The Thing The Angers Me Most in Online Life

AD Robles iconAD Robles


God bless!


Oh, yes. All right. Well, before we begin today, I actually just wanted to show a little solidarity with all my fellow nerds out there.
Hold on a second here. I've had asthma my whole life.
It's really not that much fun. Mine is mostly exercise induced. Sometimes when it gets cold,
I'll have asthma, wake up in the middle of the night wheezing. It's not fun. It's definitely one of those stereotypical, you know, nerdy things.
There's been a recent blog post that I actually liked the post itself, but it made fun of people that have asthma as if they were somehow less manly, which, hey, you can have a sense of humor about this kind of stuff sometimes, right?
Oh, man. It's definitely one of those nerd things. And I think I have been a nerd in my lifetime. So for me, the stereotype holds true.
A bit of a nerd. I had asthma. And it's what it is. Take a second puff here. Hold on. All right.
All right. Well, let's get started. This is gonna be a short video. It's gonna be a short video. I was talking to my brother the other day. And, and there's a couple things that, you know, one is one thing that really like on one hand really fascinates me.
And on the other hand, really makes me upset. And when it comes to online interactions, when
I was younger, I used to get really upset very easily online, you know, somebody was saying something wrong on the internet, and I would rage, you know, all that kind of stuff.
And that was a long time ago. And since then, I, it's very hard to make me upset online, it takes a lot online for you to say something,
I've been called all kinds of names. I've been told that I'm stupid. And, you know, an idiot and all this kind of stuff.
I happen to think I'm pretty smart. I don't know. But anyway, so you call me all kinds of names, call me racist, call me whatever, online, and it doesn't really bother me that much.
I don't want to say I get like, I like it, I don't really like it. But in some ways, when someone starts calling me names online, it's it's almost like an admission of victory.
So in that sense, I kind of do like it. I mean, I wish they wouldn't be so dumb. But it's kind of a, you know, admission admission that I've defeated you.
And so I kind of like it in some in some respects. But one thing that really, really bothers me, and this has been this way for a very long time, is when people
I know, are good people, you know, maybe they aren't quite as intelligent, because everyone has different IQ levels and capacities from, from an intelligence perspective, people that maybe they aren't, like, you know, the smartest people in the world, but they're good people.
And they believe the right things. And they believe that Bible, you know, they've got a simple faith. And I don't mean simple as in like, you simpleton, not like that.
What I mean is, you know, their basic premises, you know, God says it, I believe it. What I hate,
I really, really, really hate when those kind of people are treated as if they're like Neanderthals.
And this could happen from atheists do this all the time. You know, they treat people like Neanderthals all the time, like,
Oh, you're so backwards, ooga booga, you know, like that kind of thing. I don't like that. But it really, really, really gets my goat when
Christians do this. And this is this is common in Christianity. I mean, let's just be honest, like some
Christians think that, you know, to be a real, you know, believer with a real solid faith that you can defend, you need to be, you know, almost
PhD level in some some some senses. And I don't, obviously, they wouldn't say that. But you know, you'll see subtle tweets out there like, like, you know, just because your pastor says something doesn't mean he has a degree in economics or degree in history, or just because you have a pastor and you went to seminary doesn't mean you know sociology.
And, and what that is inherently kind of, you know, kind of low key saying is like, you know, yet that Bible, you believe that Bible, God says that I believe it.
But that's, I mean, you got to be smarter than that. You got to really read the you got to read the, the scholarship, you know, the scholarship of all this stuff.
And I, I really hate that when people that have simple faiths are made to feel like they're some kind of a barbarian, there's some kind of a caveman.
I hate that, you know, and this can happen low key ways like, like, you know, let's just be honest that there's a section of Christianity that are embarrassed by six day creationists.
And, you know, let's just let me just put all my cards on the table. I believe in creation the way it's in Genesis, the six day creation narrative.
That's what I believe. And I'm not, you know, listen, listen, I, I understand why some people aren't six day creationists.
I get it. I'm not that way. But and so I'm not one of these guys that says, well, you have to be a six day creationist to be a
Christian, I think that there are some problems that are created when you're not a six day creationist, and you're a Christian, and all that kind of stuff, definitely.
But I don't, you know, people can be inconsistent, I suppose, you know, but but but I really hate.
And I mean, hate with as much hatred as I can muster. When other six day creationists are made to feel like a fool.
I did this once I really did. I did this once I was on the other side of this, I'll never forget this. It's probably like 1213, maybe 14, probably just in junior high school.
And I remember, I was telling my grandmother, who's since passed away about what
I was learning about in school. And we were learning about kind of the building blocks, the foundations of evolution. And I was saying something about how, you know, humans are like the most intelligent animal out there.
And my grandmother said humans aren't animals. Because, you know, she had a simple faith, right? She knew, according to Scripture that, you know, animals were created on one day, and then humans were created.
And I thought I was so smart. I thought I thought I was so smart. And that she was essentially an idiot.
And you know, schools low key teach this all the time that basically everyone that was born before 1995 is basically a backwards, you know, you know,
Puritan caveman barbarian, you know what I mean? And this is what schools are set up so that the kids don't respect the parents.
That's what that's what they want. You're you're you want your kids to go home and argue with you about some of this stuff.
That's what they want. I remember my grandmother held on to her her conviction that human beings were not animals.
And I got to be honest with you. Even though I knew what I had a point because you know, human beings are like, you know, you know, flesh and blood and we can think and we have eyes and you know, you know, feelings and stuff.
But she was right, though, there's a distinction between human beings. And just a run of the mill animal.
There's a distinction that is taught in the Bible. There's just no question about that. So I had a point, but I didn't have the point that I thought
I had when I was 1213 years old. And I thought I was so smart. And my grandmother was so backwards. That's what
I thought. And that's embarrassing, man. That's embarrassing. So I hate when
I see high minded hoity toity Christians, making it seem like you need to have a degree in sociology to even speak about race relations.
I hate that. I really do hate that. And this is actually kind of related to something else too.
And I've said this before my channel that I really hate that kind of high, you know, ivory tower type
Christianity, especially when it says things against sort of the backwards, backwoods, real rural, you know, barbarians that they just love their gums, and they're just clutching on their
Bibles and stuff like that. Like, like, is there anything more smug than that kind of an idea? That's rampant in, you know, kind of cosmopolitan
Christianity, but but this is this is so that makes me very angry. But there's actually something that fascinates me about this kind of related.
I'm not sure if it's the exact same thing, but it's kind of related. I'm always fascinated by what things get ridiculed a lot versus things that don't get ridiculed that much, or what things that are like, like what kinds of like conspiracy theories are like, you know, really ridiculed or not allowed to be discussed and which ones are it's just,
I can't quite figure it out. I can't quite figure out what it is about certain conspiracy theories that if you if you start asking questions that sound too similar to the questions that, you know, conspiracy theorists have, that you get ostracized, you know, you're like a tinfoil hat, you're just Oh, you're one of those idiot barbarians.
And again, that attitude really makes me it really upsets me when people are just dismissed as idiots for asking questions.
I hate that. And a perfect example of this is, as I mentioned already, six day creationism, there's always a certain contingent of atheists that'll mock six day creationism, there's a certain contingent of Christians that'll mock six day creationists.
And then but then there are also, you know, flat earth creationists or Christians as well.
And my point is, is not that we should be flat earth Christians. That's not my point.
My point is, though, that it's very clear that there's a distinction. If you come out as a six day creationist, you'll get a certain percentage of people that will ridicule you, and you'll get a certain only a certain level of ridicule.
But if you were to say, I'm a flat earth Christian, I believe in the flat earth.
You know what I mean? You would be I mean, if you really were serious, you'd be ostracized.
I mean, you'd even people would look at you like you had 10 heads. It's way more ridicule than if you were to come out as a six day creationist.
And let's just say you defend it, because I know that there are there are flat earth Christians out there that defend it very similarly to how
I would defend six day creationism. And it's basically, hey, I think the Bible teaches this.
And so if you don't believe this, then you're, it's not because, you know, you're reading the Bible and coming up with, you know, the globe earth.
It's because of something else because of, I don't know, but the Bible is my standard. That's some people would argue that way.
And that's essentially how I would argue six day creationism. Now, if you're not a six day creationist, you're saying, yeah, exactly.
And that's why you shouldn't be a six day creationist. And I'm thinking, well, if that's how, I mean, listen,
I'm just saying, I find it fascinating, you know, which things are allowed to be discussed, because six day creationism, even though you'll get ridiculed, it's allowed to be discussed.
Flat Earth is not flat Earth is definitely not. And, you know, people I know, Christians out there good
Christians that would question modern cosmology, and they would question modern, you know, you know, just sort of how essentially how the universe is how it's been created and what it looks like now and what we know about it.
There's there's good Christians out there that have legitimate questions about it that aren't conspiracy theorists. They're not saying, hey, we live in a dome and, you know, the reptilians made it and something.
Not like that. They're just asking questions. They're saying, Yeah, I don't I don't know about that moon landing thing. You know what I mean? And again, like,
I'm just saying, I'm what I find interesting is why is that grounds for isolation and ridicule and just complete disdain.
But yet, on the other hand, six day creationism is acceptable. It's acceptable to talk about. I don't know,
I wonder, do you know what the difference is? And this is not and these are not the only two things I could do this with other things
I could do to like I just mentioned the moon landing. That's something you can't you can't question. You know, I'll tell you something about the moon landing tend to think we did go to the moon.
But some of those pictures and like that phone call with Richard Nixon. Come on, man.
That's that's good TV. But I'm not so sure that's actually the moon landing. You know what I mean? But anyway, so so this is
I'm not trying to come out as a flat earther. I'm not a flat earther. I firmly believe that the world is a spinning globe of magma, rock and water, whizzing through space.
That's what I believe. But what I will say, though, is, I think we shouldn't be treating, you know, fellow
Christians that believe in a flat earth, as if they're some kind of caveman. I really hate that attitude.
I really do. And maybe this is why I'm drawn to this issue. Because there are so many Christians that are just ridiculed for having a simple faith, right?
gun toting, holding onto their Bibles, they God says it, I believe it. That's what I want to do.
That's what I'm trying to live like. And they're being told that they're backwards, man, they need to have a degree in sociology and history to fully understand the context of racial reconciliation.
And I'm like, no, you don't. You actually don't need any of that. To fully understand racial reconciliation, all you got to do is know how to interpret that Bible, believe it and do it.
So all y 'all out there that have a simple faith, you got family members with a simple face, not faith, not like your simpleton kind of thing.
But but you know, God says it, I believe it, essentially. Hats off to you, man. I'm on your side.
I'm on your side. And let's you know, let's treat each other with a little respect, right? All right. Anyway, hope this is helpful.
God bless. Miller Lite.
It's got low carbs. That's why I drink it. Anyway, hope you enjoyed that. Have a great weekend.