WWUTT 600 Q&A Nathan Submits to Womens' Generational Curses?

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Responding to questions about Nathan blessing David to build the temple, if men submit to women in the church, and generational curses. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!


Why did Nathan the prophet tell David to build the temple of God when God didn't want him to?
Are there ways that men in the church submit to women? And what does the Bible say about generational curses?
The answers to these questions when we Understand the Text. This is
When we Understand the Text, a daily Bible teaching to help encourage your time in the Word. Email your questions and comments when you visit our website www .utt
.com. Now here's your host, Pastor Gabe. Thank you, Becky. You're welcome.
Did you know that today is our 600th episode? No, that's awesome. 600 of them.
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What Videos or the What Podcast. Get the word out for us. Somebody emailed me recently and said, hey, you need to tell people to leave reviews on your iTunes page,
I guess. Honestly, I don't know that I've ever visited our iTunes page, so I don't know what that looks like.
But I don't ever mention it, and there's not a lot of reviews there, I guess. So I need to tell people to do that, so they'll write reviews.
Yeah, write reviews, do the whole stars, pass the word. As long as they're nice. Be nice.
Yeah, please. If you have a complaint, you can email that to us. There you go.
At whenweunderstandthetext at gmail .com. So this first question comes from Rose, and it has to do with our study in First Chronicles.
Awesome. So she goes back to the Davidic Covenant that was mentioned there in First Chronicles, Chapter 17.
She says, hello, Pastor Gabe and the lovely Mrs., I was listening to your podcast today, which was
Thursday, on First Chronicles, I almost said fronicles, that's a whole new book of the
Bible right there. First Chronicles 16 through 17, something caught my eye, actually my ear, when you got to First Chronicles 17, which says, and Nathan said to David, do all that is in your heart, for God is with you.
Which you then immediately go to verses three and four, which say, but that same night, the word of the
Lord came to Nathan, go and tell my servant David, thus says the Lord, it is not you who will build me a house to dwell in, et cetera.
Which Nathan in verse 15 then reveals his vision to David concerning building a temple.
In accordance with all these words, and in accordance with all this vision, Nathan spoke to David.
My question is this, why did Nathan the prophet speak approval to David before seeking the
Lord first? The best I could find in a number of commentaries is that, well, he should have sought the
Lord first, but was trying to be encouraging to David, paraphrasing, I would like to know your thoughts on this, thank you, and God bless your ministry abundantly, rose from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
Well, very simply, the answer to that is, Nathan should have consulted the Lord first.
Oh, yeah. Nathan was trying to make a deduction based on the blessing of God that he had observed being poured out upon David.
So since everything David was doing was successful, even regarding the movement of the ark,
David learned from his mistake in trying to bring the ark in on the cart, Uzzah died.
David was, it says that David was angry before the Lord, but then he feared the Lord greatly.
Right. When he realized what it was that he had done, and that it cost Uzzah's life in the process. So David repented, and he did everything with the ark the right way, and then the
Lord blessed David. So even Nathan having observed all of this, and knowing that David was a man who was after the
Lord's own heart, he told David, do whatever it is that your heart desires, because clearly God is blessing everything that you do.
So surely this will be the case with you constructing the temple. And in Nathan's human mind, he's a prophet of God.
It makes sense. But he's a man. Right. He's a human man. He's subject to make mistakes, just like Moses did.
He was the prophet of God to Israel in the desert, but... We also don't have the mindset of God.
So God can see things a lot further than what we can see as humans. Oh, yeah. So what he's seeing right now, you know what
I mean? It just looks right. We don't have the foresight that God has. And so Nathan is kind of trying to make a deduction just from his own humanness as to what
God would give to David, since David had been successful in anything else. Surely constructing a temple,
God would bless that endeavor. Why would God not bless building a temple to his name?
Right. So he just told David, just go ahead and do whatever it is that your heart desires. But then it is said to the reader, it's kind of revealed to the reader that Nathan spoke presumptuously, because he did not consult the
Lord over whether or not David should be constructing a temple. And God had a different word for Nathan, having come to him in a dream, than Nathan's word to David.
So just because Nathan is a prophet of God, does not mean that every word that comes from Nathan is from God.
So whenever you have a prophet speaking in the Old Testament, he will say something to the effect of, thus saith the
Lord. And whatever he says that the Lord has told him, that really is the word from God.
But Nathan didn't do that. So when he told David, do whatever your heart desires, he wasn't speaking for God.
It was kind of his disclaimer. Well not a disclaimer. It was just his own thing. Without saying that, thus saith the
Lord. Yeah, it's like, this is Nathan's opinion. Right. That's what I mean. Okay, gotcha.
Yeah, yeah. Gotcha. Sorry. Not from God. So when we read that, we should realize that Nathan should have come to God and didn't.
And so the Lord had a different word. But it was just, again, it was just kind of in the spirit of everything. Everything was going so well. Right. So sure, go ahead and build the temple.
Oh, wait, hang on. God had a different word than that. So then Nathan came and told
David the Davidic covenant, which was even greater than David building a temple to his name.
But because David was a man of war, because much blood was spilled, and David tells
Solomon that in the chapters that we got coming up. So I think we'll get to that next week. But David shares with Solomon that because he had spilled so much blood,
God did not allow him to build the temple. And instead, he was gonna give the responsibility to Solomon, who was gonna be a king in a time of peace.
Right. So that was gonna be the perfect time and opportunity to build the temple of God. In God's timing.
Indeed. Good catch there, Rose. And one of the other things about Nathan's statement to say, do all that is in your heart, for God is with you.
Where have we heard that? Yeah, hang on. Wait a second. We shouldn't do everything that is in our heart to do.
Because it says in Jeremiah 17, that the heart is deceptively wicked and who can understand it. However, Proverbs 3, 5 and 6, we are told to trust in the
Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths.
So David truly did desire to honor the Lord with what he was going to do in building the temple. But it was not according to God's will that David would do that, but for his son.
And then David did follow with the instruction that God gave him concerning Solomon building the temple.
And that's what we're going to get to next as we continue our reading of First Chronicles. All right.
This next question actually has to do with what we've been talking about this week out of First Timothy 2 and also the blog that I posted about that.
So I did a teaching on First Timothy 2 in the blog in which I went through the names of several women characters in the
Bible, whether Old Testament or New Testament. These names that are often used by feminists or egalitarians in the church to try to be an example of why a woman should get to be a pastor.
And so I went through those names to show why they're not good examples of women pastors, but they're excellent examples of godly women.
So this from Saverna Park, Maryland, her name is Diane, left this comment.
She said, aren't men sitting under preaching being submissive too? When we talk about women being submissive,
I am not sure why we talk like the men who are not in a position of authority are in the same position as the women next to them.
At least that's my understanding. Also a woman in the church is not submissive to every man, only ones in authority over her.
Right? So let's go to that first question. Aren't men sitting under preaching being submissive too? Yes, they are.
Yes. Ephesians chapter 5 verse 21 says, submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.
So even though the picture of submission in the church is most exemplified by the women and especially a wife who is submissive to her husband, every man in the church is even submissive to one another in some way, shape or form.
So you have a person who has been gifted in a particular way with a certain spiritual gift or they have a certain opportunity to serve
God, then you need to let them use that gift or take that opportunity to do this thing in service to the
Lord or for the benefit of the church. If you try to infringe upon this opportunity that they have and you try to say, you know,
Hey, I can do it better than you or look at the resources that I have available to me that you don't.
So I think we can, you know, do something better with this. Popping the collar again. Yeah. Right, right. I'm better than you at this.
So you need to yield to me. Well, then you would not be submitting to one another.
You're not letting that person have the opportunity that they have so that they can give glory to God through their work and also be a benefit to others in the church.
And so that is a way that we are supposed to submit to one another. And an example that I use with my church when we went through this very thing.
So we, I think it was when we were in, we did Romans 12. And then later when
I came back to first Corinthians 12, we're talking about the parts of the body. I think I use the same example again. But we have somebody in our church who is in charge of the children's ministries.
And that person has been put in that position by me or was decided upon by the elders.
And so if at any point I came into our children's department and I started moving things around, just be like, you know, we're not going to do this way.
We're going to do it this way. I don't like that you're using this closet. I'm going to move this closet over here. I think we need to, we're going to completely change the curriculum.
So don't use this anymore. It's going to be this. You know, if I were to just come in and start changing things willy -nilly and throwing my weight around, so to speak, you know, because I'm the pastor,
I can do whatever I want. I would not be submitting to their gift and the call to ministry that they have by God to serve in the church in that way.
And we have a woman that's over the head of that department, who's over the children's department. So I submit to her in that way.
And furthermore, if I were to come in and just start changing things, well, I would be going against myself because I was the one that gave her that position.
And so that makes me somebody who lacks integrity on top of that. So there are ways in which even
I would submit to a person in a particular department in obedience with that command in Ephesians 5 to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.
It doesn't mean that she's being elevated in the teaching in the church over the position of the pastor or the elder.
That's not what that means. Just that she's been given a chance to be able to serve with her talents and abilities and opportunities in a particular area of that church.
And even I, as the pastor, can't just come in and try to overthrow her authority because I think
I'm more authoritative. It's not humble. It's arrogant. You mean in like the micromanaging part of things?
Yeah, right. Yeah. That might fall under that as well. You got a person who's a micromanager.
They're losing that understanding of submitting to one another. Right. As we, you know, letting the parts of the body who have been gifted with that ability work as that part should.
And it's not just a hands off kind of thing either. It's, you know, if you see something that's not working well or is potentially not going to work well, you can bring that up to that person that's in charge of that area.
Yeah. With respect. Right. Yeah. Doing that with gentleness and respect, going through the proper channels, avenues, not trying to take it upon yourself to move things around.
And we have had conflicts in the church before in which somebody kind of infringed upon a particular person's territory and it caused some conflict.
Right. And neither person wanted to break the communication barrier and try to resolve it, you know, in which case then the elders got involved.
Right. Okay. So, we've got a breakdown in communication here. We need the two of you to get back together and kind of get back on the same page.
And then it worked out beautifully. Then it came together fine. So, anyway. So, that's just kind of an example of the way that we would submit to one another.
So, as Diane presents this question, aren't men sitting under preaching being submissive too? Right. Yeah. All of us to some degree need to be submissive to each other.
That's the whole thing of the hand needs to do a job that the hand was given to do. The foot can't do the hand's job.
And so, even if the hand is a woman and the foot is a man, the man can't come in and do that job just because he's a man.
Right. You get what I'm saying? So, we... Can't step on the hand. Oh, there you go. Good job.
Can't step all over the hand. So, then the second part of her question was, also, a woman in the church is not submissive to every man, only ones in authority over her.
Right? And yes, that would be correct. Or you could say yes and no. Because there would be a certain man who would work in a particular position that's not necessarily a position of authority, but she can't come in, you know, trying to do his job.
Oh, I got you. In which case, she would be submissive to him. Or a woman can't tell a wife.
Here's another example of that. A woman can't tell a wife some spiritual instruction that's contrary to something that the husband has said to the wife or is doing in terms of...
Has said in terms of leading his family. Does that make sense? Kind of. Okay. So, you would have...
Let's say you got a women's group. And one of the teachers in that women's group is telling the women that they need to do a certain thing in their home, teach your children this way, do this.
And a woman comes to her and says, well, my husband actually does that. And he has said that he's going to do this or whatnot.
And the wife says, well, you need to... Or, I'm sorry, the teacher says... See, I'm making this all confusing now. Yes, you are. It's as clear as mud.
Then the teacher says, well, you need to do it my way. Because this is the one that is proven to be most effective.
And so on and so forth. Oh, I got you. Well, in which case, the teacher would be overthrowing the husband's responsibility as being the head of his household and leading his family spiritually.
So in that instance, even a teacher in the church who's leading a women's ministry can try to infringe upon or will infringe upon the spiritual instruction to a man to be the head of his household.
And make sense? Yes, it does. I'm just... I'm starting to lose it.
I'm just feeling because you keep flubbing. I keep stumbling all over that. Anyway, I was trying to come up with an example on the fly.
And it just wasn't happening. So anyway, I hope that makes sense. But thank you for your comment,
Diane. And then this next question kind of goes along with that. And I grabbed this off of Twitter.
So I hope the person doesn't mind that I grabbed this question. I saw this exchange between a couple of people.
So I'm not going to mention their name just for the sake of not embarrassing somebody that I didn't ask permission of.
But anyway, this person said, It could be anybody. My mother -in -law, who is Protestant, teaches at a
Catholic nursing home, and some men attend her studies. Is that allowable?
Yeah, that would be just fine. Because you're talking about men who are rejecting the gospel.
The Roman Catholic Church does not accept the gospel of Jesus Christ, as we understand the gospel of Christ as being justified by grace through faith alone.
And the Catholic Church rejects that. They say that justification is not by grace through faith alone, it's through a combination of faith and works.
So they are rejecting the gospel, and they are choosing to be taught or led by an apostate church.
So his mother -in -law is teaching at a Catholic nursing home, and there are some men that are part of those studies.
Well, she would be like Deborah in Judges, who was appointed to that position as a judge because there were no men who could lead.
And it was an embarrassment to Israel that she was a judge, and had to lead Barak by the hand to do the thing that God had instructed
Barak to do. And so this would be the case in this nursing home kind of a setting. Why are there not men stepping up and doing this?
Why does a woman have to? And maybe they will soon. Maybe so. If they repent, they are convicted by what it is that she has said and is teaching, which comes from the word of God and is sound in doctrine, then hopefully, yeah, there will be men that will repent.
Yeah. I love that. Right. Exactly. I love that it's even a nursing home. Yes. That's great.
So that would be an acceptable way in which a woman could lead a study. She's evangelizing men to teach them the gospel so that they might learn in sound doctrine and one of these days maybe be able to lead that study themselves.
However, an unacceptable way to go about doing this would be for a woman to step into a church and see that there are no men who are able to step up into the pulpit and be the pastor of that church.
And so then she does it and she goes, you know what, since there's no men and I've been told it's acceptable for a woman to step into a position of teaching authority if there's no men to do it.
Well, this is the perfect place for me to be able to do that. And then she steps into the pulpit and becomes the pastor.
That would go exactly against what Paul is prohibiting. Against what
Paul is prohibiting? Yeah, that's right. That's correct language for that, right? Okay. I had to think about it.
That would go against the instruction in 1 Timothy 2 .12, a better way to say it, where Paul says,
I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man. Because you're talking about in the corporate setting, in worship, a woman is stepping into that role.
It doesn't matter that there's no men there that can preach. She shouldn't be taking it upon herself to do that.
And let me tell you, as a strong personality, strong -willed personality, if you will, to kind of explain myself a little bit here, where I'm coming from, it is very difficult to allow the time that it takes for a man to come to the conclusion that they are capable of doing that position.
And I'm one to rush in and fix it. I want it. I want it better. I want it done. And if nobody's here to do it,
I'm going to take it upon myself, and I'm going to go do it. Right. That's just not a place for me as a woman to take that upon myself.
It's all in God's timing. But like with you, when we were dating,
I said that you would be a great pastor. And you rolled your eyes so big.
I did. Oh, my goodness. I mean, I've done some eye rolls, but I have not seen.
It was even dark outside, and you still saw the whites of my eyes. There was no pupils left.
It was an eye roll. I hated the idea. Yes. Absolutely hated it.
Right. So it just took you some time to understand that you are qualified and capable and good at it.
And my wife was patient with me to come to that understanding. Now, granted, we didn't have a church to fill in that position.
Yeah. I wasn't called to preach yet. There was some growth that I had to do in that process, too. Right. But if we were in the position of having a church and -
The Lord placed it on your heart before he placed it on mine. Right. And used you to soften me. I loved sound doctrine.
I had a real passion for sound doctrine. It frustrated me to no end listening to pastors that would even take 20 minutes in the sermon before they got to a
Bible verse for crying out loud. And so it was kind of all of this that led to my wife eventually saying to me, you know, make a great pastor, which
I hated the idea. I've had people suggest it to me before and just absolutely did not want to do it.
So to have the woman that I was dating tell me that I can do that was just eye rolling. It took a different approach.
Right. But she did not take it upon herself to put herself in a place that was not her responsibility or calling to do that.
Instead, she was just patient with me and waited for me to come to the spiritual maturity that I needed to come to both to lead this woman that I was about to marry and then also realize the doors that were opening for me to work in a church and then eventually move into the position of pastor.
And even when the senior pastor that we were under stepped down and he moved away to plan a church somewhere else,
I still wasn't ready to move into that spot. So she and I, Becky and I, we prayed a lot about that over the course of time.
And I even looked at jobs at other churches that were not the senior pastor position to see if maybe the
Lord was having me go somewhere else. And ultimately, we knew that that's where that's where he wanted us to meet, to be wanted us to stay in that church.
And he wanted me to teach. When we understand the text never would have happened if it wasn't. That's very true.
If it wasn't for that. So Becky is also one that when she corrects me on something like she'll point out, you know,
I've heard you preach this, but you just said this and I'll go, yeah, right. But what I meant was, you know,
I'll try to defend myself. She'll just say, okay, you know, and then it might be minutes later to hours later, two weeks later, when
I am remembering what I said and what she corrected and I'll go, yeah, she was right.
So she knows how my mind works and she's planted the seed there.
She just lets it germinate, find a root, start to grow, let you pray about it, right?
Be convicted about it and then come to realize that my wife was right. So she not always you make it sound like I'm always right.
So she knows how to encourage her husband in just the right way and not try to put herself in a place that is outside of the instruction that's been given to her to be submissive to her husband and knows how to do that role extremely well.
And so as it's easier for me because then not being in the spotlight,
I'm able to step back and see the going on. Okay. Yeah, I see that.
And so I am actually in a better position, better suited position. I don't think
I'd be as helpful to the gospel, to sharing and spreading the gospel as I am where I'm at.
I know I would. In a position of submission. Right. Right. So as the picture in the
Bible is for a wife to be submissive to her husband and as the instruction is in the corporate setting for a woman to be fully submissive or all, sorry, all.
So it's kind of, it's more total in the instruction. So let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness.
She is that perfect picture of submission for the whole church because all of the church is supposed to be submissive to Christ.
And so the way that my wife submits in that way, that teaches me,
I learn from that because I'm supposed to be submissive to Christ.
So as I witness her obedient submission, that teaches me that I need to be obedient and submission unto the
Lord. So this is a role that a woman plays in the church that is critical for the church.
It is needed in the church for women to be in those places in all submissiveness because the men are supposed to be as well.
And submissive doesn't mean you're going to allow this to happen, but you're going to go grumble and complain off to the side.
That's not submissive. You might be submissive on the outside, but you have no joy in your heart for playing that role.
And that doesn't, that's not what it's about. Yeah. It's all to God's glory and it's to the service of the church.
It's to benefit the church and build up the body of Christ. So as a woman fills that calling to be submissive in all submission to the teaching of the church, a wife in submission to her husband, she is filling a calling, a role that is upon a wife or slash woman in the church that becomes a testament to the entire church.
That is a service to the church. So I hope that that is a little bit more explanatory of both what we have been talking about this week as we're going through 1
Timothy 2 and also what I had explained in the blog. Right. So thank you for your question, Diane.
And also thank you for that question that came from Twitter that I grabbed. Anonymous.
Anonymous submission. Well, not even a submission. Yeah. It wasn't even a submission. They didn't know they were asking the question.
You kind of plucked that. Submission. That's a pun. Nah. All right. This one comes from Jeremy and Becky.
Oh, hey. Becky with two Ks. Oh, that's cute. Yeah. I like it. So she says, hello.
Could you please direct me as to any posts that you have in regards to generational curses using
Exodus 20 as the basis. My husband and I are young believers and some people in our
Bible study last night stated their belief in generational curses. I cannot find
New Testament biblical support for such as we believe each of us is responsible for our own sins.
Any help that you could give us would be beneficial. And now I usually don't list the name of the town if it's small, because I don't mean to try to call attention to somebody.
But the name of their town is New England, North Dakota. Oh. So I had to look this up to see,
I was like, are they from New England or are they from North Dakota? Or yes. There is a town. Right. North Dakota isn't anywhere near New England.
There is a town in North Dakota called New England. It's 600 people. Oh. Small town.
A small town. Small town folk. I love it. Well, thank you for your question. So this pertains to the instruction that we have in Exodus 20 is
God is giving the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai. And it is in verse four,
Exodus 20, verse four, he says, you shall not make for yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth.
You shall not bow down to them or serve them. For I, the Lord, your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.
So this is this is often a question that it is passages like this and also the way that the
Lord describes himself as he's passing in front of Moses, which comes later on after the people of Israel had sinned and worshiped the golden calf and Moses intercedes on behalf of the people.
He asked to see God and God says, I'll place you in the cleft of the rock. I'll put my hand over the rock and then
I will pass by you. And when I pass by, I will take my hand off the rock. So basically what
Moses would see is God's back as he was passing by Moses. And then as God declares himself as he's passing
Moses, he mentions this same thing, a God who is merciful, but will not, but by no means will clear the guilty visiting the iniquity onto the third and fourth generations.
So what does this mean then? Because then we we have this misunderstanding of generational curses, right?
Well, it is true that each person is responsible for their own sin. But the thing that we need to understand about sin is it has serious ramifications.
Oh yeah. There is no such thing as, uh, as I'm only doing this to myself.
Yeah. Right. Yeah. Like I'm not bothering anybody else with my sin. Just let me sin in peace. It's just me. Yeah.
It's just me. I'm not, I'm not hurting anybody. Uh, but that's it. No. At the comment that I've said to this is that no one sins as an
Island. You know, even, even an Island that exists in the Pacific. Even if you wanted to try to make that argument affects the tides and, and the ripples and things like that.
So nobody can sin in such a way that it has no effect on somebody else. It very much has an effect. It has an effect on the people around you, has an effect on your friends and family, has an effect on your church, uh, and you treat your family exactly.
Like even if you've sinned before you had your family, you're still going to treat your family different because of your sins.
Yep. Perhaps. Yes. There are things that you've done in the past that stick with you and there are consequences for sin.
So even though God forgives and amen, he does fully, not partially.
We stand before God completely justified because of the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ and his shed blood on the cross.
But even though in our record of debt, it has been canceled by being nailed to the cross as it says in Colossians and we stand before God is justified.
Even though that is true, that doesn't mean that there aren't consequences for your sin, so the things that you do will have a ripple effect and it will affect the people around you.
Now it could have effect on the next generation and it could have an effect on the next generation.
And this is, this is by God's judgment. So God has subjected all things to futility because of the sin of man.
We're still feeling the effects of Adam's sin 6 ,000 years ago. And so the same would be of you who sins and your sin has an effect or a consequence on a later generation.
So this is the Lord saying, be very, very careful about these things to obey these commands that I'm giving you.
Because if you disobey these commands, not only will there be consequences upon you now, but it will have an effect on people for future generations.
This is the Lord saying that when you live in holiness and you seek after me, it is not just about you, but it is for the sanctification of the people of God and also for your future posterity that they might know me and come to fear me and walk in righteousness and not have to clean up after you and your mistakes or feel the effects of those mistakes.
So that's what that means. This is the statement that Paul makes in Galatians where he says that what one sows, they will also reap.
God is not mocked. So you cannot think that you can just sin in a certain way and it's never going to come back on you.
It will not only come back on you, but depending on the sin that you've committed, it could come back on a future generation as well.
If you forget the Lord, if you do not fear the Lord, if you do not seek after him with all your heart, who knows, but maybe your children won't either.
And so be committed to the Lord, raise up no other gods, do not covet in your heart because that's idol worship as well, but live in holiness.
Do as Jesus commanded in the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew chapter five, be holy as your heavenly father is holy.
Be perfect as your heavenly father is perfect. Then Peter put it in his letter, be holy as your heavenly father is holy.
Thank you so much today for your questions and if you have any other questions you would like to submit, our email address is when we understand the text at gmail .com.
Let's pray. Yes. And we will be dismissed. It's what I say at the end of church and so it's what
I want to say. I want to say it at the end of a podcast as well. And go about your day.
May the Lord be with you. There we go. Dear Lord, we thank you for this time together that we can open your word and have your spirit speak to us, that your word would be fully authoritative over every part of our lives.
Our full authority in faith and in practice, your inerrant word that is also sufficient for our every need.
And so I pray with the answers that we have sought after today from your word that you would continue to lead us and guide us in holiness.
We read in Isaiah 66, God saying, this is the one to whom
I will look, he who is humble and contrite in spirit and who trembles at my word.
And so I pray that your word we would revere, that it would be a lamp into our feet and a light unto our path, as I had quoted from Psalm 119 yesterday, and that we would desire to please you with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Let there be nothing in our hearts that we raise up in the place of God, but we love you with all that we are.
Forgive us our sins and lead us in paths of righteousness to the glory of your great name.
And it's in Jesus' name that we pray, amen. Amen. Ready?
Ready, ready. Ready, ready. Ready, ready, all ready. Are you? Are you? Ready, ready, all ready. Wait, what?
Are you all ready, ready, all ready, Freddie? Yeah, that's it. I was like. Oh, I didn't know that was a thing. I was just throwing a bunch of Eddie words together.
Kind of. Well, you kind of added one in there, I think, but. Are you all ready, ready, all ready,