Comparing David Platt to an Alleged YouTube Scammer

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Alright, alright, alright, it's an all woke preacher clips day today.
One more quick one. I thought this was interesting. This is a David Platt sermon and I was listening to it and there's a section in it that reminds me of something.
I want to start off with one of my favorite scam, that's me, that's not a scam channel, but CoffeeZilla.
If you follow CoffeeZilla on YouTube, he's hilarious. I think this guy's really funny and he just goes over different scams, different scammers, he does interviews, he does little videos like this.
This is a good one where he's talking about this guy Adrian G and he does something that I think
David Platt does it as well. I just want you to hear this. This is good stuff. A view of how jobs work. And I want to reiterate again,
I'm sure you've seen other make money programs out there claiming to help you make 100 million dollars or make 50k in just seven days.
This guy is such a, I can't say that on a Christian show, but this guy man, this guy
Adrian G, look at him. Anyway, so he just said, he said, you've seen it before, you've seen the YouTubers that promise you're going to make 50k in just seven days.
But this is the difference. I'm not here to give you false
BS expectations and sell you dreams. No, I can't help you make 50k in only seven days.
And no, I don't guarantee you'll be able to make $100 million. But what
I can promise is you will be able to make six figures a year working just one day a week, which is more than what most humans could ever ask.
If you're looking to be the next Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos, you can't do it.
Shut up. Shut your mouth. Hey, you can't.
You can't do that. Hundred hundred K, just one day a week. Illegal. It should it should be illegal.
All right. That that's illegal to do what you just did. Hey, I'm not
I'm not here to promise you get rich quick schemes. Right. But I what I can promise you is that you can work one day a week and make six figures.
This isn't some kind of crazy get rich quick scheme. Am I right, guys? Oh, man, maybe you don't find that funny like I do.
Maybe I'm just a maniac, but I'll tell you what, I love that kind of thing, because scammers do that all the time. Well, one of the things that scammers a lot of times will do is in their videos, they'll like rip other scammers and they'll be like, yeah, that guy's a scam.
You know, you can't make you can't make 100 million dollars in the forex market being a complete amateur.
But but let me show you a foolproof system where you can make 50 million dollars in the forex market being a total amateur.
It's just so funny. So like they telegraph what they're doing in the video as they're blasting what they're doing.
Now, this is not some great rich quick scheme, but I can promise you, you will get rich quick. So anyway, so there's a point to this, there's a point to this, because I think that the woke that's me again,
I keep getting the wrong click. OK, there you go. I think the woke church movement does this a lot where they where they they telegraph what they are themselves doing by ripping that thing.
So like that, like David Platt does it here. I want you to hear this because David Platt, he gets all emotional.
You know how he is. He's like almost crying when he's preaching. He's like, I want you to hear this. He does the same thing.
I want to sacrifice more of my preferences as a white pastor. I need to grow in my laying aside of preferences for members of this body because I want
Christ to be exalted through increasing diversity in our leadership and our membership. On a related note,
I do not want to speak from the Bible on issues that are popular among white followers of Christ while staying silent in the
Bible on issues that are important to non -white followers of Christ. All right. Here it comes. Here it comes.
So he's saying, you know, this is all good stuff. Yeah. Kingdom diversity, this and that, blah, blah, blah. You know, I could quibble with what he means by some of this, but it's not that bad.
But here's where he does it, man. This is too funny. I really do think that he's like that's scary. He's like this guy.
Not that guy. He's this guy right here. I'm not here to sell you a get rich quick scheme.
Listen to this again. I did it again. All right, here we go. It's not a faithful pastor. Here it is.
It's coming up. I actually read this week how studies have shown that white church leaders are less likely to speak and act prophetically on race issues because white church leaders have more to lose when they do.
Basically, if you want to draw a crowd in general, stay away from racial issues. You already.
He's like, if you want to draw a crowd and he's crying, you want to draw a crowd.
You got to stop talking about racial issues. If you want to draw a crowd of white people or or black people or this type of person, that type of person, then stay away from saying any one of those types of people is part of the problem on racial issues, because the reality is many people mainly want to be comforted when they come to church as people.
We're we're naturally drawn to that, which brings the most benefit, most benefit with the least cost. So if you give people a choice between the church of comfort and the church of comfort, but you need to make sacrifices to change your life, people will choose the church of comfort most every time, which is why we've designed so much of the church culture the way we have today.
And it's why we're so prone not to talk about issues that are uncomfortable to us. And I just want to see that the
Bible doesn't give us that option. Like Amos 5 doesn't give us that option. He's basically telling you that like like it's not popular to talk about race, like you're not going to you're not going to you're not going to comfort people if you talk about race.
Does he realize what's happening everywhere in the culture? Like this is everywhere. Like I was watching the
NFL the other day. I don't really watch it that much, but, you know, they've got social justice messaging in all of their commercials, all of their their their their uniforms.
It's everywhere. It's in every movie. It's on every news station. It's on everything. And he's here trying to sell you a tale that this is the hardest thing.
You you won't you won't get a crowd. You won't please people if you talk about racial issues.
Like, are you serious? It's not a scam. I promise you, this is not a get rich quick scheme, but you will make a hundred thousand dollars one day a week.
I cannot truly worship God while we stay silent on injustice in all kinds of areas. And I know as a white pastor,
I have blind spots. So I am part of the problem.
I need friends and fellow pastors around me from different ethnicities who help me see those blind spots.
And I'm committed to listening and learning and loving, laying aside whatever contemporary church growth methodology says is the best way to grow the church.
I ignore the issues. I want us to do the exact opposite. I know that that we're being we're being pressured to ignore the issues.
The world is pressuring us to ignore this issue. But I'm a gospel. The gospel promises that we must not.
Why does he preach this way? Why is he always crying like fake crying? I don't get it. I can't agree on one thing, though.
Definitely. David Platt, you are part of the problem. Can you believe this?
It's like you won't grow your church talking about this. Literally everyone is talking about this. To hear
God's word clearly on these issues and then we can trust him with the growth of this church.
Yeah, that's what I'm that's what I'm saying. You trust God with the growth. You don't try to engineer diversity.
You don't like try to try to. Well, we got to have the proportional representation. You got to hire the white six over the or the black six over the white seven.
You don't have to try to engineer it. The Holy Spirit can work right. This is not the way to grow the church.
He's just like that scammer. Anyway, I'm going to go. Hope you had a good day today and I hope you found this video helpful.