WARNING: Ab0rt1on Clinic Confrontation

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Warning: There is extremely foul language in this video clip. This video was taken of Pastor Wade Orsini with Andrew Soncrant outside of Planned Parenthood in Salt Lake City. This couple came walking about and after being confronted with the truth the man got very aggressive. We often use names like "coward" because not only is it true when they don't protect women and children but it can provoke them to come and talk with us longer so as to give them the gospel. This time that almost resulted in an assault. Pray for this couple with us!


What? You think I'm a fucking coward? Yeah, a real man, a real man stands up.
What's that? Morning. Hey guys. I don't know if you're going to Planned Parenthood today.
We're from an organization. We help women who are pregnant What's that? You don't help anyone?
Oh, yeah. No, we've there's babies alive that we've held today We'd love to help.
You guys don't help anybody. Oh, yeah, we do You guys cause more problems than that. You're involved in women's bodies.
No, we have women Women and babies who are alive today. No, you don't care about the autonomy of women
You guys don't care about anything about that. You guys are out here being assholes. No. Yes, 100 %
And you're trying to guilt people? What about life? What about the autonomy of a baby in the womb? Something that's this size? So size makes it not human?
What is that? No, it's not. So what is it? It's a clump of cells It's a clump of cells, sir.
You're a human clump of cells. That's a human clump of cells No, you guys are basing all of your beliefs over here on something.
That's not real. You're basing it on God Who's not even fucking real? Okay, here's the thing, sir. So what's real is that she's going in there to take care of a situation
No, it's real cause it's a baby. It's a clump of cells. If it wasn't real, she wouldn't walk in there to murder it. How big is it? Could you tell me the difference between that?
If you saw what that was? Can you kill a little baby? And a lamb that was a fucking clump of cells like this?
Could you tell the difference? A lamb isn't a human being. Could you tell the difference? No, you couldn't. If you guys looked at one of those
You couldn't tell the difference. It's inside a human body because it's a human. If you're a father, sir, then you're derelict of duty
You're not standing for your responsibility to protect your child. A real man protects women and children.
A coward walks away from a responsibility. Oh, we've helped women.
We've helped women. You're a liar. You're a liar and a coward I'm a coward?
What? You think I'm a fucking coward? Yeah, a real man. A real man stands up. What's that?
No, I don't. I don't need to fight you. If you want to call me a coward, go get fucked. No, a real man protects women and children.
I'm stating the fact. What about little women in the womb?
What about their autonomy? Protect your child, sir. Turn to Christ.
There is forgiveness for sins in Christ. I know you're angry today, but there's hope in Christ.
Come talk with us some more, man. Let's work through this. Come talk with us. What's that?
We can't leave our duty. Unlike you, we protect women and children so we stay here.
Unlike you. But you walk away. There's a baby today.
God calls that baby a blessing and you walk away. Sir, you will answer to God one day for what you've done.
You will give an accounting for it in the day of judgment. I want you to have the righteousness of Christ applied to your account.