What is the definition of grace? | GotQuestions.org
How does the BIBLE define GRACE? What is grace and do appreciate it as much as you should? In this video we answer your question: What is the definition of Grace?
Source: https://www.gotquestions.org/definition-of-grace.html
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- Hi there. Many others like you have asked, what is the definition of grace? Let's find out, shall we?
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- You can also discover more on GotQuestions .org. The gospel message is the good news of God's grace, so it is important to know what grace is and constantly seek a better view of it in our lives.
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- Grace as part of God's character is closely related to benevolence, love, and mercy.
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- Think of it as God's benevolence on the undeserving. He is willing to forgive us and bless us abundantly in spite of the fact we don't deserve it.
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- To fully understand grace, we need to consider who we were without Christ and who we become with Christ.
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- We were born in sin and guilty of breaking God's holy laws. As His enemies, we deserved death.
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- We were unrighteous and without means of justifying ourselves. Spiritually, we were destitute, blind, unclean, and dead.
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- Our souls were in peril of everlasting punishment. But then came grace, God's extended favor to us.
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- It saves us, is the essence of the gospel, and gives us victory over sin. Grace gives us eternal encouragement and good hope.
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- Jesus is the embodiment of grace and truth. The Bible repeatedly calls grace a gift.
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- This is an important analogy because it teaches us some things about grace. First, a gift is much different from a loan, which requires repayment.
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- With grace, nothing is owed in return. Second, a gift is free to the recipient, although it is not free to the giver, who bears the expense.
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- The gift of salvation costs us sinners nothing, but the price of this extravagant gift came at a premium for Jesus, who died in our place.
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- Third, once a gift has been given, ownership of the gift has transferred and is now ours to keep.
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- No takebacksies. God's grace is ours forever. Fourth, in the giving of a gift, the giver becomes poorer so the recipient can become richer.
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- Fifth, and finally, the Bible teaches that grace is completely unmerited. In fact, the
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- Bible says quite clearly that we don't deserve God's salvation. Grace does not stop once we are saved.
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- God is gracious to us for the rest of our lives, working within and upon us. Grace justifies us before a holy
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- God, provides us access to God to communicate in fellowship with Him, wins for us a new relationship of intimacy with God, disciplines and trains us to live in a way that honors
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- God, grants us immeasurable spiritual riches, helps us in our every need, is the reason behind our every deliverance, and preserves us and comforts, encourages, and strengthens us.
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- In conclusion, grace is actively and continually working in the lives of God's people. Without grace, we can do nothing.
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- It is greater than our sin, most abundant and too wonderful for words. As the recipients of God's grace, we are called to be gracious to others.
- 02:59
- Alright, that answers your question, what is the definition of grace? On our website, gotquestions .org,
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