Change Your Spiritual Diet



I guess Christmas break is a time to think could be a dangerous thing for a preacher but here's my thought today you got to change your diet what
I mean by that well we're in a day I guess dieting is always kind of being a fad but we are in the day we're like diets like keto or popular and and carnivore diet and one of the things like keto and carnivore obviously try to do is they cut out the sugar they cut out the excess sugar that we're all accustomed to I'm accustomed to it as you can look watching this video too much sugar as a whole as bad to say around Christmastime isn't it but we got too much sugar in our diets well
I'm not talking about your physical diet you can take that up with your doctor what
I'm talking about is our spiritual diet I was I'm a dangerous told my wife I got to stop watching segments of teaching and preaching but I was watching this segment and and I had this thought
I wonder how many services you can go at your church without hearing the word law or sin or repent or propitiation we live on a diet in our churches of words like love acceptance maybe forgiveness although it's hard to really talk about forgiveness without sin but maybe that's mentioned a relationship with God those kinds of things are mentioned
I have no problem with a lot of those words actually being accepted by God being loved by God forgiveness of course
I have no problem with any of those words the problem is in a lot of churches you're hearing words like that and you're not hearing anything else you're not hearing about law you're not hearing about sin you're not hearing about repentance you're not hearing about propitiation in fact
I'm afraid there are many Christians that maybe never heard the word propitiation even though it's a biblical word it's in the
Bible first John 4 I think and also Romans 3 why don't we hear these words because we're on a steady diet of sugar in our churches we have sugar songs and sugar preaching and sugar
Bible studies that never want to deal with the hard truths of Scripture and in these aren't even hard truths
I mean it's not that they're hard it's not that they're difficult the problem is these truths run contrary to human nature and so if you if you never understand that you've broken the law of God well how do you understand what
Christ has done if you don't understand repentance but how do you understand sin if you don't understand sin how do you understand the whole focal point of the gospel
Matthew 121 right we're still in the Christmas season she shall she will bear a son he will call his name
Jesus for he will save his people from what from their sins and I should mention that there are certainly
I guess the opposite can be true although it's kind of fewer and far between nowadays but you you think of some of the old school maybe kind of maybe you think fundamentalists were the opposite in their spectrum that is all you're hearing about is sin you're never hearing anything about grace and sin is always defined as the things that that that you don't like in other people so like maybe it's always addressed about clothing and tattoos and that kind of stuff and maybe not the the true heart sins of the
Scripture anyway that that can be a problem but I think more of the problem
I'm seeing today is that we have all this idea of love and no idea of sin and by the way sin specifically mentioned from the pulpit homosexuality is a sin abortion is a sin
Marxism is a corrupt sinful economic system other things in our day pornography is sin adultery is sin we're not hearing these kind of things from the pulpit we're just hearing hey
God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life it may not be couched in that precise language but but that's the gist of it and so it's sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar like if you can go service after service after service and you don't hear the word sin you don't hear the word repent not as people need to repent but like you need to repent if you don't hear the word law
I mean if you can go all these service after service of service and you're never hearing any of these words even the word propitiation
I understand maybe you're not hearing that every sermon I get that I don't say that word every sermon but but but if you're like never hearing that word certainly if you're not ever hearing what propitiation is wrath satisfying sacrifice that Jesus is our vicarious penal substitutionary sacrifice if you're never hearing that kind of stuff then you're being fed a diet of sugar in the church and here's what's gonna happen you're gonna get spiritually fat you're gonna get spiritually lethargic you're gonna get spiritually diabetic and and it may be actually that you're not converted because you're just living on the sugar that's provided without ever any meat without ever understanding what these words mean biblically now
I did keto once I don't remember how long it was but several months I don't know three four or five six months maybe total in 2023 it was hard to do but it was productive it made a difference in my life
I know people have done carnivore it's hard to do I haven't done that yet but it was it's been productive it's made a difference in people's life so maybe there's somebody out here listening and you would think well okay
I'm gonna try this I'm gonna get off the sugar and I'm gonna listen to the meat well I'm gonna tell you it's gonna be hard that's gonna grate against your flesh it's it's it's it's going to maybe lose you some friends gonna be difficult people ridicule you people make fun of you people try to pull you back into their sugar -induced coma it may be difficult
I can tell you this it's productive it'll have effect when you get the
Bible for what it is the high octane fuel of the scriptures I don't mean like a necessary certain level of passion and preaching maybe one level whatever but what