More on Relevant Islamic Beliefs, Response to Challenges from Islamic Debater


More on Relevant Islamic Beliefs, Response to Challenges from Islamic Debater Given the continuing conflict in the Middle East, we looked at the comments from the head of Hamas, looked at the concept of "the world at war" and "the world at peace," and then worked through a short clip of a Muslim debater arguing against the clarity of the Christian Scriptures. Then finished with a response to the explosion of amazing tweets and claims on Twitter since yesterday, including those saying I've been "bought off" by the "globalists" (yes, seriously, someone suggested that).

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So for our 40th anniversary celebration Eddie Dalcour showed up and he decided to rent an electric vehicle and He had to go up to Flagstaff.
Now, I don't most people have not been to Arizona.
So they don't know the Flagstaff is only a 120 miles from here but It's really uphill.
You've got a very large hill outside of what's called Black Canyon City called Five Mile Hill And then you go up and over down into the Cottonwood area I'm sorry, the Verde Valley and then you've got a huge climb out of the Verde Valley Up to basically Munns Park is where it sort of evens out and then into Flagstaff so It took him all day to find the right charging station for his particular vehicle and And he left for Flagstaff with a 90% charge got into Flagstaff with a 1% charge on his battery and Had a 3% charge when he got back and that's downhill.
But again, you have to climb out of the Verde Valley So there's still climbing to be done And it cost him more than the gas would have cost in a regular car.
Anyways, so just another example of the fact that we are being scammed right left and center and Everybody knows it.
Well, no, I guess not.
Everybody does know I there seems to be a lot of folks who actually think That is wonderful Yeah, we're getting scammed one way or the other and so welcome to the dividing line that I just Was thinking about Eddie having been here and I'm sorry that he had those those issues But hey, he's the one that rented the EV so nothing I can do about it along those lines Much going on the world if you saw the announcement of the head of Hamas calling on Muslims around the world To enter into jihad on Friday Now he doesn't have the right to do that.
Okay back up In classic Islamic law In Sharia The only person who can call for a state of jihad is the caliph the head of the Muslim world and there is no caliph.
There was no caliphate right now that's what Isis was trying to do and proclaiming a caliphate and all the rest that kind of stuff and So to call out like this is really from a any kind of civilized Islamic perspective is Incredibly arrogant but it's obvious that the groups that are breaking off from mainstream Islam and Saying hey, we're just gonna go with what Muhammad said and we're just gonna do what Muhammad did don't really care about what developed later on and That's why they turn on each other so easily, you know, that's why Hamas can absorb the PLO and you know These people fight each other all the time Because there's no coherence to hold everything together So what you need to understand and we've discussed this many times in the past, but it's been years In Islamic thought you have the Dhar al-Islam and the Dhar al-Harb The Dhar al-Islam is the world that is at peace Because it's submitted To Islam.
It's submitted to Allah in Islam So that would be the Muslim countries sort of Maybe what when I say sort of and maybe I don't like the look that you're giving me over there rich.
Oh, we're good.
Okay When I say sort of maybe There would be a lot of people that would say that most Muslim countries Are not since they're not actually practicing sharia And they're not For example, the tax structure is not what Islam would have as the tax structure and things like that You know like Saudi Arabia places like that.
They would say they're not really part of the Dhar al-Islam They're still part of the Dhar al-Harb the Dhar al-Harb is the world at war and So from from the Islamic perspective You're either in submission to Allah or you are at war with Allah and it is Islam's function To bring the entire world into submission to Allah and This can is to be done through jihad So That's the mindset that is behind the head of Hamas's comments when he calls for Jihad now for the past two and a half years the Current regime that has taken over control of our nation Has allowed our borders to stand open they anybody can come in it wants to You just have to you know, walk across the Rio Grande and you're good.
No, they're not gonna track you down they're not gonna trace you nothing and So There are a lot of folks that are going How What might happen on Friday or on some other day? and There is Logical good reason To be concerned I Noticed rich mentioned noted it this morning and someone in our one of our chat channels noticed it as well.
I I was I Took the recycle bin out this morning And I realized you know, we live I'm not sure how many miles it is from Luke Air Force Base But there are certain days certain mornings and certain days during the week when it can get really loud The F-16s f-18s, whatever it is.
They're flying out there right now Used to be one of the Luke was the premier f-16 training base for a long time I still think they have f-16s out there, but they're mainly training people from other countries F-35s now It can get pretty loud well this morning was the loudest I think I've ever heard now that can be Atmospheric conditions and winds and all sorts of stuff like that But rich said they're flying low over his house much lower than they normally do and some in our chat channel Also lives near an Air Force base said yeah, I could not believe what was going on how loud it was for us this morning It's a different completely different base.
It seems like a lot of Stuff was being moved around Going other places Take that for what it's worth It's just Just a story.
You know, it's just I mean I I can verify it was really loud this morning That's about the best I can best I can do on that but yeah, if You know, we don't have wise leaders in our in our nation.
So they may Be golfing.
I mean, I'm sure that you know again, I don't believe Joe Biden's in control this nation Joe Biden's a senile man.
He's mentally decrepit So he's being run by other people They just totter him out and he says some things and he wanders back in as one of the reasons why these things are happening the world looks at the United States and goes Can't work and then don't not go worry about them and You know the time of American preeminence is over in my opinion and it's just it's just a how fast will the slide be? really But if there were wise people in Washington, they would be looking very carefully at certain locales certain locations, but of course They wouldn't be in Washington anymore because they would have already pulled their hair out by the fact that we have no borders and Anybody who wants to can just walk in and go any place they want to there's no way That you can track all these people and hence know what could be happening in the very near future so Challenging times ahead you have your microphone up.
Well, I was just gonna say the unusual thing for me was that the Well, I didn't mean to put you over there.
Let's put you over there.
That's better It just seemed like Shall we say you can hear the routine throttle? Of the jet as it's flying over normally and Depending on its height.
It seemed like they were in a little bit more of a hurry today I believe you know, the truckers would call a hammer down they they seem to be a lot louder than normal lower than normal and certainly more than I've Been there what four and a half years now More frequent than I think I've ever seen in that it was loud ears So yes, it was it was really rumbling this morning.
So Who knows? I have no earthly idea Maybe some of these maybe some of those planes are from other countries and they're calling their People back and they're taking planes.
I don't have any idea but it Could be an interesting time coming up.
So there's an explanation of the Dar al-islam and Dar al-harb Hopefully that's helpful to you as you listen to things Our media doesn't know much about Islam and so they don't give you much in the way of background To be able to understand language and stuff like that so We try to help with some of that There was Let me see if I can find where it went here Um, yeah, there was a fella evidently The Muslims are taking over Times Square and using it for prayers and Preaching and so on and so forth in New York City, which is not overly shocking or surprising Let me see here How do I get this? this not giving me a Option to make it full screen At all, there's just not even anything there I don't get it And I can't go back to the beginning.
It's not letting me do that.
I hate these things Jesus All right, how do I? That's frustrating They're starting to put these like like the ones on Facebook that the narrow ones and stuff like that start put them on Facebook but Facebook on YouTube, but they don't have the same controls in them So I just had to hit the back arrow All right.
Let's see if this works.
I don't I don't know if it will let's see if this will if this will function Moses was a Muslim Jesus was not a Jew He was a Muslim Okay.
So yeah, you can I mean it's a little late now, but um You need to understand that this is not This being preached in New York City Moses was not a Jew.
He was a Muslim.
Jesus was not a Jew.
He was a Muslim so from their perspective Anyone who is truly submitted to Allah is a Muslim.
That's what Muslim means.
And so This is not some radical Idea, it's just see what happens is when when people don't know what Muslims believe in general and Then you hear it for the first time You're taken aback.
You don't You don't know exactly if you haven't thought it through you don't know exactly how to respond to it And that's one of the reasons that I just I think most Christians are really hesitant To Talk to Muslims because they don't want to get hit with stuff that they're left saying they're going.
I've never heard that before And then they're afraid to say something would be Exceptionally offensive Stuff like that.
And so it's good to hear these things and to be aware of Where they're coming from when they make these claims now Islam does not from a historical perspective does not come on the scene For half a millennium after the death of Christ But Islam doesn't have any problem functioning anachronistically and Pushing its Parameters On to the past even when there's no evidence anybody in the past would have had any concept that you must understand Muslims when Muslims say la ilaha illallah, there is no God worthy of worship, but Allah They then say well Muhammad.
I'm Rosula Allah and Muhammad is the Apostle the Prophet of Allah they would say what binds all of The prophets together and God has sent many many prophets to mankind every people group has had a prophet sent by Allah and What bound them all together was la ilaha illallah? There is one God all they all said that so since Moses said that and Jesus said that according to them They might not have any evidence of that, but they said that I mean the Quran quotes Jesus saying that's that's good enough for them Then that's what holds them all together Because Muhammad is the final prophet then well Muhammad.
I'm Rosula Allah is added on and that becomes the universal Shahada the the the confession of faith and so they can look backwards and Sort of claim Any true prophet of the past and say they were Muslim and That's what that's what he's saying at this point is that you know he was Jesus was a Muslim Okay, looks like it stopped working Did you have it down I? Can't all right.
We'll just have skip it because I can't go back to I'd have to hit I have to go back and then scroll through it and so So just be aware of that perspective That is that is out there should be easier for me to use a different program here Won't have to be fighting with that All right now here's what I wanted to look at last time and This is a I Ran into this Yes today yesterday at some point and had it queued up didn't get to it This was a debate that Jay Dyer didn't a Jay Dyer's YouTube channel disappeared someone explained to me that it was some kind of a vitriolic flagging takedown dispute with somebody else I Guess what that means is you know you get one one group that gets all their followers to flag the other guy And then they do the same thing back and forth and you try to get each other's Channels taken down or something like that.
I I don't know I've never heard of it before but anyway and While I was looking for some stuff I ran across this debate That Dyer did with a Muslim and what I want to invite you to do was to listen to what the Muslim says we will provide responses and But ask yourself the question how would I respond? If these things were being said to me Because again If if the opportunity is going to be presented to us To be a witness to the Muslim people we need to be prepared to do so we need to have Sufficient love in our hearts to be prepared To do that.
There's a lot of folks that would say we shouldn't have love in our hearts in the first place.
I Discovered that in Was that 2018? I think that was 2018 The Yasir Qadhi stuff.
I think it was 2018 but This is I think basic fundamental Christian belief we need to be prepared so we're gonna start and stop on this and Provide responses, but my invitation to you is there is a Muslim.
Here's a Muslim Criticizing your scriptures.
How do you respond? We certainly have responded.
We've certainly have addressed all these things in the past But Hopefully this will be of assistance to you as well the text Where's the proof show me the proof of transmission of the Pentateuch from Moses? I don't okay now I don't know who this is.
I'm sorry.
I only have the download and I don't know who the gentleman is.
I apologize.
I Wouldn't even know how to find it again But It's called the Muslim skeptic so I know whatever He says show us the proof of the Pentateuch of the transmission of the Pentateuch from Moses.
Well, this is this is like saying show us the proof of the transmission of the Quran from the angel Jabril to Muhammad but at least that would be in a time period where you could have some kind of evidence even though there's the the early transmission of evidence of the text the Quran is Significantly less full than that for the New Testament, but remember the Old Testament the Pentateuch itself is Magnitudes of order older than anything in the Quran and So to to ask for evidence physical evidence is historically laughable And It's one of the this is where the equal scales come in This is something that we have been talking about with Islam since 2006 when I first Well, maybe oh five when I first listened to Shabir Ali Raising questions about the accuracy of the transmission of the text of New Testament equal scales equal scales Muslims Will use arguments against our scriptures that they would never allow to be used against their own They use one standard for us and a different standard for them Inconsistency is a sign of a failed argument was the line that I used in 2006 and debating Shabir Ali I've used it many times since then But it's important to recognize it I think this is a Horrifically inconsistent argument for a Muslim to use why because the Quran assumes the existence of the Pentateuch In fact anyone who's honest will admit That it is the assumption of the Quranic author That his readers have at least a functional familiarity with what he thinks Is The Old and New Testaments He's assuming that his Hearers or readers have that kind of information So you don't find anything in the Quran that says you don't you have anything in surah five you specifically have the idea that Allah gave the Torah to Moses and Then you have the Jews who are told to judge by what's in the law and this is 600 years After the time of Christ, how can they do that if it's been lost? So why raise the rather obvious? reality that you don't have Physical evidence.
I mean we keep we're getting more and more interestingly enough.
I mean we're finding a Paleo Hebrew inscriptions and the stuff that was found on Mount Gerizim That comes straight out of the curses and blessings from from from Deuteronomy.
We're getting stuff like that But you would not expect To have what he is demanding that we have it's a it's a completely invalid argument.
It's it's absurd and It's inconsistent for a Muslim to use this kind of hyper skepticism in light of the acceptance of the content of the Old Testament by the Quran it's it's a really inconsistent argument think even any Evangelical Christian scholar is going to claim that the Pentateuch has been preserved your argument that the pendant Right here.
I do You want you want a good want a good example of it? The X-ray Radiography reading of the fossilized scroll the Dead Sea Scrolls Now if you want to go well Dead Sea Scrolls way after when it was written, that's true But they're a whole lot closer than anything else that was written back then.
There's nothing in the world in The world as close I mean the best you can do is some inscription you dig up someplace There will be a small portion of something But the Leviticus scroll that was only recently through x-ray technology unrolled Because it's fossilized if you try to if you try to touch it just breaks down.
They use x-rays to read the scroll It's fascinating technology.
They recognized of course the inks had certain properties and so you could differentiate them and and Use computers to unroll the scroll and guess what it was.
It's the book of Leviticus It's the book of Leviticus in the Masoretic tradition and just like the Isaiah scroll, which is contemporaneous, but wasn't fossilized Just like the Isaiah scroll.
There's no difference Between the text that is found Leviticus there and what's in the Masoretic text a thousand years later So Islam has nothing like that nothing zero nada so You have to again apply a hyper skepticism which given the nature of for example The narrations of the Hadith or something like that is just not a place where a Muslim wants to be it's an inconsistent position to be in it's unequal scales So there's lots of evangelical scholars Who would affirm the accuracy of that transmission and you have to simply assume a level of hyper skepticism? Which when you have your own book that has its own textual issues, which is significantly younger Significantly younger and we're talking we're talking 1400 BC in comparison to 680 There's a 2,000 year difference two millennia and you want to compare these Yeah, not a not a no it's about consistency you show the different verses on the board So what what does that actually prove which version now? I don't I don't know.
This was just a clip So, I don't know what Dyer was saying can't really comment on that But he then asked which version the Hebrew Bible are we talking about the Hebrew Bible? Are we talking about are we talking about the Masoretic text Septuagint Dead Sea Scrolls? okay, so these are Anybody who's listened to this program for a period of time at all? Knows that these are terms that we use regularly The Masoretic text is the traditional text of the Old Testament.
I'm looking for Whether I have met my Bibli Hebraicus Dukartensia in here.
I don't think I do Well, I do sort of all right We're going back in time here pull this baby out so this is this was my first A Old and New Testament Greek Hebrew that I had bound together They even Had to trim off some of the side here and I've noticed I did I Did die the page edges.
So they're a little bit crinkly right now Haven't opened it up since I since I did that But so this is the Masoretic text right here the Masoretic Hebrew text now in a font size that Isn't overly relevant to me any longer So there's there's the Masoretic today identified as the Bibli Hebraicus Dukartensia Only eight substantive differences between that and The 1525 Blomberg text was used under the King James Version there are standardized texts the Masoretes Did create an incredibly complex and incredibly useful mechanism to guarantee the accurate transmission of the Hebrew text, but they're doing this 900 years after Jesus and That's what makes the Isaiah Scroll and the Viticus Scroll so important They Are from a hundred years before Christ Masoretic text 900 years after no change between them means you do not necessarily have to have Alteration of the text itself in Transmission over time because there you've got two examples where there isn't any change now the Jeremiah Scrolls From the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Jeremiah version the Septuagint very different the Masoretic text, but again There's a rather obvious reason for that and that is if you read Jeremiah what happened where Jeremiah runs afoul of the King and everybody else because he's Telling him what God would have them to do so they they take his scrolls and they tear him up and he has to rewrite them and so there there were multiple lines of Jeremiah's prophecies that existed in his day and That's represented in what we have in the various traditions as well But he talks about the Greek Septuagint, and I thought for certain Yep, I saw it in the other room.
I don't have my Septuagint in here right now.
Well wait a minute I Thought for certain That I did But anyways, it's the Greek translation of the Old Testament and It is the Bible of the early church and There are many textual differences between the Septuagint and the Masoretic text we've discussed Jeremiah 31 the the New Covenant and The fact that the Masoretic text has though I was a husband to them Whereas the Septuagint says though I despise them and it's that though I despise them that appears in the New Testament in Hebrews chapter 8 and That that's a one-letter difference between Baal and Gaal Not huge, but there is very there now We are aware of these things We as in Christian scholarship anyways is aware of these things When there are differences between the early manuscripts of the Quran 99.99999999 percent of Muslims the world are not aware of those things that information is Very difficult to obtain And to have access to unlike us we Publish critical editions and put them out there and all that kind of stuff So there are differing textual the the Ibn Masud issue and Again without going into a lot of detail Ibn Masud was one of the early memorizers of the Quran and He Passed on Readings that are different from what became accepted into the text of the Quran and That's one of the reasons why In the Uthmanic revision of the Quran After The final version is produced the order is given to burn anything else is because there are differing Manuscript traditions just as there was in the days of Jesus in Israel You would have what we would call the Proto Masoretic readings and you'd have their Proto Septuagint readings and Some readings that are found in the Targums and the Pashita and things like that.
You have the same thing in the Quran the difference being That in the transmission of the text of the Quran you have the caliphate you have a Muslim state That produces an official version.
How would you like to have the Joe Biden version of the Bible? Yeah, great I'm Not really trustworthy.
So if you want to see further discussion of this Check out the debate that I did.
I wonder what the date on this was in London with Adnan Rashid and we did two debates in one night and The first is on the transmission the text of New Testament.
The second was on a transmission the text of the Quran and That's the one where I was you had the fiery young guys right down front, you know that we're doing their Allah Hu Akbar's and I made a particularly good point and said What's wrong? No talk beers and I mean, they're right there and I'm just looking straight at him what that was a good point I just made how come you guys ain't going a lot of Akbar now Hey, hey never had anybody do that before I think it really left them pretty amazed That was live-streamed Wow rich says that was live-streamed and he was freaking out because he was watching me do that, but From a church that was live-streamed.
That's interesting Um, so anyways, um, you can go look at that and you might find the encounter to be to be interesting Huh Do we have everything up and running as far as the link because I've got someone Saying is there a rain delay? All is working.
Well, oh It's probably gonna ask me for a link.
I have no earthly idea where the link is.
So But anyway, it's on our Twitter channel.
Okay, we press we press forward here the Samaritan Pentateuch the Peshitta Targum Which version these are all very different versions that when he says they are all very different versions, that's just not true They have variants between them, but they're not telling different stories and He could not identify Because the author of the Quran had no earthly idea the author of the Quran did not know what this man knows About the Old Testament text The author of the Quran had had less knowledge of the content of the Jewish scriptures than this man has now given that the Muslim idea is There is not even the fingerprint of man upon the Quran.
It's a law How does this man know more than Allah did? Well doesn't but that means that the Source of the Quran is a human who was Massively ignorant of both the Old New Testament knew more about the the Jews and Old Testament didn't the Christians the New Testament by a long shot But the author of the Quran thought that there was all sorts of stuff in the Bible that isn't in the Bible Mainly Gnostic materials that Jesus speaking from his cradle for example coming from a Gnostic source a Gnostic source in the 5th century in fact and So I will retweet this for There you go and so It's really easy to say these are all very different versions it'd be just as easy for me to go Well, it missus version is a very different version From what you have.
So again, you've got to have equal scales What's where's the consistency gonna be? That's that's where you have to Press them Jews themselves do not agree on what is canon between Catholics and Orthodox and Protestants and Coptics and all these different Denominations of Christianity.
There's not agreement on what the books of the Old Testament actually consist of so so now there there's There's a reason for you to Well, you'd have to listen to the debate the Jerry medics and I did on the Apocrypha from Boston College But you can watch the debate I did with Gary Machuda on the issue of the apocryphal books because that's really the only relevant Difference are the deuterocanonicals which were never accepted by the Jewish people.
They weren't laid up in the temple It would be interesting.
I wonder if I could find this debate.
It'd be interesting See how an Eastern Orthodox person responded to that Because I've gotten different takes from the Orthodox as to their exact view of the Apocrypha but The Jews never lay them up in the temple.
They were not they were never accepted by the Jews in in Israel there you'll you'll read books that will say there was such a thing as a Palestinian canon and then a Alexandrian canon that's not really true The Apocryphal books became popular amongst Christians primarily because of their inclusion in most manuscripts of the Greek Septuagint But you can go back to origin Rufinus Um Lito Sardis Jerome They all came to the same conclusions that these are not canonical books And it's it's Romans that tells us that the oracles of God had been committed to The people of God the Jewish people at that time and they never viewed these books as scripture So there's there's actually very very strong foundation for Having that particular view and besides that there's nothing in those books.
It would be at all relevant to Islam they're just historical books and And Really the only reason there's dispute about them all there.
They're so vacuous as far as any particular doctrinal content is about purgatory and even that when you when you read the story that is referenced in the Prayers the soldiers who had died with idols on them that that was a mortal sin They would you don't pray for people to commit a mortal sin.
That's that's not even relevant to the subject.
So anyway This is again just throwing stuff out there For the sake of throwing stuff out there Maybe in the hopes that you know in these debate formats, no one's got time to respond to everything You can throw out more stuff You know, you could literally throw out in three minutes so much stuff that it would take an hour to adequately truthfully accurately respond to it that's and There are people who do that in debates that's that's how they Feel they win him when you hold up your chart that really doesn't tell us anything because you have all of this variation in The books of the Bible.
Oh Well, that was the end.
All right, so, uh, I didn't see the little thingy getting all the way over to the side there anyway, those are the types of Assertions that we need to be prepared to deal with and I believe we all should be I I Sure, okay Being able to read Greek Hebrew a little bit of Arabic man, my Arabic is very rusty, but That's obvious an advantage but there are fundamental factual realities that anyone can become aware of and be prepared to Share most of the Muslims that I you know, I've talked about my many Muslim cab riding Uber riding witnessing encounters Vast majority of them Didn't have this kind of background.
This guy's type background not gonna be making that kind of argumentation and So you're not necessarily gonna run into that but you know you sometimes will and That's why I say to everyone One of the most important areas for a Christian today to be investing time in For yourself your family your church your children is in the trustworthiness of Scripture, that's where the attack is and This ministry has spent 40 years seeking to equip provide foundation Provide answers on those very issues because doesn't matter who you're dealing with.
You know, we had to start doing that with the Mormons and Then you start dealing with Jehovah's Witnesses and you're like wow they're they say they believe in the perfection of Scripture, but they've provided a Gross mistranslation of the scriptures and when you really think about they have to do this that the other thing to leave room for the governing body and its authority We know what Rome does in regards to a denial of souls for Torah The more you and of course dealing with atheists.
I mean, they're just open about that type of thing it is one of the key foundational fundamental apologetics issues and The same thing is true in dealing with with the Muslims they basically most of their people are Repeating second-hand information There are very few who do first-hand study of the text in their original languages things like that, but there are some and So we need to be prepared.
So I wanted to share those things because once again This opportunity is now being presented to us and The question is will we hide in fear will we Have animosity Toward Muslims for political reasons I Said many times I I am concerned that most evangelical Christians their knowledge of Islam has come to them primarily from Fox News and Well, I'm thankful for Fox News as a whole at least there's something different than can you imagine if it was all MSNBC? Oh my That's Reeks of 1984 That's exactly what they want you think about it, but they are not a theological source of information and so their understanding of Well, I've heard people on Fox News who claim to be Christians say some pretty amazing things about Christianity let alone have any type of discernment about having accurate knowledge of Islam and Some of you might say why do you need accurate knowledge? I mean look at these look at these animals that did these horrible things in Israel.
Well again, I've heard the same stuff you've heard and I don't know how much of it's true near do you? We don't I mean, how can you verify anything right now that's It's almost like the people who want to have continuous war are making it so that The people in the in the nation's are all emotionally controlled and Have no way of engaging in rational thought and analysis We don't have journalists anymore.
We don't have any type of just plain old factual reporting and Like I said yesterday there's just things that I've seen that They strike me as staged there's stuff just doesn't add up and I'm not the only one saying that there's lots of people You go look and there's lots of people going Now this makes a lick of sense.
It really doesn't I mean, I mean It was the folks in Gaza using drones and all this kind of stuff and what everybody in Israel go to sleep I mean, this is the most Israel's the biggest, you know Observation stayed around it.
None of it makes any sense and I I don't know if we'll ever know the truth but As long as you've as you've trained everyone to just act on emotion rather than to be restrained and to analyze and to think about You can control everybody in control.
You can control anybody and that's exactly what's taking place And so the problem with that is that emotional Reaction for Christians, is it appropriate because that leads to The huge gap in evangelizing Muslims.
We're afraid to do it Because we don't have a lot The only reason you the only way you can get over that fear is to have love in your heart And if you don't have love in your heart, you're not gonna do it That's the way it is more information you've got the more effective you can be so All right shifting gears Yesterday Sometime Last evening, I believe maybe afternoon.
I forget what it was.
I Had seen a tweet I did not know who posted it and I saw a number of people commenting on it The tweet was incomplete in other words It says something true but not Enough to be fully true.
And so I just thought you know I'd like to sort of provide some balance here Amazingly I had to get the oil on the truck change today It's a big truck.
So I Have to bring a tanker in no, it's not quite that big but Ten quarts is a lot of a lot of oil and it took him a while and I found out they got the wrong oil filter initially.
And so that's what took so long.
But anyways Today's been amazing on Twitter I've discovered that I I've been bought off by the globalists I'm not sure what they did.
What did they get us? Oh Rich and I wondered where the chocolate-covered almonds came from Yeah, there's so so there were two bags of chocolate-covered almonds In in the office.
So this this must be how the globalists bought us off is with Um chocolate-covered almonds I'm sitting there in the waiting room and I'm reading this stuff that the globalists have bought me off and Just like what? Who's put something in the water? I mean, this is absolutely insane insane.
What is going on? And so We've gotten there from a single tweet and so here's here's what I wrote I said men are to seek strength question mark No, they are created with strength there to seek godliness Women are to seek beauty No, they're created beautiful there to seek Godliness and then I said there is a theme here, you know, that's it That's it.
I Didn't see I didn't say oh, there's something wrong with with seeking strength.
I said men are created with strength It's isn't that the whole issue that we're talking about with a male swimmer Who pretends to be female? He was created with that massive wingspan and Bigger bones and the bigger muscles and that's that's part of part of being a male And So there wasn't anything wrong in saying men should seek strength Or that women should seek beauty but for Christians the seeking of strength is Not just physical strength It goes far beyond that and for women the singing beauty is not just physical beauty there is I Have seen a beauty amongst women In the caring for their children the caring for their household the caring for the body of Christ ministering amongst people I mean There there's beauty there you just just astonishing but it's not what's being sought it's Reflected by who they are and all of that comes out because the actual biblical command is to seek godliness It's to seek sanctification is to sink seek Christ likeness And how Christ likeness in a man's life will Be manifested is going to be different amongst different individuals.
So I didn't think it was a Controversial statement at all.
I mean I cannot imagine anyone Debating this topic Let alone against me but debating against anybody because the overwhelming biblical testimony To being conformed the image of Christ Seeking godliness seeking godly wisdom Seeking to live in a way that glorifies the name of Jesus Christ.
It's it's overwhelming that that passion That is to be ours Is A passion that does not brook competition in the Christian life It becomes the origin source of any other action whereby you were seeking to glorify God Well, it didn't take long until all of a sudden I was Discouraging anybody who was working out and trying to get strong and attacking people and all this stuff and I'm just going What is going on here? People who I thought were my there's a bunch of young guys I'm never gonna listen to him again so much see our elders have turned against us, but and I'm like I've found something.
I didn't know was there.
I've found that they're now part of it Was conviction I'm just gonna be honest with you part of it was conviction.
You know how I know because I've experienced it I've experienced I didn't bring it up Um now I I wasn't gonna spend much time, but Stephen Wolfe jumped in on this and of course Stephen Wolfe doesn't read anything that I write in any fair fashion at all He's not a nice man.
I'm sorry.
It's just all there is to it And I have learned over the past few weeks now.
I now I understand why I had the concerns When I first dialogued with Doug about that book and those concerns have just expanded massively Um But I've experienced these things there was a time in my life where I really worked on lifting weights I Started off riding Okay, what happened real quickly was in 1993 I had double hernia surgery and When I recovered from that I said to myself, you know You're too young to fall apart The sake of your wife the sake of ministry the gifts you've been given You need to get in shape Need to get in shape you can glorify God by being healthy because when I was in seminary and stuff like that man, I'd get pneumonia and it gets sick and yeah, I played some basketball you Benny and and we'd play some some basketball, but I recovered that surgery and I remember it clearly going.
Okay, what can I do? Well, um, I'm a really good tennis player.
I went to state as a sophomore in high school But y'all's need to have somebody else and that it just never worked out for me.
I have to find somebody else to play with Really good chess player, but that wasn't gonna help a lot and I thought you know when I was a teenager I really enjoyed riding a bike And in fact, I'd ride my bike from our house all the way out to the radio station Sun City and back again and So in May of 1993, I went out and bought a $78 Target Mountain Sled It was just a and Man for the first few weeks.
Oh my tush hurts so bad.
I Went out.
I think it was May 5th May 4th 1993 Rode four miles almost died Went out May 5th rode five miles almost died At first year, I wrote over 5,000 miles and I mentioned yesterday DL Culliver really Helped me a lot.
He was deep into cycling at that time and one day he after lunch, he took me to a Bicycle shop and they had this used Epic LA it was a carbon fiber bike beautiful bike and Since he was one of their best customers.
They gave it to me for pretty much what they had into is like 500 bucks Man did I ride that bike I eventually broke the chainstay the day I set my speed record Where I did a 20 mile ride at twenty five point six five miles per hour average speed You all you all go out and do that you do that right now those of you That's fast and I actually I actually broke the frame I was putting so much watt wattage into the end of the chain But he's what got me into it.
And as I've mentioned that was a hundred and sixty one thousand miles of riding ago So here I am with the kids after finishing El Tur to Tucson Back in that time period probably about 19 That's actually the same that is the bike right there.
I can tell you I know you can't see it, but I can tell other rooms So that'd be 94 ish, I think right about 1994 and that's summer and Josh and Obviously, we did not do the camera angle angle So and then in 1998 I believe I Started lifting weights and from 98 to 2005.
I was a weightlifter and this is me in about 2004 I would get up at 2 o'clock in the morning and Slam a protein shake I Was dedicated I was committed and that was me in 2004 and then I Tore up my right arm doing standing curls Olympic bar and 245s on it and I tore up this This elbow.
It's still torn up.
There's Many things I can't do with that arm and So I got back on bike, but then in 2010 I Radically changed my diet the weight came off and starting in 2011 is when we started going to Colorado Start doing all these huge Long high altitude rides.
I think it's 2013.
I Rode ten thousand five hundred miles in one year The next year I started running and rowing and Did that up through? 2020 when Health issues started cutting back on all that.
I Understand I understand the buzz I understand the addiction I understand You know what when when I'd be in an elevator and The door would open there's a little old lady staying there she didn't want to get in the elevator with me because I'm just I look like Jesse Ventura and There is a part of you that likes that So you'd wear the short-sleeved shirts and you'd roll the sleeve up make sure everybody can see the guns and You might wear your shorts in such a way that I was never the big upper body guy But man, my legs are still strong 161,000 miles.
That's a lot of peddling and I could squat like anything.
I could do leg presses like anything.
And so, you know, you're flexing your calves and you're I Know how it works.
I know how it works and You can become Obsessed with it it becomes something that marks out who you are and I get it Understand it and I understand That it can become an idol in your life.
I am NOT saying that working out is automatically an idol.
I Worked out this morning.
I was so thankful this morning.
I was just about to get on bike inside my wahoo bike I squatted down to pet my cat and I went into SVT Super ventricular tachycardia, it's the bane of my existence these days has been for three years now We had under control If something changed and we're not exactly sure what and I was disappointed I Needed to ride this morning.
I I've got goals for the year We're going out of town And it can be really really frustrating no choice about it Thankfully, I got it stopped by doing crunches I've actually discovered that doing slow crunches about 65% of the time will get me out of SVT Who who would have thunk it? Anyway, I got stopped and I wrote this morning yesterday morning.
I did a race and It was a tough race and I Finished in the top 25% and that's not even in my age group.
So no worries.
I was racing against 20 year olds 30 year olds 4 year olds and I came in the top 25% In fact most of you who were ragging on me on Twitter.
I could crush you on a bike Even now at over 60 years of age Just a fact So I've got nothing against working out But I just I will never understand how any of you Could have read what I said who claimed to be a Christian and Open up the pages of your Bible and not realize that what I was saying was self-evidently true That there can be no comparison of the passion that we must have for godliness in comparison to anything else and I know I Believe me.
I know exactly what some as I've seen it.