False Prophet Wants Your Money!

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The Holy Nope Breakdown: “Empty-Handed”


Don't know who this woman is, but if you do you can let me know in the comments This false prophet made it to the holy nope episode 220 a sacrifice to God.
I can't take you to God empty -handed I can't
Papa said what? He just called me and said for everybody to connect to the word that you just said he said have mama
Tell everybody to sow a seed for exactly what you said word for word Of $1 ,500 to connect to this word and then bless them and pray for them
This video is so bad. I'm not even sure where to begin first We have this woman whom
I am certain professes to be some sort of prophet But based on what she says she's not only pretending to be a prophet
But some sort of mediator between God and the people she impugns the character of God by suggesting that she can't go to God on behalf of the people
Empty -handed can't take you to God empty -handed. I Can't that is without a monetary offering or sacrifice
Which is a blasphemous notion that we'll unpack in a second because Papa calls now Papa isn't
God It may seem that way when you first watch the video But Papa is her husband who is apparently calling from another location and is acting as though he's heard from God who is telling him that the people need to sow a seed of $1 ,500 in order to quote connect to this word $1 ,500 to connect to this word and then bless them and pray for them
Amen And receive the blessing this woman and her husband and whoever else is running this scam are ravenous wolves with no fear of God In her
Gucci shirt, so let's make something abundantly clear The only way anyone comes to God is empty -handed and not through some professing
Non -prophetess demanding your money but through Christ alone There is one mediator between God and men the man
Christ Jesus who gave himself as a ransom for all He is all you need and he is enough because you have no merit to offer
God that he might bless you Nor can you offer money to the God who owns cattle on a thousand hills as a reason for him to bless you
Nor does God require you to sow seeds in faith to people in ministries who have no idea who you even are
Salvation is by grace alone. It is undeserved favor lavished upon poor meritless sinners in Christ Therefore every sinner who has ever come to God through the one mediator
Jesus Christ has come singing that old him nothing in my hands I bring simply to the cross of Christ I claim what you must do is forsake every form of self -effort self -hope every notion of Self -sufficiency to secure favor with God whether that is through your self -righteous merit or your money and Extend that empty hand of faith and cling to Christ's cross alone
Because you owe a debt that you cannot pay a price which Christ paid for his people with his blood
Their debt is paid in full and the justice of God's wrath against them is satisfied in Christ's death for them
He has risen from the dead for their justification So that by faith alone they are accepted in the
Beloved who has opened the way to intimate communion with the Father and Bold access to every spiritual blessing and he ever lives to make intercession for them