Demonic Logic From Great Reset Evangelical, Curtis Chang

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All right, well, I hope you guys had a great weekend. I had a good weekend. Yeah, so last week,
I did a podcast appearance with John Branion. That's going to be released on Wednesday.
And John and his daughter do a podcast on the Fight Last Feast Network. And it was a really good time. And, you know, one of the things
I said on the podcast was that I'm so grateful to be alive right now. Because, you know,
I don't think that the lines have been any clearer in evangelicalism in the
United States than they are right now. It's easy to see who's who. It's easy to see who's true, who's just a phony, and all of that kind of thing.
God has revealed this to us in such a clean, sort of pure kind of a way.
And it's getting easier every day. The fault lines are becoming big chasms in evangelicalism.
And this past Sunday, my pastor during Sunday school was talking about the attribute of meekness.
And when we think about meekness, we think about sort of a lot of times
Americans think about sort of like a weak and sort of like always worried kind of person. And that's really not what meekness means.
In fact, the Bible describes Moses as the meekest man around kind of thing.
And when it does that, one of the stories that comes to mind immediately is the story of Moses when his brother
Aaron and sister Miriam kind of opposed him. They sort of rose up against him, and they were like, well, who are you?
I mean, we're good too, you know, like that kind of thing. And God gets angry with them and judges them, and I think gives her leprosy is what he does.
And Moses, the meek man that he was, prays to the Lord. And he says,
God, please heal her. You know what I mean? And just like, you know, that kind of a meekness shows that he was confident enough in who he was in the
Lord. He wanted to offer forgiveness, right?
He was being meek in that way. Moses realized he wasn't all that great.
God spoke through him, but it was God that was great, not Moses. And so there was some meekness displayed there.
But then my pastor also said, but don't get it twisted, because meekness doesn't mean nice, right?
Because then he told another story about Moses. Again, the meekest man around. What does
Moses do when he comes off of the mountain, Mount Sinai, where he just got the law of God, and they're worshiping the golden calf?
Well, he grinds the golden calf into dust. He makes them drink it. He calls the
Levites to get their swords, and they start slaughtering the people that were going after other gods and bringing everyone into the idolatry and stuff like that.
He said, go slaughter them. And God blesses that. In fact, he says, that's how you've become ordained for the ministry of the
Lord. You slaughtered those who were encouraging the people into paganism. And so meekness is not niceness, but it sort of recognizes who you are in the
Lord, who you are in Christ, and who you're not. And so when people kind of rip you and all of that kind of thing, okay, well, that's one thing.
But when they start lying about God, and they start encouraging people to rebel against God, that's something completely different.
This is a psalm that many people know, Psalm 139. Lord, you have searched me and know me.
You know when I sit down and rise up. And, you know, Big Eva loves this psalm. They love the first, let's call it, ten verses, right?
You formed my inward parts. You knitted me together in my mother's womb. That's verse 13. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
That's verse 14. Okay, Big Eva, so far, so good. They like that stuff. But then what does it say?
Verse 19. This is David praying to God. Oh, that you would slay the wicked, oh
God. Oh, men of blood, depart from me. They speak against you with malicious intent.
Your enemies take your name in vain. Then he says to God, this is what he says to God. He says, God, do
I not hate those who hate you, oh Lord? And do I not loathe those who rise against you?
I hate them with a complete hatred. My favorite translation of this is the
King James. I hate them with a perfect hatred. That's how
David is saying, look, those who rise against you, those who go against you, I hate those people with a perfect hatred.
And I remember when I was talking to Ruslan, I remember one of the things that I said to him was that, you know, people can criticize me.
It's not a big deal. Like, I'm not that special, right? Like, you know, I know that you feel all defensive. You know, someone makes fun of how you talk, whatever.
It's not that big a deal because I'm not that great a guy. You know what I mean? I know who I am. But then the thing is, when they lie about God, though, that's when
I get upset. That's when I get a little bit uppity. You know what I mean? And so it's like the opposite of what
Ruslan does. Ruslan, he takes his personal insults so personally, and he gets really, he gets out of bed for that kind of stuff.
But then he can have Lecrae lying about the Lord on his show all day long, and he's making nice talk, like, yo, yo, we just dogs, you know?
Like, it's the opposite. It's the absolute opposite. I hate those who hate the Lord. And I think the question that we all need to ask, do you?
Do you hate the ones who hate the Lord? Do you pray that God would slay the wicked?
I want God to change hearts left and right. That's what I want to do. I want God to convert people.
But if not, I want him to slay the wicked. Now, speaking of things
I hate with a perfect hatred, this was something that Woke Preacher Clips had shared. Now, this man is an ex -pastor.
His name is Curtis Chang. And this video, he's about to, he's about to, in my opinion, he's about to blaspheme the
Lord. And this video was shared by John Piper when people were kind of like, you know, wondering, what's the deal with this vaccine thing,
John Piper? I mean, what's the deal with this subversive nonsense that you put forward?
A year ago, you're talking about how, yeah, you probably shouldn't get the abortion vaccine. Now you're saying, well, yeah, you kind of have to get it.
It's loving your neighbor. It's all, it was whatever. It's just like, what happened? And so he shared this video of this man.
I just want, I'll try not to stop it. I know I always say that, and then I do start and stop. But just, I want you to hear this as a unit.
This is an ex -pastor named Curtis Chang. The COVID vaccine can serve as an image of God's redemption.
Redemption is God's ultimate answer to the problem of original sin. Redemption is taking something that originated in a wrongful state and reworking that thing into something good.
The Bible tells us that in his death and resurrection, Jesus redeemed human sin, the very human line.
1 Corinthians 15, 22 puts it this way. For as all die in Adam, so also all shall be made alive in Christ.
In other words, Adam's original sin had an impact on us all. We are descendants of his spiritual line, and we are impacted by his original sin.
But the sinful origin is not the final verdict. The spiritual line of Adam has been reworked by Jesus so that what began as a story of sin and death has been reworked into a story of forgiveness and life.
That is what it means to be made alive in Christ. That is redemption.
Now this idea... I know I said I wouldn't try to stop it, but so far so good, right?
I mean, yeah, this guy's got some crazy eyes. He looks like a complete maniac. But at the same time, what he said is true.
What he said about Adam and original sin and God redeeming his people from the sin of Adam that has tainted us all.
So Adam sinned, and then our minds kind of got all jacked up and warped, and now when we're born, we've got this inclination towards sin.
You don't have to teach a child how to lie. You don't have to teach a child how to disobey. They just know how to do it, and they do it.
I've got three kids, and I love them so much, but they know how to sin, right?
They know how to do it. And so, yes, everything that he said here is pretty good, and that's what makes this so dangerous, because he's actually saying some true things here, and I want you to see how he twists this and then blasphemes the
Lord. I hate this. I don't know if I have perfect hatred, but I hate this.
What began in death could be reworked into life?
Well, it's hard for the human mind to grasp. This is why we need images of redemption in the world.
We need examples that can serve as metaphors of what Jesus accomplished that show us Jesus' redemption?
Well, it's kind of like that. I propose that the COVID vaccine is an image of redemption.
Yes, the vaccine may have a distant origin story in abortion, but that past has been reworked and redeemed into something that saves life.
We can point to the vaccine and say, Jesus' redemption is kind of like that. And indeed, the production of a vaccine in less than a year?
It's really a miracle. Something like this has never happened this quickly. I personally believe
God's redemptive power was present in the process. So my invitation to pro -life
Christians who may distrust the COVID vaccine currently is this. Please remember that the
Christian story is the story of redemption. Every one of us has an origin story in sin.
None of us can avoid this. Yet, each of us has had our story reworked by Jesus into new life.
That's what it ultimately means to be pro -life. To be pro -life is to be pro -redemption.
And to be pro -redemption, in my view, means being pro -vaccine.
The vaccine is ultimately a redemption story. Let's be part of that story.
This is demonic logic. Okay, this is the reason of a demon.
You see, the Bible was something we also learned in Sunday school this Sunday. I don't know if you can catch this, but I'm fired up after this past Sunday, man.
The Lord is so good, and His Word is so good. In the book of James, it compares spiritual wisdom from the
Lord and earthly wisdom. And one of the things it says about earthly wisdom is that it's demonic.
Okay, so it has its origin from the demons. And so this is demonic logic.
What He said here is that if you're going to be pro -life, you need to be pro -redemption.
And if you're going to be pro -redemption, then you're pro -vaccine. Even if the vaccine was created through evil means, such as murder of children, experimentations on children, experimentations on all kinds of different things.
It doesn't matter because you have to be pro -redemption. And God's given us these images of redemption and all of that kind of thing.
And so, you see, COVID, that's like original sin, right? Because COVID is the worst thing you can imagine.
So it's sort of like original sin, right? Yes, yes, I understand. 99 .97
% of people who get it survive it. Basically similar to people who get colds and flus and stuff like that.
Yeah, I get it. But it's like original sin, you see. That's the thing. And it's actually a miracle.
It's a miracle that scientists were able to redeem this abortion. And then take this logic, if you're going to be pro -redemption, you've got to be all the way pro -redemption, right?
Because there's still more work that abortions can lead to good things. I mean, as long as we're killing babies, right?
We might as well use those dead babies to do experiments and then save life because we're pro -redemption, right?
By the way, does it say anywhere in the Scripture that we need to be pro -redemption in this way?
No, it does not. No, it does not. Obviously, the Scripture is a story of redemption.
But the thing is, the Scripture itself gives us these word pictures. Well, human beings are just too stupid to figure out how this could happen.
Okay, well, fine. Granted, maybe we are too stupid. That's why the Scripture itself explains itself.
And at no point does it talk about being pro -redemption in the sense of developing treatments and drugs and vaccines through the lives of infants that their mothers didn't care for them, so they murdered them and all of that.
It doesn't say that. And so that's not like the redemption that we hear in the story.
It's not like that, right? Because here's the thing, guys. We have to understand, like, how do
I say this in a way that will be edifying to the audience, right? This is evil.
That's what I'll say. This is evil. And I think most people in this audience can understand how evil this is.
You see, Jesus' redemption, God redeems His people through the death of His Son, His perfect Son, who went to the cross.
He always did the right thing. He never did the wrong thing. He was a completely perfect, unblemished sacrifice.
He offered Himself up on the cross. He offered Himself up on the cross.
They didn't take His life from Him. He offered it up on His own through His own will,
His own accord. He was obeying His Father because they had planned to do this, and so He offered.
They didn't take His life. He offered His life. I mean, we've got to understand that as well, right?
And He accomplished this amazing redemption of His people. But it's not like scientists redeeming an abortion, right?
It's not like scientists continuing to do experiments on fetuses. He makes it seem like this is like, oh, it's all in the distant past.
I mean, the abortion happened a long time ago. We don't do that anymore. But might as well use that body to make ourselves energized and stuff like that.
Like, no, this is currently happening, right? So He's not only making an excuse from the previous.
He's talking about current stuff, right? This is what He's saying. This is the logic of a demon, right?
This is demonic. And so that's Curtis Chang talking about how
Jesus is sort of like the scientists. Well, I'd rather—let's just be fair. The scientists are sort of like God, and I guess, in this case, the fetuses of the dead bodies of babies who were killed because their mother didn't care for them, that's kind of like Jesus.
And the vaccine is kind of like, I guess, the sacrifice. I mean, this obviously breaks down because it's a ridiculous analogy.
It's a ridiculous example. It's absolutely wicked and demonic. But it doesn't end there, guys.
So Aaron Wren sent me a New York Times article that this same person wrote about how there should be no religious exemption to the vaccine mandate.
So if your mandate—there should be vaccine mandates, and there should be no religious exemption because the great
Curtis Chang has spoken. And he wrote this article for the New York Times. Now, I am not a subscriber to the
New York Times, and I couldn't find the article anywhere for free. Obviously, I'm not going to sign up for New York Times.
But I also found a CNN video of this man explaining the same thing.
So let's listen to it. Oh, great, a
UNICEF commercial. As a public health person, it will make me so happy that polio is off the face of the earth.
You say religious exemptions for the COVID vaccine make a mockery of Christianity and religious liberty.
Those are your words. Tell me why. So she said, you have said that religious exemptions from getting a mandated vaccine make a mockery of religious freedom and Christianity.
Tell me why. Now, this person is going to talk, and let's just assume he's going to use some demonic logic.
So let's hear him out. Well, they make a mockery of religious liberty because religious exemptions require a religious belief to be sincerely held to justify that exemption.
And they're simply in Christianity. There is no religious belief that justifies not taking the vaccine.
There's no scripture. There's no creed. There's no theological tradition. It's only in the minds of some pastors and many
Christians who have listened to misinformation and frankly are taking their cues from the culture wars and from politics and not from the
Bible. So nobody's heard of this man before the past few weeks. This man is a complete non -unknown.
You know, he's not a pope. He's not a leader. He's nothing. But he has spoken.
There is no religious belief. None. None. None. Of course,
Curtis Chang knows. There's no scripture. There's no good and necessary consequence of scripture. There's no belief.
There's no tradition. There's no teaching. There's no nothing. The great Curtis Chang has spoken.
For you. He's gone to the pagans to speak for you. He's a real
Christian. This is a real big boy Christian. Let's continue to hear him out.
Ellie Reeve has done a lot of reporting on the issue of vaccine skepticism among evangelical
Christians. And, you know, you mentioned some pastors. This man is in his glory right now. This is what he gets.
This is his reward. You know how Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount talks about how you have your reward when he talks about the people that are like hypocrites.
So Curtis has his reward here. This is what he wants. This is what he's going for. He's got the spot on CNN.
He'll probably get a few more before this thing is done. And now he's got what he always wanted.
And I just wanted to play what she heard from some of those pastors who are fueling the skepticism you refer to. Here they are.
I would rather die free than I had to live on my knees. How is it living on your knees to take a vaccine?
Because you're bowing against your convictions. Members of my congregation can do what they want to, but they'll watch my videos and know that I'm not getting it.
So you expect them to model your behavior? I expect them to use their Bible and use their brain. So those are two pastors.
And you heard the second pastor there, Greg Locke, saying people should use their Bible. And they would come to the conclusion that it's against getting vaccinated.
What do you say to those pastors? Well, notice that he never actually cited any biblical verse to justify that view because there isn't.
And in fact, the weight of scripture would compel Christians to actually take the vaccine out of love for neighbor, even if you don't think you need it for yourself.
That's the second greatest commandment Jesus offered. What a liar. What a liar.
The words of a demon. He just criticized Greg Locke, which it easy to criticize
Greg Locke. I mean, the man should not be followed by he's disqualified many times over at this point.
Right. He's I agree with him here. Obviously, there's no reason that you have to get the vaccine just because the government says so.
I agree with him here. But the man should not be followed. He's not qualified to be in ministry. If you want to find out more about that, go to Protestia.
Protestia has done a great job on the Greg Locke story. But anyway, but he just got done. This demon just got done saying, well, he didn't notice he didn't use any scripture.
Right. Maybe he did. Maybe he didn't. We saw a five second clip. Right. I don't know. I have no idea.
I don't care because I don't care what Greg Locke says. And then he turns around and he pretends to use scripture.
It's love. You're the weight of scripture will tell you to get the vaccine. Curtis, prove it.
There is no scripture that tells you you must comply when the government tells you to inject yourself with an experimental chemical or even any chemical.
It doesn't matter if it's experimental or not. I just caught myself. I like to play up the fact that this is especially stupid because it's an experimental chemical.
But it doesn't even matter, even if it was something that had been around for 20 years, 50 years. The government has no authority to inject you or your kids or anybody with anything against their will.
Where in the scripture would it get that authority? Where? Where does God give the government such an authority?
It doesn't. But he just told you that it does. Then he said, it's a matter of loving your neighbor as yourself.
This is a demon saying it's a matter of God's law. If you do not get the vaccine, you are in sin against God.
Because as an ex -pastor, he would know that loving your neighbor as yourself is a summary statement of the second six commandments of the
Ten Commandments. So you tell me, which of the Ten Commandments tells you that you must comply with a vaccine mandate from the government?
Which one? He just criticized Greg Locke for not using scripture. Maybe he did.
Maybe he didn't. We saw a five second clip. And now he's lying about scripture. Love your neighbor as yourself.
And so for somebody who... Love your neighbor as yourself. I don't want my neighbor to be forced to inject anything into their system, just like I don't want to be forced to inject anything into my system.
And that's the end of the discussion. I don't want my neighbor to be forced to do a medical procedure on themselves, just like I don't want to be forced to do a medical procedure on myself.
That's it. The scripture doesn't allow it. The scripture doesn't give the government that authority.
Therefore, in order for me to support such a thing, I would be going against the scripture, and I would be going with demonic logic the way
Curtis has. Let's hear him out. He's trying to actually care for the vulnerable student who can't get vaccinated himself, a patient, an immunocompromised patient, a customer who's elderly, who might be more at risk.
The love of neighbors should compel you from scripture to take the vaccine. So there is no actually biblical warrant for resisting the vaccine.
And in fact, our project, Christians and the Vaccine, have produced video after video debunking and refuting attempts by conservatives to hijack biblical values to justify anti -vaccination.
This is how it works, right? Because what Curtis is saying is that the government has the authority unless the scripture specifically takes that authority away from them.
See, that's exactly not how it works, right? Because the thing is, the scripture prescribes what the government is supposed to do.
It only has the authority that God gives it. Everything else it doesn't have.
So the scripture is very clear that the government has a certain authority. And it says all authority comes from God.
So it's covered everything. But Curtis here worships scientists and the state.
Because he thinks that the state has every authority unless the scripture specifically denies them that.
And guess what? Does it specifically deny the government anything?
And that's really what is going on. In Curtis' universe, of course, it does not. It is a hijacking of God and belief in God to justify a position that actually stems from the culture wars of our day.
It does not stem from the Bible or from scripture tradition. And it's really bringing
God into a place to justify one's own personal beliefs. And the reality is that...
I don't want to watch the Fauci video. The reality is that he'll smile in your face.
To me, he looks like a psychopath. But probably to most people, he looks like a friendly guy. He'll smile in your face as he's serving you the dishes of demons.
Because he says that, well, you're just bringing God into these things that are really just your personal beliefs.
And it's like, dude, you literally just did that by pretending, by claiming that this is a matter of loving your neighbor as yourself.
This is a matter of the law of God. It most certainly is not a matter of loving your neighbor as yourself to get the vaccine.
That's completely incorrect. So the thing is, unless you can show me the law that says
I'm required to get every medical procedure that the NIH deems necessary or the
CDC deems necessary. Or that the great Curtis Chang thinks is necessary. Unless you can show me that and say, well, you're in sin because here's the scripture.
Then I don't have to do it. Obviously. I'll even take a good and necessary consequence.
But, of course, you don't have that. All you do have is these open -ended platitudes which essentially give the state unlimited power over the individual.
That's not how the law of God works. We just have to start calling this what it is, guys.
I mean, a lot of people, a lot of you guys have been on this for a long time. And so, you know, maybe I'm late to the party.
Whatever. This is the logic of demons. This is demonic logic.
And we don't need to be shy about that. It doesn't come from above. Therefore, it's the logic of demons.
He wants you to be a slave not to Christ. He wants you to be a slave of the state.
And I think a lot of these guys, I can't say specifically Curtis is like this. But a lot of these guys are like positioning,
I think, for essentially to be in positions of authority when it comes to the
Great Reset. When things are all reorganized and stuff like that, they think it will go better for them if they're in this official capacity where CNN will tap them whenever they need a favor, whenever they need a scripture to say something, to push the narrative forward, to give them propaganda, props from the evangelicals.
They want to be tapped on the shoulder. Curtis, can you come and make an excuse for whatever the heck they want to do, you know, internment camps, whatever we need to do.
Can you make a biblical -sounding excuse for this? It's like they're going to tap Curtis on the shoulder and maybe things will go well with him.
I'm not saying that that's what he's thinking. But a lot of these guys, I believe, are thinking that because I do not think that many of these people who are just blatantly lying about what the scripture says, right, blatantly lying about what the scripture says.
I don't think they're playing for the right team. And then now we got to think about Piper, right?
Because Piper shared this guy's blasphemous reasoning as far as a good excuse, a good reason why this is a good vaccine.
You should get it. You know,
I don't know if I hate this enough. Let me just say that. I don't think my hatred is perfect enough.
But I do know one thing, that this has to be put to an end. We have to be at the point where we can just draw that line.
And it's a sharp line. If this is the kind of stuff that you're going to be teaching and you're going to be putting out there for the pagans to consume and for Christians to consume, then we just can't recognize these people as anything but what they are.
Peddlers of fleshly, demonic teachings. I don't really know what else to say, so I'm just going to end it there.