Juan Reisco Uncanceled Himself

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Juan Riesco of Nini’s Deli reopened his business!


Hey everyone John here in Chicago with Juan. Yo, y 'all want and John come on and We're not just in Chicago.
We're at a particular place in Chicago. It's kind of pink. That's right It's got a little sign that says
Nini's Deli on it So for those who saw paint the wall black We're back.
That's right. Come on. Right? Yeah, why don't you open the door for us? Let's go inside. Let's see what it's like So, hey, let's sit down let's go over here.
Oh So, what are we listening to you right now, what is this this is poochie cologne, it's
Spanish worship Spanish worship It's it's actually
I mean it sets the tone I really like it Thank you, and the food here by the way is amazing If you come through Chicago, please stop at Nini's Deli get an empanada or get with the sandwich
I got the kitchen sink the kitchen sink. Oh It's got everything on it and You gotta be hungry
Cuban style slow cook shredded beef Homemade chipotle mayo pickled jalapenos eggs and cheese and toasted
French bread. Oh, man, it's I'm I'm like good I'm like don't have to eat for like another two days.
I think I'm but it was amazing It really is good food and the people who said it was good and like the best empanada.
They were not lying Come on, so Juan I want to hear from you Everyone else does the last they saw and paint the wall black and were canceled you're in Texas playing for your life
Yes, what's this about? So July 6 we reopened for the glory of God like we saw what we talked about before and it's been
Nothing short of a miracle. God has provided every step of the way We're meeting Christians and conservatives and like -minded people from all over the country
We've had people from Los Angeles people from Milwaukee, Seattle, New York, Virginia By the grace of God South Side North Side and it's just been yeah amazing
Well, it tell us about it just a few of the things that you've seen God bless you with and the impact that Has been made because you decided to uncancel yourself and reopened
So the most most beautiful thing that we've seen in souls by the grace of God we've met a handful of people who have said they came to Christ because of the
Witness the Lord has used us to do the stance The Lord used us to take and they said that they wanted to be on fire like that Come out of the closet so to speak with their
Christianity and just be up front about what they believe and it's just been Nothing short of amazing like so the most important thing that we've seen here brother
John is souls We've seen a harvest by the grace of God and then we've seen business God has brought people from all over to support us.
So this is like the most amazing thing I've never met anyone who uncanceled themselves and you I mean the bad reviews a lot of them were taken off Taken off Google and you're you're in business.
You're actually like back. Yeah, we're like three and a half four months back It's incredible and you're back in Chicago every day.
There's something somebody eggs Uh, somebody cusses us out someone gives us a better view, but we rejoice in those times
Okay, let me let me ask you something because I've been thinking about this, right? So the big virtue it's not even a virtue
But the character quality that we hear all the time from Christian leaders that you're supposed to be is winsome
Like you got to be winsome with the world like that's the thing that you got to do and The thing that seems to be in my mind left out is courage
Having courage to face down The evil that's out there. You're one of the few men
I know that has had courage and I want you like tell me like this was scary
This was obviously this was scary, but you're back. You've seen the Lord work
You're feeding your family. You're still here Like you didn't they canceled you but God, you know, they can't undo what
God wants to do so like, um, tell me about like what you think between those two things winsomeness and Courage, so I once heard a
Christian say Becoming someone's friend before preaching the gospel to them is like watching somebody drown before throwing them a lifesaver
Okay, so when we are winsome you do both know what I'm saying is that when we're winsome before preaching
It's almost as if we're watching somebody die before our very eyes and then choose to help them after they've already died
Okay, that's how I see it So instead of doing that approach our approach now to the gospel and our presentation is just upfront you just you'd be an honest
Let's just share with people what we believe and then let people make their decision if they want to support us or not
Okay, what happens if someone calls you a mean name? It happens a lot if somebody calls me a mean name
I typically laugh Think about what Jesus said it turned the other cheek A lot of times we do just eat those things like literally people say and I just eat it
I don't don't even let it bother me I just move on the number one thing is to know who Christ has called me to be if I live according to what people
Say I am then I am failing to live according to how the Bible says I am and so you must have a true understanding of who you are who
Christ has called you to be in order to let those Things deflect off of you. I would say so at least awesome.
Awesome Well, it's been peaceful since I've been Will admit I was one of the skeptics
I thought dude, you really want to reopen this place I mean, did you not see the movie called paint the wall black? But hey look
I was wrong and Juan you have a lot of faith You're just you're an inspiration to so many and You know,
I'm just so glad to be here to just see what what's happening. He's here at meanies right now I know John had his first empanada this
New Yorker this Yankee right here had an empanada today y 'all You know, I mean,
I was born in Southern, California Yeah, Juan came to me he's like you don't do that jalapenos, right
I'm like I love jalapenos Yeah, no, I miss red
It is good food. And thank you. That's one of the things I can't believe I tasted the empanada I'm like, how could they cancel this?
Like what like even if they don't agree with you like where else are they gonna get empanada? No, I have no idea
I have no I think that the move that was in your favor when you reopen They're like, all right, let's not cancel that place again
So anyway, um, hey, thank you everyone for your support for Juan for myself
If you're coming through Chicago, yes, stop at Nene's deli. Yes. Thank you to everybody that sewed into film and allowed us to make that film
John was very generous and I'm so grateful for Last Dance Studios and everybody that took time to watch the documentary and to make it happen
We're so grateful. You guys have blessed our family and I beyond belief. So, thank you again All right.