Amazing Costi Hinn Moment - UNEXPECTED (Fixed Audio)

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My heart is full. Oh man, how good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity.
My goodness gracious. It is good and it is pleasant. There's no question about that. Yesterday, if you've been paying attention to my my
Twitter feed, if you've been paying attention to the videos, you know, we've been having some fun with Kosti Hinn because of what he said about Doug and then he went in on Michael O 'Fallon and all this kind of stuff and the only reason
I bring it up right now is is to bring it up in the most positive of ways because yesterday what
I thought was very improbable, in fact, I probably would have said it definitely wouldn't happen. It actually happened.
Kosti Hinn decided to change his mind about the approach he was taking regarding Doug Wilson and Michael O 'Fallon and others as well that I never really mentioned on the channel and so what happened was yesterday,
I noticed that he had deleted all of his tweets. Actually, somebody pointed it out to me because all of the times that I had retweeted him with a little joke or whatever, all of his side of the discussion was completely gone.
And so he had deleted every tweet regarding Doug Wilson or Michael O 'Fallon and also somebody told me that he had deleted his podcast as well.
And what I thought was gonna happen was what Big Eva typically does and what
Big Eva typically does is that they will delete their tweets and pretend it never happened. Sometimes they don't do this, but that is pretty much the style, you know, they delete the article and pretend it never happened.
They delete the podcast, pretend it never happened. They delete the tweets and just it goes down the memory hole and they don't even address it ever again and later they come out and they say, well, they don't even say anything.
They just they just ignore it. And so I was hopeful that Kosti wouldn't do that and he didn't.
And so I have to say like I every time a Christian deals with it with a conflict in a
Christian way, I don't say I don't want to say that I'm surprised about that because I'm not really surprised but it's so it's awesome.
It makes you feel good when a Christian deals with a controversy or a conflict as a
Christian like the way a Christian ought to do it and it's just amazing. It really is.
So what Kosti did, I want to draw attention to this because this is worthy of drawing attention to, so he deleted his tweets, which
I wouldn't normally do. I feel like I've done it before but it's not my normal standard of mode of operation.
But he didn't just ignore it. He said look, I'm gonna issue a statement kind of explaining myself a little bit.
I probably should have had some discussions before I went thermal nuclear.
That's not his direct quotation, but that's essentially what he said. He said he's gonna he's gonna talk to Doug about some theology and whether or not he believes in works righteousness.
He's gonna talk to him. He's gonna talk to some of the guys and I guess he's gonna deal with Michael O 'Fallon as well.
I don't know really much about that controversy. And so he's acknowledging that he made a mistake, you know, maybe he should have asked a few questions before he shot.
That's what he said. And man, it feels good when a brother acts like a brother, especially in the midst of controversy.
See, it's real easy to act like a brother when things are going well. You know what I mean? And to do the right thing when things are going well, everyone's getting along and all of that.
But that's not how life is, right? The time when you need to be so careful to do things biblically is when there's a controversy.
Man, there's there's a particular person in my life that just has not treated me the way a
Christian ought to treat another person. And I've tried to talk with him about our controversy again and again and again.
I've had my hat in my hand and all of this and it's just he's refused to even address it at all.
He's not made any attempt to talk to me about his problems. He's just essentially shunned me from jump street.
Like from the beginning of the controversy, he skipped all the steps of church discipline and decided you're a tax collector.
You're a Pharisee. It does not feel good, right? And in my in my flesh, like I want to blast this guy.
Like sometimes it takes me a lot to not just blast this guy and all of that.
Metaphorically speaking, of course. But I can't. I've got to hold my integrity. And I just want there's a longing in my in the deepest part of my being that one day we'll have a situation where we'll live in unity and it'll be good and pleasant for us.
And I just the whole the whole thing, the whole reason I bring this up, guys, is when you're in a conflict with someone, when you're in a controversy with someone, make sure that you're not making excuses for yourself to engage in ungodly behavior.
Like that's what—it's so important that we focus on what the Scripture requires of us when there's a conflict, because those are the times it's very tempting to make any excuse you can to not engage that conflict the right way.
And I've been on the receiving end of some of this amazing stuff before. I remember
Tim Hurd at one point reached out to me and he apologized.
He asked for forgiveness because he was holding on to this secret grudge against me that I didn't even know about.
And he told me about it. And I didn't really remember exactly what he was saying, but I do remember the time period he was talking about.
And he brought it up to me. And I was like, oh, yeah, man, I should not have done that. I am so sorry.
At the time, I didn't understand this or that. I forget the exact circumstances. It's in my memory hole, right?
Man, it just—when you obey Christ and the Holy Spirit's working, it just feels good and it feels pleasant.
I also had that one issue with Kirk Kennedy. I've told you about this one on the phone, and we were yelling at each other, like hardcore, screaming at each other on the phone for like an hour, maybe even more.
And then I don't even remember exactly what happened, but one of us, just one of us, just for a moment humbled ourselves.
I don't remember who it was. I think it was probably him. And we just both—the conflict was squashed.
We both saw the error of our ways. We were weeping, and all of it was just behind us, right?
And that was good, and that was pleasant. I urge you, if you've got conflicts in your life, man, and something's within your power to do— sometimes it's not, right?
There's this one guy that I've tried every which way to get this guy to talk to me so we could just hash this out and bury this hatchet, and he just has refused to this point.
I'm still hopeful that one day he will, right? One day he will. But if you've got people in your life and there's something that you can do that's within your power and you haven't done it yet because you're kind of trying to—you're still a little bit prideful, man, it is just— man, when it happens, it's a beautiful thing.
It is a beautiful thing. So, Kosti, hats off to you, brother. Hats off. I told you yesterday
I would have forgiven you either way. I would have loved you either way. I think I said I would have loved him because I have nothing to forgive of you.
But I would have loved you either way. Lots of people would have forgiven you either way. But you did the right thing, even knowing all that.
What an example, Kosti. You know, you've proven with beyond all doubt that you are not a card -carrying
Big Eva member. I applaud you for that. Because if you were, the rulebook states that you must not apologize.
Big Eva never does anything wrong, in any case. I hope you found this video helpful. No videos next week, most likely.
We'll see. I'll bring my equipment with me. I'm going to the conference. By the way, if you're going to the Fight Life Peace Conference, let me know in the comments section.
Definitely come say hello. I'll be giving away copies of my book, Social Justice Pharisees, for free.
And I'll be glad to sign it, if that's what you'd like, or just whatever. I'll be giving some of those away.
I'll have my company sponsoring it. So I'll have a booth up for my company, all that kind of thing. And I'd love to see you there.
I might try to do some fishing. That was weird. I might try to do some fishing.
So I'm going to bring some gear for that. But if you're going to show up, let me know. And we'd be glad to chat for a little bit.
God bless you guys. Have a great weekend. Have a good Lord's Day. And I will see you next time on the