Did THIS happen in Acts?

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The Holy Nope Breakdown: another “Comment Section Edition.” To my commenter friend, I absolutely agree that hyper-critical spirits and the neglect of keeping the main thing the main thing is a problem, and while we will disagree on certain things, I appreciate


You'll see at the bottom of the comment, he says, don't respond to me, I will. Welcome to another comment section edition of the
Holy Note Breakdown. He first commented on my Rodney Howard Brown post saying, if what happened in the book of acts happened today and was caught on video, this page would post it and those criticizing in the comments would comment on that too.
If I saw a man lame from birth stand up and leap around, I wouldn't nope that. If I saw someone fall out of a window, die and be raised back to life,
I wouldn't nope that either. And what I post on this page aren't those things. So I responded, show us where, us, because he's submitting a public challenge, not only to me, but to you and everyone who is commenting their agreement on that video and others, show us where this is happening in acts.
Pretty simple. This isn't about going back and forth and arguing in comments. Go read.
My friend, you started an argument and then when I responded, you said it's not about having an argument. And I do read the
Bible. I'm reading through Acts right now. And what's happening in this video is not there.
This is something else entirely. My job isn't to convince, the Holy Spirit does.
Then why did you say anything? Let's spend more time doing things that bring people to Christ than criticizing ministers and preachers online.
First, we have a biblical mandate and pastors especially to make the people of God aware of dangerous false teachers of which
Rodney Howard Brown is certainly one. Jesus tells us to beware false prophets. Paul says to expose unfruitful works of darkness and to watch out for and avoid those who teach contrary to sound doctrine.
The only book in the New Testament that does not explicitly warn the church about false teachers is
Philemon. And so the Holy Spirit through these inspired writers is very concerned that we be properly warned against false teaching.
One of the best methods for clarifying what is true is to contrast it with error and realize my friend that criticizing ministers and preachers online as you say is exactly what you're doing to me.
There's people out there getting lost and we're here posting videos and trying to be God.
Apart from the fact that this statement doesn't really make any sense, if you believe only the Holy Spirit can convince, aren't you trying to be
God because you're clearly trying to convince me of something. Our families need Jesus. Our friends need
Jesus. Respectfully, what are you doing? Don't respond to me. Just think about it.
Much love. Well, I super duper appreciate you throwing in some love and respect there at the end saying that I would be an enemy of the spirit of God if I saw the things he did in Acts today.
Thanks. To answer your question, this is something that I'm doing. And in fact, this video was taken just last night.
And so this God man, Jesus Christ, the word made flesh 2 ,000 years ago, lives life as a true man.
And though he is tempted in every way like we are, he knew no sin.
And as soon as I finished preaching, a dear woman came up in tears, confessing her sin and asking what must she do to be saved?
You know, like what happened in Acts. And with the help of the Holy Spirit, I gently pointed her to Christ and prayed for her.
And she seems determined to come to church on Sunday. So while all of the testimonies I receive from those who have escaped the harm of the charismatic movement and different environments of church abuse encourage me to keep doing what
I'm doing on here, I do recognize that I am called to do more than post videos like this online.
And by the grace of God, he enables me to do more. Though I often fall short, which makes me thankful for Christ my savior, who is my righteousness, so that I have no need to justify myself before God or before people in my comment section.
But I have shared this not to boast about myself, but in hopes that that testimony will encourage some of you who can pray for her too.
Her name is Beth. And let me take this opportunity to charge you with what I believe is the heart behind my friend's poor use of words.
If you spend more time being unrighteously critical on social media than you do participating in the life of the body of Christ in your local church or leading your family, then something is wrong.
If you're a Christian, your comments should exemplify Christian virtue and you should not mistake interactions on social media as a valid substitute for personal life -on -life ministry with the people of God in your local church.
Okay, love you, bye. Nope. Mm -mm. ♪ I feel like I'm losing my mind ♪ ♪