Why these videos on baptism?


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Matt Slick of www.carm.org explains why CARM is producing videos on issues relating to baptism.


So, why this section on baptism on karma? The section on baptism on karma is necessary because there are churches that teach that baptism is necessary for salvation.
In other words, without baptism, they say, you cannot be saved from the judgment of God, even if you have trusted in Christ and received
Him as your Savior. When someone says that baptism is necessary for salvation, it logically means that there can be no exceptions.
If something is necessary, then it is an absolute requirement. For example, it is necessary for Christ to have died on the cross and shed
His blood so that we could be saved. Without His atoning sacrifice, we cannot be saved.
There are no exceptions. Jesus is the only way, John 14, 6, and there are no exceptions.
Likewise, when someone says that baptism is necessary, he must affirm that there are no exceptions.
Otherwise, baptism is not necessary. This would mean that anyone who would trust in Christ, say on his deathbed, and has received
Christ by faith, but were to die before being baptized, he would then go to hell.
This would mean that faith in Christ is not enough to save a person. See, they are saying that you must be baptized and perform a ceremony in order to be saved, a ritual in order to be saved.
Now, CARM stands against this error. Now, please understand, baptism is important.
You should be baptized. We are in no way intending to diminish the importance of baptism.
But it is not the thing that saves you. Now, I know about 1 Peter 3, 21 regarding baptism now saves you.
We'll get to that later. But baptism, you see, is a covenant sign, a public declaration of a person's identification with Christ.
And it symbolizes identification with His death, burial, and resurrection. So as you read through these articles on baptism, please understand that we are saved by grace through faith, not by grace through faith and something else.
Justification is by faith in Jesus Christ, not by faith and water baptism, not by faith and a ritual, not by faith and a ceremony.