“In the Name of Jesus” Is Not What You Think! | Logos Tutorial
Jesus said to pray in His name, but what does that really mean?? Join me and my friends Jorge Gil and Scott Lindsey in this thought-provoking episode as we explore the profound meaning behind the phrase "name of God." Let’s use Logos to help us do a deep dive that will bless you!
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- 00:00
- Tonight, we're going to take a closer look at a commonly used phrase that I believe a lot of us Christians are completely missing.
- 00:06
- We don't really know what it means, biblically speaking, we're missing what it's really referring to and so therefore we don't know how to live by it or apply it to our everyday circumstances.
- 00:17
- It's the phrase in the name of Jesus or in the name of God. How many of you have used that phrase before or you've heard somebody use it before?
- 00:27
- How many of you think that it's basically the magic phrase that ends every prayer, right? You know, that's what
- 00:33
- I thought in the past. That's how I use the phrase often. I still very often end my prayers that way.
- 00:39
- And I'm here to tell you, friends, it's not what you think it is. We're missing the deeper meaning behind the concept and I believe it's robbing us of the deeper, more rich experience of what it means to be a
- 00:49
- Christian in today's culture. So in this episode, we're going to explore the phrase because guess what? The name of God is defined in the scripture.
- 00:57
- Before we go any further, welcome back to Wise Disciple. My name is Nate and I'm helping you become the effective Christian that Jesus wants you to be.
- 01:04
- Make sure to like, sub, and share this one around if it blesses you, and I pray that it does. All right?
- 01:09
- So we're going to get into this particular concept, but I think I need some help. So without further ado,
- 01:15
- I'm going to bring on my two friends, Jorge Gil of Worldview Media and Cross Examined, and also
- 01:21
- Scott Lindsey of Logos Bible Software. Jorge and Scott, thank you so much for joining me.
- 01:28
- Thank you, brother. Happy New Year. Yeah. Happy New Year, friends. Let's just jump right in here.
- 01:36
- Now, I have a way of using Logos in my own studies, and I realize, Scott, I was talking about this with you.
- 01:42
- I know a fraction of what you know with regards to Logos. So let's do a thought experiment, gentlemen.
- 01:50
- Let's think about a congregant who just wants to know what the phrase in the name of Jesus is really referring to.
- 01:57
- All right? So they've got Logos open, but they're brand new to it. They don't know how to use it. Where do they begin?
- 02:03
- Let's begin here. The congregant just wants to know what in the name of Jesus or in the name of God means.
- 02:09
- So we have the menu bar here on the left side. Here's what I would do. Correct me if this is not the best thing to do.
- 02:16
- I'm going to go to search. And I notice here, guys, there is a menu bar at the very top, and I have some options here.
- 02:23
- So I got Bible, Books, Factbook, Morph, Media, all this stuff. I think I need to just stick with All, because what
- 02:30
- All is going to do is it's going to search through everything I have in my library.
- 02:35
- It's going to search through whether I got books, whether I got articles, whatever
- 02:41
- I have. And I'm going to type in here. Now, All's also going to bring up things
- 02:46
- I do not have. So it's going to show me the books that I don't have, and then also it's going to give me a selection from those books, like a little preview, and tell me what's in the books.
- 02:57
- So is that, am I thinking about this in the correct way, gentlemen? Yeah, I like to say that All is doing two things.
- 03:05
- One, it's your library. So Logos is only as good as the books that are inside it.
- 03:13
- And I think that's a distinctive of other AI options, is this isn't robots, this isn't some random opinion.
- 03:20
- These are trusted theological resources and commentaries. You mentioned theological journals.
- 03:26
- So it's kind of AI locked down, if you will. So what we didn't do is just take the internet and plug it into Logos.
- 03:34
- That would not be good. So All is not only your library,
- 03:39
- Nate, but what is also available to you. Because Logos, I think a week or two hit the 250 ,000 mark,
- 03:48
- I mean, a quarter million books available in Logos, right? So, you know, there'll be something this year that you'll deep dive into, you know, maybe it's the names of God, you'll do that for a month.
- 04:00
- There's always something that I'm like, I'm studying that for the next 30 days, right? So I love to jump into the
- 04:06
- All search because I don't know what I don't know, meaning I don't know what other books might be available.
- 04:12
- So that is absolutely a great starting point. But books, the other search option that I use probably more frequently because that's what
- 04:21
- I have. That is my library that I've been building for the last 27 years at Logos.
- 04:27
- But both are phenomenal and both of them are super valuable. So starting with All, good place to start.
- 04:33
- Let's try All. Yeah, let's do All. And I'm going to type in a question and I'm going to be specific about this question because I don't want
- 04:42
- Logos to get confused about what I'm asking. So what is the definition of the phrase name of God?
- 04:51
- And the reason why I ask that is because, yeah, go ahead, Jorge. I was just going to say one of the things that I want to highlight, and I think
- 04:58
- I learned this from Scott not too long ago, is that now we're able to ask questions the same way that we speak to other people, right?
- 05:08
- We have that humanized ability now that go and ask questions before. I remember now I've been using
- 05:14
- Logos since I think 2015, 2016. And back then you had to do keyword searches and you had to use brackets and you had to use, you know, close to and you had to use a bunch of different characters to be able to trigger certain functions.
- 05:31
- Now all you have to do is ask a question like you talking to a scholar.
- 05:38
- And that right there for me, a person with ADHD, I'm 42 years old and I'm super, you know, and I'm big on the on the on the, you know, hyper side of things and everything is a squirrel to me.
- 05:51
- This right here allows me to be able to have, quote unquote, a conversation with Logos and know that I'm going to get.
- 05:59
- Solid answers that is going to allow me to then dig deeper into the scriptures that I think that it's worth the highlight that alone.
- 06:08
- Yeah, I agree, I like that feature, that's how I think, and, you know, I write the questions the way that I think as well.
- 06:14
- And again, I'm trying to avoid an answer that gives me the names of God because I'm not asking about that.
- 06:21
- I'm asking about how the phrase is defined, how it's used in the Bible. And that's why
- 06:26
- I asked that specifically. So I'm just going to pull that up and click enter. And then it's going to it's going to sound like Star Trek in my mind.
- 06:36
- That's how, you know, when they asked the female computer a question, that's what the noise was. So immediately
- 06:41
- I have what looks to me like is basically a synopsis of several different sources, some within my library, some that are not of what the answer is.
- 06:53
- Now, this is incredibly helpful. And I'm just going to go ahead and take a look at it really quick. So it says the phrase that can you do it?
- 07:00
- Can you do us a favor? Can you make this a little bigger? Can you hit over there the little dots so we can all see it?
- 07:07
- You know, because I not only have ADHD, but my vision is not the best. You know, when you hit 40, all the check engine lights come on.
- 07:15
- So I'm right about there. I think is Scott, can you help us? You see you. You need to teach us how to use this, man.
- 07:22
- Yeah. Three little dots in the top right corner. Yeah. And then we'll just there you go. Thank you.
- 07:28
- There you go. Boom. And then anybody watching over 50 like Mr. Scott here, that's a key feature of Logos being able to have a man additions of everything in Logos.
- 07:39
- Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen, brother. Amen. So let's take a look at this real quick.
- 07:44
- So the phrase name of God in the biblical context refers to more than just a title. Now, this is what
- 07:49
- I suspected. And that is the case. It represents now. Here it is. It represents God's entire being, nature and character, according to one of the articles in the
- 08:00
- Bible mentions God's name. It signifies his full revelation encompassing his attributes and actions.
- 08:07
- So so here we have not just a synopsis of the answer. We also have you see one here, one, two, two, three.
- 08:16
- I see there are references below with hyperlinks to go to these particular sources.
- 08:22
- So each one of those each one of those blue numbers will actually activate the resource.
- 08:29
- And I believe I don't know if you have like like a Word document open, because if you click the copy feature, it will pull out all the resources that used to create this quick summary, too.
- 08:42
- So I think that's one of the major things that has helped me trace back the resources that he used to give me or to produce that quick summary.
- 08:53
- And that right there is a game changer because I can grab a summary, understand the concept, and they later on go deep, dig deeper into it.
- 09:02
- Right now, Jorge and Scott, notice it's not magic words, right?
- 09:07
- So in the name of God, these are not magic words that we need to repeat in order to make our prayers more valid. No, instead, the phrase and we'll go deep into this a little bit further, but it's actually a catch all term for a ton of biblical concepts.
- 09:21
- It refers to, like you said, God's being, his very nature, his character, his attributes, his glory.
- 09:29
- The second point says it's synonymous with the glory of God. Glory of God. That's right.
- 09:34
- Now, if I want to go deeper, I can click on one of these references here. So I'm going to just click on number two and look at that.
- 09:42
- I have that. So I have this one and I'll just to help us out,
- 09:48
- I'll make it bigger. But yeah, so now I see. Yeah, it's
- 09:54
- God's revelation in nature. But not only that, and down here, the glory of God.
- 10:00
- So this is the source here. Not only that, but notice, guys, I also have scripture references.
- 10:06
- So I have Psalm eight, verse one here. If I want to go deeper, I can click that and open that up and take a look at how it's used, the name of God.
- 10:13
- Also down here, Psalm 72, verse 19. So, and this is from the,
- 10:18
- I have this in my library, the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. So what, wait a second,
- 10:27
- Jorge. Like at this point, am I on the right track?
- 10:33
- Like, is there something I'm missing? What else should I be doing or this congregant should be doing if we're looking into these things, you think?
- 10:42
- Well, if you scroll, synopsis is a brand new feature. And again, I need to distinguish AI and logos versus maybe something like chat
- 10:50
- GPT. The big difference is cited sources. That's the trouble or problem with a lot of AI out there.
- 10:57
- They spit out an answer and you don't know where did this come from, right? So the fact that logos is literally giving you the references to the scholarly resources, but if you scroll down a little bit,
- 11:08
- Nate, you'll actually hit some of your top articles. And one of which is the one that you mentioned from the international.
- 11:15
- It's the second one where it says the phrase is named. Yeah. Notice when you float on the first paragraph there, the summarize button.
- 11:23
- So this is brand new to logo, the new version of logos because of AI, that article,
- 11:28
- Nate is a couple pages long. And if you have time, great, read it all. Click the summarize button though,
- 11:34
- Nate, and AI and logos will summarize that massive article and give you a paragraph or two.
- 11:42
- Now, the other thing I want to point out is all of this is now on your mobile device.
- 11:48
- Okay. So. I love to have deep study sitting in front of my computer, but this little setup does not go with me in my car or when
- 11:57
- I'm walking with my wife and I have theological questions all the time.
- 12:02
- So I can't overstress how awesome it is to have what you just did in my back pocket,
- 12:10
- Android, iPhone, iPad, because that's usually where a question like this will pop into my head, or it might be in a discussion
- 12:19
- I'm having with somebody. Maybe it's a believer, a non -believer. What does the Bible say about this? And I'm confused about this theological idea.
- 12:26
- So Synopsys, incredible. I mean, my son Nate just started seminary and we've been hanging out at a coffee shops and going over this new logos.
- 12:36
- And Synopsys, I kind of said, Chase, I love you, but I kind of don't really right now because you get this for seminary.
- 12:44
- I'm like, are you kidding me? I mean, when I was in seminary, I had to do this manually, right?
- 12:50
- I had to go find the sources, stitch them together, because if they're not cited, you're going to get an
- 12:56
- F on the paper, plagiarism, right? So to have everything cited, have everything in a
- 13:02
- Synopsys, but then that summarize feature allows me now, Nate, to read multiple articles.
- 13:08
- I can read four, five, six lengthy articles and just get the best of it. Just give me the couple paragraphs for now.
- 13:15
- I'll go back and read more later, but summarize is a massive new feature in logos.
- 13:22
- Love it. Love it. So let me, let me do this, right? So we just barely scratched the surface.
- 13:27
- Now I'm flipping through the Rolodex of things that I do remember because AI is not doing everything for me just yet.
- 13:33
- And I realized, well, wait a second. If I want to be thorough, right? I remember that in Deuteronomy 18,
- 13:39
- God's name is referred to very specifically, and it's attached to this prophecy that of a coming prophet, one like Moses, right?
- 13:48
- So let me, let me see how that's used. So I'm again, I'm gonna try to be very specific about the question that I'm asking.
- 13:55
- So I'm gonna go ahead and type it in here. But this time I'm going to try to square it with a biblical passage.
- 14:01
- So Deuteronomy, yeah, something like that.
- 14:08
- How is the name of God used in that passage? And so again, we can pull this up, find the synopsis, and it turns out according to Deuteronomy 18,
- 14:17
- God's name is used by true prophets when speaking on his behalf. The passage indicates that God's authentic spokesman would speak in Yahweh's name.
- 14:27
- So what we're dealing with also, so if we're trying to catch, you know, again, what this phrase means in the name of God, it refers to God's being, it refers to his character and attributes, but also as it turns out, it refers to his authority, the authority to speak, right?
- 14:44
- So this is not, again, so if you're thinking about this, that's a magic phrase that you end a prayer with.
- 14:50
- It refers to much more than that. Now, Jorge, I know that Jesus, I know we're saying it's not an ending to a prayer, but Jesus did a pray in my name, right?
- 15:04
- Yeah. So what do we make, what do we make of that? Okay. So pray in my name, and this is my understanding.
- 15:12
- Like I said, I try to go deep into these topics quite often.
- 15:19
- And one of the things that me and you were discussing when you asked me this question, I think it was a yesterday,
- 15:25
- I think me and you were having a lot of fun working on the thumbnail and we were talking about how, yeah, we had a terrific time doing that.
- 15:34
- And actually, you know, when I mentioned the whole stuff about my ADHD, the chat section went on, on a back and forth and a banter about ADHD.
- 15:43
- And I said, I think ADHD, I hold my ADHD as a superpower. And you saw it in action yesterday, how the ideas were flying.
- 15:51
- And we ended up with that cool thumbnail and why not. But one of the things that we discussed was the whole idea that when we hear the whole line of, you know, we are saved that, you know, that Jesus was given the name above all names, you know, we were discussing this idea that the name that Jesus received is
- 16:11
- Yahweh saves, right? Because that's what the name Jesus means, right?
- 16:16
- And in the Old Testament, we know, especially in the Deuteronomy and that Deuteronomistic literature, we know that there is this thing called the theology of the name.
- 16:27
- And when we hear that we need to pray in Jesus' name and we need to call on Jesus' name for salvation, what
- 16:38
- I understand, and we can, you know, look it up in Logos soon, is this whole idea that it is the being that holds the name that has the power for whatever it is that we're asking for.
- 16:51
- And when we pray, it's the will of that being, which in this case is
- 16:56
- God, you know, that allow us to be able to tap into that power. It's not that somehow just because a being has or somebody has such and such a name, you know, it automatically is endowed with power.
- 17:11
- But it is the power that the being that holds the name.
- 17:18
- Hold on, I'm getting confused. The being that bestowed a power on such and such a person because it is the being that holds the power and not just the name.
- 17:31
- And it is on behalf of God that we ask these things and we submit to his authority and his will.
- 17:40
- So when we talk about praying in Jesus' name, what we're doing is tapping into the will of Jesus and the access that we have with Jesus.
- 17:49
- And at the end of the day is Yahweh who saves us and is the son of God, Jesus Christ, who now has that authority.
- 17:59
- So when we look at this, and this is one of the things I just popped into my Logos, the whole idea of what is the name theology, we can look at that later.
- 18:06
- But these are the things that Logos allow us to see. And I see you searching something. You want me to put the screen back on?
- 18:13
- Yeah, well, you basically just said what I found. So while you were talking,
- 18:18
- I went ahead and put in the question, right? Because I know that Jesus says, if you pray in my name in John 14.
- 18:26
- So again, I'm just trying to square. I'm using the search feature again and trying to square this concept with a particular passage.
- 18:32
- So I asked the question, what does Jesus mean by the phrase in my name? It's basically what you said, Jorge, because, you know, congratulations, you know, you're you know, your stuff.
- 18:40
- And that's what it is. Right, and that's what we're trying to get at here, ladies and gentlemen.
- 18:46
- And if you can just remember this particular point here, it's pretty clear that what
- 18:52
- Jesus is doing when he when he talks about this concept is he's linking up with how that concept is taught in the
- 18:59
- Old Testament. God speaks of his name in a broad, robust way that incorporates a lot of concepts, including his being, his character, his his will, his his authority.
- 19:11
- But Jesus does the same thing. Jesus speaks in this same way. And that's what he's that's what he's moving everyone towards, because this is where I want to land.
- 19:21
- And then if if we can, we can shift here a little bit and talk about how to communicate this to other
- 19:27
- Christians with using logos. But look at where this is all headed. This is the last thing that Jesus says to his disciples.
- 19:33
- And it's the Great Commission, Matthew 28. Right. Notice what he says here. All authority, this is verse 18, all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
- 19:43
- Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in. Here it is, the name of the father and the son and of the
- 19:51
- Holy Spirit. So what's fascinating and what I just this to me is so moving is that it's more than just saying in the name of Jesus at the end of a prayer, what
- 20:04
- Jesus is doing is he's saying you must go and and not just baptize people and say in the name of the father, son and Holy Spirit, but you must immerse people's lives into the power, presence and authority of God.
- 20:18
- And that's way more than saying words that's discipleship turned all the way up. And that's what in the name of Jesus and in the name of God is referring to.
- 20:28
- And so this is great, guys, because what we did was we there's way more to do here with logos.
- 20:33
- We just typed in a couple of key questions in the search feature and it took us to the scripture and it gave us a synopsis of what this means.
- 20:43
- And so, again, let's go back to our hypothetical congregant. Right. So now he's typed into the search and he's figured some stuff out.
- 20:49
- But now he wants to communicate this, Scott, to his Bible study. He wants to communicate this to his brothers and sisters at church.
- 20:57
- Or maybe he's a pastor and he wants to, I don't know, put some kind of resource together for his church.
- 21:03
- This is where I don't know what to do with logos. So, Nate, I do want to interrupt real quick and say something before we give
- 21:13
- Scott the opportunity to teach us that, because like I said, I use this for myself, for my kids at church, but I still have a very rudimentary way to go about building something that I can then take to church and share it with the congregation.
- 21:32
- Now, I did find something really interesting. So as I was listening to you explain this,
- 21:38
- I said, what if I just ask logos, you know, a question that is open ended in a sense that it can just give me the context of how this works.
- 21:51
- So I'm going to show this is my screen. This is not Nate's anymore. And all I did was type in what doing in the name, what doing something in the name of means.
- 22:02
- And he just gave me the answer. He says the phrase the phrase in the name of carry significant meaning across various contexts in a religious sense, which is exactly what we're talking about right now in a
- 22:14
- Christian sense. It offers refers to acting with the authority or power associated with a particular figure.
- 22:21
- Now, he said it 10 times better than I did because I got all tongue twisted. Right. Such as praying in Jesus name.
- 22:28
- This does not necessarily add power to the prayer, but rather aligns the person praying with Christ's authority.
- 22:36
- Now, that phrase right there is key because we want to do things in Jesus name.
- 22:41
- We want to pray in Jesus name. But the whole idea is for us to understand, you know, the character in the will and in the, you know, the moral framework of that being that we worship and understand that we do things not because he asked us to, but because we love him.
- 22:57
- And in a way and in a direct way of of of eternal gratitude, you know, we we follow him and we do what we're supposed to do because he knows better than us.
- 23:09
- So when we say that in Jesus name, we align in a way aligning the person's praying will with Christ's authority in a broader context.
- 23:21
- Obviously, one's name can represent their identity, reputation and standard within the community, especially in collective societies.
- 23:28
- The phrase can also be used to justify actions taken for a particular cause or purpose as seen in the in the expression in the name of progress.
- 23:36
- Now, and this is one of the things that we do things in Jesus name. We are wearing Jesus's T -shirt.
- 23:41
- So when the world sees us, you know, and we do something we're not supposed to do, we call ourselves Christians, right?
- 23:47
- We are pretty much either bringing glory or shame to our master.
- 23:53
- Right. So we have to have that in mind all the time and ultimately doing something in the name of someone or some or something implies acting as their representative.
- 24:03
- We are Christ's ambassadors. That's exactly what the Bible says, or in accordance with their principles.
- 24:09
- And we're supposed to be, you know, salt and light. And just by typing what doing something in the name of means gave me this synopsis.
- 24:18
- And I can again, we can go down the rabbit trail of all of these. And actually, I had another search about the name theology.
- 24:25
- But what we're going to do here now is let Scott teach us how we can grab this knowledge, this research that we just did, and then be able to then that congregant can take it to his
- 24:37
- Bible study, his church, his small group and the like. So what we're going to do is while we do this,
- 24:43
- I will take it from here. And I think, Scott, you're ready to share or you're still sharing. Nate.
- 24:50
- Oh, OK, go ahead. Yeah, I can't I obviously I can't see the hopefully comments on any of the different ways people are viewing this, but this is incredible because we are asking very specific theological questions.
- 25:09
- You know, Logos, 32 years just celebrated. We could handle things like resurrection. I mean, big keywords.
- 25:16
- Right. But the fact that you can now and Nate, what I love what Nate was doing, he was asking a specific theological question tied to a specific
- 25:24
- Bible verse. I mean, that is some pretty amazing coding props to the hundred developers at Logos.
- 25:32
- We call them geeks for God. But praise the Lord. They've decided to use their gifts of dreaming in ones and zeros to help us study deeper and to get answers to, again, very, very specific questions.
- 25:48
- So I just want to make sure that, you know, people understand what's happening with this new version of Logos is very complex.
- 25:56
- Coding is happening. And again, mobile. I mean, honestly, it's probably my favorite thing, is that all of this now is my back pocket on my phone.
- 26:05
- But let me go ahead and share my screen and let me know if you can see. And I was following along with the both of you.
- 26:12
- Yeah. And I typed, why should we pray in the name of Jesus?
- 26:18
- So give me give me just a second so I can get you. I can get you framed properly because, again, you know, your screen is a fancy one.
- 26:27
- So we got to make sure that we get it centered. And they're using dark mode on Logos.
- 26:32
- And Scott is using light mode. And I'm thinking there's some kind of Star Wars Jedi joke in here.
- 26:38
- Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Somewhere he is. He you know, I was using dark mode, too. So he needs to, you know, join the dark side, man.
- 26:46
- I got to represent the light, so I'm going to stay over here. I do like using dark mode when
- 26:52
- I'm reading something on my iPad and Logos, whatever. But yeah, I'm going to I'm going to stick with the default.
- 26:58
- But yes, that's a relatively new feature in Logos. Dark mode. Yay. But yeah, while you guys were talking,
- 27:04
- I typed in, why should we pray in the name of Jesus? And, you know, love said it's not a magic formula that you're just kind of tagging on to something.
- 27:13
- But, you know, praying in Jesus name aligns our requests with God's will and brings glory to God.
- 27:19
- Right. So incredible now that, as Jorge pointed out, you type the way you talk.
- 27:27
- Right. You don't have to learn all of the special coding and Boleyn expression searching and, you know, all the geeky things that many figured out, but most didn't.
- 27:37
- OK. But yeah, so that's searching. And again, Nate pointed out the all search books would be specific to your library.
- 27:47
- You know, maps would be, hey, I'm doing a little study on, let's say, Rome. I need some pictures, maps, whatever.
- 27:55
- So, again, just pay attention to what kind of search you're in.
- 28:00
- Right. All Bible books. Now, here's a little secret that I'm going to go ahead and announce.
- 28:07
- And this these viewers will be the first to hear that a new feature will be coming by the end of next month where we're going to bring
- 28:16
- AI to the biblical text itself. So you'll be able to ask very specific questions of the biblical text.
- 28:26
- You know, I still occasionally, Nate, you know, don't let anybody at Logos know, I still will jump into Google to say, where is that passage about running the race?
- 28:35
- You know, I know. I know it's somewhere. First Corinthians. So we're going to we're going to take care of I mean, listen, we honestly don't want people going to Google anymore with any theological question because you don't know where this is coming from.
- 28:53
- Right. You don't know the sort of, you know, Nate, I think one of the reasons why we're seeing such a rise in deconstruction, people falling away is they had a great question about the
- 29:01
- Bible and theology, but then they went to the wrong source. And again, maybe they're new, been a
- 29:07
- Christian for six months, and first page they hit is some doctor with a seminary degree.
- 29:13
- And listen, that person hates the Lord, hates his word. And you just don't know that.
- 29:20
- Right. So that's why Logos is kind of the safe place. Again, these are real theological books, commentaries,
- 29:27
- Bible. You brought up the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, incredible resource. So that's the new
- 29:32
- AI searching that is now in Logos. You know, if the new
- 29:38
- Logos did nothing but that, I think it would be worth its weight in gold. Now, let me just say, because I gave the phrase worth its weight in gold, that has been an issue as well.
- 29:49
- Ease of use. That has been nailed with AI. But the other issue has been cost.
- 29:55
- I've done a few of live streams with you, Nate, and we show Logos and people get all excited. Wow, this is incredible.
- 30:01
- And then we dropped the price, $700, $800. So Logos now has gone to subscription.
- 30:07
- So everything that we've shown to this point is $10. Okay. So that's a huge shift for us because we want this tool to be available to every
- 30:20
- Christian globally. And, you know, imagine the Christian living in, let's say,
- 30:25
- Africa or the Philippine, they can't afford $1 ,000. So I want to say,
- 30:30
- I want to say, I want to just interject and say, my focal area of ministry is
- 30:38
- Latin America. And I always heard because I couldn't push this as hard as I wanted to push it to all my brothers and sisters across the border, because, you know, it was almost disrespectful to tell them that a whole month's paycheck needed to go towards a software that is going to help them study the word better.
- 30:59
- Right. And, and to, and to get deeper into the word of God in, in things that can help them in the long run, right.
- 31:07
- Eternally. But now I feel completely at peace because now
- 31:13
- I know that for a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the previous cost, they can get all these features.
- 31:21
- And now I actually send it to a couple of my friends and they said, I'm signing up right away.
- 31:27
- Why? Because now it's not going to break the bank. So I think that that is by far on top of the
- 31:34
- AI stuff is the best thing that could have happened here. So just wanted to make that clear.
- 31:41
- So let me point out, uh, this is new right on the homepage. What, what would you like to do? So maybe somebody who's watching is like, man,
- 31:48
- I don't even know how to study Bible. If you click that little button, we're going to ask you, what do you want to study? I want to study the names of God.
- 31:54
- I want to study Matthew 28. So you type in a passage and it will just literally launch on the screen, the books you need.
- 32:00
- So I like that because again, old logos, you opened it and stared at the screen going, I don't know where to go.
- 32:07
- So, you know, do you want to do a language study type in the passage? We'll bring you to the Hebrew texts, the Greek texts.
- 32:12
- And then also we've consolidated all of our help. So customer service, training videos.
- 32:17
- So you just type what you want to do in logos, and you can do that now right off the homepage. But let me just show you all a new feature.
- 32:25
- If you just opened the Bible. So, you know, Nate mentioned, uh, Matthew 28, uh, and I think you were at a verse 18.
- 32:33
- So I'll jump there. Uh, so I don't know if you've seen this yet, Nate, but this is new. This little panel here is called the insights panel.
- 32:41
- Now, by default, when you open your Bible, that will be there. But what's great about this new little feature is you pick a study
- 32:49
- Bible study Bibles are great resources. Kind of, you know, when I first got saved, I was, I bought a concordance.
- 32:56
- And then the second thing I bought was a study Bible. And then you progress to commentaries and you know, you, you, you want bigger and better, but study
- 33:03
- Bibles are great resources, but here's my commentaries. And again, you get to pick the commentary that is the one that you want to look at, but here's the, here's the great feature.
- 33:13
- Watch Nate. As I scroll through the Bible, the, the insights panel changes right where I'm at.
- 33:22
- Okay. Um, so imagine we jump over to something like revelation chapter, you know, any book of revelation, you're like,
- 33:28
- Whoa, wow. What's all this stuff here. Right. Right. So what's great now is, is Nate, I'm just scrolling through my
- 33:35
- Bible and Logos is literally, I mean, not only, you know, bringing me an art, an article straight to, uh, what is an archangel from a great dictionary, uh, commentary related passages.
- 33:48
- So this is a huge new feature because sometimes I don't want to get, uh, I don't want a bunch of things open on the screen.
- 33:55
- I just want my Bible. And then when I get stuck, I want some help.
- 34:00
- And so that's what the new insights panel does. And again, that feature is now on mobile.
- 34:05
- I was in church last Sunday, Nate, I didn't know that was a new feature on my iPad. And I think
- 34:11
- I yelled amen a little too loud at my, you know, while pastor, and it, I mean, it wasn't, I wasn't even paying attention to the message.
- 34:17
- I was like, you gotta be kidding me. Insights now is on my mobile device.
- 34:23
- Right. Um, so this is a key new feature in Logos is called insights, but drum roll my favorite feature.
- 34:30
- And it has been for four or five, six years now it's called fact book. So fact book, you know,
- 34:36
- I went in here, Nate and typed in, uh, you know, in, I think I typed in Jesus, uh,
- 34:41
- Jesus name in Jesus name. And when I hit enter it, it, it just automatically routed the, uh, right at the ship, if you will, to all divine names, right?
- 34:53
- So it brought me encyclopedias, key passages where this shows up diction.
- 34:58
- And again, the point that I hope we're all emphasizing is the amount of work that Logos is doing in a second for a passage for a topic is pretty incredible.
- 35:14
- Now I've been doing this 27 years, Nate, and we've done surveys of people asking them, why aren't you in the
- 35:22
- Bible more? And the number one excuse everybody gives, I've given it, Nate, you've given it,
- 35:28
- Jorge, you've given it, is I don't have enough time, right? Life is crazy. It's busy. I got kids. I got a job.
- 35:35
- Listen, 15 minutes a day in Logos is actually an amazing amount of study because we do the heavy lifting.
- 35:45
- We do the page flipping. We go find you the material. So listen, if you're so busy, you only have 15 free minutes a day.
- 35:53
- That's actually an amazing amount of Bible study in Logos. Now in paper, that doesn't get you that far.
- 35:58
- And on the internet, it doesn't get you far because you have to weed through all the nonsense, right? To get to the good stuff.
- 36:05
- So I'm going to go in here. We've done some topical things, divine names, but I want to jump in and just show the value of this for a passage.
- 36:13
- So I'm going to go Jonah 1, I'm going to focus on through 4 -10. Now notice you can abbreviate, so you don't, praise the
- 36:20
- Lord, have to type Ecclesiastes 3, you know, EC, we know what you're talking about, right?
- 36:28
- So I'm going to say Jonah 1, 4 -10. And in the new fact book, which is part of the new
- 36:33
- Logos, there are now lenses. There is a biblical lens, a library lens, and a theological lens.
- 36:41
- Now the biblical lens, I really appreciate because I think sometimes Nate, we're a little too quick to go to commentaries.
- 36:49
- Listen, commentaries are phenomenal, but you should spend some time in the text yourself.
- 36:56
- Just read the text, focus on key people, places, things like that.
- 37:02
- And I think the insights that you'll gain are huge. So the biblical lens is going to help you do that.
- 37:08
- Now library, this is new to fact book where yes, my commentaries will come into play and then the theological lens.
- 37:13
- Now I'm going to leave it at all, but there's a passage. This is new to fact book, the biblical text, commentaries again,
- 37:20
- I've got a ton of commentaries. So they're there. And all you do for those that don't know when you're watching, just click the link.
- 37:27
- There's a commentary, right? So you have quick access to commentaries, but this is new Nate. People, places, and things.
- 37:33
- This is part of that biblical lens. So we're going to show you the key people in the text, Jonah, God, Ninevites, sailors, places, you know, the sea,
- 37:42
- Nineveh, Joppa, and then things. And here's the big idea as well. If I don't know anything about anything
- 37:49
- I see in fact book that is blue, the passage, the place, the thing, watch this.
- 37:55
- I'm going to click Nineveh. Guess where fact book went. This is all the information.
- 38:00
- I mean, the Greek names for the Greek for Nineveh, the Hebrew for Nineveh, the plate, the events where Nineveh shows up in scripture.
- 38:09
- I mean, again, Nate, if you just wanted to do a little study on Nineveh, it would take you 10, 20, 30 hours to amass all the information that Logos just brought to the table by simply clicking
- 38:22
- Nineveh, right? And this is all available for the $9 .99 a month. Yes. Yes.
- 38:28
- Yes. Yeah. Yeah. So Jorge already mentioned ADHD. I got a little of it.
- 38:33
- I don't know about you, Nate, but there is, there is the ADHD button Nate where you click and get, you know, cause
- 38:39
- I'm not studying Nineveh, I'm studying Jonah. Uh, but listen, uh, I'm really, really good friends with Randy Alcorn.
- 38:46
- Actually yesterday, a day before yesterday, Randy and I were geeking out in the new Logos. And he said,
- 38:51
- Scott, one of my favorite things to do is to chase spiritual rabbits in fact book, meaning
- 38:58
- I started here and then Logos said, Hey, did you think about this? Did you check this out?
- 39:04
- And he says, before I know it an hour later, I am so deep into this theological idea that Logos brought to the table, but it connected, uh, that my brain initially never went there.
- 39:16
- Right. Um, but you gotta get home. There's your ADHD button right there. Um, but there's people places that now, these are two new sections also,
- 39:25
- Nate, biblical events and reported speech. Now biblical events are going to highlight the key things happening in the text.
- 39:32
- So if you type in Revelation five, you know, all the big things that are happening in the passage.
- 39:38
- And again, everything in blue, click it goes to fact book. So if I don't know who the King of Nineveh is, or what is sackcloth or you got it, right?
- 39:48
- Outline shows me where I'm in the biblical text. So I'm in the United Kingdom, Jehu's line,
- 39:54
- Jonah's prophetic career. Uh, so I know exactly where I'm at. And then mention Jonah one nine mentions the creation narrative of Genesis one.
- 40:03
- So we're just kind of connecting those dots, but Nate, this is so amazing. Look at this new section called reported speech.
- 40:10
- We're going to see a pattern, uh, and kind of in line with, you know, cause Jesus said to pray in his name.
- 40:16
- So this, this kind of connects to where we started a little bit, but we're going to see a cadence or a pattern in Jonah that logos kind of brought to the surface that I never noticed before.
- 40:29
- Now watch this in Jonah one 14, we know the story, the ship's going down, the waves show up, it's not looking good.
- 40:36
- So what did the sailors do? They pray, Lord, save us like this is, this is over.
- 40:42
- And then they make a note. So basically the cadence Nate is Lord do please do this.
- 40:48
- And then we'll do this. So the cadence again in Jonah one is prayer and oath. Now watch this.
- 40:55
- It shows up in chapter two where Jonah gets swallowed by the fish. He prays to the Lord again,
- 41:00
- Lord, please do this. And then Jonah says, and I'll do this. So the cadence again in chapter two is prayer.
- 41:07
- Oh, in chapter one, it's prayer. But Nate, look in chapter four, we know the story where Jonah prays, but he doesn't like the way things are going down.
- 41:17
- Rather he complains. I love the fact that Logos kind of points that out. And he makes no oath.
- 41:23
- Now, when I first saw this Nate, I got very convicted about the times in my life that I needed the
- 41:29
- Lord to show up. And then I stubbornly folded my arms and said, I'm not doing nothing.
- 41:35
- Right. I mean, I just, just seeing this pattern in Jonah convicted me, right?
- 41:42
- Because the pattern is prayer, oath, prayer, oath, but then Jonah enforces, no,
- 41:48
- I'm not doing nothing. Right. Media, you know, for those of you that do teach and you're like,
- 41:54
- I got to create all these great PowerPoint slides, click the link there and we'll help you with that.
- 42:00
- Yeah. What I hate doing is creating beautiful visuals. So there you go.
- 42:06
- Sermon archives. And then lastly is dig deeper. Not going to take the time, but for those watching that you're like,
- 42:11
- I have an extra hour tonight because I put the kids to bed, or I don't know how old you are, but that's usually, you know, where I'm trying to get that extra hour.
- 42:21
- These are incredible. This little button here, Nate, which I know is a favorite of yours, passage guide. And there is one for topics called topic guide.
- 42:29
- But what Logos just did in a matter of seconds is 50, 60, 70, 80 hours worth of biblical research.
- 42:37
- I mean, your commentaries, your parallel. I mean, look, I mean, there's your Hebrew. You want to do a deep dive on the name of Yahweh.
- 42:44
- There it is. There's all your Hebrew dictionaries. I mean, anybody watching that went to seminary, you now don't like Scott that much because what
- 42:53
- I just did in three seconds on the screen is like, are you kidding me? Um, but that's the power of Logos.
- 42:59
- But everything that Logos did over here, again, would have taken you days, if not weeks to amass all that information.
- 43:08
- And again, all I did was come down here and say, Hey, give me the passage guide for Jonah one nine. Um, so that's the new fact book and it is my favorite feature and it is on mobile again.
- 43:20
- So back pocket, tablet, iPad. Um, but that's the power of the new
- 43:26
- Logos and AI just makes it so much easier to use. So can
- 43:31
- I ask you a question, Scott? Yes. So I'm going to put you on the spot here. Um, because I, I, I want to be able to make sure that we, uh, go back to the congregant, this sort of test case guy that we, we left behind a little bit and make sure that, uh, we can walk through a little bit from my audience about how to take something that we've learned.
- 43:53
- So let's say our mind just got blown, whether it's Jonah or it's the name of Jesus, whatever, and then create some kind of resource, whether it's like,
- 44:01
- I don't know, even if you're a pastor and it's sermon builder, whatever it is and relay it now to brothers and sisters.
- 44:08
- So how do we do this? So this is my ignorant, this is an ignorant question. How do we do that? How do we, so like, for example,
- 44:14
- Psalm eight, one, we went over, uh, John 14, verse 13 to 14. We went over, um, and, uh,
- 44:21
- Deuteronomy 18, 19. How do we maybe take one of those verses or all three and flip that into some kind of a study for the
- 44:30
- Bible group or, you know what I mean? Yeah. Give me, it was John 14. What? Give me the past. John 14, 13 to 14.
- 44:37
- So that's Jesus saying, pray in my name. Uh, Deuteronomy 18, 19. Or do you want to do
- 44:43
- John features? One has been around for a while, except we've added
- 44:48
- AI to it and that's called sermon builder. Now we have to call features and logo something.
- 44:55
- And I almost wish we didn't call it sermon builder because people have never clicked it in logos because they're like,
- 45:00
- I'm not a preacher. Okay. If you teach incredible feature. Now, if you're a preacher pastor, absolutely.
- 45:08
- It's game changer. But let me, let me show you that. And then there's a brand new feature with the new logos called
- 45:13
- Bible study builder for those of you that want to lead a Bible study. So let me show you those.
- 45:19
- Now, how do you get the sermon builder and the new Bible study builder? There they are. You just go to tools and there's sermon builder.
- 45:26
- There's Bible study builder. Now let me open up sermon builder and just show you if you have nothing.
- 45:32
- Now, let me just put all minds at ease that if you can use a
- 45:38
- Google doc pages or word, you got this. Okay. It's just a word processor inside of logos.
- 45:46
- Okay. So don't be scared. You know that, Oh, wait, again, if you can use a Google doc, look at there's my, you know, fonts and sizes and colors, and I can bold in a test.
- 45:58
- So everything that you're used to it's sitting right here. Right. But this is the new AI to help you build a message.
- 46:05
- And there it is Nate assistant. So you just got to look for that little AI emblem there. And it also shows up there.
- 46:11
- So either way you can click there or click there. Now, if you already have the message built logos, now we'll help you create questions from your message, theological, spiritual application, illustrations.
- 46:26
- You know, sometimes I need an anecdote. I need a little story. So I can literally type in,
- 46:32
- Oh no, this is incredible. I can type my, my idea here. Oh, watch this. I'm going to say, you know, I want ideas on serving, on serving others.
- 46:40
- Right. So I say serving others. Now, does Nate want to be serious or does Nate want to be lighthearted?
- 46:46
- So we're going to, we're going to make Nate serious tonight. Um, but then what, what type of question
- 46:54
- I'm going to say, I want illustrations on serving others, kind of in a serious tone that are historical, hypothetical, and biblical.
- 47:02
- Now I'm going to say adults and teens. Uh, I'm, I'm just thinking about my Sunday night group that meets and teens are in the room.
- 47:10
- We, we just talk theology. So generate that a new AI logos. Now, Nate, based on the idea that I gave it, there's ancient
- 47:19
- Rome historical, there's modern, uh, there's the gospel. So again, based on what
- 47:24
- I clicked, historical, biblical, hypothetical logos just generated for me illustrations.
- 47:32
- And then application, uh, would be, um, you know, the same thing, but applying the text.
- 47:39
- This is the challenge to those that you're teaching right now. But what if you have nothing?
- 47:44
- So I'm going to go to outlines and I'm going to type in the passage that you gave me, which is John 14, 13, 13 through 14.
- 47:53
- Now, when you do that low, the dropdown is logos is just reminding me that for the whole theme, there are other passages that I might be missing, but I just want to focus.
- 48:05
- I'm very, I mean, very specific. I just want 13 and 14, but logos is just saying, Hey, you know, do you want all of it?
- 48:12
- Which really kind of starts around 12 through 15. You see what I'm saying? So you choose,
- 48:18
- I'm going to say, Nope, those are the ones I typed. Uh, and then I'm going to, I'm going to type in here, uh, in the name of Jesus.
- 48:26
- So this is what's crazy, Nate. I am specifically giving it a passage. I'm specifically giving it a theme.
- 48:33
- Now I could just type a theme with no passage or I could type a passage and no theme, but I'm, I'm asking a lot of the new
- 48:42
- AI and logos. Cause I'm saying, look this passage and this theme from the passage.
- 48:48
- Now I'm going to say adults and teens generate. Now I love this Nate, the little reminder, cause the amount of work logos is doing, uh, that in, uh, well, it, it was so fast.
- 48:58
- Maybe it'll show up the next one, but look at this. Praying in the, in praying with power in the name of Jesus, John 14, summary application, teaching how this points to Christ.
- 49:09
- I love this emphasis in the new logo sermon assistant. Cause Nate, you and I both know there's a lot of people getting in pulpits today that for an hour, talk about something and never mentioned
- 49:23
- Jesus. Right. I, I have a little issue with that. Okay. So how this message could point to Christ, what we would recommend studying.
- 49:32
- And then here's an outline promise, a divine response and power in his name. So this one's pretty simple. It's two points.
- 49:38
- I'm going to generate another one. So notice Nate that you can generate three outlines at a time.
- 49:45
- There's the reminder of Romans eight 25 that we wait for it with patience. Very, very little clever thing.
- 49:51
- The, the programmers put in there. Um, but the name above all names, right now, this one's, uh, promise of Jesus power, purposeful praying with Jesus.
- 50:01
- And then I can generate one more. Um, well, can you go back to the first outline real quick?
- 50:07
- Yes. Show me the application part. That is what we were talking about originally when we were looking up, uh, the synopsis for the question.
- 50:17
- Oh yeah. Yeah, exactly. Right. That's aligning, aligning with as well. Now listen, if this is where you kind of, and again, we're being very specific because we gave it like two verses and a specific thing out of those verses.
- 50:30
- So if you're, if you're, I'll show you one that's a little bit more broader here, but if that's the one you like, because again, the application was very specific.
- 50:37
- I hit insert here, Nate, and there it is now in sermon builder created all my
- 50:44
- PowerPoint slides. And if you don't like the slide, cause it looks like city skyline, you can edit and there's 900 different backgrounds that you can pick from.
- 50:53
- So you, you get the look the way you want it. Um, and listen, it did not write the message for us,
- 51:01
- Nate, but what it did is get my wheels spinning. It's giving me ideas, telling me what to study and it's giving me kind of a basis to start with.
- 51:11
- Um, now, so I'll show you one that I've been working on is, uh, so I'm just going to go to sermon builder again.
- 51:16
- Um, I'm going to do a sermon here pretty soon on a, you know, Romans eight, one through 11, and I'm going a little, uh, whoops.
- 51:25
- I meant to select exactly that. So again, there's that little feature that's helping me get all the verses, but specifically that, and I'm going to go a little old school, uh, mortification of the flesh.
- 51:36
- I've been reading a little John Owens. Um, and that, and there we go. I hit generate now.
- 51:41
- Again, I gave it the verse. I gave it what I want to kind of teach from the passage.
- 51:48
- And then here we go living in the spirit, mortifying the flesh. And look at this freedom in Christ's sacrifice, transforming our desires, choosing life over death and hope in the spirit's power.
- 51:58
- But again, Nate, I can do three of these at a time and then I'll spend a little extra time kind of looking at them and then deciding
- 52:06
- I'm going to kind of roll with two outline two. Um, but look at the alliteration, condemnation, clarity, choice,
- 52:13
- Christ. So we'll bring in alliteration as well. This, this app is Baptist then. Is that what you're telling me?
- 52:18
- Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. This is the Baptist app. Um, Hey, give the props to the
- 52:23
- Baptist cause I kind of do like that. Um, but this is incredible to help someone watching that wants to teach or preach.
- 52:33
- Now the new tool is this brand new tool called Bible study builder. So I'm going to go in here now, but I'm going to go in with your other passage name where you said
- 52:41
- Matthew 18 through 20. Um, so I'm going to be specific to those verses.
- 52:47
- And what this is doing first, Nate is pulling the questions from my commentaries.
- 52:55
- You know, a lot of the books you have Nate in your library, the author at the end, we'll put in just kind of questions to kind of think through.
- 53:02
- Right. So what I do is I just got to say, you know, uh, I like that question. I like that.
- 53:08
- So I just, Oh my hitting the arrow, putting it over there. So that's the books and logos, but look right here,
- 53:15
- Nate, AI will also generate questions. So I'm going to click that now. Uh, and again,
- 53:20
- I like that one. What is the significance of declaration of authority and Matthew? So there we go.
- 53:26
- Uh, I like that one. And then watch this, Nate, you can also ask your own question. So what does, uh, in the name of Jesus, uh, me, right.
- 53:40
- That's what we've been talking about. Now notice Nate notes. Um, so in the notes field, I'm going to talk about, so again,
- 53:49
- I'm giving myself a reminder of what I want to kind of talk about for question five, but you can also reorder.
- 53:56
- So I'd rather start with this Nate. So I'm going to drag it to the top. And then I like three is the last question.
- 54:02
- And so all while I'm doing Nate is just getting the questions over that I want. Let's go ahead and name it.
- 54:08
- I'm going to say, uh, Nate's Bible study and Nate, listen, here's the big idea.
- 54:15
- We just created a handout Bible study in about two minutes, right?
- 54:22
- Um, when I'm getting ready to hit print, notice Nate, there's a show notes. So I'll print one copy because I need that little reminder to me that I'm going to talk about whatever.
- 54:34
- And then Nate, I'll print 10 copies of the study for my
- 54:39
- Wednesday night men's group because I'm in a Wednesday night men's group. So I'm tasked to teach sometimes, but the big idea is, and you can imagine
- 54:46
- Nate when I spoke at a marriage conference recently, I challenged the dads in the room to one night a week, push the dinner plates to the side and lead your family in a study of scripture.
- 54:57
- But most of them at this point, they didn't want to look me in the eyes. And it wasn't that they didn't want to do that.
- 55:03
- It was, I don't know how to do that. I want to make sure I ask the right questions.
- 55:09
- Right. And I wouldn't know how to set this up to hit print and hand something out, but we did this in two minutes.
- 55:15
- Okay. Right. So that's a, these are two brand new features and logos again, sermon builder and sermon
- 55:22
- Bible study builder. Love it. Yeah. So good. This is awesome, man.
- 55:27
- I actually was playing here. You want me to talk about, uh, the, the new, uh, the new subscription, all that stuff, or are we, we got other stuff to discuss.
- 55:37
- Let's do it. So again, this just came out six, seven weeks ago. And the two barriers that got destroyed with the new logos is ease of use because you've witnessed that tonight with AI.
- 55:48
- AI just solves that problem because you talk to logos the way you would call Nate. Okay. I don't know,
- 55:54
- Nate, if you're giving everybody your cell phone number to ask you any theological question they want, but, uh, that's what you can now do in logos.
- 56:01
- Right. And then cost. We already talked about that. I mean, logos, what expensive, you know, because of the books,
- 56:08
- I just want to put that out there. The reason is the hundreds, if not thousands of books that you're getting access to.
- 56:15
- But what we've finally done is gone to subscription. So anybody watching that is interested just needs to go to logos .com
- 56:24
- wise disciple by January 10th. I'll make sure to put that up on the screen. You're going to get 30 days for free.
- 56:32
- Okay. So listen, just go to the page. You're going to pick one of these three subscriptions.
- 56:39
- Now everything that we did tonight, Nate, except for the sermon builder tool is in premium.
- 56:48
- So the AI searching the new fact book, the Bible study builder, that's all the premium $10 a month.
- 56:56
- Now, if someone's watching that is more, you know, you're into apologetics, you're leading a ministry, you're preaching and teaching pro is kind of the one that you want to kind of look at.
- 57:07
- And then max is more of our seminary level, you know, right. Like you're literally getting an
- 57:13
- MDiv or something like that. Right. So that's our max level. Um, now notice too, Nate, that at each level you do get a pretty substantial library because again,
- 57:24
- AI is only as good as what you put in it. Right. So for those watching that have old logos, your experience will be even better because you already have a pretty substantial library.
- 57:37
- Uh, case in point, Nate, you, I mean, you've been with logos for awhile. You've been adding books, adding more of this, more of that.
- 57:44
- You've just wrapped AI around it now, but for those watching that have nothing, listen at $10 a month, you have everything we did tonight except for that one little piece, uh, with the sermon builder.
- 57:57
- Now, when you go there, I just want to clear the air because it's been a little confusing. This is the page logos .com forward slash wise disciple.
- 58:05
- Again, there are the levels. Now, if you have logos, your price comes down even further because of something we call dynamic pricing.
- 58:15
- So we always treat our family real well. And so I was working with a pastor the other day,
- 58:20
- Nate, uh, he wanted to go pro and his price was like $7 a month or something because we gave him credit for all that old logos.
- 58:29
- Okay. But you just pick up, pick a free trial again, 30 days. Now I do want to point out, you can go a year upfront and notice that when you do that, you get two free months.
- 58:40
- Okay. So if you do the math on your free month, the two free months you get for annual, I mean, you're getting 15 months for that price that makes pro about 10 bucks, uh, which is premium price, right?
- 58:52
- So that's your decision. Start somewhere. You know, monthly's fine. And then you just say,
- 58:58
- Hey, I want to go pro. The next thing you don't have to do is you can add a library to your subscription.
- 59:08
- Because again, the more books you put in, the better results will come out. Right. Yeah.
- 59:13
- Um, I think you started Nate with platinum or something back in the day, but you can still do that. You want to add even more books to your subscription, but listen, you don't need to,
- 59:23
- I can say check out right now and just go pro. But again, there's nothing being charged at all.
- 59:31
- It's 30 days free. Okay. So got to go to the website again, uh, wise disciple.
- 59:38
- And then the deadline again is here we go. January 10th. Okay. So Friday, January 10th at midnight is when we kind of pull the site down.
- 59:49
- Uh, and you lose the nice little free gift of 30 days. Uh, but listen, uh,
- 59:55
- I think Jorge when we did a live stream on Monday made a very good point that many people have six, seven, eight, nine, 10 subscriptions,
- 01:00:04
- Netflix, Hulu, Disney, you know, whatever. Yeah. I mean, do we need six, three?
- 01:00:10
- I mean, I'm convicted saying that Nate, cause yeah. Yeah. Four or five. Um, but listen, $10 a month, this tool will get you deep into the scripture.
- 01:00:20
- And again, mobile is where it's at. I mean that I'm probably using logos more than I ever had in the past on my iPhone because of AI, you know?
- 01:00:31
- Yeah. Nate, can I say something? Yeah. So I just wanted to reiterate, um,
- 01:00:38
- I actually went, uh, went down on a granular level, level to look at all the things that the subscriptions, um, come with, like how many systematic theologies, how many commentaries, how many, uh, you know, theological, um, resources, how many, uh, uh, you know, word study resources.
- 01:01:03
- And, and he's amazing. And one thing that I'm going to say is, you know, Scott, you mentioned that you still can get a library.
- 01:01:10
- You still can get gold or, or silver or diamond or platinum, but the pricing of the current diamond gold or platinum versus what it used to be is astronomically different.
- 01:01:28
- And I was, I didn't ask you this, so I'm just going to say this. I didn't ask you this, but I started,
- 01:01:34
- I started doing the math. And then I realized the reason why these libraries are way cheaper than they were, you know, four, five months ago is because a lot of those resources are already built into the subscription.
- 01:01:48
- So I was like, okay, so that's the, okay. So that's why you, I think that's the reason why you mentioned, you don't have to get these things, but if you get them, you will have more to work with.
- 01:02:00
- But the subscriptions already come with a ton of awesome resources.
- 01:02:07
- So that's one of the things that put my heart at ease when I started to push in this to my, uh,
- 01:02:16
- Latin America. Yeah. Go ahead. The great thing about subscription honestly, is that it's going to keep us on our toes because if we don't keep producing amazing tools to say the
- 01:02:28
- Bible, we know in March you're going to be like, yeah, I don't care anymore. No, we, we want to make sure that what we're producing.
- 01:02:35
- So I know what's coming Nate in this month or two, I'm already playing with some of these new, one of them is that AI, and you'll get it immediately.
- 01:02:43
- The problem with the old model of Logos, Nate, as you know, is you had to wait two to three years for the new tools that Logos had been working on for the last, you know, forever.
- 01:02:54
- Right now, the day a new tool is done, you have access to it immediately.
- 01:03:01
- And again, I know what's coming, uh, this month, next month. Um, so again, 30 days for free, no strings attached.
- 01:03:08
- I don't know why everybody watching is not making a mad dash to that website because listen, try it out.
- 01:03:16
- I promise you it's going to be an incredible resource to help you dig deep into the scriptures.
- 01:03:24
- And again, better than going out on the internet asking the same questions we did tonight.
- 01:03:30
- I mean, we were asking very specific questions and getting phenomenal answers. Difficult questions.
- 01:03:36
- Very difficult. I'm having scholars, I won't name names, but you know these names.
- 01:03:42
- I'm getting text messages over the last couple of weeks saying, Scott, this new version of Logos is kind of freaking me out because I'm the expert in this field of field.
- 01:03:54
- And I'm asking Logos questions that I thought I was the only one that could articulate. And I'm like,
- 01:04:00
- Whoa. Like and amening the answer. Like that's right. What I love about,
- 01:04:07
- I love cause what it won't. So I had two competing thoughts and cause
- 01:04:12
- I saw this happening and excuse me, I'm so excited now the balloons are coming up. And now there's a party in here.
- 01:04:19
- Everybody happy new year. But, um, the first thought I had, especially with the new features was like, Oh my gosh, like pastors, you know, people like me are becoming obsolete.
- 01:04:29
- And then I had the other thought, no, that's never going to happen because obviously we need to stick together because the body of Christ needs to be together in person.
- 01:04:37
- But what this does now for people, in my opinion, is it, it gives them the ability to hold their leaders accountable.
- 01:04:46
- Pastors don't get to just say whatever they want anymore. Now we have the power and the ability to be able to go into our iPhones in the back pocket and just pull that out and go, you know what?
- 01:04:55
- Let me go talk to him after, after Sunday morning service about this cause I have questions, right?
- 01:05:01
- And that's amazing. It's amazing. And it's what we all need. So I, I do want to say this.
- 01:05:07
- I was, again, I'm guilty. I was playing, uh, with this
- 01:05:12
- Logos tool as I was watching you, Scott, and I'm going to bring my screen on.
- 01:05:19
- And I actually went, and I did a search, uh, on the sermon builder, right?
- 01:05:27
- Like the Bible study builder. And I put name theology. That's called the Hashem theology, which is related to what you were initially doing the research on Nate.
- 01:05:36
- And, uh, I say, I want to do this and I want to find the main verse related to this whole, uh, deuteronomistic
- 01:05:44
- Hashem idea of, you know, the, the theology of the name, right?
- 01:05:50
- Cause, uh, in the old Testament, we find in the name, the angel has had the name of Yahweh did things in the name of Yahweh.
- 01:05:58
- There was, there were, there were prophets doing things in the name of Yahweh. And the main verse is the one here where he says, bless be
- 01:06:05
- Yahweh, the God of Israel, who spoke with his mouth to my father, David, this is Solomon speaking and has fulfilled by his hand saying, since the day that I brought my, my people,
- 01:06:15
- Israel from Egypt, I did not choose a city out of the tribes of Israel in which to build a house that my name might be there.
- 01:06:22
- But I have chosen David to be over my people, Israel. And he created a whole sermon, you know, or study outline related to the power in his name, celebrating
- 01:06:36
- God's faithfulness. And he went really, really deep on this, broke it, everything down.
- 01:06:41
- And all I have to do is click generate another. And I can go down into this rabbit trail and truly, truly just,
- 01:06:51
- I mean, the amount of resources and the amount of power the logos has now to just,
- 01:06:59
- I mean, if my kids are going to get addicted to a nap, I want it to be logos put it like that.
- 01:07:06
- Yeah. Yeah. Gentlemen, look, I just really appreciate you sitting with me and taking the time and allowing me to, you know, uh, just walk through some of this stuff with my audience.
- 01:07:17
- I know that I've had these questions from them. Um, a lot of them are eager to use logos, but they're like,
- 01:07:23
- Hey, I got this one question about this or that. And I'm so grateful to bring you on to help me, uh, answer those questions and just shed some light on logos.
- 01:07:32
- It is, as I've said many times, a game changer. It's the beginning of this new year. You know, we're, we're at that point some of us with resolutions and we want to get back into the word and we've realized we've strayed from the word.
- 01:07:44
- And so logos is it. So Jorge Scott, I just want to thank you so much for joining me tonight.
- 01:07:50
- And just end with this, my friends, you got to try logos, get it for free, jump on it.
- 01:07:56
- Uh, time is running out to get the 30 day, uh, free trial. I firmly believe it's going to bless you.
- 01:08:02
- It's going to level up your knowledge of the scripture. Um, and with that, I will return soon with more videos, but, uh, friends, thank you so much.