A Clever Way to Protect Woke Heresies From Scrutiny

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, let's get started here. I hope you had a good Lord's Day. I definitely did.
Actually, on Friday, I got some frantic messages from my pastor, and he was asking me to cover leading singing for Sunday.
And I told him, I was like, yeah, I don't know, man, because a lot of the songs that we sing, I don't really know that well, a lot of old school hymns and stuff.
And he's like, look, look, look, I'll change the songs, I'll pick ones you know. And so I was like, okay, how can
I say no at that point? But he picked two psalms and a couple of good songs, and so I sang them, and it was really good.
And then he preached on the kingship of Christ. I am so grateful that I have a pastor who is willing and able to preach strongly and boldly and in a way that is so apparent, whoops, sorry about that, so apparent how it affects our everyday lives, the kingship of the
Lord Jesus Christ. What a blessing. I hope you had a blessed Lord's Day also. So real quick video here.
I went fishing this morning. Sometimes I go fishing and I don't do a video, but then I got skunked, just completely skunked, not even a bite.
And so I just wanted to do a quick video to make up for it. This is a tweet that I shared it back when it was tweeted.
I don't even remember, maybe like two weeks ago or something. And then for some reason, Twitter showed it to me recently again, and I had a different thought this time.
So this is a screenshot from Jared C. Wilson, and it's from Woke Preacher Clips, and it says
Bradley Mason and me, and it has a handshake, and he says both wanting conference speaker bros to be specific when they weigh in on hot topics.
And here's what the tweet says. It's Jared C. Wilson. He says, I repudiate the unbiblical distinctives of critical race theory, but I think the pervasive use of pornography is a much bigger threat to the stability and sanctity of your church than CRT.
Be careful that you do not fight on a dummy front while the enemy gains ground at your flank.
And then Bradley Mason, also a carpenter, says, what are the unbiblical distinctives of CRT? Now, Bradley Mason is a critical race theorist, and so he's obviously criticizing
Jared here from a different perspective. He wants Jared to be specific. So you know it's cool to be against CRT, but what are you actually against?
And that's fair. I want him to be specific, too. These people are so rarely specific because once they get specific, that's when they have to fight the pushback.
So they'll say, oh, yeah, yeah, I'm against, I'm totally against homosexuality. Oh, yeah, yeah, I'm totally against critical race theory.
Oh, yeah, I'm totally against the pronouns thing, but then once you get specific, that's what they don't want to do. So Bradley Mason's here,
Woke Preacher Clip's here. They're both wanting Jared to be a lot more specific about what he's actually against.
And I thought that was funny, so I shared it a couple weeks ago. But then when I saw it today, it just hit me different, right?
Listen to this, because this is a very interesting strategy to get you to stop talking about critical race theory or racism or racial reconciliation because that's ultimately what guys like Jared want.
They don't want you talking about racial reconciliation or social justice. So this is a very interesting strategy to get you to stop talking about it.
So what he's trying to do here, I repudiate the unbiblical distinctives of critical race theory.
Oh, well, congratulations, Jared. You repudiate things that are unbiblical, congratulations. But then he has the big but, but I think the pervasive use of pornography is a much bigger threat to the stability and sanctity of your church.
Now think about that, right? Because this is very rhetorically sneaky in my opinion, because of course pornography is dangerous, right?
And of course, at some churches, they're much more likely to be affected by pornography than critical race theory and social justice.
But these are totally different threats, right? He says that the threat of pornography is better, is bigger than the threat of critical race theory.
And think about this for a second, right? Because critical race theory and racial reconciliation, it's like worming its way into sermons.
It's worming its way into Sunday school, conference speaking, books, things like that, Twitter feeds, everywhere.
It's just, it's been influencing pastors, including Jared, but also other pastors in a variety of different ways for years.
And it's kind of sneaky and it's, you know, and all of that. And sometimes a sermon will be very influenced by critical race theory, but the person himself doesn't actually hold to critical race theory, even though he doesn't know it.
He's still kind of, you know, putting in some of the critical race theory things into his sermons and things like that.
And so that's a very kind of sneaky threat and it's all over the place.
Pastors all over the place are incorporating things that they got from critical race theory into their sermons and pretending it's biblical, right?
But pornography is totally different because Jared doesn't know any churches that have allowed pornography to affect how they teach.
Right? He doesn't know any churches that have allowed pornography to worm its way into his sermons or to worm its way into Sunday school and pretend it's biblical.
Like there's no, well, I can't say no because there's some liberal churches that are crazy, but there are no real churches that have a pro -pornography message even without knowing it, right?
That's just a totally different kind of thing. But Jared here is saying, oh yeah, you know, porn is much more, basically this is a very pious way to get you to shut up about critical race theory.
Why are you talking about critical race theory when porn is in your church? Well, okay, well, maybe some people are watching porn in my church.
That's possible, right? Of course, that's definitely possible. But what I'm talking about is the fact that pastors who are trusted are allowing critical race theory to affect how they interpret the
Bible. And probably very few pastors are allowing pornography to affect how they interpret the
Bible because there are no pro -porn pastors out there. And again, I can't say no because there's some crazy wackos out there, but there's no conferences, evangelical conferences, you know, trying to soft pedal pornography into the church, right?
There's no equivalent to MLK50 on the porn side. Even people that are trying to soft pedal homosexuality in the church aren't necessarily pro -pornography.
They're just pro, you know, yeah, I guess I was born this way kind of thing, right? And so you could see what Jared has done here because who could argue that pornography is a threat, right?
But he's saying, if you agree with me that pornography is a threat, then shut up about critical race theory because that's a dummy front.
That's a dummy front. And these threats are totally different, but even if they weren't totally different, it's possible to do both,
Jared. Like, it's possible to fight against critical race theory and porn at the same time.
In fact, almost every church that I know does both. You see, this is the thing. Jared is so disconnected from reality because there is a,
I don't want to call it a renaissance, but there is a renewal of anti -pornography, rhetoric, and pushback, and things like that.
And it's a lot of the same people that are coming against this insanity, this woke nonsense, are also against all kinds of degeneracy, including porn, including all this stuff.
So like, you know, people like to make fun of gab .com and stuff like, oh, there's a bunch of Nazis over there.
Right, but you see, the thing is, like on gab .com, we're against critical race theory, right? And we're also against degeneracy.
Like, you can't post porn on gab .com the way you can on Twitter, right? And what a surprise,
Twitter is pro -wokeness and also pro -porn. See, you can do both at the same time. Jared actually doesn't want you to do either, right?
If you're gonna pick one, he wants you to be against porn. That's great, congratulations, you've taken a very hard stance against pornography.
But he wants you to shut up about critical race, that's a dummy front, right? So we can walk and chew gum at the same time, and we can also think like big boys, right?
We understand that pornography is a very different kind of sin than the sin of wokeness, because both of them are sin, right?
But one of them is worming its way into conservative circles, and people are like, well, I'm not woke, what are you talking about?
I just believe in systemic oppression, and totally, we gotta eliminate all the disparities between the two races, and things like that. Like, they're woke, and they don't know it, but nobody is pro -porn and doesn't know it.
You see what I'm saying? These are completely different things, but don't let these very, they get their holy robes on, you don't even come against porn!
Number one, it's not true, of course we're against porn also, but number two, it's really not the same thing at all, and big boys can think that through.
In any case, I hope you found this podcast helpful, this video helpful. God bless.
By the way, a lot of people have been asking me if I'm gonna comment on the Tom Buck and Karen Swallow Pryor situation, and I have commented it on Twitter, commented on it on Twitter.
In fact, I'm gonna probably put this poll up on YouTube as well, here it is. Who do you trust more, Karen Pryor or Pennywise the clown?
I gotta say, I was expecting it to be a little more even, but most everybody trusts Pennywise more than Karen.
In any case, but yeah, I am gonna do a video about it as well. I'm trying to think through how best to do it, because it's a serious situation, but it is full of opportunities to mock and laugh and joke and have a great time, so I'm trying to figure out how to best do it.
I will definitely be commenting on it, for sure, no question about it. What a freaking witch, honestly.
I did a video about a year ago, a little over a year ago. Actually, it was on January 6th. It was during the insurrection, and it was called
Karen Swallow Pryor Hates You. This video has aged so well about Karen Swallow Pryor and her evil deeds, but in any case, yeah, so I'm definitely going to.
I'm just taking my time to figure out how best to do it, and maybe she'll be responding.
I doubt it. I don't think she's gonna respond, but if she does, that'll be an opportunity for some more comedy as well.
Yeah, no question about it. Oh, by the way, one last thing. I think it's funny. Every time somebody tries to determine, control you how you use social media,
I always kind of laugh about it, because I use social media for different things, right? I've got Gab, Gab .com,
and I post my wholesome content on Gab, and for Twitter, I only use it to antagonize
Big Eva. That's literally the only thing I use Twitter for, and it's like, you got a problem with that?
Tough! You don't get to control how I use social media, so in any case,
I always find that quite funny. Oh, the other thing I find funny is, I got rebuked on YouTube comments yesterday.
It's too funny. It's like, this channel's slimy because you totally break Matthew 18 because you never went to the person yourself before you criticized them publicly.
I love that one, because number one, they don't know if I've not done that, number one, and number two, and by the way,
I don't even agree with that interpretation of Matthew 18 in any case, but number two, if I did agree with it, they're breaking it right there because they're publicly rebuking me without having come to me privately.
I find that so funny and hilarious and all of that. In any case, have a great day.