Christian Response to the Killing of Osama bin Laden


With the killing of Osama bin Laden many are asking what should be the Christian response. Should a Christian be rejoicing over the death of this man or is it un-Christian? This video answers the question raised that suggested that it is not a proper Christian response to be glad or celebrate this death. How should a Christian respond? What is the real issue that needs to be understood to answer this question?


Welcome, we got a question that came in to the ministry that asks how
Christians can seemingly be rejoicing and celebrating the death of Osama Bin Laden.
It's an interesting thought and the way to address this is really two -fold.
One, break down what the question really is assuming or asking.
Are Christians celebrating the death of an individual or as it said in the question, are they celebrating the rejoicing over the fact that someone is in hell?
So let's deal with this as a Christian response. Christians should not be rejoicing over the death of anybody who is not a believer in the
Lord Jesus Christ because of the fact that without the redemption of Christ, then they will spend eternity in a lake of fire and that's nothing to rejoice about.
We should be upset and weeping in a sense for that. But the question, should we be rejoicing over or celebrating the death of Osama Bin Laden?
The issue really isn't that we're celebrating the death of Osama Bin Laden, but we are celebrating justice being served and that's a totally different thing.
What the right response would be is to celebrate the justice meted out by the
American government on someone who committed or organized attacks on the country.
To give some scriptural basis for that, where would I see? If you go to 2 Samuel chapter 1, you'll see there that David is, this is right after the death of King Saul.
Saul is killed. This Amalekite comes and he's trying to win favor over with David and he says to David that he knows that Saul and Jonathan are dead.
David asks how and the response is, he said he saw he was there with King Saul and the
Amalekite said that Saul said, please stand beside me and kill me for agony has seized me because my life still lingers in me.
So I stood beside him and killed him because I knew that he could not live after he had fallen.
David asks him, who are you that you should touch the Lord's anointed? In the end, after David is mourning and weeping over the death, but then in verse 16 of 2
Samuel 1 it says, and David called one of the young men and said, go cut him down, referring to the
Amalekite, so he struck him and he died. David said to him, your blood is upon your head for your mouth has testified against you saying
I have killed the Lord's anointed and that's the issue. David was meeting out justice and that's what
America did with Osama Bin Laden and no one's rejoicing over the death of Osama Bin Laden or they shouldn't be.
They shouldn't be celebrating the fact that he's spending eternity in a lake of fire, but what's being celebrated is that the justice that God has given us and we are meeting it out and when justice is served it reflects back on the creator who gave us justice and therefore we can rejoice in justice being served, but we shouldn't be rejoicing in the death of any individual apart from someone who knows
Christ and is spending eternity with him. So some things to think about. Go out and make sure the way we respond doesn't be perceived in a wrong way, but that we are rejoicing in the justice of God being served on earth.