teachings to women's ministry because I truly believe just like the title of the podcast that scripture itself is
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- Enough to thoroughly equip us for every good work So within that kind of mainframe we have been tackling
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- Certain ways that we can discern female teachers to see if they are false teachers to see if we want to put
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- Ourselves under their teaching and follow them or you know Learn and glean from them and the first Episode regarding discernment.
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- I asked us a question. Does she submit to the authority of scripture? Does she preach and teach over men in the church congregation?
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- It is important for us to to honor Christ as head of the church who
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- Not only is given to the church. He is the authority by which we are which
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- Ecclesiology and all that comes with the teaching of the church He is head over and he instructs us how to Live and do ministry within the church and he has set some guidelines that there are
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- Certain roles within the church that allow only to men and that is his authoritative word So if a woman wants to usurp that authority
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- This is one of the ways that we know that she's probably a false teacher Not probably she is a false teacher and just neglects or undermines the authority of Christ in his word instructing us that pastors and elders is a role only for men
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- So that's the first episode I kind of looked at we dived into the authority of scripture the authority of Paul to make the claim and make the instructions that it the elders are to be men only and that women are to be quiet within the church and Yeah, so that was just episode number one
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- I guess of discernment number two I Presented to you questions and ways that we can assess what she believes about scripture.
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- So we we got knowledge or we're gleaning ways to find out if she's submits to the authority of scripture now we can see whether she believes the other things of scripture and that was
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- Looking at the doctrine of sola scriptura and all that's involved in it Does she believe it's authoritative?
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- inerrant clear powerful efficacious and Sufficient and one of the most blatant ways to discern this is to see if she teaches and or believes
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- She and her disciples need more than scripture and that could include incorporating psychological information
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- That could be bringing in social odd sociology into Teachings as well worldly philosophies into the teachings.
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- Basically. She's bringing in scripture and to say Scripture and something else to say that these are what will equip us instead of just scripture alone that scripture is powerful enough and Is able to to equip us for all things the other thing that We don't like to hear
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- I understand. I was there I didn't want to hear this either is The hearing the voice of God doctrine that if she teaches that we need to hear the voice of God and therefore should expect
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- To hear from God so that he can equip us and direct us day by day Living or in big decisions or small decisions?
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- We can see then she's believes that scripture is not sufficient. It's not enough Regarding equipping us and Making us godly righteous women in and through Christ Jesus Now I want to clarify here again this doctrine the hearing the voice of God doctrine leads people to deny
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- Not only the authority and sufficiency of God's already revealed word But it undermines the law.
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- This is something I Wish I had clarified a little more in the last couple episodes. I want to clarify it here the third commandment is transgressed when we say that we need to hear more from God or When we say we received some special revelation our personal
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- Information from God that we are then to go and obey right? The third commandment says you shall not take the name of the
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- Lord your God in vain And this is found in Exodus 20 verse 7 the word vain means
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- To make empty frivolous or insincere the commandment prohibits dishonoring
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- God's name in any way that not only means What we typically think, you know to not use it profanely, but to use it to justify some calling decision
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- Leading or instruction to one's own person or someone else's is to not only
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- Use his name but in fullness his character into insincerity into falsehood a false teacher nowadays does this without thought and Really teaches others to do the same.
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- This is prevalent all over women's ministry And so just like we should reject any female teacher who does not submit to the authority of Scripture We should reject any teacher who wants to say and teach that we should and need to hear from God God has already told us that Scripture is enough 2nd
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- Timothy 3 16 to 17 But today's topic today's way to discern the female teachers the third way
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- And it's not as easy as the first two because it's a matter of discerning her teaching as a whole and that is
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- Asking what is her focus in her teaching? What is the problem that she says needs to be fixed?
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- And what is the solution basically? What does she believe about the gospel?
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- So let's dive right in Romans 1 16 to 17 states for I am
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- NOT ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God for salvation To everyone who believes to the
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- Jew first and also to the Greek for in it The righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith as it is written.
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- The righteous shall live by faith Galatians 1 6 to 10 states.
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- I am astonished and this is Paul writing I am astonished that you are so quickly Deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel
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- Not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preach to you
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- Let him be accursed as we have said before So now I say again if anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received
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- Let him be accursed for am I now seeking the approval of man or of God or am
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- I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ 1st
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- Corinthians 2 1 to 5 says and I and this is Paul speaking again
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- And I when I came to you brothers did not come proclaiming to you the testimony of God with lofty speech or wisdom
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- For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified And I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling and my speech and my message were not implausible words of wisdom but in Demonstration of the spirit and of power so that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men
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- But in the power of God So if she believes the gospel is the power of God She will determine to teach
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- Christ and him crucified if she mostly proclaims experiences personal testimonies and entertaining
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- Entertaining stories other things such as our callings her good works our
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- Prosperity and abundant living our identity or spiritual blessings Yet all of this is given without the call to repent and trust in Jesus Christ Then she may claim to believe that the gospel has power but her fruits the actions through her teachings
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- Prove that she is not trusting in proclaiming it to bring all that comes with salvation on this side of eternity
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- Which is justification faith and sanctification It's very interesting to me the same that's laid out in scripture the theme of Christ and his work and what
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- I find just as Interesting is the way the epistles are written the use and presentation of the gospel in these very writings
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- Peter Paul and John are great examples of how a Teacher is to proclaim the gospel and use it to encourage the church unto righteousness
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- It is entirely Christ focused and gospel motivated in every epistle
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- We see that maturity is encouraged and that maturity is the result of knowing
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- Believing and walking in good doctrine that springs forth from knowing the fruits of the gospel these fruits include understanding the sovereignty of God in all things the character and power of God in all life and salvation the role and character and power of the
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- Son of God in all of life and salvation and the Resting in the work of the
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- Holy Spirit in us to bring knowledge Understanding and faith and all that the
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- Father and the Son have done for the church faith in these things understanding the good doctrine
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- Produces good works. So we continually see this type of teaching in the writings of the
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- Apostles That at the foundation of what we do the urging on to good works is
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- Supported and has its foundation in the gospel They start with reminding the readers of the gospel diving into the doctrines that spring forth from the work of the
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- Trinity regarding the gospel and then encourage us on to the fruits that Result in walking in the belief in these good teachings
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- Here's the thing Popular teachers today do the opposite they focus on the fruits of the gospel or Really the fruits they believe should spring forth from their belief of what the good news should be like a purpose which we're gonna dive into They desire to teach moral principles that help you succeed in life and accomplish your purpose instead of good doctrine
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- That springs forth from knowing Christ and him crucified That's because the gospel was this key or the door that got you into the kingdom
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- But now it's about living and helping God bring forth the kingdom now there are three
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- Extremely popular gospels that false teachers proclaim and I lump all teachers who teach these different gospels
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- Under this purpose driven gospel, which I will explain in a bit
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- But this is why purpose driven teachers can kind of poo -poo doctrine and theology you see this a lot
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- Rick Warren states in his book purpose driven life He states this quote
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- God won't ask about your religious background or doctrinal views The only thing that matters is did you accept what
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- Jesus did for you? And did you learn to love and trust him that's from the purpose driven life page 34
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- See biblical doctrine divides while the teaching that comes with the purpose driven gospel
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- Actually unites different gospels and it is not uniting in a good way
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- What we believe about God the Father the Son the Holy Spirit what they have Accomplished is not as important as what
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- God is supposedly doing right now through his people Whether that be working in some special calling of individuals through signs and wonders
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- And through and then through these individuals or through social works through individuals three related and sometimes interlocking
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- Gospels are proclaimed that are not the gospel and these are everywhere in the seeker sensitive churches
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- This is probably the prevalent Gospels that are proclaimed in these teachers And each of these gospels have main have three main false teachings within them
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- One that humanity's real problem is a false identity Humanity doesn't know that God loves them and wants them to know who they are so they can walk in his purposes for them
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- Sin is an issue but sin is resolved when one knows that God loves them past present mistakes and all if they believe the
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- Truth about what God says about them and how they are his children. They will walk in love and purpose
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- This is the connecting thread between all these three false Gospels the second
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- False teaching is Christ and the Holy Spirit have worked to set them free from this false
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- Identity and now empowers them to walk in purpose Each of these false Gospels has
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- Christ and the Holy Spirit working in different ways But the presupposition remains the same Christ becomes your coach or example
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- And the Holy Spirit is the power to walk in your God -given identity and purpose if the third false teaching is that God's Overarching purpose for his children is to usher in the kingdom and change the world
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- Each of his children are called to walk in their true identity and purpose To pursue the dream that God has placed in their hearts
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- The children are not called to a simple life just a life of walking in faith They may be living a simple life now
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- But if they just prove that they are faithful in those little things God will trust them with a life -changing purpose
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- Believe me. This is what I fell for This is what I believe for women this plays out as teachings that being a wife and a mother are just a stepping stones to the real calling if you are faithful to believe that they are just you know a
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- Training for the real assignment the real dream then we are to trust that God wants your dream to be fulfilled and God will use
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- You mightily to make your you know, special mark on this world Just remain faithful to believe not in Christ, but in the purpose so the purpose driven gospel in this
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- Gospel the teaching and doctrines center on visions from God to receive a life purpose so that we may achieve
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- God -given purpose and change the world to do his work in the world the teaching often centers on our state of mind to know how we are loved and chosen by God to Accomplish this special purpose or vision only given to you again
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- The idea that somehow our purpose will help usher in heaven on earth Scripture is often used to present stories of people who were
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- Given specific vision and purpose from God and remain faithful to accomplish those purposes.
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- The faith is always Centered on the work that God has for you now
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- Jesus becomes this person who comes with who came with a purpose He accomplished it and saved us so we can receive a vision ourselves and receive a purpose ourselves
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- To participate with him in changing the world So that's where you're gonna see the main teaching purpose driven theology undergirds these other false
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- Gospels that They play out a little differently. Like I said, the foundation behind them is this underlying the three underlying false teachings that I mentioned before so Let's talk about the other
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- Gospels that you will see prevalently within Evangelical Christianity that the first one is the abundant life or the prosperity gospel in this gospel
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- Teachings and doctrines center on becoming extraordinary or supernatural high power
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- Humans through changing our state of mind. They use the word of faith Spiritual gifts such as speaking in tongues gifts of healing extra -biblical revelations and prophecies
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- Miracles, etc, etc All under the teaching of being filled with the Holy Spirit or having this second birth
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- The God of this gospel wants to impart his power to his people to bring heaven to earth through signs miracles and wonders
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- These doctrines fall under the word of faith Prosperity gospel and NAR religion scripture is often used to present stories of people who did, you know
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- Extraordinary miraculous things in life for God Jesus is the perfect example of this and saves you to make you to help you work in miraculous gifts
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- Just like him purpose -driven Theology is interwoven into this and mixed with the mystical and miraculous to achieve
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- Christian Spirituality and bring in the kingdom by bringing in the miraculous there is a belief that God resides within to empower us to do these miraculous things while neglecting the teaching of the
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- Holy Spirit Residing in us to cause us to not live in super extraordinary ways
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- But to live holy lives and to walk simply by faith day by day in Christ Jesus all right, the next
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- Very popular gospel is this social gospel in this gospel the teachings and doctrines given are centered on social issues
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- Purpose -driven theology is easily woven into this as well, but signs and wonders are typically rejected
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- There's this rejected a rejection of the miraculous but a heightened form of spiritual spirituality believing that God Resides in all all people this teaching of the brotherhood of man the fatherhood of God brotherhood of man
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- And typically it's not working of signs and miracles through people but bringing people to know the divine within All right centered on your identity and be connected through that divinity in Connecting to the divinity
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- God loves all and accepts all and our purpose is to bring all to understand that all are made in God's image
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- God saves all and is working to bring all into the peaceful kingdom on earth Scripture is used to present how
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- God loves and accepts people Creating them for the purpose of social change and equity for all
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- Jesus came to undermine those in power and Fight against the system of oppression and power through service and love and we are called to do and reflect that same fight and social change this is the kingdom of God and Doing all this brings in this peaceful uniting kingdom and humanity
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- Is to usher it in through social justice acts of love and kindness and the elimination ultimately of authority and power
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- Now these three main Gospels the purpose -driven gospel Which really is underneath a lot both of the other
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- Gospels the abundant life for prosperity Gospel and the social gospel these main Gospels can have doctrines
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- So interwoven together and that many within these can accept each other Underlying each of these is an addition to the gospel
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- Yes Each can present the gospel with biblical terms stating that Christ died for sins rose on the third day and ascended to God to rule
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- But these terms have different meanings than what scripture actually means by them Besides that the real teachings and churches by teachers who imbibe these
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- Gospels all start with Christ give a nod to Christ But then draw our attention to ourselves and our purpose through either vocation
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- Success higher power science and wonders or social justice and fighting the oppression all boiling down to what we do for God and walking in faith to pursue that work instead of what
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- God has done for us and Walking in faith in a finished work accomplished for us by God himself
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- Why is purpose -driven Theology these teachings that I have presented to you.
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- Why are they different? Why why do they end up presenting a different gospel? well the common good news found within each of this is the proclamation that God loves you and created you for a purpose sanctification the process of a person becoming holy is not about Walking in faith and what
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- Christ has accomplished but it's about a faith the journey of finding identity and purpose
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- Purpose -driven gospel is about living a life believing what God says about you, which is always self -glorifying and trying to discover this hidden will or work from God to bring in the kingdom or do some you know great work that will change the world your little portion of of obeying
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- God in some way to Advance the kingdom But the true gospel is about the already revealed will and work of God as given in scripture the purpose -driven gospel is about working to arrive at a subjective special knowledge while the true gospel is about resting in a finished objective work that allows
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- One to enter the kingdom of God the kingdom of God that God is himself Self -building that Christ already has authority in and will ultimately
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- Put all rule and authority under his feet the abundant life gospel and the social justice gospel share this same idea
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- The only difference is the methods and arriving to the kingdom one through spiritual and miraculous experiences the other through equity
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- Equality and social justice either you help God usher in the kingdom through supernatural means or through natural means such as social actions but both are
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- Underlined as extraordinary and self -focused Jesus in each of these false gospels
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- What's nothing more than to be your life coach and brother -in -arms and satisfying your deep needs come to Jesus?
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- And he will give you a purpose come to Jesus and he will heal you come to Jesus and he will satisfy you come to Jesus and he will set you free from oppression
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- Come to Jesus and he will empower you come to Jesus and he will deliver you from generational curses and demons come to Jesus He will accept you as you are come to Jesus and he will give you identity
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- Come to Jesus and he will give you success come to Jesus and he will give you your heart's desire the blessing and gifts within these three
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- Gospels Satisfy the selfish longings of the sinful heart while in stark contrast
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- The true good news is about satisfying the wrath of God that is justly due to our selfish longings and sinful hearts
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- It is the proclamation that we are to come to Jesus the only spotless lamb whose blood
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- Cleansed us from all our sins. It is the good news that Jesus paid for our sins and gives his righteousness
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- To those who repent and believe making us right with God eternally
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- Female teachers who emulate these kinds of Gospels will often refer to the gospel in their teachings and presentations
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- But that will only be a minor teaching that's because the work and life of Christ is presented as the focal point of God's love for us even
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- Rick Warren states Quote if you want to know how much you matter to God Look at Christ with his arms outstretched on the cross saying
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- I love you this much I'd rather die than live without you He doesn't try to break our will but woos us to himself so though we might offer ourselves freely to him
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- That's the purpose driven life page 79. It is true that God loves us so much
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- He sent his son to die for us. What is often missing is the understanding that God loves and died for sinners a rebellious people and evil people who reject
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- God who first Have God's justice and wrath waiting for him and without the perfect sacrifice of Christ We would be left without God's love and will only receive
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- God's justice The true gospel first presents our true problem that we are all sinners and by nature our children of wrath
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- Ephesians 2 3 It is wrath that comes against us first not acceptance a way to discern what gospel a teacher abides in and wishes to teach us to assess the
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- Majority of their teaching the majority of their teachings will be focused on all the doctrines that center on your identity
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- Purpose and how you are to be equipped for it such topics as ways to find your purpose ways to accomplish your purpose resting in your identity
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- Understanding your victory knowing the love of God to know yourself things that can hinder you from finding your identity
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- Accomplishing all that God has called you in your identity and resting in that identity
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- Etc and etc They will be very self -focused Bringing in Scripture God Jesus and the
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- Holy Spirit as your help in arriving at this type of self -knowledge
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- They call you equip you and are your example to follow as you journey through this religion To become all that God called you to be which is not mainly focused on growing in faith in the good doctrine putting to death the deeds of the flesh and walking in light, but Becoming the best you that is what
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- God really wants from you Christianity therefore becomes this relationship with God that best empowers you to true self -fulfillment when in actuality
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- Christianity is about sinners who repent and reject self -knowledge
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- Self -understanding and self -fulfillment for knowing Christ and him crucified
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- Faithful female teachers are not concerned with discipling you into your purpose They understand that God's purposes are accomplished through acts of faith
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- They come out of a knowledge of Jesus Christ and his work not knowledge and who
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- God says you are and works He wants you to do Faithful teachers know that what God wants for us is clearly laid out for us in Scripture and all other things are under God's rule and sovereignty
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- God calls all his women to know the Father know the Son and Holy Spirit and all they have done and Revealed to us in Scripture and to mature in that knowledge the good doctrine given to us from the prophets and apostles which were written down for us in Scripture gives us all we need to Walk in the good works plural good works that God prepared beforehand that we should walk in Ephesians 2 10 works that are the result of Faith in Christ the knowledge of who he is and what he has done
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- Faithful female teachers in women's ministry will like Paul and the other authors of the epistles
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- Determine that the female disciples in the church will know nothing but Christ and him crucified the gospel and Proclaiming Christ will be at the forefront of all she teaches because he is the righteousness
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- Sanctification and redemption of a Christian woman not their purpose 1st
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- Corinthians, I've read this already but we're gonna dive into it a little more 1st Corinthians chapter 1 verses 26 to Chapter 2 verse 5 say this for consider your callings brothers
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- Not many of you were wise according to worldly standards. Not many were powerful Not many were of noble birth, but God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise
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- God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong God chose What is low and despised in the world even things that are not to bring to nothing things that are so that no human being?
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- Might boast in the presence of God and because of him you are in Christ Jesus who became to us
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- Wisdom from God righteousness and sanctification and redemption so that as it is written
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- Let the one who boasts boasts in the Lord and I when I came to you brothers did not come
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- Proclaiming to you the testimony of God with lofty speech or wisdom for I declared to know nothing among you
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- Except Jesus Christ and him crucified and I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling and my speech and my message
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- We're not in plausible words of wisdom But in demonstration of the spirit and of power so that your faith
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- Might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God For today's conclusion to this episode
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- I want to read to you a large portion of George Whitfield's commentary on this very passage
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- Link to the full commentary is in the show notes below and this commentary I think lays out very clearly of why
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- Paul says that he will know nothing but Christ and him crucified so let's dive into this quote a
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- Resolution this worthy of the great st Paul and no less worthy no less necessary for every minister and every
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- Disciple of Christ is to make always even unto the end of the world in the following discourse
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- I shall first explain what is meant by not knowing anything save Jesus Christ and him crucified
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- Secondly give some reasons why every Christian should determine not to know anything else and thirdly
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- Conclude with a general exhortation to put this determination into practice
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- First I am to explain what is meant by not knowing anything save Jesus Christ and him crucified
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- By Christ we are to understand the eternal Son of God He is called
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- Jesus a savior because he was to save us from the guilt and power of our sins and like Joshua by whom
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- He was remarkably typified to lead God's spiritual Israel through the wilderness of this world to the heavenly
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- Canaan the promised inheritance of the children of God He is called Christ which signifies anointed because he was anointed by the
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- Holy Ghost at his baptism to be a prophet to instruct a priest to make an atonement for and a king to govern and protect his church and he was
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- Crucified or hung Oh stupendous Love till he was dead upon the cross that he might become a curse for us for it is written
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- Cursed is every man that hangeth upon a tree the foundation or first cause of his suffering was our fall in Adam in whom as the living oracles of God declare
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- We all died his sin was imputed to us all it pleased God after he had spoken the world into being to create a man
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- After his own divine image to breathe into him the breath of life and to place him as our representative in the
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- Garden of Eden But he being left to his own free will did eat of the forbidden fruit
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- Notwithstanding God had told him the day in which he eat thereof He should surely die and thereby he with his whole posterity and whose name he acted became liable to the wrath of God And sunk into a spiritual death
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- But behold the goodness as well as the severity of God for no sinner had man been convicted as a sinner
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- But lo a Savior is revealed to him under the character of the seed of the woman the merits of whose sacrifice
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- Were then immediately to take place and who should in the fullness of time by suffering death
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- Satisfy for the guilt we had contracted by obeying the whole moral law work out for us an everlasting righteousness and by becoming a principle of new life in us and destroy the power of the devil and thereby
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- Restore us to a better state than that in which we were at first created This is the plain scriptural account of that mystery of godliness
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- God manifested in the flesh and to this our own hearts unless blinded by the
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- God of this world Cannot but yield an immediate ascent For let us but search our own hearts and ask ourselves if we could create our own children whether or not we would not create them
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- With a less mixture of good and evil than we find in ourselves Supposing God then only to have our goodness
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- He could not at first make us so sinful so polluted as we are but supposing him to be as he is
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- Infinitely good or goodness itself, then it is absolutely impossible that he should create anything
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- But what is like himself perfect entire lacking nothing man Then could not come out of the hands of his maker
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- So miserably blind and naked with such a mixture of the beast and devil as he finds now in himself but must have fallen from what he was and As it does not suit with the goodness and just this of God to punish the whole race of mankind with these disorders merely for nothing
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- And since men bring these disorders into the world with them It follows that as they could not send themselves being yet unborn
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- Some other man's sin must have been imputed to them for once as from a fountain all these evils flow
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- I know this doctrine of our Original sin or fallen Adam is esteemed foolishness by the wise disputer of this world who will reply
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- How does it suit the goodness of God to impute one man's sin to an innocent prosperity?
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- But has it not been proved to a demonstration that it is so and therefore supposing we cannot reconcile it to our shallow
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- Comprehension that is no argument at all for if it appears that God has done a thing We may be sure it is right whether we can see the reasons for it or not
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- But this is entirely cleared up by what was said before that no sooner was the sin imputed
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- But a Christ was revealed and this Christ this God incarnate who was conceived by the
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- Holy Ghost that he might be freed from the guilt of our original sin who was born of the Virgin Mary that he might be the seed of the woman only who suffered under Pontius Pilate a
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- Gentile governor to fulfill these prophecies which signified what death he should die this same
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- Jesus who was crucified in weakness but raised in power is that divine person that Emmanuel that God with us whom we preach in whom you believe and whom alone the
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- Apostle in the text was determined to know By which word no, we are not to understand a bare
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- Historical knowledge for to know that Christ was crucified by his enemies at Jerusalem in this manner
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- Only will only do us no more service than to know that Caesar was butchered by his friends at Rome But the word no means to know so as to approve of him as when
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- Christ says verily I know you not I know you not so as to approve of you It signifies to know him so as to embrace him in all his offices to take him to be our prophet priest and king
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- So as to give up ourselves wholly to be instructed saved and governed by him it implies an
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- Experimental knowledge of his crucifixion so as to feel the power of it and to be
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- Crucified unto the world as the Apostle explains himself in the epistle to the
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- Philippians where he says I count all things But dung and dross that I may know him and the power of his resurrection
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- This knowledge the Apostle was so swallowed up in that he was determined not to know anything else
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- He was resolved to make that his only study The governing principle of his life the point and in which all his thoughts words and actions should
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- Center Secondly, I pass on to give some reasons why every Christian should with the
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- Apostle Determine not to know anything save Jesus Christ and him crucified first without this our persons will not be accepted in the sight of God this and Consequently this only is life eternal to know thee the only true
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- God and Jesus Christ whom thou has sent As also st. Peter says there is now no other name given under heaven whereby we can be saved
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- But that of Jesus Christ Some indeed may please themselves in knowing the world others boast themselves in the knowledge of a multitude of languages but could we speak with the tongue of men and angels or Did we know the number of the stars and could and could call them all by their names yet without this?
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- Experimental knowledge of Jesus Christ and him crucified that would profess us Nothing the former indeed may procure us a little honor which cometh of man
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- But the latter only can render us acceptable in the sight of God for if we are ignorant of Christ God will be to us a consuming fire
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- Christ is the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the father, but through him
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- He is a lamb slain from the foundation of the world and none ever were or ever will be received up into glory
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- But by an experimental application of his merits to their hearts we might as well think to rebuild the
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- Tower of Babel or Reach heaven with our hands as to imagine we can enter therein by any other door than that of the knowledge of Jesus Christ other knowledge may make you wise in your own eyes and puff you up but this alone edify it and make it wise unto salvation as The meanest
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- Christian if he knows but this though, he know nothing else will be accepted
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- So the greatest master in Israel the most letter learned teacher without this will be rejected
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- His philosophy is mere nonsense his wisdom mere foolishness in the sight of God The author of the word now before us was a remarkable instance of this
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- Never perhaps was a greater scholar and all the world calls fine learning than he for he was bred up at the feet of Gamaliel and profited in the knowledge of books as well as in the
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- Jewish religion above many of his equals as Appears by the language rhetoric and spirit of his writings and yet when he came to know
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- What it was to be a Christian he accounted all things but loss So he might win
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- Christ and though he was now at Corinth that seat of polite learning yet He was absolutely determined not to know anything or to make nothing his study
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- But what taught him to know Jesus Christ and him crucified? hence, then appears the folly of those who spend their whole lives in heaping up other knowledge and Instead of searching the scriptures which testify of Christ and are alone able to make them wise unto salvation
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- Disquiet themselves in a pursuit after the knowledge of such things as when known
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- Concerned them no more than to know that a bird dropped a feather upon one of the
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- Parian mountains Hence it is that so many who profess themselves wise Because they can dispute the causes and effects the moral fitness and unfitness of things appear mere fools in the things of God So that when you come to converse with them about the great work of redemption brought out for us by Jesus Christ and of his being a propitiation for our sins a
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- Fulfiller of the covenant of works and a principle of new life to our souls They are quite ignorant of the whole matter and prove to a demonstration
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- That with all their learning they know nothing yet as they ought to know But alas, how must it surprise a man when the
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- Most High is about to take away soul? To think that he has passed for a wise man and a learned disputer in this world and yet is left
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- Destitute of that knowledge which alone can make him appear with boldness before the judgment seat of Jesus Christ how must it grieve him in a future state to see others whom he despised as illiterate men because they
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- Experimentally knew Christ and him crucified Exalted to the right hand of God and himself with all his finds it fine accomplishments as he knew everything perhaps but Christ Thrust down into hell.
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- Well might the Apostle in a holy triumph cry out Where is the wise where is the scribe?
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- Where is the disputer of this world for God will then make foolish the wisdom of this world and bring to not the wisdom of Those who were so knowing in their own eyes.
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- I have made this digression From the main point before us not to condemn or decry human literature but to show that it ought to be used only in subordination to divine and that a
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- Christian if the Holy Spirit guided the pen of the Apostle when he wrote this epistle ought to study no books but such as lead him to a farther knowledge of Jesus Christ and him crucified and there is the more reason for this because of The great mischief the contrary practice has done to the
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- Church of God for what was it? But this learning or rather this ignorance that kept so many of the scribes and Pharisees from the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and what is it but this human wisdom the science false so called that blinds the
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- Understanding and corrupts the hearts of so many modern unbelievers and makes them unwilling to submit to the righteousness
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- Which is of God by faith in Christ Jesus But secondly without this knowledge our performances as well as persons will not be acceptable in the sight of God Through faith says the
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- Apostle that is through a living faith and a mediator to come Abel offered a more acceptable sacrifice than Cain and it is through a like faith or an experimental knowledge of the same divine mediator that Our sacrifices of prayer praise and thanksgiving come up as an instance before the throne of God Two persons may go up to the temple to pray but he only will return home
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- Justified who in the language of our collects sincerely offers up his prayers through Christ Jesus our
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- Lord For it is this great atonement this all -sufficient sacrifice Which alone can give us boldness to approach with our prayers to the
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- Holy of Holies and he that presumes to go without this Acts chorus crime over again offers unto
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- God a strange fire and consequently will be rejected by him Farther as our devotions to God will not so neither without this knowledge of Jesus Christ Will our acts of charity to men be accepted by him for did we give all our goods to feed the poor and yet?
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- We're destitute in this knowledge. It would profit us. Nothing this our blessed
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- Lord himself Intimates in the 25th of Matthew where he tells those who had been rich and good works
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- That in as much as they did it unto one of the least of his brethren They did it unto him from whence we may plainly infer that it is seeing
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- Christ and his members and doing good to them out Of an experimental knowledge of his love to us that alone will render our all deeds
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- Rewardable at the last day lastly as neither our acts of piety or charity
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- So neither will our civil nor moral actions be acceptable to God without this experimental knowledge of Jesus Christ Our modern pretenders to reason indeed set up another principle to act from they talk
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- I know not what of doing moral and civil duties of life from the moral fitness and unfitness of things
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- But such men are blind However, they may pretend to see and going thus about to establish their own righteousness are utterly ignorant of the righteousness
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- Which is of God by faith in Christ Jesus For though we grant that morality is a substantial part of Christianity and that Christ came not to destroy or take off The moral law as a rule of action but to explain it and so fulfill it yet We affirm that our moral and civil actions are now no farther
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- Acceptable in the sight of God the Father than as they proceed from the principle of a new nature and as experimental knowledge of or vital faith in his dear son
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- The death of Jesus Christ has turned our whole lives into one Continued sacrifice and whether we eat or drink whether we pray to God or do anything to man
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- It must all be done out of love for and knowledge of him who died and rose again to render all even our most ordinary
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- Deeds acceptable in the sight of God if we live by this principle if Christ be the Alpha and the
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- Omega of all our actions Then our least are acceptable sacrifices But if this principle be wanting our most pompous services avail nothing we are but spiritual idolater
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- We sacrifice to our own net we make an idol of ourselves by making ourselves and not Christ the end of our actions and therefore such actions are so far from Being accepted by God that according to the language of one of the articles of our church
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- We doubt not but that they have the nature of sin because they spring not from an experimental faith in and knowledge of Jesus Christ Were we not fallen creatures?
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- We might then act perhaps from other principles But since we are fallen from God and Adam and are restored again only by the obedience and death of Jesus Christ The face of things are entirely changed and all we think speak or do is only accepted in and through him
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- Justly therefore may I and the third and last places Exhort you to put the Apostles resolution in progress and beseech you with him to determine not to know anything save Jesus Christ and him crucified
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- I say determine for unless you sit down first and count the cost and from a well -grounded conviction of the
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- Excellency of this above all other knowledge whatsoever Resolve to make this your chief study.
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- You're only in your one thing needful Every frivolous temptation will draw you aside from pursuit after it
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- Your friends and carnal acquaintance and above all your grand adversary the devil will be persuading you to determine not to know anything but how to lay up goods for many years and to get a
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- Knowledge and taste of the pumps and vanities of this wicked world But do you determine not to follow or be led by them and the more they persuade you to know other things
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- The more do you determine not to know anything save Jesus Christ and I'm crucified for this knowledge never fail it
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- But whether they be riches they shall fail whether they be pumps a shall cease whether they be vanities
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- They shall fade away, but the knowledge of Jesus Christ and him crucified abideth forever Whatever therefore you are ignorant of be not ignorant of this if you know
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- Christ and him crucified, you know enough to make you happy Supposing, you know, nothing else and without this all your other knowledge cannot keep you from being everlastingly miserable
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- Value not then the contempt of friends Which you must necessarily meet with upon your open profession to act accordingly to this determination
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- For your master whose you are was despised before you and all that will know nothing else But Jesus Christ and him crucified must in some degree or other suffer persecution
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- It's necessary that offenses should come to try what is in our hearts and whether we will be faithful soldiers of Jesus Christ or not
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- Dare ye then to confess our blessed master before men and to shine as lights in the world amidst a crooked and perverse
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- Generation, let us not be content with following him afar off for then we shall as Peter did soon deny him
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- Let us be altogether Christians and let our speech and all our actions Declare to the world whose disciples we are and that we have indeed
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- Determined not to know anything save Jesus Christ and him crucified So ladies,
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- I pray you begin to see the false Gospels that are rapid in women's ministry Proclaimed by women who wish to teach more about your identity and purpose than Christ and him crucified
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- Our God -given identity and purpose will not save us from the coming wrath of God Christ does they do not bring us into eternity
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- Christ's they do not give eternal life Christ does they do not sanctify
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- Christ does and they do not display the Unbelievable love that God has for his people
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- Christ shows us that Christ is truly the best knowledge and because this is true
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- I pray, you know, nothing but Christ and him crucified. I pray you are in his word
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- Hold up don't take off the episode just yet because I got a surprise for all of you who watched this episode all the way
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- I recently interviewed pastor Jim Osmond about his book God doesn't whisper which tackles the hearing the voice of God teaching that is prevalent in evangelical
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- Christianity today He has graciously donated five copies of his book to thoroughly equip for a giveaway to enter the giveaway
- 56:26
- Go to podcast dot striving for eternity dot org forward slash whisper or click on the link in the show notes
- 56:34
- Enter your email and you will receive ways to earn points by watching that episode Sharing that interview on social media and visiting the websites and social media pages
- 56:43
- You can continually earn points by daily participation from July 1st 2024 to August 5th 2024 just want to give a great big
- 56:53
- Thanks to pastor Jim Osmond for his donation and a great big. Thanks to those who participate in a giveaway.
- 56:59
- God bless you guys Ladies, thanks for listening or watching this episode of thoroughly equipped if this episode blessed you
- 57:08
- Would you give it a rating or a thumbs up? And if you think thoroughly equipped is a much -needed ministry consider subscribing
- 57:15
- It helps spread the word if you are interested to know more about thoroughly equipped Check out the blog or just find some other great
- 57:23
- Christian resources. You can go to my website at TTEW dot org you can connect with me on Facebook and Instagram links in the description below or email me at melba toast at ttew .org
- 57:38
- Thoroughly equipped as part of striving for eternity's Christian podcast community a one -stop resource for solid
- 57:44
- Podcasts that consist you in your Christian walk check that out at Christian podcast community dot org
- 57:51
- I pray the God of all grace grant you more and more knowledge and understanding of Jesus Christ as the
- 57:57
- Holy Spirit Thoroughly equips you through his written word for every good work.