AD Robles is Misunderstood (Gospel Coalition Must Be Destroyed)

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Hello there, this is AD Robles, and you're listening to AD on the Fight Laugh Feast Network.
Alright, well my voice is not entirely back, but I did want to get one more video out for the week.
First, before I get into anything, I just wanted to say this. Today is actually my 10th wedding anniversary with my wife, and well, obviously it's with my wife.
But anyway, 10th wedding anniversary, and God has been just so good to me personally and to us.
We were married in Vermont, but we were living in New York at the time, and we since moved away.
You know the story about why I moved. Most of you do anyway. But anyway, for the first four years or so, we were trying to have children, but we could not, and we were starting to get a little bit worried about all of that.
But since then, God has blessed us both with three wonderful sons, and honestly,
I could not be happier with the way life has gone these last 10 years. It's just been wonderful.
If you're single, get married. If you're married, have kids, and if you have kids, you've got to baptize them.
I think somebody in... Is that chocolate nuts? Yeah, that's chocolate nuts. Anyway, but yeah, just happy anniversary to my wife.
As you might imagine, sometimes it's hard to be married to me in the sense of you have to endure people saying all kinds of evil things about your husband who you know, and it's been hard at times for sure for her, but she's been super supportive and just a wonderful, wonderful wife.
So praise God for that. Let's jump into the content today, because yesterday
I put out a video, and it was one of my favorite videos to make. It was about Adam Greenway's strongly worded response to the
Mid -Atlantic, Mid -America Baptist Theological Seminary screening this movie,
Enemies Within the Church. If you missed my post on Facebook, I posted this picture of Jackie Childs.
It really said, Adam Greenway's letter reads like Jackie Childs wrote, This is outrageous, egregious, preposterous, lewd, lascivious, salacious.
He really broke the old thesaurus out to write that letter. It was just too funny, man. That was one of my favorite videos to make.
A lot of you guys liked it too, so I'm glad. But I actually, since then, I did watch the movie yesterday while I was working.
So not as closely as I could have watched it. I'm planning on watching it again. But I have to say,
Judd, you know, one of the main producers, Kerry, the pastor who was also a producer, fantastic work.
I really, I really mean it. I think there's a few things that I want to say about this.
First of all, I recommend getting it. And I've heard, a little birdie has told me that there may be a sale code coming soon.
So be on the lookout for that. But it's a really interesting movie. Now, let me just say this.
So it's dark in the sense of there's a lot of things that you're going to see and hear about that are going to disturb you to a very, very high degree.
And it even ends on the darkest note that it could possibly end on, at least in my opinion, it ends on a very dark note.
But even so, even as it's a very dark movie and it ends on a dark note, it actually got me so pumped up.
I'm fired up after watching this movie because this movie makes a lot of the power of God.
It makes a lot of God and his power and the way that he chooses to work through his church.
And it just gets you ready to go. I mean, towards the end of the movie, I'm thinking of different things that I could possibly do to utilize my skill set for the kingdom in a better way than I'm doing it right now.
And I don't even mean this stuff that I do on YouTube. I'm not even talking about that. I'm talking about my other skill sets, the things that I do for business and stuff like that.
How can I use my skill sets for the kingdom of God going into the future? Because there's a very good chance that we're headed towards hard times just as a nation, but especially as a church.
And we need to start thinking strategically about how best to position ourselves for whatever it is to come.
And this movie, when you watch it, it makes you feel like it's possible.
And it's not possible because we're the most strategic, smartest people around or anything like that.
It's possible because God is powerful, and God blesses his people, and God has given us a word that is more powerful, more—it applies to everything, it's better than anyone has ever told you it is.
It's better than Big Eva has told you that it is. Big Eva ticks a little bit here, a little bit there.
Oh, the love passages, the gentleness, kindness, and those are all important. But the thing is, they need to be understood in the context of the commands of God, the laws of God, which give us a very, very clear blueprint on what we're supposed to do in various situations.
And that actually brings me to my new project here, because I kind of announced on Gab and also on YouTube that I've got something cooking in the background.
And I personally think it's going to be very interesting. And let me just say this.
I'm fired up. I'm fired up about it. Let me tell you a little bit about what I have in mind. One of the things that people regularly get wrong about my content—what
I mean is, I don't think they quite understand what my content is. And partially that could be my fault, but partially
I think it's because they haven't really seen too much like it. Let me explain what
I mean. So one of the things that we've noticed over time is that evangelical leaders—and this was evident in the
Adam Greenway letter—it was actually made explicit in the Adam Greenway letter.
Normally they don't make this explicit, but I found that to be so interesting. What we're used to as Christians in the
United States is our leaders being the ones that are visible, the ones that are part of gospel coalition, the ones that get columns in Washington Post, the ones that get invited to talk on CNN or MSNBC.
What we're used to are those men ripping apart regular
Christians, people in the pews, calling them names, saying they're racist, saying they're awful, they're the worst people ever, they're divisive, they're this, they're that.
That's what we're used to. We're used to seeing public evangelicals ripping and destroying and dragging regular
Christians through the mud. They're embarrassed of us, guys. They're embarrassed of us. We know this. We feel this in our bones, that they're embarrassed of the regular
Christian in the pews. And what I mean by that are Bible -believing, gun -toting, typically white evangelicals, but they're embarrassed of me as well.
They're embarrassed of Daryl Harrison as well, maybe to a lesser degree me and Daryl, because we've got that melanin that, for whatever reason, covers a multitude of sins.
But they're embarrassed of regular Christians, Christians that believe in six -day creation,
Christians that believe in the waters above the firmament, things like that. They're embarrassed by people like that, and it's palpable.
You can sense it. Every time one of these charlatans goes to the media, they're ripping regular
Christians. That's what they're there for, and they're all too willing to do it. My content is different.
And it's not just my content, guys. Don't hear me saying that it's just me. I'm all alone out there. I'm not. There are a lot of us out there that, when we put out content, what we're trying to do—and this is what people misunderstand—I'm trying to encourage and build up the very people that we're so used to being put down and drugged through the mud and said, you're put over there.
I am not. Let me say this with as much candor as I can. I am not trying to encourage
Adam Greenway. Do you understand what I'm saying? I'm not trying to encourage the Gospel Coalition. I want the
Gospel Coalition to be over. I want it to be destroyed. I want it brought to the ground so nobody respects it anymore.
I'm not trying to encourage Matt Chandler. I want them to feel shame.
I want them to be angry that someone is out there opposing what they say, and they don't care one iota what they think about my tone.
None. See, that's what people don't understand. They will say things to me like, how can anyone find your content encouraging?
And what they don't understand is they think I'm trying to encourage Al Mohler. I don't expect
Al Mohler to find my content encouraging. I expect Al Mohler to be furious about my content.
In fact, I know it on very good authority that Al Mohler has made phone calls about some of my content.
Do you see what I'm saying? So, to people that he thinks could control me. You see what I'm saying? So, here's the thing.
Here's the thing. What you're misunderstanding is that I don't care one iota what the leaders that go to the pagans and complain about them, like the
Atlantic article, for example, what they think about my content. I'm trying to encourage the regular
Joes in the pews that have been so dismissed, so disrespected, so spiritually abused by the likes of evangelical leaders,
Gospel Coalition, ERLC, all of these guys. So, it's a little confusing.
So people don't understand, like, why doesn't your content sound the same as their content? They're encouraging.
No, no. They're encouraging each other. It's one big circle. I can't say it.
This is a Christian show. This is a Christian show. So my content's different. I'm trying to encourage a different group altogether.
I'm trying to make a different group altogether feel like they're heard, like their understanding of Scripture.
They're not crazy, right? That's the thing. They're not crazy. Adam Greenway, in his letter to Mid -America
Baptists, what he said, he tried to make it seem like it was un -Christ -like to critique a
Southern Baptist leader. Un -Christ -like. Critique is off the table. Guys, not only is that a bad idea, it's actually immoral to say that it's un -Christ -like to critique a
Southern Baptist leader if the Southern Baptist leader is teaching something inappropriate. And many of them are.
Many of them are teaching heresies and putting it across as the law of God, and they need to be critiqued.
And he's trying to insulate them, because that's the thing about my content that a lot of people don't understand.
They don't get it. I'm not trying to encourage people that are evangelical leaders in their teaching of evil doctrines.
I'm trying to rebuke them. I want them to feel the grace of shame. I want them to be angry when they see how
I oppose them with simple Bible verses. Guys, I'm not a genius. I didn't even go to seminary.
I can just see that the Scripture says something opposite to what you're saying. God spoke to be understood.
So here's what my new project is, guys. I have asked you, and if you have a story, please come to me with this story.
I've asked people, regular Joes, and if you're a pastor, but you're a regular pastor, so to say, like you don't have a blog spot or something like that, or maybe like, you know, but you weren't always a pastor, whatever it is, you're allowed to message me as well.
But I want to hear from you your story about when you realized that we have a tremendous problem amongst our big evil leadership.
It doesn't have to be big evil leadership, but a lot of you are reaching out to me and saying, it was this article. It was this
John Piper article. It was this Matt Chandler presentation. It was this David Platt speech. And a lot of you guys are saying the same things, and so this is exactly what
I want. I want to know when you personally realized that our evangelical leaders might not have our best interests in mind.
And some of you guys, and this is really what I'm hoping for, and by the way, this is not gossip, so if you're going to come to me with information, please make sure that it's public information.
I don't want to hear private things where it's just, you know, your word versus theirs, that kind of thing. But you can tell me stories, and if you want to leave out names, that would be helpful.
Tell me stories about what has happened in your church when you ask, because a lot of you guys, this is the thing that like, it really, let me say this.
Somebody I know, and I've met, somebody that I've met a number of times, reached out to me with his story.
And guys, I'm not a crier. I did not cry at my grandmother's funeral.
That's just not who I am. There's nothing wrong with crying. I'm just saying, that's just not who I am. But as I read this story,
I had a tear in my eye. I mean, there's just, it was just so hard to read, because the story that he told me was one of, he heard so -and -so teaching something about race that, you know, didn't quite make sense according to Scripture.
And he goes to his pastor, and he says, hey, pastor, like, I just need your advice. I need your advice on how to approach this.
Because I do want to say something. I feel like it's my duty, according to Scripture, to say something and to talk it out with him.
But I just want your advice on how best to approach him. And the response he got was butter to his face, you know, buttery words, things like that.
And then this pastor allegedly went on a campaign against this man, just ripping him apart, publicly, privately, secretly, underhandedly, and just ended up, you know, had to leave the church.
I mean, it just didn't make any sense to be there anymore. Guys, I've been part of a story like that.
That's happened to me, where they're privately ripping you apart, just a freaking demon. And then publicly, they're like, oh, just touch the
Lord's anointed! And it's like, people are being abused, abused by leadership over this issue.
Because that reaction would not have happened if he went to his pastor for advice on how to talk to him about baptism.
Like, he said this thing about baptism, I'm not really sure about it. I want to talk to him. What's your advice? There was no way that he'd get this emotional response, this freaking ridiculous emoting.
People are being abused, man. People are being abused. And I want these people to be heard. And here's what
I'm going to do with the content. Because I believe, and maybe I'm just pie -in -the -sky optimist, you know what
I mean? But I believe there are a lot of people that are Big Eva adjacent.
I'm not talking about Chandler. I can't say anything to Chandler. Nobody can speak to Chandler. That needs to be a miracle from God.
I'm talking adjacent people, people that know Matt Chandler, people that are friends with him. They go to his, when he holds court, when
Matt Chandler holds court, these are the people that are around him, adjacent people. There are pastors there that I think need to be encouraged and they need to be helped and they need to see what their heroes, what their idols are doing.
And when I say idols, I don't mean in the biblical sense, although maybe, but I'm talking about the people that they respect, Chandler, Piper, you know, all these guys,
Platt. They need to see what regular people in the pews are actually seeing, what they're seeing from these guys and the damage, the trail of bodies that's by, you think it was bad up in Marseille with Driscoll.
That's nothing compared to the trail of bodies that Chandler's going to leave behind, that Piper's going to leave behind, that Platt's going to leave behind, that Thabiti's going to leave behind, the whole nine yard.
You thought that was bad. You ain't seen nothing yet because the trail of bodies behind the
Gospel Coalition bus is going to be massive, massive, and it's not because they're preaching the real gospels, it's because they're preaching a whole bunch of nonsense.
And it's because they're engaging in tactics that, man, unspeakable tactics, unspeakable.
So I want to do a series where I'm truly trying to help all of those
Big Eva adjacent pastors who in their soul, they know something's not quite right, but they don't know exactly what it is and they don't know what to do about it.
I want to help you guys to understand how far this has gone and what is actually happening under the hood and what's happening behind the scenes and, quite frankly, what you must do if you're going to honor
God in your positions of power. You have authority, limited authority, but you have authority as a pastor and you need to use it.
And you have things that you must do and there are stories that I have not told that I'm going to tell in this series because, to be honest,
I feel like I've been disobeying God in not telling these stories publicly of the kinds of things that have happened to me.
And so, guys, this is the project. It's a project that is going to give a voice to regular people in the pews, the very people that are ripped apart every day in the mainstream media by their own pastors, by their own leaders.
I want to let those people speak and I want to help. Haiti Robles is here to help.
He's here to help. But not the people that are typically the ones that are fawned all over. Those people need to be saved.
What I'm here to help are the people that are adjacent to those that are just not quite sure what to do with it.
I haven't figured out exactly everything I'm going to do, but these are the kinds of stories that I'm trying to get.
So if you have a story like that that you think would be helpful for a project like that where I'm trying to give voice to those who have been spiritually abused in this way so that Big Eva adjacent pastors can do what must be done according to the scripture.
If you have a story like that, email me ad at ad Robles dot com. Again, no gossip. Make sure if it's an article that you saw or something like that, a response.
Make sure it's public. And if it's a personal story, you know, take out some of the names, whatever is necessary.
But just tell me what happened. That's what I want to know. Anyway, and so that's that's that.
One last thing before before we end this, I have a Black Friday sale going on and it's permanent.
And as long as I have supplies, I'm giving away my book. So if you want to copy my book for free,
I have some digital copies. I have some paper copies. Just email me ad at ad Robles dot com.
Let me know what you want and I will send it to you free of charge. And I hope you enjoy it.
Guys, thank you so much for watching. I hope you have a great weekend. And well, I hope this podcast is helpful.
God bless. Don't forget to tune in next week on Thursday for AD on the