So Tyler Perry Preached At Joel Osteen’s Church…

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
As ever, please know this video isn't a sinful attack, but rather a biblical critique. In today's video, we're going to be talking about Tyler Perry.
Now, Tyler is an American actor and filmmaker who rose to the heights of show business after his character,
Medea, became wildly popular. Basically, this is a character which has Tyler putting on a dress and makeup as he pretends to be a comedic woman.
It is worth noting that he's one of the highest -paid actors in all of Hollywood. And, of course, because Joel Osteen and Lakewood Church worship money and success and fame more than God, they decided to have
Tyler Perry preach a sermon at Lakewood Church. It is entitled, Fight the Fear and Anxiety Trying to Hold You Back.
Now, this sermon, if it can even be called that, was basically just an unbiblical motivational speech about how to accomplish your dreams with a few scripture quotations thrown in there.
Here's a sample of Tyler Perry's preaching. Watch this. So, Tyler Perry is preaching from Genesis chapter 22, when
Abraham is supposed to sacrifice Isaac, and instead, God protects Isaac and gives Abraham a different sacrifice.
It's a passage about trusting the Lord, obeying Him no matter what, and refusing to put your own human wisdom over God's commands.
There are several amazing exegetical points that could be made from this passage and properly teaching through it.
But rather than doing any of that, Tyler Perry decides to preach a more popular, albeit unbiblical, message.
He says that the first words of their text are, quote, and it came to pass. And according to Tyler, this means that whatever you're going through in life that's difficult, quote, didn't come to stay.
Whatever your problem is, it's going to pass, and the Bible says so right in Genesis chapter 22. And guys, this may sound like it's encouraging and biblical, but it's really not.
The New King James Version and the King James Version, in sort of similar ways, say in Genesis 22 verse 1 the following statement, quote,
Now it came to pass after these things that God tested Abraham. The word here translated as came to pass is the
Hebrew word hayah, which literally means it happened, or it came to be after this.
It is simply a statement about the existence of a certain turn of events. It's similar to the idea of you telling a story, saying, so after that, this is what happened.
The passage has absolutely nothing to do with your trials in life passing away. The text is not talking about your personal problems here.
It's talking about what God said to Abraham, and when God said it. Tyler Perry is using a very common megachurch preacher tactic, where they read an
English translation of the Bible without consulting any context or even studying it in depth, and then they use clever wordplay to get their personal agenda across.
And this strategy makes for really good poetry, but it doesn't pass as real biblical teaching.
In many modern churches, especially those like Joel Osteen's, you are not rewarded for exegeting the text properly, not at all.
Rather, you are rewarded for making the most interesting, most controversial, or most clever statement that you could possibly make.
In other words, making up your own story and then pretending that it's biblical. That's seen as fascinating and entertaining.
But actually reading and teaching through the Scriptures is seen as boring, useless, uneventful.
Contrast this with what the Bible says in Hebrews 4 .12. For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two -edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
You see, it's not your opinion or your sermon script or your clever wordplay that is living and active.
Only the Word of God can be living and active in that way. So while thousands of modern churches, if not millions, are using entertainment to help people spiritually, the
Bible says that God's Word is actually the only real source of definitive spiritual truth that we have in this life.
So stay away from trendy, entertainment -centered churches, and cling instead to the everlasting
Word of God. And by the way, there's another big reason why Tyler Perry's sermon here is totally false.
He tells everyone, no matter what they're going through, without any knowledge of what they're going through, that because of Genesis 22, verse 1, everything's going to be okay,
God's going to take away all your problems just around the corner. And this is the kind of infinite false hope that megachurch pastors are constantly offering in these days.
They say, don't worry, your breakthrough is coming. They love that word. In fact, it's almost here, they say.
You just have to be faithful, just press on to the very end. The problem with this perspective is that it does not acknowledge
God as sovereign Creator and decision -maker. Psalm 115, verse 3 says,
Our God is in the heavens. He does all that He pleases. God is in control of everything and everyone in His providential authority.
This, of course, means that He decides what happens to you when it happens, and whether or not it will pass.
So we cannot tell thousands of people that no matter what they're going through, God's going to take it away soon.
In 2 Corinthians chapter 12, Paul talks about his thorn in the flesh. There is no consensus among scholars as to what this may be specifically, but we do know that it was a really difficult trial of some kind.
It is obvious that Paul did not enjoy this experience at all, as he says in verse 8, the following statement,
Three times I, Paul, pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me.
But Paul says in verse 9, But He, the Lord, said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
Paul was going through a trial, and God sovereignly ordained that that trial would not leave him.
God saw fit to show His power through Paul's difficulty, and that can happen to you as a
Christian. But of course, Tyler Perry and Joel Osteen would probably have advised the Apostle Paul that because Genesis 22 says it came to pass, well, his thorn in the flesh didn't come to stay.
But they would be wrong. In fact, they would be dangerously wrong, because they would be interfering with God's plan.
This is the problem with motivational speaking pastors and prosperity gospel charlatans.
You see, when they tell you that God will be glorified by removing your trials, they conveniently leave out the fact that God is glorified in our trials as Christians.
In doing this, they are interfering with God's plan for showing His own glory. And again, that is very, very dangerous.
Tyler Perry and Joel Osteen are both false teachers, and you should mark and avoid them as such. Do not believe what they say, and do not get sucked into a church that operates like this, that is centered on entertainment and motivation rather than the
Word of God. Instead, go to a good, solid church that actually follows the Bible. I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know this,
I do not offer any of this correction from a high and mighty position. I am nothing but a wretched sinner saved by the grace of Jesus Christ.
So let's pray for Tyler Perry and for Joel Osteen that they would stop this false teaching by God's grace and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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