November Patreon Q&A

AD Robles iconAD Robles




All right, well another month in the books I wanted to thank you very much for being a patron and for supporting my channel and for supporting this content guys
I would not do it without you. There's just no question about it and You have made this year go really really well
It has been fantastic for my family to be able to Reap some benefits from the time that I do spend on the channel and the content and all that kind of stuff
And we just want to say from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you very very much Now I want to say this
I have an announcement to make I did actually sign a book contract with a publishing company
And I'm not gonna reveal the name of the company just yet because I just want to make sure that I can I don't think That there's anything
There's nothing in the contract because I can't but I just wanted to Do right by them because they have really good
Insight into how to market a book and how to do that kind of stuff and things like that So I went with them because they just seemed as a company out of New York They seem to understand how to sell books in every context whether it's in a bookstore
Amazon digital forms wherever they seem to understand how to market books and things of that nature, especially for people in my situation and They have a faith department.
That's actually seems pretty solid. So That's gonna be announced very soon, and I would not be in a position to write a book
Were it not for people enjoying this content on YouTube, I think that's the key and so thank you. Thank you
Thank you for all of that more to come on that stay tuned and it's looking like it's gonna be a really good book
So let's get to some of your questions. First question came from Cal Cal says How do you and your family approach
Advent? Good question. So we do something for Advent We don't do anything too crazy or too labor -intensive, but we do have kind of like a nightly thing that we kind of Go over a part of the of the the story of how
Jesus was born and stuff like that. It's a scripted thing It's nothing too dense. It's just very kind of a basic story of of Christ.
And so it's really cool We like it the kids like it We also have like an Advent candle that we light at dinnertime and we also have this year.
We have a Lego Star Wars Lego Advent calendar where every day they get a new Star Wars Lego. It's pretty actually pretty cool
So yeah, nothing too crazy, but we do we do celebrate it. So thanks for the question. And that's how we approach it.
All right Jgs says this he's asking me to Give the pros and cons of a variety of different denominations
And he listed a couple denominations here. I'm definitely glad to do it if I have pros and cons.
I'll certainly let you know, but Let's do this because I think this is uh, this is interesting. So Orthodox Presbyterian Church OPC.
I like the OPC I think that the pros are that they're Orthodox Hence the name. I think that there's other pros that they're not that woke
You know, so there's a couple of people that were woke some of them left. What's his face? Micah Edmondson Mika Mika Edmondson Mike Edmondson.
He used to be there, but now he's no longer there So they're you know, they're they're they're pretty they're pretty non woke.
I would say the downsides of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church is that They Yeah, yeah,
I just honestly OPC probably like all of these is just gonna depend on the pastor depend on the session some pastors are like super Anti, you know getting involved in culture and stuff like that and others aren't some are very against Doug Wilson and anything associated with him
And others aren't some are very scared of the corona virus and others aren't so it's like it's a mixed bag
Orthodox Presbyterian I think it's it's a very good church in general. I Was planning on attending an
Orthodox Presbyterian Church here in New Hampshire Because I actually like the denomination very much, but it's not just the kind of thing where you say
OPC Well, you're probably in good hands. Not necessarily. That's probably true of every church Next one is
PCA Presbyterian Church in America The upsides are that they're kind of hip
And that kind of thing the downsides are that they're kind of woke as well There's a lot of of wokeness going on in the
PCA. There's just no question about it Sorry about that. I'd take a phone call. All right. Yeah, but PCA it's the wokest one
There's a lot of especially with they're involved in some of the race wokeness But the
PCA the big problem is the gender and sexual identity stuff Huge problems in the
PCA with that kind of thing. So again, it depends on the church I would go to a PCA church depending on the pastor depending on the session itself
I don't know anything about the Free Reform Church. Don't know anything about the Heritage Reform Church Reform Presbyterian Church in North America.
I love the RPCNA My brother went to the RPCNA seminary. They are solid and excellent
They're not going to go woke. I mean if they do that'd be very surprised So that's a really good thing one downside depending on your beliefs is that they
I'm pretty sure they have female deacons Which is in my opinion not correct
So they're really good. They're really conservative. But but but and actually in comparison to the
OPC I prefer the RPCNA because the OPC is a little bit more They're more formal and kind of uppity, you know uptight like, you know, they're wearing suits and stuff
RPCNA is a little more down -home, but just as conservative. In fact, probably more conservative
They only sing psalms. So if that's not your thing, then you won't like them, but I think it should be your thing I'm not exclusive psalmody, but I think that we should sing.
I think we should sing only psalms I'm not saying it's a sin not to but I think we should so out of all these
RPCNA is my favorite the other ones. Unfortunately, I don't know anything about and I think we'll move on from there
Paul Thank you for the patronage he asks this Do you think that the snakes in Big Eva started out that way or do you think they grew into it?
I think most of the time they grew into it and the reason why I think they grew into it is because as their platform got bigger as They got more book deals as they got bigger speaking fees and more influence
They felt the desire to not rock the boat too much because once you kind of build that platform
You don't want to lose it and it's not to say that that's nefarious I mean, I think in some ways this makes sense to not try to lose the platform that you have
But when you're a pastor, you've got another standard that you need to follow And so I think that they start to talk weasel they start to speak the language of weasel and they start to nuance things that they ought not nuance and to pretend they're confused when they're really not and stuff like that in order to not piss people off and I think that that becomes a problem and so like Jonathan Lehman I think is a perfect example of this in my opinion
The biggest reason that he's such a weasel these days is because he fears losing his platform
So that's why he's gonna fence it and say weird things about wearing masks and stuff like that I don't think he started off a snake and I don't think that That he intends to be a snake
I think he intends to maintain his influence and in order to do that Sometimes people think you need to hit the middle of the road.
I don't think that's actually true. By the way I don't think that's actually true. So I think you should actually play to your base
You should play to your strength the people that love and believe God's Word You should be relentlessly following God's Word and if they don't like you tough
But hey, that's just me. I don't have a big platform to lose. So maybe maybe I'm just not there yet Second question at the beginning of this year
You express a desire to read some books that have been canceled by everybody Did you ever get around to doing so and why did you have an interest in reading those forbidden books?
Great question. The answer is no, I did not And I think I can be excused for not following my plans because 2020 has been so crazy
But no actually I and it's funny that you ask this I was just thinking about this a few weeks ago about man
I really wanted to read those books like I'll give you an example of some of the books that I wanted to read I wanted to read A Luther's book at the end of his life when he was railing against the
Jews. I wanted to read Books, you know just just all books like that.
You know what I mean? Like like, you know that kind of stuff And the reason why I wanted to read them is because I realized that I'm believing things about Martin Luther For example, he's a perfect example believing things about Martin Luther that I just was told and I have no idea if it's true or not and Oftentimes the same people that are telling me this about Martin Luther are the same people that are also telling lies about Derek Chauvin And so I'm like well
Let me for find out for myself what Martin Luther was he really crazy at the end of his life or was he not?
Because I no longer trust what so many of these woke church people say I just don't they're not trustworthy to set to frame things the right way and so That's the kind of thing.
That's why I wanted to read it You know one of the main ones that I wanted to read but I never got around to it But I really would like to so good good point
Paul. You called me out and I appreciate it All right. Here's the next question I've got pretty like -minded friends who are quite aware of the
Critical race theory woke invasion in the church and have no problem seeing the deceptions of Keller Chandler or TGC But every time
I press on Moller's record or Piper's recent statements, I get significant pushback They send me things that Moller has said against critical race theory and seem legitimately
Surprised that I would interpret Moller's actions or Piper's words is unhelpful It seems the idea that one could talk all day long against critical race theory and all the other junk while never wanting to win
The battle against it is something I can't communicate to them These friends could see the double speak and Keller's not an anti CRT critique from a few months ago for one thing
They spotted the socialism, but can't see anything wrong with Moller or Piper Is there another class of untouchable names that even we conservatives are susceptible to have you run into this and what has been your experience?
How would you communicate how something like the SPC? Seminary president statements sound so strong against CRT, but never actually throws a meaningful punch at the underlying deception
They think that the statement was anti -resolution 9 I think that statement avoided be an anti -resolution 9 heck of a disconnect hard to explain it to them
General these are great questions and I have thoughts on all of them So is there another class of untouchable names that even we conservatives are susceptible to definitely?
Absolutely, there is al Moller is definitely one of those names. However, I feel like that name is coming off that list very quickly
John Piper is 100 % one of those names every time I do a video on John Piper I get a lot of pushback and I get it because John Piper is awesome
I I never really consumed al Moller content. I just really didn't I never Listened to the briefing unless I was critiquing it or there was a specially interesting topic
I never was one of the al Moller guys It just wasn't my thing But I see a lot of the same kind of attitude that I see with John Piper who
I was a John Piper guy That I do with al Moller and so there is there's there's classes of untouchables
And I think that al Moller and Piper are in a separate class Although al Moller is falling very quickly into the the lesser class and so I've definitely experienced this
And it's it's just something that's out there I you know, I don't really know what to say about it but it's just something that I've experienced for sure and I think that the way to communicate with these people is
To bring the receipts to them. So in other words, it's like, okay, I get it al
Moller statement against critical race theory Seems pretty darn good. I would agree with you these four words in isolation from his entire life
Sound really stinking good but He supports
Matt Hall who said this and this and this he employs Matt Hall who is Borrowing from critical theory constantly
He does XYZ his seminary teachers teach critical race theory and and and all this kind of stuff so what you have to do is is
Accept the statement and say okay. How does it come by? How does his words match up with his actions?
How does his words match up with his actions? Because we're gotten a lot of stuff coming out from whistleblowers at these seminars and we're hearing a lot of things
About what al Moller does and says behind the scenes and so on the one hand his public persona is
I'm anti critical race theory On the other hand in private rooms He's saying I didn't sign the statement on social justice because those men who wrote that were racist.
Well, how are they racist al? Well, he'll never answer that question but it's very obvious the only way that they can be seen as racist is if you're embracing the ideology of whiteness and white supremacy and systemic racism and all that kind of thing and so I think that that's the only way to make them see you have to you have to bring the
Contradiction to them for them to see it again and again and again and again and I you know people are committed to to You know
Confirmation bias we all know that we're also that way so we have to always, you know, keep that in mind for ourselves But I think every time al
Moller comes out with an anti critical race theory statement You have to bring up Matt Hall You have to bring up his support for some of these other guys at a seminary that that are
That are supporting this kind of stuff. You have to do that and it's the same thing with like Piper It's like, you know, you're coming out against critical race theory, but then you're like Pastor Razul is so great
But Pastor Razul was defending critical race theory and your buddies are all critical race theorists and like, you know
You just have to bring those receipts to them every single time That's the only way to do it and even then that might not work
But dude, if like al Moller if you're so against critical race theory Then why is your right -hand guy your your maid guy who you're grooming to take your position at your seminary?
Why is he saying that, you know, he's a racist because he's white no matter what that that's critical theory anyway
We will continue Andrew says this. Oh And your last comment
Chandler hard to explain it to them. Yes, it is hard to explain it It was actually not hard to explain to them.
It's it's just hard to convince them So that's why all you must do is bring the contradictions.
So, okay He said this but then he said this this is a contradiction. Let's talk about that anyway,
Andrew D I Believe all healthy believers should be gathering regularly in person for discipleship worship fellowship prayer and the
Lord's Supper holding this belief causes direct conflict with other Christians who believe what the mainstream media says about the virus that we are living through a
Serious pandemic and it's an emergency health situation one group wants to gather without masks The other believes it's unwise or unloving to gather in persons
They are Christians believing different facts How does the
Bible teach us to discern truth? The difficulty here seems to be that believing the truth implies calling the majority of government institutions medical establishments and media
Organizations liars we need to be clear about how we discern what is true from what is false false Andrew I don't play on their playing field.
That's how I do it. So like so when it comes to gathering for worship discipleship fellowship prayer and the
Lord's Supper My position is not that because the pandemic isn't that serious that we should do those things
My position is that we should do those things because God says so Right.
That's why we should do those things and we shouldn't require masks because God never said in his word
That we should require masks for his worship. And so it has nothing to do with the level of pandemic
It has something to do though with what God has said And so I don't even play their game
It's not about the facts for me when it comes to if it's a serious pandemic or not I don't think it is a serious pandemic, but my argument isn't
We can worship as long as it's not a serious pandemic It's just we can worship if we see fit because we get that authority from God You see what
I'm saying? So like you can't require a mask for worship Because God doesn't allow you to require a piece of clothing for worship
God doesn't allow you to say to someone because he or she is not wearing a mask. You're unclean for worship
That's not an authority that God gives to the church. Therefore the church can't do it. And so even if it was a serious
Pandemic, you know, and we all agreed that it was a serious pandemic. It still doesn't give the government the right to Cancel church and so it's not really about for me the calling the government liars
Although they are it's not really about calling medical establishment media organizations liars. Although they are for me.
It's like God said Certain things and you can't change that but to answer your question about how to discern truth from lies
You know, listen, here's my thing When the government tells me something I'm highly suspicious instantly because the reality is that the government is
Proven itself to be untrustworthy. Same is true with the media And so when it's a particularly preposterous story that they're telling me.
I simply just don't believe it I choose to believe the opposite if it's a particularly preposterous story and the whole thing with the coronavirus
Where it was like we don't know how many people have it But we know the death rate is through the roof like that's actually literally impossible
You can't know the death rate if you don't know how many people have it And so I knew that that was preposterous right off the bat
They're telling me this death rate could be 10 % or higher but the disease is it's it's spread so stealthily that you don't know how how many people have it and Those two things you can't you can't say that like mathematically you can't know that so I know that that's not true
And so instantly I was suspicious of all of that reporting And so it's not a matter of me knowing things that the media doesn't know
But it's just a matter of not consenting to nonsense. And so when the media tells you something that's nonsensical
Like there's no voter fraud when you saw it live on TV on election night. Just don't believe it
That's that's pretty much how I do it It's it's it's not really about that, but my whole position on churches meeting
It really has nothing to do with how serious the pandemic is It's about what God's law says and what God what the word authority
God gives to people and churches and governments And once you figure that out Then you can you can figure out the rest
All right, Cynthia says God bless you a D. Thank you so much for that Cynthia. God bless you
When the world is going on with Gordon Sanchez, I don't know what to make of his recent tweets and Gordon Sanchez is a nut
That guy's unstable in in all his ways So Gordon say I don't know
I mean, I don't I haven't seen his recent tweets But I'm sure they're they're crazy because Gordon is crazy.
He's a lunatic Gordon Sanchez If that's your real name, it's a lunatic
But Gordon Sanchez is a parody account just so you know, all right That that let's see here.
So here's a here's something that came. I don't know if this is intended to be a Q &A but I'm gonna answer it because I think it's helpful
Says hey, hey AD I'm writing this for prayer and advice I guess I'm a young guy and I came back into the faith a couple years ago got into mega churches with big
Eva squish But it was just a starting point I guess now I don't follow any of the people I had before because they all seemed like liars to me in the last year
I'm learning and trying to grow but so much of my feelings feel less about God and more about how evil is so prevalent
I just wanted to ask what advice do you give to people who see the direction of the u .s? And the complicity of the church and now feel themselves having so much hatred not just for the ideas but for the people
I Recently saw your video with the Christian liberation thing and all I could feel was disdain for them and couldn't even laugh anymore at the absurdity
I know the Bible says to love what God loves and hate what God hates, but what is the line for a believer?
Yeah, so this is a good question and I understand I absolutely understand and I think there's a couple things going on here
So when you when you come back into the faith, I think that you have a very low tolerance for people that lie
You know what? I mean like because you feel like sometimes you were lied to when you were a kid for a long time and now you're back
And it's like well, this is that the Bible doesn't say this You know to me what I was taught, you know like you kind of feel upset about that and So one one piece of advice is when you come back to the faith in your recent
Convert or whatever it is a couple years or something like that people talk about the cage stage Well, I think that's a real thing and I think that well, you know
If you find yourself in that cage stage where you're angry at these people for spit
Spitting God's truth and lying about what God says and you're feeling hatred towards them and disdain and stuff like that that's a that's a sign that you should take some time and pray and spend some time in God's Word and And and really just you know
Not disengage completely but disengage from something that's giving you You know bad emotions or whatever it is because like when
I find myself I'll give you an example for my own life. There are some people that I follow on Twitter that From time to time.
I find myself just like disgusted just like just like what you said Just completely disgusted and with feelings of disdain and so what
I'll do in those situations is I'll unfollow them Because I'll pray for them and unfollow them because what
I need to do is Is to control my own heart and check my own heart and my own feelings towards that person and if for some reason
Seeing their ridiculous nonsensical tweets is causing me to feel that way. I need to cut it out for my life
Okay, so the ideally you wouldn't feel these feelings But since you do just cut it out of your life for a time and I'm not saying permanently but for a time
I think that praying for people Oftentimes will alleviate some of these feelings.
So, you know, you saw that video with those with those homosexuals that were Lying about God's creation lying about themselves lying about who
God is Lying about how God created them and it pisses you off because they're lying about your
Lord and it's really upsetting. I get it I get it That's the time to sit if you're feeling feelings of disdain like there's there's a there's a there's a point like you said like There's a line that you know, yes, you should be angry about that.
They're lying about your Lord. You should be angry But if it turns to the point where it's like you're hating them and just nothing but disdain for their absurdity and nonsense
That's the time to pray for them because sometimes it's it could be very helpful It's hard to hate someone that you're praying for actively.
So that's what I would that's my suggestion for that My last suggestion is to remember who you were
Before Christ Because that keeps you humble For myself
I had many and great sins in my life many sins and great sins and So when
I look at people like that that are perverted and sexually deviant
I've been sexually deviant in the past. There's just no question about it. I You know before I was a
Christian, I was very promiscuous you might say and Porn all the time and that kind of thing and I was disgusting when
God saved me and I had people praying for me during that time and so remembering who you are and Remembering who you were
Rather is is helpful in situations like this. So brother. I'll be praying for you And I think that I know how you feel
I would go to God with it like with all your sins and try to destroy that sin through the grace of God through the power of the
Holy Spirit and pray for these people force yourself to do it and If for some reason seeing that content
And and let me say this if you if certain content of mine Makes you feel that way towards people
Then cut it out. I know that's probably not good for me to tell people to stop watching my content But if it if it's causing you to sin cut it out
You know what? You know what? I'm trying to say. So God bless you. I will be praying for you for God to to create a spirit in you that that can be angry
But not sin, you know what I mean? That's that's what we want. We want to do what God wants us to do We want to hate the things that God hates
We want to you we want to feel enough love for God that when someone's lying about him we get angry
But we don't want to hate people Inappropriately, that's what we don't want to do. So god bless you brother.
Thank you for the question. I don't know how helpful it was but Prayer, it's like that Sunday school answer
Jesus. Jesus is the answer. Well, he is so there you go Let's see if we have any other questions here.
All right Yeah, here's one is it true that George Soros funds a branch of the
SPC I just saw this YouTube video Do you think that this can explain Big Eva's compromising? Well, I have a hard time knowing how to just decipher that stuff.
It certainly looks like it's true It looks looks like there's a George Soros funding a funded organization that gives money to Big Eva people and I honestly think that there's been some tacit
Affirmations of this from people in Big Eva because I've I've seen a couple of tweets that go something like this Well, you know even if it is true that George Soros is funding us well, we're plundering the
Egyptians Russell Moore I'm proud of him for being able to plunder the pagans
It's like yeah, but you know, you go along with all of their schemes though So obviously, you know what
I mean? So I don't know about if that's true or not Sorry, I just I just don't know
All right. So, let's see if there's one more question here. I think that was it
There was one other question though Somebody had asked last week and I didn't know it was a question for the QA but he told me that I missed it
So I wanted to address it and it's about porn and he basically said I don't want to go through the whole thing but the idea is that he's prevented from being married because of a physical condition and and He's he's in the past he's he's watched porn and stuff like that, but Now he's got it under control but it kind of rears its ugly head every six months or something like that Like a couple times a year, you know
He'll indulge in watching pornography and he asked me what practical advice that I have and I recommended him to it's good to be a man
Because they have some really good stuff about practically getting rid of porn from your life Also, just so you know, he told me that he's his pastors know about this and they're helping him through it
So it's not like he's asking me and not as pastors as pastors do know and all that kind of thing and so You know, honestly, it's kind of like what
I just said regarding my own content Like it's stupid for me to tell people to not watch watch my content But if it's causing you to sin get rid of it, you know
What does Jesus say if your hand causes you to sin cut it off, right? And so I would
I would say to anyone who struggles with porn and is trying to get rid of it
Right and maybe they've even done a good job getting rid of it But every now and then it's it's it's you know, it comes back.
I would say do everything that you can To stop it set up roadblocks at every step
Because someone who's motivated to go find porn will find it It's not hard to find in our culture
But the more things that you can put like roadblocks you can put in front of you and the pornography
The better chance you have of coming to your senses So like if you have to you know
Use a different browser like that's one line of defense or if you have to actually look because because here's what
I say You don't use one of those programs that like hooks up with your buddies and it's like if you go to a suspicious site
It'll ping your buddies right then in there so and so is at the suspicious site and It's like an accountability thing.
I think that that's fine If you want to use an accountability software like that do it You know, I mean do it because that's an extra layer defense
And so yeah, you can get around it. Of course, you can get around it, but It's another roadblock for you.
It makes it that much more difficult to get around it And so during that time you're you might come to your senses and stuff like that I would also argue this is this is something that when
I was first converted I used to use porn all the time. And then when I was first converted I was trying to get rid of it I noticed that you know
Maybe you as well that this is the kind of thing that you do in secret You don't watch porn with people typically, right?
And so when you're alone and then and it's nighttime or whatever like when it's dark, you know what I mean?
That's that's when you do these things. I would argue that when you get that feeling go outside and do something go for a run go check out a
Movie in the movie theater, although I don't think those are gonna exist anymore go to dinner You know call up a buddy whatever it is like go outside because you're probably not gonna watch porn outside You know like just just any any little thing that you can add to make it more difficult for you to do.
The deed is Good, and so that's what I would say man. Like like just anything you can man anything you can
To fill up your time to do what you have to do Accountability programs are fine in my opinion
All that kind of stuff would do what you have to do. That's that's what I would recommend Is it gonna prevent you from getting porn if you want it?
No, anyone at any time in our culture can get pornography if they
Desire it deeply but what you want to do is you want to put Especially if you're like you're beating this thing man, like it's only a couple times a year or once a year
I forget exactly what he said, but it's not often is what he said You're beating this thing man.
You went from doing it every day to very rarely doing it. That's good news Anything you can do to put more time between you and the porn is gonna help you because I think that In those moments when you're you know trying to figure out how to get it done
You know what? I mean? Like that's the time when the Holy Spirit speaks to you It's like no, you can't do this.
You can't do this anyway That's just a few thoughts of mine, and I don't know if it's helpful or not
But I just wanted to address that God bless you guys. Thank you so much for your patronage Thank you for supporting the channel and more stuff to come in the coming weeks.