2 Samuel 11:22-12:10

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2 Samuel 12:11-23

Father God, thank you for this time.
We get to open and study your word that we can Look into it to see how you reveal yourself through redemptive history father I pray that you would open up our our minds and our hearts that we would be receptive to your word that we would Let the word get embedded down into our hearts and father that it would change the way that we live We love you.
We thank you for this opportunity once again in Christ's name.
Amen All right Oh Well, we we started for those of you that are in here today that weren't here last week we started in chapter 11 and we stopped at verse 22 and This is probably one of the most well-known Events in the life of David other than David and Goliath it was with his sin of adultery with Bathsheba where he But was walking on the top of his palace and he looked and he saw a girl Or a woman I should say not a girl saw a woman bathing and he said who is that? He sent for her and it why he said hey, that's Uriah.
You're one of your mighty men of valor It's his wife and David said basically, I don't care bring her to me so David has her come to the The palace and he has sex with her and It is adultery now whether we believe it was by force by flattery or by coercion We don't know but we know this He used his authority as a king to bring her in the palace to have intercourse with her After she had been cleaned from her impurity.
She went back home She sends to him and says I'm pregnant David's like, oh, wow.
What do I do? So he calls Joab her husband I mean, he sends to Joab and says bring Uriah her husband bring him back from the field in the fighting field bring him Back and he tries to get Uriah To go home and sleep with his wife so that it'll look like he got she got pregnant from him instead of David It didn't work Uriah says there's no way that I can do this one my men are out fighting in the field and Joab and the and the and the men of God are intense along with Along with the ark.
He says how can I do this thing? So That didn't work.
So David goes to plan B and he says well, I'll get Uriah intoxicated and maybe that'll lower his inhibitions enough that he will then go home and Fulfill his desires as a man, which is to have intercourse with his wife Well that didn't work either.
So David says, you know what in the morning Uriah I'm gonna send you back to Joab But I'm gonna send you back with a letter And he sent Uriah in his hand with a sealed letter to give to Joab and that letter said go find out where the most fighting's going on outside the city of Rebba and Soon as you find that place I want you to put Uriah in the front and When Uriah gets in the front and they start fighting and it starts getting hot.
I want everybody to pull back.
So Uriah is killed This is King David we're talking about doing this.
Okay, so That brings us to that event that he is dead that brings us to verse 22 of chapter 11 And that's where I'm gonna pick up at I So the messenger he brought the news to David said hey you're Uriah the Hittite your servant is dead verse 22 says so the messenger Departed and he came and reported to David all that Joab had sent to tell him the messenger said to David The men had prevailed against us.
They came out against us in the field But we pressed them as far as the entrance moreover the archers have shot Your servants from the wall so that some of the king's servants are dead and your servant Uriah the Hittite is dead also Then David said to the messenger.
I want you to say this to Joab Don't let this thing displease you for the sword devours one as well as another Make your battle against the city stronger overthrow it and so to be encouraged and when the wife of Uriah heard that Uriah her husband Was dead she mourned for her husband and when the time of their mourning was over David sent for her brought her to her house brought Her to his house, and she became his wife, and she bore him a son But the thing that David did was evil in the sight of the Lord So David basically gets the message that was sent by the the runner or the herald er to him and says hey Basically what what you wanted done has taken place Uriah is dead But not only is Uriah dead, but some of the other men are dead as well, so you understand that David's not only culpable of the murder of Uriah, but how many other ever men there was because he put them in the position to be murdered for his own sin So he basically gives him the report And he says the it's odd that David says this don't you know don't be don't be upset One sword will devour another just like anything else that is a That is not the sign of a compassionate King That is a man who has disregard for the people that are out there fighting for him and in this case it had disregard In any respect for the purpose of why they died David those men died on the hand of David and their blood is on David's hands at this point and David then seeing that this was has a created consternation with Joab He says all right what I want you to do is I want you to strengthen your your arms around the city, so this is actually the city They were at he wanted them to strengthen all right these guys have killed Joab I've killed Uriah everybody's going to know that Uriah was one of the the One of the valiant men so what does he do in a an attempt to show that David's now Angry with what has happened.
He says now I want you to strengthen up your forces the siege on the city and overthrow it and Joab does exactly what David tells him to do I have to say this one thing about Joab Joab is a man of the kingdom he he puts The safety of the kingdom meaning the the Davidic kingdom God's kingdom God's people in the sense of Politically he puts them above everybody He is willing to kill whoever it is for whatever purpose for the sake of the kingdom And I will even say this he's been very loyal to David And we'll see moving forward that even when we get into the next chapter That when he has the opportunity to overthrow the city and take the glory for himself Joab says hey it were the city's about to be taken over.
Why don't you come so you get the glory? So there is part of Joab that is very Loyal to David and to the kingdom of Israel So now that he says you Why he says in a verse 25.
He says thus you shall say to Joab Do not let this thing displeased you for the sword devours one as well as another Does anybody's a translation say anything different where it says displeased? Because the same word that you used when you get to the end of verse 27 it says but the thing that David did had was evil in the sight of the Lord that is the same Hebrew words So it's interesting that they that it's translated displeased The King James doesn't say evil Does it really the word the Hebrew words raw and raw means evil and it says what you have done is evil in the sight Don't it actually would have said do not let this thing be evil To you, but in this case it said it says displeased when you get to the end It says don't let this thing displeased or I'm sorry the thing that David did Was displeasing in the sight of the Lord it says here that is odd.
That's odd.
It's evil here says what? Displeased it's evil.
That's the word.
It's the words for evil Was it evil in the sight of the Lord? Well, of course it was Was it from what we know in the how it unfolded with what Joab said? Okay him going.
Hey, man, this is not a Tactic we should use going to the wall.
Remember what had they done for the last roughly year? They see did you don't go near the wall? You're starving the people out They'll you might send some some runners up there to shoot some arrows So they lose some of their ammo, but you don't go and try to take over at the wall So to Joab's defense, this is a terrible Military campaign you're doing to go near the wall So it was evil in the sight of Joab as well and Joab knows that what he has done Was murder Joab.
I mean murder Uriah He knows that because he says in the parable he basically uses Judges 9 as a parable last week We were when the Beneluk got a stone dropped on his head He basically said man, you know, it was stupid for a Beneluk to be near the wall Just like it was stupid for you to send Uriah near the wall because you knew what was going to get him killed so verse 26 says that when when the wife of Uriah heard that her husband was dead she mourned for her husband and Rightfully, so we have no reason to believe that Bathsheba in any way shape form or fashion was Culpable of the sin in which David committed on her and we have no reason to believe that she didn't love her husband and we Shouldn't think because of what David did to her that she has some somehow been unfaithful to her husband Now if anybody disagrees with me on that it's going to be hard to make the argument that this house some some form of Forcefulness to put Bathsheba in the position that she was and I mean she she was like I said either Flattery force or coerced to do what she did Said to when the time of her mourning was over David sent brought her to his house and she became his wife.
Do you see what David has now tried to do? He is now he's got her pregnant, but he's gonna bring her into his own home make himself look as the as the man that's going to take care of her when he killed his wife her husband and he's the one that Took her sexually and made her pregnant So now he's gonna try to cover it up by marrying her and the time frame if any if you just think about the time I mean, this is the time frame.
She'd have been four months probably early and having the baby and people going something's a little weird here, so David makes her his wife and it said she bore him a son But the thing that David did was evil in the sight of the Lord Well, what what did David do that was evil on the side of the Lord? Yep, there's a list.
Yep Adultery yep Covet yep Under the Mosaic legislation That and I would say He was a man-stealer He goes he sends for he said you remember what it said he took her Now, we don't know what we don't think he bound her But what did he do he went over there and he kidnapped her that's man step under the Mosaic legislation that would have been what we would call man-stealing and he did take her and into the palace and he did had his way with her and That was that evil in the sight of the Lord certainly Everything from the beginning when he was on that roof at the moment.
He saw Bathsheba taking a bath He should have turned around and went back inside and if he did send anything He should have sent people over there and said hey man tell that girl.
She needs to cover up You know, but for those of you that weren't here last week It wasn't uncommon for when a woman to take a bath to be up on a roof Because that way people could not see her it just happens to be where's the King's Palace? it's yeah, and it's higher and But they David should have said either.
Hey tell her to cover up or he should have went back inside.
I would say both So what David did was evil and I think it's in first Chronicles 14 or 15 It says that everything that David did Was good Except for the time in which his infraction with Uriah and Bathsheba Everything so this understand that even under the Chronicles It's the people that were writing down that the history of Kings that when you get to David They see this as a stain on his life forever and that it will be it will be a stain forever.
It will have Consequences that will go in even on after he dies and to his his offspring Now that's going to bring us to chapter 12.
I'm gonna Read through the the whole chapter and then we'll start walking through it So remember he she's she's already been taken into his house.
She was pregnant He's married her and in chapter 12 says and then the Lord sent Nathan to David and he came to him And he said there were two men in one city one rich and the other poor The rich man had a great many flocks and herds, but the poor man had Nothing except one little ewe lamb Which he had bought and he had nourished it grew up together with him and his children It would eat of his bread and it would drink of his cup and lie in his bosom and it was like a daughter to him now a traveler came to him that was a rich man and He was unwilling to take from his own flock or his own herd to prepare for the wayfarer Who had come to him? Rather he took the poor man's ewe lamb He prepared it for the man who had come to him Then David's anger burned greatly against the man and he said to David I mean he said to Nathan as the Lord lives surely the man who has done this deserves to die He must make restitution for the lamb fourfold because he did this thing and had no compassion Nathan then said to David you are the man Thus says the Lord God of Israel.
It is I who anointed you king over Israel It is I who delivered you from the hand of Saul I also gave you your master's house and your master's wives into your care And I gave you the house of Israel and Judah and if that had been too little I would have added to you many more things like these Why have you despised the word of the Lord by doing evil in his sight? You have struck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword have taken his wife to be your own and have killed with the sword the sons of Ammon Now therefore the sword shall never depart from your house because you have despised me and have taken the wife of Uriah The Hittite to be your wife thus says the Lord behold I will raise up against you from your own household And I will even even take your wives before your eyes and give them to your companion And he will lie with your wives in broad daylight indeed you did it in secret but I will do this thing before all of Israel and Under the Sun then David said to Nathan I have sinned against the Lord and Nathan said to David the Lord also Has taken away your sin, and you shall not die However because of this deed you have given occasion to your enemies of the Lord to blaspheme the child Also that it is born to you and that the child that was born to you shall surely die so Nathan went to his house Then the Lord struck the child that Uriah's widow bore to David so that it was very sick David therefore inquired of God for the child and David fasted and he went in and he laid all night on the ground The elders of his house stood beside him in order to raise him up from the ground But he was unwilling and would not eat food with them Then it happened on the seventh day that the child died and the servants of David were afraid to tell him that the child was dead For they said behold while the child was still alive.
We spoke to him, and he did not listen to our voice How then can we tell him the child is dead since he might do some harm to himself But when David saw that his servants were whispering together David perceived That the child was dead so David said to his servants is the child dead and they said he is dead So David arose from the ground.
He washed and anointed himself.
He changed his clothes He came into the house of the Lord and he worshiped Then he came to his own house, and when he had requested they set food before him and he ate Then his servants said to him This is the thing that you What is this thing that you have done while the child was alive you fasted and wept But when the child is dead you have arose and ate food He said while the child was still alive I fasted and wept for I said who knows the Lord may be gracious to me and the child may live But now he has died What shall why should I fast any longer can I bring him back again I Will go to him, but he will not return to me then David comforted Bathsheba his wife He went into her and he lay with her She gave birth to a son, and he named she named him Solomon I'm sorry, and he named him Solomon now the Lord loved him and sent word through Nathan the prophet And he named him Jedidiah for the Lord's sake Now Joab fought against Rabba the sons of Ammon and he captured the royal city and Joab sent messengers to David He said I have fought against the city and even now has captured the city of the city of its waters now Therefore gather the rest of the people together and camp against the city capture it And I will capture the city myself, and it would be after my name so David gathered all the people he went to Rabba found against Fought against it captured it then he took the crown of the king from his head and its weight was a talent of gold and it was of And that of precious stones and it was placed on David's head and he brought out the spoil of the city in great amounts He also brought out the people who were in it and set them under saws sharp iron instruments iron axes and made them pass through the brickling and Thus he did all to the cities of the sons of Ammon and David and all of the people of returned to Jerusalem so This is now entering the time in which David's going to be confronted with his sin and We could we could spend a lot of time talking about why parables God uses parables We could talk about how often parables are used through scripture But we know this back in the book of Matthew.
Jesus said this when they asked him.
Why do you speak in parables? He said specifically for two reasons one to reveal truth other to conceal So when this man the prophet Nathan comes to David He's coming to him with with a parable and he's going to tell him this story And this story is actually going to reveal the truth of what David has done So verse 1 we'll just start right there then the the Lord sent Nathan to David and he came to him he said In my mind I go Why hasn't this has to be common knowledge of what has taken place? Why did Nathan not come to him as the mouthpiece of God before now? but he now God sends him to him and Here's it.
He says there were two men in one city one rich and the other poor Okay, so let's just say who were the two who are the two men here? David Uriah David would have been a rich man the poor man would have been the the the servant or the rich or the poor man and The rich man had great many flocks and herds That is true.
David could have pulled from anything that he wanted and we talked last week He could have had any one of his hair and it's like to me.
I just go man That desire could have been fulfilled under the sanctioning of the Mosaic law with his wives But he wanted another man's wife Says but the poor man Had nothing except one little you lamb he bought it he nourished it and grew up together with him and his children and He would eat of it his bread and drink of his cup and lie in his bosom Hey sometimes we go man that if this was true this little lamb was eaten off of his plate and drinking out of his cup and that might seem odd, but Sybil's dog well Sybil feeds her dog off the plate, doesn't she? Drink off the drink out of the cup.
So What he's saying here is that the this little you lamb was one of the family and If even if you go back to the time before Right leading up to the Passover feast Where they would slay all the lambs.
It was a one-year you lamb, you know what they did with that one little lamb It was brought into the home and was treated as it was one of them It was loved and it was cared for and it was played with by the kids and then to be taken out in just one year and it was to be sacrificed as they as a Memorial of the Passover and that's what they would do And that would be that would probably be somewhat hurts into the children like man This is our this is our favorite little pet and then they were to sacrifice it and it was showing that the The the The worth and dignity of what was taking place and this would have been Under the parable this would have been the only you lamb that they would have had and it says now the traveler came To the I'm sorry, and it would eat and drink from this cup Linus bosom like a daughter now a traveler came to the rich man And he was unwilling to take from his own flock in his own herd But to prepare for the wayfarer who had come to him rather he took the poor man's you lamb and prepared it For the man who had come to him.
Once again, do we see that word? took So this rich man would have went to this poor man.
Are you raising your hand for question? Stretching went and he took this lamb by force This is when once again, this is pointing back to David's action store Bathsheba.
He took her by force against her will and he took the poor man you lamb and prepared it for the man who had come to him and Here it is once again if you remember those of you that went through first Samuel every time God's people or the nation or The people of Israel were attacked or treated wrongly David's anger was excited and burned against him whether it was to Protect I don't remember Abiathar when he was the only one left He found out they had killed all the other Priests in the city of Nab and what did David tell him remember David was on the run at a time.
He says No, no, no, no more.
Am I gonna be on the run? I will protect you.
You stay with me and I will fight Anytime the Philistines would come up against them.
What did David do hit even when he was on the run? He was excited with anger because people the people of God were being mistreated and he would go fight for them So David's anger was burned against this man And he said never as the Lord lived surely this man who has done this deserves to die David has rightful indignation for what he has done for what this man in the parable has done and And if David could find this man, what would it say David would have done to him He'd killed him and rightfully so it says Does he deserves to die and he must pay restitution for the lamb fourfold because he has done this thing and had no compassion Okay, why fourfold under the Mosaic legislation if a person stole something he was to pay it back four times And I think if you remember the story of Zacchaeus, he says the same thing Remember, he extorted God's people as a tax collector and he said hey, whatever I have done I'll pay it back fourfold because that was what it was under the Mosaic law in order to do So David is now angry He has seen that whatever this man has done is unrighteous and unholy and as a violation of God's law given to Moses and then here comes the the one of the most Pointed statements in all of Scripture.
Yeah, it says now then David said you are the man What man is David? Is he the poor man or the rich man? He's the rich man It's funny back in 2009 I was asked to be an extra in a movie up in Warner Robins and being a friend went up there and We were we had Do a police chase and we were going to run through a church and they were supposed to tackle us and it's funny I kept telling the police officer says hey, I'm supposed to tackle you.
I was like, well, dude, you don't have to catch me He's like, can you slow down just a little bit? Anyway, so When we were doing that they were they would tackle me and there was some somebody Inside that goes in the middle of a church service went to a place and we're supposed to tell that's the man That's the guy over there.
Well, the lady kept saying well, how do you want me to say it? I was like, I just piped up and I said why don't you say like in the Bible David said you are the man Well when they actually did it she said just like in the Bible.
You're the man and it ended up in the movie Shadows of the past I tried to find The the link off YouTube if you could find the little extra I can't find it anymore it was in 2009 It's the shadows of the past.
Anyway, but and it's funny that lady said you're just like in the Bible.
You are the man So that David is now pointed out as the one who's the sinner and deserves to die and he says Thus the Lord God of Israel says this Listen to what God says David.
I'm the one who made you king I'm the one that delivered you out of the hand of Saul and as we have gone through the book like the First Samuel and second Samuel David knew that it was God that had made him king He knew that it was God that had preserved him from being killed from Saul So this is what God's telling him is reminding him of something that David already knew That it was God that had preserved his life he said I Also gave you your master's house and your master's lives into your care I gave you the house of Israel and Judah meaning.
Hey when the kingdom had separated in its civil war I'm the one that consolidated that for you He said and if that would have been too little I would have added to you many more things like these once again God says if if that wouldn't have been enough.
I would have given you more.
What's God saying? What I gave you was more than enough.
You didn't need anything else and I gave you all of those things But if there was something else that you would have needed I would have added it to you And he says why have you despised the word of the Lord by doing evil in his sight? And that is a question.
We should ask ourself when we sin Why do we despise the word of the Lord? Do we not have clear? instructions in scripture of how we should live Do it Sure, we do.
We have clear instructions on how to be a godly man How to be a godly husband how to be a godly father We have clear instructions on how women should be godly women godly wives and godly mothers We are without excuse the scripture says we've been given everything pertaining to life and godliness in Christ Jesus and Even I know that's under the New Testament under the Old Testament.
They had clear instructions on how to live Very detailed even down to how they should dress what kind of clothing they should wear and what they should eat And they were without he was without excuse, but he had fine.
He despised the word of the Lord He said you struck down Uriah with the sword and you took his wife and Have killed him with the sword of the sons of Ammon David tried to so it didn't look like he did it Who who did he use as the instrument of his death the men of war? That are he used them as basically the hitman to try to cover up David's on actions David is charged with his murder.
David's not the one that went and shoved the sword or the arrow into Uriah He used someone else to do it.
But Howard's the able to do that He ordered him.
Yeah, basically same with his death warrant It says now therefore The sword shall never depart from your house because you have despised me and have taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your Wife and we probably need to stop right there.
We got about five minutes.
I think um When it says the sword shall not depart from his house anybody have any idea what he means by that Does he mean there's always gonna be a sword sitting in the corner? No, he's saying look there's always going to be division and murder within your home There's gonna be judgment always in in the house always and we're gonna see very soon that that's going to happen When we get to next week we're gonna good Mike you said so something.
Yeah Yeah, and the one that was what we would say conceived in an adulterous act it will be the first one to go God strikes the the child in Seven days after it's born.
He strikes the child dead.
I mean we we think about something like that and go man That's tough.
But God says I'm not gonna have that child blaspheme my name and that's what it was going to do was make Blaspheme among the people but it said you're not gonna let it depart from his house It never will depart and if you know anything about the the the Davidic line from that point on there was always contention There was always going to be fighting.
There was always going to be sibling quote rivalry In the next chapter, we're going to see that Ammon Rapes his own sister and then his brother Kills him and then even after that you're going to get a further on into Kings and you're gonna have Adonijah raise up his hand again basically against Solomon to usurp the throne and Then Solomon winds up having to kill him Because he did what he told him not to do and that it will be the consistent pattern through the Kings as there will constantly be Warring and fighting and infighting amongst David's children Any questions or comments so far It seems some somewhat hard to believe that David would do something.
I don't know about y'all but me Knowing what we know about David.
This was not was this expected I should say It is deceitfully wicked and I as I was Preparing to do this over the last few weeks It was very hard not to do an exposition because you could go into the ontology of sin How does sin react? How do we guard ourself from from sinful inclinations? What do we do do we put things in place of men and women to hold us account? But we could have went through all of those things But hey, even going through all of that and seeing how sin progresses We still ultimately it is you and I Responsibility to either despise the word of the Lord or obey the word of the Lord at the end of the day Who's culpable for if you dissent? We are Nobody made us do that.
Nobody Forced our hand into that nobody twisted our arm behind our back and made us do it There was a movie one time the devil's advocate and some of y'all may not know but the guy that played the devil was Al Pacino and He makes a statement means a pagan movie, but he makes a statement as being the devil He tells the guy look I didn't make you do that All I did was set the stage your heart did what it wanted to do and you know from a from a Christian standpoint You go man.
That was actually a true statement.
He the devil doesn't make you do anything He can set the stage he can put everything in place But he doesn't twist your arm your heart like you said Michael your hearts already deceitful desperately wicked who can know it James even says where does our sin come from? Does it come from outside or does it come from inside? And it comes from inside the very thing that may tempt you or you or you or you or you may not be the things that tempt me the things that we Fall into sin may not be something that I go man Understand how that person could do that because that's not what I struggle with but then you may say the same thing about me Well, I can't believe Mike did that.
Well, it's because you don't struggle with that our sin is Tailor-made For our own heart and that's weird Every man's depravity will lead it some way some will leave it in to lead it to murder drunkenness Adultery fornication all those things, but then you have others that lead them down a pathway of legalism To where hey, look, I've obeyed all everything that the Bible says like a rich young ruler.
I've done all these things Yep from my youth.
I've been a good person Well, then they trust in their own works any questions Mike comments The television show in the 70s the flip Wilson show.
Yeah, and that was one of his characters He's dressed up as a woman Geraldine and that was her thing was the devil made me do it and he never made us do anything Yeah, that will get some devil gets credit for stuff that we left them to our own.
They definitely got to do nothing You know, I mean the devil don't have to do anything We just let man do his thing and God removes the restraint of his hand men will will go Chaotically out of control.
I mean if if it wasn't for God's restraining hand think about it every thought of anger We know it would lead to murder because where does where does murder begin? It begins with anger in the heart every thought of lust would end in rape.
We'll see that it's two two cases of rape We're gonna deal with in 13 and 12.
I mean in 12 and 13, okay, so Would either lead to rape or adultery, but it's God's restraining hand that keeps us from doing that All right, Mike, you'll we got about a minute and a half.
You'll pray us out Holy father.
We thank you that you have blessed us with your word It would be what orders our lives We would not Turn away from it.
We would not allow it to Fall to the ground as something that is base or useless, but it would be what mold us and shapes us And makes us who you'd have us to be which are children of the Lord.