Dont Give Your Strength To Women

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Man up. Credit. Toby Sumpter wrote an article on this exact topic...that I did not have in mind when I made this video...but clearly influenced my thinking here. My brother pointed this out to me after the fact....and there is no doubt that I was influenced by it even though I didnt remember I was. Go read it! -


Proverbs 31 verse 3 says this, this is this is
King Lemuel's mother giving advice to her son, and she says to her son, give not thy strength unto women.
Give not thy strength unto women. And there's a variety of different ways to take this.
One thing to notice is that this is a mother, a woman herself, warning her son about other women.
There's a variety of different ways to take this. This could be talking about sexual sin and getting caught up in adulteries and prostitutes and giving your money, your time, your energy to women.
It could be caught up like that as well. But here's the other thing is we need to take this in a variety of different ways because there's other ways to give your strength to women.
It's just that simple. And one way to do it is to insist that the godly Christian way for a man to behave is essentially the way women behave.
And this is rampant in Christianity, absolutely rampant.
I got in a couple of conversations just yesterday, everyone was talking about this
John MacArthur statement, which I'm not gonna really discuss too much, but the reality is that people were saying, well it's just so unloving and so unkind and so uncharitable, so it's just evil.
And you ask him, well what's uncharitable about it? What's unkind about it? It's unnecessarily harsh.
Unnecessarily harsh. And then you ask him and you say, well, you know, I'm trying to follow the pattern of Christ, right?
Christ is a perfect man. Christ was a masculine man. I think sometimes we get this twisted idea in our brains that Christ was either one of two things.
He was either like Spock from Star Trek, emotionless and just kind of like, affirmative, you know, like that.
Or we get this idea that he somehow wasn't really a man, you know what I mean? Wasn't really a man.
Didn't have, you know, didn't raise his voice. You see, there's so often in the Bible where we just kind of read it and it says that Christ raised his voice or he cried out.
And that's a forceful, like the way that those street preachers that you're embarrassed of, that's what it was like.
It was like he was yelling, you know what I mean? He made that court of whips and he actually used it, you know what
I mean? And people will say, well, hold on a second, Adam. Hold on a second, Adam. You're not Jesus. And I'm like, are you kidding me?
Because here's the thing. I was talking to someone today just a little while ago. And he said, if our harshness or if our words push people away, then we're missing the mark.
And I'm like, but you see, but the thing is like, I want to follow Christ's example. He said, well, I want to follow
Christ's gentle example. And it's like, well, yeah. But the thing is though, between the two of us, only one of us is actually trying to follow
Christ's full example. Because if we look at Christ as the perfect man, as someone that we should strive to be like when he was here on earth and he was interacting with people, then you have to follow his whole example.
You can't just for some reason arbitrarily take out all the harsh stuff, all the naughty words and the naughty language and say only the gentleness, only the tenderness.
You see, what you're trying to do is turn Christ into a woman. And they've done this for years.
I mean, look at pictures of Christ. I mean, we shouldn't even have pictures of Christ. It's a second commandment violation. But look at the pictures of Christ that you see.
How often is he portrayed as essentially looks like a woman and acts like a woman too.
You see, here's the thing. If you strive to follow Christ, but you only want to be gentle and lovely, then you are essentially following a false
Christ, a womanly Christ. Stop being a woman. The Bible isn't like that. This is the other thing
I said. The guy was telling me, well, anything that pushes people away intentionally misses the mark.
And I'm just like, actually no, because if that's the case, then we'd have to actually omit parts of the
Bible because the Bible doesn't speak the way you insist that I speak. Between the two of us, only one of us is following Christ's full example because I can be gentle and kind and patient and charitable and all these kinds of things, but I can also, you know, drop the hammer if I need to.
And so many of you guys are like, oh, it's just overly harsh. It's like unbelievable, unbelievable. But here's the reality.
Don't turn Christ into a woman. And if you're a man, stop insisting that other men join you in your effeminacy.
It's just not going to happen. It's not going to happen. I'm not gonna do it. I'm never going to do it. And that's just all there is to it.
That's that. I'm following Christ, not your wimpy version of Christ. We all like to say, like, we all like to pretend, like, it bothers me because we all like to pretend like we're ferocious, right?
Like, the gospel is going to offend. When was the last time something you said offended someone?
Like, for real. Like, for real. Oh, the gospel itself is offensive. Yeah, it is offensive because it makes demands on you.
It tells you that sodomy is not okay. It tells you that effeminacy is not okay. It tells you that all these things are not okay.
And so if you want us to soften that to make it a little bit more okay, like it's just moral brokenness.
I'm sorry, but this whole idea of you being kind of this ferocious, oh, the gospel is offensive. But why are you making it less offensive though, right?
Why are you making it less offensive? That's the thing. We all like to talk, oh, Christ is not safe, but he is good.
Okay, so what's not safe about your Christ? That's what I'd like to know. What's not safe about your Christ? I mean, this is an honest question, right?
We all like to pretend like we're like these, like we're actually following Christ's full example, but really all we're doing is turning him into a woman and then following that example.
Oh, he's just, yeah, the little lamb right here and he's just so gentle and tender and that's all he is essentially.
But we forget that Christ also is, you know, smashing people and smashing idols and ferocious when he needs to be.
And that includes raising his voice and saying harsh things and driving people away and all that kind of stuff. So if your ministry doesn't do that,
I mean, you've got problems. You've got some serious problems. I'm going to read you just a couple of examples from the
Bible of things that, you know, if you're going to be a good and kindly little gentle man, you can't read this stuff the way it is.
You just can't do it. You're going to soften it. You're going to turn it into, oh, it's just a sexual minority. It's moral brokenness.
This is just not how the Bible speaks. So stop speaking in ways that the Bible doesn't speak. Ezekiel 16, how sick is your heart declares the
Lord God, because you did all these things, the deeds of a brazen prostitute, building your vaulted chamber at the head of every street and making your lofty place in every square.
Yet you were not like a prostitute because you scorned payment. Adulterous wife who received strangers instead of her husband.
Men gives gifts to all prostitutes, but you gave your gifts to all your lovers, bribing them to come to you from every side with your whorings.
So you are different from other women in your whorings. No one solicited you to play the whore and you gave payment while no gate payment was given to you.
Therefore you were different. Jeremiah 51, the mighty men of Babylon have forborn to fight.
They have remained in their holds. Their might has failed. They have become as women. First Timothy two verse 12,
I suffer not a woman to teach. I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over a man, but to be in silence.
First Corinthians 14, women are to be silent in the churches. They are not permitted to speak, but must be in submission as the law says.
Titus two, to be self -controlled, pure managers of their own household, kind and subject to their own husbands of the
Word of God may not be discredited. This is Hosea chapter one, the beginning of the word of the
Lord by Hosea. And the Lord said to Hosea, go take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms, for the land has committed great whoredom departing from the
Lord. Psalm three, verse seven, arise,
O Lord, save me, O my God, for thou has smitten all my enemies upon the cheek bone and thou has broken the teeth of the ungodly.
Matthew chapter 23, starting in verse 27, woe to you teachers of the laws and Pharisees, you hypocrites.
You're like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside, but on the inside are full of dead men's bone.
Just read Revelation, the letters, the words of Christ of the different churches. Read those words. And ask yourself, seriously, if someone were to say words like this today, if I were to say this, or if someone online or John MacArthur were to say something like this, what would you say to him?
You would say, oh, you're not being charitable. You're not being gentle. If your criticism of John MacArthur could equally apply to Christ, given the actual content of the words that he's saying, then you've got some serious, serious problem.
To the church of, to the church of Thyatira, I don't know if I'm pronouncing that right.
These are the words of the Son of God whose eyes are like blazing fire, whose feet are like burnished bronze.
I know your deeds, your love and your faith, your service and perseverance, and that you are now doing more than you did at first.
Nevertheless, I have this against you. You tolerate that woman, Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet.
By her teaching, she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols.
I have given her time to repent of immorality, but she is unwilling. So I will cast her on a bed of suffering.
I will make those who commit adultery with her suffer intensely until they repent of her ways. I will strike her children dead.
Then all the churches will know that I am he who searches the hearts and minds. I will repay each of you according to your deeds.
You tolerate that woman, Jezebel, leading the churches astray. Come on, men, it's time to start really manning up.
Because so often when we see someone say, man up, it's really just a call to act like a woman.
Man up and act like a woman and tolerate Jezebel. That's really what it is. It's man up and tolerate
Jezebel. In fact, maybe you should platform her and give her some space to speak. That's not what we should do.
That's not what we should do. What you see in evangelicalism that's so rampant today is they will put up with all kinds of disgusting filth.
We'll give a platform to people who are sexually immoral, right? And let's remove some of the offense of their awful disgusting sexual immorality.
Let's remove some of that offense. Let's maybe step back a little bit from some of this stuff that we believe.
We'll put up with all kinds of androgyny and feminism. We'll put up with that stuff. We'll put up with the people saying that women should be able to preach and all this stuff.
Yeah, we'll do that. But the minute somebody says something biblical and conservative, but it's a little bit harsh, that's when we got to come and stand up and pretend.
The reality is that if we're gonna call people to act like men, this is a Bible verse, right?
This is 1st Corinthians. I've seen some Jezebels out there who said the
Bible never talks to you. The Bible never says you should act like a man. And if you're a man, you're automatically acting like a man.
No, that's not the case at all. That's not the case at all. You're biblically illiterate, you're deceptive, you're lying, and you've been tricked by all kinds of...
I don't know who you've been tricked by, but this is why you shouldn't be teaching. This is why you shouldn't be teaching. Because it was
Eve that was deceived. You know what I'm saying? It was Eve that was deceived.
The Bible does say to act like a man. 1st Corinthians chapter 16. Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
If we're gonna act like men, there's only one way, there's only one example that we need to follow, and that's Christ's example.
So if you only use kindly words, and are only going to use kindly words, and you're gonna soften the sin, you're gonna say, yeah, homosexuality is a sin, but the
Bible whispers about the sin. You're gonna try to do that kind of stuff.
You're not acting like a man, you're acting like a pagan woman. Not even a godly woman, you're acting like a pagan woman.
Nurturing sinners, and taking care of them, and being kindly to them. Look, we ought to love sinners, but that love doesn't mean that we talk kindly about their sin and their wickedness.
It doesn't mean we do that. It means that we need to talk the way Christ talked. And Christ was gentle at times, and Christ was harsh at times.
So if you're gonna follow Christ's example and be a Christian, you need to find a way to incorporate both.
And when John MacArthur says, go home, if that's too much for your womanly sensibilities, you need to start manning up.
And it's just that simple. So if the Bible says don't give your strength to a woman, if that's the advice that you should be giving your son, that's the advice that you should be following, then what we need to do is take a look at that from all aspects.
And so a man's strength, you know, part of that is, you know, when it's time for gentleness, and kindliness, and charity, and all that kind of stuff, he does that.
But when it's time to drop the hammer and just say no, and that's that, and that's all there is to it, and you need to start obeying the
Scripture, and go home, and be silent in the church, when it's time to say stuff like that that you know is going to be unpopular, and it's gonna be misconstrued, and you're gonna get slandered online all day about, and all that kind of stuff, well, you just do it anyway.
Because a godly man does not give his strength to women. A godly man uses the strength that God gave him, uses the disposition that God gave him, does not suppress that, but instead channels it into something godly.
So the reality is, when a woman wants to preach in your church, if you are a man, and not a feminine man, not a womanly man, you say no.
And if she insists, you tell her to get out. It's just that simple. It is just that simple.
So don't give your strength to women. Act like a man, and if you don't know how to act like a man, and every little thing that sounds a little bit too harsh offends you, just,
I can't believe it, it's just ungodly, it's uncharitable. If that's you, grow a pair, and man up.