He Gets Us?

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Jon discusses a popular evangelistic campaign.


Hello and welcome to the Conversations That Matter podcast. I'm your host, John Harris. And a few announcements before we get to the main topic, which will be, he gets us.
Yeah, that's the name of a campaign, an evangelistic campaign. I didn't know about this until a few days ago. A pastor friend who's in the
SBC called me and said, Hey, I was watching television, saw this advertisement, really weird. And he goes, the particular one he saw, and he goes, and then
I have this email in my inbox from Kevin Eazell saying that Southern Baptists are behind it. And I said, no way, really?
I gotta go check this out. So I watched like two of them, we might watch more. And I thought, huh,
I should do a show on this. And I decided also to go to their website because they have an intake.
And I, I posed as myself. I didn't pose as anyone, I was just me. But I gave them some information.
I asked some questions is what I did. And I came from, let's say, just a more conservative perspective, a someone who would be considered maybe a
MAGA Republican, right? Well, I did that because Tom Buck, on Twitter, decided to, and he's a
Southern Baptist pastor, decided to go to the intake and ask them questions.
But instead, he gave the impression he was a gay guy. And so, and I think he worded it carefully.
So to try to avoid lying, but it was, that's the impression he gave off. And the way that his questions were handled versus the way my questions were handled very different.
And that's what I want to show you. So, so we're gonna talk about that. But a few things I want to say first announcement, the video that I put out there on YouTube, a
Bart Barber 60 minutes interview, and I analyzed it, it's gone, YouTube scrubbed it, copyright issue of some kind.
And it just, it's YouTube. It should fall under fair use, I would think, but I don't know how they,
I'm trying right now to see if I can edit it somehow to get it back up. But Rumble, iTunes, there's other places you can get that information.
Facebook, I've uploaded the video, you can see it all there. If you're interested, and if you're wondering, hey, what happened to the video? So that's what happened to it.
I don't know even who filed the claim. I'm assuming CBS since it's 60 minutes. And that's what I was commenting on. What else?
So I wanted to just let you know this. Because I didn't have a complete picture. I mean, what I said,
I don't think was inaccurate yesterday. But I might have chosen my words a little differently, maybe, if I knew that this happened.
So I didn't know Kanye West had tweeted this out. Maybe they deleted the tweet. And that's why I didn't see it. I think
I because I went through his Twitter feed. And I didn't see anything like this. But there's a screenshot from vibe .com.
Kanye West on October 8. I'm a bit sleepy tonight. But when I wake up, I'm going to DEFCON 3.
I think he meant DEFCON 3. That's when the military is on heightened alert. They're not attacking anything. They're just waiting to be attacked and respond.
On Jewish people, he says, I'm going to DEFCON 3 on Jewish people. The funny thing is, I actually can't be anti -Semitic.
That is kind of funny. Because black people, he says, are actually Jewish. You guys have toyed with me and tried to blackball anyone who ever opposes your agenda.
Now, I don't know exactly what this means or what sparked this. The tweet that I referenced yesterday in the podcast,
I think was afterward. And all he says, who do you think started cancel culture? That was it. And it was flagged.
And it was against Twitter's policies. And I was like, this is ridiculous. What? Why? And people were saying it was anti -Semitic.
And I was like, what's my anti -Semitic? I don't understand how this is anything. And so I'm going to still stand behind that.
Because you have to read into it a tweet from a few days prior.
And all he's doing is asking a question. He's not making any statements. And it's possible that is what he meant.
He wanted people to think it was Jewish people who started cancel culture. But he doesn't spell it out in the tweet that I was talking about yesterday.
And Twitter, I guess, had deleted this previous tweet. And so I just want to let everyone know this. There's some context here
I wasn't aware of. And here's the big story, though, in all this. Apparently, this has caused
JPMorgan Chase to drop Kanye West.
He can't bank with them anymore because of this. So this is kind of shocking.
So think about this. Twitter, think about this. Twitter is a platform that has pornography on it.
You can have pornography on Twitter. You can say all manner. I mean, the Ayatollah Khamenei or however you pronounce that.
I'm pronouncing it the way Ted Cruz does. They also can. They have their
Twitter accounts. Dictators have their Twitter accounts. They can say all kinds of things. In fact, it was a few years ago,
I remember there was like a bunch of anti -Semitic stuff from Middle Eastern accounts that it was brought up like, why aren't you going after this?
But you're going after people in the United States for things that seem more minor. So this platform is now all up in arms about Kanye West and what
Kanye West puts here. And it's obviously not a free speech platform. You know, it's just that's the sad part.
It's like you can disagree with this, but it doesn't mean that you have to cancel his Twitter or pull his, you know, he can't bank with us anymore.
But that's the America that we're now more and more living in. It is kind of scary, to be honest. He didn't do violence against anyone.
He didn't break any laws. He stated an opinion, which many of us would disagree with, especially
Kanye saying he's Jewish. Maybe he's got some Jewish blood in him, but he's saying because he's black, he's
Jewish, which sounds Hebrew -Israelite to me. But OK, it's a free country, right? You're not hurting anyone.
You're not breaking any laws. You know, what's the problem with this? You're not blaspheming anything.
But in the minds of the woke, you are. You are blaspheming something. You are offending their their racialist ideology by saying something like this.
And so it is something that might be. That might be wrong or disagreeable, but not harmful, not something that you should, you know, completely kick someone off a social media platform for saying in the minds of many, including myself, is completely wrong to the elites at Twitter, whereas pornography is fine.
That's what you got to see, I guess. That's the only point I want to make is that they're operating off of a completely different value system.
And the proportion, the sense of proportion they have is totally off and it's totally different from what they see as a molehill is a mountain and vice versa to someone who's a
Christian or even just a traditional American. It's it's such a departure. So anyway, they've probably created a lot more traffic to this particular screenshot of this tweet by doing all of this.
And it defeats the whole purpose. I mean, people can look at this and be like, Conway's kind of had that's a bad take,
Kanye, and then go on with their life. Instead, it's flashed before you and it's all over the place. And now everyone sees it.
And now people are probably considering it, especially guys who like Kanye West. Some some fans of his are now probably thinking, you know, this proves
Kanye's point. So just wanted to let you know about not that this is a big news item, but I had
I commented on it without having all that context of why people were reading into the tweet
I commented on yesterday, all of this. And now now, you know. All right. So the other thing I was going to show you is this.
OK. Accountable to you software, which is a accountability software to keep you from viewing certain
Twitter channels because they're harmful to your soul. They're destructive, biblically speaking.
OK. And it's a it's a good program. Guess what?
This is these stories were made to go together. Guess who is censoring accountable to you?
Google Play Store and the Android app. They don't want you to have accountability software that you choose to put on your phone so that you can be prevented from going to websites that would be harmful.
And that's that's a choice you make. It's not like it's being even imposed on you. This is how far we've come. We've come from pornography is illegal.
In most states. To now and even the film industry is regulating itself to now, you can't even choose if you have a if you have a phone, an
Android phone, you can't even choose to go to the Google Play Store and download something to self -regulate because it's there was a story that Wired put out there and the story.
It gave the impression that this is some horrible, I guess, Orwellian type surveillance device.
Which I'm thinking like, you have a problem with that? Not that you mean the cell phone you have can be pinged.
I mean, have you have you seen Snowden? It's much worse now as far as the technology that they have, the government has.
It's I don't know, it's just good. The same Google that is working in tandem with the government to track people who got the jab is the same
Google that's just so offended by accountable to you. This is the broken moral conscience that is developing in the minds of elites that their sense of proportion is so off.
This is evil to block to have a voluntary device that blocks pornography is evil.
To have pornography on Twitter is perfectly fine. But Kanye West can't come out and say something that's kind of often mean and inaccurate.
Man, man. It's not the country that I remember. Okay, so that's
I just wanted to show you that. Now let's let's get to the meat of this. Okay, this is why people are watching. He gets us.
He gets us. This is the website for he gets us. And I want to show you here is
Kevin Eazell with Ed Stetzer. And they have something to say about this.
Talk about Jesus in a polarized time. No, anyone who regularly shares their faith, whether it's on an airplane, engaging, you're always looking for conversation starters.
So you're not having to go from, you know, just completely cold to nothing. That's what's so beautiful about these these ads, because it gives you a starter.
It's a it's a starter to engage someone with a gospel conversation. And so I think people who regularly share their faith and are looking to engage people in evangelistic opportunities are going to love this.
People who don't going to be a little bit more concerned or leery of it. But that's to me, they're all trigger points of allowing the opportunity to just start those conversations.
Okay, so you heard it here. The whole point or this is evangelism.
And if you're against evangelism, if you're not into evangelism, you may not like it. So what's the implication if people who like evangelism are going to like this?
So any criticism of this comes from someone who doesn't like evangelism. So apparently, I don't like evangelism.
If I go after this at all, that's a way to try to hedge against criticism right away by impugning motives.
So this this that's what Ed Stetzer or rather Kevin Eazell says about this.
And look, I was open minded when I first saw it. Of course, the pastor friend told me that he was kind of just he disappointed with the one he saw.
But I thought, okay, maybe some of them are okay. Here's the one that I saw. First, let's see.
There's different ones. Man, I don't remember which one I saw. Now there's there's two the rebels ones 31 seconds ones a minute.
And let's go to the one that's a minute. All right, and let's just play this. A rebel took to the streets.
He recruited others to join him. They quit their jobs, left their families and swore allegiance to him.
They roamed the hood, challenged authority, and made a lot of people uneasy.
Community leaders feared them. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Hold on. Okay, so two white women in the suburbs pretty uneasy about guys jumping fences, skateboarding on the sidewalk kind of in inner city.
Looks like swore allegiance to him. It looks like they had angry faces there. It looks like a gang or something.
Okay, so just so people who are listening know the context of this. Community leaders feared them.
Religious leaders abhorred them. Law enforcement labeled them outlaws.
That looks like it looks like a member of like La Raza or not La Raza. What am
I thinking MS -13 or something? And like a lowrider. It's you know, I'm super cool.
I got all these rings and even the furry steering wheel there.
But I mean, the image is gangs. We're talking about inner city gangs. And look, they're these guys are problems, right?
Because because why they break the law, but they're gonna make a switch here in a minute.
We have to shut them down. They said, get them off the streets, protect our communities from these troublemakers.
But they weren't part of a gang spreading hate and terror. They were spreading love.
And then it says Jesus was wrongly judged. Oh, just like churches, local communities, and apparently white women in the suburbs feel uncomfortable about gangs and violence in their community.
That's at least what you're thinking when you see the images that they put in front of you like that is that must be what you're talking about.
Jesus, this is the switch. Jesus was wrongly judged. He gets us.
All of us. Now, you might be saying to yourself, doesn't
Hebrew say that Jesus could he can empathize with our weaknesses?
Because wasn't he didn't he wasn't he tempted in all points as we are yet without sin?
Doesn't it say that in the Bible? And I say, Yeah, who's that said to, though? That said to Christians or non
Christians? Question I have was that an evangelistic tool? Number one, I think you're gonna find
No, that was to Christians, that was to comfort Christians. Wasn't it about an evangelistic tool?
But number two, here, the whole framing of this is to who's it trying to appeal to?
Tough guys. But not it's not tough. It's not tough guys in red areas.
It's, it's, it's, it's not just tough guys. It's tough guys who are. I mean,
I don't know how to get away from the images they give you that are probably criminals in some way, or at least, I mean, why is is all of society opposing them and saying we got to get them off the streets, we need to deal with them.
There's so Jesus is now compared to them. That's kind of offensive, I would think.
But it's trying to the whole appeal of this is to try to get people who wouldn't consider
Jesus maybe wouldn't consider church wouldn't, you know, they need to consider him for the reason that he's just like them, they can identify with him because he's a rebel too.
But Jesus sat with tax gatherers, sinners, prostitutes who were repentant.
That's the whole point. He didn't he didn't identify with them in their sin, in their state.
And they had to want to be washed clean of those things. The call is to repent.
His name is Jesus, because what's in what is the name Jesus mean? He will save his people from his sins.
Yahweh is Savior. I mean, Jesus saves, came to seek and save the lost. That's the whole point.
So this doesn't give you the impression you have to change anything. There's a problem with your identity, because you know, you're just misunderstood, just like Jesus was misunderstood.
It's so outside the scope of biblical evangelism.
I don't even really quite know where to put it. But this is and it's possible people will become saved.
I mean, it happens because of campaigns like this. I'm not saying it, there won't be some people that might, it might funnel them into a church that actually preaches the gospel.
That is possible. But the whole the method from the beginning is a man centered approach here.
This isn't man, you know, come to God, repent, trust in Jesus. There is no, none of that's in this trust in Jesus for your forgiveness.
It's, it's and the thing is, I want to say, like, I don't, I don't necessarily think all campaigns have to have the entire got every facet of understanding the gospel in, you know, it's in a minute video.
But, you know, the good news, Jesus saves, you would think it would be it's an evangelistic thing, right?
Wouldn't the good news be in there somewhere? Jesus saves, come to Jesus, he saves you from your sin. Wouldn't a better video be something like, you know, here you are in crime and destitution and cities falling apart.
And there's hope for you. Because of what Jesus has done, you don't have to live in your sin because of what
Jesus has done. He took your sins. I would think
I mean, I'm sure they probably focused group this and everything else. It's got over 24 million views. So there you go.
That's that's I think that's the one I saw. I saw two. Yeah, I might have seen the shorter version of this.
But I'll show you in a minute the conversation I had. There was another one that I saw.
Maybe it was outrage. I think it was outrage. So check this one out. There was this controversial figure.
Okay, what does that look like? It looks like a like a BLM rally or some kind of a protest.
I don't know what but it's in an urban area. It's so there's a guy with a microphone.
We're not sure but it's controversial figure. It looks like some kind of a protest probably like a left leaning protest.
You just get from the aesthetics of the image. Everywhere he went, people challenged him. They questioned his ideology, trolled him, called him ugly names.
Okay, so there's I think now this one looks like I don't know. It's like a town hall meeting and it's like it's a couple, middle -aged white couple and they're just furious about something.
I mean it's just letting the steam steam out. But he never took the bait, never raised his voice, refused to retaliate because he believed he could change the world by turning the other cheek.
Says Jesus had to control his outrage too. He gets us, all of us.
Now that's not quite as bad as the last one. It says but he says he refused to retaliate because he believed he could change the world.
Is that why he refused to retaliate? He's like man I'm gonna fumble this whole changing the world thing if I retaliate here.
The reason that he turned the other cheek was why? Why did he not call angels down to save him?
Why was he in the garden sweating drops of blood saying Lord not my will but your will?
Why did all that happen? Because he came to seek and save the lost, do his father's will, which was that.
That's why. That's missing from this. It's not about Jesus had to control his outrage too.
It's not, I mean here's the thing with both of these advertisements. You could easily have any cult put these out.
This could be a Mormon church. It almost feels like a Mormon church campaign and no one would know the difference.
So Jesus, you can relate to Jesus because you're outraged about injustice or something.
He was outraged and you know you feel like it's bubbling up in you and he felt the same way.
But you know I guess what would you leave with? I guess I could change the world too. I don't know. It's not a come to Jesus, submit to him.
He is the master. Guess this Jesus who controlled his outrage? Guess what he's doing? He's coming back with a double -edged sword and it's boiling over man.
That's Christian theology right there. He's taking it out. There's a place called hell where he punishes, made for the demons.
But people who sin and do not repent will be punished. This is biblical theology.
Oh yeah, Jesus controlled his outrage by letting it out at the proper time.
There's an anger that is evil. There's an anger that is right.
The anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God. There's a righteous indignation.
Those are two different things. All the images here are people who just look like they're angry at others in mostly political settings it seems and just bubbling over in their outrage.
But you get the impression I guess looking at this that the political protest outrage you have, here's people lighting a vigil.
The whole thing feels like cop shootings to be honest with you. It feels like someone died.
It's a vigil for them. But I mean it could be more than that. But anyway, the anger that you have is kind of legitimized by this.
Jesus was just like you. He was angry too. Really? Really? In the same way? I don't know.
Again, there's no actual good news in this. There's no gospel in this. Okay, do we want to dare see any of these other ones?
There's so many of them. Oh, it looks like, have I watched this? I know there was only two
I watched. Maybe I, huh, YouTube's saying I watched this. So maybe, you know what,
I probably had it on play and it just kept playing stuff. So I haven't seen this yet. The struggle it says.
Poverty, inner city, some real stuff too, but mostly poverty, just images of people in bad conditions.
Jesus struggled to make ends meet too. He gets us, all of us. Okay, I mean, this may be the worst one yet.
Jesus struggled to make ends meet? He struggled? Did Jesus struggle to make ends meet?
Come on. He's God. He divided loaves and fish to feed 5 ,000 men, not to mention women and children.
He struggled? I mean, he was in the desert being tested by the devil, forsaking of his own.
He was submitting to God's will by forsaking, by fasting. That's not the same as struggling to make ends meet.
I mean, this is, they're making Jesus so, it's not even just making him so human, they're making him so human and giving the impression he's a flawed human in so many of these.
This one in particular, though, is just that he has the limitations that we have somehow on making ends meet, and I guess that's why you should come to,
I mean, it's not even a rousing cry to come to Jesus because it's like, man, I'm struggling. I can't eat.
Oh, Jesus also struggled. He couldn't eat. Well, I guess he can't help me then because I'm struggling. The only comfort is,
I guess he relates to me, but you have to supply in your mind the idea that Jesus is God and for this to even be remotely appealing.
This is, how much money is being wasted on this stuff? That's the question I have. All right. Let's, should we do another one?
Do we dare? Do we dare? The Influencer, Good Times, Anxiety.
I don't even know if I want to go that much. Let's do one more. Can we do one more? All right. We'll do
Dinner Party. We'll do the one -minute version here. I don't know what, so a car's burning.
Okay. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
What was that? Okay. I think it's just, okay. Mother and her child, I guess. Jesus welcomed all to the table.
He gets us, all of us. Jesus. Okay. This is garbage. This is such garbage because the way they portray
Jesus, so he, let's see, he brought them together.
He, because he wanted to do something about all the people being arrested and poverty and all that suffering. So he brought them around the dinner table so they could talk and see how much they had in common.
Really? That's what Jesus did? He brought them around the dinner table so they could talk and see how much they have in common.
That was his purpose. See how much you guys have in common and you'll eliminate, you'll, you can have
John Lennon's Imagine, but still have Jesus, right? See how much you have in common. Sing Kumbaya together.
I don't think that's what Jesus was doing. And where do you get this in scripture? Yes, Jesus ate.
And he ate with tax gatherers, sinners, prostitutes, repentant tax gatherers, sinners, prostitutes.
They came to him on his terms because they were, they were humbled. They did not, it wasn't a moment of world peace.
See how much you have in common. In fact, it, the, the only commonality they shared was their, the fact that, you know, they're coming to Jesus in humility saying,
I need forgiveness for my sin. That's the only glue. I've said this before. It's that you want people to have commonality with each other.
And that's, this is the whole idea, I think, behind much of the Christian nationalism is like, we need some glue to bind us together.
Christianity. People from different backgrounds seeing that, and different cultures, etc.,
seeing that they are equally forgiven, equally sinners, equally forgiven, and part of a new family also, in addition to their earthly families, the family of God.
That would be, it wasn't that they can just come and immediately see how much they have in common. Their repentance is required here before there's any commonality.
And that's not even the purpose. It's not, purpose isn't to bring people together so they have something common. The purpose is forgiveness of sins, following Jesus, being a disciple, knowing
God. The result, one of the byproducts is that now you have fellowship.
You have something in common with other people who are also forgiven. But this takes one of the byproducts and makes it, at best, it makes it the purpose of the whole thing.
It rearranges it. They shared struggles, shared pain. He prepared a feast and invited all into his home.
Well, I guess that must be talking about, it can't be talking about the Last Supper. That's not his home. This has to be talking about where he, preparing mansions in heaven,
I guess. That must be what he's talking, what this is referencing. But some refused to sit because they chose to only see differences.
So the Pharisees, apparently, that was their hang -up, that they just, they only wanted to see differences.
It's such bunk. That's not the Pharisees' root issue. The Pharisees' issue with Jesus was, it was multifaceted, but he was threatening their influence, their authority.
But the main issue that the Pharisees have with Jesus is his message was different than theirs.
They preached submission to these exterior, these rules that they had come up with, and that would render holiness.
And Jesus said, unless your righteousness surpasses the scribes and the Pharisees, you won't enter the kingdom of heaven. That's the thing that made them mad.
Jesus is out of step with us, challenging our authority, and the people are actually following him, some of them.
It wasn't because they were, they chose to only see differences. So if they would have come and sang kumbaya and been like, oh, we're all the same, we're bleed red, then that, they would have been fine with Jesus?
No. Like I said, a Mormon could put this out. Man, should we do another one?
That was going to be the last one. That was the dinner party. Let's see. They have one.
I can't do any more. I just don't think I can take it right now. So this is a, he gets us campaign. And I would submit to you, this is a terrible campaign.
So here is, oh, I don't want to show this right now. We'll get to that at the end.
Here is Tom Buck, Tom Buck, SBC pastor, more on the conservative side of things.
And this is what he says. Kevin Eazell wanted us to join the He Gets Us movement. If you're against it, Eazell says you aren't evangelistic.
So I went to the website and had a chat. How evangelistic are they? What would they say to someone looking for a church who will let them be gay?
Here's the conversation. Can you point me to a church that will not tell me I can't be gay? And the person,
Destiny is her name, said, well, I can give you some resources and you can search about that. He says, are you a
Christian? I guess. Yes, I am a Christian, Destiny says. So Tom says, so you don't agree with my friends.
I don't have to stop being gay to be a Christian. They claim that's what the Bible says.
Destiny says, as my perspective, no, Jesus don't judge about that. Wow. Wow.
So Jesus doesn't judge. He doesn't say you have to stop being gay. This is the whole point I said with this, this whole campaign.
It does, it gives you the impression you could just keep being who you are. Like, it's a good thing because Jesus is like you. And if it's sinful, if you're anger, if you're rebelliousness, all it's, it's all you can, it doesn't flesh out what biblical righteous indignation would be.
It just gives you the impression that, you know, you're down for the struggle with BLM or something. And that's, Jesus would have been the same way.
And it justifies it. This is appealing to people on the basis of Jesus. He gets you because if there's any attraction, it's because he does the same things and that justifies your behavior.
All right. So Jesus doesn't judge about that. Doesn't judge about being gay, apparently. And so Tom Buck says, so you don't agree with my friends.
I don't have to stop being gay to be Christian. They claim that's what the Bible says. Jesus doesn't judge about that. And then she says, you can go to church and love him as much as he loves you and everyone.
I hope you can find that church you are looking for. Wow. Interesting. So, and then let's see, can
I be transgender and a Christian with another guy, Steve? The love of Jesus is for everyone.
But is being transgender wrong or a sin Jesus was sacrificed for? We aren't here to tell people what's sin and what's not.
But if you're looking to have a discussion about sin, we can have a great team here that can connect you to a local church. Okay. Look at the way these two separate individuals in taking questions about this campaign,
He Gets Us, look at the way they handled Tom Buck's questions about transgenderism and homosexuality.
Now, if I can pull it up, here is my discussion with He Gets Us with someone named
Mary. And this is what I said. She said, hi there. How can I help you today?
I said, I just saw your video on Jesus being a rebel. I am kind.
Let's see if I can put myself up here so you can see. I am kind of, where is it?
Okay. I'm kind of a rebel too. It's true. I kind of am,
I guess. You don't, all you have to do is keep the same political positions and even biblical
Christianity, just Orthodox Christian beliefs that you had in 2010. Keep those in 2022 and you are a rebel.
So I said, I'm kind of a rebel too. I don't seem to fit in at most churches. Can you help me? Glad you are here.
I said, thank you. I have a resource where you can get connected with local churches. I said, I want a church that won't shame me for being white or male.
I can't stand that. I don't have direct knowledge about each of our churches. I would encourage you to get connected.
We're happy to hear you're interested in finding a local church. That's awesome. And we would love to help.
If you go to this link and fill out a form, we'll be able to get you connected. Is there anything else I can help you with? I said, thanks.
I don't think I want to be funneled to someone right now. I'm more interested in finding community among real Christians who think being masculine and white are fine.
Churches I've attended seem to be so woke, like Jesus never used a whip. The advertisement you put out there seemed to indicate a
Jesus who was more rebel against society. Maybe against the BLM social justice warrior nonsense?
Question mark. So obviously there, the video you saw, the rebel video, it seems like they're more rebel against the people.
They're more on the BLM side. That's the impression at least you get from that video. But I'm just going with the concept of being a rebel.
These guys look like tough, weathered men. That's why
I pose it as a question. Maybe against that stuff? BLM, SJW? Just to see what your reaction is going to be.
Is that what you are all about or did I come to the wrong place? So she says, our main goal is to spread the radical love of Jesus.
The purpose of He Gets Us campaign isn't to discuss theological difference or express the beliefs of those supporting this site.
Our goal is to spread the radical love that Jesus has for all people. Okay. So not here to discuss theological difference.
I mean, that's going to be part of, you would think at least, that's going to be part of what they would have to do.
If a Mormon came on here, I mean, would they say that? What's the theological difference that I brought up?
I want to know if there's a church against social justice and BLM. Is there a church where it's okay to be masculine and white?
Is that okay? I'm not here to discuss theological differences or express the beliefs of those supporting this site.
So on LGBT and transgender questions, all of a sudden, boom, the guys who
Tom Buck was talking to, oh, very welcoming, very affirming. But as soon as I'm like, is it okay to be white and masculine?
Oh, I can't discuss theological differences or express beliefs. Then what's the point?
Our goal is to spread the radical love of Jesus. Okay. Does Jesus love masculine people who are males and white?
Is that acceptable? See, this is the difference between the way
I'm treated and the way Tom Buck was treated, coming from the left or coming from the right. Now here, I say, what kind of love though?
I love my people and I want to protect them. I don't love the evil coming from the LGBT, BLM, Me Too, et cetera, movements that threatens my family.
I just want to find a church that was loving enough to stay open for their people in 2020. The one
I attended shut down. Is there a way you can at least connect me with a church like that? The rebel image in your advertisement seemed to indicate you all weren't messing around.
I'm sorry, she says, you feel my answers aren't satisfactory. If you would like to express your concerns, you're welcome to contact info at he gets us .com.
And then it's a rate the conversation. It's just, it's done. She, she shut down the whole conversation at that point.
That is so different than what Tom Buck experienced. Is it not? These advertisements gives you the impression they're looking for a certain kind of person to, they're targeting a certain demographics more than others.
And it's, it's, it definitely slanted towards the left. That's what it seems like. As soon as you have someone from the right coming on and, and, and I'm not saying just political right.
Um, it's, there's, there's a theological element to this. If you're affirming homosexuality, you're saying
Jesus doesn't see that or care about that. You are making theological statements at this point. The difference, the difference is just amazing.
Okay. Well, in the same vein, I just saw this as I was starting the program, Phil Vischer, a guy who created
VeggieTales. We just talked recently about how he kind of waffled on abortion said, Oh, there's certain instances.
It's okay. Uh, possibly. And, and so he he's gotten so left -leaning, but to the point, he's just caving on Christian convictions on ethics.
Megan Basham asks him journalists from the daily water. So what do you say to LGBT affirming Christians? Are they in error or no?
Phil Vischer, what do I say to them? How well do I know them? What position are they asking me to endorse too many variables to engage in a tweet?
So this is the guy who can ran against Christian nationalism or MAGA Republicans, or, you know, all kinds of all manner of going against, uh, the rights.
But when you ask him, Hey, is homosexuality wrong? It's, you know, I just can't,
I don't know how to even engage this shut down. Right. He, and he hasn't gotten back to her. So, uh, yeah, that's the same thing we saw with that whole.
He gets us campaign. It is totally different weights and measures. Uh, we can go against all these things, but, uh,
Oh no, there's got a nuance. We gotta be careful when we approach the precipice of talking about homosexuality.
Hopefully that's some food for thought for you. Southern Baptist who are still in Southern Baptist churches and, uh, thinking through how to navigate this kind of thing.
And a pastor who contacted me, um, I'm pretty sure they probably have their giving down to like 13 bucks a year.
I wouldn't, I would imagine, but I mean, he's a Southern Baptist pastor. He's just like, goodness, like this is what they're doing.
This is the public face. This, and this is to the Southern Baptist convention, since the world is watching all the time, the world is watching.
And this is what the world's seeing. Is this what the prophets, the apostles, Jesus is this way, the impression that they would give to a sinful world.