Mucho Mailbag

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Mike answers your email. Note: our computers have been programed to take the emails with cashier’s checks go straight to the top.


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, �But we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.�
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn�t for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we�re called by the
Divine Trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her King. Here�s our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth.
Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry. It�s Mike Abendroth. It�s a nice November day here. Who knows when this show will air, but Fred, this is a new show.
Calling all cars, calling Fred Butler. This is a new show.
I�m going to have Fred on again here soon. I emailed him and he said, �Oh, I�ve been, you know,
I can�t make it that day. John MacArthur is coming to talk to such and such and so and so.� I see how that works.
I know where I am on the, in the pecking order.
I got an email the other day. Dear Pastor Mike, sending this just to see if it ends up on your show.
Love your show and thank you for your ministry. You made me laugh when you said skull letters would not be responded to, only read on the radio.
From Cameron. P .S. Not all your listeners are men over 50.
I�m about half that. Are you half a man or half a 50? Cameron, thank you.
I got another email from someone. Let�s see. Where is it? Wasn�t an email. I think it was a Facebook comment.
And let�s see here. Grace said on Facebook back in November, like 3rd, �Why the skull seems to have been moving around in recent videos and has appeared, apparently walked off.�
She wants me to do a show in NoCo 90 on that. I liked it for the reasons you had it there. So it walks off.
Anyway, we�re always back to the skull. Skulls are us. I will be in Rome soon.
By the time this show airs, I�ll be back from Rome. They have catacombs there, of course.
They have lots of things in Rome. But they�ve got a church made with bones, thousands upon thousands of bones.
So I will take a look at it and see what happens. Maybe there�ll be a skull from Rome.
Somehow make it in my suitcase. I doubt that. I doubt it. I try not to steal. I�ve heard it�s not a good thing.
So anyway, Cameron, thank you. When I look at the diagnostics for YouTube, the analytics, I want to say 70 % to 75 % male over 50.
The thing is, here�s the pride barometer, here�s the self -righteousness barometer.
I think I�m younger. I think I act younger. I think I can hang with the younger folks.
You don�t call younger folks folks, do you? But that�s what I think I can do. And then when
I say the videos, only men over 50 watch the videos. I get bugged because I�m a man over 50.
I want to be more appealing. I want to be cross -cultural. I want to talk about franchise churches.
Just say no to franchise churches. Just call out if you go to a franchise church and it�s got the same name as the mother ship and if you just do this secret sauce, this secret way, maybe it�s not so secret and everything works out fine, you just hire a talking head.
I wish you just stopped. Alright, on the
Facebook page, there was the video posted, �What would Jesus say to the
Pope ?� and it was responded to only a few times.
One guy said, �Amen, Amen.� And then Frank said this, �What would Jesus say to the
Pope ?� To the Pope, Jesus would say, �I love you, brother. Go and sin no more.� You can�t make this stuff up.
You can�t make it up. Now, of course, you�re going to get yourself in trouble when you think to yourself,
John 7 through John 8. Here we have John 7 ending, �And they replied, �Are you from Galilee, too?
Search and see that no prophet arises from Galilee.� Then we have, in my particular
Bible, the earliest manuscripts do not include 753, which is, �They went each to his own house through 811.�
And that is, the scribes and Pharisees bring a woman who�s been caught in adultery, and they place her before Jesus, �Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of adultery.�
And Jesus bends down and writes on the ground. So the account goes, and I�ll never forget when someone said to me, �Well, what did he write ?�
Someone said, �Maybe he�s doodling.� I just thought, who are you?
Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you? No one, Lord, neither do I condemn you.
Go, and from now on sin no more. So Frank gets that from that particular passage.
Well, if you�d like to study that passage a little bit more, you will find with crystal clarity and certainty that 753 of the
Gospel of Jesus, according to John, through 811, is not in the best manuscripts.
It�s not in the Bible. Well, it might be in your King James Bible, you Calvinist, but it�s not in the real
Bible. It�s not breathed out by the Spirit. It might be included in your
Bible. I think people just were afraid, so they thought they would put it in there. If I was an editor,
I would just maybe put an asterisk and tuck it in the back someplace. But even when you think of non -Johannine words, when you look at the flow, they replied, �Are you from Galilee, too?
Search and see that no prophet arises from Galilee.� Again, in verse 12, Jesus spoke to them, saying, �I am the light of the world.�
And we pick it up right there. The good news is this. The tenor and tone and kindness of the
Lord in the Spiritist account of 8, 1 through 11, including 753, that�s just like Jesus.
I�m sure that is his attitude and that is representative of a good illustration of how
Jesus would act. But to say it�s biblical would be wrong. My point, though, is on No Compromise Radio, you can write us at info at No Compromise Radio.
That�s not my point, but my point to Frank is, would Jesus say, �I don�t condemn you, go and sin no more.�
Is he equating this sinful adulteress, who isn�t teaching anyone who�s a person enslaved to sin, is he equating her to the world�s largest false teaching, the leader of the world�s largest organization that teaches false doctrine?
Is that what Frank is saying? Jesus would not say to the Pope, �Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more.�
Especially in light of what has already been said in John chapter 3, it is important to read all the
Bible, of course. And it says in John 3, �Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only
Son of God.� And this is the judgment. �The light has come into the world, and people love the darkness rather than the light, because their works were evil.
For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed.
But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out by God.�
Skipping down to verse 31 of chapter 3, John inspired words, �He who comes from above is above all.
He who is from the earth belongs to the earth and speaks in an earthly way. He who comes from heaven is above all.
He bears witness to what he has seen and heard, yet no one receives his testimony. Whoever receives his testimony sets his seal to this, that God is true.
For he whom God has sent utters the words of God, for he gives the Spirit without measure. The Father loves the
Son and has given all things into his hand. Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever does not obey the
Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains or abides on him.�
Friends, Jesus would not say to the Pope, I don't condemn you. There is, of course, opportunities for the
Pope to repent and believe on the sufficient work of the Son, the
Lord Jesus Christ, and to stop adding works and law to grace.
Paul has some words for people that do that, who quickly desert free grace.
In the book of Galatians, when people say, Jesus would say,
I don't condemn you, go and sin no more, that would be blatantly false.
Okay, what else do I have here on No Compromise Radio? I have several videos that we put out.
I don't know how many we have now, a hundred thousand, a hundred thousands upon thousands, as we say in Deutschland.
Episode 66, I did a show entitled, The Pitiful and Damning Doctrines of Joyce Meyer.
Maybe it says Meyers, but I think it's Meyer. Is it Osteen or Olsteen?
I'm just kidding. I know the answers to these questions. And as I looked at this on November 3rd, it had been viewed 6 ,790 times.
So I get, what, a penny on every view? So I'm racking up the money. Just kidding.
It's not linked to any kind of deal. I think we get 87 thumbs up and 10 thumbs down and people make comments.
So if you make a comment on the YouTube channel, the No Compromise Radio YouTube channel, I'm notified and I can either leave the comment or I can respond to the comment.
I don't often respond. If people are being mean and rude and they have swear words,
I delete them. And usually if they say something bad about somebody else, like, oh,
John MacArthur is a false teacher. I'll delete that as well. In fact, I got a couple of those
I need to delete. If they attack me, okay, so what? I'm the one sticking my nose out there. So you got to take some of that stuff.
But this one is an interesting one. It came out today. I was notified today of this comment. And Dennis is the one who gave the comment.
D -N -I -S. I don't know if that's Denise or if that's Dennis. So there's a picture of a guy cuddling a girl, holding her like at a park or something.
That's his icon. That's her icon. I don't know if this is to Denise or to Dennis, but here's what they said.
What a sad and pitiful individual you are. A scoffer of the highest order.
How dare you, all caps, put yourself above the fruit of Joyce and Kenneth's ministries that have led countless millions to Jesus.
Yeah, their own personal Jesus, a la Depeche Mode. Although I did listen to Johnny Cash the other day.
And God's Going to Cut You Down is a good video. And the song I listened to is Your Own Personal Jesus by Johnny Cash.
That was better than his version of Danny Boy. You will, this is what
Denise Dennis said. You will be much more harshly judged by God.
Oh no, you are specifically warned not, all caps, to criticize a brother or sister in Christ.
You will be much more harshly judged by God. Fortunately, Joyce and Kenneth have the wisdom and discernment not to criticize anyone else's ministry, which you unfortunately are sadly bereft of.
End quote, Dennis Denise. Now before you think I'm making fun of Dennis Denise, he, she, my name is
Michael, M -I -C -H -E -L. So you could easily do the same for me. So, so there. Joy said not that long ago.
By the way, what would you tell me to read? How would you tell me to respond to Dennis Denise? Well, how would you respond?
Joy said this. I'll tell you what I said to Joy. Sadly, this was six days ago. Sadly, what you are saying about these people is actually exactly what you are wrong.
John MacArthur teaches false doctrine. Don't believe this guy. Go to the word of God and find out for yourself.
These people like Myers. See, she does it too. She does a plural when it's singular.
Copeland, et cetera, are good people. And you don't hear them criticizing others like this.
The Bible also states that good and evil ought not to come. Out of the same mouth.
Shame on you. I did respond six days ago to Joy.
True or false? Jesus was born again in hell. True or false? Words are containers.
Of course, that's what those folks teach. And I want her to answer. And so far, it's just been crickets.
Here's what Kenny said two weeks ago regarding this video. What do we do when men become untrustworthy, false prophets, wolves, face divine judgment of confusion and confounding?
What would you say? Well, here's what Kenny said. We read our KJV Bibles prayerfully.
See how the confluence of all this stuff just comes together? And then you wonder why
I have to have a radio show just to talk about this stuff? I pity the poor fool pastor who, just joking,
I'm sorry that the pastors who don't have radio shows just have to figure out how to get some of this stuff into their sermons.
A little eisegesis here, eisegesis there, forcing an illustration. But see,
I have the radio show. So how nice is that? Jose did say, sad that many, many people are following her.
Pilgrim Lad said, if angels are telling Joyce Meyers, see, he did it too, what to say?
They are fallen angels. Jay said, did you know that Everyman's battle author,
Stephen Arterburn has been promoting Meyers lately? See, he's got the S on there.
I did not know that, but I would not recommend people reading Stephen Arterburn. And then Don said, wow,
I had no idea. Now we could conflate these things by saying
Pope Francis sends video message to Kenneth Copeland. And then what would Jesus say to the Pope? And then
Kenneth Copeland, words are containers from Joyce Meyer. All right, so Mike Avendroth, No Compromise Radio.
You can write us at info at No Compromise Radio. Some have said that the argument put forth by evangelicals and other social conservatives is that if you allow gay marriage, then it opens up the door for every other kind of marriage.
It is a slippery slope argument. And that has been poopooed, that has been discounted.
And then we read on Yahoo News, 11 -1 -2015, title of the article,
I do, I do, I do. This is not Wizard of Oz, I do,
I do, I do, I do, I do. This is a Brazilian female trio getting hitched.
Rio de Janeiro AFP, the three's a crowd, not in Brazil, where three women have defied deeply conservative trends in Congress and wider traditional mores by celebrating a polyamorous civil union.
The happy trio, who reportedly have shared a bed for years and said they want to raise a child, took an oath of love in early
October in the presence of Rio de Janeiro notary public, Fernanda de
Fritas Liatio. The union is not just symbolic because it defines how they intend to have children, attorney
Liatio said. Businesswoman, dentist are 32 and 34, been together three years and they'd like to remain proudly anonymous.
I inserted the proudly. Despite salacious media speculation about their supposed love life, they are in fact shy, their lawyer said.
Their union is not a formal marriage because under Brazilian law, that would be bigamy. Neither are they automatically allowed to declare joint income or join a healthcare plan for spouses.
But friends, it's on its way. This is just the warmup drill.
That's all that is, a warmup drill, say something.
I did that radio show about, uh, C .S. Lewis quits quoting
C .S. Lewis. And I was trying to put my finger in people's eyes, of course, in their eye, and some didn't like it.
Lots of people did. I wanted people to realize that C .S. Lewis is an evangelical.
And if I want to quote Mankin, uh, mentioned sometime, if, uh, I'd like to quote,
I don't know. There's a fascination with people quoting
G .K. Chesterton and C .S. Lewis, and I think they try to be cool about it. And there are things that those men have said that are quotable, but I want to know why they quote them.
I'm trying to quote people that, pastorally speaking, others can go, hmm, he just gave a
Thomas Watson quote. He just quoted John Payton. He just quoted William Jay.
He just quoted Thomas Cramner. He just quoted Spurgeon. He just quoted Machen. He just quoted,
I don't know, um, William Tyndale. He, he just quoted someone like that.
I should add an R .M. Judson. I should probably get one of their books versus, let's sit around as an evangelical and study
Chesterton's, uh, I almost called it mere Christianity, whatever his book is,
Orthodoxy, something like that. Why? Okay, if it's a seminary class or something like that, but if I've got one life to live, one, one high school group, college group, career group, and I'm going to pick
Chesterton, and it's not going to be a critique. Let's see how many evangelicals are duped by this guy and then influenced to read some of his other stuff.
And let's read it with a discerning eye. Oh, I guess if you do that, that's fine. Can't you find something else to read?
Can't you find even, and I'm not saying anything bad about this author because I really like him and he has a way of just getting into churches where they're
Arminian or Pelagian or anything else charismatic. And I'm glad for that. I praise God for it, but read
Jerry Bridges because it's chocked full of biblical wisdom and reformed quotes.
That's what that is. So pick something else. I mean, good, better, best. I made a little note on here.
Oh, do you have suggestions for new NoCo videos? IE does the Pope quote C .S. Lewis because I was taking those two shows and putting them together and I ran it by the staff.
Bill said anything with Furtick or Warren or Meyer and that ilk with a Benny Hill theme song and laugh track to make it even more special.
That would be funny. Okay, this one is the one
I wanted to get to. Evan, the Pope quoting C .S. Lewis does not make him more biblically conservative any more than when
I quote Kempis makes me even a little Roman Catholic. And your point is,
I don't know if this guy is pro or against, not exactly sure.
I would say don't read Kempis. Don't read C .S. Lewis and don't read the Pope. That way we'd be fine.
We'd all be happy then. At least I would be happier.
What else is on here? If you're not on the Facebook page, you can go there. There's some quotes, usually one quote a day from a
Reformed theologian. And with HootSuite, we've got quotes loaded through mid -January.
So I don't have to do anything. I don't have to sit around and load up the tweets. They just go out on their own, as well as the
Facebook ones. And off they go. I don't know about Facebook and Twitter, how many people actually use it anymore, but it doesn't really cost much.
And we go. If you want to order the book, the book should be out. You can order the book at NoCompromisedRadio .com.
And it is Sexual Fidelity, 30 short chapters that talk about sex from a biblical perspective, nothing salacious, nothing inappropriate.
Stemming out of conversations that I've had with my son. I think it's $12 plus shipping. And since I'm not
Amazon, I've got to charge you for shipping. Sorry for that. But anyway, I'm sure it'll be a collector's item.
If you want to order, you can order online and you should get the books pretty fast. They're in.
I haven't got one in my hand yet, but by the time this airs, we should be in. And I use the same printer that Mike Gendron uses for his books.
So if you like that, that's great. If you don't like it, I don't know what to tell you. So that is from the website there.
Someone else said that if they... Why don't
I put reruns on the feed title so we know not to listen to them.
You know what my gut response is to that? Aren't you sending money so I can hire people to do that?
Oh man, you can't win for losing around here. Who said this?
Making disciples isn't about gathering people to listen to you teach. Real focus isn't on teaching people at all.
It's on loving them. I see there's truth in there, isn't there?
I think there's truth. It seems like there's truth. You got to love people, right? If your goal is
I just want to instruct you, that's all I want to do is inform your brain. But Andy Stanley didn't say that.
Sounds like maybe he would. Rick Warren, he didn't say that at all.
Sounds like maybe he would. Francis Chan did say though at Crazy Love back in June, making disciples isn't about gathering people to listen to you teach.
The real focus isn't on teaching people at all. It's on loving them. Now I hope he's changed it, but I think when he was in San Fran and doing the church thing there, they would read some verses, pray a little bit, and go talk to people in coffee shops and then come back and talk about it.
So I think he at least practices what he doesn't preach or what he preaches. Anyway, my name is
Mike Abendroth. This is No Compromise Radio. Thanks for listening. Tell your friends, tell your enemies, tell your comrades.
No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at 6. We're right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbcchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff, or management.