Practicing For My ERLC Debut

AD Robles iconAD Robles

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I think I still need a little work. :(


If there's one thing we've learned over the last couple years is that the white power structures in white evangelicalism have had a really big detrimental impact on people of color, evangelicals of color you might say.
And so what I want to do is kind of reconstruct and maybe revoice some of the main scripture passages that have been used as a weapon against the black and the brown communities, the evangelicals of color, precious saints who are made in the image of God that have been suffering under the foot, under the bootstrap of white theology for all of these years.
So what I wanted to do is just bring a little bit of my beautiful brown complexion into my exegesis because at the end of the day if you don't have people of color exegeting your scripture for you, or even better yet interpreting and translating the scripture as well, we don't have a full -orbed theology.
Because after all God is a trinity, God is all about diversity, and we see in Revelation that it's going to be every tribe and every tongue and every nation.
So let's break down those power structures of white evangelicalism, let's break down the cords of white supremacy and white theology, and let's, you know, don't get fragile on me now, don't get fragile on me, so this is, let's revoice some of this stuff.
I hope you're ready. I am. This is Leviticus, Leviticus 19, verse 15, says you shall not do injustice in court, you shall not be partial to the poor or defer to the great, but in righteousness you shall judge your neighbor.
And in righteousness you should always take the side of the oppressed, the black and the brown, brother and sister in Christ, because at the end of the day if you don't do that, that is a perversion of justice.
So you shouldn't be partial to the poor or the rich, but take the side of the oppressed, take the side of the poor, and take the side of the black and brown brothers and sisters in Christ, clearly.
Deuteronomy chapter 19, verse 15, you, a single witness shall not suffice against a person for any crime or for any wrong in connection with any offense that he has committed, only on the evidence of two witnesses or three witnesses shall a charge be established, unless of course it is a credible accusation of sexual assault or rape.
If it's a woman accuser, then of course two or more witnesses doesn't apply.
We absolutely must believe her and must execute justice based on the whammon.
The whammon said so, and we have to protect whammon. First Timothy chapter 5, verse 19, do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses, again, unless there's a power differential.
And if there's a power differential, you must, elsewhere the scripture says, take up the cause of the oppressed.
And so two or three witnesses, unless there's a power differential, of course. Matthew chapter 6, verse 15, if you do not forgive their trespasses, neither will your father forgive your trespasses, unless what they did to you a long time ago was really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really bad.
Because if what they did to you was really, really, really, really, really, really bad, if it take up the cause of the oppressed, we need to take up the cause of the poor because you know that your father in heaven will take up their cause too.
So forgive everyone, unless it's dangerous to forgive for the oppressed. Deuteronomy chapter 24, verse 16.
Parents must not be put to death for the sins of their children nor children for the sins of their parents. Those deserving to die, must be put to death for their own crimes.
Unless of course what they did was really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really bad.
If what they did was really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really bad, then we need reparations.
so give us money because Christ is the great and true reparation so give me money because I we all know that Deuteronomy 24 16 if you revoice it and reinterpret it and take it through the lens of the oppressed we need the voice of the oppressed when it comes to interpretation because the
Bible is written from the lens of the oppressed and so I'm telling you as an oppressed person of color a
Christian of color an evangelical of color fully fully in the body of Christ fully made in the image of God listen to the voice of the oppressed oh oh oh oh oh oh great oppressor fathers can be put to death for the sins of the children if what they did was really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really bad and children can be put to death for the sins of the fathers because Christ remember
Christ is our reparation so if it was really really really really really really really really really really